Membership: "Fang," "Fork Tongue" and "Talon"
Purpose: To spread terror and feed on the dead
Affiliations: None;
formerly Peter Morrison
Enemies: Howard, Peter Morrison, Tom Prentiss, Professor Tomkins
Base of Operations: Grisdale Cemetery (see comments)
First Appearance: Adventures into Terror#12/1 (October, 1952)
(Adventures into Terror#12/1 (fb) - BTS) - The origins of this ghastly group calling themselves the Unholy Three is yet unknown. According to myths about ghouls, it can be speculated that in life they were once evil men and practitioners of black magic and witchcraft who were transformed into undead ghouls upon their deaths by either being killed by other ghouls or from some evil mystical spell to grant them eternal life or possibly by a demonic being that turned them into their current form as a reward or punishment. Whatever their origins, what is known about them was that late at night they were hanging around Grisdale Cemetery dining on the recently dead.
(Adventures into Terror#12/1) - When they came one night upon Peter Morrison, who was found outside the cemetery working on his car that had engine trouble. Instead of draining Peter's blood they allowed him to leave unharmed due to his pleading and promise of bringing them three of his friends if they spared his life. Later, in the evening, they appeared inside Peter Morrison's bedroom while he was preparing to sleep to remind him about not going back on their deal and the frightened Peter once again agreed. That same night, Peter brought his friends one by one to the graveyard and each in turn were attacked by the Unholy Three who dined on their fresh blood. Abiding by the rules of the agreement, they kept their promise of not harming Peter. However, much to Peter Morrison's horror, as he was about to leave his friends Tompkins, Howard and Prentice, having been transformed into zombie ghouls by the Unholy Three, killed the horrified man as they were not privy to the same agreement he had with the Unholy Three.
Comments: Created by Stan Lee & Bernie Krigstein.
The Unholy Three's names were never revealed in the short story, and their names are merely place holders used to differentiate them from other characters and are subject to change. I based their names on their appearance only and feel that they may be close to what the writer had in mind.
The Story was reprinted in Crypt of Shadows#12 with slight differences. The original story was called Horror in the Graveyard and the reprint was titled Ghouls in the Graveyard. They were called zombies in the original story and ghouls in the reprint. The reanimated corpses of Tomkins, Howard, and Prentiss were also called zombies in the original. The rest of the story is unchanged. I am not sure why these were changed but it may have had something to do with the early comics code not allowing comic books to use certain words or images due to their graphic nature. During the 1970's when it was reprinted it was more acceptable in practice. Since both versions were written by Stan Lee and edited by him too, I went with the reprint version and called them ghouls as well.
Grisdale Cemetery does not exist in the real world but a small town bearing the Grisdale name once existed in Washington State in 1946 that served to house the workers for the Simpson Timber Company. The small company owned town ceased to be in 1986 and all that remains are its building foundations after the company razed it all to the ground and relocated its workers and families to other communities. It is possible on Marvel’s Atlas Era Earth; the town was and is a thriving community much larger than a company owned camp was. The writer may have been familiar with the name and town and used it as fictional setting since it was thriving and active during the time this story was first published. It is also likely the town of Grisdale is simply a fictional town that could exist in any of the 50 US States.
Profile by AvatarWarlord
The Unholy Three have no known connections to:
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"Fang" always appears with a horrifying grin due to his larger than normal canine fangs. He was cunning and devious and seemed to enjoy playing mind games with his potential prey. Being a ghoul, he fed on the fresh blood and flesh of the recent dead and could transform humans into vampiric ghouls. Being a form of undead, Fang no longer aged or required breathing to live and likely was resistance to poisons and diseases. "Fang" seemed to possess a psychic rapport with his prey and could teleport to its location. Like all ghouls, he had a strong odor of death and decay. --Adventures into Terror#12/1 |
"Fork Tongue" has a long snake-like forked tongue that constantly darted in and out of his mouth. He was cruel and bloodthirsty preferring to quickly kill his prey rather than playing around but would follow the others' lead and abide by their wishes without question. Being a ghoul, he fed on the fresh blood and flesh of the recent dead and could transform humans into vampiric ghouls. Being a form of undead, "Fork Tongue" no longer aged or required breathing to live and likely was resistance to poisons and diseases. "Fork Tongue" seemed to possess a psychic rapport with his prey and could teleport to its location. Like all ghouls, he had a strong odor of death and decay. --Adventures into Terror#12/1 |
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"Talon" was cunning and intelligent and appeared to be the group's spokesperson and leader. He seemed to enjoy toying with his prey by using mind games. Being a ghoul, he fed on the fresh blood and flesh of the recent dead and could transform humans into vampiric ghouls. Being a form of undead, "Talon" no longer aged or required breathing to live and likely was resistance to poisons and diseases. "Talon" seemed to possess a psychic rapport with his prey and could teleport to its location. Like all ghouls, he had a strong odor of death and decay. --Adventures into Terror#12/1 |
Peter Morrison was working on his broke down car outside the Grisdale Cemetery late at night where he was approached by the Unholy Three who desired to feed on the terrified man. Begging for his life, he promised that if they spared him, he would bring them three of his friends in exchange. Agreeing with his deal, they let Peter leave unharmed. Later at home while shrugging them off and about to go to bed, the Unholy Three appeared at his bedside to remind him of their deal. One by one, Peter brought his friends Tomkins, Howard, and Prentiss to the Grisdale Cemetery where they were attacked by the Unholy Three who were waiting. Unknown to Peter, his friends were transformed into ghouls and attacked him as they were not privy to the same deal he had with the Unholy Three. --Adventures into Terror#12/1 |
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He was one of Peter Morrison's friends. Professor Tomkins was awoken late at night by Peter Morrison and convinced to come to the Grisdale Cemetery. He was shoved into an open grave where he was attacked and killed by the Unholy Three who drained him of his blood. Upon his death he was transformed into a ghoul along with Howard and Tom Prentiss and attacked and killed Peter Morrison as they were not privy to his deal with the Unholy Three. --Adventures into Terror#12/1 |
Howard was one of Peter Morrison's friends. He was convinced by Peter to come to the Grisdale Cemetery late at night and became trapped beneath a large tombstone that his friend toppled on him. Begging Peter for help, he was attacked and killed by the Unholy Three who fed on his blood. Upon his death he was transformed into a ghoul along with Professor Tomkins and Tom Prentiss and attacked and killed Peter Morrison as they were not privy to his deal with the Unholy Three. --Adventures into Terror#12/1 |
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Tom was one of Peter Morrison's friends. He was convinced by Peter to help him at the Grisdale Cemetery but was hesitant and wary. While trying to leave the graveyard, he was strangled to death by Peter and left for the Unholy Three to drain him of blood. After his death, he was transformed into a ghoul along with Professor Tomkins and Howard and attacked and killed Peter Morrison as they were not privy to his deal with the Unholy Three. --Adventures into Terror#12/1 |
images: (without ads)
Adventures into Terror#12/1, p2, pan8 (Group main image)
Adventures into Terror#12/1, p2, pan1 ("Fang")
Adventures into Terror#12/1, p2, pan3 ("Fork Tongue")
Adventures into Terror#12/1, p2, pan2 ("Talon")
Adventures into Terror#12/1, p2, pan7 (Peter Morrison)
Adventures into Terror#12/1, p3, pan6 (Professor Tomkins)
Adventures into Terror#12/1, p4, pan2 (Howard)
Adventures into Terror#12/1, p5, pan1 (Tom Prentiss)
Adventures into Terror#12/1 (October, 1952) - Bernie Krigstein (art), Stan Lee (writer & editor)
Crypt of Shadows I#11/1 (July, 1974) - reprint
First Posted: 08/22/2021
Last updated: 08/22/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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