Real Name: Harris Young
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Mover;
formerly an unidentified occupation
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Coach Pavlich, Coach Woodward, Gene, Derek Lu, the Woodlawn High School Banshees, Connor Young
Enemies: None
Known Relatives: Connor Young (Darkhawk, son)
Aliases: "Dad"
Base of Operations: Woodlawn Heights, the Bronx, New York, USA
First Appearance: Darkhawk II#1 (October, 2021)
Powers/Abilities: Harris Young has no
superhuman powers but he is extremely caring and will do just about
anything for his son, Connor.
He appeared to be a capable mover.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'4")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 135 lbs.)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black (slightly graying)
History: (Darkhawk II#1) - The
morning after his son Connor scored the winning point within the last
ten seconds of his high school basketball game, Harris Young watched
and rewatched a clip of the game. When Connor woke up and came
downstairs, he reminded his father that he could simply watch the clip
on the app rather than using the laptop but Harris replied that he
couldn't save the videos on the app and the videos needed to be saved
as the start of an amazing journey for his son. Noticing Connor looked
tired, Harris asked if Connor slept much and when Connor mentioned he
had a headache, Harris reminded him that his doctor had warned Connor
about returning headaches. Connor reassured his father and decided to
go for a run and later, Harris accompanied Connor to the hospital when
Connor fell and received a head injury during his run. At the hospital,
Harris worried what was taking the doctors so long to return with the
results of Connor's MRI but Connor calmed his dad down just in time for
the doctor to return.
Later that evening, Harris was meeting with Connor and Connor's basketball coach, Coach Pavlich, when Connor's friend Derek Lu arrived to check on Connor. Despite Harris saying that it wasn't a good time for a visit, Connor invited Derek in and revealed that he had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. When Connor went to lay down, Harris discussed the diagnosis with Coach Pavlich and Derek until the pizza arrived. Harris tried to talk Derek out of paying for the pizza but Derek insisted, feeling like he wanted to help somehow. Connor soon returned and when he remarked on how he wasn't hungry, Harris insisted Connor eat something, even if he was only doing so for his father. Coach Pavlich soon tried to reassure Connor that his future was not over and Harris added that even if the MS diagnosis affected his basketball future, his life was not over. Some time later, when a now-benched Connor left his team's basketball game against the Lions, Harris had trouble reaching Connor and began to worry. When Connor returned home later that night, a worried Harris embraced his son and admitted that he feared something had happened. Connor explained that he just needed to clear his head but when Connor nearly explained how he had been transformed into the new Darkhawk, Harris looked at Connor worried and Connor instead decided not to tell his father. The two then went back inside their home.
(Darkhawk II#2 (fb) - BTS) - Harris spoke with Gene
at his work and informed him of his son's diagnosis and Harris' need to
take some time off. The two discussed Harris possibly returning to work
a month from then.
(Darkhawk II#2) - Harris called Connor downstairs to discuss with Connor his first day taking MS medication. Harris reminded Connor that he was there for him but the discussion kept getting interrupted by Harris' buzzing cell phone. Connor told his dad to pick up the phone and Harris answered the phone, speaking with Gene about his employment. Gene informed Harris how tough it had been with Harris' absence and Harris insisted that he would love to eventually return to work, even if only part-time, but Gene apparently had to let Harris go. Walking into another room, Harris thanked Gene for calling back and said he understood the situation and that he would let Gene know if anything changed. Returning to the kitchen, Harris found Connor on the floor, having attempted to give himself a shot of medicine, and he tearfully embraced Connor as Connor suffered through the pain.
(Darkhawk II#3) - Harris Young accompanied Connor to a doctor's appointment and noticed how Connor had been staring at his cellphone for an hour, prompting to ask what was up. When Connor replied that Derek was acting weird, Harris remarked that Derek was always weird but in a good way. He then listened as the doctor informed Connor of new lesions on his brain and asked questions as Connor asked his own questions about what was causing the lesions to multiply. Later, Harris called Connor downstairs, where Coach Pavlich informed Harris that Derek had died and both Harris and Pavlich attempted to console the grieving Connor.
(Darkhawk II#5) - Harris attended Derek Lu's funeral, where he asked
how the other members of Connor's basketball team were doing. He then
located Connor, walking up just in time to see Empire State
University's Coach Woodward leaving. Connor started to mention how he
couldn't even think about his scholarship at a time like this but the
conversation was halted when Connor noticed Shawn Trella at the
funeral. Knowing of Trella's part in Derek's death, Connor excused
himself from his father and Coach Pavlich to take things outside with
Trella, telling Harris that he needed some air. During Connor's battle
with Trella as Darkhawk outside, Harris attempted to call Connor twice,
leaving three voicemails. After Trella was downed, Connor called his
father back and claimed that he felt like he wasn't there for Derek.
Harris assured Connor that Derek's death was not Connor's fault and
suggested Connor return to the funeral to be there for Derek's family.
Following the funeral, Harris got a new job with a moving company and
when one of his co-workers asked why Harris didn't even take time for a
bathroom break, Harris replied (through bites of a sandwich) that he
had to keep the job for health insurance.
Comments: Created by Kyle Higgins and Juanan
Profile by Proto-Man.
Harris Young should be distinguished from:
Coach Woodward was the basketball coach at Empire State University who was interested in recruiting Harris Young's son Connor. During the funeral for Derek Lu, Coach Woodward was introduced to Connor via Connor's high school coach, Coach Pavlich, and Woodward expressed condolences for Connor's loss. As Woodward was departing, Harris walked up and asked Connor if that was Coach Woodward.
--Darkhawk II#5
--Darkhawk II#2 - BTS |
Darkhawk II#1 (October, 2021) - Kyle Higgins (writer), Juanan Ramirez
(art), Darren Shan (editor)
Darkhawk II#2 (November, 2021) - Kyle Higgins (writer), Juanan Ramirez
(art), Darren Shan (editor)
Darkhawk II#3 (January, 2022) - Kyle Higgins (writer), Juanan Ramirez
(art), Darren Shan (editor)
Darkhawk II#5 (March, 2022) - Kyle Higgins (writer), Juanan Ramirez
(art), Darren Shan (editor)
First posted: 02/17/2022
Last updated: 02/17/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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