(of Earth-2149)
Real Name: Janet Van Dyne (see comments)
Identity/Class: Extradimensional/alternate reality
(Earth-2149) human mutate
Occupation: None;
former adventurer
Group Membership: None;
formerly the Marvel Zombies (Angel/Warren Worthington
III, Beast/Hank McCoy, Black
Bolt/Blackagar Boltagon,
Black Knight/Dane Whitman, Black Widow/Natalia
Romanova, Blob/Fred Dukes, Bullseye/Lester, Captain
Marvel/Mar-Vell, Challenger/William Waring,
Colonel America/Steve Rogers, Colossus/Piotr Rasputin, Crystal/Crystalia
Amaquelin, Cyclops/Scott Summers, Daredevil/Matt Murdock,
Deadpool/"Wade Wilson," Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange, Egghead/Elihas
Starr, Falcon/Sam Wilson, Gambit/Remy Lebeau, Ghost Rider,
Giant-Man/Hank Pym, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Hellcat/Patsy Walker,
Hercules/Heracles, Hulk/Bruce Banner, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Iron
Fist/Danny Rand, Iron
Man/Tony Stark, Jack of Hearts/Jack Hart, Lizard/Curt Connors, Mister
Fantastic/Reed Richards, Moon Knight/Marc Spector, Moondragon/Heather
Ms. Marvel/Carol Danvers, Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner, Nighthawk/Kyle
Richmond, Nova/Richard Rider, Power
Man/Luke Cage,
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff, Red
Guardian/Alexi Shostakov, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Shang-Chi,
Speedball/Robbie Baldwin, Stilt-Man/Wilbur Day, Storm/Ororo Munroe,
Sub-Mariner/Namor MacKenzie, Swordsman/Jacques
Duquesne, Vulture/Victor Toomes, Wonder Man/Simon Williams, numerous
others); Avengers (Black
Widow, Colonel America, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, Power Man)
Affiliations: Acolytes (Fabian Cortez, Lisa Hendricks, Reynolds,
others), Black Panther
(T'Challa), Colonel America (Steve Rogers/T'Channa), Forge, Hawkeye
(Clint Barton), Lisa Hendricks, K'Shamba, Power
Man (Luke Cage), Reynolds, Spider-Man (Peter
Parker), zombie Kree
formerly Giant-Man (Hank Pym), Jarvis, the Marvel Zombies
Enemies: Acolytes (Burns, Malcolm Cortez, others), Avengers of Earth-91126 (Moon Knight/Marc Spector, Quasar/Wendell Vaughn, Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff, Sentry/Robert Reynolds, Sub-Mariner/Namor MacKenzie, Super-Skrull/K'lrt, Thundra), Deadites, Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom), Marvel Zombies, Necronomicon, Ashley J. Williams (Earth-818793), zombie Galacti (Dark Phoenix/Jean Grey, Firelord/Pyraeus Kril, Giant Man/Hank Pym, Gladiator/Kallark, Hulk/Bruce Banner, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Wolverine/James Howlett)
Known Relatives: Henry "Hank" Pym (Giant-Man,
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: An unidentified Kree planet in
formerly New Wakanda, Earth-2149;
M, orbiting Earth-2149
Avengers Mansion, Manhattan, New York, USA, Earth-2149
First Appearance: Ultimate Fantastic Four I#22
(October, 2005)
Powers/Abilities: Wasp originally possessed
the ability to fly, to grow and shrink through the use of Pym
Particles, and to project "wasp-sting" energy blasts
After being infected with an extradimensional virus, Wasp was effectively dead, unable to feel pain, and survived even having her head completely separated from her body. The virus also caused Wasp to painfully hunger for living flesh , even without a digestive system. Immediately after devouring flesh, Wasp's proper mind would return for a brief period until the hunger would once again cloud her mind and compel her to eat living meat. When she went for an extended period without eating, the hunger disappeared and her mind returned to normal. This normalcy lasted until she tasted flesh again and she would have to go into isolation until the hunger again subsided.
After gaining a series of cyborg bodies, she
lost her wings
and never again displayed her prior growth ability. She also possessed
Wasp's Sting blasters, which were transferred to each of her cybernetic
Height: 5'4" (by
comments; formerly variable)
Weight: 215 lbs. (by approximation-see
comments; formerly 110 lbs., variable)
Eyes: No visible irises
Hair: Brown
History: (Ultimate
Four I#22
Zombies vs. Army of Darkness#2/Marvel Zombies Return#5 (fb)) -
When an object crashed to the Earth from a portal over New York
and the Avengers went to investigate and discovered the Sentry (Robert
Reynolds of
Earth-91126). Infected with an extradimensional virus by the Sentry, the
Wasp was transformed into a zombie-like being.
(Marvel Zombies: Dead Days#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Wasp bit and infected her husband, Giant-Man (Henry "Hank" Pym).
(Marvel Zombies: Dead Days#1) - After the other
Avengers were similarly infected, Wasp and her fellow former heroes
(now dubbed the Marvel Zombies) began to
devour the citizens of New York, spreading the infection quickly.
During this rampage, a small spark of humanity appeared to still exist
within Colonel America, and he convinced Wasp and the others to return
the Avengers Mansion in hopes of finding a way to cure themselves.
Returning to the Mansion, the former Avengers instead killed and
began to devour their butler Jarvis. Wasp and the
others were eating Jarvis when Giant Man arrived
at the Mansion, and although initially hesitant, he joined them. Wasp later presumably took part in
the battle between the newly-formed uninfected resistance and the
Marvel Zombies.
(Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness#5) - During the
consumption of the rest of the planet, Wasp joined with the army of
Marvel Zombies to attack
Doom's stronghold in Latveria, where numerous uninfected survivors were
hiding out. She presumably fought against the army of undead Deadites
summoned by the alternate reality Ashley J. Williams using the mystic
Necromicon tome.
(Marvel Zombies I#1) - After Magneto helped Reed Richards
Earth-1610 return to his reality using a dimensional portal and
destroyed the dimensional portal behind him,
Wasp and the other Marvel Zombies attempted to capture and eat Magneto.
was initially able to escape and fend off the zombies until Wasp (in
her shrunken form) was able to sneak up on Magneto and take a bite
out of him. Giant-Man asked her to shrink down and share the piece, but
Wasp flew off, wanting to keep it for herself.
Zombies I#2) - Once the
other zombies had consumed the rest of Magneto, Giant-Man left to his
lab, where he had been hiding an uninfected Black Panther (T'Challa),
who Giant-Man had
kept alive and sedated to eat piece by piece in order to control his
hunger long enough to study the infection and his zombified self. Wasp
followed him and was angered that Giant-Man had kept a source of
food from her. She attempted to attack him, but Giant-Man enlarged
himself and bit her head off. He was unable to eat it because her
meat was rotten so he spat it out.
(Marvel Zombies I#3 - BTS) - Wasp's head remained sentient and active, and after Giant-Man left, Black Panther recovered from his sedation long enough to escape with the Wasp's assistance.
(Marvel Zombies I#3) - Black Panther carried the Wasp's head through the ruins of New York as she begged for a piece of his flesh to satiate her hunger. T'Challa refused and stopped for a rest when the pair were discovered by Magneto's Acolytes, who were looking for Magneto.
I#4) - The Acolytes' leader Fabian Cortez warned his teammates
to stand down, unsure of what to do due to not knowing anything about
the Panther. The Acolyte Burns disagreed, thinking that the Black
Panther was tricking them and moved to kill Panther. In self-defense,
Black Panther flung the Wasp's head at Burns, and Wasp killed him with
bite to the jugular. Cortez was able to get the rest of his men to
stand down and agreed to take T'Challa and the Wasp to their base on
Asteroid M. Upon arriving, the Wasp was handed over to Reynolds so he
could study the zombie plague
(Marvel Zombies I#5 - BTS) - Without being able to consume anymore flesh, the Wasp found her hunger subsiding and she was able to be around living humans without the need to try to eat them. Reynolds' study of the Wasp led him to place her head in a jar of fluid and he created for her a robotic body, which she could control and move around in on her own.
Zombies I#5) - Five years after arriving on Asteroid M, Wasp, T'Challa
the Acolytes returned to the Earth's surface to find that no human
signs were detectable and there was no sign of any zombies either,
unaware that the zombies had consumed Galactus and begun
traveling the cosmos for food.
(Marvel Zombies 2 I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Wasp helped T'Challa and the other humans form the city of New Wakanda in the ruins of New York. Wasp was also given a new cybernetic body, with her head no longer just being in a jar. In order to help keep everyone alive, Wasp suggested turning all the survivors into zombies and helping them overcome their hunger as she had, but T'Challa refused.
(Marvel Zombies 2 I#1) - Forty years after Wasp and the surviving humans returned to Earth, Hawkeye's head was discovered, also having overcome his hunger, and Wasp had it brought to T'Challa, again suggesting turning them all into zombies, as this proved her overcoming the hunger wasn't a fluke. Later that evening while working on Hawkeye's cybernetic body on Asteroid M, Wasp observed that the Asteroid had detected a hatch opening. She went to investigate and found that an assassin had critically wounded T'Challa. Wasp was able to slay the assassin, but had to infect T'Challa to save him. Overcome with hunger, Wasp then tried to devour T'Challa's wife, Lisa Hendricks, but T'Challa stopped her, and the pair ate his assassin instead. Wasp then had the pair lock themselves in detention cells in order to detoxify from the hunger.(Marvel Zombies 2 I#3) -
Wasp, Power Man, Black
Panther and Spider-Man
fought the zombie Gladiator, whom they ultimately beat when an Iron Man
armor-wearing Forge helped
Spider-Man and Power Man destroy Gladiator. While the zombies outside
of the force field left, Wasp, T'Challa and the others went to the
infirmary, and Reynolds restored Wasp's arm, revealing his feelings for
and kissing her. Wasp, alongside the others, then
learned that Forge had moved Reed Richards' interdimensional gateway
into New Wakanda and Reynolds had
placed the brain of Colonel America
into the body of T'Challa's son T'Channa.
2 I#4) - After the other zombies came back to retrieve a
dimensional portal to get them to another dimension, Wasp and the
other survivors struck a
truce and lowered the field. However, the zombies were attacked by
Janet, Hawkeye, Cage, T'Challa and Spider-Man. During the battle,
Janet was confronted by her former husband, Giant-Man, who stated that
he missed her during all those years in space but had gotten used to
feeling. He then smashed her head between his enlarged hands.
(Marvel Zombies 2 I#5) - The remaining zombies attempted to consume the humans but all except the Hulk realized they no longer hungered. The zombies then agreed to help humanity recover except the Hulk, who killed Reynolds when Reynolds offered himself as a sacrifice to stop the Hulk's rampage, feeling as if he had nothing to live for without the Wasp. In the aftermath of the battle, the Wasp was discovered during the clean-up operations and given a new body. She was visited by Giant-Man, who apologized for trying to kill her and for the death of Reynolds. Wasp did not truly accept his apology, and the pair left to attend a meeting held by Giant-Man and Malcolm Cortez.
(Marvel Zombies 2 I#5/Marvel
Zombies Return#1 (fb)) -
Once at the meeting place, Malcolm Cortez revealed to Wasp and the other
his plans to rid the world of the zombies, and he activated the repaired
dimensional transporter, sending Wasp and all of the other zombies
out of Reality-2149.
(Marvel Zombies Return#5
- Transported to reality-91126,
Wasp wound up on a Kree planet and converted the entire planet into a
zombie army to utilize against Earth-91126's zombie Avengers, however, she was
overwhelmed and killed. Her brain was removed and hung as a trophy in
Avengers Tower.
Comments: Created by Mark Millar, Greg Land and Matt Ryan.
She is referred to as Janet so it can be
presumed her surname is Van Dyne.
Her height and weight are based on Earth-616, as outside of her cybernetic body, she likely weighed the same. I added a bit more to account for the gaining of her cybernetic body since the cybernetic body is approximately the same size and shape as her original body.
An evil-looking Wasp appears at the beginning of Marvel Zombies 3#3, taunting Jocasta, but this Wasp appears to be some sort of hallucination or vision experienced only by Jocasta, as Jocasta seems to be suffering a mental breakdown at the time. Additionally, this Wasp is in the original costume worn by Earth-616's Wasp, where the zombie Wasp of Earth-2149 wore the semi-armored costume worn by Earth-616's Wasp around the time of Avengers Disassembled. Also, this Wasp seen by Jocasta on Earth-2149 had no traits resembling a zombie (i.e. rotting flesh, body parts falling off, etc.). Therefore, it seems unlikely that the Wasp in Marvel Zombies 3#3 is nothing more than a vision seen by Jocasta and not the actual Earth-2149 Wasp. --Proto-Man
This profile was completed 7/27/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.
Profile by Copeinator123.
Earth-2149's Wasp has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Marvel Zombies 2 I#1, p12, pan1 (2nd cybernetic body, main image)
Zombies I#3, p20, pan2 (head)
Marvel Zombies Return#5, p23, pan5 (Wasp, pre-transformation)
Marvel Zombies: Dead Days#1, p1, pan1 (zombie Wasp, initial look)
Marvel Zombies I#5, p20, pan1 (1st
cybernetic body)
Marvel Zombies Return#5, p4 pan1 (final
Ultimate Fantastic Four I#22 (October,
2005) - Mark Millar (writer), Greg Land (pencils), Matt Ryan (inks),
Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Zombies I#1 (February, 2006) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Sean
Phillips (art), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Zombies I#2 (March, 2006) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Sean
Phillips (art), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Zombies I#3 (April, 2006) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Sean
Phillips (art), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Zombies I#4 (May, 2006) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Sean
(art), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Zombies I#5 (June, 2006) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Sean
Phillips (art), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Marvel Zombies: Dead Days#1 (July, 2007) - Robert Kirkman (writer),
Sean Phillips (art), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Zombies vs. Army of Darkness#2 (June, 2007) - John Layman (writer),
Fabiano Nieves (art), Ralph Macchio
Zombies vs. Army of Darkness#5 (August, 2007) - John Layman (writer),
Fabiano Nieves, Fernando Blanco, Sean Phillips (art), Ralph Macchio
Marvel Zombies 2 I#1 (December, 2007) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Sean
Phillips (art), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Marvel Zombies 2 I#2 (January, 2008) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Sean
Phillips (art), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Marvel Zombies 2 I#3 (February, 2008) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Sean
Phillips (art), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Marvel Zombies 2 I#4 (March, 2008) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Sean
Phillips (art), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Marvel Zombies 2 I#5 (April, 2008) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Sean
Phillips (art), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Marvel Zombies Return#1 (November, 2009) - Fred Van Lente (writer), Nick
Dragotta (art), Bill Rosemann (editor)
Marvel Zombies Return#5 (November, 2009) - Fred Van Lente (writer),
Wellington Alves(pencils),
Scott Hanna (inks), Bill
Rosemann (editor)
First Posted: 09/04/2021
Last updated: 08/31/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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