Classification: Insectoid
extraterrestrial race
Location/Base of Operations: Unrevealed planet on "the edge of" the Milky Way galaxy
allegedly extinct;
Distant Past
Known Members: None identified
Affiliations: Formerly Azazel, the Undying
Enemies: The Undying
First Appearance: Cable II#84 (October, 2000)
The Serayn had no known superhuman powers. Their systems were in some
way fragile enough that they could not leave their world.
They had tremendous intellects and were considered "super-scientists,"
and they had advanced technology, allowing them to create Azazel, a
massive and virtually indestructible starship with artificial
intelligence and designed to last millions of years.
Additionally, they were able to create at least five artificial energy beings of pure intellect: The Undying.
They possessed some forms of weaponry, such as energy rifles and swords.
They had unjoined hemimandibles (lower jaws) that more vertically oriented, opening toward the bottom.
Some of the images make it appear that they had an aperture between
their inferior (lowest) eyes that may have been the opening to their
nasal passage. This may or may not have been something that opened and
closed as desired.
They apparently had some degree of chitinous exoskeleton.
Traits: The Serayn were scientifically-oriented and burning with curiosity about all things, especially the secrets of creation.
They used their science to create beings to explore other worlds for
them. However, they did not place any sense of morality, right or
wrong, or respect for life to their creations. 
Type: Bilaterally symmetric insectoid bipeds
Eyes: Six (on head; three pairs, with the inferior (lowest) pair surrounded by thick ridges; light blue to purple color seen)
Fingers: Two or three (plus opposing thumb) - their hands were not shown clearly in the few images with which we have to work
Toes: Apparently two - their feet were not shown clearly in the few images with which we have to work
Skin color: Red-brown
Average height: Unrevealed (they were not shown in relationship to any other races)
Note: The circles on some of their foreheads were not part of their bodies but rather indicated possession by the Undying
II#84 (fb)) - Several million years ago, the Serayn -- who were driven
by scientific curiosity and sought the secrets of creation but whose
bodies could not survive leaving their world -- built a virtually
indestructible spaceship to explore the universe for them. Desiring a
crew that would be immortal (for all practical purposes), the Serayn
created five articial energy beings of pure intellect that they dubbed
the Undying.
Wishing to
learn everything about other races, the Serayn gave the Undying the
power to meld their energ field with the mind of any creature and thus
observe alien life directly. Once an Undying gained control of a host
body, it could only be released by the host's death.
However, the Undying fed on the energy released during death. Lacking
any sense of right or wrong, the Undying turned on their creators to
feed their unquenchable thirst for death.
After a thousand years, the Serayn were no more.
II#84 (fb) - BTS) - The Undying spent the next several million years
traveling from world to world aboard the Serayn ship, which became
known as Azazel.
Comments: Created by Robert Wein, Michael Ryan, Nathan Massengil and Andrew Pepoy.
I included the block of images as one because they were all weird
trapezoid shapes and would have had triangles of the images above and
below them when cropped to rectangular form.
There's something about the Undying storyline that has
always bothered me. The Serayn were supposed to be these brilliant
super-scientists who created the artificial energy beings later known as the
Undying, and their starship with its artificial intelligence later known as
Azazel. The Serayn were killed off by the Undying because, once the energy
beings melded with their hosts, they were trapped in those forms until
their hosts died. And yet, Azazel somehow had the ability to transfer the Undying
from their hosts without the hosts having to die.
I know that the story said that the Undying gave Azazel that
ability but, given how brilliant the Serayn were supposed to be and the fact
that they survived for a thousand years before being finally killed off, it
always seemed unlikely that none of them were able to discover how to transfer
the Undying energy fields for themselves, and then use that ability to transfer
the Undying into a succession of lower animals, as Cable arranged to have
happen a few million years later. Surely that would have given them enough time
to find a way to destroy the Undying forever.
--Don Campbell
Profile by Snood.
The Serayn should be distinguished from:
- ANT-PEOPLE - insectivorid inhabitants of Ant Tica on Microverse’s
Homeworld, enslaved by Baron Zebek--Alpha Flight II#10
- ANTRONS - Microverse. four armed scavenger
drones, some served Psycho-Man and Baron Karza; others were artificially
created in the Body Banks--Micronauts I#15
- BASTON-KARIANS - ill-mannered extraterrestrial race from Reality-20051,
planet threatened by Galactus--Marvel Adventures: The Avengers#26
- BEM race (Bakka, Tromka) - space
parasites and raiders from Reality-5391, opposed in 2075 AD by Speed Carter and
the Space Sentinels--Spaceman #3/5
- BLACK SWARM - colony of nearly microscopic insects, captured by Ambrose
Carpathian around the turn of the twentieth century, kept in his mansion,
release engineered by Calculus to prevent Kingpin from getting them,
recontained and sent into space by Avengers, Outlaws, and Spider-Man - aka Black
Swarm--Spectacular Spider-Man II#170
- BLATTARIANS (Blurry, Brainy, Greasy,
Spikey, Stinky, Warpy, Windy) - extraterrestrial cockroaches, seven mutated by
Bianca LeNiege into humanoid dwarves and empowered to serve her--Generation
- BOH-TAN-EE insects - local fauna--X-Factor I#110
- BROOD race - extraterrestrial insectoids, unrevealed galaxy, Broodworld,
winged, razor sharp teeth, tentacles, poison stingers, chitinous armor, queen
injects eggs into living beings, hatched embryos metamorphoses its hosts’ body
into young brood--Uncanny X-Men#155
- CANNIBAK - insectoid Mindscape demons, one attacked
N'ogskak and T'opali--Sleepwalker#25
- CHITINAUT race - Negative Zone insectoid
race, served Catastrophus, fought Darkhawk and Brotherhood of Raptors--War of
Kings: Ascension#1
- CHNITT race - extraterrestrial, large, savage
insectoid/arthropod-like creatures, razed the home planet of Karel, battled by
Bishop and Deathbird on a port planet--Uncanny X-Men#358
- CH"RP - planet, home of insectoids
including queen mother insect--X-Men: Spotlight on Starjammers#1
- CHR'YLITES race (Sikorsky) - extraterrestrial, Shi'ar galaxy, planet
Ch’yllalisa. Insectoid, helicopter-like form, empathic abilities enabling them
to scan interior of organic bodies--Uncanny X-Men#156
- COLONY - intelligent insect swarm which acted as one sentient
being, Shi'ar Death Commando--Uncanny X-Men#467
race - nearly extinct alien species with inscrutable motives--Solo
- DARVINIAN race - extradimensional metal-coated insectoids,
invaded Earth intending to use it as a breeding ground, defeated by
Avengers--[Avengers: The Man who Stole Tomorrow]
- DUNE DEVILs of Reality-791 - natives of
Ferrol--Marvel Preview#14
- EARTH-6095 alien insect race - swarm
invaded Earth and devoured all life on the planet within minutes, witnessed by
Warren Traveler and Ms. Marvel--Ms. Marvel II#5
- EPHEX race - giant flying insects from the
Cloudsea dimension, radiate an aura that dulls the reactions of their
prey--Marvel Graphic Novel#22: Spider-Man: Hooky
race - long-extinct extraterrestrial scientists, large + green biped
semi-insectoid, composed of numerous geometric shapes--Quasar I#51
race" - extradimensional insectoid mechanoids, transformed
earth creatures on Koma Koi island to serve
them as "Blue Gorilla, "Prince" Samson, "Princess,"
and warriors, defeated by Wolverine. Control and transform others even across a
dimensional portal--[Marvel Comics Presents#137], (arm) 140, (fully seen) 141
- GRAD NAN HOLT (Friendless) - insectoid race, had uprising against the Shi'ar, battled by
Starjammers--X-Men Legacy #250
- GYREA - scientifically advanced extragalactic species,
teleportational technology stolen by Mephisto in an alternate reality--Infinity
"locusts of the universe," sent to Earth upon the awakening of the
Dreaming Celestial, used Joey Eliot as a host to gather information on the
Eternals, destroyed his mind upon being discovered--[Eternals III#5], 6
- HORNETROIDs of the Microverse - massive
insectoids; an apparent cyborg creation of Baron Karza was used in his Arena of
Death--Micronauts Annual#1/3
- HREYTION race - presumably extinct, one native
sought to utilize the Omegex to avenge its race--Hulk#29/2
- INSECT-MEN - Moon-dwelling race of Reality-5106, delegation attends
annual interplanetary conference in the year 2000--Space Squadron#3
- INSECTOIDS - extradimensional bio-mechanical lifeforms, organized by
Moot into invasion force to attack Reality-1298’s Earth, opposed by the Six and
the Fantastic Four--Mutant X#2
- INSECTIVORIDS - Arthrosians(?); hivemind insectoid drones who serve
Annihilus--Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man#5
(Bug, Centivor, Jasmine(d), Wartstaff, Esmera, Treefern, queen Lyca, old one )
- Microverse, natives of Kaliklak--Micronauts I#1
(Kkallakku) - aka Fear Eaters, extraterrestrial insectoid demons, generate and
feed off of fears of others--Marvel Comics Presents#1/4
- KLKLK race
(BA'T'LL) - extraterrestrial insectoids, Milky Way galaxy, planet La’kll,
agricultural society, attempted to give advanced farming techniques to earth,
fought off by Hulk who misunderstood their intentions--Incredible Hulk II#273
- KOSMOSIANs - native to the dimension of Kosmos--(Creature
caste) Tales to Astonish I#44; (insectoids) Thunderbolts I#13
- KRYIHD race - ancient race, warred with and
eventually vanquished by the Dargalans; created the Red Hole, which in turn
created the Omegex to destroy the Dargallans--Hulk#29/2
- KRONOS race - Microverse, war-like sub-species of
Insectivorids, former agents of Baron Karza--Micronauts Annual#2
- KT'KN race (Faceless One) - extraterrestrial, Milky Way
galaxy, planet Kn’kn, Intergalactic Council. Insectoid, smooth round bodies
with six short legs, secrete paralyzing nerve toxins from claws, communicate
telepathically, advanced technology--Astonishing Tales#2
- LEVIOTES - population of Leviaverse,
semi-insectoid creatures, attacked Reed Richards' Datavore until repelled by
him--Fantastic Four III#60
- MALTESIANs (Hemlock Shoals, Prey-Ying Mantis) - extradimensional human-sized
and vertically standing intelligent insectoids--Howard the Duck II (Magazine)#4
- NORRAK (Kon (d)) - unsuccessfully
sought to avenge Omegex’s destruction of their role, now extinct--Hulk II#33
- PARAXIS INSECTS - parasitic winged
species which inhabit the isolated, mostly-deserted planet of Paraxis--Silver
Surfer III Annual#6
- PHOBOS race - Microverse, Spiral Path, Kaliklak,
sub-species of Insectivorids, former allies of Baron Karza--Micronauts I#26/2
- PROGENY - insectoid alien conquerors
from alternate future(?) of Reality-93060, susceptible to the Theta Virus,
stole corpses of Deming’s Exiles, sent insanity virus back to modern
era--All-New Exiles#4
- PSYKLOP's race - semi-humanoid/insectoid that
allegedly once dominated the Earth, reportedly extinct except for Psyklop.
Single compound eye, hypnotic powers, flexible joint--Avengers I#88
(Miek, Mung) - Sakaar, insectoids--Incredible Hulk III#92
- SCATTER race - formerly used Century to track
worlds previously attacked by Lore--Force Works I#1
- SECTAURS (Dargon, Devora, others) - insect-evolved humanoid
inhabitants of the alternate-reality planet Symbion--Sectaurs#1
- SIDRI - extraterrestrial, Shi'ar galaxy, evolved in free-floating asteroid cluster,
used by Shi'ar as hunters. Crab-like form, live in deep space, able to merge
into massive composite being, fly, resistant to cold, weakness to heat, project
energy blasts--Uncanny X-Men I#154
- SLAVEWORLD INSECTS - extradimensional
spine-covered fauna of Dehnock (aka “Slaveworld”), helped Ant-Man defeat
warlord Kulla--Tales to Astonish#41
- SLIG race (Grogarr, Krogg + 5 others) -
extraterrestrial, Milky Way galaxy, planet Ankara. Insectoid, tentacle-like
limbs, telepathy, levitate, shrivel upon death--Fantastic Four I#209
race (Supreme One) - extraterrestrial, sent Examiner to determine
earth’s potential for conquer and the power of its defenders, scout team blew
up due to attempts to give the Examiner sufficient power to defeat the West
Coast Avengers, partial transmission sent that led them to believe there was a
warrior race, each with the composite power of the entire team. Insectoid
bipeds--West Coast Avengers II#30
- SM'GGANI race
- Insectoid bipeds; Harvester from Beyond obtained soil samples in hopes of
saving his starving, war-ravaged world via encounter with the Hulk--Incredible
Hulk II#230
- SPACE-LUBBERS - grasshopper-like aliens from a destroyed
world who have an affinity for music--Shuri#2
- TIDING-FLIES - Ninth-Cosmos species
bred for communication across great distances of space and time--Immortal
- TIMEBREAKERS (Sovereign and Worker Caste Drones) -
discovered the Panoptichron and inadvertently damaged a number of reality,
began recruiting Exiles to repair the realities, departed Panoptichron after
seeming destruction of Earth-1720 and deaths of their Exiles team--[Exiles I#1],
- TORZIANS (Captain Blade, Sergeant
Quinto (d)) - pink-skinnned semi-insectoid aliens from planet Torz, abducted
human lovers Howard and Laura in hopes of learning of Earth's nuclear
capabilities--Journey into Unknown Worlds#26/6
- TRIAX - giant flying insectoids used
as weapons/warriors by the H'Mojen, battled Fantastic Four and
Spider-Man--Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four#2
- TRILEXIA - green insectoid
extraterrestrials of Reality-691 circa 31st century, attacked crew of Sol
III--Cyberpace 3000#1
- TYRMEAN BRAIN-STEM PARASITES - insectoids used by
Broker to control servants, bond to back of hosts' necks, stimulated by
ultrasound to cause great pain or even death--Force Works#15
- U'SR'PRIANS (U’Sr’Pr) - semi-insectoid bipeds,
formerly enslaved to maintain technology by U’Sr’Pr until overthrown by Her,
attempted to worship her as J’Ridia Starduster--Marvel Comics Presents#35/4
- VALLEY OF LIFE bugs - lived in lush
region created by Gardener on otherwise desolate world of K’ai, commanded by
Gardener to attack Hulk when he came there to bury Jarella--Incredible Hulk#247
- VISITORS - insectoid aliens with
large claws and slender bodies who claimed victims in New Jersey for some time
until driven off by the Fantastic Four--Marvel Knights 4#5
- VRELLNEXIAN race ( ) – extraterrestrial, Milky
Way, planet Vrellnex, formerly partnered with Sssith in extraterrestrial slave
trading ring. Six-limbed semi-humanoid/insectoid, some are winged--Thor I#212
- ZZIAZZIS (Izzifizz(d)) – insectoid
race from planet Zziazz, associated with Blackbody, traded ability to fly in
exchange for a portion of the Silver Surfer, consumed by great flood--Silver
Surfer III#115
- Unidentified extraterrestrial race -
large cockroaches who planned to conquer Earth, entered sci-fi writer Harry
Slade’s body and mind so as to better understand humans, unintentionally
provided Slade with inspiration for a story--Uncanny Tales#17/5
- Unidentified extraterrestrial
race - giant green insectoids, attempted takeover of Earth in 1615, fought
off by Adam Destine--ClanDestine I#8
- Unidentified extraterrestrial race (K'kkt) - insectoid--Century: Distant Sons
- Unidentified extraterrestrial race (Offset) - subterranean all-female mantis-like
insectoids--Uncanny X-Men#467
- Unidentified extraterrestrial
race of Reality-8116 - giant green insectoids, encountered twice by Vanth
Dreadstar and his crew--Dreadstar I#44
- other insectoid races...
- other extraterrestrial races or "Seray" characters, groups, items, events, races, or places
images: (without ads)
Cable II#84, pg. 15, panel 2 (group, upper bodies);
panel 4 (group, close-up of upper face with Undying circle);
panel 5 (fighting each other);
panel 6 (close-up of head, with Undying circle)
II#84 (October, 2000) - Robert Weinberg (writer), Michael Ryan (penciler),
Nathan Massengil & Andrew Pepoy (inkers), Mark Powers (editor)
First posted: 03/02/2023
Last updated: 11/24/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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