Real Name: Unrevealed (presumably Peter Parker)
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-15901) human mutate vampire
Occupation: Adventurer, vampire hunter
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Blade, Man-Spider of Earth-666, Spider-Man (Bruce Banner of Earth-70105), Spider-Man (Peter Parker of Earth-9105)
Enemies: Inheritors of Earth-001 (Bora, Brix, Daemos, Jennix, Morlun, Solus), Morbius, other vampires
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, New York,
USA First Appearance: (mentioned) Spider-Man:
Vampire Wars toyline - Morbius Unbound action figure (1996); Powers/Abilities: Spider-Man had the
spider-like superhuman powers possessed by most Spider-totems,
presumably including superhuman strength, agility, the ability to cling
to solid surfaces and a danger-warning "Spider-Sense." As a vampire, he
also possessed the conventional abilities of a vampire including
razor-sharp fangs and superhuman strength in addition to his
spider-strength. He had gray skin, red eyes and elongated forearms with
small, bat-like wings protruding from them. Originally, he also had
black, horn-like protrusions from his shoulder blades but those seemed
to have either disappeared over time or they only appeared when he was
in a more bat-like form.
Prior to his vampiric transformation, Spider-Man
briefly utilized air attack gear that allowed him to fly at high speeds
and anti-vampire armor that protected him from vampire attacks. While
wearing the anti-vampire armor, Spider-Man also used a
sunlight-emitting blaster to destroy vampires.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 6'10") History: (Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Morbius Unbound action figure cardback - BTS) - After the living vampire Morbius mutated into a darker, unbound version of himself, he began assembling an army of living vampires like himself to take over New York City with only the heroic Spider-Man and vampire hunter Blade to stand in his way. (Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Blade: Vampire Hunter action figure cardback - BTS) - Morbius soon began what was called the Vampire Wars, forcing Spider-Man and Blade to work together in an effort to stop the Wars. (Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Air Attack Spider-Man action figure cardback) - Locating Morbius and discovering that he had transformed into a flying, bat-like form, Spider-Man donned air attack gear to take to the skies in an effort to stop the winged creature and his vampire followers. (Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Anti-Vampire Spider-Man action figure cardback) - Working with Blade to stop the entire army of vampires, Spider-Man utilized anti-vampire armor to protect himself from vampire attacks and a sunlight-emitting blaster capable of destroying vampires. (Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Vampire Spider-Man action figure cardback) - Unfortunately, Spider-Man was bitten by the mutated Morbius and became a creature of the night with vampiric powers. Despite now being a vampire, Spider-Man continued to fight in an effort to end the Vampire Wars. (Amazing Spider-Man III#9/2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, the vampiric Inheritors of Earth-001 defeated and captured the vampire Spider-Man, leaving him within an inch of his life as they brought him back to Earth-001. (Amazing Spider-Man III#9/2) - Placing a large plate, the vampire Spider-Man was presented on a dining table alongside Earth-70105's Spider-Man and Earth-666's Man-Spider for the Inheritors to feed on. Spider-Man remained hunched over on the plate, barely alive, as the Inheritors argued about when the devour the Spider-totems. Once Morlun returned from a Spider-totem hunt with Earth-9105's Spider-Man, Inheritor patriarch Solus announced it was time to eat and the Inheritor Brix immediately went for the vampire Spider-Man. As Spider-Man looked Bora in the eye, the Inheritors fed on him and the other Spider-totems, killing them. Comments: Created by an unidentified creative team.
While none of the action figure cardbacks that provide the story of the Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline had any credits whatsoever, Steve Skroce was the design artist on at least the Anti-Vampire Spider-Man action figure though it now seems to be lost to the ages if he designed each of the figures. The original design sketch for Anti-Vampire Spider-Man was published in a 1996 (or maybe 1997?) issue of ToyFare magazine and that sketch is included above. For those of you curious what the Vampire Spider-Man action figure looked like, you might find an image of it to the right here. Profile by Proto-Man. CLARIFICATIONS: Earth-15901's Blade was a renowned vampire hunter who teamed up with Spider-Man at the breakout of the Vampire Wars. He assisted the armored Spider-Man in locating the mutated Morbius and continued to aid Spider-Man destroy vampires during the ongoing Vampire Wars. --Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Morbius Unbound action figure cardback - BTS (Blade: Vampire Hunter action figure cardback, Anti-Vampire Spider-Man action figure cardback - BTS Earth-15901's Morbius was similar to his Earth-616 counterpart until he further mutated into a darker version of himself and decided to raise an army of living vampires like himself to overtake New York City. Ushering in the Vampire Wars, Morbius and his army fought against the heroes Blade and Spider-Man, with Spider-Man donning air attack gear to fight Morbius in the air. Eventually, Morbius managed to bite Spider-Man, transforming him into a vampire, but Spider-Man continued on as a hero in the Vampire Wars despite his new affliction. --Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Morbius Unbound action figure cardback (Blade: Vampire Hunter action figure cardback - BTS, Air Attack Spider-Man action figure cardback - BTS, Vampire Spider-Man action figure cardback - BTS images:
(without ads) Appearances: First posted: 08/03/2022 Any Additions/Corrections? please let
me know. Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to
www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
(fully seen) Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Air
Attack Spider-Man action figure (1996);
(in a Marvel comic): Amazing Spider-Man III#9
(January, 2015)
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 220 lbs.)
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
The action figure and the art on the back of the action figure card showed the vampire Spider-Man's skin to be gray but in Amazing Spider-Man III#9, his skin color appeared to be green. The green hue could have just been an effect of the torch lighting used by the Inheritors at their dinner table reflecting off the gray skin....or it could just be a coloring error.
Earth-15901's vampire Spider-Man should be distinguished from:
Amazing Spider-Man III#9, p24-25, pan1 (Spider-Man, main image)
Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Morbius Unbound action figure, card front (Spider-Man in original costume, pre-transformation)
Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Air Attack
Spider-Man action figure, cardback (Spider-Man headshot in air attack gear)
Original Anti-Vampire Spider-Man concept sketch by Steve Skroce (Spider-Man in anti-vampire armor)
Amazing Spider-Man III#9, p32, pan4 (Spider-Man headshot as vampire)
Amazing Spider-Man III#9, p32, pan5 (death)
Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Vampire Spider-Man, action figure (Vampire Spider-Man toy)
Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Blade action figure, cardback (Blade)
Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Morbius Unbound action figure, cardback (Morbius)
Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Morbius Unbound action figure (1996)
- uncredited creative team
Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Blade - Vampire Hunter action figure
(1996) - uncredited creative team
Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Air Attack Spider-Man action figure
(1996) - uncredited creative team
Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Anti-Vampire Spider-Man action
figure (1996) - uncredited creative team
Spider-Man: Vampire Wars toyline - Vampire Spider-Man action figure
(1996) - uncredited creative team
Amazing Spider-Man III#9 (January, 2015) - "Spider-Verse: The Feast"
story - Dan Slott (writer), Giuseppe Camuncoli (pencils), Cam Smith
(inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Last updated: 08/03/2022
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