(Arthurian Legend era)
(@ 6th Century)
Arthur (King Arthur)
Artorius (King Arthur)
Artur (King Arthur)
Asmodiar (demon, Arthur/Merlin foe)
Axe of Earth-93121 (magical construct, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice foe) - by Grendel Prime
Bash of Earth-93121 (magical construct, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice foe) - by Grendel Prime
"beast men of the Forgotten" (beast creatures, Dr. Strange foes) - by Proto-Man
Beliar (demon, Arthur/Merlin foe)
Black Knights (Camelot, seven Sir Percy predecessors)
Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia)
Black Knight (Merlin construct)
Blackwing of Earth-93121 (magical construct, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice foe) - by Grendel Prime
Bohra (Merlin foe) - by Proto-Man
Bowman (possibly)
Breeze of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Brick of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Chthon (the Other, Elder God, author of the Darkhold) - by Patrick D Ryall
Darkon of Earth-8107 (Camelot-era demon servant of Mordred)
Darren of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
De Montfort (6th century, Black Knight (Sir Percy) character) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Doom of Earth-Iron Man Had Been Trapped in King Arthur's Time
dragon (Camelot, encountered by "Jean Grey")
Dungeon of Camelot (6th century, monster prison, Thunderbolts story)
Elaine of Earth-93121 (King Arthur & the Knights of Justice) - by Grendel Prime
fog (encountered by "Ted Grey", time travel "device")
Forever Man (Captain America/Avengers foe)
Forgotten (mystic collective serving the Author of Word of God) - by Proto-Man
Gallop of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Gervasse (Modreds tutor) - by Patrick D Ryall
Goodfellow (allegedly)
Grendel's sibling (6th century Camelot foe, Thunderbolts character)
"Grey, Ted" (time traveler, Knight of Camelot) - by Ron Fredricks
Guinevere of Earth-93121 (King Arthur & the Knights of Justice) - by Grendel Prime
Interloper (Defenders member) - by Chadman
Iron Man (Tony Stark) of Earth-Iron Man Had Been Trapped in King Arthur's Time
King Arthur (Camelot) - by Snood, Loki & Will U
Knights of Camelot (encountered "Ted Grey")
Knights of Justice of Earht-93121 (heroes) - by Grendel Prime
Lady of the Lake (Niamh)
Lady of the Table of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice ally)
Lady Janice (Modreds true love) - by Patrick D Ryall
Lance of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Lancelot (Round Table)
Lord Vall (Age of Camelot, Merlin's castle resident) - by Proto-Man
Lucan of Earth-93121 (magical construct, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice foe) - by Grendel Prime
Lug of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Mad Merlin (Maha Yogi)
Magnus (Spider-Woman (Drew) character)
Merlin (Camelot) - by Loki & Snood
Merlin Demonspawn (Maha Yogi)
Mordred the Evil (Camelot, Black Knight foe) - by Snood & Will U
Morgan le Fay (Camelot) - by Snood & Will U
Morgana of Earth-93121 (King Arthur & the Knights of Justice) - by Grendel Prime
Sir Mogard (Black Knight construct foe)
Myth Monster (Camelot, Spider-Man foe)
Nimue/Vivienne (Merlin foe)
Once and Future King (King Arthur)
Pendragon, Arthur (King Arthur)
Phil of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Phoyu (Forgotten component, Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme foe) - by Donald Campbell
Professor Dolen (pre-FF time traveler) - by John Kaminski & Ron Fredricks
Sir Benedict (Otherworld guardian of Excalibur, Captain Britain servant) - by Proto-Man
Sir Gawain of Earth-10091 (Knight of the Round Table, Thor character)
Sir Reginald (Camelot, Black Knight, Sir Percy of Scandia predecessor) - by Loki
Sise-Neg of Earth-74113 (31st century, Doctor Strange foe)
Slasher of Earth-93121 (magical construct, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice foe) - by Grendel Prime
Starstone (used by Merlin, Ebony Sword) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Stones of Merlin (Merlin creations, owned by Doctor Doom) - by Donald Campbell
Talisman of Blood of Earth-93121 (mystical gem, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice) - by Grendel Prime
That Which Endures (Avengers foes)
Tone of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Trunk of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Uatu the Watcher (Earth-616's Watcher, Fantastic Four/Avengers/X-Men character) - by Norvo
Viper of Earth-93121 (magical construct, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice foe) - by Grendel Prime
Wally of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Wandering Spirits (Forgotten victims, Doctor Strange foes) - by Donald Campbell
Welsh Dragon (Pete Wisdom/Thor foe) - by Markus Raymond
XII (Forgotten, Merlin captive) - by Proto-Man
Zeke of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
I only started this page on 7/23/02, and I'm only going to add new characters to it, so if you want to search the site and let me know who should be added, please do.
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