of Eopia
Membership: Demogog Montano, Demogog Tansteele, Comcorder; others unidentified
Aliases: None known
Affiliations: Dark Guard (Albion/Peter Hunter, Stacy Arnheim, Death's Head/Minion, Killpower (Julius Mullarkey), Colonel Tigon
Liger, Motormouth (Harley Davis), Ultra-Marine/Kith
one of the Technarchy exclaimed, "By the Gods of the Technarchy" (although such gods were not shown nor referenced any further);
Collapsar posed as an ally but actually plotted to manipulate the Technarchy into destroying Eopia
Enemies: Mys-Tech (notably Collapsar, Gudrun Tyburn and her artificial replicant/golem);
formerly the Egaliterns (notably Trusivor)
Base of Operations: Helios Plateau, Eopia
First Appearance: Dark Guard#1 (October, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: The Technarchy did not demonstrate any superhuman powers. Some had bionic implants
Most of those seen were very similar in appearance (see comments).
Soldiers wore heavy armor, and they carried blaster weapons.
They have advanced airships (including the command ship) and large tank weapons, but there is not evidence that they had space travel technology. They also apparently used robots, but it was sometimes hard to tell armored members of the Technarchy from robot servants.
They have advanced scanning technology to identify distant happenings. They also used the Vox-Amp, which could enhance garbled transmissions, as well as "spy-sats" (presumably satellites used to view distant events).
Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Demogog Tansteele was chair-man prime of the
Technarchy's Demogog Senate on the planet Eopia. Under his
directorship, the Technarchy devoted its efforts to the art of war for
30 years
(Dark Guard I#1 (fb) - BTS / Dark Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS)
- On Eopia, the Technarchy opposed the Egaliterns, led by Trusivor, with
conflicts escalating to the point that each force was capable of
incinerating one another and the world on which they lived.
(Dark Guard I#1 (fb) - BTS / Dark Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Mys-Tech Collapsar was sent to manipulate the Technarchy's Demogog Tansteele to this end, although Tansteele and the Technarchy were advised that Collapsar had been sent to aid their cause.
Mys-Tech agents Permafrost and Sunder were sent to similarly manipulate Trusivor and the Egaliterns.
(Dark Guard I#3 (fb) - BTS) - As part of some "secret defense program," Sunder implanted three hundred empathic receptors deep in the planet's continental crust.
These would absorb the death scream of Eopia as it perished in nuclear conflagration. Mys-Tech could then synthesize a raw, emotive force of pure death-agony to pay off Mys-Tech's debt to the Hell-lord Mephisto.
(Dark Guard I#1 - BTS / Dark Guard I#2 (fb) - BTS) - ) - The Time Guardian gathered
the Dark Guard -- Albion, Stacy Arnheim, Death's Head, Killpower, Colonel Tigon
Liger, Motormouth, Ultra Marine --
to oppose Mys-Tech's becoming a universal threat and (per the Time
Guardian's Superconductor assistant) to slay Collapsar.
(Dark Guard I#1) - The Dark Guard were sent to to Eopia where they were engaged by hostile forces in Technarchy territory.
(Dark Guard I#2) - As his Comcorder delivered a vague message about broken transmissions from the legion encampment, Tansteele instructed the Comcorder to run the transmission through vox-amp, noting that as they were only minutes away, the transmission must be important if they could not wait.
After the Comcorder subsequently reported that the
message noted that their forces were under attack from seven
individuals who had appeared minutes ago, Tansteele ordered the
helm to put turbines to full yield to get them to the conflict
immediately. As Tansteele began to rant about this being an Egaliterns
first-strike and ordered everyone to war stations, Collapsar offered
to to go and investigate, but Tansteele assured him they had it in hand.
Comments: Created by Dan Abnett, Carlos Pacheco, and Oscar Jimenez under the Marvel UK imprint.
There were minimal differences in the appearances of the Eopians, regardless of whether they were Technarchy or Egaliterns. I don't recall seeing any female Eopian. Perhaps the Eopians were clones or they reproduced asexually...or something? Or maybe the females just weren't seen.
Profile by Snood.
The Technarchy of Eopia has no known connections to
![]() (Dark Guard I#2) - Aboard the command ship, Comcorder delivered a vague message about broken transmissions from the legion encampment. Tansteele instructed the
Comcorder to run the transmission through vox-amp, noting that as they
were only minutes away, the transmission must be important if they
could not wait. After the Comcorder subsequently reported that the message noted that their forces were under attack from seven individuals who had appeared minutes ago, Tansteele ordered the helm to put turbines to full yield to get them to the conflict immediately. As Tansteele began to rant about this being an Egaliterns first-strike and ordered everyone to war stations, Collapsar offered to to go and investigate, but Tansteele assured him they had it in hand. Tansteele then instructed the Comcorder to get a link with one of the "spy-sats" and get them a look at the attackers, which showed the Dark Guard members fighting against the Technarchy. As Tansteele's ship confronted the Dark Guard, Collapsar countered that Tansteele's forces were getting cut to ribbons, and they opened the hatch to allow him to deal with the Dark Guard.![]() (Dark Guard I#4) - Technarchy forces informed Dark Guard of Tansteele's actions, and they prepared to shoot him out of the sky. (Dark Guard I#4 (fb) - BTS) - From his ship, Tansteele launched two cruise missiles aimed at the Egaliterns city. As Tansteele had all the override protocols, those present at Helios base were unable to abort the launches. (Dark Guard I#4) - Wishing to bring in Tansteele alive, Liger had Clementine fire an electromagnetic pulse to target his ship's drive systems, causing him to crash, after which Killpower punched out Tansteele. --Dark Guard#2 Note: The interior of the ship can be seen in the Comcorder sub-profile. |
![]() ![]() He is apparently a communications expert. (Dark Guard I#2) - Aboard the command ship, the Comcorder delivered a vague message about broken transmissions from the legion encampment, and Tansteele instructed the Comcorder to run the transmission through vox-amp, noting that as they were only minutes away, the transmission must be important if they could not wait. After the Comcorder subsequently reported that the message noted that their forces were under attack from seven individuals who had appeared minutes ago, Tansteele ordered the helm to put turbines to full yield to get them to the conflict immediately. Tansteele then instructed the Comcorder to get a link with one of the "spy-sats" and get them a look at the attackers, which showed the Dark Guard members fighting against the Technarchy.As Tansteele's ship confronted the Dark Guard, Collapsar countered that Tansteele's forces were getting cut to ribbons, and they opened the hatch to allow him to deal with the Dark Guard. ![]() --Dark Guard#2 Note: Assuming he was not slain in the destruction of the Helios Plateau, he may have continued in his previous role, working for Demogog Montano. The tank crew member in green looks pretty much identical to the Comcorder, who was in the command ship at the time. Presumably, Comcorder is just a title, and those in that position had similar uniforms. |
![]() (Dark Guard I#4 (fb) - BTS) - After Tansteele was presumably imprisoned for fomenting war, Demogog Montano be ![]() (Dark Guard I#4) - Dark Angel introduced Montano and Egalitern leader Trusivor, and they optimistically prepared to negotiate peace on Eopia. He mirrored Trusivor's noting of how he savored this historic moment, and he added that he sensed a new chapter in Eopian life was about to be written. Dark Angel then noted that diplomatic procedure was not the Dark Guard's strong point, and that from here on, it was all up to the two of them. After Montano replied that it was a challenge to which they rose, Dark Angel advised them to get their world in order, or the Dark Guard would be back to show them what they were good at. --Dark Guard#4 |
![]() ![]() (Dark Guard I#2 - BTS) - While the other free members of the group were sent to try to reason with Trusivor and the Egaliterns, Death's Head and Motormouth requested instead to be sent to the Helios Plateau to rescue Killpower and Liger. At least formerly the stronghold of the Technarchy. (Dark Guard I#3) - Death's Head and Motormouth assaulted a group of armored Technarchy agents -- with Death's Head decapitating at least one with his blade-configuration hand, and Motormouth blasting a number with her sonic scream (limiting their stealth approach) -- forcing them to reveal that their teammates were being held in Interview Suite Nine, in Sub-Level Two. The pair subsequently interrupted Tansteele and Collapsar's questioning and battering, respectively, of Killpower and Liger. (Dark Guard I#3 - BTS) - As Death's Head assaulted Collapsar, Motormouth freed the captives (Dark Guard I#3) - Liger and Clementine incapacitated Tansteele. (Dark Guard I#3 - BTS) - Following the attack on the Technarchy legion encampment on Helios Plateau (by Death's Head and Motormouth), the Technarchy considered this an act of war, and they formally declared war on the Egaliterns. Tyburn informed the rest of the Dark Guard that the Egaliterns retaliation would be automatic, and Eopia was finished. ![]() (Dark Guard I#4) - Killpower, Liger, and Motormouth fought their way past Technarchy warriors, and eventually Liger and Death's Head ruptured Collapsar's containment shell, causing Collapsar's energies to explode outwardly, leveling the Helios Plateau bunker complex. (Dark Guard I#4) - The Egaliterns assumed this explosion to have been an accidental detonation of one of the Technarchy's own missiles in its silo. (Dark Guard I#4 (fb) - BTS) - Death's Head, Liger, Motormouth, and Killpower assumed Tansteele to have perished in Collapsar's explosion. Technarchy high command sent other officials to the Helios Plateau by shuttle. (Dark Guard I#4 (fb) - BTS) - Casualties took the fight out of the Technarchy, and Death's Head assessed the Technarchy to be amenable to peace negotiations with the Egaliterns. (Dark Guard I#4 (fb) - BTS) - Having escaping death, Tansteele commandeered the command gunship and refused to acknowledged the Technarchy's hails. (Dark Guard I#4) - Technarchy forces informed Dark Guard of Tansteele's actions, and they prepared to shoot him out of the sky. (Dark Guard I#4 (fb) - BTS) - From his ship, Tansteele launched two cruise missiles aimed at the Egaliterns city. As Tansteele had all the override protocols, those present at Helios base were unable to abort the launches. (Dark Guard I#4) - Wishing to bring in Tansteele alive, Liger had his gun, Clementine, fire an electromagnetic pulse to target his ship's drive systems, causing him to crash, after which Killpower punched out Tansteele. Liger nonetheless notified Death's Head that he would not be able to crack the abort systems in time. --Dark Guard#2 |
![]() (Dark Guard I#2) - When a pair of giant Technarchy tanks appeared, Death Metal and Liger each targeted one of them; Liger had Death's Head choose, as he mockingly noted that the tanks both looked like relatives of Death's Head to him. ![]() Meanwhile, Liger had his gun/weapon/partner, Clementine, fire a series of armor-piercing and high explosive rounds in a rapid burst. Death's Head then emerged from the first tank, covered in blood, and noting that he was finished. --Dark Guard#2 Note: The tank crew member in green looks pretty much identical to the Comcorder, who was in the command ship at the time. Presumably, Comcorder is just a title, and those in that position had similar uniforms. However, none of the tank crew members were identified by name, title, rank, role, etc. |
images: (without ads)
Dark Guard#1, pg. 22, panel 2 (Dark Guard arriving on Eopia in the middle of Technarchy forces);
pg. 23, panel 1 (Technarchy forces threatening Dark Guard);
panel 4 (Death's Head assaulting Technarchy forces);
pg. 25, panel 3 (Technarchy fleet/reinforcements);
#2, pg. 1, panel 1 (Tansteele's ship);
panel 2-3 (Comcorder, seated body and face; ship interior);
pg. 6, panel 2 (tank);
pg. 7, panel 2 (tank crew);
pg. 10, panel 3 (ship/reinforcements);
pg. 21, panel 1 (Helios Plateau);
#3, pg. 13, panel 3 (Death's Head and Motormouth assaulting Helios forces);
pg. 14, panel 3-4 (unmasked armored agent);
#4, pg. 15, panel 5 (monitor tech);
pg. 17, panel 3 (command ship crashing);
pg. 20, panel 4-5 (Montano, profile and face)
Dark Guard#1-4 (October, 1993 - January, 1994) - Dan
Abnett (writer), Carlos Pacheco (pencils), Oscar Jimenez (inks), Stuart
Bartlett (editor)
First posted: 09/19/2022
Last updated: 09/19/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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