Name: Jennifer Walters (see comments)
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality (see comments) human mutate
Occupation: Lawyer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed
Appearance: (actual) Publicity photos
(1989); (intended) She-Hulk TV series
Powers/Abilities: She-Hulk possesses an unspecified degree of superhuman strength, able to lift however much 1990s special effects could make look plausible.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Brown
Hair: (Walters) Brown; (She-Hulk) green
(She-Hulk TV series) - After exposure to gamma radiation through
unrevealed means, lawyer Jennifer Walters could transform into the
super-strong She-Hulk.
Comments: Created by unidentified individuals, though the director picked was Larry Cohen, based on the character created by Stan Lee and John Buscema.
She-Hulk was originally announced as the intended guest star for the third live-action Incredible Hulk TV movie, 1990's Death of the Incredible Hulk, but somewhere along the line that idea was dropped and instead the character was put forward to be the star of her own live action TV show. Larry Cohen was signed on to direct, and Brigitte Nielsen, best known for the lead in the Red Sonja movie and the ex-wife of Sylvester Stallone, was signed up to star as both Jennifer Walters and She-Hulk. As the images on this page attest, she even dressed up in full costume and make-up for promotional shots for the series, intended to be used to help win over financiers to make the series. However apparently that financing never happened, and the studio pulled the plug on the venture, with ABC confirming it had been dropped in 1991. Given the...variable... quality of live action superhero adaptations in the 1990s, that's possibly for the best.
Since the original plan was for her to
debut in an Incredible Hulk movie, she might be from that show's
reality, Earth-400005, but it's impossible to say for sure.
For the character information, I am ASSuming that her basic bio
information is identical to the comics version, while her height
presumably would match Brigitte Nielsen.
This profile was completed 8/04/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
by Loki.
She-Hulk is an alternate reality counterpart to :
images: (without ads)
Publicity photos (all images)
Publicity photos (1989) - photographer unknown
First Posted: 09/21/2021
Last updated: 09/20/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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