Real Name: Tansteele
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Eopian), unrevealed star system, Albedo Crux Cluster (see comments)
Occupation: Former ruler of the Technarchy
Group Membership: Formerly Demogog Senate of the Technarchy of Eopia
Affiliations: Formerly Mys-Tech (notably Collapsar, Gudrun Tyburn and her artificial replicant);
formerly Comcorder, Demogog Montano, and the Technarchy forces of Eopia
Enemies: Clementine, Death's Head/Minion, the Egaliterns (notably Trusivor), Killpower (Julius Mullarkey), Colonel Tigon
Liger, Motormouth (Harley Davis);
indirectly, the rest of Dark Guard (Albion/Peter Hunter, Stacy Arnheim, Ultra-Marine/Kith
Nasca), Superconductor, the Time Guardian
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Mongrel (from Liger and Death's Head)
Base of Operations: Helios Plateau, within the sub-ground bunkers of the Technarchy legion encampment, planet Eopia Eopia's star system and galaxy are unrevealed
First Appearance: (Behind-the-scenes) Dark Guard#1 (October, 1993);
(Seen and identified) Dark Guard#2 (November, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: Tansteele did not demonstrate any superhuman abilities.
He wore metal armor (and/or decoration) over his chest and shoulders, his legs (especially the knees down), and the anterior portion of his abdomen; this presumably afforded him some degree of protection from injury. It may have granted him some additional strength or energy powers, or perhaps the whole thing was decorative and lightweight.
He commanded the military forces of the Technarchy as well as a small compliment on his airship. He could apparently pilot his own ship and remotely launch missiles.
He was an experienced military commander, although he did not appear to be willing and/or able to combat a normal-powered foe like Liger; he at least thought he knew how to operate a blaster weapon, although he did not apparently carry any personal
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6')
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 200 lbs.); weight of armor unrevealed due to unrevealed construction
Eyes: Unrevealed (possibly brown or black; see comments)
Hair: White/silver/gray/light blue...
Distinguishing features: Like other Eopians (and like Collapsar), Tansteele has prominent ridges/creases running around his forehead and extending down the bridge of his nose
Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Demogog Tansteele was chair-man prime of the
Technarchy's Demogog Senate on the planet Eopia.. Under his
directorship, the Technarchy devoted its efforts to the art of war for
30 years,
(Dark Guard I#1 (fb) - BTS / Dark Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Technarchy opposed the Egaliterns, led by Trusivor, with conflicts escalating to the point that each force was capable of incinerating one another and the world on which they lived.
(Dark Guard I#1 (fb) - BTS / Dark Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Representing the Techno-Wizards of Earth's Mys-Tech, Gudrun Tyburn used an artificial replicant of herself to establish a presence on Eopia, escalating the war between Egaliterns and Technarchy in effort to cause the planet's destruction via thermo-nuclear war.(Dark Guard I#1 (fb) - BTS / Dark Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Mys-Tech Collapsar was sent to manipulate
the Technarchy's Demogog Tansteele to this end, although Tansteele and
the Technarchy were advised that Collapsar had been sent to aid their cause.
Mys-Tech agents Permafrost and Sunder were sent to similarly manipulate Trusivor and the Egaliterns.
(Dark Guard I#3 (fb) - BTS) - As part of some "secret defense program," Sunder implanted three hundred empathic receptors deep in the planet's continental crust. These would absorb the death scream of Eopia as it perished in nuclear conflagration. Mys-Tech could then synthesize a raw, emotive force of pure death-agony to pay off Mys-Tech's debt to the Hell-lord Mephisto.
(Dark Guard I#1 - BTS / (Dark Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - ) - The Time Guardian gathered
the Dark Guard -- Albion, Stacy Arnheim, Death's Head, Killpower, Colonel Tigon
Liger, Motormouth, Ultra Marine --
to oppose Mys-Tech's becoming a universal threat and -- per the Time
Guardian's Superconductor assistant -- to slay Collapsar.
(Dark Guard I#1 - BTS) - The Dark Guard were sent to to Eopia where they were engaged by hostile forces in Technarchy territory.
Guard I#2) - As his Comcorder delivered a vague message about broken
transmissions from the legion encampment, Tansteele instructed the
Comcorder to run the transmission through vox-amp, noting that as they
were only minutes away, the transmission must be important if they
could not wait. After the Comcorder subsequently reported that the
message noted that their forces were under attack from seven
individuals who had appeared minutes ago, Tansteele ordered the
helm to put turbines to full yield to get them to the conflict
immediastely. As he began to rant out this being an Egaliterns
first-strike and ordered everyone to war stations, Collapsar offered
to to go and investigate, but Tansteele assured him they had it in hand.
Comments: Created by Dan Abnett, Carlos Pacheco, and Oscar Jimenez under the Marvel UK imprint.
Per Merriam-Webster, demogogue has two definitions:
usage: A
leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises
in order to gain power
when used by the ancient Greeks, it was a positive term, referring to a leader championing the cause of the common
people in ancient times
Albedo, derived from the Latin word meaning whiteness, is the ratio of the radiation (radiant energy or luminous energy) reflected by a surface to that incident on it. I'm not sure that the Albedo Crux Cluster is a known existing anatomical structure, and I would assume this was just a sci-fi use of a scientific term.
According to space.com a cluster of stars is a galaxy if it is held
together by dark matter...there's more information on that, but it's
beyond my Freshman astronomy I took back in 1988. Feel free to Google
it for yourself, or to provide a layman's explanation for everyone else.
Other sources just note a cluster to be smaller than a galaxy,
independent of the habitability of any stars in the cluster.
One panel shows his eyes at all clearly, and there is a
very light and very dark portion of the irides...perhaps they are dark
with a reflection? Dark brown or black?; or possibly shadows
on light
blue or even white irides; or perhaps he truly had a colored pattern to
his irides). They look darker without the light/white in one image
that shows them a bit...so, I'm going with light reflection on dark
Profile by Snood.
Tansteele should be distinguished from:
Dark Guard#1-4 (October, 1993 - January, 1994) - Dan
Abnett (writer), Carlos Pacheco (pencils), Oscar Jimenez (inks), Stuart
Bartlett (editor)
First posted: 09/05/2022
Last updated: 09/14/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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