Real Name: Jim Taylor
Identity/Class: Human (World
War II era)
Occupation: Mechanic, military corporal;
former adventurer, taxi driver
Group Membership: Crazy S.U.E.S. (American Ace/Ace
Masters, Archie
the Gruesome/Alec Archie?, Blue
Diamond/Elton Morrow, Bucky/James Barnes, Sgt. Byrd, Captain
America/Steve Rogers, Captain
Flame/Frank Cortez, Davey
Drew, Father Time/Larry Scott, Fighting Yank/Bill Prince, the
Fin/Peter Noble, "Flash" Foster, Invisible Man/Leonard Gade, Doug
"Jap-Buster" Johnson, Albert
"Slow Motion" Jones, Merzah
the Mystic, Moon-Man/Larry,
Secret Stamp/Roddy Colt, Capt. Bob Strong, T-Mech,
Vagabond/Pat Murphy, Victory Boys/Piotr & others, Young
Avenger/Bill Byron)
Affiliations: Col. Ledford, Crazy S.U.E.S.
Enemies: Nazis, Swastikian spies
Known Relatives: "Taxi" Taylor (daughter)
Aliases: "Master Mechanic"
Base of Operations: Wendover Air Force Base,
Wendover, Utah, USA;
formerly Europe; the Pacific Theater of World War II;
Washington, DC, USA; Annapolis, Maryland, USA
First Appearance: Mystic Comics I#2/7 (April, 1940)
Powers/Abilities: Jim "Taxi" Taylor was a brilliant inventor and a master mechanic, having invented and completely designed the weaponized Wonder Car vehicle. He was also trained in deep-sea diving and had firefighting, skills which he incorporated into the Wonder Car as well by making it capable of acting as a submarine and equipping it with firefighting devices such as collapsible ladders and safety nets, as well as chemical water jets.
Taylor also received military training. He typically wore
a vest equipped with various wrenches and other tools.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
History: (Marvel Mystery Handbook 70th Anniversary
Special - Taxi Taylor entry - BTS) - Jim Taylor was born in Annapolis,
(Mystic Comics I#2/7 (fb) - BTS) - Jim Taylor became an
established mechanic and sought to fight crime in the United States.
(Mystic Comics I#2/7) - In early 1940, Jim Taylor used his
mechanical skills to invent what he called the Wonder Car, a vehicle
designed to travel on land, sea, and air, as a weapon against crime.
Upon building the Wonder Car, Taylor painted it, and when finished, he
admitted that while he hated to part with it, it would be going to the
United States government, where he felt it would do the most good.
Hoping the Wonder Car would be used against enemies of the U.S., Taylor
met with government officials and expressed interest in donating the
Wonder Car to his country. Essentially laughed out of the office, the
determined Taylor decided to prove the Wonder Car's worth by becoming a
taxi driver in Washington, D.C., soon earning the nickname of "Taxi."
Soon after picking up two men from Swastikia, Taylor used one of the Wonder Car's devices to listen in on their conversation, overhearing their plans to plant mines. Dropping the men off at their destination so as to not arouse suspicion, Taylor then returned later that night and used the Wonder Car's short-wave interceptor to monitor for radio transmissions. Hours later, Taylor received the transmission he had been waiting for and learned that the mines were to be planted on the Queen Mary in New York in an effort to undermine the United States' then-neutrality in World War II. Converting the Wonder Car to flight mode, Taylor flew to Staten Island and used the Wonder Car's headlights to find the Swastikian agents. Realizing the agents were using magnetic mines that would have to be swept clear of the river, Taylor converted the Wonder Car to submersible mode and went underwater, using the Car's contra-magnetic electric rays to render the mines useless. The Swastikians retaliated by dropping a depth charge that hit the Wonder Car, forcing Taylor to don a diving suit to repair his vehicle. A Swastikian diver soon submerged to check the status of the Wonder Car and attacked Taylor with an underwater acetylene torch, but Taylor tore the oxygen lines of the agent's suit, causing the agent's death. Returning to the Wonder Car, Taylor then unleashed the Wonder Car's suction-creating gas bubbles and forced the Swastikian ship to sink. With the agents defeated, Taylor then returned to the home he had earlier dropped the Swastikians off at, only to find it in flames. Pulling next to a window, Taylor released the Wonder Car's collapsible ladder and donned a fireman's helmet and gear to check inside the burning building. Locating a safe, Taylor attempted to grab it, but his hand became electrically stuck to the safe's dial and he soon realized bombs inside the building were set to explode when the safe reached a certain temperature. Within two minutes time, however, the Wonder Car automatically pulled Taylor from the building, taking a layer of skin off his hand in the process. Yanked outside, Taylor dove into the Wonder Car's automatically regulated safety net. Taylor then utilized the Wonder Car's revolving chemical water jets to douse the fire and subsequently phoned the police, revealing the evidence inside the home to arrest the Swastikian agents.
A few days later, "Taxi" Taylor picked up a newspaper and
read that the police successfully apprehended the Swastikian agents, and
how they had enough evidence against the spies.
(All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#1 (fb) - BTS) - "Taxi"
Taylor apparently joined the U.S. military and was assigned the Crazy
S.U.E.S. unit for enhanced soldiers. At some point, he built an armored
vehicle (see comments) and his
robotic assistant Transisto-Mech (T-Mech).
(All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#2 (fb)) - Taylor and
numerous other skilled and superhuman soldiers met with their commanding
officer, Sgt. Byrd, and their field leader Captain America. On August
7th, 1942, following a mission in which Captain Flame destroyed numerous
Japanese attackers from two directions, "Taxi" Taylor drove his armored
car to pick up his teammates, and when his robotic assistant T-Mech
began speaking in broken English, Bucky asked what the robot was saying.
Taylor explained that he still needed to adjust T-Mech's linguistic
circuits and informed Bucky that T-Mech was confirming that the Japanese
were pulling troops from the airfield the S.U.E.S. had stormed.
(All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#3 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, "Taxi" Taylor was featured in an issue of a Boys Hero Action Comic comic book published by Timely Comics that also featured "Jap-Buster" Johnson, Moon-Man, Captain America, Bucky, the Blue Diamond and the Vagabond.
(All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#4 (fb)) - After the S.U.E.S. were transferred from the Pacific Theater to Europe, they became a hardened fighting force, and "Taxi" spent most of his time thinking and tinkering with T-Mech.
(All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#1 (fb)) - By June
25th, 1944, Taylor waited as his captured teammates Blue Diamond and the
Invisible Man were interrogated by a high-ranking Nazi officer. After
the officer unintentionally gave away his troop strengths, Blue Diamond
summoned Taylor, who drove through the wall of the interrogation cell
with his armored car, hitting the officer. As Taylor's teammate the
Young Avenger rescued Blue Diamond and the Invisible Man, Taylor emerged
from his vehicle and warned the Young Avenger that they needed to get
out of there before the building collapsed. When the Young Avenger
suggested Taylor have T-Mech run the probabilities, Taylor informed
Young Avenger that the robot estimated the S.U.E.S. had thirty seconds
before more Nazi soldiers arrived.
(All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#5 (fb) - BTS) - On July 7th, 1944, new S.U.E.S. recruit American Ace was speaking with Captain Flame about their upcoming mission, and he asked if anyone had seen "Taxi" Taylor and T-Mech lately. At some point, Taylor achieved the military rank of corporal.
(All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#5 (fb)) - On July 12th,
1944, Taylor was tinkering with T-Mech in his armored vehicle as Captain
America discussed Colonel Ledford's plan to transfer Taylor out of the
Crazy S.U.E.S. As Cap argued against moving Taylor, Col. Ledford
reminded Cap that, as Cap's superior officer, he was not required to
provide a formal transfer for Taylor. While the two argued, Taylor
himself suspected something was up and asked T-Mech why he thought they
were there, but T-Mech was unable to theorize an answer based on the
data. When Cap continued questioning military protocol, Ledford informed
Cap about pieces of the government's Project: Alberta and warned that
Cap was not to speak to anyone about what he was told, even if the
S.U.E.S. inquired about Taylor. Taylor continued tinkering as Ledford
informed Cap that Taylor would now be under Ledford's direct command and
would be assigned to an intelligence gathering at Wendover. Ledford
further explained that if any of the S.U.E.S. asked about Taylor's
whereabouts, Captain America would only be allowed to say Taylor was
working on a weapons guidance system for the Navy. By the time the
S.U.E.S. were taken close to Paris, "Taxi" Taylor and T-Mech had been
sent back to the United States. Without "Taxi" to aid them, the Crazy
S.U.E.S. had to walk across the French countryside towards Belgium on
their own.
(Marvel Zombies Destroy!#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Jim fathered a daughter.
Comments: Created by an unidentified writer and unidentified artist.
"Taxi" Taylor had entries in the Marvel Mystery Handbook 70th Anniversary Special (2009) and the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC Vol. 12 (2010).
"Taxi" Taylor was driving a gray armored vehicle of some
sort in All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes. It seems likely that this
vehicle was at least some form of the Wonder Car; or perhaps the
multicolored version seen in Mystic Comics I#2 was a fictional comic
book version of the Wonder Car. It's also possible that this armored
vehicle was a different vehicle or an upgraded version of the previous
Wonder Car that Taylor acquired while serving with the S.U.E.S. Since
the vehicle is not identified as the Wonder Car, I am not treating it as
such for the purposes of this profile.
While not explicitly stated, probably due to the cancellation of the All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes mini-series before it had been wrapped up, it seems likely that "Taxi" Taylor was transferred from the Crazy S.U.E.S. in order to work on the atomic bomb, given his inventiveness...
This profile was completed 7/13/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Maybe Jim "Taxi" Taylor was the taxi-driver Jim who was abducted by gangster Clip Walton, but later saved by the Thin Man (@ Mystic Comics I#4/3) -- although "Taxi" Taylor was introduced before the Thin Man, there probably isn't any reason why the Thin Man story couldn't have chronologically occurred before "Taxi" Taylor's first appearance (with a little re-working). My reasoning is that maybe the Thin Man and Jim became friends after that adventure, and the Thin Man shared some of his advanced Kalahian technology from his Stratoplane with Jim, which could explain where Taylor got the knowledge and resources to build his Wonder Car.
![]() |
armored car in All-Winners
Squad: Band of Heroes was only used as a land vehicle, but
early concept sketches for the series depicted it to be a transforming
vehicle, with tank, aeroplane, submarine, and robot modes; since the
series was cancelled prematurely, we never learned if it could do all
that, and we don't know much about its other capabilities. There also
weren't many images available where the armored vehicle was clearly
seen , which is why it wasn't included as a sub-profile. -- Ron
Fredricks |
![]() |
Cleaned up main and head shot by Ron Fredricks.
Profile by Proto-Man.
"Taxi" Taylor has no known connections to:
The Wonder Car was a powerful, weaponized vehicle designed
and built by Jim "Taxi" Taylor. Determined to use the Car to assist the
United States, Taylor presented the Car to the U.S. government, but was
laughed out of the room. In an effort to prove the Wonder Car's worth,
Taylor became a taxi driver in Washington, D.C. and soon used the Wonder
Car to learn of a Swastikian plot to plant magnetic mines in New York
harbor from two of his passengers. After dropping the passengers off,
Taylor returned later in the Wonder Car and used it to listen for
incriminating radio transmissions. Once he received the transmissions,
Taylor converted the Wonder Car to flight mode and flew to New York
harbor, where he found Swastikian agents and used the Wonder Car's
submersible mode to disable the magnetic mines. When the agents
retaliated with a depth charge, Taylor repaired the Wonder Car and used
it pull the Swastikian boat underwater. He then used the Wonder Car to
return to the location he had dropped the passengers off at, only to
find it on fire. Using the Wonder Car's collapsible ladder, Taylor
entered the home and attempted to gather evidence against the spies, but
when he became electrically frozen to a safe, the Wonder Car
automatically pulled Taylor back outside into an automatically extended
safety net. He then doused the fire with the Wonder Car's revolving
chemical water jets before phoning the police to tell them of the
evidence against the spies.
The Wonder Car was a steel-plate armored vehicle equipped
with a super-sensitive radio interceptor, a radio-graph capable of
transcribing radio transmissions, powerful focusing headlights,
contra-magnetic electric ray emitters capable of disabling at least
magnetic mines, gas bubble projectors that created intense suction, an
extendable ladder and automatic safety net, an automatically-retracting
belt harness, and revolving chemical water jets to douse fires. It also
housed miniature surveillance devices capable of recording and
magnifying the slightest whispers. It could also be retrofitted for
almost any use, including underwater travel and air travel via
extendable wings and retractable propeller.
--Mystic Comics I#2/7
images: (without ads)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC Vol. 12, Taxi Taylor
entry, main image (Taxi Taylor, main)
Mystic Comics I#2, p37, pan4 (Taxi Taylor, headshot without hat)
Mystic Comics I#2, p41, pan5 (Taxi Taylor in diving suit)
Mystic Comics I#2, p44, pan1 (Taxi Taylor in firefighter's gear)
All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#2, p2, pan2 (Taxi Taylor in military
All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#1, p18, pan1 (Taxi Taylor in Crazy
S.U.E.S. gear)
All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#2, p18,
pan1 (Taxi Taylor sitting on armored car; T-Mech, Bucky, Captain
concept drawings of Taxi Taylor's armored car in its various modes
Mystic Comics I#2, p39, pan3 (Wonder Car)
Mystic Comics I#2 (April, 1940) - "Taxi Taylor & His Wonder Car"
story - Martin Goodman (editor)
Marvel Mystery Handbook 70th Anniversary Special (2009) - Michael Hoskin
(head writer, coordinator), Ronald Byrd, Anthony Flamini, Stuart Vandal,
Kevin Garcia, Jacob Rougemont, David Wiltfong, Sean McQuaid (writers),
Gus Vazquez (Taxi Taylor entry art), Mike Fichera, Jason Lewis (art
refurbishment), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#1 (August, 2011) - Paul Jenkins
(writer), Carmine di Giandomenico (art), Bill Rosemann, Alejandro Arbona
All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#2 (September, 2011) - Paul Jenkins
(writer), Carmine di Giandomenico (art), Bill Rosemann, Alejandro Arbona
All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#3 (October, 2011) - Paul Jenkins
(writer), Carmine di Giandomenico (art), Bill Rosemann, Alejandro Arbona
All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#4 (November, 2011) - Paul Jenkins
(writer), Carmine di Giandomenico (art), Bill Rosemann, Alejandro Arbona
All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes#5 (December, 2011) - Paul Jenkins
(writer), Carmine di Giandomenico (art), Bill Rosemann, Alejandro Arbona
Marvel Zombies Destroy!#1 (July, 2012) - Frank Marraffino (writer),
Mirco Pierfederici (artist), Jake Thomas (editor)
First Posted: 09/30/2021
Last updated: 10/10/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you
should check out the real thing!
Please visit The Marvel Official Site at: http://www.marvel.com
Special Thanks to http://www.g-mart.com/ for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!