Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Energy being (presumed human mutant
or mutate)
Occupation: Unrevealed
Group Membership: None identified
Affiliations: Unspecified pa
Enemies: Sheree
Cinders, Iron Man (Tony Stark); unidentified former employers; anyone
associated with the Superhuman Registration Act
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Impersonated Sheree Cinders
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
last scene in what appeared to be Lunar Square park (see comments)
First Appearance: (Digital) Astonishing Tales: Iron
Man#1 - Making an Appearance (December 31, 2008);
(Printed/comic book) Astonishing Tales II#1/3 (April,
Powers/Abilities: Per Tony Stark, Visage is composed of focused infrared laser pulses, creating balls or glowing plasma at various interconnecting focal points. She was a living volumetric display, and any time she needed power she could siphon it out of electrical systems, such as his own.
She can alter her appearance to
impersonate other humans (at least another human woman, even if
significantly smaller and differently proportioned).
Her energies were undetectable by even
Iron Man's advanced technology when in powered-down human form.
Presumably based on the energies she has absorbed, she is strong and durable enough to trade punches with Iron Man.
She can project energy blasts.
Height: Unrevealed (she appeared to be at least 6'
tall); variable
Weight: Unrevealed (She may or may not be composed of normal
human flesh and blood as opposed to pure energy; at her height and
build in normal human form, I'd estimate her at perhaps 165 lbs. at 6'
Eyes: Unrevealed (shown as glowing white or light blue)
Hair: Blonde
Astonishing Tales II#1/3 (fb) - BTS) - Visage sealed Sheree Cinders (and her agent) in her apartment and impersonated Cinders. (Astonishing Tales II#1/3)
<Some weeks before the Secret Invasion> - As Cinders,
accompanied Tony Stark to a Medi-Kids Gala, a benefit to support
children. (Astonishing Tales II#1/3) - After they arrived at the event, Charlie Francisco lambasted Stark over a variety of issues until "Cinders" urged Stark that it was time for them to give the welcoming speech. As Iron Man spoke for the cause, Visage powered up, and Iron Man's sensors reported this perhaps seconds before "Cinders" punched him off the stage, swiftly draining his armor's power down to 2%. After confirming that she had replaced Cinders, she identified herself as Visage, noting that she had a job and a life until Stark's Superhuman Registration Act (SHRA) encouraged her bosses to test employees for super-powers without their consent. |
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Considering that Visage had rehearsed her speech for the benefit of the reporters, Iron Man fruitlessly struck her with a repulsor blast, after which she accused him of causing her to lose everything, and she punched him away. When he tried to turn his uni-beam (in dissolution mode) against Visage, she turned the assault back on him. Unphased by another punch to the face from Iron Man, Visage punched him back again with a punch to his abdomen. |
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Comments: Created by Christopher Sequeira, W. Chew Chan, and Tom Palmer.
This profile was completed 1/03/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Visage should be distinguished from:
Astonishing Tales II#1/3 (April, 2009) - Christopher Sequeira (writer), W. Chew Chan (penciler), Tom
Palmer (inker), Jody LeHeup (assistant editor), John Barber (editor)
First posted: 09/30/2021
Last updated: 09/29/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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