11th through 17th Centuries
Aelfric the Mad Monk (12th Century. Darkhold character)
Agamotto (Vishanti, Doctor Strange character)
Akaana (xt, Solomon Kane foes)
Al-Adil (12th Century, Black Knight ally) - by Markus Raymond
Alden, Goodman (1691, Dracula character)
Alexandre (Captain Tyger)
Al Khadhdhaab (12th century, Adam Destine foe) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro
Amati, Nicola (mid-1600s, violin maker)
Amergin (Avengers character)
Amulet of Aagara (cyber comic, invulnerability-granting mystic item) - by Proto-Man
Ankenbauer, Hans (Hellcow's former owner)
Annemarie ?? (16th century; lover of Georg von Frankenstein; victim of Scheusslischer Lindwurm)
Anubis of Earth-Shadowline (Doctor Zero foe)
Anuxa (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
Architect (Elektra foe) - by Future
Ariel (Coconut Grove, Shakespeare character's inspiration, Ariel ancestor)
Arni ?? (Dracula victim)
Aventurine Stone (power item of Set, Conan/Dark Agnes story)
Azazel (Serayn-created artificial intelligence, Undying/Cable character)
Baf (Little People)
Balor (Fomor, Avengers/Black Knight/Thunderbolts foe) - by Shiryu & Snood
Bard, Eli (Eliphas, vampiric Selene servant) - by Proto-Man
Baron von Staler (Solomon Kane foe)
Baskerville, Sir Hugo (17th century)
Beame, Anna (Nathan's mother)
Beame, Jonathan (Nathan's father)
Beame, Nathan (Ghost Rider foe)
Belasco (Otherplace, X-Men/New Mutants/Ka-Zar foe)
Black Arthur (1500s knight)
Black Axe (Marvel UK) - by Changeling
Black Knight of the Crusades (Eobar Garrington)
Black Knight (Sir Henry Bart, 16th century privateer) - by Loki
Black Monk (17th Century France)
Black Raven Inn (16th century, Hans von Frankenstein story)
Blood Countess (Elizabeth Bathory)
Bordia (Dracula character, @ 1459)
Boute-Feu (Captain Tyger)
Brides of Dracula (lovers of Dracula) - by Prime Eternal
Brogar (11th century, Pict chieftain)
Broken Mast (16th century, tavern in Krindrel)
Brown, Charity (1691, Dracula character)
Buluku (African God, active in 15th Century) - by Will U
Burning Man (12th century humanoid monster) - by Madison Carter
Burroughs, John (Salem Witch Trials)
Burton, John (17th century, Salem witch hunter)
Burton, John (John's son, witch hunter)
Burton, Samuel (15th century, witch hunter)
Cabel, Cara (16th century, Nathan's wife, Solomon Kane character)
Cabel, Justin (16th century, werewolf, Solomon Kane foe)
Cabel, Marta (16th century, Solomon Kane character)
Cabel, Nathan (16th century, Solomon Kane character)
Caleb ?? (encountered Prudence)
Candra (Externals, X-Men/Gambit character)
Cap'n Derelict (1950s, Namor/Namora character) - by MarvellousLuke also here
Captain of the Guard of Earth-96433 (head of Queen Storm's royal guard)
Captain Vasquez (Red Lucy foe)
Carson, Rosella (Solomon Kane foe) - by Spidermay
Cassidy Keep (ancestral Cassidy family castle) - by Proto-Man
Cathryn ?? (16th century, Solomon Kane/Hans von Frankenstein character)
Catrina (Nathan Beame's midwife)
Catweazle of unrevealed Earth (time-travelling Saxon wizard, TV series character)
Centurious (Ghost Rider foe) - by Barry Reese
Chamberlain Grimm of Earth-96433 (rock-skinned royal chamberlain) - by Copeinator123
Chandu the Wizard (12th Century)
Chaos Mites (Skreet's race, Diableri creations) - by Donald Campbell
Charnel (Undead MC)
Chen (Mongolian warrior)
Chimera (magic item, Dracula story)
Chthon (the Other, Elder God, author of the Darkhold) - by Patrick D Ryall
Clan Campbell (Scotland, 1692) - mentioned
Clan MacDonald (Scotland, 1692) - mentioned
Clea (Dr. Strange's wife, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Cleito (Man-Thing character)
Clothilde (Wind Witch)
Conte Alvise Gianus (Marvel Italia, Spider-Man foe) - by Loki
Cooper, Dan (Keeper foe)
Cossack Ghost Rider (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki possibly
Count Duende (1522 AD, Order of Hydra)
Cray, Jonas (vampire hunter, Blade character) - by Prime Eternal
Crimson Mage (Ghost Rider foe)
Crusader (El Alemain, 12th century warrior) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro
Crusader of Ultraverse (Rune foe) - by Grendel Prime
Cult of the Third Moon (Werewolf by Night foes) - by Markus Raymond
Danny Demon (demon, 1940s comedy character) - by Grendel Prime
Dark Rider (Salem Witch Trials, Spider-Man foe) - by Spidermay
de la Cruz, Count Ramon (17th century Spanish aristocrat)
de Toledano, Dolores (17th century vampire) - by Grendel Prime
de Toledano, Fernando (17th century vampire)
de Valdez, Santiago (Old West vampire) - by Loki
DeCade, Lenore (vampire, Dracula ally)
Demon Lords (served by Stonecold)
de Montfort, Simon (12th century, Crusaders) - by Markus Raymond
Destine, Florence (ClanDestine, older clairvoyant) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Garth (ClanDestine, deceased member) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Gracie (ClanDestine, X-Men character) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Lance (ClanDestine, deceased member) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Maurice (ClanDestine, alias Maurice Fortuit)
Destine, Sherlock (ClanDestine, deceased member) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Thaddeus (ClanDestine, 14th century) - by MarvellousLuke
DeVanens (17th Century France)
Dherk (Ka-Zar character)
D'Kay (Ghost Rider & Iron Fist foe) - by Markus Raymond
Dippel, Johann Phillip (17th century, Konrad Dippel's father)
Dippel, Konrad (Konrad von Frankenstein, 17th century)
Doctor John Dee (Elizabethan occultist and immortal) - by Loki
Dr. Garibaldi (1537 AD, Order of Hydra ally)
Dog Brother #1 (Immortal Weapons, ancient)
Doge of Venice (Spider-Man story)
Dolman, Gray (Spider-Man/Spider-Woman foe) - by Minor Irritant
Dracula (1430-modern era) - A literal MONSTER of a profile-by the Masters of the Obscure
"Dragon of Idlewood" (Kodom Shath foe)
Earl of Darwell (Red Lucy character)
"elfin minotaur" (Yao/Ancient One foes) - by Proto-Man
Emperor (Fantastic Four foe)
"Engazi" (city of vampires, Solomon Kane location)
English Knight Ghost Rider (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Executioner (Skurge, Thor/Avengers foe)
Face Thief (15th Century and before, Iron Man foe) - by Proto-Man
Farp (Little People)
Florio (1500 AD, Lineage ancestor)
Fomor (Celtic Gods/Avengers foes)
Fool of Earth-11542 (Watari, wandering ronin) - by Sasasych
Forever Man (Captain America/Avengers foe)
Forgotten One (Gilgamesh, Eternals & Avengers member) - by Prime Eternal
Four Winds (Elektra foes) - by Future
Fréres de la côte (Captain Tyger allies)
Frog-Man (Strange Tales) - by Future
Garokk the Petrified Man (Ka-Zar/X-Men foe) - by Chadman
genie (Mr. Lao foe) - by Proto-Man
German nobleman (Yazdi Gem)
"giant" (16th century, dwarfish guard at House of Denied Pleasures)
Gods of the Picts (gods of the Pictish culture)
Gomurr the Ancient (Juggernaut/X-Men character) - by Norvo
Gonar (11th century, Picts)
Gordo (Dracula foe)
Gorgolla (Marvel Monster, Stonians) - by MarvellousLuke
Goru (16th century, Solomon Kane character)
Gretchin ?? (15th century, Lilith ally)
Grok (11th century, Picts priest)
Hans ?? (15th century, Dracula foe)
Harkins, Gideon (werewolf, 16th Century England)
Harkness, Abigail (17th century witch, Salem; Hiram Shaw foe)
Harkness, Agatha (Fantastic Four/Avengers character) - by Norvo
Hassan ibn Sabbah (12th Century, Black Knight foe) - by Markus Raymond
Heart of Candra (gem imbued with essence of Candra's real heart)
Hellcow (vampire, Howard the Duck foe)
Henry ?? (17th century, Obadiah Shaw character)
He-Who-Summons (Watcher, High Tribunal) - by Patrick D Ryall & Donald Campbell
House of Denied Pleasures (16th century, European vampire Nostranda's base)
Housman, Abigail (murdered in 1658 @ Christ's Crown, New York)
Hypnotist (Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by Grendel Prime
Ian Og (Clansman, 1692)
Idlewood Swamp (Kodom Shath, swords and sorcery)
Ieyasu, Tokugawa (16th to 17th century ruler of Japan, Albert Destine ally) - by MarvellousLuke
Immortalis (Marvel UK)
"Imp of the Violin" (mid-1600s, Nicola Amati's workshop)
Inficio Aquilus (ancient Tarot deck, Gambit story)
Iron Fist (Bei Ming-Tian, 13th century) - by Loki
Iron Fist (Wu Ao-Shi, 16th century) - by Loki
Ishiyama, Saburo (16th century, Ishiyama Sword School sensei)
Ixchel (Mayapan)
Jailer (Inhuman, Black Bolt foe) - by Chadman
Jakkaru (16th century vampire, Raizo Kodo foe)
Jury of John Proctor's trial (Salem Witch Trials)
Kage (Hand, Black Axe foe) - by Grendel Prime
Kale, Dante (Dan Ketch/Johnny Blaze ancestor, Ghost Rider character) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Destin (17th century, Johnny Blaze/Dan Ketch ancestor) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Magdelena (17th century, Johnny Blaze/Dan Ketch ancestor) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Noble (Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch's spirit of vengeance) - by Proto-Man
Kalmari (Black Knight foe) - by Markus Raymond - @ 12th Century
Kaluu (Doctor Strange/Mighty Avengers character) - by Markus Raymond
Kane, Solomon (Robert E. Howard's Puritan 16th to 17th century adventurer) - by Wolfram Bane
Karna (12th Century, servant of Hassan ibn Sabbah)
Katan (xt, Feruvians)
Katzenborn dragon (1550s, Solomon Kane foe)
Keeper (asylum keeper) - by Prime Eternal
King Mushkan (Little People, Kodom Shath character)
Knoblach, Gertrude (wife of Hans Knoblach)
Knoblach, Gloria (17th century, daughter of Hans Knoblach)
Knoblach, Hans (17th-18th century, father of Clarity & Finality)
Kodo, Ryuhei (16th century vampire, brother Of Raizo Kodo)
Kodom Shath (Little People prince, swords and sorcery)
Korda (Dracula foe)
Korgon, Harek (11th Century Northern Europe)
Kraggoom (1960s smoke-like alien monster) - by Prime Eternal
Kran (16th to 17th century, Solomon Kane character)
Kukulcan (Mayapan)
Kuroba (Bogondi, 16th century, Solomon Kane character)
Lady Turac (Turac's wife)
Lala (vampire, Nimrod ally)
Laurent (Captain Tyger)
LaVoisin (17th Century France)
Lee, Kun (Mongolian warrior)
Lei Kung the Thunderer (Iron Fist character)
Lenore (Red Lucy's daughter)
Lianda (Dracula foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Little People (Kodom Shath, swords and sorcery)
Lord Benitio (Dracula character)
Lord Vargas (15th century, Dracula character)
Lord von Roon (15th century, Dracula character)
Lucifer (the fallen angel, Ghost Rider (Blaze) foe) - by Markus Raymond
"Magic Bullet" (Vârcolac item)
"Man with the Heart of Iron" of Earth-96433 (armored medieval revolutionary)
Mann, Prudence (17th century vampire) - by Spidermay
Marquise de Montespan (17th Century France)
Martinez, Eliza (16th century Hand assassin) - by Grendel Prime
Masinissa (King of the Vampires) -possibly
Master Izo (former member of Hand and Chaste, Daredevil character) - by Chadman (presumably 16th century)
Mather, Cotton (Salem Witch Trials) - by Spidermay
Medusa (Gorgon) - by Will U, Prime Eternal & Snood
meteorite (1660 AD, landed in Hamburg, Germany)
Mister Lao (lung dragon adviser to the Atlas Foundation) - by Proto-Man
Moloch (demon, Black Knight (Garrington) foe) - by Markus Raymond
"Monster in the Mist" (16th century sea monster) - by Ron Fredricks
Monstro the Mighty (son of Ares) - by Loki
Montesi, Giacomo (12th century, Darkhold character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Montesi, Marcello (14th-15th custodian of the Darkhold) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Montesi, Paolo (12th century, Darkhold, Varnae foe) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Moonstalker (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Moorg (Marvel horror character) - by Grendel Prime
Mother (Atlantean/Pangean robot, Ka-Zar foe)
mouse of Kodom Shath (swords and sorcery)
Munchmeyer, Anna Eleonora (17th century, Konrad Dippel's mother)
Naga (Namor character; since 15th century)
Nayela (16th century, Bogondi tribe, Solomon Kane character)
Nebulos (extradimensional mystic, Dr. Strange foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Negus, Solomon (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Neptune (Olympian God) - by Alex K, Prime Eternal, Snood & Will U
Night Assassins (Spider-Man story)
Nimrod (Lord of vampires) - by Prime Eternal
N'Longa (Solomon Kane character)
Norseman Ghost Rider (English Knight Ghost Rider foe)
Nostranda (16th century vampire sorceress)
O'Connell, Maire (sorceress, Magik ally) - by Markus Raymond - @ 16th Century
Og, Ian (Clansman, 1692)
The One (repository of the knowledge of the Watchers, Fantastic Force/Fantastic Four character) - by Donald Campbell
Order of Deacons (Fantastic Four characters) - by Proto-Man
Order of the Frater Inficio (creators of Inficio Aquilus)
Ordo Draconum (holy order, Daredevil characters) - by Chadman & Markus Raymond
Orffyreus Wheel (built by Stonecold)
Orphan (estraterrestrial creature) - by Markus Raymond
Orphelus (Dracula character)
Orrgo (Defenders foe, pre-Marvel monster) - @ 1000 years ago
Pandora (Pilgrims Rock, 175h century ship, brought to Negative Zone, Fantastic Four story)
Paris, Betty (Salem Witch Trials)
Patience Drew (17th or 18th Century, Namor character) - by Markus Raymond
People of the Hills (followers of Moloch)
Picts (distant past humans, Kull/Conan/Bran Mak Morn characters) - by Wolfram Bane & Snood
Pirate Captain Johnny of Earth-96662 (fiery captain of flying pirate ship)
Pixiu (Heroes for Hire foe) - by Proto-Man
Pluto (Olympian God) - by Chadman & Will U
Prester John (Fantastic Four character) - by Per Degaton, Snood & Prime Eternal
Proctor, John (Salem Witch Trials)
Queen Storm of Earth-96433 (medieval kingdom ruler)
Quentin (Red Lucy's son)
Rainbow Serpent (Aboriginal god of fertility)
Rashid ad-Din (12th Century, Hashishin leader)
Ravencroft, Molly (17th century, English colonist)
Red Ian Og (Clansman, 1692)
Red Lucy (Scarlet Witch ancestor) - by Markus Raymond
Remus (Wolverine character) - by Markus Raymond
Resurrection Altar (Wakanda, Black Panther stories) - by Markus Raymond
Ronmar (Inhuman scientist) - by Spidermay
Roscoe (demon posing as human police officer, Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) foe) - by Proto-Man
Saladin (12th Century, Black Knight character) - by Markus Raymond
Samhain (Vision/Scarlet Witch foe) - by Markus Raymond
Sareena (16th century, Zarathon character)
Sasaki, Daisuke (16th century, Hand member) - by MarvellousLuke
Scarlet Raider and its crew (Red Lucy's ship and crew)
Schango (Captain Tyger)
Scheusslischer Lindwurm (dragon of 1531 A.D., Georg von Frankenstein foe)
Sea Witch (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Shadow Riders HQ (Shadow Riders story) - by Changeling
Shadrac (ancient evil, Spider-Man foe)
Shaw, Hiram (17th century, Sebastian Shaw ancestor)
Shaw, Obadiah (17th century, Sebastian Shaw ancestor)
Shaw, Sarah (17th century, Hiram's wife)
Shreck of Earth-88194 (Terror INC) - by Zerostar, Snood, Nick the Squid, Prime Eternal & Per Degaton
Silver One (werewolf, 16th Century England)
Sir Giliard (Moorg enemy)
Skreet (Lunatik/Thanos character) - by Markus Raymond
Slave of Souls (Thing character) - by Proto-Man
"Solari" (16th century, Herald of Galactus) - by Loki
Sorrow (Man-Thing character)
Spirit Banner of Temujin (Atlas Foundation artifact) - by Proto-Man
Staff of Solomon (ancient mystic item used by Moses, Solomon, Solomon Kane and others)
Starke, Caleb (1670 AD, founder of Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Stealer of Faces (Face Thief)
Stonecold (Nightstalkers foe) - by Markus Raymond
Stones of Merlin (Merlin creations, owned by Doctor Doom) - by Donald Campbell
Sujanaa min Raghbah (12th century sorcerer, Persian ruler) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro
Tar (X-Men character) - by Norvo
tavern (1465, Dracula story)
Temax (12th Century)
That Which Endures (Avengers foes)
three demons (possessed globe stolen by Crimson Mage)
Tituba (1691, Salem Witch Trials, Dracula character)
tomb of Garaz (ancient prison of Garaz, near Great Wall of China)
Tor (Mongolian warrior) - by Grendel Prime
Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition (1537 AD, Order of Hydra)
Turac (Dracula foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Tyger, Captain (Brother Voodoo character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Ulysses Bloodstone (monster hunter)
Uncegila (Wolverine foe) - by Markus Raymond
undead creatures of "Engazi" (16th century, Solomon Kane foes)
unidentified demon (created Black Mirror)
unidentified Dutch trader (16th century, allied with Jakkaru)
unidentified horsekeeper (16th century, worked at Broken Mast)
unidentified sorceress (17th century, owned Black Mirror)
unidentified vampire (16th century, vampirized Jakkaru)
Uriel (17th century, Noble Kale character) - by Proto-Man
Valmoora (Red Lucy ally)
van Helsing, Rache (15th century, Dracula foe)
Vârcolac (Werewolf by Night foe) - by Markus Raymond
Varua (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Ver-Jeel (13th century Aerian, Ka-Zar story) - by Donald Campbell
Vittoria (16th century ship)
Vivienne (Red Lucy ally)
von Frankenstein, Frank (15th century master of Castle Frankenstein)
von Frankenstein, Georg (confused by some history accounts as St. George)
von Frankenstein, Hans (Solomon Kane character)
Vosburg, Jarand (16th century, House of Denied Pleasure victim)
Voyager (Marvel UK, Frontier Comics)
Wani (1582)
Widow Malloy (17th century Salem witch) - by Spidermay
Williams, Abigail (Salem Witch Trials)
Wind Witch (Ghost Rider/Blaze foe) - 15th Century
Wolfsblade (Vârcolac item)
"Wolfseye" (Vârcolac item)
Wyrm (ancient demon, Conan/Dark Agnes/Solomon Kane/Moon Knight/Niord/Set foe)
Yazdi Gem (Dracula item)
Sazzik the Sorcerer (15th century sorcerer) - by John Kaminski
Zemo, Hackett (6th Baron Zemo) - by Markus Raymond
Zemo, Hademar (2nd Baron Zemo) - by Markus Raymond
Zemo, Harbin (1st Baron Zemo) - by Madison Carter
Zemo, Heller (3rd Baron Zemo) - by Markus Raymond
Zemo, Helmuth (5th Baron Zemo) - by Markus Raymond
Zemo, Herbert (4th Baron Zemo) - by Markus Raymond
Zeus (Olympian God)
strictly off-Earth existence (as far as we know)
caretaking automaton (Silver Surfer character) - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
Damballah (spawn of Set) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL
Elder Demon (Silver Surfer foe) - by Future -EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
Lord Tuan (K'un-Lun, Iron Fist character)
Set (Elder God) - by Per Degaton & Snood - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL
Shadowqueen (Dr. Strange foe) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL
Shou-Lao the Undying (Iron Fist character) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL
Survivor (Silver Surfer character) - by Future - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
Synraith (X-Men/Clan Destine foe)
Uatu the Watcher (Earth-616's Watcher, Fantastic Four/Avengers/X-Men character) - by Norvo
Uatu's boss (1602, Watcher, High Tribunal) - by Patrick D Ryall - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
Walcott, Mary (Salem Witch Trials)
Welsh Dragon (Pete Wisdom/Thor foe) - by Markus Raymond
wenches of Little People (Kodom Shath story)
"wizard" (Ancient Egypt, Thing foe)
Yoshioka, Kagenobu (16th century, Hand founder) - by Grendel Prime
Zunna (16th century, Solomon Kane character)
Earth-311 (1602 Earth) - by Patrick D Ryall
Banner, David of Earth-311 (Hulk counterpart)
Brother Tomas of Earth-311
Captain Benjamin Grimm of Earth-311 (Thing counterpart)
Captain Nelson of Earth-311 (Foggy Nelson counterpart)
Count Otto Von Doom, the Handsome of Earth-311 (Dr. Doom counterpart)
Dare, Ananais of Earth-311 (1602 AD)
Dare, Virginia of Earth-311 (1602 AD)
Donal, the Old Man of the Templars of Earth-311 (Donald Blake counterpart)
Doom's creatures of Earth-311
Dougan of Earth-311 (Dum-Dum Dugan counterpart)
Fury, Sir Nicholas of Earth-311 (Nick Fury counterpart)
Grand Inquisitor of Earth-311 (Magneto counterpart)
Harry of Earth-311
Javier, Charles of Earth-311 (Professor X counterpart)
King James of Scotland of Earth-311 (1602 A.D.)
McCoy, Henry of Earth-311 (Beast counterpart)
Murdoch, Matthew of Earth-311 (Daredevil counterpart)
Natasha of Earth-311 (Black Widow counterpart)
Numenor of Earth-311 (mutant emperor of Bensaylum) - by Grendel Prime
Petros of Earth-311 (Quicksilver counterpart)
Queen Elizabeth of Earth-311
Rojhaz of Earth-311 (1602, Captain America counterpart)
"Sir Angel" of Earth-311 (Angel counterpart)
Sir Nicholas Fury of Earth-311 (Nick Fury counterpart)
Sir Richard Reed of Earth-311 (Mr. Fantastic counterpart)
Sister Wanda of Earth-311 (Scarlet Witch counterpart)
Spider of Earth-311 (1602 A.D., Peter Parquagh) - by Loki
Storm, Jon of Earth-311 (Human Torch counterpart)
Storm, Susan of Earth-311 (Invisible Woman counterpart)
Strange, Clea of Earth-311 (Clea counterpart)
Strange, Stephen of Earth-311
Summerisle, Scotius of Earth-311 (Cyclops counterpart)
Toad of Earth-311
Trefusis, Robert of Earth-311 (Ice Man counterpart)
Undying (xt race, Serayn creations, Cable foes)
unidentified agent of the Pope of Earth-311
Vulture-Fliers of Earth-311 (Doom's creatures)
Werner of Earth-311 (Angel counterpart)
I only started this page on 6/23/02, and I'm only going to add new characters to it, so if you want to search the site and let me know who should be added, please do.
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