Earth-148611 / "New Universe"
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-148611) human paranormal;
Soviet (USSR) citizen (see comments);
no criminal record
Occupation: Warrior;
former student
Group Membership: Formerly Crashniye Solleetsi (see comments)/Red Sun (Coojeechiscue/Nadehzda, Sillatochca/Leonid Vishnevetsky; formerly Dehman Doosha/"Johnny Do")
Affiliations: At least formerly served under the Siberian Project (Gennadi Shepalev, Petrov Szymanski, Sergei Vladimiroff, Anya Zotov);
she was briefly allied with the following against Rodstvow: Justice (John Tensen), Medusa Web (Babel/Thame Panagitis, Backfire, Dustoff, Gatto di Sangue/"Blood Cat," Imprint,
Potiphar/Nungali Kashab, Relampago/"Lightning," Skybreaker/James Colin Anderson,
Thunderhead/Donner Kopf/Gunther, Troublemaker), Psi-Force (Thomas Boyd, Dehman Doosha, Lindsey Falmon, Kathy Ling, Wayne Tucker)
Enemies: Afghan rebels, Rodstvow;
formerly Thomas Boyd, Justice (John Tensen), Kathy Ling
Known Relatives: Illke (mother, deceased), Maximov (father, deceased), Andre (brother, deceased)
Aliases: Animal (English translation of codename)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly the Siberian Project for paranormal research, Siberia, USSR;
born in Vladivostok, USSR
Education: Completed first year of secondary school system
First Appearance: Psi-Force#23 (September, 1988)
Shivowtnoeh possesses multiple animalistic features, including fur
covering her body, an elongated snout with sharp canine teeth (somewhat like a
baboon or perhaps a dolicocephalic canid), long pointed ears, long and
sharp paired straight horns (somewhat like those of the oryx), a massive primate-like upper body with relatively
long arms, and feet with toe structure resembling a higher primate
(presumably indicating enhanced pedal dexterity).
Shivowtnoeh lacked secondary sex characteristics
common to humanity (such as breasts), giving her a more masculine
At 15 years old, she was superhumanly strong (lifting 1.5 tons) and fast (running at over 45 miles per hour), and she could jump 55 feet high or 105 feet across.
She could heal from brutal injuries, such as being smashed at high velocity by a 400 lbs. barbell or having her energies drained and then being battered into unconscious by brutal battery by a strong (perhaps even superhumanly so) highly-trained combatant.
Her horns pierced wood up to 5" thick and sheet metal less than 3/4" thick, while her claws could rend human flesh, at least.
Shivowtnoeh is extremely athletic and well-coordinated, as well as incredibly agile.
As she becomes progressively more bestial, her human behavior rapidly
diminished. She is fierce and animalistic in terms of behavior, and she
displayed no ability to speak, instead growling, roaring, or yiping in
However, she could throw projectiles in combat, leap to avoid assaults,
and circle behind opponents to ambush them.
She likely possessed a superhuman olfactory (smell) sense, and she could sense fear in others, which led her to attack such frightened prey.
She very likely possessed a superhuman auditory (hearing) sense and enhanced nocturnal vision, perhaps via enhanced rods in her retinae and/or incorporating portions of the infra-red spectrum. However, she also likely had diminished color vision, due to poor and/or fewer cones in her retinae.
Her abilities would likely have increased with maturity.
Height: 6'8" (she may have grown some after this height was reported, as she appeared to be significantly taller in some appearances)
Weight: 335 lbs.
Eyes: Brown (previous eye color unrevealed; sometimes shown as solid red, which
may have been a real effect when she was enraged, or it may be a
tapetal reflection with widely dilated pupils, or just artistic license)
Hair: Auburn blonde fur (previous hair color unrevealed)
(Psi-Force#26: Shivowtnoeh profile (fb) - BTS) <2/1/1973> - Irina Mityushova was born.
(Psi-Force#26: Shivowtnoeh profile (fb) - BTS) <7/22/1986> - Irina Mityushova was empowered by White Event (a release of Starbrand energy that blanketed the Earth and granted two (IIRC?) out of every million people paranormal powers). After that point, she began undergoing a slow metamorphosis, becoming more bestial in nature and stature.
(Psi-Force#26: Shivowtnoeh profile (fb) - BTS) - Irina slew her family, after which she allowed herself to retreat into her animalistic existence.
(Psi-Force#26: Shivowtnoeh profile (fb) - BTS) - At some point, the Siberian Project took custody of Irina, dubbing her Shivowtnoeh. She resisted the Project's psychological staff's attempts to aid her in maintaining a semblance of human thought processes beneath her fierce exterior.
(Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS / Psi-Force#27 (fb) - BTS) - Shivowtnoeh and fellow paranormals in Red Sun assisted in Afghanistan, where she suffered injuries. The Siberian Project considered this "Afghanistan affair" an abysmal performance (see comments).
(fb) - BTS) - Within the Siberian Project, a Soviet scientific
institute for paranormal research, swiftly healed from her wounds. Her
strength continued to grow as her bestial nature rose to the fore.
Comments: Created by Fabian Nicieza, Graham Nolan, and Mike Witherby.
Here's the New Universe primer. Notably, the New Universe moved in real time, not the sliding timescale of Reality-616.
The Soviet Union, or the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) dissolved in 1991 in the real world. I don't think there's evidence for or against the USSR breaking up at any specific time or at all on Earth-148611.
Shivowtnoeh has an Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe-style profile in Psi-Force#26. That profile notes that her codename is pronounced Shi-vowt- no-ay.
I'm not sure if the "Afghanistan affair" that Shivowtnoeh and Red Sun were involved in is related to the one in which Rodstvow virtually singlehandedly delivered victory to Soviets.
Crashniye Solleetsi. Per Mike Castle:
"Crasniye" means "red", but the "solleetsi" word doesn't exist. It seems to be a misspelling of "solntsa" - "suns".
Me Psi-Force I#27 and subsequent issues, the group name is
confirmed to be Red Sun, although the above Russian spelling is
I would like to think that perhaps the members of Psi-Force took in Shivowtnoeh and were able to either reach her humanity or at least provide her with an environment where she could live happily and in peace. Doubtful, but we'll probably never know, anyway...
Profile by Snood.
Shivowtnoeh should be distinguished from:
Psi-Force#23 (September, 1988) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Graham Nolan (penciler), Mike Witherby (inker), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#26 (December, 1988) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Graham Nolan (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), David Wohl (assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#27 (January, 1989) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Alan Kupperberg (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), David Wohl (assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#28-29 (February-March, 1989) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Alan Kupperberg (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), David Wohl (assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Justice#29 (March, 1989) - Peter David (writer), Lee Weeks (art), David Wohl
(assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#30 (April, 1989) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Rodney Ramos (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), David Wohl
(assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
First posted: 06/04/2022
Last updated: 10/15/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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