Classification: Magic item (Swords of Sorcerous Might)
Creator: Unrevealed;
created in the pre-Cataclysmic era, sometime prior to 18,500 BC)
Possessors: Kull of Atlantis and Valusia, Ravian;
First Appearance: Kull the Conqueror III#2 (July, 1983)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: Forged of an unidentified metal fallen from Earth's ancient skies, Ravian at least believed it to draw power from the Amulet of
sword can reflect the eyebeams of the guardian of the Amulet of Ka .
The sword could also slay a member of
the Bird-Men of Thuria who were otherwise rendered virtually immortal by the Amulet of Ka.
(Kull the
Conqueror III#2 (fb) - BTS) <Sometime prior to 18,500 BC> - At
some point (either before or after the defeat by the humans), Ravian,
the leader of the Bird Men of Thuria, obtained a sword, forged of metal fallen from Earth's ancient skies and allegedly powered by the Amulet of Ka.
(Kull the Conqueror III#2 - BTS) <18,500 BC> -
After Tu, the chief councilor of Valusia's King Kull, was gravely
wounded in southern Verulia, Kull -- accompanied by his long-time ally
Brule and others, including Akreon -- followed advice from Kull's physician (a Verulian "Master Leech") to seek out the Amulet of Ka to save Tu.
the Conqueror III#2) - After reaching the mountain keep of the Bird Men
of Thuria and announcing their goal to Ravian, Kull and his associates
were assaulted by Ravian's nephew, Vultus, who generated illusions
of numerous attacking Bird Men.
The fight was
interrupted by Ravian, but Vultus
insisted he would never forsake his golden dream of the past. Noting
that they had outlived the past and that the future was no longer
theirs, Ravian drew his sword, and instructed Vultus to resign himself
to let the amulet pass from them. After Vultus defied and challenged Ravian,
the king stabbed Vultus in the chest, telling him that the sword would
be his final rebuke, as it granted violent death in the name of the
Amulet of Ka itself. As
Vultus died, his seeming warriors vanished, and Ravian confirmed that these had been mere illusions raised by magic. 

Ravian then advised Kull and his
allies to hasten as the moon was risen and the Amulet of Ka. Noting his sword to have been
forged of metal fallen from the Earth's ancient skies, Ravian gave it
to Kull to aid him in his efforts, and he gave Kull and each of his allies a shield, as
Atop the Bird Men's mountain, when the Guardian of the Amulet of Ka fired its eyeblasts at Kull, Kull reflected its
"obscene fire" back at the Guardian with Ravian's sword, and the blast
caused the Guardian to drop into the ocean below.
Leaning his seeming ally, Akreon, had mortally wounded Brule and sought
to slay Kull as well, Kull tossed Ravian's sword over his shoulder
before fighting and slaying Akreon with his axe.
Comments: Created by Created by Alan Zelentz, John Buscema, Dan Green, and Joe Chiodo.
The Sword of Ravian is pictured -- with Ravian battling and ultimately slaying Vultus with it -- in Vultus' profile.
It would be a really cool use of continuity if the Raven's Eye turned out to be Ravian's Ka-powered sword.
Profile by Snood.
The Sword of Ravian should be distinguished from:
- Raven's Eye - sword, source of power, warped
Asgard --Thor I#498...no KNOWN relationship, but see comments...
- Sword - agents of the Sword of Damocles--X-Force I#83
- Sword of the agent of Heaven - wielded by one of the Critics judging Darrel Daniel, used to send souls to Heaven--Man-Thing I#6
- Sword of the American Samurai - gifted to the American Samurai by the Keepers of the Sacred Koan. Cuts through solid walls--Elektra I#11
- Sword of Apocalypse - temporarily
used by Hulk
as Apocalypse’s agent War--Incredible Hulk II#457
- Sword of Asmodiar - wielded by demon Asmodiar against King Arthur Pendragon & Merlin, able to slay Asmodiar--Marvel Preview I#22
- Sword of Azrael - able to cut through virtually any substance--Wolverine III#48
- Sword of the Basilisk - Wielded by the demonic Basilisk to slay Satana--Marvel Team-Up I#80
- Sword of Bone - Cornerstones of Creation (modern era), created by Oshtur--Secret Defenders I#16
- Sword of the Crusader - Empowered by Arthur Blackwood's ancestors, wielded by Blackwood as Crusader. Power varies with faith of its wielder--Thor I#330
- Sword of Damocles (Argos, Pyre,
Zona, Ulysses Dragonblood + Arcadia DeVille(q)) - Damocles foundation field
for Damocles Foundation--X-Force I#83
- Sword of Dawn - see Caliburn; wielded by Adam Crown--Knights of Pendragon I#16?
- Sword of Demonicus - used by Mephisto to remove briefly Zarathos from Johnny Blaze--Ghost Rider II#76
- Sword of the Devourer of Souls - immense weapon wielded by Devourer of Souls, powered by infernal otherworldly force that ravages and numbs the body while paralyzing the soul--Savage Sword of Conan I#90
- Sword of Doom - see Twilight Sword--Thor I#337
- Sword of the Elder Gods - created by the Primal Gods of the Hyborian Era (sometimes referred to as Elder Gods), used by Conan to slay the Devourer of Souls--Conan the Barbarian I#199
- Sword of Evil -
see BLACK BLADE--Wolverine II#1
- Sword of Fangs of Earth-93060 -
Ultraverse, weapon of Mantra--Mantra I#1
- Sword of Frey - later held by Balder. Can fight of its own accord when unsheathed--Thor I#294
- Sword of Gagol - formerly wielded by Gagol, chief troll of Otherworld, used against Black Knight (Dane Whitman). Could be charged with flames--Hulk Comic #9 (1979)
- Sword of Glory (Mr. Albasini) -
North African fanatics/terrorists, allied with Silver Wolf--Sable & Fortune#1
- Sword of Gonra - forged by the Scorpion god for Gonra circa 19,500 BC, used to fight off army of invaders at the Temple of the Scorpion God. Enhanced fighting prowess--Kull the Conqueror I#9
- Sword of Graven Used to fight the Dragon of Set and protect town of Solvantha--Conan the Barbarian I#143
- Sword of Judgement (sic) - led by
modern day
terrorist Agamemnon--Marvel Two-In-One#10
- word of Justice of Earth-1211
- One of the three "Lost Treasures of Tao," formerly held by Suzuki Shosan, obtained by Simon Benedict, returned to Shosan by Sydney Taine.. Able to destroy supernatural beings--Nightside#3 (4
- Sword of Kamuu -
magic item originally wielded by pre-Cataclysmic Atlantean ruler Kamuu; powers amplified by the Eye of Zartra--Sub-Mariner I#62/2
- Sword of Korrek - wielded by Korrek of Katharta. Cleave most other metals, project mystic force--(Adventure into) Fear #19
- Sword of Liberty - organization opposed by
Punisher and
"Ice" Phillips--Punisher War Journal I#52
- Sword of Light - given to Black
Knight (Dane Whitman)
by Lady of the Lake. Released energy stored within Shield of Night--Heroes for Hire I#2
- Sword of Master Pandemonium - Wielded by Master Pandemonium following his second transformation and alliance with Lore.--Scarlet Witch I#1
- Sword of Might - power item of
Merlyn, used by Reaver--Captain Britain I#1
- Sword of Mogul - wielded by Mogul of the Mystic Mountain, allowed him to match blows with the Mjolnir-wielding Thor--Thor I#137
- Sword of Naram-Sin - wielded by MAX reality's
Devil-Slayer/Shagish Chulepti, used by Danny Sylva to decapitate the
demon Belathauzer and the angel Gabriel--Dead of Night Featuring Devil-Slayer#3
- Sword of Nauda - wielded by Nauda of the Silver Hand (of uncertain connection to the Celtic God Nuadhu). Fire-covered, virtually indestructible--Marvel Comics Presents I#107
- Sword of Necromon - wielded by Necromon, leader of the Nethergods, against the Black Knight (Dane Whitman) & Arthur Pendragon, shattered by the Arthur's Excalibur--Hulk Comic#62
- Sword of Nox - created from Darkforce, wielded by the Fear-Lord Nox vs. Dr. Strange; steals souls as it slays--Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#38
- Sword of Omen - wielded by Omen of the Legion of Night. Banish or destroy demons--Legion of Night#2
- Sword of the Party - see Red Flag--Venom: License to Kill#1
- Sword of Power - Negative Zone; Baluurian vessel commanded by Tranjaar--Fantastic Four I#290
- Sword of Rimthusar - wielded by Rimthursar, the Cruel Striker, creator of the Menagerie; shattered by Thor's hammer, Mjolnir--Thor I#320
- Sword of Satan - granted to demon servant of "Satan" (Mephisto and possibly others) to
battle the Ghost Rider (John Blaze/Zarathos). Generate flames, slice
demon flesh--Marvel Spotlight I#7
- Sword of Scathach - gifted to Cuchulain by his mentor, the prophetess Scathach. Highly durable--Guardians of the Galaxy Annual#3
- Sword of Scone - wielded by a
time-traveling Shadowcat in 1936, restoring Shadow King to corporeal
form. Disrupts psychic (and possibly other)
energies--X-Men: True Friends#3
- Sword of Scotia
- the claymore used by
Red Ian Og, contains his spirit, allowing others to use it as the
Clansman--Marvel Graphic Novel:
Punisher: Blood on the Moors
- Sword of Skelos of the Hyborian
era - a pair of
swords empowered by a certain spell from the Book of Skelos,
allows the sorcerer to be directed to fly through the air and
kill a victim--Sword of Skelos; Savage Sword of
- Sword of Skulveig - formerly wielded by Skulveig, a fire demon of Muspelheim, eventually taken by his son Hrinmeer (a.k.a. Flame) who slew Skulveig. Composed of unidentified metal, at least previously coated with poison from the fangs of Cerberus--Thor Annual#18
- Sword of Stargod - origin unrevealed, wielded by Stargod of Other Realm, passed on to John Jameson when he gained the power of Stargod--Marvel Premiere I#45
- Sword of Strength - Cornerstone of Creations (Hyborian era)--Conan the Barbarian I#128
- Sword of Surtur - spell that
apparently tapped into the power of the Twilight Sword, unwittingly
used by Jack Holyoak and briefly turned Dr. Strange into a frog--Doc Samson II#1
- Sword of Tem - Hidden by the "Elder Gods" near the imprisoned Dark Angels--Conan the Barbarian I#164
- Sword of Tolometh - associated with mystic beings Tolometh and the location Poseidonis,
shares property with scabbard, used to kill blind warrior from Yamatai--Conan the Adventurer#14
- Sword of Ultimate Shadow - wielded by Necromancer of
the High Evolutionary's Counter-Earth, used against Dr. Strange of true
Earth, claimed by the latter after Necromancer's defeat.
Scimitar-shaped, cause great pain, even to astral self & through
mystic defenses--Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme#47
- Sword of Yama Seemingly gifted circa the 1870s AD to an Indian rebel known as the Mahdi, but Yama and his fellow gods actually only gave the Mahdi illusory weapons for attempting to order them about, and he died in battle against the British. Blade covered in fire--Amazing High Adventures#5
- Sword in the Star - Sentient sword, worshipped by
Wayfinder and his
people in reality-7414, traveled to Earth-616, created the Microverse to allow his people to escape demons attacking
them, then became the Enigma Force--Marvel Preview I#4
- Sword
in the Stone - removed from anvil block by Arthur Pendragon, proving
his worth as ruler of Camelot--Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe
Deluxe Edition#8: Merlin entry
- Sword that Conquers All - over 15, 000 years old, granted to the Stygian warrior Katuman by the the sorcerer Shu-Onoru, who obtained it from his demon familiar Helgor. Able to shatter or melt most substances on contact, leaves trail of energy able to subdue most humans--Conan the Barbarian I#248
- Sword of the New Dawn - White supremacist group--Mighty World of Marvel II#7
- Swords of Secret Five blades of ancient power, includes Ginrei & Kurokaze--X-Men: Kitty Pryde: Shadow & Flame#4
- other Swords, blades, daggers, etc.
images: (without ads)
Kull the Conqueror III#2, pg. 28, panel 5 (with sword; main - close-up of sword; whole image used as well);
pg. 31, panel 5 (Guardian of Amulet of Ka blasting at sword-wielding Kull);
pg. 32, panel 1 (Kull reflecting Guardian's blast back at it)
Kull the Conqueror III#2 (July, 1983) - Alan Zelentz (writer), John Buscema (penciler), Dan Green & Joe Chiodo (inkers), Ralph Macchio (editor)
First posted: 02/15/2022
Last updated: 02/15/2022
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