BLADE Characters

Aceldama (Bad Seed, vampire drug)

Adze (vampires, Blade foes)

Afari, Jamal (Blade's former mentor) - by Markus Raymond

Aleph of Earth-950108 (Commandware of the Clave)

Algren, Tara (Dracula ally/Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Alomii, Mrs. (Adze vampire)

Amir (vampire, Blade foe)

Amulet of Octaviano (used by Deacon Frost doppelganger)

Amundson, Jared (vampire, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Ancient (vampires, Blade foes) - by Markus Raymond

Angel (Aaron Thorne thrall)

Angela ?? (Taker of Heads' sister, Blade foe)

Animus (demon, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Anthony ?? of Earth-1610 (vampire, Ultimate Avengers foe) - by Grendel Prime

Asmodeus (demon

Atrocity (The Blood)

Bad Seed (Varnae's secret clan)

Bad Timing (Lilin demon, Nightstalkers foe) - by Markus Raymond

Belial, Lt. Gregory (D.O.A.)

Belinski, Cesar (Rosa's husband)

Belinski, Rosa (Blade ally) - by Markus Raymond

Belles, Claudia (vampire-hunter, Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Belonging (Dracula characters)

Beyt of Earth-950108 (Commandware of the Clave)

Bible John (Blade ally) - by Markus Raymond

Bitsy (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Blackeye 1 (Silvereye ship)

Blade (Eric Brooks)

Blood (Midnight Sons characters)

Bloodsbane of Earth-9991 (divergent future Blade ally) - by Markus Raymond

Bloodshadows (Blade's original team) - by Markus Raymond

Bloodstorm (Dracula clone, Nightstalkers foe) - by Markus Raymond

Bloodthirst (Lilin, Morbius foe) - by Markus Raymond

"Bolt-Face" (Blade foe)

Boy (Ancient)

Boy-Thing (Man-Thing spawn, Blade/Avengers ally) - by Proto-Man

Bronskon (Nightstalkers foe)

Buchanan, Sam (Darkhold Redeemers)

Cabranes, Trinity (vampire slave, Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Casim, Adam (Punisher/Nightstalkers foe)

Caretaker (The Blood)

Carpathian (bat-like vampire, Legion of the Unliving)

Champions (Millennial Visions 2001) - by Proto-Man

Chang, Imei (Wong's fiancee, Doctor Strange character) - by Markus Raymond

Charniputra (vampires, Blade foes)

Chiaroscuro (Cathari, Bible John)

Chicault, Francois (vampire, Gambit/Blade foe)

Children of Eternity (Blade foes) - by Markus Raymond

Chin, Jasper (Blade foe)

Chipmunk Hunk (Tomas Lara-Perez, Squirrel Girl ally) - by Chadman

Chthon (the Other, Elder God, author of the Darkhold) - by Patrick D Ryall

Cilla (Tryk, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Clave of Earth-950108 (extratemporal race from Earth, Blade/Scarlet Witch/Man-Thing/Modred/Strange foes) - by Markus Raymond

Clea (Dr. Strange's wife, Defenders member) - by Chadman

Colonel America (Project: Rebirth operative) - by David Lawrence

Commander Frank Dallas (Silvereye)

Commander Spencer (Silvereye)

Commandware of Earth-950108 (Clave, Scarlet Witch/Modred/Strange/Blade foes)

Couleur (Seven)

Cray, Jonas (vampire hunter, Blade character) - by Prime Eternal

Cross, Lucas (Blade's father, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond & Julien Vivé

Cross, Tara (Vanessa Brooks, Blade's mother, vampire) - by Markus Raymond

Crossbow (alternate Blade) - by Markus Raymond

Cutter, Cyrus (Blade foe, Bloodshadows)

Cypher, Waylon (Blade foe)

Dahlia (vampire, Dracula/Blade foe)

D'Alescio, Marguerite (Blade foe)

Damien (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Daredevil of Earth-1610 (Raymond Connor, vampire) - by Grendel Prime

Darkhold (Book of Sins) - by Patrick D Ryall & Snood

Darkhold Dwarf (Chthon agent, Darkhold Redeemers foe)

Darkhold Redeemers (Midnight Sons characters)

Demon Lords (served by Stonecold)

Desiree, Charisma (Blade/Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond

Desiree, Newton (Charisma's father)

Desiree, Zinnea (Charisma's mother)

D.O.A. (Department of Occult Armaments; Nightstalkers foes) - by Markus Raymond

Doc (Lilin, Midnight Sons foe) - by Markus Raymond

Doctor Nemesis (Invaders character) - by Ronald Byrd & MarvellousLuke

Dr. Jacob Weisenthal (Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond

Dogs (Silvereye)

Dolly (vampire-hunter, Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Draconis (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Dracula (Vlad Tepes Dracula) - by the Masters of the Obscure

Dro of Earth-950108 (Searchware of the Clave)

Earth-Hannibal King Lord of Vampires (Nightstalkers story) - by Prime Eternal

East Side Blood Bank (NYC blood bank, robbed by vampires) - by Proto-Man

Edge of Intrados (used by Blade) - by Markus Raymond

Elvis ?? (Stonecold victim)

Embyrre (The Blood)

"Evangeline" (Darius Venginian pawn)

Exorcist gun (Frank Drake's anti-occult gun) - by Markus Raymond

Eyeagents (Silvereye agents)

Fallen (former Blood)

Fang (Lilin, Morbius foe) - by Markus Raymond

Ferrara, Enzo (vampire hunter, Blade/Dracula character)

Flanders, Elliot (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Flanders, Lori Ann (Elliot's wife)

Flanders, Theodore (Elliot's son)

Fofo (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Foundry (The Blood)

Fracture (Spider-Man/Blade foe) - by G Morrow

Freak (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Frost, Deacon (Blade/Hannibal King foe) - by Markus Raymond & Snood

Garlic Gumballs (invented by Fofo)

Gethsemane Flats (small US town near Route 66, location of covenant between Heaven & Hell) - by Proto-Man

Ghost Rider (Noble Kale, 17th century) - by Proto-Man

Giscard, Rene (Blade foe)

Glass, Rebecca (The Belonging)

Glory ?? (Blade's ex-girlfriend)

Goat's Head (bar in Port Brimstone tended by Perry)

Golem, Judiah (vampire hunter)

Graves, Clifton (Dracula ally)

Groza (Mortuus Invitus)

Guy, Eric (Musenda foe)

"Hairy" (Blade foe)

Hastings, Louise (Darkhold Redeemers)

"Healer" (Switchblade victim)

Hellstorm (Son of Satan)

Howling Commandos (SHIELD monster strike force) - by Madison Carter

Hrolf (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Hua, Kuai (Dracula servant)

Hubris Jr., Tony (Darkholders, Blade foe)

Hunger (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

Innards (D.O.A.)

Inspector Chelm (Blade ally)

Iron Ring (Melissa Morbeck, Squirrel Girl foe) - by Chadman

Isen (Aaron Thorne thrall)

Jinx (Darkhold Redeemers, William Hastings)

Joe ?? (Silvereye)

Jones, Orji (Blade ally, Dracula foe)

Kale, Noble (Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch's spirit of vengeance) - by Proto-Man

Kaluu (Doctor Strange/Mighty Avengers character) - by Markus Raymond

"Kate" (Darius Venginian pawn)

Katinka (Blade ally)

Kikyo of Earth-101001 (assassin, Blade/Wolverine character) - by Mike Podgor

King, Hannibal of Earth-Hannibal King Lord of Vampires (Blade/Hannibal King (616) foe)

Koi Boi (Ken Shiga, Squirrel Girl ally) - by Chadman

Kornfeld, Mrs. (mother of Spider-X)

Kuyuk (Charniputra vampire)

Kwate (Seven)

LaFountaine, Georgianna (Nightstalkers character) - by Markus Raymond

Lam of Earth-950108 (Searchware of the Clave)

Lamia (vampire, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

LaVeau, Marie (voodoo queen)

Legion of the Damned (vampires)

Legion of the Unliving (vampires led by Shadow Colonel, Avengers foes) - by Proto-Man

Leslie ?? (vampire, Blade foe)

Levant, Dominique (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Lila (The Belonging)

Lilith (Mother of Demons)

Lorraine ?? (Musenda's wife)

Mack ?? (diner owner, Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) friend) - by Proto-Man

Madame Jasmine (Nightstalkers foe) - by Markus Raymond

Mahajan, Mary (Chipmunk Hunk's girlfriend, Squirrel Girl ally) - by Chadman

Malpractice (D.O.A.)

Maples, Ms. (Darius Venginian victim)

Maracen (Ancient)

Marcoule, Yathalea (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Maxxy (Blade foe)

McKenna-Drake, Marlene (Frank Drake's wife)

M'Dammen, Azu (Blade ally, Dracula foe)

Meatmarket (The Lilin) - by Madison Carter

Metarchus (The Blood)

Midnight Massacre (Midnight Sons vs Blade event) - by Markus Raymond

Midnight Sons (supernatural team, Ghost Rider/Blade/Doctor Strange, etc.) - by Proto-Man

Mikado (Blade ally) - by Markus Raymond

Mills, Herbert (Silvereye)

Modred the Mystic (Darkhold Redeemer) - by Patrick D Ryall

Montesi, Victoria (Darkhold Redeemers)

Moorek (Nightstalkers foe)

Mortuus Invitus (Dracula foes) - by Markus Raymond

Mosha (Blade ally) - by Markus Raymond

Musenda (Blade ally)

Mutt ?? (Don Fortunato employee)

Necrodamus (Defenders foe) - by Chadman

Necrotech Program (computer program, Aaron Thorne)

Negus, Solomon (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Nightstalkers (Blade, Drake & King team, supernatural fighters) - by Proto-Man

Night Terror (Ghost Rider/Blade foe) - by Madison Carter

Nital, Taj (Dracula foe) - by Markus Raymond

O (MI-13 quartermaster, Captain Britain & MI-13 character) - by Loki

Orffyreus Wheel (built by Stonecold)

Parasite (Lilin, Morbius foe) - by Markus Raymond

Patriarch (The Blood)

Patriot (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Paul, Lt. Nathan (Silverfang)

Paulie ?? (Blade character)

Pel of Earth-950108 (Searchware of the Clave)

People of the Dust (Blade/Hannibal King foes) - by Markus Raymond

Perry ?? (monstrous bartender of the Goat's Head bar in Port Brimstone)

Pilgrim (Lilin, Midnight Sons foe) - by Markus Raymond

Ponce (Legion of the Damned)

Port Brimstone (underground hub for monsters & demons) - by Proto-Man

Postmortem (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Purebloods (vampires)

Pyre (D.O.A.)

Quickfire (Barbara McDevitt, Inhuman, Avengers foe) - by Chadman

Ragnar the Dark Dwarf (evil Nidavellir dwarf, Necrodamus ally) - by Proto-Man

Rank (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Ranter (The Blood)

Rat Bomber (vampire, Legion of the Unliving)

Rath, Xavier (Blade foe)

Raydar (The Blood)

Reaper (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Reaver (Darkholders, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Red Widow (Winter Guard member/manipulator, Red Room graduate) - by Proto-Man

Regent, Richard (Samantha's brother)

Regent, Samantha (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Reptil (Humberto Lopez, Avengers Academy student) - by Chadman

Rico ?? (Silverfang)

Roberts, Keith (Nightstalkers character) - by Markus Raymond

Rotwrap (D.O.A.)

Rowkis (Tryk, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Rubach (The Blood)

Rutger ?? (Blade character)

St. Monroe, Yves (Blade foe)

Saints (spirits, enemies of the People of the Dust)

Salomé (former Sorceress Supreme, Doctor Strange foe)

Saracen (Ancient)

Sarge (hellhound, Legion of the Unliving)

Scatter (Lilin, Midnight Sons foe) - by Markus Raymond

Scribe (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Searchware of Earth-950108 (Clave, Scarlet Witch/Modred/Strange/Blade foes)

Seer (The Blood)

Seven (Blade characters) - by Markus Raymond

Shiv (Nightstalkers foe)

Shocker (Paralyzer, Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman

Short Circuit (Lilin, Nightstalkers foe) - by Prime Eternal

Silas, Dr. Glenn (Blade foe)

Silvereye (S.H.I.E.L.D. sub-division, Blade foes) - by Markus Raymond

Silverfang (Silvereye agents)

Silver Scythe (Michiko Watanabe's sword(s))

Sir Percival (Seven)

Sister Nil (Lilin, Doctor Strange character) - by Markus Raymond

Skinner (Lilin)

Slaughter, Vic (Morbius foe) - by Markus Raymond

Snowman of Earth-26320 (vampire, Blade movies ally) - by Loki

Snowsnake (vampire, Dracula's bodyguard, Legion of the Unliving)

Sojourner, Ulysses (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Spider-X (Brian Kornfeld, Midnight Sons foe)

Steppin' Razor (created Night Terror, Blade foe)

Stonecold (Nightstalkers foe) - by Markus Raymond

Striker (Brandon Sharpe, Avengers Academy member) - by Chadman

Strong, Ogun (Blade ally, Dracula foe)

Suarez, Julia (Blade's landlady) - by Markus Raymond

Suarez, Mariella (Julia's daughter)

Svengali (Nightstalkers foe)

Taker of Heads (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Targus (doorman to Port Brimstone)

Taylor, Trudy (hunted by Dracula, Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

T-Bone (Hunger thrall)

Telling-Stone, Lucas (vampire hunter, Blade/Dracula character)

Texter (vampire-hunter, partner of Tripp; Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Thomas, Dai (UK police officer, Captain Britain (Brian Braddock) character) - by Loki

Thorne, Aaron (Bad Seed, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Tinker (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Tippy-Toe (squirrel, Monkey Joe's successor) - by Chadman

Tomothy (Seven)

Toussant, Anne (Switchblade victim)

Tripp (vampire-hunter, partner of Texter; Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

"Tryk Slayer" (Seven weapon)

Tryks (vampires, Blade foes) - by Markus Raymond

unidentified dungeon guard (dungeons of Pripyat, Dracula/Blade character)

unidentified new Scotland Yard's coroner (Blade character)

unidentified vampire "youth" (Blade foe)

unidentified warden (Short Circuit victim)

Uukog (Blade foes) - by Markus Raymond

Valencia, Frederico (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

"Vampire Mob" (Hunger thralls)

Vampz (Blade foes) - by Markus Raymond

van Helsing, Noah (Noah Tremayne, vampire hunter)

Vane (Mortuus Invitus)

Varkis (Wolverine mystic vampire clone, Wolverine/Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Varnae (Lord of the Vampires) - by the Squid & Per Degaton

Venginian, Darius (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Verdelet (Blade foe)

Veronica ?? (Stonecold victim)

Vierkin, Anton (Legion of the Damned)

Voisin, Betsy (Blade character)

Watanabe, Michiko (vampire hunter, Blade ally)

Waters of Luthuk (used by Tryk queens)

Werewolf Guard (Cult of Khonshu, Avengers foes) - by Proto-Man

"Wesley" (Darius Venginian pawn)

Whistler of Earth-92131 (Blade ally) - by Markus Raymond

Whitehead, Nancy (Squirrel Girl's friend/roommate) - by Chadman

White Worm (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Witch Compass (Cathari, used by Bible John & Blade)

Wolverine of Earth-101001 (X-Men member) - by Mike Podgor

Worm-Digger (Blade foe)

Yancey, Aldes (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Yiki Onna (vampires, Blade foes)

Zukajaa (prophesized Tryk king)

Zzzax (Hulk foe) - by MarvellousLuke