Earth-5555 circa 8162 A.D.
Real Name: Jules Venici
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-5555 circa 8162 A.D.) human
Occupation: Controller of the Undertaker's uptown criminal interests
Group Membership: First lieutenant in the Undertaker's organization (including the second lieutenant, Roberto "Slick" Capedellani); numerous unidentified men serving under Jules (many slain by Death's Head)
Affiliations: Undertaker (Josiah Carker); unidentified "babe";
presumably Plaguedog
Enemies: Dead Cert, Death's Head (Freelance Peacekeeping Agent)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Kneecap, Senor Venici
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly a hotel or some other building in the
uptown in the Los Angeles Settlement circa 8162 A.D., Earth-5555
First Appearance: Death's Head I#4 (March, 1989)
Powers/Abilities: Experienced enough to serve
as second-in-command of an organized criminal organization, Jules was
experienced in criminal strategy and likely in armed and unarmed
That being said, all he actually did was carry around a drink, express hunger, and recognize an obvious trap while failing to appreciate that it was the cover for another assault.
He had numerous criminals serving under him who carried various weapons, mostly machine guns.
Height: Unrevealed (perhaps 5'11")
Weight: Unrevealed (perhaps 200 lbs.; more or less depending on
whether his shoulders were that broad or whether it was just his suit;
I think the latter)
Eyes: Dark, presumably brown
Hair: Black
(Death's Head I#4 (fb) - BTS) - Jules "Kneecap" Venici was the first lieutenant and controller of the criminal Undertaker's uptown interests.
(Death's Head I#4 (fb) - BTS) - The Undertaker's
rival, Dead Cert, hired the freelance peacekeeping agent Death's Head
to take out the Undertaker's killer, Plaguedog. Unsure how to find
Plaguedog, Death's Head resolved to kill the Undertaker's first
lieutenant, Venici, and then threaten his second lieutenant,
Capedellani, in hopes of luring out Plaguedog.
(Death's Head I#4 (fb) - BTS) - "Kneecap" was enjoying a drink with a lady at his birthday party.
Comments: Created by Simon Furman and Lee Sullivan.
"Kneecap" had a sub-profile in the
Undertaker profile, first published back in 4/22/2003. I didn't see
"Kneecap" linked from Death's Head's foes, so I thought he didn't have
a profile. It wasn't until I went to link this profile to the
Undertaker that I saw that he had a sub-profile there...but, anyway,
he's got a full name, a full body image, a personality, and a couple
interesting pages, so worth the profile in my book.
This profile was completed 04/06/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Snood.
Jules "Kneecap" Venici should be distinguished from:
Death's Head I#4, pg. 3, panel 4 (full);
pg. 5, panel 2 (cake);
panel 4 (with men);
panel 5 (cut the cake);
pg. 6, panel 3 (cake on face);
pg. 7, panel 1 (explosion)
Death's Head I#4 (March, 1989) - Simon Furman (writer), Lee Sullivan (artist), Richard Starkings (editor)
First posted: 09/04/2021
Last updated: 09/01/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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