Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Vipers of Valtorr can be cast in different ways, each one granting a different power and different effects. The Vapors were used for defensive (Transmutation) and offensive purposes (Conjuration).
Aliases: None
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Vipers of Valtorr slowly but inexorably dealt damage to an enemy. The power of the Vipers was such that they could resist to some defensive spells, so that the target soon found himself enveloped and entangled, to the point that no further action could be possible for him. At that point, the coils constrictor force should slowly kill the target.
Casting Time: Few
Range: Short (approximately 30 feet)
Components: A
mandatory component, probably at caster's choice among:
Duration: Concentration,
1 minute, probably.
Primary effects: A mass of multiplying tentacles
grabbing, restraining, constricting the target.
Collateral effects: None.
(Doctor Strange
II#34) - Cyrus Black conjured the Vipers of Valtorr
to defeat Doctor Strange. A deformed mass of green writhing tendrils
assaulted Strange. For every appendage that Strange neutralized,
others took its place. The vipers pierced through his Mystic Screen,
so that Strange was ensnared and was difficult for him to cast spells.
Finally, encased in the Crystals of Cyttorak,
the lethal vipers were reduced at tiny size and hurled into the
endless void.
Version: Transmutation
The Vipers of Valtorr
can transform multiple objects into snakes. It is unrevealed
whether the spell can also transform living beings and whether it
is only limited to some reptiles.
Casting Time:
Range: Medium (approximately 60 feet)
Components: A
mandatory component, probably at caster's choice among:
Duration: Concentration.
Primary effects: The items, target of the spell, are
transformed into snakes. The affected area has a minimum radius of 10
feet (approximately).
Collateral effects: None.
(Doctor Strange II#22) - The
Vipers of Valtorr
cast by Clea against a squad of Police officers transformed their guns
into snakes. She dismissed the spell with a blinding flash of light that
left the policemen confused.
In Doctor Strange II#22, it could arise the
doubt that the snakes recoiling around the policemen wrists were
mere illusions. However, in her altered mental status, Clea had
already used other Transmutation spells, just before she was
confronted by the cops. She transformed Big Bertha's body to merge
it into the prison's wall and shortly after she transformed a
homeless into a pig.
In Doctor Strange II#23, the attack
type of the Wormworlds was similar to the attack performed by
Cyrus Black in DrStr2#34. Strange shouted "Vipers of Valtorr..."
but it is unrevealed if he was merely surprised or if he
recognized that the Wormworlds were using that magic spell.
Vipers of Valtorr's "dread" attribute comes from Valtorr's
When a Mystic Principality is invoked, sometime the caster is explicitly asking for a favor (the power), sometime the caller is asking the same, but implicitly. Nonetheless, there were plenty of times when the invocation was a simple exclamation, by surprise, by thanksgiving, by disappointment or by not understandable motives, and so on. The latter cases happened many times for the Vipers of Valtorr, too. These cases cannot be classified into version, or schools, or spells. Examples:
One of Valtorr's appearances was in the form of a Snake. The other one was in vapor form.
Profile by Spidermay.
The Vipers of Valtorr
are strictly connected to the Vapors of Valtorr
and to Valtorr's Stings, but have no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Doctor Strange II#34, p12, pan1 (Cyrus Black
entangled Strange with the Vipers of Valtorr)
Doctor Strange II#22 (guns
transmutated into snakes)
Doctor Strange I#174,
p13, pan1 (exclamation)
Doctor Strange II#31, cover (one-eyed hands
tentacles dragging Strange toward Death)
Doctor Strange II#22 (April, 1977) - Marv Wolfman (writer), Rudy Nebres (pencils and inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Doctor Strange II#34 (April, 1979) - Ralph Macchio (writer), Tom Sutton (pencils), P. Craig Russell (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
First Posted: 06/30/2021
Last updated: 06/30/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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