Real Name: Marian (surname unrevealed)
Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Reality-8116) extraterrestrial (Altarixian) civilian
Occupation: Nun
Group Membership: Instrumentality
Affiliations: Syzygy Darklock;
indirectly Bialgesuard
Enemies: Syzygy Darklock, Taurus Killgaren, Slytis
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly Altarix, Reality-8116
First Appearance: "The Price," Eclipse Graphic Album Series#5 (1981) - see comments
Powers/Abilities: Sister Marian was highly educated in and a strong believer of the faith of the Instrumentality.
Marian's training and experience
allowed her to psychically anchor Syzygy to reality during his
meditations and mystic conjurings, serving as his familiar.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately
5'4"; she was substantially shorter than Syzygy, who was only 5'9"
prior to his magical transformation; although she didn't seem that much
shorter when he was 7' tall...)
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 160 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed (not clearly seen, but they seemed darker, so perhaps brown)
Hair: Brown (concealed under her habit)
("The Price" (fb) - BTS) - A few decades prior to the main story> - Dread Veil sorcerer Taurus Killgaren discovered a great future stellar event that would have a tremendous and very positive effect on mortal existence. However, he discovered that this future was unstable and had a good chance of never happening. Seeking to aid this tomorrow's coming to pass, Killgaren began studying the characters who would play important parts in forming the future, and he determined that one of the brothers Syzygy or Ajar'l Darklock was destined to be a major factor in this grand scheme, although it wasn't yet determined which.
Killgaren chose Syzygy and influenced him into joining the priesthood of the Instrumentality (the theocracy ruling Altarix, the planet that was home to Ajar'l and Syzygy). Rising to the position of Lord High Bishop, Syzygy sought to rule the Instrumentality and put an end to the ancient war with the rival theocracy known as the Monarchy. To this end, Syzygy secretly researched forbidden magics.
Realizing the amount of power Syzygy would need to achieve his destiny and that the fiercely loyal Syzygy would have to sacrifice the soul of the mortal he most loved in the universe to the demon Slytis to gain that power, Killgaren plotted to have the demon Bialgesuard slay Ajar'l in order to lead Syzygy to investigate, learn his involvement, and gain the power to confront him (Killgaren); only this level of power would allow Darlock to summon and deal with Slytis. From there, Killgaren would inform Syzygy how to gain even greater power from Slytis.
("The Price") - Sister Marian served Lord High Bishop Syzygy Darklock, acting as his medium and psychic anchor.
("The Price" (fb) - BTS) - Marian and Syzygy worked together for eight years, resisting the romantic urges toward each other due to their vows.
("The Price" - BTS) - While Syzygy had joined the
priesthood for power and a comfortable life, he appreciated that
Marian's vows came from deep within her heart, and he resisted telling
her of his love for her for fear of leading her astray, of blackening
her soul with his lusts.
("The Price") - After Bialgesuard and/or his agents slew Ajar'l, Syzygy sensed this, disrupting his mediations. Marian sensed this and asked if something was wrong, and he told her it was his brother, who needed him.
After the Lord Papal granted Syzygy sabbatical, Marian wondered at this (knowing the Papal knew Syzygy's power and nature), and Syzygy explained that he suspected the Papal expected Syzygy would either be slain or would provide grounds for expulsion from the brotherhood for his investigations. When Syzygy noted that the Papal was right to be concerned as he would someday usurp his role and put an end to the mad war with the Monarchy. Reminding Syzygy that he was a bishop of the church, Marian told him that the sometimes feared for his soul. Replying that he did as well, Syzygy nonetheless reiterated the need to avenge his brother's death.
With Marian as his familiar with
Ajar'l's office, Syzygy sent his mind to explore the spiritual world,
and he uncovered the name of Bialgesuard as his brother's killer.
As Syzygy reviewed Bialgesuard's power and nature, Marian advised against his conjuring up an arch demon, as even the lord papal had two cardinals in attendance whenever a 7th level demon was summoned; she warned him that this was suicide. Confirming his commitment and his secret trainings, Syzygy insisted Marian serve as his anchor from outside the room, and Marian obeyed his order.
("The Price" - BTS) - Syzygy summoned Bialgesuard and forced his compliance. Admitting to hating his master, Taurus Killgaren, Bialgesuard willingly transported Syzygy to the 10th level reality known as Nirvana's Gate, which was accessible only to gods and demons and where they would find the Eye of the Gods. This iris was the entrance to the 11th level of reality in which the gods stored their reserves of mystic energy. Darklock easily opened the iris and was bathed in its power. As Darklock's body began to suffer damage from the energies of the realm of the gods, Bialgesuard remotely closed the Eye (so that Darklock would survive to slay Killgaren), but -- seeking vengeance for Darklock's disciplining -- not before Syzygy had lost both legs, most of his left arm, and his left eye, and suffered third degree burns over 80% of his body.
("The Price") - Sister Marian found Darklock's severely injured form and delirious form.
("The Price" (fb) - BTS) - Sister Marian summoned medical help.
("The Price") - After Dr. Hoggarth reported Syzygy's injuries, miraculous recovery, and increase in bodily stature, he asked Marian for information on how he had been injured for his report. When she informed him that Syzygy was priest of the mystic brotherhood, Dr. Hoggarth considered that he should file the case under "industrial accidents," and Marian agreed that that might be best.
("The Price" (fb) - BTS) - Syzygy asked for Marian.
("The Price") - Syzygy told Marian that he was fine
now and had her to thank for that, as if she had not gotten him to the
medical facility the pain might have driven him mad. After he explained
what had happened to him, she exclaimed, "My Gods, Syzygy! Look at what that power has cost you!" They were then interrupted by the arrival of Dr. Loomis, the cybernetics expert who would rebuild his body.
After Syzygy had been rebuilt, Marian stood by as Dr. Loomis reviewed his bionic implants. After Dr. Loomis' departure, Marian asked Syzygy "What now?" and he told her that he would go after Killgaren. After Syzygy confirmed that he might slay Killgaren depending on the answers he provided, Marian asked about her. Syzygy asked that she continued to anchor him, even though he no longer needed such aids. She assured him that she would, but she asked about afterward: Would he still need her? She continued that they had worked together for eight years, resisting things that their hearts had yearned to voice. Syzygy agreed that the hour grew near when they must cast a light on those feelings, but that it had to wait until he had accomplished what most needed to be done.
Covering her face, Marian knelt on the ground outside of Syzygy's chambers.
("The Price" - BTS) - Syzygy savagely confronted and assaulted Killgaren, who willingly revealed his machinations. When an appalled Syzygy could not fathom sacrificing his greatest love, Sister Marian, Killgaren used his mystic orb to show Darklock a vision of the future that convinced him of the necessity of this action. Infuriated by the position into which he had been forced, Darlock slew Killgaren.
("The Price") - Returning to the mortal plane, Darklock asked Marian if she could peer into the future and learn that she could bring about great benefits to mortal beings at the expense of her own life in a horribly painful fashion, would she do so? Although unsure of what Syzygy was talking about, Marian confirmed that she was a nun of the instrumentality, having pledged her life to helping her fellow man in any way the gods saw fit. She confirmed that if the gods had a plan in which she could better mankind's lot, that it would be her honor and duty to aid them, no matter the cost. It would meant that her life had served its true purpose, which was the best gift their gods could grant a mortal.Comments: Created by Jim Starlin.
Dreadstar / Reality-8116 primer
Sadly, despite the price Syzygy paid, the vast power he gained in his origin story did not persist. Perhaps his body could not handle the magical energies, and his power faded as a result of his body dying (his life only maintained by his magical energies). Certainly the Lord Papal later had his powers amplified by the gods of the Instrumentality or something, but I suspect it was to some degree a plot device, as having Syzygy be that powerful just couldn't fit into regularly stories and not make him a virtually invincible foe.
I'll go progressively through the entire series/appearances of
Dreadstar (though it may take me a decade or three to do so), but I'm
not aware of any further appearances of or references to Marian.
I'd like to see
some story set in Vanth Dreadstar's most recent continuity where he and
his daughter Kara had to go rescue Syzygy's nephew, Ravol Darklock, from things that were consequences
of Syzygy's actions and manipulation of magical forces. Maybe
Bialgesuard and Slytis could be involved. Maybe Sister Marian has family that could be involved. Wouldn't that be nice?
Marian should be distinguished from:
"The Price," story pg. 22, panel 7 (full);
pg. 25, panel 6 (shocked expression);
pg. 37, panel 6 (face, oblique);
pg. 38, panel 4 (Slytis with Marian);
"The Price," Eclipse Graphic
Album Series#5 (1981) - Jim Starlin (writer/artist); I don't know who
edited it; reprinted in Epic's Dreadstar Annual#1 (1983) it credited Jo
Duffy (associate editor) and Archie Goodwin (editor)
First posted: 04/08/2021
Last updated: 08/05/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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