These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and Villains, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.
A (Thoth)
A (Wolverine foe) - by MarvellousLuke
A-12 (Cyborg)
Aalbort (Aakon)
Aalston, Carl (Rain Boy)
Aamshed (Dracula/Varnae foe)
A'an (Thoth)
Aan Taanu (demon, Legion of the Night foe)
"Aaardvark" (Roger Fieldston mutate)
Aardwolf (mutant, Night Thrasher foe)
Aaron ?? (Millwood citizen)
Aaron the Sorcerer (xd pre-FF sorcerer) - by Spidermay
Aaronson, Dr. Martin (Mara the Dreamer)
Aa-Thak (Brule foe) - by Spidermay
"A'Aug" (N'Grith)
Abacus (Network foe)
Abadon (Shadow Riders foe)
Abarac (Hyborian wizard)
Abba (Bathala)
Abbas, Yusef (Helper)
Abbot (archeologist, Human Torch (Hammond) character)
Abbot of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George)
Abbot of the Abyss (Atlantean religious leader)
Abbot Thanademos (Iron Fist foe)
Abbott, Hope (Trance, X-Student)
Abbott, Jack (Matt Murdock character)
Abboud, Fatima (Supremus' half-sister, Nick Fury character)
Abboud, Ulysses (Supremus)
Abby ?? (Excalibur character)
Abby ?? (Edward Hutchinson's granddaughter) - by Proto-Man
Abby-L (Gwen Stacy clone, Jackal foe) - by Minor Irritant
Abcissa (alternate future Jubilee)
Abdashtarth (Akhirom foe)
Abdi (Aqiria ruler)
Abdol, Ahmet (Living Monolith/Living Pharao)
Abdol, Filene (Living Pharao's wife)
Abdol, Salome (Living Pharao's daughter)
Abdul (Sinbad's crew)
Abdul ?? (Bagmom)
Abdul ?? (Bagmom)
Abdul ?? (Conan foe)
Abdullah ?? (El Montano henchman)
Abdullah ?? (Cult of the Living Pharao)
Abejaron, Jose (Merzah's valet)
Abelard, Brian (Camarilla of the N'Garai)
Abena (Jackson Cole's guide)
Aberdeen Angus (Advocates, Excalibur foe)
Abidemi, Nezhno (Gentle)
Able, Adam (pre-FF alien)
Able-Bodied Assassin (Fight Man foe)
Ablemarle, Perseus (Crusader)
Abner Little (Collectors) - by the Beetle
Abnormal, Mr. (Spider-Girl foe)
Abominable Snow-King (Torg)
Abominable Snowman (Marvel monster character) - by Prime Eternal
"Abominable Snowman" (Yeti of the First Line)
Abominable Snowman (SHIELD Howling Commandos member) - by Madison Carter
Abomination (Emil Blonsky)
Abominatrix (She-Hulk foe)
Abramov, Anna (Moon Knight character)
Abramov, Benjamin (Moon Knight character)
Abrams, Jack (Purifiers, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Abrams, Mitchell (Inhumans character) - by Chadman
Abrams, Raf (camera operator, Human Fly character)
Abraxas of Earth-691 (21st Century, Killraven foe)
Abraxas (Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man
Abrogate of Reality-691 (31st century, Quasar foe)
"Abscence of Light" (Wayeb)
"Abscence of Warmth" (Wayeb)
Absolute Empress of the North and the Breechlands (Red Queen of Earth-998)
Absorbing Man (Carl "Crusher" Creel)
Abu Dakir (Mogul ally)
Abu Ho Dadi (Bagmom)
Abuela (grandmother of Sofia Torres)
Abuse-Monger (Psychobabble)
Abyss (Nils Styger)
Abyss, Milos (Count Abyss)
Abysss (Death Metal character)
Abyss That Walked (Krobaa)
Acba the Watcher (Quasar character)
Access (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Accuser (Inndig-O, Starforce Blue)
Accuser of Reality-17619 (Kree, Noh-Varr)
"Ace" (Michael Rossi)
Ace (travelling companion of the Doctor)
Ace (Spider-Man character) - by Madison Carter
"Ace" Hamilton (Deadly Dozen)
Ace Diamond (Night Raven character) - by Loki
Aces Wilde (Suprema/Scarbo foe) - by Prime Eternal
A'Charr the Scarred God of Ultraverse (Rune foe) - by Grendel Prime
Achelous (Olympian river god, Hercules foe) - by Will U
Achilles (Greek hero)- by Will U
Achmed (Sinbad foe)
Achmed ?? (Cult of the Living Pharao)
Achmed ?? (Bloodwraith foe)
Achter, Gavrel (Inhuman, Secret Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Acid (Strend & Minth foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Acidal (Tuk the Caveboy foe)
Acid Alice of Earth-8140 (Death's Head (FPA) character)
Acid Queen of New Universe (Para-Troop)
Acidroid (Tinkerer creation, Cable foe) - by Chadman
Acitua (rogue Watcher, Exiles foe) - by Proto-Man
Acorn Annie (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
acquisition leader (Games, Termagent agent)
Acrobat (Captain America (Mace) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Acrobat (Human Torch and Captain America foe)
Acrobat (Rawhide Kid villain) - by Prime Eternal
"Acrobat" (Spider-Squad)
Acroyear (Micronaut hero) - by Grendel Prime
Action Jackson of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Active, Billy (rock star, Misty Collins character)
Actor (Iron Man foe)
Adad (Ba'al)
Adahm (Batroc foe) - by Markus Raymond
Adair, Val (SHIELD, Iron Man foe)
"Adam" (1 million BC, Wanderers)
Adam (Spyros)
Adam (Frankenstein monster, Bloodstone character)
"Adam" (Hydropolis, Jeremy)
Adam ?? (ant, Kool-Aid Man foe)
Adam (Ophrah Industries robot assistant) - by Proto-Man
Adam (servant of Lullaby)
Adam ?? (White Tiger (Del Toro) character) - by Chadman
Adam Able (pre-FF alien) - by Future
Adam-II (android, All-Winners Squad foe) - by Prime Eternal
Adam III (Adam-II)
Adam 3, 031 of Earth-691 (21st Century, Death-Birth)
Adam-X the X-Treme (X-character) - by Madison Carter
Adam Y of Earth-1040 (Millennial Visions)
Adamantine (Les Heroes de Paris)
Adamath (Order of the Black Sun)
Adams (partner of Al Clark)
Adams, Bud (vampire, Ravencroft character) - by Chadman
Adams, Clint (farmer, neighbor of the Coyne family)
Adams, Cynthia (encountered Creature from Planet X)
"Adams, Julia" (1950's, Sub-Mariner foe)
Adams, Keith (1950s, encountered Devil Birds)
Adams, Murdoch (Dr. Strange character)
Adams, Norm (raised Ahura/Pope, Daredevil character)
Adams, Sam (Ms. Marvel character) - by Spidermay
Adams, Stacy of Ultraverse (Atom Bob's high school crush)
Adams, Vera (raised Ahura/Pope, Daredevil character)
Adams, Lt. William "Bud" (Bud Adams)
Adamson, Abraham (revived Golem)
Adamson, Jason (Abraham's nephew)
Adamson, Rebecca (Abraham's niece)
Adamson, David (Ms. Marvel character)
Adaptoid (Super-Adaptoid, Alessandro Brannex)
Adastra (Young Gods, "Ultravengers")
Addams (Surgeon General investor)
Addams, Gomez (Morticia's husband, Addams Family TV series, Laughing Horse Bar patron)
Addams, Morticia (Gomez's wife, Addams Family TV series, Laughing Horse Bar patron)
Adder (Shang-Chi foe)
Addison, Rev. Blackburn (Reverend, Dragon Circle)
Adelle ?? (Ernie Sluganski's secretary)
Adhira (flirted with Daredevil)
Aditi (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)
Adler, Irene (Destiny)
Adler, Manfred (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Admiral Dupen'th (extraterrestrial Webb member, New Mutants foe) - by Proto-Man
Admiral Ellis (Peregrine foe) - by Markus Raymond
Admiral Galen-Kor (Lunatic Legion)
Admiral Gannon (Defenders/Order foe) - by Chadman
Admiral Gyrich of Earth-66881 (slave trader, Blackbeard foe)
Admiral Pierce (WW2, Terror character)
Admiral Lord Samédàr (Shi'ar, X-Men foe)
Adobe, Vince (Father Adobe)
Adolphe (1950s mutate, intangible) - by Ron Fredricks
"Adonis" (Tammuz)
Adonis (Olympian god of desire, Venus character) - by Grendel Prime
Adonis (Captain America foe)
Adora (Comicsville character)
Adora (Xandarian, Nova (Richard Rider) character) - by Norvo
Adreadite, Monique (Team America foe) - by David Lawrence
Adrenazon (She-Hulk foe)
Adria (Minions of Mordo)
Adrian, Tanya (assassin, Punisher foe) - by Markus Raymond
Adron (Viscardi race, slain by Gara)
Adula (Yorite race, daughter of Adulaysha)
Adulaysha (Yorite heroine)
Adva (Dark God)
Adversary (Marduk Kurios)
Adversary of Earth-93600
Advisor (War Machine foe)
advisor (Thor foe, Gnives ally)
Aegir (Hymir, Asgardian giant)
Aegir (Asgardian Giant) - by Will U
Aegis (Kid Kaiju monster) - by Chadman
Aegis of All Sorrows (Proemial Gods, Silver Surfer foe) - by Donald Campbell
Aegisthus (Argonauts)
Aeish (Warheads foe)
Ael-Dan (former Kree leader, Avengers character) - by Markus Raymond
Aelfric (Mad Monk, Werewolf foe)
Aeneas (Trojan War hero) - by Will U
Aentaros (Undying, Cable foe)
Aeolus (Inhuman, Skybreaker)
Aeon of Ultraverse (Rush foe) - by Grendel Prime
Aeric (Inhuman child)
Aerie of Ultraverse (Alien Elite)
"Aeristron" (Retrievers of Atlantis)
Aerivar the 18th (Inhuman, Sky-Island king) - by Chadman
Aero (Melody Guthrie, sister of Cannonball & Husk, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Aeroika (Tunnelworld)
Aesklos (Tigra foe)
Aesthete (Marvel (Mark Holly) foe)
Aeysla (Gods of the Picts)
Afari, Jamal (Blade's former mentor) - by Markus Raymond
Afghan (Dogs of War)
"A FRIEND" (unrevealed mystery character, All-Winners Squad: Band of Heroes)
Afrikaa (Marvel UK, Black Axe ally)
Afterburner (Silver Sable foe) - by Grendel Prime
Afterlife (Dr. Strange character) - by Markus Raymond
Aftermath (Plasmer foe)
Aftershock of Earth-982 (MC2, Spider-Girl foe; Electro's daughter) - by OmegaTherion
Afzal (Black Widow foe)
Agamemnon (Trojan War)
Agamemnon (Sword of Judgement)
Agamemnon (Elektra's dog)
Agamotto (Vishanti, Doctor Strange character)
Agaou Wedo (Damballah)
Agar, Thomas (Roxxon Oil, Spider-Man/Black Panther foe) - by Proto-Man
Agathon (demon, Satana foe)
Agbayani, Arielle (Campus Captain America, Captains Network)
Agee, Dr. Aubrey (X-Men character) - by Norvo
Agee, Rebecca (Aubrey's sister)
Aged Genghis (Dr. Strange character)
"Aged One" (Lama)
aged wizard (encountered by Chris Garson)
aged yeti (Man-Thing character)
Ageless One (Xotai)
Agent (Rick Mason)
Agent 001/2 of Earth-78423 (CHICKEN)
Agent 1-16 (Red, Deltan Conspiracy)
Agent 4 (Corporation)
Agent 5 (HYDRA agent) of Earth-8181
Agent Five (Coldblood foe)
Agent 6 (Corporation)
Agent 7 (Corporation)
Agent 7M (Colossus)
Agent 13 (HYDRA agent)
Agent 18 (Jack Truman)
Agent 66 (AIM agent)
Agent 77 (AIM agent)
Agent 223 (SHIELD, Roger Juniper)
Agent 324 (SHIELD, Klemmer)
Agent Axis (WW2, Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Agent Baker (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Agent Barrett (CIA, Morbius foe)
Agent Beefcake (SHIELD LMD)
Agent Bendix of Earth-8130 (Man-Thing character)
Agent Branson (SHIELD lookout) - by Proto-Man
Agent Briggs (Damocles Foundation agent) - by Prime Eternal
Agent Brown (CSIS, Omega Flight ally)
Agent Bullet (Bullet/Buck Cashman)
Agent Burchett (FBI agent, Donald Pierce victim)
Agent Cake (Agent Cheesecake)
Agent Caulder (The Firm)
Agent Cheesecake (SHIELD LMD) - by G Morrow
Agent China (CIA, Morbius foe)
Agent Codgins (S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain Marvel character) - by Donald Campbell
Agent Colby (First Line character) - by Norvo
Agent Coville (White Tiger (Del Toro) character) - by Chadman
Agent Crock (Daredevil/Black Widow foe) - by Chadman
Agent D (Ducharme)
Agent D18 (Wolverine/Fantomex/Noh-Varr foe)
Agent Dalrymple (Phil Urich)
Agent Darkness of Reality-8116 (Hand of Darkness)
Agent Davis (S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Agent Delacourt (Constrictor story)
Agent Einhardt of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Agent Elliot (traitor, Lance Brant foe)
Agent Evans (Team America foe)
Agent Farber (S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers character)
Agent Kyle Fleming (SHIELD agent)
Agent Fletcher (SHIELD agent)
Agent Fox 29 of Earth-730834 (Hydra, Avengers foe)
Agent Groza (First Line character)
Agent Guida (Matt Murdock character)
Agent Harlan (S.H.I.E.L.D., Daredevil character)
Agent Harrow (Dr. Arthur Harrow)
Agent Harvest of Ultraverse (Harvest)
Agent Hauser (S.H.I.E.L.D. IT department) - by Proto-Man
Agent Hazzard (Jack Hazzard)
Agent Helms (S.H.I.E.L.D., Frederick Miluv)
Agent Hook (S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Agent K (Anna, World War II era Combat Kelly ally) - by Grendel Prime
Agent K (Alpha Flight/Machine Man character) - by Grendel Prime
Agent Keller (FBI, Daredevil character)
Agent L (HYDRA defector) - by Prime Eternal
Agent Lindsay (SHIELD agent) - by Chadman
Agent M (SHIELD, Microverse expert) - by Prime Eternal
Agent Marcus (Hydra agent)
Agent Marsden (Avengers character)
Agent McCloskey (WWII-era FBI agent, Captain America ally) - by Proto-Man
Agent Moss (Daredevil/Dakota North foe)
Agent M17 (Ms. Marvel foe) - by Spidermay
Agent Nine (Secret Empire, Linda Donaldson)
Agent O'Brien (WWII-era FBI agent)
Agent of Earth's hive-mind (Heroes for Hire character)
Agent of Fortune (Defenders foe)
Agent of Heaven (Critics)
Agent of Hell (Critics)
Agent of the Realm Between (Critics)
Agent of 1,000 Faces (Nazi spy, Howling Commandos foe) - by Prime Eternal
Agent One (Martinus von Kimmer)
Agent One (Lucifer)
Agent Orange (Captain America/Nick Fury foe)
Agent Orange (Firestar) of Earth-989112
Agent Parnival (Plunderer/Parcival Plunder)
Agent Peavey (Inhumans character)
Agent Peterson (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Ms. Marvel character)
Agent Pullman (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Agent Rhimes (FBI agent, Donald Pierce victim)
Agent Rollins (Matt Murdock foe)
Agent Rother (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Agent Scorpio (Mikel Fury)
Agent Scott (SHIELD agent)
Agent Seku (SHIELD agent) - by Chadman
Agent Sexton (Athena)
Agent Shadow (Dire Wraith, Shadow)
Agent Sikes (SHIELD) - by Proto-Man
Agent Stern (Avengers character)
Agent Stiles (SHIELD agent)
Agent Syn (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle
Agent Synergon (Agent Syn)
Agent Thomas (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent) - by Proto-Man
Agent Three (Lars Schlag)
Agent Tiger 7 of Earth-730834 (Hydra, Avengers foe)
Agent Two (Kerta Wolfmann)
Agent Uno (Uno)
Agent Villarosa (Mercy Corporation)
Agent W (HYDRA)
Agent Whitman (S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Agent Wright (X-Force/X-Statix foe) - by Proto-Man
Agent X (Dutch spy, Sgt. Fury ally) - by Prime Eternal
Agent X (Jupiterian, Dan Blake foe)
Agent-X (James Burley, Next Wave, Ghost Rider foe) - by Spidermay
Agent X-13 of Earth-12472 (X-Society-889 foe)
Agent X-13 of Earth-81035 (diverged Earth-81211 from Earth-616 by killing Cyclops)
Agent X-13 of Earth-89149 (Subject X, Annex Squad)
Agent X-13 of Earth-91138 (diverged Earth-90227 from Earth-616 by fully opening Ghost Box)
Aggamon (Dr. Strange foe)
"Agger" (Roxxon, Bagmom)
Aggressive Eleven (Fight Man foe)
Agitator (Spider-Man character) - by Ronald Byrd
Agnar (King of the Eagles, Thor character)
Agnar the Fierce (Asgardian God) - by Greg O
Agnes ?? (cleaning lady, Mole Man victim turned ally) - by Proto-Man
Agnes ?? (Wall Street Club member, demon posing as human)
Agnew, Winston (Blackheart)
Agni (Wayfinder's followers)
Agni (The Nest)
Agni (Atar)
Agnu, Gyro ("Duckworld")
Agon (Inhuman king, Black Bolt & Maximus' father) - by Chadman
Agonistes of Earth-8336 (Son of Santa character)
Agony (Hellbent)
Agrippa, Gaius Tiberius Augustus (Emperor)
Agrom (Rejects)
Agron of Earth-76216 (Captain America foe)
Agu the Giant (Lorna character) - by Spidermay
Aguado, Tomas (Striker, Shadows)
Aguila (Old West, Phantom Rider character)
Aguila (Power Man/Iron Fist character) - by Norvo
Aguilar, Christina (Sunspot character) - by Markus Raymond
Aguilar, Euphy (Christina's sister)
Ahab (Ulysses Bloodstone)
Ahemait (Ammut)
Ahh (Ngh the Unspeakable)
Ahkbar (Conan character)
Ahmed ?? (encountered Zokae & Okzik)
Ahmed ?? (Cult of the Living Pharao)
Ahmed (Revolutionary Jihad)
Ahmet (mutant, Tunnel Rats, District X character) - by MarvellousLuke
Ahmet, Mr. (Punisher character) - by Chadman
Ahmbra (Kree, Ultra-Girl friend)
Ah-Muzencab (Mayapan)
Ahote (Human Fly character)
Ah Puch (Mayapan)
Ahpuch (Mexican Death God, Thor character) - by Will U
Ahriman (Yazatas, god of evil) - by Loki
Ahura (Black Bolts & Medusa's son, Inhumans) - by Chadman
Ahuud, Gohmen (Shapeshifter/Hogboblin)
Ai Apaec of Earth-1771 (deity, Inheritors victim) - by Proto-Man
A.I.D.A. of Earth-712 (Tom Thumb's computer) - by Prime Eternal
Aikman, Dr. Aaron of Earth-31411 (Spider-Man)
Ailen, Professor George (1950s, encountered Stone Men)
AIM agent MST-3K (Paragon)
Aimes, father (Devil's Heart pawn)
Aimes, Mallory (Janice Lincoln victim)
Ainet (X-Men ally) - by Sammy 7D
"Ainley" (Masters of the Matrix)
Ainsley-Jones, Katherine (vampire, Mortigan Goth foe)
Airborne (Shadowforce)
Airborne (Death Squad)
Aireo the Floating Man (Inhuman, Skybreaker)
Airhead (Trash, Power Pack foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Air-Icka (Sparkitect, manipulated Squirrel Girl)
Airstrike (Dmitri Bukharin, formerly Crimson Dynamo) - by Prime Eternal
Airstrip-One (Captain) of Earth-744 (Captain Britain Corps)
Air-Walker (Arlo Samuelson)
Air-Walker prototype (Excalibur foe)
Ai'sha of Earth-148 (Ee'rath, mother of Princess Sa'tneen)
Aitchinson, Sandy (Morbius character)
Aït-Kaci, Hughes (Tiger, Euroforce member)
A.J. of Ultraverse (Freex)
Ajak-Kar of Ultraverse (Mantra foe)
Ajax, Jon (Greek superhero, Minotaur foe) - by Chadman
Ajaxis (Lava Men, Thunderbolts army) - by Chadman
Ak (Tuk the Caveboy character) - by MarvellousLuke
A'Kane (Vibraxas' mother)
Akbar (Sinbad's crew)
Akbar ?? (Daredevil foe)
Akai, Henry (Timestream) of Earth-7484
Akasha (Spider-Man character) - by Will U
Akayama (X-Men: Watchers on the Wall novel, Madripoor)
Akerman, Julius (Monster Master)
Akers, Gary (WW2, Jet)
Aket-Atum (Conan foe)
Aki of Earth-101001 (telekinetic girl) - by Proto-Man
Akif of Jarabesht (Conan character)
Akiuki Orugawa of Earth-1211 (Black Dragon Society)
Akhenaten (Marvel Universe: The End) - by Will U
Akhirom (Conan character) - by Spidermay
Akivasha (Conan foe)
Akka (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)
Akkheba (Conan foe) - by Spidermay
Aknaton of Reality-8116 (Dreadstar foe)
Akoos (Red Wizard, Pre-Cataclysm)
Akooti of Earth-829 (Assassins' Guild)
Akra (Jann of the Jungle character) - by Ron Fredricks
Akra (Ethicals)
Akulia (Shanna the She-Devil character)
Akuros (Conan character)
Al ?? (WW II, Ace Renard's lawyer)
Al ?? of Earth-88194 (Shadowline, Merchants)
Al ?? (Old West, member of band of outlaws hired by Sam Miles)
Al ?? (KGG-TV) - by Chadman
Al ?? (guard, Jester character)
Al ?? (Tailor Group)
Al (Cognoscenti)
Al ?? (Janice Lincoln's law firm)
Al ?? (TV reporter)
Al ?? (King (Jose Gomez) bodyguard)
Ala (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)
al-Abbad, Abbas (Abacus)
Al-Adil (12th Century, Black Knight ally) - by Markus Raymond
al-Fasaud, Sheikh Farouk (Fasaud)
Al the Alien (US One ally)
Aladdin of Earth-38191 (layabout, medieval Baghdad)
Aladdin’s Genie (Summoned by King Solomon’s Frog)
Alake (Shi'ar, Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Alan ?? (A.I.M. agent, Man-Thing foe)
Alana ?? (Centaurius II, John's girlfriend)
Alanna Neramani of Reality-9922 (X-Character)
Alaric (Dr. Strange/Namor foe) - by Spidermay
Alaric, Alex (Trust)
Alaris (Inhuman) - by Chadman
Alarune, Tara Sidth (Ovada host, Conan foe)
Alaska, Courtney (criminal prosecuter, She-Hulk rival) - by Chadman
Alba, Mrs. (babysitter of Felon's brother)
Albakor (Inhuman warrior) - by Grendel Prime
Albano, Pistol Pete (murdered witness, Daredevil "victim")
Albasini (Sword of Glory, Silver Sable/Dominic Fortune foe) - by Spidermay
Alberich (enslaver of Nibelung clan, Thor foe)
Alberik (Axi-Tun)
Albers, Kevin of Ultraverse (Catapult)
Albert ?? (encountered Chondu the Mystic)
Albert ?? of Earth-83438 (Avengers butler)
Albert (Wolverine robot, Elsie Dee's partner)
Albert ?? (Authority ally)
Albescu (Vlad the Impaler agent)
Albino (Avengers foe) - by DragynWulf
Albion of Earth-811 (Resistance Coordination Executive)
Albion of Earth-70518 (Bran Bardic, violent Corps member, former Excalibur foe) - by Proto-Man
Albright (court judge, presided over case involving teens defeated by Daredevil) - by Chadman
Alcazar (Conan foe)
Alcazar, Dr. (treated Mop Man)
Alchemist (Pryde and Wisdom foe)
"Alchemist" (Jeremy Briggs)
Alchemist M.O.D.O.K. of an unrevealed reality (uses balloon-powered chair)
Alchemoid (Captain America foe) - by Spidermay
Alcmena (Hercules' mother) - by Will U
Alcott, Capt. (yacht captain, Tony Stark ally) - by Chadman
Aldebron (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal
Alden, Goodman Miles (17th Century, Dracula character)
Alden, Dr. Sloan (Frostbite)
Alderman Evans (Amesville alderman)
al-Doom, Ra's of Earth-79733 (long-lived armored terrorist) - by Proto-Man
Aldrin, Tom (Marvel Zombies character) - by Grendel Prime
Ald Thurmis (Thongor)
Alec, Dia "Dee Dee" (George Alec's wife) - by Chadman
Alec, George (writer, Daredevil ally) - by Chadman
Alecto (Ember, Furies)
Alecto (Inhuman rebel, Gorgon's daughter) - by Chadman
Alejandro ?? (el Tenor henchman, Spider-Man/Deadpool foe)
Aleksandr ?? (Electro/Vulture character)
Aleph of Earth-950108 (Commandware of the Clave)
Alesky ?? (Polish mutant, Magneto character) - by Proto-Man
Aletha of Earth-791 (Dwellers of the Ark)
Alethea (1950s mermaid) - by Ron Fredricks
Alex ?? (Woman, Ms. Marvel character)
Alex ?? (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Alex (Morlock, Ghost Rider foe)
Alex (Random)
Alex ?? (friend of Kiden Nixon)
Alex ?? of Earth-21923 (Isleton, California resident)
Alexander ?? (Operation: Cold War)
Alexander ?? (former loan banker, Hellstorm character)
Alexander of Ultraverse (Janus' familiar)
Alexander, Caleb (Namor character) - by Chadman
Alexander, Carrie (Namor character, Caleb's daughter) - by Chadman
Alexander the Great of Counter-Earth (Franklin) (Master Man)
Alexandre ?? (Captain Tyger)
Alexi ?? (Hulk character)
Alexi ?? (Special United Nations Council on Nuclear Armaments)
Alexis the Duck (Howard the Duck character)
Aleyin (Ullikumis)
Alf (Highwayman victim)
Alfie ?? (encountered Aldebarans)
Alfie (Invaders foe) - by John Kaminski
Alfie ?? (Straight-Arrow, Bratpack) - by Chadman
Alfie (Mrs. Lennox's dog)
"Alfie" (Alfredo Morelli)
Alfonso ?? (Cardiac patient)
Alfred, Edward (Vivisector's father)
Alfred, Myles Lee (Vivisector)
Alfredo the chicken (former Melissa Morbeck agent, Chef Bear wife)
Al Forbush of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Algernon of Earth-238 (Crooked World)
Algol, Hokk (Skrull, Avengers/Force Works ally) - by Markus Raymond
Algol Demonstar (Silver Surfer foe)
Algon (Philip Russell)
Algon (Werewolf character)
Algren (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Algren, Tara (Dracula ally/Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Algus, Dr. (Arlo Samuelson foe)
Alhambra (Conan character)
Alhazred, Abdul (Wolverine foe)
Ali ?? (piano player, Mike's Chicago Bar)
Ali ?? (Daredevil foe)
Ali ?? (Tsavo East, Kenya game warden)
Ali, Abdul Ben (criminal in Cairo, Egypt) - by Chadman
Alibar (Mogul, Thor character)
Alibar the Thief (Alibar)
Alibar the Vegabond (Alibar)
Alicar, Tike (Anarchist)
Alice (cow, Stuporman ally)
Alice ?? of Earth-51124 (Robert Gordon's fiancee)
Alice ?? (Strange Tales)
Alice ?? (Defenders character)
Alice ?? (Avengers character)
Alice ?? (Junk-Food Junkies)
Alice ?? of Earth-1211 (Others)
Alice of Earth-751263 (Rejects member) - by Proto-Man
Alicia (Marcia Guzman)
alien beneath Loch Ness (Captain Britain foe) - by Loki
alien champion (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Alien M.O.D.O.K. of Reality-38929 (green-skinned creature)
"Alien Scout" (Marvel monster) - by John Kaminski
alien symbiote of Earth-1089
alien symbiote of Earth-19747 (Squirrel Girl foe)
Alina ?? (Foggy Nelson ex-girlfriend) - by Chadman
Alioth (Avengers foe)
Alisha ?? (Greenwich Village Bar with No Name bartender) - by Proto-Man
Alkemist of reality-49327 (Mars Colony, Death's Head (Minion) foe)
Al Khadhdhaab (12th century, Adam Destine foe) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro
Alkhema (War Toy; Avengers foe)
Alkhema-2 (War Toy)
Alkinoos of Earth-7614 (Sword in the Star)
Allaire, Sarah (X-Student, Papillon)
Allana (Conan character)
Allanson (Peace Corpse)
"Allanson, William" (1950s scientist) - by Ron Fredricks
All-American Red Squirrel of Earth-19747 (Squirrel Girl clone) - by Chadman
Allatou (demon)
All-Devourer (demon, Iron Man foe)
Allegra (New Genix)
Allegre, Luis (Punisher foe, Costa mob family)
Allegri, Natasha (real life comic writer/artist, Earth-616 fan fiction writer/artist) - by Proto-Man
Allehk (Tirenian historian)
Allen ?? (encountered Gordon Langley)
Allen ?? (Nova character)
Allen ?? (Hellcat character)
Allen, Edmund (Silver Bandit)
Allen, John (S.H.I.E.L.D. chief, ESPer division) - by Prime Eternal
Allen, Mr. (Daredevil character)
Allen, Dr. Paul (A.I.M. agent, Bobbi Morse's ex-fiance)
Allen, Preston (Oxford Blue, Euro-Trash)
Allen, Tad (King-Cake Killer foe)
Allen, Dr. William (Carrion)
Allergen Al (Allergen gang)
alley cat (Conan story)
All-Father of Earth-8436 (Last Galactus Story)
All-Highest (Enslaver)
alligator (1960s, fought Monstrom)
Alligator (Ani-Mates)
Alligator Loki (alternate reality alligator, possible Asgardian god) - by HBK123
Allison ?? (Lifeform character)
Allison ?? (Marrs Corporation)
Allison, James (Robert E. Howard creation, reincarnation of past heroes, Wyrm foe) - by Snood & Loki
All-Knowing (Light Brigade, Fifth Caste) - by Chadman
All-Knowing Genghis (Aged Genghis)
All-Knowing Well of Fire (Mimir)
All-Mightiest (Enslaver)
"Allo" (Saur-Lords)
All of Earth's Dark Matter (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
All-Out (training automaton, Anti-Registration Underground) - by Ronald Byrd, Snood & Mike Fichera
Allov, Egon (Neron-Alak's unwitting ally)
"All-Powerful" of Earth-74113 (Sise-Neg)
Allred, Ervil (Hellstorm foe)
All-Seeing (Volla)
All-Seeing Eye (Nyarlathotep)
Allsworth, Gordon (Hercules character) - by Will U
All the Evils of Man (Fangor)
Allure of Earth-534834 (hypnotic seductress, Hulk foe) - by Proto-Man
"All-Wisest" (Zuras)
Allwood, Harvey (R.G. Mathieson)
Ally ?? (Daredevil character)
"Ally-Cat" (Mister Fear, Alan Fagan)
Alma ?? (Flatiron's wife)
Alma Matrix (Marvel Italia, Gemini foe) - by Loki with Angelo Mammone
Almar, Devon (Switch)
Almatheia (ancient Greek goat, nursed young Zeus) - by Proto-Man
Almighty Dollar (Happy Campers)
Alomii, Anita (Adze vampire)
Alonso, Juan Francisco (Frank Johnson)
Alonzo ?? (Senator Ward's driver)
Alonzo, Swifty (Marvel Boy foe)
Alophic, Lady (Conan ally)
Aloysius McNutterly Esq. (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Alpert, Tim (pawn of Tiboro)
Alpha (Triax)
Alpha (Mad Thinker's Intellectual Robots)
Alpha (Warzone)
Alpha (Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant
Alpha Centauri (Galactic Federation delegate, Doctor Who character)
Alpha One (Sat-Yr-9's troops)
Alpha Ray (Betay Ray Bill character)
Alpha the Ultimate Mutant (Defenders character)
Alphabet Pet (children coloring book, X-Men foe) - by Proto-Man
Alphamech of Earth-10014 (Deathlok component)
Alphan (freed Alpha Primitive) - by Chadman
Alraune, Marlene of Earth-28834
Alraune, Peter (Marlene's brother, Moon Knight character)
Al Shaitan (Hellstorm character)
Altarra (Solarman character) - by Grendel Prime
Alter Ego (Thor character, Ego the Living Planet's brother)
Al-Thahab Al-Aswad (Black Gold)
Altieri, Donna (NYPD, Civil War: Front Line) - by Chadman
Altjira (Aboriginal God, Longshot character) - by Markus Raymond
Altman, Hilda (Racine Ramjets)
Altmann, Pieter (Watchlord)
Alturi (Tirenian, Red Hulk ally)
Aluna (Conan character)
Alvarez (Shades, Power Man/Victor Alvarez's father)
Alvarez (V.I.G.I.L.)
Alvarez, Mary of Earth-6311 (Huntara/Tara Richards)
Alvaro (Zingaran ship captain, Conan foe)
Alvis, Edward Lionel (Hellcat character)
Alyssa ?? (Division U)
Alyssa ?? (Nelson & Murdock secretary) - by Chadman
Al-Zubaidi, Ali (Blind Ali, Euro-Trash)
Ama Empress (xt, Silver Surfer foe)
Amadeus, Zoltan of Earth-8107 (Arachnoid)
Amalga-Beast (Avengers foe) - by John Kaminski
Amalgam (X-Men character) - by Flank Mclargehuge
Amalric of Aquilonia (conspirator against King Conan in Aquilonia and Nemedia)
Amalric of Nemedia (fought for Khoraja)
Aman (Silver Surfer character)
Amanat, Sharif (Bainwood Jury, found Bainwood not guilty)
Amanda ?? (encountered Cyclops (monster), pre-FF)
Amanda (mutant, encountered Daredevil)
Amanda ?? (Merx Pharmaceuticals)
Amanda ?? of Earth-77013 (Blue Fly victim, Spider-Man character)
Amanda ?? (encountered X-Student Cryptid (Andy Hartnell))
Amanda ?? (Firebrand)
Amanuensis (Blaze foe) - by Markus Raymond
Amardin (Conan character)
Amaru, Tupac (host to Toro Rojo)
Ama'usumgal (Tammuz)
Amaterasu (Japanese goddess) - by Will U
Amazing Cephallo (1930s, Dugan Travelling Circus of Wonders, Dominic Fortune character)
"Amazing Fantasy Boy" (Spider-Man character) - by Markus Raymond
Amazing Fred (talking dog, Howard the Duck character)
Amazing Lad (Subbie)
Amazing Pinhead (Spider-Man foe)
Amazing Punishing Wolver-Forbush of Earth-665 (Forbush Man/Irving Forbush)
"Amazing Six-Armed Spider-Man" (Six, member of The Freaks)
Amazon of Earth-1191 (X.S.E., Bishop character) - by MarvellousLuke
Amazon of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Proto-Man
Amazon (Strike Force One, She-Hulk clone)
Amazon (Man-Killer)
Amazon of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
"Amazon" (S.H.E.)
"Amazon Disgrace" (Deviant Horde)
Ambara (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
Ambassador (Plasmer character)
ambassador of alternate future (Humanoids)
Ambassador Catarino (Namor foe)
Ambassador Class (squirrel)
Ambassador D'Melza (Nanda, Charter Federation)
Ambassador Gregorovich (Avengers character)
Ambassador Jordan (US ambassador, Headline Hunter character)
Ambassador Ling (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Ambassador McHenry (Defenders character)
Ambassador McIntyre (Inhumans character)
Ambassador Reich (possesed by Beast, Elektra foe)
Ambassador Windsor Raynes (Fantastic Four character)
Ambassador Zorn of Reality-700 (First Line character) - by Norvo
Amber (Ahmbra)
Amber ?? (Flash Thompson ex-girlfriend, Spider-Man character) - by Norvo
Amber ?? of Earth-2988 (War Watch)
Amber ?? (Punisher foe)
Amber ?? (Chamber character) - by Prime Eternal
Amber ?? (Alexander Bont character)
Ambrose the Ape (GA, Vagabond character)
Ambrose, Mr. (Code of Honor character)
Ambrose, Mr. (Thousand host)
Ambur (Inhuman nutrionist, Crystal & Medusa's mother) - by Chadman
Ambush (Shadowforce)
Ambush the Lunatik of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Amenhotep (vampire, Avengers foe) - by Markus Raymond & Snood
Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten)
Ame-no-Mi-Kumari (Japanese goddess) - by Will U & Prime Eternal
Amenomikumari (Ame-no-Mi-Kumari)
Amentah (3000 BC, advisor to pharaohs)
Amergin (Avengers character)
American Anthracite Company superintendent (Blue Blaze character)
American Belle of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
American Eagle of Earth-712 (Golden Agency member) - by Norvo
American Girl of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Crazy Ivan
American Panther (Black Panther (T'Challa) foe) - by Markus Raymond
American Samurai (Elektra foe) - by Future
"American Shield" ("Ultravengers")
America's First Fully-Automated Soldier! (Mechanoid, Hulk foe)
America's Greatest Hero (Slaughter/Nial Coward)
Americop (Captain America "ally")
Ameridroid (Captain America foe)
Ames, Elsa (encountered Peter Maher)
Ames, Leroy (Black Panther character)
Aminedi (Desert Sword)
Amintas (Serpent Men, Conan foe)
Amir (Tuk the Caveboy character) - by MarvellousLuke
Amir (Wolverine/Namor character) - by Chadman
Amir (vampire, Blade foe)
Ammavaru (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)
Ammit (Ammut)
Ammo (Daredevil foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Ammon Ra (Egyptian God, Atum)
Ammut (Egyptian god, agent of Oshtur)
Amnel (Council, Silver Surfer character)
Amon (Demon-Steeds)
Amonger (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)
Amora's Asgardian Admirer (Enchantress victim) - by Norvo
Amos (dog, Thor character)
Amos, William (Wraath, Peacekeepers; alleged name)
Amos, William (Mammoth, Underground Legion)
Ampere (Circle of Pavane)
Ampharon (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Amphibian (zombie clone, Squadron Supreme)
Amphibion (Hulk "ally")
Amphibius (Savage Land Mutates) - by Chadman
Amphisbaena (two-headed ancient Greek serpent) - by Proto-Man
Amphos (Tribbitite/Toad Man, Hulk foe)
Ampu (Bathala)
Ampzilla (Micronauts foe) - by Grendel Prime
Amra (Aquilonian, Conan character)
Amundson, Charles J. (Glitch)
Amundson, Jared (vampire, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Amy ?? (civilian, Daredevil/Torpedo foe)
Amy ?? (young Jewish girl, friend of the Thing) - by Proto-Man
Amy ?? (Deathlok-10511 victim)
Amy ?? (friend of Ulysses Cain)
Amy ?? (Connie Ferrari's legal assistant)
Amy ?? (Toby the mutant's mother)
An (Sisters of Grace)
"Ana" (Anaconda)
Anachronism (Braddock Academy/Masters of Evil) - by Loki
Anaconda (Serpent Society/Six Pack members) - by SQUEAK
Anad, Cecil (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Anah, Glory (Blade's ex-girlfriend)
Anais (Cyclops/Apocalypse character) - by MarvellousLuke
Anais (Thing/X-Force character) - by Proto-Man
Anakalak (Silver Surfer foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Ana-Kashan, Aran (Freebooters, "Ultravengers")
Anamelech (demon of the moon, Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Anand, Sai ("Aspects of Eternity")
Anansi (African God) - by Will U.
Anansi (Rune)
Anansi (Shadow King)
Anarchic Spider-Man of Earth-138 (Hobie Brown/Spider-Punk)
Anarchis of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George)
Anarchist (X-Statix member) - by Proto-Man
Anarchy (Ultimatum, Punisher & Moon Knight foe)
Anarra (Starshine, Spaceknights)
Anatolovich, Gregori (Deadmaker, father of second Deadmaker)
Anatolovich, Gregori (Deadmaker)
Anaxor (Ape Lords)
Anaya, Luis (el Gato)
Ancestor (Avatars of the Mandarin)
Anchor-Man (television reporter, Madballs foe) - by Grendel Prime
Ancient (Thog, Conan foe)
Ancient Hawaiian Chief (Iron Man story)
"Ancient One" (Chinese historian, Mandarin ally)
Ancient One (Captain Britain and Black Knight foe) - by Loki
"ancient one" (Man-Thing character)
Ancient One
Ancient Wrecker of Earth-8410 (Midnight Wreckers)
"ancient yeti" (Man-Thing character)
Andar of Bezfarda (Red Sonja foe) - by Nemedian Chronicler
Ander (Russian, Spy Fighters)
Anders (major, encountered "Rusty" Lewis)
Anders, Mrs. (wife of Alfred, Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Anders, Alfred (WWII soldier serving alongside Captain America)
Anders, Cecil (Captain America foe)
Anders, Frank (Power Cult)
Anders, Gerard (Cardiac character)
Anders, Gretl (alcoholic, Tony Stark ally) - by Norvo
Anders, Dr. Mary Alice (Dr. Octopus lover) - by Stunner
Anders, Timothy (infant, Iron Man character) - by Norvo
Anders, Veronica (Power Cult)
Anderson ?? (Facility scientist) - by Proto-Man
Anderson, Chip (S.S. Recovery)
Anderson, Curly (Phantom Eagle character)
Anderson, Dave (Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Anderson, Dr. (Namor character)
Anderson, Jacob (Sub-Mariner character)
Anderson, James Colin of New Universe (Skybreaker)
Anderson, John (playwright, romance character)
Anderson, Kenneth (Joel Flood trial)
Anderson, Mrs. (Captain Britain character) - by Loki
Anderson, Richard (Inhumans foe)
Anderson, Victoria (granddaughter of Phineas Horton) - by Proto-Man
Anderson, Walter (Scorpio victim) - by Proto-Man
Anderson, Wilhelmina (Jane Foster & Runa character)
Anderssen, Tanya (X-Men character) - by Chadman
Andrax the Last (Elder Earth, Chane foe)
Andre ?? (victim of Horror artist Skrak)
André ?? (Zombie character)
Andre ?? (KGB agent, Black Widow foe)
Andre ?? (RCAF, Sgt. Fury ally)
Andre ?? (Vengeance (Badilino) foe)
"Andrea" (Paul Wilson invention)
Andrew ?? (Spider-Man foe)
Andrew ?? (witnessed by Judge)
Andrew ?? (Flatman's former boyfriend)
Andrew ?? of Earth-92131 (mutant energizer, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man
Andrews, "Hulk" (Quick-Draw Kid, Old West)
Andrews, Dr. (psychiatrist, paid by Kingpin)
Andrews, Officer (San Francisco first responder) - by Chadman
Andrews, Chet (Hellfire Club) - by Sammy 7D
Andrews, Marcus (Rem-Ram, Acolytes)
Andrex (Axi-Tun)
Andreyivich (Black Widow foe)
Andreyko, Ms. (Ben Urich character) - by Chadman
Andro (Dr. Doom foe)
Androitti, Mr. (People's Defense Association of Harlem)
Andros (Cell-12)
Android Andy of Earth-238 (Crooked World)
Android Champion of Machus (Fantastic Four character)
Android Man (Thing foe)
Android of Professor Latimer (Hulk foe) - by Loki
Android X-4 (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Andromeda (Atlantean, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Andromeda the Sword (Andromeda)
Andvari (Inhuman)
Andy ?? (Joseph Danvers' co-worker)
Andy ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Andy ?? (Pete Wisdom character)
"Andy Android" (Egghead's Android)
Andy the Angel (Howard the Duck character)
Anelle (Hulkling's mother, Avengers/Fantastic Four character) - by Chadman
Anesthesia (Sleepwalker; Ant-Man/O'Grady & Wasp/Hank Pym character)
Angar the Screamer (Daredevil/Nick Fury/Spider-Woman foe) - by Chadman
Angar, David Alan (Angar the Screamer)
Angel (Simon Halloway, Hulk/Cloak & Dagger character) - by Norvo
Angel (Warren Worthington III)
"Angel" (Surgeon General/Angeline Kutter)
"Angel" of Ultraverse (Lost Angel)
Angel (Aaron Thorne thrall)
Angel (Angel Dust)
Angel (encountered Mosaic)
Angel of Earth-92131 (Angel Salvadore, X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke
Angel, Donna (Googam foe) - by John Kaminski
Angel, Paige (Karen Page)
Angel, Stardust Mercury (Googam)
Angel, Julie (Human Torch's friend) - by Prime Eternal
Angel, Bantu Warrior (Donna's adopted child)
Angel, Korma Delight (Donna's adopted child)
Angel, Lotus Petals (Donna's adopted child)
Angel Dust (Morlocks) - by Darc_Light
Angel Face (Green Goblin (Phil Urich) foe) - by Minor Irritant
Angelique (nun, Deadly Dozen ally) - by Prime Eternal
Angelhawk of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Angel of Death (Tavi)
Angel of Death (Dark Angel character) - by Changeling
Angel of Death of Earth-21119 (Sentry/Robert Reynolds)
Angel of Light (Marduk Kurios)
"Angel of the Lost" of Ultraverse (Lost Angel)
Angel of Vengeance (Quasar "ally")
Angela ?? (partygoer)
Angela ?? of Earth-75011 (Slow Glass) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Angela ?? (Trust)
Angela ?? (Taker of Heads' sister, Blade foe)
Angelo ?? (Battlin' Jack Murdock/Matt Murdock foe)
Anger (Elektra foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Angerboda (Loki's ex-wife, Thor/Loki foe) - by Markus Raymond
Angevine, Jasper (Silver Sable/Dominic Fortune character) - by Spidermay
Angkor (Wonder Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Angle (Marvel Year-in-Review joke character) - by Loki
Angler (Quasar foe)
Anglo-Simian of Earth-5905 ((Captain Britain) Corps member) - by Loki
Angmo I (Angmo the First)
Angmo II (Red King, Hulk foe)
Angmo the First (Sakaarian Imperial, Hulk story)
Angmo-Asan (Red King, Hulk foe)
Angra Mainyu (Ahriman)
Angra-Mainyu (demon, Conan foe)
Angrboða (Angerboda)
Angstrom, Earl (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Deathlok character) - by Spidermay
Angstrom, Harry (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Earl's son)
Angus ?? (friend of Calvin, Li'l Kids comedy character)
Angus (bloodhound, Morbius character)
Angus ?? of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George)
Angus (Celtic God)
Anielle (Gambit character)
Animal (Fantomex foe) - by Grendel Prime
Animal Don (Rat King)
Animator (Guardsmen victim) - by Spidermay
Animus (Corporation, Captain America/Hulk foe)
Animus (Avengers, Hulk foe)
Animus (demon, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Anjulie of Earth-1289 (Excalibur foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Ankaton of Earth-8116 (Aknaton)
Ankenbauer, Hans (Hellcow's former owner)
"Ankh" ("Knuckledown," unpublished Marvel UK title)
Ankhi (mutant, Muties character) - by Markus Raymond
"Anky" (Saur-Lords)
Ann ?? (Bill Williams' girlfriend)
Anna ?? (Egghead ally)
Anna ?? (Shang-Chi character)
Anna ?? (G-Force's daughter)
Anna ?? (former associate of Cole North)
Annabelle ?? (Manny's Bar & Grill patron, wouldn't take no for an answer) - by Proto-Man
Annabelle ?? (Gong Show participant)
Annalee (Morlock, Power Pack/X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Anne ?? (encountered Roc)
Anne ?? (encountered Gorgilla)
Anne ?? (friend of Dr. Anthony Druid) - by Proto-Man
Anne ?? (friend of Robert "Ironguts" O'Hara) - by Chadman
Anne ?? (Purifiers, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Anne ?? (Tailor Group)
Anne ?? (met Reader in Quiet Room)
Anneka (host to Shedu)
Annemarie ?? (16th century; lover of Georg von Frankenstein; victim of Scheusslischer Lindwurm)
Annex (Spider-Man character)
Annham (Here (And There) )
Annia, Lady (Conan character)
Annie ?? (college student, romance character)
Annie ?? of Earth-80219
Annie ?? (possessed by Kalmari)
Annie ?? (Inhumans character)
Annie ?? (insectoid Inhuman child) - by Chadman
Annie ?? (Kerry's roommate)
Annie ?? of Earth-3145 (Astro-Spider (John Jameson)'s wife)
Annie-Muss (Vamp/Animus)
Annihil-Agent 47 (Anton Trojak, HYDRA)
Announcer (Coterie)
Announcer (Skard)
Anole (Victor Borkowski, X-Men student, Young X-Men/X-Men) - by MarvellousLuke
Anomaly (Maelstrom)
Anomaly (cosmic entity)
"Another Super Hero" (Marvel Mini-Book, Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man
Anqi Sheng (immortal, 209 BC)
Anselmo (Kirsten McDuffie client)
Ansen, Arnold (Billionaire Boys' Club) - by Beetle
Anskar (Polemachus; Avengers foe) - by Stunner
Answer (Spider-Man character)
Answer (David Ferrari, Captain America foe) - by Proto-Man
Antaeus (Greek demigod) - by AvatarWarlord72 & Will U
Antag of Earth-691 (space wanderer, wrote Book of Antag)
Antarctic Abomination (Torg)
Antarctic creature (xt, Golgotha)
Ant-Aunt of Earth-23848 (May Parker)
Anteus (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Anthony ?? (follower of Mr. Code)
Anthony ?? of Earth-1610 (vampire, Ultimate Avengers foe) - by Grendel Prime
Anthony, Bill (Stilt-Man Gang)
Anthony, David (Defenders character)
"anthropomorphic mouse" of Earth-57780 (The Vampire, Spidey Super Stories)
Anthropomorpho (Dimension of Manifestations) - by Snood & Prime Eternal
Anti-All of Reality-24117 (parent of reality-destroying Black Presbyter & others)
Anti-Being (Death's Head and Dark Angel foe)
Antibody of New Universe (Randy O'Brien)
"Antichrist" (Anarchist)
Anti-Claus of Earth-8336 (Santa Claus/Son of Santa foe)
Antigone (Avengers character)
Anti-Hulk of Earth-928 (ca. 2099 AD, Hulk 2099 foe)
Antilia (Atra's daughter)
Anti-Matter (X-Force wannabe) - by Proto-Man
Antiphon the Overseer (Proemial Gods)
Antiquary (exiled Thieves Guild member, Gambit character)
Anti-Vision (Gatherers' Vision) - by Prime Eternal
Antlar (Monster Island creature) - by Madison Carter
Antman of Earth-2301 (Hank Pym, Marvel Mangaverse) - by MarvellousLuke
Ant-Man (Henry Pym)
Ant-Man of Earth-82804 (May Parker)
Ant-Man (Peter Parker)
Ant-Man (Skrull, Criti Noll)
Anton ?? of Earth-8140 (Irkutsk Liberation Front)
Anton ?? (Captain America character)
Anton, Dr. Franz (Avengers character)
Antonelli, Annie (hired Benny the Torch, Daredevil foe)
Antonelli, Joey (hired Benny the Torch, Daredevil foe)
Antonio ?? (Nazi collaborator, Leatherneck Raiders foe)
Antonio ?? (Matt Murdock character) - by Chadman
Antonio ?? (Magma (Amara Aquilla) character) - by Chadman
Antonio ?? of Ultraverse (Yrial foe) - by Grendel Prime
Antonio the Doombot (semi-sentient robot, Squirrel Girl ally) - by Chadman
Antonov, Sergey (Russian criminal, Daredevil/Punisher foe)
Antoro (Circus of Crime animal trainer) - by Chadman
Antro (Deathweb)
Ant-Venom of Earth-12240 (Scott Lang, hero with alien symbiote, Venomverse character) - by Chadman
Anu (Sumerian God)
Anubia (Cult of the Jackal)
Anubich of Earth-Shadowline (Anubis)
Anubis (Egyptian/Heliopolitan God) - by Will U & Kyle Sims
Anubis of Earth-Shadowline (Doctor Zero foe)
Anubis of Earth-20051 (Rama-Tut's Guard)
Anubis the Jackal (Moon Knight foe)
Anung-Ite (She-Hulk and Blaze foe) - by Will U and Snood
Anuxa (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
Anviewo (Damballah)
Anvil (John Anvil, partner of Hammer, Hulk foe)
Anvil, John (Anvil, Hammer & Anvil)
Anya ?? (raised "Aspect of Eternity")
Anything of Ultraverse (Freex)
Anything Man (Defenders foe)
Aoki, Asahiri (Go-Go, Spammers)
Ao-Shi, Wu (Iron Fist, 16th century)
ap Iowerth, Dafydd (Dr. Strange character)
ap Rhys, Dafydd (Doctor Claw)
Apalla (Dr. Strange character)
Apate (Olympian, daughter of Nyx, Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Ape (Old West, Rawhide Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Ape (Ant-Man/Wasp foe)
Ape (Morlocks, Power Pack/X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
ape-demon (Hyborian era)
Ape Horgon (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Ape King (alpha of the Gorgilla Clan circa 1,000,000 B.C.) - by Proto-Man
Ape-Man (Arthur Nagan, Gorilla-Man)
Ape Man (Gruner, pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Ape-Man (Gordon Keefer, Ani-Men/Unholy Three) - by Chadman
Ape-Man (Roy McVey, Ani-Men)
Ape-Man (Ani-Men, Hammerhead ally)
Ape-Man of Earth-81149 (Peter Parker, swinging, climbing & crawling hero) - by Proto-Man
Ape Man from Borneo (Gorgilla)
"Ape-Master" (Maa-Gor)
Apeslayer of Earth-7481 (Planet of the Apes, ruling apes foe)
ape-thing (Hyborian era)
Ape X of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo
Apex, Alexander (telepathic gambler, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Aphid of Earth-71925 (Garden-Spider foe)
Aphrodite (Olympian Goddess, Venus)
Apocaloff, Nikolai of Ultraverse (Wolf)
Apocalypse (Demon-Fire)
Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur)
Apocryphus of Earth-1952 (Anachronauts)
Apokolypse of Earth-17413 (mutant despot) - by HBK123
Apollo (Olympian god) - by Alex K, Will U and Prime Eternal
Apollo (Triax)
Apollyon of Eurth (Drax or Vision counterpart)
Apone, ?? (Namor character)
Aponte, Juan (Crusher)
Apox the Omega Skrull of Earth-982 (MC2, Avengers foe) - by Future
Appala (Apalla)
Apparition (Ghost Rider foe) - by Prime Eternal
Apparition of Earth-712 (ghost entity) - by Loki
"apple ghost" of Earth-14137 (lovestruck fruit ghost, married fish) - by Proto-Man
"Apple of My Eye" (Rachel Palmer)
Appletree, Mr. (Moon Knight foe)
April Fool of Earth-57780 (Spider-Man foe) - by Monzo
Aptak (Skrull)
Apu-punchau (Inti)
Aqhat (Annunaki god, Citizven V foe)
Aqquoonkagua (Thongor)
Aqualung of New Universe (Para-Troop)
Aquaman of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Aqua-Mariner of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Aquan of Ultraverse (Alien Elite)
Aquaria (Undersea Titans, Venus foe)
Aquarian (Thing/Man-Thing/Captain America/Namorita character)
Aquarium Security Guard (Monsters on the Prowl)
Aquarius (One-Man Zodiac)
Aquarius (Mr. Zodiac)
Aquarius (LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal
Aquarius (second, Zodiac Cartel) - by Prime Eternal
Aquarius (Zodiac-Ecliptic member)
Aquarius ("New Zodiac", New Warriors foes)
Aqueduct (Water Wizard, Ghost Rider/New Warriors foe) - by Chadman
Aquila, Sibyl (Olympian, Sibylla)
Aquilla, Amara (Magma) of Earth-904 (X-Men)
Aquiran (ally of James Nugert)
Aquon (Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Aquon (Micronauts ally) - by Grendel Prime
"Arabian" (Calliope's Circus)
Arabian Knight (Abdul Qamar, Hulk character) - by MarvellousLuke
Arabian Knight (Black Panther/Storm foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Arabian Night (Arabian Knight, Abdul Qamar)
"Arabian wizard" (Bloodwraith foe)
Aracely (Hummingbird)
Arachne (Olympus Group) - by Will U
Arachne (Demon-Fire)
Arachne of Earth-79101 (Spider-Woman (Drew), Hydra)
Arachne (Deathweb)
Arachne (Julia Carpenter)
Arachnid of Earth-238 (Crooked World)
Arachnikid of Earth-12041 (Paul Palmer, Maggia, Ultimate Spider-Man foe) - by MarvellousLuke
"Arachno-Prest" (Spider-Boy, Amalgam Universe)
Arachnoid of Earth-8107 (Zoltan Amadeus, Spider-Friends foe) - by David Lawrence
Arachnosaur of Earth-99476 (Spider-Man counterpart)
Aracht'yr (leader of the People, Ms. Marvel (Danvers) character) - by Loki
Aragorn of Earth-8107 (Black Knight's horse)
Arak (Tower of Shadows character) - by John Kaminski
"Arak" (Kyras Shakati ally)
Araki (Shi'ar)
Arakthu (Arakne)
Aram ?? (1950s, money-lender)
Aramemnisu (Aram-Set)
Aram-Set (Living Mummy foe)
Aramanthe, Dame (Satana character)
Aran Ana-Kashan (Freebooters, "Ultravengers")
Arani ?? (Cult of the Living Pharao)
Arath (Atlantean, Sub-Mariner foe) - by Chadman
Arawn (Celtic god of death) - by Loki
Arbunkle, Ralph (NYPD, Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Arc (Hellbent)
Arc (Shi'ar Superguardians) - by Grendel Prime
Arcadian of Earth-928 (Undead, X-Men 2099 foe)
Arcadius (Conan character)
Arcadius, Arkadine (Genetics Council, Lord Arcadius)
Arcane creature (Archenemy)
Arcanna of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member)
Arcanne, Tabitha (Ghost Rider character)
Arcenaux, Antoinelle (Gambit foe, Emery's aunt)
Arcenaux, Emery (Gambit foe)
"Arch" (Archie the Gruesome)
Archaeopteryx (Tonaja)
Archangel (Warren Worthington III)
Archdemon of Darkness (Tryphon)
Archdruid Yelim Pelorvis (Thongor)
Archenemy (Magik (Sefton) foe)
archer of the Temple of Tangkor Marat (Southern Sect, Wolverine character)
Archer of Earth-1191 (Xavier's Underground Enforcers)
Archer (Daredevil character)
Archer, Jefferson Hercules (Highwayman)
Archer, Mary McGrill (Star Stop)
Archer, Ross (Brother Brimstone)
Archer, U. S. (US One, Star Stop)
Archie ?? (Fantastic Four foe)
Archie ?? (Code of Honor character)
Archie (flea-ridden squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
"Archie de Gruesome" (Archie the Gruesome)
Archie the Gruesome (hapless Golden Age hero) - by Proto-Man
Archimago (UK Fantastic Four Annual character) - by Loki
Architect (Elder of the Universe, Quasar story) - by Donald Campbell
Architect (Punisher foe)
Architect (Elektra foe) - by Future
Architect of the Destruction of All Worlds (Mahapralaya)
Archivist (Baron Karza tool) - by Grendel Prime
achivist (Conquest member)
Archon (xt, Thuvrian king, slain by Terminator, Rom story)
Archoric (Conan character)
"Archy the Gruesome" (Archie the Gruesome)
Arclight (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Arctic Avatar (St. Elmo)
Arcturus (Rigellian, Iron Man foe)
Ard (Kronan, part of invasion fleet to Earth alongside brother Korg) - by Proto-Man
Ard (Shard, Cadre)
Ard-Con (Kree Eternal, Ultimus/Demon Druid)
Ardilles, Diego (X-Statix character) - by Proto-Man
Ardina (Defenders character) - by Sammy 7D
Argath, Maximus of New Universe (Max)
Argent (Laurent Bavota, Canadian mutant refugee, Alpha Flight character) - by Proto-Man
Argento (Marvel Italia, Euroforce member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with translation aid from Angelo Mammone
Argento, Michele "Mike" Alex (Argento)
Arges (former weapon smith, Cyclopes) - by Will U, Prime Eternal & Snood
Argo, Claudius (Roman, Bran Mak Morn foe)
Argo the Almighty of Earth-982 (MC2, Avengers ally) - by OmegaTherion
Argon (Microverse, former ruler of Homeworld, Mari's brother)
Argon (Chane foe)
Argon (Death Metal character)
Argon the First (Microverse)
Argos (Atlantean, Sub-Mariner ally) - by Chadman
Argos the Hunter (Sword, Damocles Foundation)
Argosy, Rachel (Rhapsody)
Argot, Mildred (Hodiah Twist ally) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Argus (Olympian cyclops) - by Will U
Argus (Shang-Chi foe)
Argus, Brian (Argus)
Argus the All-Seeing (Olympus Group) - by Will U
Argus/Lord Pumpkin hybrid (Ultraverse character)
Ariana (Aris race)
Ariane of Earth-73012 (Brak the Barbarian foe) - by Spidermay
Arianrhod (Marada character)
Arides (Shatterstar)
Ariel (Coconut Grove, Shakespeare character's inspiration, Ariel ancestor)
Ariel (Zephyrland, the Four)
Ariel of Earth-8280 (Cat/Kitty Pryde)
Ariel (Coconut Grove mutant, Fallen Angels member) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro
Aries (Zodiac Cartel) - by Prime Eternal
Aries (One-Man Zodiac)
Aries (Zodiac Cartel, Lucifer host) - by Prime Eternal
Aries (Mr. Zodiac)
Aries (LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal
Aries (third, Zodiac Cartel) - by Prime Eternal
Aries (Zodiac-Ecliptic member)
Aries ("New Zodiac", New Warriors foe)
Ariguan Sith-Lord (Rruothk'ar)
Arimathes of Earth-829 (Hercules' son @ 2385)
"Arion" (Kyras Shakati ally)
Ariostro (King of Argos, Conan character)
Arisen Tyrk of Other Realm
Arisnaub (Hyborian god, Conan character) - by Spidermay
Arista (Karindian race)
Aristis (Children of Bast)
Aristo (Ariguan, Starlord character)
Arize of Mojoverse (Longshot/X-Men character)
Arizona Kid (Davy Laramee, Old West hero) - by Prime Eternal
Arkanian, Glib (Laxidazian, Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell) character)
Arkham, Pop (Fagan Corners, Vermont; friend of Karen Page's family)
Arkin the Weak (Loki's cousin, Thor foe) - by Julien Vivé
Arko (Crimson Hawks) - by Prime Eternal
Arkon (Fantastic Four/Avengers character) - by Norvo
Arkon the Imperion (Arkon)
Arkon the Magnificent (Arkon)
Arkoss (Conan foe) - by Spidermay
Arkus (Namor's cousin) - by MarvellousLuke
Arkwright, Len (Super Soldiers characters)
Arla (1950s, extradimensional from world of shadows) - by Ron Fredricks
Arlen, Dr. Mike (physician, Namor the Sub-Mariner character) - by Chadman
Arlinna (Conan character) - by Grendel Prime
Arliss, Todd (Tiger Shark)
Arlo ?? (Edwin Cord bodyguard)
Arlo ?? (X-Men character)
Armada (Nova foe) - by Grendel Prime
Armada (Spider-Man foe) - by G Morrow
Armageddon (Troyjan, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Armageddon of Earth-79733 (Robert Bruce Fairchild, gamma-irradiated undead monster) - by Proto-Man
Armageddon of Earth-2182 (son of Apocalypse, member of Professor W's X-Men)
Armageddon Man (early mutant, X-Force foe) - by Proto-Man
Armadillo (Captain America character) - by Madison Carter
Armadillo (Ani-Mates)
Armal, Francois (vampire slayer, King of the Vampires victim)
Armand (Conan foe)
Armand ?? (The Hood's assistant/enforcer) - by Proto-Man
Armando ?? (lived in same building as Kerry)
Armaros (Angel, Grigori)
Armatage, Clarence (Silver Squire)
Armati (Conan foe)
Amati, Nicola (mid-1600s, violin maker)
Armaziel (Angel, Hellstorm character)
Armbruster (possible S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Deathlok (Jack Truman) ally)
Armbruster, Jack (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Arm'Cheddon (Troyjan, Armageddon)
Armless Tiger Man (Angel foe) - by Prime Eternal
Armond, Dr. (Iron Man character)
Armored Spidey of Earth-31198 (billionaire Peter Parker, Spider-Man cartoon) - by Proto-Man
Armorer (Hellstorm foe)
Armory (Heavy Metal, Brute Force foe)
Armory (former Initiative recruit) - by G Morrow
Armour of the Thanosi (Infinity Abyss character)
Armourer (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Armourer (Marvel UK, Spider-Man foe)
Arms Dealer to the World (Moses Magnum)
Arms Merchant (Thunderbolts/Iron Man foe) - by Markus Raymond
Armstrong, Alistaire Augustus (Deathtrap)
Armstrong, Cary (Strongarm)
Armstrong, Joseph (Elongated Armstrong, Fight-Brigade)
Armstrong, Julian (Humanity's Last Stand member) - by Proto-Man
Armstrong, Mike (Teen Brigade) - by Prime Eternal
"Armure" (The Ruined)
Army Cat (Bubble Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Arn, Thomas (Chaka)
Arnett (ATF member) - by Proto-Man
Arnett, Mary (Captain America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Arni ?? (Dracula victim)
Arnie ?? (US Army soldier, Human Torch foe)
Arnie ?? (Randolph Winston Cherryh thug)
Arnie ?? of Earth-267
Arnie Lunt (The Mysterious Fanboy, Arthur K. Lundberg, X-Statix member)
Arno (Conan character)
Arnold (1950s circus owner)
Arnold (enhanced LMD, Black Widow foe)
"Arnold, Benedict" (Corporation)
Arnold, Robert (Warpie, Captain Britain character) - by Loki
Arnstead, David "Dave" (Tragg foe)
Arnstead, Dorothy (Edmond's wife)
Arnstead, Edmond (Spider-Man/Man-Thing character) - by Grendel Prime
Arocha, Tatiana (Stuart Clarke's girlfriend, Punisher character) - by Markus Raymond
Aroke (Shi'ar, Avengers character) - by Chadman
Aron the Watcher (Fantastic Four foe) - by Norvo
Arons, Richard (Stane International, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Arounder (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)
Arquette, Darren (Daredevil character)
Arrakhyl (Araknoids)
Arranger (Oswald P. Silkworth, Spider-Man foe) - by Norvo
Arranger (Scarlet Spider (Kaine) foe) - by Minor Irritant
Arriguez, Elia (manufacturer, Nomad (Jack Monroe) character) - by Chadman
Arris (Universal Inhumans, Incentaurian)
Arrkam of Earth-6676 (Hulk foe)
Arrow (Arizona Kid's horse)
Arrow Ace (Mortimer Freebish)
Arrowmaster (Mortimer Freebish)
Arroyo-López, Ricardo (el Lobo)
Arsenal (Avengers/Hulk foe(s) ) - by Stunner, Madison Carter & Prime Eternal
Arsenal (Nimrod Strange, Moon Knight foe)
Ars Magna (Scarlet Witch foe) - by Markus Raymond
Artemis (Olympian goddess) - by Alex K, Prime Eternal and Will U
Artemis (priest, possessed by Catherine)
Arthur ?? (Hulk robot creator) - by Prime Eternal
Arthur of Earth-811 (RCX)
Arthur, Ed (criminal, Daredevil foe)
Arthur, Larry (Valerie's husband)
Arthur, Valerie (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Arthur Pendragon (King Arthur)
"Arthur Street Bridge Boy" (Marvel Super Heroes RPG character) - by David Lawrence
Artie ?? (Lori's friend, Daredevil story)
Artie Choke (Hostess ad, Cousin Betsy)
Artifact#G5-19-2E30 (Shocket)
Artificial Intelligence Data Analyzer of Earth-712 (A.I.D.A.)
Artificial Intelligent Digital Assistant of Earth-199999 (A.I.D.A., Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series)
Artificial Superhuman (Ash)
Artorius (King Arthur)
Artur (King Arthur)
Arty ?? (Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters groundskeeper) - by MarvellousLuke
Artys-Gran (Unforgiven Dead)
Aruc, Denebo II (Governor of Wukar)
Aruc, Denebo III (Governor of Wukar)
Aruca, Mina (vampire, 1970s) - by Spidermay
Aruna (Ullikumis)
Arus (9,500 BC, Nemedian)
Arvad, Jackson (Will O' The Wisp)
Arvak (Inhuman, Centaurs) - by Markus Raymond
Arvino (Owl employee)
Aryan (Cage inmate, Wolverine foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Arzt, Ulbrecht (Baron Boche)
Asaad (Conan character)
Asag (3rd century, Bran Mak Morn ally)
Asahi (Hanrasha, first Vershuct) - by Proto-Man
A'Sai (Spider-Man foe) - by Snood for Spider-Fan
Asano, Yoshida (Samurai Steel)
Asbery, Shamari (Bison girlfriend)
Asbestos Dame (Asbestos Lady)
Asbestos Lady (Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Asbestos Man (Human Torch foe)
Asbru (created Bridge of Asbru)
Asbury, Robert (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Asgard Lass (Thor Girl)
Ash ("Ultravengers")
Ash of Earth-2149 (Marvel Zombies, Ashley G. Williams, Marvel Zombies character) - by David Lawrence
Ash (Captain Kerosene creation) - by Loki
Ash, Brandy (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Ash, Crimson (Daredevil character)
Ash, Marty of a pre-current Multiverse reality (WBLZ-TV news reporter, Eddie Brock friend)
Ash, Ms. (Mark Holly's teacher, Marvel UK)
Ash, Skip (Brandy's father, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Ash, Volcana of Earth-691 (21st Century, Killraven ally)
Ashake (Egyptian sorceress, Storm ancestor)
Ashake (Marada character)
Ashcan (Spider-Man/Hulk character)
Asher, Axel (Access)
Asher, Carl (Mike's father)
Asher, Donna (Mike's mother)
Asher, Ezra (Wolverine foe)
Asher, Mike (Brotherhood) - by Zerostar
Ashius (coloring book, Captain America/Hulk/Iron Man/Thor foe) - by Proto-Man
Ashkenaz, Serena of Ultraverse (Serana)
Ashley ?? (childhood friend of Squirrel Girl)
Ashton, George (Pandora foe)
Ashtoreth (Astarte)
Ashtoroth (Dragons of Karadoc)
Asimoff, Dr. Ivan (xt science-fiction author, Doctor Who character)
Askalan (Black Knight character) - by Loki
Askaré (Monitor robot woman, Thing character)
Askella (Asgardian troll, Raven Banner character)
Asmodeus (Sons of Satannish)
Asmodeus (Enclave)
Asmodeus (bat-winged Inhuman) - by Chadman
Asmodeus (demon, Ghost Rider foe/Dracula character)
Asmodeus (Morning Star's follower)
Asmodeus Jones (rock star, Defenders character)
Asmodiar (demon, Merlin and Arthur foe)
Asp (Living Mummy, Ms. Marvel character)
Asp (Serpent Society/BAD Girls Inc. member) - by SQUEAK
"Aspy" (Asp, Serpent Society)
Asquint, Pendleton (Shang-Chi character)-by the Beetle
Assassin of Earth-71778 (Mr.Kline)
Assassin (Maria, Avengers foe)
Assassin (Committee for Free Emigration, Defenders foe)
Assassin (Night Raven foe) - by Loki
assassin (Elektra character)
Assassin (Namor foe) - by Caesar Godzillatron
Assassin-8 (Marvel UK, Spider-Man foe) - by Loki
assassin-bomber of New Universe (Nightmask foe)
Assassin-Bot (Coldblood foe)
Assassin of Paris (19th century, serial killer)
"Assassin with my face" (Spidercide)
Assault (SHIELD foe)
Assault (Metahumes)
Assigi (Nimrod Strange's bodyguards)
Assistant of White Wizard (Color Criminals, Spider-Man villains from a youngsters' book)
Ast (Time-Keepers)
Astaroth (Davy Jones)
Astarte (Inanna)
Astarte (Conan character) - by Spidermay
Astarte (X-Force foe) - by Sammy 7D
Asten (Thoth)
Aster, Lucian (Hulk/Defenders foe)
Asterion (Minotaur)
Asterix of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Asterix the Gaul of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ads)
Asteroid Man (primordial being, Spider-Man Magazine)
Asteroth (Beta Ray Bill foe)
Asti the All-Seeing (Dr. Strange character)
Astin (Maggia member)
Astin, Bill (Ouija)
Astor, Ken (General Argyle Fist agent)
Astra (Shi'ar Imperial Guard) - by Chadman
Astra (first-generation Spaceknights of Galador)
Astra (Polemachus; Avengers character) - by Stunner
Astra (X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Astreas (Conan character)
Astriel (Snowqueen)
Astro (Mr. Zodiac)
Astro, Vance (alternate reality, proposed young Avengers in training)
Astro Flair (fireball-generating superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Astrologer (Black Widow foe) - by Spidermay
Astrologer Royal (Odin ally)
astronomer of Shushan (Conan character)
Astronomer (Elder of the Universe)
Astro-Spider of Earth-3145 (John Jameson, astronaut scavenger) - by Proto-Man
Asura (Hyborian God)
Asuza (A.C.E. Corporation, Motormouth and Killpower character)
Asylum of Earth-79733 (Eddie Brock, insane reporter bonded to dozens of symbiotes) - by Proto-Man
Atali (Conan character) - by Per Degaton
Atalis (Conan character)
Atalis the Far-Seeing (Atalis)
Atalis of Yaralet (Atalis)
Atalon of Ultraverse (Ultraforce)
Atalon of Earth-691 (21st Century, Death-Birth)
Atar (Hindu god) - by Will U
Ataros (Gods for the 80s)
Atau of Earth-21119 (Watcher, What If story)
Ath'Agaar (Hyborian era barbarian chieftain, Void Indigo character)
Atheist of New Universe (Sillatochca)
Athena (Olympian goddess) - by Alex K, Prime Eternal and Will U
Athene (Medusa-Land)
Athene (Fem-Force)
Athey of Earth-8410 (Death's Head (FPA) foe)
Athmar Phong (Thongor)
Athos (Elektra's bodyguard) - by Chadman
Athyr-Bast (Black Ring)
Atkins (Iron Man foe)
Atkinson, Katie (X-Student, Iolanthe)
Atla (Worms of the Earth/human hybrid, Bran Mak Morn character)
Atlan (Conspiracy)
Atlas (Greek myth) - by Will U
Atlas (Greek titan) - by Will U
Atlas (Werewolf by Night foe) - by Minor Irritant
Atlas (Forgotten One; mistaken for)
Atlas (Erik Josten)
Atlez (Infinity Abyss character)
Atleza Langunn (Infinity Abyss character)
Atom Bob of Ultraverse (Strangers member) - by Grendel Prime
Atomic Lou (Fight Man/Agent X foe)
Atomic Man (Radion)
Atom Smasher (Ronald English, Black Goliath foe)
Atom Smasher (Michael English, Thing/Giant-Man (Foster) foe)
Atom Smasher (Iron Man foe)
Atom Smasher (Captain America (Barnes)/Toro foe) - by Markus Raymond
Ator (Inhuman, Crimson Cadre) - by Chadman
Atra (Lemurian alchemist, creator of Serpent Crown) - by Donald Campbell
Atric, Dr. Gerard "Gerry" (Grey Panther)
Atrin of Earth-928 (Ravage foe) - by Zerostar
Atrocity (Fallen)
Attacker (Anti-Registration Underground) - by Ronald Byrd, Snood & Mike Fichera
Attalus (Conan character)
attendant (mysterious hooded figure)
attendant of Reality-791 (Giri-World native)
Attila (Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane)
"Attila the Hun" (a Space Phantom, Avengers foe)
"Attila the Hun" (War-Yore)
Att-Lass (Kree, Captain Atlas)
Attukar (Atlantean tribal monarch, Attuma's father) - by Chadman
Attuma (Namor foe) - by Chadman
Attumasen, Andromeda (Andromeda)
Atul the Watcher (Captain Marvel I#39)
Atum (God Slayer) - by Will U and Per Degaton
Atur of Reality-691 (Courga race)
Atwell, Dr. Paul (Young Allies character)
Aubrey, Roger (WW II hero, Destroyer/Dyna-Mite)
Auctioneer (Alpha Flight foe) - by Proto-Man
Auctus (slave, Bran Mak Morn character)
Audio (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Auditor Nolor (Rigellian auditor) - by Chadman
Audrey ?? (Punisher foe, Maggia assassin)
Audrey ?? (Daredevil character) - by Markus Raymond
Audumbla (Asgardian character, possible Gaea aspect)
Augie ?? (bystanding jerk) - by Proto-Man
Augmentation #15 (D-Man)
August ?? (Recession Raiders)
August, Darla ("snow vampire")
August One (Lord Tuan)
August One (Yü-Ti, son of Tuan)
August Personage in Jade (Lord Tuan)
August Personage in Jade (Yü-Ti, son of Tuan)
Auguste, Marie (Marie Laveau)
Augustus (Pulse)
Aull, Lesley (Hellcat character)
Aunt Dee (Dee Dent)
Aunt Edna (Doris Urich's aunt)
Aunt May (Linda Brown's aunt)
Aunt May (May Parker)
Aunt Petunia (Thing's aunt)
Aunt Polly (Beast's great-aunt) - by Proto-Man
Aunt Rae-843 (Galactic Alliance of Spider-Men, 'Spinner relative)
Aunt Serr (Sub-Mariner foe)
Auntie of Ultraverse (Rafferty victim) - by Grendel Prime
Auntie Freeze of Earth-24848 (May Parker)
Auntie Freeze (Grapplers)
Auntie Maim (Snailman's aunt)
Auntie Maim of Earth-928 (Lawless, X-Men 2099 character)
Auntie Maud (Marvel UK, Ghostman Bat's aunt)
Aunty Nuke of Earth-80360 (eccentric Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Aura (partner of Override, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Aura of Eurth (Unus counterpart)
Aura-Lee (Quentin Carnival, Johnny Blaze character)
Auran (super-hearing Inhuman investigator) - by Chadman
Aurelle (Eternals) - by Prime Eternal
Auric (Alpha Flight character) - by Norvo
Auro (Conan character)
Auron (former Inhuman leader) - by Chadman
Aurora (Ship)
Aurora (Jeanne-Marie Beaubier)
Aurwel (Ancients)
Ausir (Osiris)
Austin, Adam (Masked Marvel)
Austin, Jake (John Jameson foe) - by Changeling
Austin, Traci (Illuminator character)
Author of the Word of God (Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme foe) - by Proto-Man
Authority (Spider-Man foe)
Autocron admiral (Machine Man foe)
Autolycus (Adam Warlock character) - by Chuck D
Automaton (Q7 Strikeforce)
Autumn of Earth-238 (Crooked World)
Autumn ?? (Gus Beezer character)
Autumn, Alex of Earth-95431 (Foxfire's father) - by Grendel Prime
Autumn, Mariah of Ultraverse (Mourning Star)
Avadar (Inhuman geneticist) - by Chadman
Avalanche (Dominic Petros)
Avalon (Thor character) - by Grendel Prime
Avalon, Annette (Reverend Styge follower)
Avalonia of Eurth (Warbird counterpart)
Avandalia (Cloak & Dagger foe)
Avarez, Carmen (King (Jose Gomez) employee)
Avarrish (Six-Fingered Hand)
Avatar (Franklin Richards aspect)
Avatar (princess Alaisa)
Avatar of Chaos (Marquis Radu)
Avatar of Cha'sa'dra (Lava Men)
Avatar of Hell (Yokai-Raida)
Avedon, Ruby (Vengeance character)
Avell (distant past Kree, Morag ally) - by Donald Campbell
Aven (Inhuman) - by Markus Raymond
Avenger (Tuk the Caveboy)
Avenger of Earth-96620 (Faite's Wing foe)
Avenger of Arkyn (Zephra)
Avenger of the Arthritic (Grey Panther)
Avenger of Wrongs (Lion God/Sekhmet)
Avenger Prime of Reality-18201 (Loki, mystic protector of the Multiverse) - by Proto-Man
Avenger X (Cressida, Avengers infiltrator) - by Proto-Man
Avenging Daughter (Namora)
Avery, Ben (Old West, Blackjack victim)
Avery, Howard (Brute That Walks)
Avery, Victor (Midnight Monster)
Avga (Conan character)
Avia (Inhuman) - by Chadman
Avian (Alpha Prime member)
Avian (Inhuman child)
Aviles, Armando (Bantam foe) - by Prime Eternal
Avion (Inhuman child)
Avios (Shi'ar, Maximum Security character) - by Chadman
Avius (winged Inhuman) - by Chadman
Avlekete (African God)
Avoe (Universal Inhumans, Goddess of the Direst Wraiths) - by Chadman
Avril, Sally (Spider-Man character) - by Prime Eternal
Av-Rom (Kree, Young Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Avro-X (Iron Man character) - by Markus Raymond
"Awesome Arach-Kid" (Spider-Boy, Amalgam Universe)
Awesome Armadillo (Armadillo)
Awesomelegs, Sally (Squirrel Girl)
A-X ("Ultravengers")
Axe (Gladiators, New Mutants foe) - by Norvo
Axe (Harriers)
Axe of Earth-93121 (magical construct, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice foe) - by Grendel Prime
Axe Guy (Bullet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Axe of Violence (Lethal Legion)
Axel (Rescorlan race, Starfox character)
Axel ?? (Kingpin foe) - by Chadman
Axel, Anton (Amazing Adult Fantasy character) - by John Kaminski
Axis (First Line foe) - by Norvo
Axis Annie (Übermädchen)
Ax-L (Sparkitect leader)
Axomeen of Reality-81165 (Backworld, Amazons)
Axon-Karr (Makluan) - by Prime Eternal
Axus (Freebooters, "Ultravengers")
Aya (Silver Surfer character)
Ayala (ESU professor, Misty Knight character)
Ayala, Awilda (sister of White Tiger/Hector Ayala, mother of White Tiger/Angela Del Toro) - by Chadman
Ayala, Filippo (Corporation, White Tiger's (Hector Ayala) brother)
Ayala, Hector (White Tiger)
Ayaman (Silver Surfer character)
Ayers (nurse, Matt Murdock character)
Ayers, Bruce (Punisher character) - by The Beetle
Ayers, Joshua (Miracle Man)
Ayesha (former Sorcerer Supreme)
Ayesha (Kismet)
Ayi (Dog Brother #1 character)
Ayilla (Conan character)
Aykroyd, Dan (Not-Ready-for-Primetime-Players, Saturday Night Live cast member)
Ayram (Inhuman, Black Bolt/Medusa wedding guest)
Ayrshire, Bova (Bova)
Ayshera (Earth Lords, lover of Shadow Lord)
Ayuba (Storm's cousin)
Azazel (possible alias of Lucifer)
Azazel (Serayn-created artificial intelligence, Undying/Cable character)
Azazel (Angel, Grigori)
Azazello (demon, Magik foe)
Azaziah (Crimson Mage)
Azevedo (Mrs. Glenn's attorney)
Azimuth (Century character) - by Markus Raymond
Azis, Ahmad (Anubis the Jackal)
Azmodeus (Master Pandemonium's familiar)
Azopardi (Vincent Stevens/Strange foe) - by Spidermay
Azoth (Conan foe)
Azotharoth (demon-mentioned only)
Azrael (Lord Phyffe)
Azrael (magical waste creature, Dr. Strange foe) - by Kyle Smith
"Aztec Ghost Rider" (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Azunbulxibar (Starfox foe)
Azur (Inhuman, Karnak & Triton's mother) - by Chadman
Azure (Ravens)
All characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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