Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial gestalt being Occupation: Warrior, murderer; Group Membership: Unum is its own collective being Affiliations: Enemies: Adula, Adulaysha (natives of Yor), Collector (Taneleer Tivan), Enmity, Gamora, Jazinda Kl'rt-spawn, Lady Liberators (Invisible Woman/Sue Storm, She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Thundra, Valkyrie/Brunnhilde), Lyja, Mantis, Quasar (Phyla-Vell); presumably other superhuman women warriors from other worlds Known Relatives: None Aliases: "One from Many," "spawn of Enmity" (both self-proclaimed) Base of Operations: Mobile throughout the universe Education: As a component of countless entities, Unum may or may not have access to the collective knowledge education of her components First Appearance: She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 (February, 2009) |
.Powers/Abilities: Unum has vastly superhuman Class 100 strength and durability, enabling her to combat multiple superhuman opponents simultaneously. She delivered a punch to She-Hulk that She-Hulk considered could have killed her if she had not rolled with it. She can project destructive energy blasts and, with at least a few seconds to focus, apparently anti-matter-associated blasts to annihilate her foes. |
She can apparently warp space or teleport from the edge of a planet's atmosphere to another planet in another star system (or perhaps even intergalactic distances) in periods of minutes. She can psionically intercept broadcasted images and project her image in their place.
![]() Height: 10' Weight: 2000 lbs. Eyes: Solid white Hair: Black Skin: Gray |
. . (She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update#2: Unum) - For untold years, would-be conquerers, destroyers and others, including Annihilus of the Negative Zone, Dormammu of the Dark Dimension, the Magus (the dark counterpart of Adam Warlock), and many others had employed hordes of minions against enemies, little caring for the minions’ pain and deaths. One day, the minions called out in collective fury to the cosmic manifestation of Enmity, raging against their cosmic lot in life: Offering their energy, their devotion, the very lives to their beloved masters, and in return largely receiving only abuse, humiliation, and in many cases, death. They begged Enmity to aid them, and she merged an unspecified number of them into one gestalt being, the immensely powerful and feminine Unum, so that they could indulge their hatred and ultimately reflect in Enmity's glory. Intending for Unum to eliminate all super-powered beings, Enmity -- allegedly via luck of the draw -- sent Unum to first wipe out all superhuman women, after which she would go after men. Enmity twisted their love of one into hatred of others, and she further fueled their hatred while experiencing the pleasure of watching the frustrated minions achieve some measure of satisfaction. |
. (She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 (fb) - BTS) - Realizing that they had no hope against Unum, the Collector gathered a number of superhuman warriors -- including the Lady Liberators (Invisible Woman, Storm, and Thundra), female members of the Guardians of the Galaxy (Gamora, Mantis, Quasar) and others, including the skrull Lyja -- into a facility where he intended to protect them. . (She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1) - On the planet Yor, Unum brutally battered the superhuman woman Adulaysha. When the heroine's daughter, Adula, insisted Unum would have to go through her to get her mother, Unum incinerated them both with a blast from her hand. As the natives scattered, Unum strode through the city before using her axe's energies to fly into the air. . (She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 - BTS) - The Collector gathered the Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) to protect her from Unum. |
.![]() (She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1) - Unum flew down to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to confront She-Hulk (Jen Walters) and her skrull associate Jazinda, telling them "In the name of Enmity, in the name of justice, now you die." Swatting She-Hulk aside with a punch that she considered could have killed her if she had not rolled with it, she shrugged off gunfire from Jazinda. Telling the women that they would pay for their transgressions, Unum hen began generating a blast with energy from the Negative Zone (presumably anti-matter), but before it could strike her targets, they were teleported away by the Collector. Recognizing the Collector's involvement, Unum flew into the sky again, noting that this was not remotely over. Tracking the Collector to his base, Unum broke in and assaulted him there. Despite his cosmic power, Unum battered him as well until the fight brought them to his gathered heroines, at which point she redirected her assaults at them. Unum proved powerful enough to not only withstand the combined assaults of the heroins, but to keep them at the disadvantage, using her axe against Gamora, Lyja, and Valkyrie with one arm while blasting at Invisible Woman and straining her invisible field. |
As Unum pulled her off, Mantis flipped Unum and herself into She-Hulk and then had Quasar impale the three of them on Quasar's quantum sword. Mantis, She-Hulk, and Unum were then transported before Enmity into some space-like realm wherein they could all breathe, speak, etc. After reading She-Hulk's thoughts, Enmity noted how she in everyone's thoughts...except Mantis, who was without enmity. Enmity then detailed Unum's origins and the nature of her mission. |
![]() . When Unum arrived and attacked She-Hulk anew, She-Hulk convinced Unum that while its former masters had been cruel, their evil at least had a purpose; Enmity, however, had simply created and unleashed Unum as a twisted joke, and that Enmity was laughing at her. When Enmity retorted, "And what is I am? What difference should that make to you?", an enraged Unum replied that -- as she impaled Enmity with her spear -- while it shouldn't make a difference, it actually made all the difference in the world. Unharmed but furious, Enmity cursed Unum as an ungrateful cow, asking how dare she throw her gifts back at her in this manner. Frustrated with the whole experience, Enmity said, "To Hell with the lot of you!" and vanished in a burst of energy/light. (She-Hulk: Cosmic Collision#1 - BTS) - She-Hulk and the other heroines recovered and/or were healed and returned to their homes.Unum's fate is unrevealed. |
Comments: Created by Peter David, Mahmud A. Asrar, and Scott Hanna.
Adulaysha's name was revealed in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update#2's Unum profile.
The story made it seem like Unum assaulted She-Hulk and Jazinda right
after leaving Yor, but we really only know that Unum did this after
leaving Yor, and we don't know if Unum stopped at other planets -- and,
if so, how many (and how many heroines on those worlds fell to her) --
en route to Earth.
It would also seem to make sense that Unum
was traveling from one portion of space and striking at the hero's of
the next closest world and moving in such fashion, but she may well
have been teleporting around the galaxy or the entire universe as she
saw fit. Randomness of attacks seems like a fitting method, but we may
never know...
Thanks to Aleksandr Polnikov for providing a cleaned up scan of the Unum's OHotMU profile.
Profile by Snood.
Unum should be distinguished from:
Appearances: Official
Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update#2 (August, 2010) - Jeff Christiansen (head
writer/coordinator), Mike Fichera, Mike O'Sullivan, Markus Raymond & Stuart Vandal (assistant
coordinators), Michael Hoskin,
Mike O'Sullivan, Kevin Garcia, Rob
London, Madison Carter, Gabriel
Shechter, Ronald
Byrd, Sean McQuaid, Stuart Vandal, Chris Biggs, David Wilftong & Jacob Rougemont (writers), Gus Vasquez
& Tom Chu (Unum artwork), Theodore W. Kutt (copy editor), Alex Starbuck
(assistant editor), John Denning (associate editor), Jennifer Grunwald & Mark D. Beazley (editors,
special projects), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
Cosmic Collision#1 (February, 2009) - Peter David (writer), Mahmud A.
Asrar (penciler), Scott Hanna (inker), Lauren Henry (assistant editor),
Bill Rosemann (editor)
First posted: 12/27/2022
Last updated: 01/03/2023
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