main image


Membership: Bored Bear, No-No-Bear, Unbearable Bear, Unfair Bear (all mutated Shadows)

Purpose: To ruin the reputation of the Care Bears

Affiliations: Beastly, No-Heart

Enemies: Care Bears (notably Bedtime Bear, Cheer Bear, Funshine Bear, Good Luck Bear)

Base of Operations: No-Heart's Castle; Southside School

First Appearance: Care Bears#11 (July, 1987)

Powers: Each of the Who-Cares Bears had their own attitude and could influence humans around them to feel bad emotions so as to spark arguments, foster laziness and cheating. Together, the Bears could combine and blast the Who-Cares Bear Glare from their chest, a dark powerful shadow that evoked bad emotions in those caught in its beam.



(Care Bears#11) - No-Heart, the diabolical wizard who sought the downfall of the kindly Care Bears, initiated another nefarious plan and sent his henchman Beastly to the cloud-based land of Care-A-Lot to gain the dimensions of a Care Bear. Once identified, No-Heart turned four of his evil lackey Shadows, mixed with garbage, into dark forms of Care Bears with nasty traits; No-Heart dubbed them the Who-Cares Bears, comprising the selfish killjoy Bored Bear, the forever stubborn No-No-Bear, the ill-mannered gluttonous Unbearable Bear, and the corrupting and cheating Unfair Bear.

   Sent to the children's soccer field and Southside Schoolyard below Care-A-Lot, the Who-Cares Bears created trouble with their influence, causing fights, eating all the food and encouraging cheating. Seeing the trouble down below, four Care Bears (Bedtime Bear, Cheer Bear, Funshine Bear, Good Luck Bear) went to investigate but the Who-Cares Bears had already left, leaving the real Care Bears to take the blame. No-Heart next intended to disrupt the school assembly using the Who-Cares Bears, but the real Care Bears had finally found out the wizard's evil plan and rushed to counter it. This led to a confrontation between the four Who-Cares Bears and the four real Care Bears on the stage at the packed school assembly. The powerful Care Bear Stare matched the Who-Cares Bear Glare until the children in the audience started cheering for the good-hearted and protective Care Bears. The bumbling Beastly inadvertently interfered and the Who-Cares Bears were revealed as empty husks with Shadows inside. Good Luck Bear cast them away with his chest beam.

Comments: Created by Michael Gallagher, Howard Post, Roberta Edelman.

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Who-Cares Bears have no known connections to:

Bored Bear

Bored Bear was a product of the nefarious wizard No-Heart, combining the bad emotions of a Shadow minion with garbage, all fused with dark magic. Bored Bear was selfish and cared only for himself. He yawned loudly to deliberately express dissatisfaction with everything around him. Bored Bear could combine with his fellow copycat Bears to cast the powerful Who-Cares Bear Glare from their chest. His selfishness spoiled the fun for the local children, who confused him for a real Care Bear. In the final confrontation with the true Care Bears, the school children recognized the duplicity of the evil copycat Bears and cheered for the Care Bears, who defeated the Who-Cares Bears.





--Care Bears#11


No-No-Bear was a creation of the evil wizard No-Heart, who sought the downfall of the Care Bears. No-Heart used a Shadow, a dark emotion-filled lackey, mixed with garbage and sorcery, to create his own Bears. No-No-Bear stubbornly and arrogantly said "no" to everything. No-No-Bear could combine with his fellow copycat Bears to cast the powerful Who-Cares Bear Glare from their chest. He spoiled the fun for the local children, who confused him for a real Care Bear. In the final confrontation with the true Care Bears, the school children recognized the duplicity of the evil copycat Bears and cheered for the Care Bears, who defeated the Who-Cares Bears.





--Care Bears#11

Unbearable Bear

The gluttonous Unbearable Bear was another creation of the evil wizard No-Heart, created from a the dark emotion of a Shadow lackey and rubbish, fused with black magic. Unbearable Bear was ill-mannered and greedy, and dismissive of others' needs. Unbearable Bear could combine with his fellow copycat Bears to cast the powerful Who-Cares Bear Glare from their chest. His gluttonous greed spoiled the fun for the local children, who confused him for a real Care Bear. In the final confrontation with the true Care Bears, the school children recognized the duplicity of the evil copycat Bears and cheered for the Care Bears, who defeated the Who-Cares Bears.





--Care Bears#11

Unfair Bear

Unfair Bear was a creation of the dire wizard No-Heart, combining the bad emotions of a Shadow minion with garbage, all fused with sorcery. Unfair Bear was a nasty cheat who sought to corrupt others and encouraged children gambling. Unfair Bear could combine with his fellow copycat Bears to cast the powerful Who-Cares Bear Glare from their chest. His cheating nature spoiled the fun for the local children, who confused him for a real Care Bear. In the final confrontation with the true Care Bears, the school children recognized the duplicity of the evil copycat Bears and cheered for the Care Bears, who defeated the Who-Cares Bears.





--Care Bears#11

images: (without ads)
Care Bears#11, p11, pan1 (main image)
   p19, pan2 (original Shadows form)
   p18, pan5 (Who-Cares Bear Glare)
   p13, pan6 (Bored Bear)
   p15, pan7 (No-No-Bear)
   p13, pan4 (Unbearable Bear)
   p14, pan2 (Unfair Bear)

Care Bears#11 (July, 1987) - Michael Gallagher (writer), Howard Post (pencils), Roberta Edelman (inks), Sid Jacobson (editor)

Last updated: 12/25/2021
Last updated: 12/25/2021.

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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