Classification: Terrestrial television show
Creator: Unrevealed
User/Possessors: Its legions of fans
(including the Beast/Hank McCoy)
First Appearance: (mentioned): Avengers III#0
(August, 1999);
(Star Kings-related
book seen): Marvels: Eye of the Camera#2 (February, 2009)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: Star Kings functioned as a typical
science fiction television series and was popular enough to warrant
several spin off shows.
History: (Avengers Two:
Wonder Man & the Beast#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Star Lords television series was
restructured as the new Star Kings
television series starring Diane
Cummings and Felix Simon, actors whose careers were avidly followed
by the superhero known as the Beast following the transition.
(Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone & the Monster Hunters (fb) - BTS) - Star Lords special effects man Bob O'Bryan was also involved with the Star Kings project, ultimately marrying its star Diane Cummings.
(Marvels: Eye of the Camera#2 (fb) - BTS) - A book, The Making of Star Kings, was written by Grant Marshall and published by Empire Books.
(Marvels: Eye of the Camera#2 - BTS) - When
photographer Phil Sheldon visited Empire Books to meet with publisher Bennett
Schwed, a poster of The Making
of Star Kings' book cover was on the wall.
(Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses
Bloodstone & the Monster Hunters - BTS) - Bob O'Bryan, who worked
on both Star Lords and Star Kings, was interviewed by film
critic Matt
O'Brien for the "O'Brien on Film" column.
(Avengers III#0 (fb) - BTS) - Star Kings became considered a
classic in television and spun off three additional television series, Star Kings: A New Dynasty, Star Kings: Border Outpost and Star Kings: The Lost Crusade.
(Avengers III#0 - BTS) - When the All-New It's Amazing television
talk show debuted, the host Mac
Sanders introduced his new co-host, Diane Cummings, the only actor
to not only appear on the Star Kings
television show but its further spinoffs as well.
(Avengers Two: Wonder Man & the Beast#2 - BTS) - When the Beast accompanied Wonder Man to visit Alex Flores, he quickly noticed Flores' guests, Diane Cummings and Felix Simon, and leapt into the air announcing himself a fan of theirs since Star Lords had become Star Kings.
(Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1 - BTS) - Fourteen-year-old Jenni
Salto had a Star Kings
poster on her bedroom wall.
Comments: Created by Kurt Busiek, Stuart Immonen and Wade Von Grawbadger.
While Star Kings
itself was never seen on a television in any of its "appearances," we
do see a poster of the book The
Making of Star Kings and we also have seen a poster of Star Kings. Those are the images
included in this profile.
Star Kings
was an obvious homage to the real life Star Trek media franchise. It's
three spinoff shows correspond to the three spinoff Star Trek shows at the time. For
Star Kings=Star Trek
Star Kings: A New Dynasty=Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Kings: Border Outpost=Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Kings: The Lost Crusade=Star Trek: Voyager
Profile by Proto-Man.
Star Kings has no known
connections to:
images: (without ads)
Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1, p1, splash
page (Star Kings poster)
Marvels: Eye of the Camera#2, p5, pan2 (The Making of Star Kings
book poster)
Avengers III#0 (August, 1999) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Stuart Immonen
(pencils), Wade Von Grawbadger (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Two: Wonder Man & the Beast#2 (June, 2000) - Roger Stern
(writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort
Marvel Monsters: From the Files of Ulysses Bloodstone & the Monster
Hunters (2006) - Michael Hoskin (head writer, coordinator), Madison
Carter, Jeff Christiansen, Sean McQuaid, Stuart Vandal, Eric Moreels,
Ronald Byrd, Barry Reese (writers), Gil Kane (It the Living Colossus
entry art), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Marvels: Eye of the Camera#2 (February, 2009) - Kurt Busiek (writer),
Jay Anacleto (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots#1 (April, 2021) - Mark Waid (writer),
Claire Roe (art), Darren Shan (editor)
First Posted: 05/15/2021
Last updated: 05/15/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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