(of Earth-66881)
Real Name: Sam Wilson
Identity/Class: Alternate reality
(Earth-66881) human (18th
Occupation: Pirate captain
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Rebecca
"Becky" Barnes,
(temporally divergent Benjamin Grimm counterpart), Blink
(Clarice Ferguson of Earth-957), Blink (Clarice Ferguson of
Earth-7946), Blink (Clarice Ferguson of Earth-8096), Blink (Clarice
Ferguson of Earth-33629), Blink (Clarice Ferguson of Earth-51518),
Blink (Clarice Ferguson of Earth-61741), Blink (Clarice Ferguson of
Earth-95099), Blink
(Clarice Ferguson of Earth-95120), numerous other Blink counterparts (see comments), Cobalt
of Earth-81111, Elendil
of Reality-22681, Exiles (Blink/Clarice Ferguson
of Earth-295, Iron Lad/Nathaniel
Richards of Earth-18651, Khan/Kamala
Khan of Earth-81111, Valkyrie
of Reality-22681, Wolvie),
Capt. Mercedes Knight, L'il
Magneto, Namor
of Earth-71853
Enemies: Admiral
Gyrich, Juggernautical,
Time-Eater (temporally divergent counterpart of Earth-6311's
Nathaniel Richards)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Savage" (insult from Admiral Gyrich)
Base of Operations: Mobile throughout the seas of Earth-66881
First Appearance: Exiles III#4 (August, 2018)
Powers/Abilities: The Scarlet Falcon does not
possess any superhuman powers but he wears a winged costume that allows
him to fly through the air and he carries a saber into battle. He is
also often accompanied by a trained falcon.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'2")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 240 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
History: (Exiles III#4
(fb) - BTS) - Part of a
triumvirate of pirate captains working against slave trader Admiral
Gyrich, the Scarlet Falcon befriended fellow pirate captain Blackbeard
and held unrequited affection for Capt. Mercedes Knight.
(Exiles III#4) - A year
later, when his ship neared
Blackbeard's ship, the Scarlet Falcon flew over to Blackbeard's ship to
announce his arrival for the captain triumvirate meeting. Heartily and
happily greeting Blackbeard, the Scarlet Falcon asked who Blackbeard's
strangely-garbed allies were, prompting the Exiles' Khan to
sarcastically reminded the Scarlet Falcon that he was in a bird
costume. The Scarlet Falcon was then introduced to the reality-hopping
Exiles, whom Blackbeard claimed were from the future and were there to
aid against Admiral Gyrich. He then asked where the third pirate
captain, Mercedes Knight, was and asked if he had beaten her there.
Upon hearing an affirmative confirmation, the Scarlet Falcon then
accompanied Blackbeard below deck to discuss strategy until Knight's
ship neared. Blackbeard's first mate, Becky Barnes, announced Knight's
impending arrival and remarked on the Scarlet Falcon's affection for
Knight, only to be quieted by the Scarlet Falcon, who flew off for a
shave and cologning. When Mercedes Knight arrived and grouped with
Blackbeard and the Falcon, the Scarlet Falcon gave a rousing speech to
inspire the pirates as they approached Admiral Gyrich's ship, the Shield. Knight
quickly quieted the Falcon, flirting that tongues could be put to
better use. The Scarlet Falcon then expressed desire to fly over to
Gyrich's ship to begin the battle and the Exiles' Blink suggested a
faster route, teleportation, before teleporting the Scarlet Falcon,
Blackbeard and herself aboard Gyrich's ship. Confronting Gyrich
personally, the Scarlet Falcon gave him a chance to surrender but
Gyrich refused and unleashed the armored Juggernautical. With the
Exiles' help, Scarlet Falcon and the pirate captain triumvirate
defeated both Gyrich and the Juggernautical and the Falcon joined the
other pirates in celebrating the victory. His arm around Knight, the
Scarlet Falcon remarked on how they had struck a great blow to the
slavers and, with a few more similar victories, they might just win the
war against the traders.
(Exiles III#5) - The Scarlet
Falcon was recruited alongside
Blackbeard, Capt. Mercedes Knight, Earth-71853's Namor, Earth-81111's
Cobalt, L'il Magneto and a
slew of alternate counterparts of Blink to aid against the
reality-devouring Time-Eater. Flying into battle, the Scarlet Falcon
participated in a massive dogpile on the Time-Eater. Following the
Time-Eater's defeat, the Scarlet Falcon was returned to his proper
Comments: Created by Saladin Ahmed, Javier Rodriguez and Alvaro Lopez.
The numerous Blink counterparts that teamed with the Scarlet Falcon and the Exiles against the Time-Eater were not identified by reality number in Exiles III#5 but some seemed obvious. For example, we see the arm of a Blink counterpart wearing black and white robes, which matches up with Earth-957's Blink, who became the new In-Betweener. Another wore a costume resembling the classic Earth-295 costume but with straps on the legs, suggesting the Earth-8096 Blink. There were also numerous Blink counterparts that wore costumes identical to the classic Earth-295 costume, suggesting the Earth-7964, Earth-33629, Earth-51518, Earth-61741 and Earth-95099 Blinks also being involved. While we don't see one wielding golf clubs, one of the ones wearing the classic Earth-295-style costume is likely the humorous Earth-95120 Blink counterpart. There was also one in the black "Phalanx Covenant" outfit and many wearing outfits we've never seen, mostly variations on that same Earth-295 costume. While we do see a Blink wearing the costume of the Earth-10005 X-Men: Days of Future Past movie Blink, the actual Earth-10005 Blink was dead at the time so it must be an alternate counterpart.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Earth-66881's Scarlet Falcon should be
distinguished from:
--Exiles III#4 |
--Exiles III#4 |
--Exiles III#4 |
Exiles III#4 (August, 2018) - Saladin Ahmed (writer), Javier Rodriguez
(pencils), Alvaro Lopez (inks), Wil Moss (editor)
Exiles III#5 (September, 2018) - Saladin Ahmed (writer), Javier
Rodriguez (pencils, colors), Alvaro Lopez (inks), Wil Moss (editor)
First posted: 06/03/2022
Last updated: 06/03/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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