SINSEAR Real Name: Unrevealed Identity/Class: Extratemporal alternate reality (Earth-4935's 39th century) Occupation: Warrior, assassin; Group Membership: Formerly the Canaanite soldiers Affiliations: Lucas Bishop, Cable (Nathan Christopher Summers/Nathan Dayspring Askani'son); Enemies: Clan Chosen (notably Boak,
Dayspring, and Tetherblood), Pan-African army, Tyler (aka Tolliver and
the Other; later Genesis), unidentified armored human warriors in
Sarajevo, Yugoslavia; anyone whom the Canaanites sent him to slaughter; Known Relatives: None Aliases: "One-Man Army" (per General Haight and Cable) Base of Operations: Atoms apparently spread across the timestream; First Appearance: Cable I#1 (May, 1993) |
Powers/Abilities: Sinsear is a cyborg, with much of his body replaced by bionic parts, and with computer systems interfacing with his brain. He used his computer to scan beings and materials, but he sometimes loses patience with his computer's overly-analytical nature. He possessed some degree of superhuman strength (presumably in the enhanced human range, lifting somewhat greater than 800 lbs. but less than 2 tons; possibly greater) and durability (with much of his body composed of an unidentified metal, covered by a skin-like material). He can project a parabolic slicing blade, which he abbreviates as PEESBEE. He release a number of buzz-drones. He can project energy blasts from either hand and extend four blades from his left wrist, at least, 90 degrees apart (top, bottom, medial, and lateral positions). His right wrist, at least, could extend numerous cables, which could lift an adult male off the ground and/or strangle such a target. His latter armor had numerous blunted spikes on the knuckles, shoulder pads, over his toes, and on various bands around his crura (calf-region, between the knees and ankles). He formerly used a command center base, from which he could use damp-chords. |
Clan Chosen members Boak, Nathan Dayspring Askani'son (later Cable), and Tetherblood soon teleported in, and Nathan had Boak scan the area, confirming that the bomb was not one of theirs, after which Nathan identified a survivor. Identifying radiation burns on 70% of the survivor's body, as well as internal bleeding and massive skeletal fragmentation, Boak noted that he did not think the soldier would survive. While Tetherblood recommended putting the man out of his misery, Nathan instead instructed Boak to send a signal beacon to the Canaanite sector evac patrol to tell them one of their own was down. As the group teleported away to avoid the imminent approach of Canpatrols (Canaanite patrols) and Panaf (Pan-African) forces, the wounded soldier begged them not to leave him there, apparently appreciating what would happen to him. (Cable I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Canaanite forces rebuilt the wounded soldier into the cyborg known as the killing machine Sinsear, giving him cybernetic implants that apparently forced him to obey the Canaanites. (Cable I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Sinsear blamed Dayspring for his condition, as Dayspring could have put him out of his misery. |
(Cable I#1 - BTS) - Meeting with other Canaanites, General Parraidan Haight enlisted the Flatliners to bring in "Citizen Kane" (Garrison Kane of Reality-616's modern era), advising them to get it done urgently and reminding them that they were aware of the agenda docket for Sinsear. When the Flatliners assured Haight that it would be done, Haight noted that he would hate for their failure to force him to bring Sinsear into the scenario...and so would they... (Cable I#1 (fb) - BTS) - In the Northern Plains of the African Continental Alliance, Sinsear slaughtered a number of armored rebels. (Cable I#1) - After Cable helped the Clan Chosen fight off the Flatliners (at the cost of their base), Haight (alongside a pair of agents) met with Sinsear in the midst of the fallen rebels. When Haight praised Sinsear as a "one-man army," a surviving rebel argued that he was a butcher and an animal, but Sinsear silenced (and likely slew) this rebel with a foot stomp to the head. Sinsear accepted Haight's praise, noting that it what had been asked of him. When Haight asked Sinsear to confirm that he always did what they asked of him, Sinsear confirmed, but noted that only until he had the opportunity to kill them all. Haight instead offered Sinsear a better offer, a chance for revenge on Cable/Dayspring and the Clan Chosen, killing them before they were even born. Sinsear considered that he would indeed like that... |
(Cable I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Via the Time Displacement Nexus (Tinex) in Niagara Falls, Sinsear was sent back to the modern era of Reality-616.
(Cable I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Sinsear transported his entire command complex back in time with himself via the Tinex, delivering it on an island in the South Pacific.
(Cable I#4) - From his base somewhere in the South Pacific, Sinsear monitored transmissions across Earth. Ending the transmission, Sinsear smiled, as while he had yet to locate the other, he had located his target's father, Cable.
(Cable I#5) - From his base in the South Pacific, Sinsear reviewed Cable's history, considering how he sought vengeance for what Cable had done to him; he then reviewed his own history.
In holographic form, Sinsear confronted Cable in his Camp Verde, Arizona base (where he was working on repairs alongside Theresa Rourke/Siryn and Sam Guthrie/Cannonball), warning him that he he may have little choice whether his children would serve him or bury him. Taking this as confirmation that Sinsear had been the one to tuse the Tinex before its destruction, Cable explained to Sam and Theresa that Sinsear was a merciless/butcher of a soldier from his timeline. Sinsear assured Theresa that he had no quarrel with her and that he only wished to fulfill his programming objectives, but when Cable asked if he had been sent back in time to kill him, Sinsear called him egotistical and corrected that he had been sent back to kill a Canaanite rogue agent...but that he was happy that his secondary programming permitted him to accommodate the personal pleasure of killing him: Sinsear then teleported Cable (sans any weaonry) to his base.
Sinsear then unleashed a number of buzz-drones that fired blasts, herding Cable toward pylon one, which Sinsear then had extend a number of damp-chord tendrils that temporarily incapacitated Cable's bionics. Noting his disappointment with how easily Cable was defeated, Sinsear questioned whether the failures Cable had endured had taken the fight out of him. Cable countered that he would only be a failure if he stopped fighting, as Sinsear hadn't fought his programming, after which Cable used his telekinesis to move the damp cords to strike Sinsear. As the cords had already expended much of their absorption reserves, Sinsear was only partially affected, and he vowed to burn the truth of Cable's guilt down to his very core. Sinsear then engaged his PeesBee on a search and destroy mission.
Apparently not realizing Sinsear was the soldier whose life he had
"saved" years before, Cable did appreciate that the blade would not
stop until it struck him or something else, and he endured a number of
flesh wounds before dodging it in front of Sinsear's control console's
central command. With the casing thus opened, Cable used the residual
charge in his own hand turrets to destroy the control link that allowed
Sinsear to control the other pylons, taking out his battle arena. Now on equal grounds with Sinsear, Cable assaulted him, asking if there was man enough inside the machine he hid behind to fight him. After the battered Sinsear noted that he was not a man any longer, Cable countered that Sinsear chose to be a machine, while he chose to be a man. Cable further argued that Sinsear bled, hurt, and hated like a man, and that the only thing he did like a machine was follow orders...and whose choice was that? Considering that while Cable was a man aided by technology, he (Sinsear) was possibly a machine hindered by manhood, Sinsear nonetheless -- as he teleported away and tossed a chip containing his programming orders at Cable's feet -- warned Cable that he would eventually ask those same questions of himself and his loved ones. Vowing that they would meet again, Cable checked out the programming orders and found that Sinsear had been sent back after Tolliver, whom Cable believed to be dead. Cable was left to wonder who Tolliver truly was... |
(Cable I#41 (fb) - BTS) - Sinsear found nothing in the modern time period but cold, unfamiliar faces that looked upon him with scorn and contempt.
I#41 (fb) - BTS) - Sinsear traveled to the undersea remains of Cable's
Greymalkin (formerly Cable's orbiting space station) to access its time
displacement core in hopes of returning to his own time where he felt
his humanity might be restored. He hoped to be able to access the time
core prior to Cable's arrival, but his accessing the base sent an alert
to Cable.
Sinsear accessed and engaged the displacement drive, beginning dilation of the chronal barrier and either purposefully or accidentally locked the system down.
(Cable I#41 (fb) - BTS) - Alerted to the breach, Cable recruited X-Man Lucas Bishop to travel via his PACrat craft to Greymalkin.
(Cable I#41) - As Cable and Bishop entered, Sinsear unleashed a number of his parabolic slicing blades, a pair of which lodged in Bishop's gun. Sinsear followed this up with a number of buzz-drones, and Bishop threw the blades that had struck at his guns to take out the pair of drones targeting him, while Cable telekinetically took control of one drone and used it to take out the other two drones.
Admitting that he no longer had a quarrel with Cable, Sinsear
nonetheless stated that he had come to far to allow him (or his ally)
to stop him. As he physically engaged Sinsear, Bishop tried to explain
that the core was unstable and put others at risk if it was accessed,
and he told Sinsear to let them help him. However, Sinsear fired a
blast at Cable, which struck the core's outer casing when Cable dodged
While Cable rushed to see to the core, Sinsear told Bishop neither he nor anyone from this primitive era could help him, as he sought the miracles science could not offer: Peace, hope, and acceptance. Bishop explained that those were things he could not get from someone else.
Although noting that what was left of his humanity was touched, Sinsear nonetheless blasted Bishop, although Bishop absorbed the energy and redirected it to amplify the force of his punch, knocking Sinsear back into the arms of the returning Cable. Explaining that the core had been damaged but that the power was still building, and they would have to work together to physically shut it down from inside or the core would blow and all of time would come crashing down around them.
When Sinsear wondered if they would cease to exist if that happened, and Cable clarified that the affect would expand outwardly and all of time would exist simultaneously. Cable eventually prepared to throw himself into the rift with a device that opened the timestream, forcing it to close the rift on itself and neutralize the threat, and he bade Sinsear, "G'journey" and told him to stick with Bishop as he could get him to people to help him.
However, Sinsear instead blasted Cable from behind and took the device into the rift, acknowledging that he could only retrieve his humanity inside himself. Sinsear then entered the rift and, after a flash of energy, he was gone and the rift was closed.
(Cable I#41 (fb) - BTS) - Cable speculated that without a sequence or a pre-programmed focal point, Sinsear's atoms had been scattered throughout the timestream.
Cable voiced "G'journey, my friend."
Comments: Created by Fabian Nicieza, Art Thibert, Danny Miki, Dan Panosian, Trevor Scott, and Al Milgrom.
This was not the first Cable series, but the first series was called Cable: Blood and Metal, so this was the first series entitled simply, "Cable."
I'm not sure who were the mercenaries/warriors Sinsear slaughtered in Cable I#3...they had previously encountered Deadpool, but I'm not sure if they appeared in a previous story or not...
Sinsear is referenced by multiple sources as appearing in Cable#13 (July, 1994), but it's just part of one of D'Spayre's illusions, where he sees Tetherblood and the rest of "Genesis Troop" transformed into monsters like Sinsear. Which would make it either a glimpse of or just a vision of a reality paralleling:
Earth-79434 Divergent reality similar to Earth-4935’s 39th
century. Stryfe’s Canaanite forces transformed Tetherblood and the rest of Clan
Chosen’s Genesis Troop into cyborgs like Sinsear ; glimped by Cable
via illusions of D'Spayre-616. Cable #13 (1994)
Profile by Snood.
Sinsear should be distinguished from:
![]() ![]() ![]() The base also allowed him to utilize teleportation technology, transporting himself or others two or from his base to or from most locations on Earth. (Cable I#2 (fb) - BTS / Cable I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Via the Time Displacement Nexus (Tinex) in Niagara Falls, Sinsear transported himself and his entire command complex back in time to the modern era of Earth-616, delivering the base to an island in the South Pacific (or perhaps it floated and served as its own island). (Cable I#4) - From his base somewhere in the South Pacific, Sinsear monitored transmissions across Earth. (Cable I#5) - Sinsear transported Cable to his base, using damp-chords extending from the pylons to incapacitate Cable's bionic parts, but Cable telekinetically caused the damp-chords to strike Sinsear as well. Cable ultimately destroyed Sinsear's control mechanisms and then defeated Sinsear. Teleporting away, Sinsear initiated complete shutdown of the base. --Cable I#4 (5 (fb) - BTS, 4-5 |
![]() ![]() Sinsear can project up to at least eight buzz-drones, which fly and target and fire blasts at his enemies, often attacking in groups of two or three or more to pin down a target. (Cable I#3) - After armed warrior from whom Sinsear was seeking information on Deadpool threatened him, Sinsear unleashed a number of buzz-drones and then his parabolic slicing blade, with which he swiftly took out the warriors. (Cable I#5) - Sinsear then unleashed a number of buzz-drones that fired blasts, herding Cable toward pylon one, which Sinsear then had extend a number of damp-cord tendrils that temporarily incapacitated Cable's bionics. (Cable I#41) - As Cable and Bishop entered, Sinsear unleashed a number of his parabolic slicing blades, a pair of which lodged in Bishop's gun. Sinsear followed this up with a number of buzz-drones, and Bishop threw the blades that had struck at his guns to take out the pair of drones targeting him, while Cable telekinetically took control of one drone and used it to take out the other two drones. --Cable I#3 (5, 41 |
![]() The blades will return to the housings in his gauntlet after having accomplished a mission. (Cable I#3) - In Sarajevo, Sinsear unleashed his parabolic slicing blade against a number of armored mercenaries who threatened him when he sought information on Deadpool. Sinsear instructed the blade for jugular tracking, and the blade swiftly slashed the throats of at least four of the warriors before returning to its housing in his left gauntlet. ![]() (Cable I#5) - Sinsear engaged PeesBee on a search and destroy mission. Cable appreciated that the blade would not stop until it struck him or something else, and he endured a number of flesh wounds before dodging it in front of Sinsear's control console's central command. With the casing thus opened, Cable used the residual charge in his own hand turrets to destroy the control link that allowed Sinsear to control the other pylons, taking out his battle arena. (Cable I#41) - As Cable and Bishop entered, Sinsear unleashed a number of his parabolic slicing blades, a pair of which lodged in Bishop's gun. Sinsear followed this up with a number of buzz-drones, and Bishop threw the blades that had struck at his guns to take out the pair of drones targeting him--Cable I#3 (5, 41 Note: The jugular vein is certainly a major vessel, and damage to the vessel can lead to massive hemorrhage...however, I would suggest that a strike to the much more prominent and centrally located trachea ("windpipe") would be far more rapidly incapacitating (and it is a a larger and easier to strike target). Sinsear used only a single PEESBEE in his initial appearances, but multiple in his latter appearance. Presumably the original one was the most effective, but Sinsear created multiple lesser such weapons to replace the more effective original. |
![]() ![]() (Cable I#5) - After teleporting Cable to his base, Sinsear unleashed a number of buzz-drones that fired blasts, herding Cable toward pylon one, which Sinsear then had extend a number of damp-cord tendrils that temporarily incapacitated Cable's bionics. Cable subsequently used his telekinesis to move the damp cords to strike Sinsear. As the cords had already expended much of their absorption reserves, Sinsear was only partially affected, but Cable ultimately defeated Sinsear, who teleported and initiated complete shutdown of his base. --Cable I#5 |
Cable I#1 (May, 1993)
- Fabian Nicieza (writer), Art Thibert (penciler), Danny Miki, Dan
Panosian, Trevor Scott, & Al Milgrom (inkers), Bob Harras (editor)
Cable I#2 (June, 1993) - Fabian
Nicieza (writer), Art Thibert (penciler), Al Milgrom & Bob Wiacek (inkers), Bob Harras (editor)
Cable I#3 (July, 1993) - Fabian
Nicieza (writer), Klaus Janson, Ian Churchill, Bob Wiacek, & Al Milgrom (artist), Bob Harras (editor)
Cable I#4 (August, 1993)
- Fabian
Nicieza (writer), Art Thibert with Rob Liefeld, Jim Reddington, Bill Wylie,
& Scott Koblish (pencilers), Al Milgrom (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Cable I#5 (October, 1993)
- Fabian
Nicieza (writer), Darick Robertson (penciler), Jon Holdredge (inker), Bob Harras (editor)
Cable I#13 (July, 1994)
- Glenn Herdling (scripter), Steve Skroce (penciler), Mike(?) Sellers,
Will Conrad, & Keith Champagne (inkers), Bob Harras (editor)
Cable I#41 (March, 1997) - Todd Dezago (writer), Steve Crespo (penciler), Scott Hanna (inker), Mark Powers (assistant editor), Bob Harras (editor)
First posted: 11/20/2021
Last updated: 11/20/2021
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