Classification: Naturally-occurring
terrestrial land mass
Creator: Nature
User/Possessors: Wakanda (and, more
specifically, the Dora Milaje warriors)
First Appearance: Wakanda Forever: Avengers#1
(October, 2018)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: While nothing was
unnatural about it, Ukuaji Cliff functioned as the training grounds for
the Wakandan warrior women known as the Dora Milaje.
History: (Wakanda Forever:
Avengers#1 (fb) - BTS) - Ukuaji Cliff in Wakanda served as the training
grounds for Wakanda's Dora Milaje warriors.
(Wakanda Forever: Avengers#1 (fb)) - The young Okoye
and Nakia were brought to Ukuaji Cliff as part of their Dora Milaje
training and tasked with leaping from the cliff and keeping their form
for a graceful landing. Okoye successfully jumped from the cliff, kept
her form and landed onto the Vibranium net generated by Wakandan
drummers. When Nakia was next called to the edge of Ukuaji Cliff, she
admitted her nervousness and was assured she would be fine as long as
she trusted in her fellow warriors. Nakia then jumped from Ukuaji Cliff
but caught sight of King T'Challa on the way down and became
distracted, losing her form. The Wakandan warriors quickly began
drumming to generate the Vibranium net for Nakia but Nakia hit the net
on her chin and bounced to the ground. Having witnessed the fall,
T'Challa ran over to Nakia and summoned medics to Ukuaji Cliff.
Comments: Created by Nnedi Okorafor and Oleg Okunev.
I chose the item template for this profile, as the
location template was more for an entire nation or country and Ukuaji
Cliff is a naturally occurring cliff location within Wakanda. It does
not have a capital city or population of its own.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Ukuaji Cliff has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Wakanda Forever: Avengers#1, p1, pan1 (Okoye & Nakia standing at
the edge of Ukuaji Cliff, main image)
Wakanda Forever: Avengers#1, p3, pan1 (Nakia leaping from Ukuaji Cliff)
Wakanda Forever: Avengers#1 (October, 2018) - Nnedi Okorafor (writer),
Oleg Okunev (art), Wil Moss (editor)
First Posted: 12/16/2021
Last updated: 12/16/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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