Real Name: Unrevealed;
possibly Sunder
Identity/Class: Apparently artificial construct / "smart weapon"; see comments
Occupation: Warrior;
agent of Mys-Tech;
Group Membership: Mys-Tech; (notably Collapsar, Permafrost, Gudrun Tyburn and her artificial replicant)
Affiliations: Posed as allies but secretly manipulated the Egaliterns of Eopia, notably their leader, Trusivor
Enemies: Dark Guard (Albion/Peter Hunter, Dark Angel/Shevaun Haldane, Ultra-Marine/Kith
Nasca), the Technarchy of Eopia;
indirectly, the rest of Dark Guard (Stacy Arnheim, Death's Head/Minion, Killpower/Julius Mullarkey, Colonel Tigon
Liger, Motormouth/Harley Davis), Clementine (Liger's sentient weapon), Superconductor, the Time Guardian
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "My Good Fellow" (from Albion)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly Eopia, capital of the Egalitern bloc on the planet Eopia; Eopia's star system and galaxy are unrevealed;
perhaps formerly Earth (if Mys-Tech created him there)
First Appearance: Dark Guard#2 (November, 1993)
It is unrevealed whether he can reform or be rebuilt from the shattering of his physical form (see comments). Sunder has powers of seismic control. He can plunge his hands into the ground/soil and trigger an shockwave that "churns the ground like thick water." He can cause rock and soil to rise like a rock, or he can open a hole in the ground and plunge himself and/or other objects or beings into it, causing the rock and soil to cover them up again afterward as desired. He is able to adopt a humanoid form, substantially smaller in size/frame, as needed. Although reportedly a construct, Permafrost was a trash-talker (as was Sunder), delivering taunts and speaking colloquially. He apparently had a strange voice, as his speech balloons had an irregular shape. Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 8-9'; human form perhaps 7') He has three fingers and a thumb on each hand. His feet are not shown clearly, but per one peripheral image, he may have two toes on each foot, as does Permafrost.
(Dark Guard I#1 (fb) - BTS / Dark Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Mys-Tech established a presence on the planet Eopia in the Albedo Crux
Cluster, escalating the war between Egaliterns and Technarchy in an effort to cause the planet's
destruction via thermo-nuclear war...
(Dark Guard I#3 (fb) - BTS) - so they could harness its death scream to pay off Mys-Tech's debt to Mephisto.
(Dark Guard I#1 (fb) - BTS / Dark Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Mys-Tech
agents Sunder and Permafrost were sent to manipulate the Egaliterns,
and they seemingly allied with Egalitern ruler, Trusivor, who sough a
peaceful resolution to the conflict with the Technarchy. Permafrost and
Sunder promised to protect Trusivor.
Another Mys-Tech agent, Collapsar, was sent to work with the Technarchy.
(Dark Guard I#3 (fb) - BTS)
- As part of some "secret defense program," Sunder implanted three
hundred empathic receptors deep in the planet's continental crust.
These would absorb the death scream of Eopia as it perished in nuclear
conflagration. Mys-Tech could then synthesize a raw, emotive force of
pure death-agony to pay off Mys-Tech's debt entirely.
(Dark Guard I#1 - BTS) - The Time Guardian gathered the Dark Guard to oppose Mys-Tech's becoming a universal threat. They were subsequently sent to to Eopia where they were engaged by hostile forces in Technarchy territory.
(Dark Guard I#2 - BTS) - As Technarchy reinforcements arrived, Death's Head, Killpower, and Tigon Liger rushed for the portal back to the Time Guardian's realm. However, Collapsar captured Killpower and Liger and departed, while Death's Head was knocked back to the rest of the Dark Guard.Comments: Dan
Abnett, Carlos Pacheco, and Oscar Jimenez under the Marvel UK imprint.
Sunder and Permafrost were no comparison to Collapsar in terms of power, but they were still very dangerous, and they were also pretty cool, visually.
It seemed to me that Sunder and Permafrost were solid rock and ice, respectively, or synthetic equivalents, but somehow imbued with intelligence, mobility, and power, rather than being robotic. Perhaps there was a program/energy packet Mys-Tech or others could imbue into the materials to recreate them both.
The narrative notes Sunder to be "close to a ton."
I asked our OHotMU engineer, Spider-Mike Fichera, and he replied:
Let’s use the density of a typical mineral is 2.5 compared
to a human at about 1.0.
6 feet weighting 250 as human x 2.5 = 625 lbs
Mike taught us that changes in height relate to a cubed increase in weight with proportional size--Snood
At 9’ is 1.05 tons
Profile by Snood.
Sunder should be distinguished from:
Dark Guard#2, last page, panel 2 (with Trusivor; human form);
panel 4 (with Trusivor; morphing into combat form);
#3, pg. 2-3 (with Trusivor; combat form in profile);
pg. 5, panel 1 (seismic wave against Albion);
pg. 6, panel 5 (smashing Albion);
pg. 7, panel 1 (forcing Albion through seismic tunnel);
pg. 8, panel 2-3 (shattered by Albion and Ultra-Marine);
Dark Guard#1-4 (October, 1993 - January, 1994) - Dan
Abnett (writer), Carlos Pacheco (pencils), Oscar Jimenez (inks), Stuart
Bartlett (editor)
First posted: 01/15/2022
Last updated: 09/05/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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