These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and Villains, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.
B (drug dealer, Danny Guitar ally)
B., Joey (cop)
B2 of Earth-10273 (bloodsport announcer)
Baal of Earth-71778 (superior to Mr.Kline)
Baal (Mister Gabriel)
Ba'al (Wolverine/Blaze foe)
Baast-Hathor (Bast, Panther God)
Baba, Ali of Earth-38191 (woodcutter famous for his wit)
Baba Yaga (Russian Goddess/Witch, Captain Britain foe) - by Will U
Babbage, Windsor (Printout Man)
Babe (Omni Corporation, "Pilgrims")
Babe (Pete London henchman, Daredevil foe)
Babe (brothel owner, Daredevil character)
Babe (Cameron Palmer)
Babe Ruthless (Fight Man foe)
Babet (Cynodd, Gun Runner foe)
Babette (Uncle Elmer Show)
Babob (Shi'ar, Starjammers foe)
Baboon (Ani-Mates)
Baby (evil mutant baby, 1950s) - by Ron Fredricks
"Baby" (Carlotta LaRosa)
Baby Elmo (Human Torch foe) - by Grendel Prime
Babyface of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) foe) - by MarvellousLuke
"Babyface" Ann Repucci (Mob Princesses)
"Baby-Face" Smith (Sandy Smith)
Baby Food Billionaire of Earth-83234 (Howard the Duck story)
"Baby" Gerber (Steve Gerber)
Baby Hulk (Crazy Magazine character)
Baby Icon (Druid character)
Baby Killer (Euroforce, Avengers character) - by Loki
"Baby Monster" Nelson (Punisher foe)
baby Steadbaur (Cognoscenti)
"Baby Universe" (Eddie Price)
Bach, Christopher (Magneto foe) - by MarvellousLuke
"Bachman, Steve" (encountered Monster in the Cellar)
Bacillus (Legion of Vengeance)
Back, Helen (Helen Smith)
Backbreaker of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Backhand (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Backlash of Ultraverse (Warstrike foe) - by Grendel Prime
Backstabber of Ultraverse (Ranger foe) - by Grendel Prime
Badalamenti, Rabies of Ultraverse (Commission, Wreckage foe)
Badd Axe ("Larcenous Three")
Baden (lawyer, Daredevil character)
"Badenov, Boris" (Mastermind/Jason Wyngarde)
BadGal (criminal, Big Hero 6 foe) - by Chadman
Badger of Earth-74135 (Wolverine, What if Len Wein had not handed over Wolverine to Chris Claremont?)
Badger (Alaris)
Badger, Cyrus (district attorney, Daredevil character)
Bad Guy (X-Statix foe) - by Proto-Man
Badham, Joshua (Peacekeeper)
Badj of Reality-98410 (Alien Legion deserter) - by Loki
Badlands (Daredevil foe) - by Proto-Man
"Badmouth" (Sakaarian Imperials spy, Hulk/Warbound foe)
"Bad" Ned Jackson (pro football player, Luke Cage ally) - by Grendel Prime
Bad Penny (youthful hellion)
"Bad" Sebastian (Silver Sable/Dominic Fortune character) - by Spidermay
Bad Seed (Daredevil foe) - by Kyle Smith --see also here
Bad Seed (Graydon Creed)
Bad Timing (Lilin demon, Nightstalkers foe) - by Markus Raymond
Baer, Frank (Hungyr, Supremacists)
Baer, Michael (Marauders, Blockbuster)
Baf (Little People)
Bahb (Kalibar's son)
Bahkti, Arun of New Universe (Steel Hawk)
Bahlia of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) character) - by MarvellousLuke
Baiame (Aboriginal God)
Bai Gu Jing (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Bailey (Putnam victim, Lorna story)
Bailey, Barney (Vision (Aarkus) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Bailey, Billy (Jack Truman)
Bailey, Gailyn (Jean Grey's niece, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Bailey, Joseph "Joey" (Jean Grey's nephew, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Bailey, Marvin (Barrier)
Bailey, Paul (Sara Grey's husband)
Bailey, Ted (Jack Truman)
"bailiff" (xt, the Flock)
Bailiff of Inanna (Hellstorm foe)
Bailiff of Madness (Hellstorm character)
Bailson, Brad (Matt Murdock character) - by Chadman
Bain, Gunther (Unus the Untouchable)
Bain, Sunset (Machine Man and Iron Man character) - by Chuck D, Prime Eternal & Snood
Bainbridge, Harold (A.I.M. officer, Felix Waterhouse foe)
Baines, Rocky (1960s con artist, encountered Martian prisoner) - by Ron Fredricks
Bainwood (murderer, found not guilty)
Baka, Jezabel (Daredevil character)
Baka, Simi (Jezebel's son)
Baker, Glen of New Universe (Justice character)
Baker, Jack (Circus of Crime strongman) - by Chadman
Baker, Dr. Jerry (Sluj creator)
Baker, Joanie (Marvel romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Baker, John (Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Markus Raymond
Baker, Lee (schoolteacher, Leatherneck Raiders) - by Prime Eternal
Baker, Mart (student, doped by Grizzly)
Baker, Sally (pre-modern, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Baker, Tom (1950s Horror) - by Grendel Prime
Baker, Vince (gangster, Genii foe)
Baker, William (Sandman)
Ba-Korr (warlord of Klangians)
Baku (Lorna foe)
Baku of Reality-791 (K'yndarii)
Bakut, Sedara of New Universe (Psi-Force) - by Prime Eternal
Bakuto (Hand, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Bala (Atlas Era character) - by John Kaminski
Balance (Libra)
Balance (Marvel Italia, Debora Crovi, Gemini member) - by Loki & Angelo Mammone
Balance, Reston (Victorian era adventurer) - by Loki
Balb (Carmondians)
Bal Cyphyro (Doctor Strange foe) - by Spidermay
Baldar (Conan foe)
Balder the Brave
Baldini, Angelo (Exiles)
Baldric (ca. 1000 AD, Thor character) - by Shiryu
Baldry, Marcus (Bullseye foe) - by Chadman
Baldwin, Annabelle of Earth-45828 (wife of Patrick Baldwin, Ectokid character) - by Grendel Prime
Baldwin, Billy (Ghost Rider character, Braineaters victim)
Baldwin, Henry (Golden Age, Captain America character)
Baldwin, Patrick of Earth-45828 (Annabelle's husband, Ectokid character)
Baldwin, Robert (Speedball)
Baldy (Ship Commander 000020)
Bale, Bryson (Brotherhood)
Bale, Emerson (lawyer, Champions character) - by Beetle & caliban
Bale, Jack (Bale Construction)
Balinor (Cult of Kâli, Shroud ally) - by Prime Eternal
Balk, Paul (Paibok)
Balkis (Queen of Sheba, former Sorcerer Supreme)
Ballantine, Kayla (Quasar supporting cast)
Ballard, Geoffrey (Centurion)
Ballenger, Carla (Cornucopia, Berserkers)
Ballistik (Zoo, Gun Runner foe)
Ballou, Wally (Daredevil character)
Ballox (Spider-Man/Iron Fist foe) - by Luis Olavo Dantas
Ballz (Jack-in-the-Box's dog)
Balnac of Other Realm
Balok of Reality-81165 (Bront character)
Balor (Evil Walkers)
Balor (Fomor, Avengers/Black Knight/Thunderbolts foe) - by Shiryu & Snood
Baltag of Earth-6311 (Other-Earth, Kang/Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Balthakk (Octessence, mystic entity) - by Spidermay
Balthar (Captain America/Bucky foe) - by Spidermay
Balthazar (Belathauzer, demon)
Balthazar (Cygnus Prime, X-Factor character)
Balthus (Conan character)
Balu (Tigerman's tiger)
Balzofiore, Frederick (Glass-Eye Freddie, All-Hate Squad)
"Bambi" (deer, Defenders character)
Ban, Donal of Guildern (Dark Angel/Wild Thing character)
Banak of Earth-829 @ 2385 (Skrull)
Banara (Atlantean, Sub-Mariner ally) - by Chadman
Banciewicz, Meyer (Marvel Boy's (David Bank) grandfather)
Bancroft of Earth-8107 (Shocker's pilot)
Bancroft (V.I.G.I.L.)
Bancroft, Dexter (SHIELD)
Bancroft, Les (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Bancroft, Martine (Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond
Banda (Atlas Foundation member) - by Proto-Man
Bandera (Wolverine character) - by Chadman
Bandit of Earth-17819 (HawkMan foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Bandrhude (Deviant, Eternals foe) - by Spidermay
Bane of Demons (Uri-El)
"Bane of My Existence" (Rachel Palmer)
Banerjee, Meena (X-Student, Visionary)
Banger McCrusher (Hulk/Thing character)
Banita (Raymond Coker's cousin)
Banjo (Spider-Man character) - by caliban
Bank, David (Marvel Boy)
Bank, Irving (David's father)
Bank Robber Brown (criminal, Homer Ghost foe)
Banks, Mrs. (former landlady of Matt Murdock & Karen Page)
Banks, Sharon (Spider-Man character) - by Zerostar
Banner of Earth-5113
Banner, Brian (Hulk's dad) - by Stunner
Banner, Bruce (also see Hulk)
Banner, Buck (1950s US Marine, "Boot-Camp" Brady character)
Banner, David of Earth-311 (Hulk counterpart)
Bannerjee, Devi (Avengers character) - by Norvo
Bannion, Daniel (Sonic, Seekers)
Bannion, Herb (Grasp, Seekers)
Bannion, Jules (Number Six, Rat Pack)
Bannion, Thomas (Chain Lightning, Seekers)
Bannister, Minerva (Cutlass/Typhoon foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bannock (Phoenix Kid, Old West gunfighter)
Banshee (Old West, Tow-Gun Kid ally) - by Grendel Prime
Banshee (Sean Cassidy)
Banshee of Earth-105709 (Theresa Rourke, X-Men)
Bantam (Captain America ally) - by Prime Eternal
Banth (Inhuman, Dazzler ally) - by Chadman
Banyan (Inhuman, former Bollywood star) - by Chadman
Banzai (Q7 Strikeforce)
Baphomet (Demon, Son of Satan foe)
Baptiste, Georges (Wendigo)
Barachiel (angel, Necrodamus foe) - by Proto-Man & Prime Eternal
Barachuudar of High Evolutionary's Counter-Earth (Hulk foe) - by Grendel Prime
Barak (Conan character)
Baran, Jon (Commander Baran's adopted son)
Baran, Laura Paula (Commander Baran's wife)
Baran, Michael (Dire Wraith, Rom character)
Baranger, Denise (Vamp/Animus)
Barani (genie, Sinbad character)
Baranka (Shi'ar, X-Men character)
"Barb" (Mr. Wren)
Barb (Death's Head foe)
Barbara ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Barbara, nurse (BEST)
barbarian queen (Arcturan, Morbius character)
Barbec (Golden Age, British Intelligence, Captain America character)
Barbed Hatter of Earth-Superhelden Special (Scrooge McDuck)
Barbican (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Barbie ?? (Daredevil character)
Barbie ?? (carriage patron, Steve ally)
Barbarus (Savage Land Mutates) - by Chadman
Barbato, Angela (Daredevil character) - by the Beetle
Barbatos, Roger (Terror foe) - by Zerostar
Barber (Kingpin henchman)
Barber of Wolverine (name says it all...Crazy character) - by Loki
Bard of the Aesir (Bragi)
Bard, Eli (Eliphas, vampiric Selene servant) - by Proto-Man
Bardcade (Grag foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Barde, Evelyn (Team America character) - by David Lawrence
Bardham, Dr.Juden (Conspiracy)
Bardic, Bran of Earth-70518 (Albion)
Bardis (Bardisattva)
Bardisattva (Hyborian god) - by Spidermay
Bardu (Lorna character)
Barf (item-puking Inhuman) - by Chadman
Barfield, Junior (son of Leon)
Barfield, Leon Joseph (Purity member)
Barge, Hugo (Pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Barger, Joe (Tony Stark foe) - by Markus Raymond
Bareda, Sonny (Humus Sapien)
Barehide Kid (stripper) - by Prime Eternal
"Barely Beatable Squirrel Girl, I Only Lost That One Time" of Earth-61340 (Old Lady Squirrel Girl)
Baresh (Cult of the Living Pharao)
Barim, Turhan (Dr. Strange character)
Barkan (freight ship captain, Caxon Oil Company associate)
Barker (Stilt-Man ally)
barker of Earth-8107 (Carnival of Crime hired barker) - by David Lawrence
Barker (Howlers, Gladiators member)
Barker (Ravencroft security, Spider-Man character) - by Spidermay
Barker, Carl (Journey into Mystery character) - by Future
Barker, Clem (Old West-era Shasta, Texas sheriff)
Barker, Cyrus T. (Human Fly (Rick Rojatt) foe)
Barker, Howard (Hermod)
Barker, Jeff (1950s, shrinking spy) - by Ron Fredricks
Barker, Kyle (Patchwork)
Barkley (Matt Murdock character) - by Chadman
Barkley, Moose (wrestled Jay Little Bear) - by Prime Eternal
Barko, Karl (Golden Age, Blue Blaze foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Barlonius (King of the Forgotten People) - by Greg O' Driscoll
Barlov (Lorna foe)
Barlow, Abel (crew of the Serpent's Crown)
Barlow, Bennett (Damocles' brother)
Barlow, Eric (Damocles)
Barlow, Hank (Old West, corrupt Cavalry lieutenant) - by Prime Eternal
Barlow, Sam (created Melting Pot)
Barlow, Victor (Rogue, M-Branch X-Force)
Barnabbas of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George)
Barnabus, Charles (vampire, Elsa Bloodstone character)
Barnacle (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Barnes (1960s professor, Paul Harper's teacher)
Barnes (sheriff, investigated Meredith Quill's murder)
Barnes (Pleasureland)
Barnes (congressman)
Barnes, "Becky" of Earth-66881 (Blackbeard's first mate, Exiles ally)
Barnes, Becky of Earth-86315 (crime-fighting partner of Captain America (Peggy Carter), Exiles member) - by Proto-Man
Barnes, "Brooklyn" of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Barnes, James Buchanan "Bucky"
Barnes, Carol of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character, American Girl)
Barnes, "Gabby" (Kid Colt ally) - by Prime Eternal
Barnes, Jeb ("Gabby" Barnes)
Barnes, John (Nomad (Rikki Barnes) alternate reality brother) - by Grendel Prime
Barnes, Rebecca (Onslaught)
Barnes, Tommy (Happy Hogan character)
Barnett, Geoffrey (Spider-Man character)
Barnett, Rhonda (Defenders character)
Barney ?? (WW II, gangster, worked for Ace Renard)
Barney ?? (NYPD officer) - by Proto-Man
Barney ?? (Crime-Wave henchman)
Barney ?? (Bonehead's henchman)
Barney ?? (Brand Corporation, Mosaic foe)
Barney, Ms. (applied for legal aid position, Matt Murdock character)
Barney, Dr. R.A. (Daredevil character)
Barnhardt, Valeria (Meteorite, Redeemers)
Barnsworth (Skrulls of Kral)
Barnum, Dr. (Dr. Octopus associate)
Barnum, Francis (Bale Construction)
Barok (Fall People, Tongah & Seesha's son)
Baron (Power Man foe) - by Spidermay
Baron (Baron Karza)
Baron Blood (John Falsworth, Super-Axis) - by Prime Eternal
Baron Blood (Kenneth Crichton) - by Prime Eternal
Baron Blood of Eurth (Von Bludving) - by Proto-Man
Baron Boche (Young Allies foe)
Baron Brimstone (Machine Man/Spider-Man foe) - by Odd Rob & Grendel Prime
Baron Cemetary (Mortician)
Baron Dunphy of Demolition House (D-Man)
Baron Gothenvald (Thunderbolts foe) - by Grendel Prime
Baron Grobek (ally of Pol Tiurno)
Baron Hugo (Romanian mayor, Fantastic Four ally) - by Proto-Man
Baron Karza (Micronauts/X-Men/S.H.I.E.L.D. foe) - by Grendel Prime & Snood
Baron Knuckleduster of Earth-333333333 (armored Nazi agent)
Baron Korda (Dracula foe)
Baron Lukoff (1950s, Serge Lukoff)
Baron Macabre (Black Panther foe) - by Omar Karindu
Baron Mordo (Karl Amadeus Mordo)
Baron of Haasen (King Vladimir)
Baron of Krozi (King Vladimir)
Baron of Sabbat (King Vladimir)
Baron Radzik (kidnapped by Gorko)
Baron Rockler of Earth-7511 (Fragmented America)
Baron Samedi (Brother Voodoo foe) - by Prime Eternal
Baron Skullfire (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Baron Shinto (Gouger, WWII Miss America foe)
Baron Takkim (Conan character)
Baron Walter Theodoric (Baron Brimstone)
Baron Thunder (Committee, Werewolf by Night foe) - by Donald Campbell
Baron Wolfgang von Strucker
Baron von Blimp (US One foe)
Baron von Frankenstein (Konrad Dippel, 17th century)
Baron von Königsblut (WW2 Nazi werewolf, Captain America foe) - by Markus Raymond
Baron von Shtupf (Monster Maker, Spider-Man foe)
Baron von Staler (Solomon Kane foe)
Baron Zebek (Microverse character; Micronauts/Alpha Flight foe)
Baron Zemo (Harbin, 1st Baron Zemo)
Baron Zemo (Hademar, 2nd Baron Zemo)
Baron Zemo (Heller, 3rd Baron Zemo)
Baron Zemo (Herbert, 4th Baron Zemo)
Baron Zemo (Helmuth, 5th Baron Zemo)
Baron Zemo (Hackett, 6th Baron Zemo)
Baron Zemo (Hartwig, 7th Baron Zemo)
Baron Zemo (Hilliard, 8th Baron Zemo)
Baron Zemo (Hoffman, 9th Baron Zemo)
Baron Zemo (Hobart, 10th Baron Zemo)
Baron Zemo (Herman, 11th Baron Zemo)
Baron Zemo (Heinrich, 12th Baron Zemo) - by Prime Eternal
Baron Zemo (Helmut, 13th Baron Zemo)
Baron Zero of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Baroness (Baroness Blood)
Baroness (Captain America foe)
Baroness Blood (Axis Mundi) - by Prime Eternal
Baroness Leah (Falcon character)
Baroness of Mordo (Sara Krowler)
Baroness Rockler of Earth-7511 (Fragmented America)
Baroness von Doom (Susan von Doom) of Earth-99315 (Kree Earth)
Baroness von Frankenstein (Dr. Victoria Frankenstein)
Baroness Zemo (Hilda Zemo)
Baroshtok (Dr. Strange foe) - by Grendel Prime
Barq of Other Realm
B'arr (The Ruined)
Barrachus The Kalinator (X-Force foe) - by Madison Carter
Barracuda (Old West, Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Barracuda (Captain Barracuda)
Barracuda (Cuda)
Barracuda (Heavy Mettle)
Barrage (Dark Riders, X-Factor/X-Men foe) - by Chadman
Barrenos, Omar (Project: Earth)
Barret, Dr. (doctor who owned clinic)
Barret, Chris of New Universe (Metallurge)
Barrett (Alhazred's agents)
Barrett, Larry (Daily Bugle romance character)
Barrett, Turk (Daredevil character)
Barretta (Catiana's bird)
Barrett (CIA, Morbius foe)
Barrett, Luis (Thunderbolt)
Barrett, Tommy (Bounty Hunter)
Barri Zhan (Conan character)
Barricade (Supremacists)
Barrick, Samson (WW2, King Cobra)
"Barrier" (Clea foe) - by Markus Raymond
Barrier (Justin Hammer thug) - by Prime Eternal
Barrigan, Bo (Barrigan Cement Company, Dazzler/Blue Shield foe) - by Norvo
Barrington, Lord Synn (Micah Synn/Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Barris, Chuck (real-life Gong Show host)
Barrison, Frances Louise (Shriek)
Barron, Tom (Golden Age, slew "devil-god")
Barrow (English scientist, Invaders character)
Barrow, Dan (Deep-Sea Dan)
Barrow, Sheila (Deep-Sea Dan's daughter, Sub-Mariner character)
Barry ?? (Namor/Namora character)
Barry ?? (General Argyle Fist agent)
Barry ?? (Hellcat's half-brother or stepbrother)
Barry ?? (Lilly Lucca foe) - by Chadman
Barry ?? (Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) ally) - by Proto-Man
Barrymore, Mr. (Sir Baskerville servants, Sherlock Holmes character)
Barrymore, Mrs. (Sir Baskerville servants, Sherlock Holmes character)
Barsalini, Ginetta Lucia (spy, Maverick's ex-wife) - by Chadman
Barstow, Clem (Ghost Rider (Blaze) foe) - by Don Campbell
"Bart" (three-eyed alien, "Simpsons" reference)
Bartak (skrull, Silver Surfer imposter)
Bartholomew, Bob "Bart" of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
Bartles (aggressive S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Bartlett (Frederick Dirkreich's servant)
Bartlett, Kay of Ultraverse (Rob's wife)
Bartlett, Rob of Ultraverse (Grenade/EelectroCute foe) - by Grendel Prime
Bartlett, Stuart (Watchdogs)
Bartley, Dr. Harris (Hellcat foe) - by Markus Raymond
Barto, Dr. Hillman (Adarco scientist, Annex character) - by Chadman
Barto, Marjorie (Dr. Hillman Barto's wife)
Barto, Melody (Dr. Hillman Barto's daughter)
Bartolome (agent of Kalumai, Straw Man foe)
Bartoli, John (Maggia)
Bartoli, Rob (John's son)
Bartoli, Rosa (wife of John)
Barton (detective, investigated Walter Hamill)
Barton, Barney (Hawkeye's brother) - by Proto-Man
Barton, Clint (Hawkeye)
Barton, Clint Jr. (Mustang) of Earth-9811
Barton, Lucy (Living Laser's ex-girlfriend) - by Prime Eternal
Barton, Sally (Brute That Walks' lover)
Barton, Whitey (Daredevil character)
Bartos (Krylorian representative at Intergalactic Council)
Baru (Vibranium, Elements of Doom)
Baruch, Sam (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Baruta (1950s, Eastern European dictator)
Baryn (Skrull) - by Proto-Man
Barzak, Andreas (1940s, shrinking Nazi spy) - by Ron Fredricks
Barzon (Silencer)
Basaltar (Stonians)
Bascombe, Jonathan (1950s shrunken man) - by Ron Fredricks
Base (Genetix)
"Baseball" ("Knuckledown," unpublished Marvel UK title)
Basenji (Litter)
Bash of Earth-93121 (magical construct, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice foe) - by Grendel Prime
Bashby, Brute (The Grinder)
Bashenga of Earth-36054 (wielded Vibranium axe)
Basher (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Basher (Spider-Man "foe") - by Minor Irritant
Bash Street Bunty of Earth-238 (Crooked World, Fury foe)
Basil (Foreigner)
Basilisk (robot, Gregson Gilbert creation)
Basilisk (Spider-Man foe) - by Spidermay & Snood
Basilisk (Satana character)
Basilisk (Hellbent)
Basilisk (Morbius foe) - by Spidermay & Prime Eternal
Basilisk (Mike Columbus, X-Student/Special Class) - by Norvo
Baskerville, Anthony (Dr. Strange foe)
Baskerville, Sir Henry (son of Sir Charles Baskerville, Sherlock Holmes character)
Baskerville, Sir Hugo (17th century)
Baskin, Joannie (Mitch's mother)
Baskin, Mr. (Mitch's father)
Baskin, Mitch (Captain America character)
Basque (Followers of the Light)
Bass (Hellbent)
Bass, Beatrice (Sadie's daughter)
Bass, Sgt. Charles (Nick Fury's drill instructor) - by Prime Eternal
Bass, Sadie (Gargoyle character)
Bass Lass of Earth-15705 (Red Skull robot/Captain America love interest) - by Chadman
Bass Lass (Squirrel Girl)
Bassaraba, Dr. Max (Shaman character)
Bast (Egyptian Goddess, Panther God)
"Bast" (encountered by Miles Keston)
Bast of Earth-20051 (Rama-Tut's Guard)
Bastelli, Martin (Punisher character) - by Chadman
Bastelli, Mary (Martin's sister) - by Chadman
Bastelli, Mr. (Martin's father) - by Chadman
Bastelli, Mrs. (Martin's mother)
Bastet (Bast, Panther God)
"Bast's familiar" (Seth pawn)
Bastinado of Ultraverse (Strangers/Mantra foe) - by Grendel Prime
Bastion (Nimrod, Sentinel)
The Bat (Rawhide Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bat (Ani-Mates)
Bat (Marvel UK, Ghostman Bat)
Batal (New Warriors character) - by LV
Batala (Bathala)
Batch-13 (Fantastic Force foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bateman (Nevermind servant)
Bates (Golden Age, bank teller)
Bates (Alfred Coppersmith's neighbour)
Bates of Ultraverse (Rafferty victim)
Bates, Barney (Machine Man ally) - by Prime Eternal
Bates, "Bruiser" (Hawkeye character) - by Proto-Man
Bates, Marina (Captain America character)
Bates, Mr. (Ra the Avenger victim)
Bates, Nelson of Earth-77013 (Gorilla)
Batgirl of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Bathala (deity, King of the Diwatas) - by Proto-Man
Bathory, Elizabeth (Blood Countess)
"bathroom chick" (victim of Elf with a Gun)
bat-like (Centurions, Firelord character)
Ba't'll (Klklk queen)
Bator, Ulan (Emperor of Mongolia)
"bat out of Hell" (Lucian Aster's chauffeur)
Batperio (Knight Koala foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Batrachian Man (Hydropolis, Jeremy)
Batragon (Godzilla foe)
Batroc the Leaper (Georges Batroc)
Batroc, Jean-Luc (Crimson Cavalier)
Batroc, Marie (Batroc's daughter, Agent X enemy) - by Patrick D Ryall
Bat-Seraph, Jacob (Sabra's son)
Bat-Seraph, Mrs. (Sabra's mother)
Bat-Seraph, Mr. (Sabra's father)
Bat-Seraph, Ruth (Sabra)
Bat-Squirrel of Earth-20226 (Tippy-Toe, squirrel vigilante of the night) - by Chadman
Battering Ram (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man
Battery (SHIELD enemy)
Battick (Old West, Mustang Kid)
Battle (Korean War K-9 Corps dog) - by Prime Eternal
Battleaxe (Hostess, Iron Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Battleaxe (Death Squad, Micronauts foe)
Battleaxe (Grapplers, Superia's Femizons)
Battleaxe (Harriers)
Battlescar (1400 Club)
Battletide (Death's Head/Killpower foe) - by Changeling & Snood
Battlewagon of Ultraverse (Prototype (Ruiz) foe) - by Grendel Prime
Battling Jack of "Earth-22519" (Law Enforcement Squad)
Battlin' Jack Murdock ("Battling Jack" Murdock)
"Battling Jack" Murdock (Daredevil's father)
"Battling" Murdock ("Battling Jack" Murdock)
Bat Trask of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Batty (Marvel UK, Ghostman Bat's great great uncle)
Batwing (Spider-Man foe/friend from Untold Tales) - by Darc_Light
Bauman, Barry (Star Thief)
Baunacha, Alizon (Pyre, D.O.A.)
Bautista, Hector (Time Stone-wielding former prisoner) - by Mike Castle
Bavota, Laurent (Argent)
Bavota (Argent's mother)
Baxendale, Jules (Chess Master)
Baxter (Gigantus foe) - by Prime Eternal
Baxter, Bruce (invented Horror from Channel 15)
Baxter, Buzz (Mad Dog)
Baxter, Eddie (1950s, dancing vampire) - by Grendel Prime
Baxter, Joe (Ozamm)
Baxter, Leland (builder of Baxter Building) - by Donald Campbell
Baxter, Leo (Daredevil/Doctor Strange character) - by Chadman
Baxter, Patricia "Patsy" (Patsy Walker, later Hellcat)
Baxter, Robert "Buzz" (Mad Dog)
Baxter, Sgt. (Korean War soldier)
Baxu (Iron Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Bayan, Prince (Reed Richards character)
Bayard, Keith (Delvadian Daredevil ally) - by Chadman
Bayer, Miranda (Wolverine/Deathlok character)
Baylor, Shirley of Earth-1191 (Shackle) - by MarvellousLuke
Bayonet (Department H)
Bayrane (Watchers on the Wall novel, Diascar)
Bazkar of Reality-8116 (A-Team leader)
Bazooka of Earth-88469 (Mutations, Dead Clown foe)
Bazor (ruler of "underworld demi-gods")
Beacham, Ms. (Peter Parker's assistant) - by Proto-Man
Beacher, Jalome (Slyde)
Beacher, Matthew "Matt" (Slyde's step-brother)
Beacon, Derrick (X-Men character) - by Proto-Man
"Beak" (Slaughterhouse Six)
Beaky (Nighthawk (Richmond))
Bealer, David (Speedball classmate) - by Prime Eternal
Beam-Splitter of New Universe (Andrew Meadows)
Beame, Anna (Nathan's mother)
Beame, Calvin (Xemnu the Titan victim)
Beame, Jonathan (Nathan's father)
Beame, Nathan (Ghost Rider foe)
Bean, Skip (radio show host, Namor story)
Bean, Sonny (X-Men character) - by Norvo
Beanpole (X-Student, Mike Galbraith; Watchers on the Wall)
"Beans" (Subbie character)
Beanstork, Edwine (Jack's mother)
Beanstork, Jack of Earth-982 (MC2, J2 character) - by Grendel Prime
Bear of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Bear (drug dealer, Danny Guitar ally)
Bear (Ani-Mates)
Bear of Earth-928 (Spider-Man 2099 character)
bear of Russian Bear Ghost Rider (Ghost Rider character)
Bear, John (Seeker 3000, doctor) - by Prime Eternal
Bearboarguy (Hateful Hexad, Spider-Man/Deadpool foe) - by Markus Raymond
Bear Brother (Tribe of the Moon)
Bear Claw (Old West, Red Warrior foe)
Bearded Lady (Jahrmarkt member)
Bearded Lady (raised Lump, Werewolf story)
"beardless one" (Aries, Lucifer host) - by Prime Eternal
Beasley, Beamish (Texas Jack's computer-data analyst)
Beast (Vârcolac)
Beast (Bokk)
"Beast" (1950s horror) - by John Kaminski
Beast (Henry McCoy)
Beast (Demon, Elektra foe)
Beast (Ken Wind)
beast of the Hyborian Era
Beast of Earth-902 (Millennial Visions, X-Punks/Exiles)
Beast of Earth-22490 (Defenders, Millennial Visions 2001)
"Beast from the Egg" ("Pre-History")
Beast-Man (werewolf, vampires foe)
Beast Man (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
"Beast-Man" (Igor Grozick)
beast-man of Reality-81165 (Backworld)
Beast-Man (Missing Link)
Beastmaniac (Merry Maladies)
"Beastmaster" (Lupo, Savage Land Mutates)
Beastmaster (Berserkers)
Beast of Nohel (created by Cyrus Black)
Beast of the Bog (Chalo)
Beast of the Hand (Demon, Elektra foe)
"Beast of the Snows" (Great Beasts, Kolomaq)
"Beast that Walks Like a Man" (Ogor)
Beater of Ultraverse (Rafferty victim) - by Grendel Prime
Beatrice ?? (Matt Murdock character)
Beatrice, Carlton (She-Hulk foe) - by Will U
Beatty, Betsy (Gladiator's ex-wife, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Beau of (pre-Multiverse reality, Gambit foe) - by Grendel Prime
Beaulieu, Steve (Avengers Academy character) - by Minor Irritant
Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie (Aurora)
Beaubier, Jean-Paul (Northstar)
Beaufort, Caroline (18th century, Victor Frankenstein's mother)
Beaumain, Genevieve (Man-Thing character)
Beaumont, Eugene (indirect creator of Dream Demon)
Beaumont, Sally-Ann of Earth-8107 (ESU student) - by David Lawrence
Beaumont, Vivian of Ultraverse (Solitaire character)
Beaumont, Vivian of Ultraverse (Martin Jones)
Beaumount of Earth-928 (X-Men 2099 foe)
Beaumontain, Hugo "Guy" (Dakota North character)
Beautiful Dreamer of Earth-57780 (Spider-Man character) - by caliban
Beautiful Dreamer (Morlocks, X-Men character) - by G Morrow
Beauty (Weird Sisters)
Beaver, le (Howard the Duck foe)
Bebop of Earth-20051 (LMD, She-Hulk/Spider-Man/Tigra ally) - by Grendel Prime
'Becca (Lighttrakker)
Bech, Michael (Captain America character)
Beck (D.A.N.T.E., Captain America foe)
Beck (Iron Man foe)
Beck, Dalton (Firestrike)
Beck, Maguire (Mad Jack)
Beck, Terry (Mad Jack/Maguire Beck)
Beck, Quentin (Danny Berkhart, Mysterio)
Becker, Hans (World War I soldier) - by Grendel Prime
Beckett, Sean William (Harbormaster)
Beckley, Ann (Comet Man's wife)
Beckley, Ben (Comet Man's son)
Beckley, Jack (Comet Man's father)
Beckley, Rosemary (Comet Man's sister)
Beckley, Stephen (Comet Man)
Beckman, Charles (Lisa's father)
Beckman, Joe (Lisa's uncle)
Beckman, Lisa (Hellstorm character)
Beckman, Sarah (Lisa's mother)
Beckwith, Dr. Sumner Samuel (Glob)
Becky ?? (X-Student)
Becky (Skrull, Glenbrook resident)
Bedevere (Time Lord, Marvel UK)
Bedlam (Derangers, Alpha Flight foe)
Bedlam (X-Force, not who you think)
Bedlam (Exemplars) - by the Beetle
Bedwette, Olivier (Sitting Bullseye, Band of the Bland)
Beechman, Emily (Mandrill's mother)
Beechman, Frederic (Mandrill's father)
Beechman, Jerome (Mandrill)
Beefee (Racine Ramjets)
Beekman, Barton (Defenders character)
Beelzeboul (Terror foe) - by Zerostar
Beelzebub (Davy Jones)
"Beelzebub" (Otherplace, Belasco)
Beelzebub (Mephisto)
Beelzebub (Beelzeboul)
Beelzebub (le Bete Noir)
Beeman, George (1950s, temporary mutated hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Beeno (robber, got caught)
Beep the Meep (alien conqueror)
Beepie (Solarman's robot) - by Grendel Prime
Beere, Jason (Eternity Man)
Beeres, Thomas (1950s, Loki victim) - by Ron Fredricks
Beers, Ursula (Sister Ursula)
Beery (Inhumans character)
Beetle (Spider-Man, Thunderbolts character - not Abner Jenkins) - by the Beetle
Beetle (Janice Lincoln, Captain America/Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Beezer, Emily (Gus' older sister)
Beezer, Gus (Spider-Man's cousin) - by Madison Carter
Beezer, Laura (Gus' mother)
Beezer, Tillie (Gus' younger sister)
Behemoth (android, Namor foe)
Behemoth (android, Werewolf by Night foe)
Behemoth (Godzilla Squad helicarrier... I know its not a character)
Behemoth (demon, Magik foe)
Behemoth (Strike Force One, Hulk clone)
Behemoth of Eurth (Hank Pym counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Behemoth (Man-Elephant (Haller) )
Behemoth from Below (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Behemoth Jack (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Bei, Sallen (Kree, Avengers character) - by Grendel Prime
Beimer, Hans (Cable/Deadpool character) - by Grendel Prime
Bekk (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
Bekkit (Ancients)
Bela (servant of Dr. Doom) - by Prime Eternal
Bela (Brotherhood) - by Zerostar
Belasco (Otherplace, X-Men/New Mutants/Ka-Zar foe)
Belag (xt, Cat (Greer Grant) character) - by Prime Eternal
Belathauzer (demon, Devil-slayer foe)
Bel-Dann (Kree officer) - by Prime Eternal
Belden, Marlene (Samuel Grigg’s lover)
Belen ?? (X-Student, X-Cutioner victim) - by MarvellousLuke
Beleth (demon, Ghost Rider (Blaze) foe) - by Proto-Man
Belgewater, Zeaklar Faltius (Silver Surfer ally)
"Belgian Brain" (S.H.E.)
Belheur, Dr. (spy, posed as Dr. Jonlon's assistant)
Belial, Lt. Gregory (D.O.A.)
Belial, Schuyler (Morning Star)
Beliar (demon, Arthur/Merlin foe)
Believer (Milton Deever)
Belinski, Cesar (Rosa's husband)
Belinski, Rosa (Blade ally) - by Markus Raymond
Belinskya, Dr. Tania (Starlight/Red Guardian)
Bêlit (Hyborian era, Conan lover)
Bell (Nancy Whitehead's middle school math teacher)
Bell, A.G. (Phone Ranger)
Bell, Belinda (Spider-Man character) - by Zerostar
Bell, Dionne (Knights of Pendragon character)
Bell, Flabigail K. of Reality-88131 (officer, ALF character)
Bell, Herbert (Black Goliath character) - by Spidermay
Bella the dog (Misty Knight's dog)
Bella, Stella of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, women's right activist)
Belladonna (Microverse duchess, Slug body-swapper)
Belladonna (Spider-Man character)
Bellaman, Danny "Drummer" (Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal
Belle (Black Brother's wife)
Belle (Arabella Jones)
Belle (Hellbent)
Belle of Earth-691 (31st Century, Punishers)
Belle, Dorothy of Earth-72466 (Spider-Wool)
Beller, Josephine "Josie" (Circuit Breaker)
Belles, Claudia (vampire-hunter, Blade character) - by Markus Raymond
Bellhauer, Mrs. (monstrous Inhuman) - by Chadman
Bellhop (Beaver ally)
Bellil (Conan foe) - by Spidermay
Bellis, Anthony (father of Martin, cast out Darla August)
Bellis, Clodette (wife of Ernest)
Bellis, Ernest (cousin of Henry)
Bellis, Henry (grandson of Martin, Darla August victim)
Bellis, Martin (father of Martin, Darla August victim)
Bellis, Mary (daughter of Martin)
Bellona (Olympian Goddess)
Bellona of Earth-18366 (X-23 clone)
Bellows, Oscar (stole Voodoo Phone)
Bellski, Ricardo (WW2, Vulture)
Bellusk (Hedzek king, deposed by Red Hulk)
Bellweather, Theresa (About Face)
Belmonde, Danielle (Raymonde's daughter)
Belmonde, Raymonde (Northstar character) - by Norvo
Belmont, Norman (Brood victim)
Belova, Yelena (Black Widow)
Belski, Louis (actor turned vampire) - by Prime Eternal
Beltane (Latverian Minister of the Bank, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Belthamquar (Unos' father, Conan character)
Belushi, John (Not-Ready-for-Primetime-Players, Saturday Night Live cast member)
Bemm of Ultraverse (Alien Elite)
Ben ?? (thug, beaten by "Fourth Man")
Ben ?? (deceased husband of Felicia Nugert)
Ben ?? (television reporter)
Ben ?? (police officer)
Ben ?? of Earth-60907 (rock-skinned soldier)
Ben ?? of Earth-31313 (Web-Slinger (Patrick O'Hara)'s brother)
Ben proto-husk (Ben Parker proto-husk, Deadpool character)
Benard, Sean (Groundhog)
Bench, Morrie (Hydro-Man) of Earth-912
Benchley (Shadow Consortium victim)
Bendatu the Watcher of Earth-200509
Bender, Sam (Concho Kid's father, Old West)
Bendix of Earth-8130 (Man-Thing character)
Bendix, Dr. Albert (Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) foe)
Bendix, Babs (former roommate of Stratosfire)
Benedict (Inner Guard)
Benedict (Otherworld guardian of Excalibur)
Benedict, Laird of Earth-63794 (Journey into Mystery character) - by Future
Benedict, Luther (Marvel horror) - by John Kaminski
Benedict, Simon of Earth-1211 (Others)
"Benedict Arnold" (Corporation)
"Benefactor" (Mendel Stromm)
Benefactress (Candra)
Bengal (Daredevil/Night Thrasher foe) - by Grendel Prime
Ben-Hussal (Conan character) - by Grendel Prime
Benitio (15th century Bolognese emissary, Dracula character)
Benito (Spider-Man character)
Benj (Matt Murdock foe) - by Chadman
Benjamin of New Universe (Kathy Ling's cat)
Benjamin ?? (H'ylthri ally)
Benjamin ?? of Earth-295 (waiter, Age of Apocalypse)
Benli (translator, encountered Valulu)
Bennett, Barney (US Army, Korean War character) - by Grendel Prime
Bennett, Beverly (romance character, model) - by Grendel Prime
Bennett, Charlie (Luke Cage foe) - by Grendel Prime
Bennett, Douglas (art critic, romance character)
Bennie ?? (Gladiator (Potter) ally)
Bennie the Broker (Green Gobiln character)
Benning, Dr. Elizabeth (Omega Flight foe)
Bennings, Carl (NFL SuperPro foe) - by Markus Raymond
Benny ?? (follower of Astrologer)
Benny ?? (Wheels of Wolfpac foe)
Benny ?? (Kingpin foe)
Benny ?? (criminal, Coyote victim)
Benny the Beggar (Phantom Bullet foe)
Benny the Torch (arsonist, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Benny-Hana (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Benoit, Rene (Uncanny Tales)
Ben-Sera, Ruth (Sabra)
Bensinger, Henry (saved by Andrew Morris)
Bensinger, Maud (Henry's wife, saved by Andrew Morris)
Benson (Corporation)
Benson, Alvin (WW2, U.S. Senator, Captain America character)
Benson, Anne (Bruttu's lover)
Benson, Ben (1950s Explorers' Club, Gorilla Man (Hale) character) - by Ron Fredricks
Benson, Biggie (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Benson, Blade (Circus of Crime)
Benson, Erika (Harness, Gilbert's mother)
Benson, Gilbert (Piecemeal)
Benson, Heath (Old West, Rattler)
Benson, John (Gladiator wannabe)
Benson, Lawrence (Ikari agent, Daredevil foe)
Benson, Robert (Dazzler foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Bent, Dale (Old West, Yahoo Kid foe)
Bentley (Simon Drudd's partner)
Bentley (Illuminator's dog)
Bentley, Brad (Surrender Monkey, Euro-Trash; later Church of the Naked Truth)
Bentley, Charles (X, the Thing That Lived creator)
Bentley, Clive (Dr. Strange character) - by Spidermay
Bentley, Darren (Aquarius/One-Man Zodiac, Zodiac Cartel)
Bentley, Edward (Scorpion foe)
Bentley, George (architect, Human Torch (Johnny Storm) ally) - by Prime Eternal
Bentley, John (Tales to Astonish time traveler) - by Ron Fredricks
Bentley, Victoria (Doctor Strange/Black Knight character) - by Clay Jodee
Benton, Mr. (Mania (Andrea Benton)'s father)
Benton, Andrea "Andi" (Mania)
Benway, Dr. W. Lee (mad scientist, Spider-Woman/Hulk foe)
Benza, A.J. (TV show host) - by Chadman
Beowulf? (Ulysses Bloodstone)
Beppe III (R'malk'i race)
Berditchev, Itzhak (Avengers character)
Berditchev, Joey (Avengers character)
Berecz (Silver Wolf ally, Silver Sable/Dominic Fortune foe) - by Spidermay
Bereet (Hulk character)
Berengetti, Michael (Hulk/Mr. Fixit employer) - by Stunner & Snood
Berengetti, Suzy (Michael's wife, Hulk/Mr. Fixit charater) - by Stunner
Berg, Jason (She-Hulk character) - by Stunner
Bergen, Jules (Doctor Danger)
Berger (Azazel foe, Cable story)
Berger, ?? (Secret Empire)
Berger, Katz N. (Spider-Man/Deadpool character)
Bergeron, Carl (Tanya's husband)
Bergeron, Tanya (1950s werewolf)
Berglund, General Roderick (Eye of Force)
Bergstrom Haller, Sheila (Terrence Haller Jr.'s wife)
Berinutter, Mr. (robbed by Angel Face/Salt & Pepper)
Berkhart, Daniel "Danny" (Mysterio)
Berman, Adam (Primal)
Berman, Michael (Monocle)
"Bern" (Bernie Rosenthal)
Bern ("Moksgm'ol", Blaze foe)
Bernadeth of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Bernard the Poet (X-Men character) - by Chadman
Bernardi, Franco (Ego-Spawn host)
Bernardo (Department H official, Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bernardson, Gerald of Earth-928 (Mutagen)
Berne, Wilder (Brain, Tri-Man)
Bernhammer, Cynthia (Spider-Man character) - by Norvo
Bernhart, Benny (Captain America character)
Bernhart, Carl (Namor character)
Bernie ?? (Purple Man pawn)
Bernie ?? (Mind-Master agent)
Bernie ?? (Beyond Forever owner, robbed by Hypno-Hustler)
Bernie ?? (reporter, interviewed Horatio Piper)
Bernstein, Dr. (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Bernstein, Sammy (Captain America character) - by Prime Eternal
Bernstein, Sy of Ultraverse (Prime character) - by Grendel Prime
Berring, Paul (1950s, reporter)
Berros (agent of the Silver Samurai)
Berry, Madeline of Earth-11511 (Veil)
Berrywell, John (disguise of Agent of 1,000 Faces)
Berse, Yvon (Dakota North character)
Berserk Joe (Bzzk'Joh)
Berserker (Avengers foe)
Berserker android (Frankenstein monster character)
Bert (Excalibur character)
Berten Ernie (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Bertha ?? (Luke Cage character) - by Norvo
Bertha ?? (Tarkington Brown's maid)
Berthilda (Conan character)
Bertie ?? ("Wally's Nightclub Raiders")
Bertolini, Mr. (movie director, Wonder Man character) - by Proto-Man
Bertram (Damon Dran henchman) - by Chadman
Bertram (Masque victim, Ghost Rider character)
Bertrand, Deborah (Diamondback)
Berul Crookback (Pict, Bran Mak Morn's grandfather)
Berula (100 BC, Alban Picts)
Beryl (Ravens)
Berzerker (morlock)
Berzerker Man (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Bes (Egyptian God) - by Will U
Besedin, Dr. Timor of Earth-148611 (New Universe, Psi-Force character)
Bess ?? (Bob Brant and the Trouble-Shooters character)
Bess ?? (Captain America character)
Bessie (Hellcow)
Bessler, Johann Ernst Elias (Stonecold)
Best, Pete (The Beatles' original drummer)
"Best of Hounds" (Garm, Asgardian monster)
Bestower of Unlimited Wishes (Zalkor)
Beswick, Theresa (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle
"Beta" (Alpha/Andy Maguire)
Beta Beast (Godzilla foe)
Beta 1 (Basil Kilgrew)
Bete Noir (Gambit/Bishop foe)
Beth ?? (Children of Heaven)
Betilakk (Interloper)
Beto (possessed by Mosaic)
Betrothed of Mephisto (Darklove's lover)
"Bets" of Earth-982 (Bitter Frost)
Betsy the librarian (criminal turned Pleasant Hill librarian) - by Proto-Man
"Bett" (Spawn of the Monster from the Lost Lagoon)
Bette (X-Ranch)
Bette Noir (Light Brigade)
Bettina (Bride of Dracula)
Betto, Callie (Dryad)
Betto, Giancarlo (mutant landscaper, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
"Betty" (Captain Flame)
Betty ?? (Frankenstein character)
Betty ?? (Killgrave Support Group)
Betweener (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)
Bev ?? (manager of WWII-era diner) - by Proto-Man
"Bev the Leaf Girl" (Beverly Switzler)
Bevarlene of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Bevis (Desmond Marrs' butler)
Bey, Khumbala (Iron Fist/Luke Cage foe) - by Norvo
Bey, Jameel (First Line foe)
Bey, Pasha Omar (Marrakech, Sam Sawyer foe)
Beyer, Felicia (Ms. Fix, Drug Lords)
Beynon, Bradley (Fantastic Four foe)
Beyonder (Secret Wars character) - by Madison Carter
Beyt of Earth-950108 (Commandware of the Clave)
Bezial (Death's Head foe)
Bezukhov, Ivan (Ivan Petrovich)
Bezukov, Yuri Ivanich (Crimson Dynamo/Outcast)
B4 ("Flatulans" leader)
B'Gon the Sorcerer (Gilgamesh foe)
B.H. (Blackheart)
Bheton (Kree, Ultra-Girl "mentor")
Bia (Olympian god, Avengers foes) - by Will U and Prime Eternal
Bia (Hyborian era, bear of Ursla)
Biaggi, Vinnie (victim of the Basher)
Bialgesuard of reality-8116 (demon, agent of Taurus Killgaren)
Bianca ?? (Dakota North character)
Biawak (Star Stalker)
Bi-Beast (Hulk foe(s)) - by Chadman
Bible John (Blade ally) - by Markus Raymond
Bichsel, Leon (Ponce, vampire)
Bickford, Clay (Red Wolf (Talltrees) foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bielski (NYPD officer, Daredevil character)
Big (Wolverine foe)
Big Al Gh'oul (Dorkham Asylum)
Big Angry (Sinnarian Empire, Black Order foe)
Big Bart of Earth-57780 (Old West, Spider-Man foe)
Big Ben ("Big Ben" Donovan)
Big Ben (Marvelman/Miracleman character) - by Loki
"Big Ben" Donovan (Marvel Knights foe)
Big Bertha (Venom foe)
"Big Bird" (Arnim Zola creation, Falcon foe) - by Ron Fredricks
"Big Bird" (Parnell Jacobs)
Big Blue (Maxam)
Big Blue (Century)
"Big Boss" (Stranger)
Big Boy (Cyberex)
Big Boy (Miss Mech's Super Squad)
Big Brain of Earth-7712 (Fantastic Four)
Big Brother (Power Man foe) - by Spidermay
Big Brown (She-Venom foe)
Big Budd of Earth-691 (31st Century, Asylum)
Big Bull Bulowsky (Warriors Three foe)
Big C (Caesar Cicero)
Big Casino (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Big Cat (Freefall Warriors, Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patrons)
Big D (D-Man)
"Big Daddy" Dawson (Ghost Rider/Blaze foe)
Big Dot of Reality-88131 (leader of the Circles on the Planet of the Shapes)
Big Earl Kawolski (sword swallower, Dugan Travelling Circus of Wonders, Dominic Fortune character)
Big Eddie (Yellowjacket (Pym) foe) - by Norvo
Bigelow, Anton (Killer B)
Bigelow, Arthur (Bug-Eyed Voice)
Bigelow, Frank (Fight-Man)
Big Enilwen (She-Hulk character) - by Will U
Bigfoot (Sasquatch, Alpha Flight member -- not Langkowski)
Big Foot Chester (Howling Wolf)
Bigger Stronger Man (Fight Man foe)
Biggest Strongest Man (Fight Man foe)
"Big G" (Undead G-Man)
Big Gorgon of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Biggie Smalls (Skrulls of Kral)
Biggotty, Horace Milton I (Lilith--Daughter of Dracula character)
Biggotty, Horace Milton II (Lilith--Daughter of Dracula character)
Biggotty, Horace Milton III (Lilith--Daughter of Dracula character)
Biggotty, Horace Milton IV (Lilith--Daughter of Dracula character)
Biggotty, Horace Milton V (Lilith--Daughter of Dracula character)
Big Greeny of Earth-27135 (giant prehistoric therapod)
Big Grey Beard (Gandalf)
Big Grokko (Attuma ally, Defenders foe)
Biggs (Captain America character)
Biggs (cyborg cat, Howard the Duck pet) - by Proto-Man
Biggs, Julian of Earth-7484 (Deathlok foe)
Biggs Prime (extraterrestrial cat, originally pet of the Sparkitect Jho)
"Big Guy" (Past Assassins)
Big Guy (Ken, Iron Fist foe)
"Big Hands" (General Rigby)
"Big Jim" Galton (Enforcer ally)
Big Joe (street cleaner, Archie the Gruesome)
Big Joe (criminal organizer, Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man
Big Joe (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Big Julie of Earth-982 (MC2, J2 foe) - by Grendel Prime
Big Leo (KISS character)
Big L'il Nose (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Big M (Masked Marauder)
Big M (Man Mountain Marko)
Big Mack (Howard the Duck character)
"big man" (Disciples of Morpheus, Moon Knight foe)
Big Man (Frederick Foswell) of Earth-80219
Big Man (Janice Foswell, Spider-Man foe)
Big Man (Kligger)
Big Man (Lightning Bolt foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Big Man of Earth-7484 (Redeemers)
Big Max (Daredevil character)
Big Max (drug dealer)
Big Monk McGak (encountered Mister Zero)
"Big monster" (Wayfinder)
Big Mother (Grendel's mom) - by Chuck D and Snood
Big Mouth (Hostess character, Captain Marvel foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Big One (Kenjiro Sasaki, Japanese mutate, Pacific Overlords)
Big Pete (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Big Question of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Big Rock (Maggia, Fantastic Four foe)
Big Roy (Thunderbolts foe) - by Grendel Prime
Big Shot of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) foe) - by Per Degaton
Big Spider On Campus of Earth-84632 (George the Spider)
Big Strong Man (Fight Man foe)
Big Thirstie (Thirsties, Kool-Aid Man foe)
Big Thunder (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Big-Time of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord
Big Titania of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Big Tonee (Inhuman)
Big Top (Lost Boys and Girls)
Big Tow of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Big Turk (Kingpin's gang, Spider-Man foe) - by Prime Eternal
Big Wheel (Jackson Weele, Spider-Man foe) - by Markus Raymond
Big Wheel (unidentified, Spider-Man foe) - by Markus Raymond
"Big Will" Wingfoot (Will Wingfoot)
Big Zero (Amity Hunter, Microverse soldier, Young Masters member) - by Proto-Man
Bile (cannibalistic madman bonded to alien symbiote) - by Loki
Bile (disease-generating Omega Flight member)
Bilge (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Bill ?? (U.S. Army, Space Phantom victim)
Bill ?? (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Bill ?? (cop, Stilt-Man foe)
Bill ?? (vampire victim)
Bill (William Hao, Chaka)
Bill ?? (Cross-Technologies)
Bill ?? (Bullseye victim)
Bill ?? (Betsy Beatty neighbor)
Bill ?? (Matt Murdock character)
"Bill" ?? (Excalibur character)
Bill ?? (Commission on Superhuman Activities)
Bill ?? (Hellcat character) - by Chadman
Bill the lobster (cyborg crustacean, partner of Gomi & Don) - by Proto-Man
Bill, Duck of Earth-58472 (Wild Bill, Howard the Duck ancestor)
Billie ?? (reporter, Captain America character)
Billie the Millie of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Billings (met Willis Striker)
Billings, John (Atlas sci-fi character) - by John Kaminski
Billy ?? (1859, Marauders member)
Billy ?? (1957 Easy Company soldier)
Billy ?? (1950s farmer, protected by Phantom of the Farm)
Billy ?? (1960s, encountered Monstrom)
Billy ?? (1960s, young Beatles fan)
Billy ?? (cameraman, Avengers character)
Billy ?? (Tiger Shark victim)
Billy ?? (Hulk character)
Billy ?? (restaurant owner)
Billy ?? of Earth-84444
Billy ?? (Marauders)
Billy ?? (Fat Boys)
Billy ?? (co-student of Lance Cashman)
Billy ?? (Wanderers)
Billy ?? (Inhumans character) - by Chadman
Billy ?? (Mad Dog (Bobby) victim)
Billy ?? (Daredevil character)
Billy ?? (cookie recipient, Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Billy ?? of Earth-18136 (Old West bartender)
Billy ?? of Earth-523004 (Sentinels ally)
Billy the Marlin (mascot, Spider-Man ally) - by Grendel Prime
Billy the Monster (Hulk foe) - by Spidermay
Billy Bird (Loonies)
Billy Boy (Emil Vogel foe)
Billy Boy (Ghost Rider character)
Billy Boy (Earth Force, Skyhawk)
Billy-Boy (drug addict, Night Thrasher foe)
Billy the Security Guy (Ghost Rider/Typhoid Mary character)
Bikwen (Gyraxian ruler, Beta Ray Bill character) - by Chadman
Binary Bug (Machine Man foe) - by Kyle
Binder (Imperial Guard Cohort)
Binder of Earth-928 (MC2, Wizard's Warriors)
Binder, Sam (1950s Explorers' Club member, encountered Monstro) - by Ron Fredricks
Lou, Binion (Binion Brothers)
Sammy, Binion (Binion Brothers)
Bing Conan of Earth-28843 (What if? humour)
Bingham, Dr. Henry (Rattler) of Earth-77013
Bingham, Michael (Blood Spider)
Binka (NuHuman, Muse victim)
Binky (Man-Ape)
Biohazard (Deathlok foe) - by Markus Raymond
Biohazard (New Warriors foe) - by Sammy 7D
Bionic Angel of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck character) - by AvatarWarlord
Birch, Dr. Donald (Phantom)
Birch, Jason (Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Birchwood, Miriam (Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal
Bird of Earth-5555 (Sudden Impact, Death's Head (FPA) foe)
Birdboy of Earth-88469 (Deathbird)
Bird Goddess (Oshtur)
Birdie (Birdy)
Bird-Man (Henry Hawk, Ani-Men/Unholy Three) - by Chadman
Bird-Man (Achille DiBacco, Ani-Men) - by Chadman
Bird-Man (Nighthawk (Richmond))
Bird-Man (Ani-Men, Hammerhead ally)
Bird-Man proto-husk (Deadpool foe)
Birdman of Earth-88469 (Force America, Dead Clown foe)
Bird-Men King of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man character)
Bird-Nose (Nighthawk (Richmond))
Bird of Prey of Earth-21516 (Peter Parker, winged hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Birdseye (Dirk McGirk creation, Daringdevil foe; Bullseye counterpart)
Birdstein, Leonard of Earth-58472 (Howard the Duck ancestor, famous musician)
"Bird-Thing" (Bloodseed character)
Birdwatcher (S.P.A.F.O.N. member)
"Bird Woman" (Bereet)
Birdy (Sabretooth character) - by Norvo
Birely, Douglas (Doctor Demonicus)
Birks, Ryan (vampire, Dracula foe)
Birthday Bandit of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Birulin, Samuel (James Rhodes character)
Bischoff, Dr. I.S. (Isbisa)
Bisento (Snakeroot)
Bishamon (Japanese god) - by Will U & Prime Eternal
Bishamon-temo (Bishamon)
Bishamonten (Bishamon)
Bishop (Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bishop (Lucas Bishop)
Bishop, Bill (Teen Brigade) - by Prime Eternal
Bisley, Nick (Wrap, Emplate's Hellions)
Bison (Ani-Mates)
Bison (Warpies)
Bison (Masters of Evil, Thunderstrike character)
Bison, Biff (Power Skrull, Glenbrook resident)
Bisq (Bride of the Monster from the Lost Lagoon)
Bissel (Korean War, squad leader)
Bite, Robert A. (Spider-Man character)
Bitmap (System Crash)
Bitsy (Mercy Sisters victim)
Bitsy (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Bitter Frost of Earth-982 (Spider-Girl foe) - by Minor Irritant
Bitterhorn (demon, agent of Mephisto) - by Prime Eternal
Bitters, Reggie (Luddites, Brother Seraph)
Bitzer, William "Billy" (Techmaster)
Bivins, Billy (Old West, Concho Kid)
Bivins, Jeb (Old West, Concho Kid's stepfather)
Bixby (Inhumans foe) - by Chadman
Bixby, Dexter (Spider-Man character)
Bixby, Dorothy (Pleasant Hill hotel proprietor) - by Proto-Man
Bixie (Pixiu)
Bizarnage of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Bjorn ?? (drug dealer, Ankhi foe)
Bjorn ?? (Norwegian thug)
Bjornson, Abraham of Earth-10511 (particle physicist, Wolverine story)
B'ket Imstari (Shi'ar, Gul Damar Space Station, X-Men character)
Blaast (Inhuman, Kree foe)
"Blabbermouth" (Roderick Kingsley, Hobgoblin)
Black (Supreme character, "Ultravengers")
Black, Andy "Boy" (Guvnor, Super Soldiers)
Black, Cal (Jude's son)
Black, Cyrus (Dr. Strange/Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Black, Jack of Earth-92800
Black, Jonathan (Uncanny Tales character) - by John Kaminski
Black, Jude (X-Factor character, possessed by Archer)
Black, Linda Lee (Blackbyrd/Abe Brown ally, Deadly Hands of Kung Fu character)
Black, Michael (Corpus Derelicti)
Black, Dr. Noah (Centurius)
Black, Rachel (Jude's wife)
Black, Tess (Spider-Man character) - by Will U
Black, Vanna of Earth-77640 (Sister Voodoo)
Black Abbott (Spider-Man foe) - by Madison Carter
Black Archer of Earth-712 (Wyatt McDonald, Squadron Supreme character) - by Norvo
Black Arthur (1500s knight)
Black Axe (Marvel UK) - by Changeling
Black Baron (Captain Britain foe) - by Loki
Black Bart (Old West outlaw) - by Grendel Prime
Black Bart (Old West, Annie Oakley foe)
Black Bart (Old West, Kid Colt foe) - by Grendel Prime
Black Bat of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Black Bee (Spider-Man character) - by Ronald Byrd
Black Billy (Shooting Star foe) - by Markus Raymond
Blackbane, Kal (Kymellian White Room, Midnight Blade)
"Blackbeard" (Ben Grimm)
Blackbird of Earth-712 (Nighthawk's teen sidekick) - by Loki
Blackbird (Superia's Femizons)
Blackbird of Earth-398 (Falcon (Wilson), Queen's Vengeance)
Black Bishop (Harry Leland, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Black Blade of Eurth (Black Knight (Nathan Garrett) counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Black Bob (Old West outlaw)
Black Bolt of Earth-8545 (Vi-Locks)
Black Brand of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Black Brigade (Force Works foe) - by Gauntlet: Dark Rider
Black Brother (Joshua, Savage Tales hero) - by Prime Eternal
Blackburn, Rev. Addison (Reverend, Dragon Circle)
Blackbyrd (NYPD, Sons of the Tiger character)
Black Cat (Felicia Hardy)
Black Claw (WWII, Captain Terror foe) - by Grendel Prime
Blackcloak (Shi'ar Death Commandos) - by Chadman
Black Crow (Native American mystic warrior) - by Julien Vivé
Black Crow, Jesse (Black Crow)
Black Curator (xt, Orgolhuin/Black Museum, Death's Head/Die-Cut character)
Black Death (X-Men foe) - by Sammy 7D
Black Death (Gravity foe) - by G Morrow
Black Dragon (Power Man, Iron Fist, and Black Panther foe)
Black Dragon (White Dragon, Spider-Man foe)
Black Druid (Mordred the Evil)
Black Feather (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Black Flag of Earth-11332 (Ant-Man (Peter Parker) foe)
Black Fox (First Line member) - by Norvo
Black Fox (Spider-Man foe) - by Norvo
Blackgar, Marlene (Werewolf foe) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Blackgar, Miles (Marlene's father, Werewolf foe) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
black god (gorilla god, Solomon Kane story)
Black God of Earth-3470 (Chernobog)
Black Gold (Aqiria government agent, Hero Force member) - by Grendel Prime
Black Halo (Marduk Kurios)
Black Halo (Hellstorm)
Blackheart (Mephisto's son) - by Chadman
Blackheath (Plantman)
Black Hole (Band of the Bland)
"Blackhook" (Gamecock)
Black Hound of Death (Grimm, Conan foe)
Blackie (Joker Comics, mugged Happy Mann)
"Blackie" (Bat Warner)
Blackie of Earth-691 (31st Century, Asylum)
Blackie Billis (Old West villain)
Blackie Drago (Vulture)
Blackie Gaxton (Spider-Man character)
Blackie Harper (Old West, Matt Ross foe)
Blackie Nolan (1950s criminal, owned "Metal Monster")
Blackie Skarr (gangster, Mad Thinker associate) - by Proto-Man
Blackjack (Old West gambler) - by Ron Fredricks
Blackjack (First Line member) - by Norvo
Black Jack of Earth-11332 (Ant-Man (Peter Parker) foe)
Black Jack Tarr
Black Jamie MacAwber (Hulk foe) - by Anti-Grimm
Black Juju (Destroyer of Demons)
Black Justice of New Universe (Justice foe)
Black King (18th century; Sir Patrick Clemens, Hellfire Club)
Black King of Earth-1191 (Hellfire Club, Anthony Shaw)
Black King of Earth-92131 (Sebastian Shaw, Hellfire Club, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke
Black King (Quentin Templeton, London Hellfire Club) - by Proto-Man
Black King (Blackheart)
Black Knight (Sir Reginald)
Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia)
Black Knight (Sir Raston, Anachronauts)
Black Knight (Merlin construct)
Black Knight of the Crusades (Eobar Garrington)
Black Knight (Sir Henry Bart, 16th century privateer) - by Loki
Black Knight (Sir William, Revolutionary war) - by Loki
Black Knight (Nathan Garrett, Masters of Evil) - by Norvo
Black Knight (Morgan Le Fay agent, Avengers/Spider-Woman foe) - by Markus Raymond
Black Knight (Dane Whitman)
"Black Knight" of Earth-148 (Ee'rath, Excalibur)
Black Knight (Alexander Swan, "Ultravengers")
Black Knight (Augustine du Lac, Black Panther foe) - by Markus Raymond
Black Knight (Last Knight) - by Prime Eternal
Black Knight statue (Avengers character)
black kraken (Conan foe)
Black Lama of Earth-7511 (Iron Man character, Fragmented America)
Blacklash (Ant-Man (Lang) foe) - by Minor Irritant
Black Light (Shi'ar Imperial Guard) - by Grendel Prime
Black Lotus (Superia's Femizons)
Blacklung the Malady Man (Fight Man/Agent X foe)
Black Madness (Kali, The Nest)
Black Mamba (Serpent Society/BAD Girls Inc. member) - by SQUEAK
Black Man (Nyarlathotep)
Black Mariah (Power Man foe)
Blackmark of Earth-71181 (mutate, warrior king)
"Black Marvel" (Old West character) - by Ron Fredricks
Black Marvel (Golden Age hero, Slingers character) - by MarvellousLuke
Black Metal (Agent foe)
Black Monk (Hellstorm character, mentioned only)
Black Moray (Namor foe) - by Chadman
Black Mountain (Kuroyama) - by Future
"Black Ninja" (War-Yore)
Blackout (Marcus Daniels, Masters of Evil member) - by Spidermay & Prime Eternal
Black Panther (Mosi)
Black Panther (1950s, animal turned cursed trophy) - by Ron Fredricks
Black Panther (T'Challa)
Black Panther (Erik Killmonger)
Black Panther of Earth-10107 (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man
Black Panther of Earth-200505
Black Patch (minion of Isbisa)
Black Patch (pirate, Mercs for Money foe) - by Chadman
Black Pluto (Pluto, Olympian)
Black Powder (Munition Militia)
Black Presbyter of Reality-24117 (reality-destroying creature, Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Black Priestess (Selene, Black Queen)
Black Queen (18th Century, Lady Grey)
Black Queen (Selene, X-Men foe) - by Chadman
Black Queen of the Hellfire Club (Reeva Payge)
Black Raazer (Alpha Flight/Freedom Force foe)
Black Racer (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Black Razer (Black Raazer)
Black Razor (Black Raazer)
Black Rider (Marauder, Team America)
Black Rider imposter (Old West, a Space Phantom)
Black Rook (Friedrich von Roehm)
Black Rook (Red Queen of Earth-998)
Black Shadow (Wolverine foe) - by Changeling
Black Shadow (supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
"Blacksmith" (Vulcan, First Line member)
Blacksmith of Earth-398 (Rage, Queen's Vengeance)
black spectre of the pre-current Multiverse reality mirroring Earth-95325 (Peter Parker foe)
Blackstone, Boggle (Santa Claus foe) - by Grendel Prime
Blacksun (Mysterium/Raymond Lightner merged form)
Blacksun (Raymond Lightner/Mysterium merged form)
Black Susan of Earth-39758 (Old West sheriff, defeated the "Man from Beyond")
Black Swan (Deadpool foe) - by Proto-Man & Spiderpool
Black Talon (WW2, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Black Talon (Desmond Drew, Brother Voodoo foe) - by Prime Eternal
Black Talon (Howard the Duck foe)
Black Tarantula (Spider-Man/Daredevil character/foe) - by Chadman
Blackthorn (Shi'ar Imperial Guard) - by Grendel Prime
Blackthorn of Eurth (Hawkeye counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Black Tiger (Sons of the Tiger...sort of)
Black Tiger of Ultraverse (Solution foe) - by Grendel Prime
Black Toad (World War II era, Captain America) - by Future
Black Tom Savage of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Black Turlogh (Turlogh Dubh O'Brien)
Black Vulture of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Blackwater, Charles (Omen, Legion of the Night)
Black Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) of Earth-82101 (Avengers)
Blackwell the Magician of Earth-6799 (magician Spider-Man ally) - by Proto-Man
Black Widow (Golden Age heroine, Twelve member) - by AvatarWarlord72 & Norvo
Black Widow (Anya Derevkova, Howling Commandos character) - by Markus Raymond
Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
Black Widow of Ultraverse (Janet Van Dyne, UltraForce character) - by Grendel Prime & Snood
Black Widow (Yelena Belova)
Black Widow (Petra)
Black Widow of Earth-1078 (Galina Tsarfin) - by Proto-Man
Blackwing (Joseph Manfredi, Silvermane's son) - by Chadman
Blackwing (Heavy Mettle)
Blackwing of Earth-93121 (magical construct, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice foe) - by Grendel Prime
Black Witch (WW2, Captain America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Black Witch (1950s, Homer Ghost/Zelda foe) - by Grendel Prime
Black Wolf (Department H)
Black Womb (Gambit character)
Blackwood, Arthur Charles (Crusader)
Black Wraith (Bloodwraith)
Blackwulf (Pelops) - by Prime Eternal
Blackwulf (Lucian) - by Prime Eternal
Blackwulf (Underground of Armechadon) - by Prime Eternal
Blade (Moon Knight foe)
Blade (Eric Brooks)
Blade (Varnae, Lord of Vampires)
Blade Benson (Circus of Crime)
Blade Runner of Earth-79733 (Logan West, superfast assassin, Wolverine/Flash amalgam) - by Proto-Man
Blain, Mr. (got Karen Page an interview) - by Chadman
Blaine, Doctor of Earth-7484 (Operation: Savior Machine, Deathlok character)
Blaine, Gen. (military general, killed by Circus of Death) - by Chadman
Blaine, Ferguson (F.A.U.S.T.)
Blaine, Gideon (Werewolf character)
Blaine, Joshua (Robin Hood, Captain America foe)
Blair (Roxxon employee)
Blair, Benjamin (1950s, Marvel Tales mutate) - by Ron Fredricks
Blair, Caley (Wolverine character, Revelation victim)
Blair, Joe (Jeremy Torgan associate, 1950s)
Blair, Nicholas (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle
Blaire, Alison (Dazzler)
Blaisdell, Roland (M Branch, X-Force, Cloak & Dagger character)
Blait'r (xt deity/revered figure?, Venom (Flash Thompson) story)
Blake (1936, Daily Globe managing editor)
Blake (pre-FF character; retconned to have been Henry Pym)
Blake (host of Wake Up, Edmonton tv show) - by Proto-Man
Blake (S.H.I.E.L.D. Air Cavalry)
Blake, Mrs. (Becky Blake's mother)
Blake, Balder of Earth-9811 (Battleworld)
Blake, Becky (attorney, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Blake, Brandon (Grip, Gemini member)
Blake, Carl (Night Terror)
Blake, Clay of Ultraverse (Firearm character)
Blake, Dan (Martian spy) - by Jop
Blake, Donald
Blake, Dunstan (1950s Explorers Club, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Blake, Emily (Ben Urich character) - by Chadman
Blake, Jimmy (1950s, loved Suzanne Storm)
Blake, Joe (Wyatt Earp ally) - by Grendel Prime
Blake, Kitty (secretary for private investigator)
Blake, Nicholas (Suede, Gemini member)
Blake, Tim (1950s mutate) - by Ron Fredricks
Blake, William (Glowworm)
Blanc, Max (Removal Man)
Blanca del Hierro (Order of Deacons)
Blanch, Christy (reporter)
Blanche ?? (Daredevil character...kind of)
Blanders (Ben Urich ally)
Blandon, Mr. (Defenders character)
Blane, Walter (scientist, Atlas Era)
Blank (West Coast Avengers foe) - by Prime Eternal
Blank Brain (Cosmic Blade foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Blank Window (Dirk McGirk creation, Daringdevil love interest; Black Widow counterpart)
Blank, Zelda (Princess Python)
Blaquesmith of Earth-13393 (Clan Askani member) - by Proto-Man
Blare (Spider-Man character) - by Prime Eternal
"Blarney" (Roy Stone)
Blasco, Lawrence (1970s vampire)
Blass, Jamal of Ultraverse (D.J. Blast)
Blast, Max (Verdelet)
"Blastaff Guard" (Deviant Horde)
Blaster of Earth-8107 (electrical entity, Spider-Friends foe)
Blastfurnace (Mutant Liberation Front) - by Prime Eternal
Blasting Cap (Trash, Power Pack/Cage foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Blax'zthor, G'illian (mutant Skrull, Squirrel Girl character) - by Chadman
Blayne, Chuck (1950s, Captain America (Burnside) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Blaze (Kirk Donoghue, Spider-Man foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Blaze ?? (Flash Thompson ex-girlfriend, Spider-Man character) - by Norvo
Blaze of Earth-811 (New Mutants)
Blaze of Earth-95514 (Asgardian goddess heroine, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Blaze, Barton (Johnny Blaze's father) - by Proto-Man
"Blaze, Clara" (Naomi Kale)
Blaze, Johnny
Blaze, Siena (mutant criminal, Upstarts/Earth-93060's Exiles member) - by Chadman
Blazeye (Metahumes)
Blazing Skull (Scully, Skull the Slayer)
Bleary, Dr. Timothy of Reality-88131 (ALF ally) - by Grendel Prime
Blenholt, Craig (husband of Elaine Tennyson Blenholt)
Blenholt, Elaine (ex-wife of Alex Tennyson/Dreamkiller)
Blessed Mother (former Sorceress Supreme, Salomé)
Blessed-of-Litters (xt Druff god, served Skrulls) - by Proto-Man
Blessing, Emil (Morgana's father)
Blessing, Morgana (Dr. Strange love interest) - by SQUEAK
Blessing, Regina (Morgana's mother)
Blevins, Carl (Shang Chi foe)
Blevins, Caufield (Holden's brother)
Blevins, Holden (Johnny Blaze character) - by Markus Raymond
Blevins, Mary (Holden's mother)
Blevins, Wally (Moondog the Malicious' host)
Blic of Reality-54136 (ca. 2223 AD, Uranian)
"Blimp" (Friedrich von Roehm)
Blimp (Shi'ar Superguardians) - by Grendel Prime
Blind Ali (Euro-Trash)
Blind Faith (Exiles, Russian mutant Underground) - by Prime Eternal
Blind Faith of Ultraverse (Warstrike foe) - by Grendel Prime
Blind Guy (Dr. Eye foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Blind Joe Death (Punisher foe)
Blind Jonathan of Earth-53759 (2053 AD, met time traveler Adam Tyler)
Blind Justice (Dr. Jerome Hamilton, Hawkeye/Enclave foe) - by the Beetle & Markus Raymond
blind man (Daredevil I#1, Daredevil's origin)
Blind Owl (Wolverine ally)
Blindside (Brood Mutants)
Blindside (Harriers)
Blindside (Spider-Man/Jackpot foe) - by G Morrow
Blindspot (Mutant Liberation Front)
Blindspot (Sam Chung, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Bling! (X-Student, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Blink (Clarise Ferguson)
Blinky ("Duckworld")
Blinky (Black Bolt character) - by Chadman
Blip (Shzzzllxxxthzz)
Bliss (Morlocks) - by Darc_Light
Bliss (Freak of Science foe)
Bliss, Bonnie (Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) character) - by Norvo
Bliss, Donna (Flesh)
Bliss, Elizabeth "Bess" (Bones)
Bliss, Miss (Hellcat character)
Bliss, Uranus (Iron Man character) - by Norvo
Blistik (Captain America foe)
Blitz (Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner
Blitz (Zoo, Gun Runner foe)
Blitzen of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent of Baron Knuckleduster)
Blitzkrieg (Vernichtungs Kommandos, Captain America foe)
Blitzkrieg (Blitzkrieger, German super-hero)
Blitzkrieger (German super-hero) - by Prime Eternal
Blivet (Undead MC)
Blizzard (Gregor Shapanka, Iron Man (Stark) foe) - by Norvo
Blizzard (Donnie Gill, Thunderbolts/Iron Man character) - by Chadman
Blizzard (Randy Macklin, Iron Man foe) - by Markus Raymond
Blizzard (Mickey Quaid, Silver Sable & Wild Pack foe) - by Markus Raymond
Blizzard (blizzard & iceberg-generation hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Blizzard (Jim, Mandarin operative, Iron Man character) - by Markus Raymond
Bloat, Sid (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Bloated Bandit (Iron Man foe, Marvel Story Book Annual) - by SQUEAK
Blob (Fred J. Dukes)
Bloc (Agent X foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Bloch, Lloyd (Nefarius/Moonstone)
Blockade (Stranger's robot) - by Prime Eternal
Blockade (Dexter Parish, Cable foe)
Blockbuster (Captain America/Omega the Unknown foe)
Blockbuster (Heat-Ray) - by Omar Karindu
Blockbuster (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Blockbuster, Stan of Earth-8107 (movie director) - by David Lawrence
Blockchain (Brock Channing, criminal Squirrel Girl foe)
Blogun of Earth-88131 (ALF, Michigan Wolverine)
Bloke (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man
Blomfield, Aaidan (Unicorn, Stockpile)
Blonde Barbarian of Earth-10246 (Thor, Millennial Visions 2001)
Blondel, Frank (testified against Black Widow) - by Chadman
"Blondie" (Anaconda)
Blondine (Dr. Strange character)
Blonsky, Emil (Abomination)
Bloodaxe of Earth-983107
Bloodbath (Heavy Metal, Brute Force foe)
Bloodbath (Morbius foe) - by Kyle
Bloodbath of Ultraverse (Deming's Exiles foe) - by Grendel Prime
"Blood-Beast" (Theresa Orizaba)
Blood-Beast of Daka-Jur (Ghamola)
Blood Countess (Dracula foe)
Blood Drinker (Khrag 'Thung)
Bloodhawk (Avengers associate)
Bloodhawk, Vlad (foe of Red Sonja)
Bloodhammer (Bloodmace)
Bloodhound (demonic, dog-like tracking beast, Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) foe) - by Proto-Man
Blood Leader (Morbius foe) - by Markus Raymond
Bloodlust (Femme Fatales, Spider-Man/X-Men foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond
Bloodmace of Earth-928 (Spider-Man 2099 foe) - by Zerostar
"Blood N'Guts Flint" (Flint, Howling Commandos)
Bloodraven of Eurth (Falcon counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Blood Rose (Richard Fisk)
Bloodsbane of Earth-9991 (divergent future Blade ally) - by Markus Raymond
Bloodscream of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon, bar patron) - by Julien Vive
Bloodseed (Marvel UK) - by Madison Carter
Blood Shadow (Coven)
Bloodshed (Spider-Man foe/ally) - by Per Degaton & Prime Eternal
Bloodshed of Ultraverse (Solution foe) - by Grendel Prime
Blood Spider (Spider-Man foe) - by Zerostar
Bloodstain (USAgent enemy)
Bloodstone, Aztek of Earth-22791 (Maya's sister, Millennial Visions 2001)
Bloodstone, Cullen (son of Ulysses, brother of Elsa, merged with the Glartrox) - by Chadman
Bloodstone, Elise (mother of Elsa)
Bloodstone, Elsa (daughter of Ulysses)
Bloodstone, Maya of Earth-22791 (Millennial Visions 2001) - by Proto-Man
Bloodstone, Ulysses (monster hunter)
Bloodstorm of Ultraverse (Sludge foe) - by Markus Raymond
Bloodstorm (Dracula clone, Nightstalkers foe) - by Markus Raymond
Bloodstorm One (Dracula clone)
Bloodsword (Bloodmace)
Bloodthirst (Lilin, Morbius foe) - by Markus Raymond
Blood-Tide (Demon-Fire)
Bloodtide (Fathom Five member) - by Chadman
Bloodwraith (Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Bloody Mary (1950s Korean Combat Kelly foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bloody Mary (Typhoid Mary)
Bloody Mary (Bacchae)
Bloom, David Joshua (Tracer's father)
Bloom, Luann (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Bloom, Richard "Rick" (Tracer)
Blossom (Circus of Lost Souls)
Blossom, Rose (Lois London, Dazzler's Half-sister)
Blotte, Selma (Kidney Lady)
Blow Dryer (Hostess ad, Human Torch foe) - by John Kaminski
Blowfly (Tigra foe) - by Markus Raymond
Blowhard (Morlocks) - by Darc_Light
Blowhard (Children of Heaven)
Blowhard, Werner (BEST)
Blowtorch (Spider-Man foe) - by Zerostar
Blow Torch (Galactic Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Blowtorch Brand (Defenders foe) - by Chad Anderson
Bl'rt (Skrull would-be conqueror, Groot character)
Blubber, Ali of Earth-78423 (Howard the Duck foe) - by AvatarWarlord
Blucher, Max (WW2, Mister Death)
Bludgeon (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bludgeon (Cyber-Ninjas) - by Prime Eternal
Bludgeoner (Yellow Claw's cyborg) - by Prime Eternal
Blue of Earth-811 (New Mutants)
Blue of Earth-5555 (Freedom Fighters)
Blue (Death's Head-Minion)
Bluebeard of Earth-57780 (Purple Pirate Gang)
Bluebeard (Moon Knight foe) - by Prime Eternal
Blue-Bird (Nighthawk (Richmond))
Bluebird (Spider-Man foe) - by Loki
Bluebird (Sally Avril)
Blue Blade (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Blue Blaze (Golden Age hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Blue-Boy (Blue Streak)
Blue Buccaneer (Champion of the Universe)
Blue Bulk (fought Supercreep)
Blue Bullet (Johann Goldstein, Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Blue Condor (Marvel Italia, Task Force member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with translation aid from Angelo Mammone
Blue Diamond (Elton Morrow, Golden Age hero) - by Norvo
Blue Diamond of Eurth (Bluestone) - by Proto-Man
Blue Eagle (Old West chief)
Blue Eagle (zombie clone, Squadron Supreme)
Blue Fly of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord
"Blue Gorilla" (Wolverine foe)
Blue Hero of Earth-8107 (digital creation, Videoman foe)
"Blue Hummingbird on the Left" (Huitzilopochtli)
Blue Jean of Reality-88131 (Dark Kleenex)
"Blue Kree" (Terrigen-empowered Kree soldier)
Blue Light (Lumiere Bleue)
Blue Man (Immortus)
Blue Marvel (Quantum Banders)
"Blue Max" (Iron Cross, Helmut Gruler)
Blue Max of Earth-928 (Maxine Sands, criminal, Punisher 2099 foe)
Bluenote (Undergrounders)
Blue Shark (New Genix)
Blue Shield (Joseph Cartelli, Project: PEGASUS security director) - by Norvo
"blue-skinned, four-armed alien" (Collector's Zoo prisoner, Howard the Duck ally) - by Proto-Man
Blue Star (coloring book, Captain America/Hulk/Iron Man/Thor character)
Bluestone of Eurth (Blue Diamond counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Blue Streak (SHIELD Super Agent, Captain America foe)
Blue Streak (Jonathan Swift, Heroes for Hire foe) - by G Morrow
Blue Talon (Daredevil foe)
Blue Totem (Immortus)
Blumburtt, Phil of Earth-58472 (Howard the Duck Movie Adaptation)
Blume, Sgt. (Rose)
"Blunderbolt Woss" of Earth-81113 (Hulk-Hare foe)
Blunderbuss Ross of Earth-84112 (Two-Gun Hulk foe)
Blur (programmed Stanley Stewart simulacrum, Squadron Supreme of America)
Blurdock, Murd (Echomelian lawyer, active as vigilante Seeing Being) - by HBK123
Blurry (Bianca LaNiege's servants)
Blustar (Darbian, Cloak & Dagger character)
Bluto (Spider-Man character)
Bluzia (Ongulian race)
Blythe, Gillian (Skrull, G'illian Blax'zthor)
Blythe, Jennifer (Jo's sister)
Blythe, Jillian (Daily Bugle reporter) - by Grendel Prime
Blythe, Jo (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
B. Meeup Scotti (Vanisher)
BMF (Tag Team)
B'ngudja (shark god)
B'ngudja (Knights of Pendragon foe) - by Markus Raymond
Bo (mutant girl, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Boab, the Devil-Toad (Shadow-Earth demon, summoned by Genghis Grimtoad)
Boar (Ani-Mates)
Boar (Beta Ray Bill/Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Board (Punisher character)
Boardman, John (Tony Stark employee, possessed by Mosaic)
Boardman, Tom (Ms. Marvel character)
Bob (dog, encountered "Night Watcher")
Bob ?? (Daredevil character)
Bob ?? (San Francisco Police Department) - by Chadman
Bob (interdimensional commentator, Captain Britain character) - by Loki
Bob ?? of Earth-83840
Bob ?? (General Argyle Fist agent)
Bob ?? (Power Pack character)
Bob ?? of Earth-88194 (Shadowline, Merchants)
Bob ?? (attacked by Sabretooth)
Bob ?? (construction worker under Jack Johnson)
Bob ?? (Mike Hellman character, Frontier Comics)
Bob ?? (reporter)
Bob ?? (reporter)
Bob ?? (reporter)
Bob (Colonel America)
Bob ?? (Glenville, Long Island, Human Torch (Storm) character)
Bob ?? (taught a lesson by Hellcat & Telekinian)
Bobbie ?? (Captain Britain foe)
Bobby ?? (Old West, Marie Lathrop's nephew)
Bobby ?? (encountered Monster in the Iron Mask)
Bobby ?? (1960s, poor child, owned robot teddy bear)
Bobby of Earth-84041 (Generic Brother)
Bobby ?? (medic, Daredevil character)
Bobby ?? (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Bobby ?? (bystander, warned not to breathe during Apocalypse attack)
Bobby ?? (saved by Daredevil)
Bobby ?? (Punisher character)
Bobby ?? (Punisher foe)
Bobby ?? (robber, Daredevil foe)
Bobby Two-Tones (Typhoid Mary victim)
"Bobby's guardian" (Master Khan)
Bobcat (Hawkeye foe) - by the Beetle
Bobkins, Mary (Tommy Jr.'s future wife)
Bobkins, Tommy Sr. (Tommy Jr.'s father)
Bobkins, Tommy Jr. (1960s, Amazing Adult Fantasy) - by Ron Fredricks
Bobkins, Tommy III (Tommy Jr.'s future son)
"Bob-Man" (Bobster)
Bobo (Namor's cousin) - by Norvo
Bobo the Clown (Daughters of the Dragon foe)
Bobster (Spider-Man ally) - by Minor Irritant
"Bobtron 4000" (Bobster)
Bocah (207 AD, Picts chieftain, Bran Mak Morn character)
Boccino, Carlo (mobster, Devil-Slayer foe)
Bochek (Inhuman)
Bochs, Roger Jr. (Box, Braddock Academy)
"Bock" ("Ultravengers")
Bock, Orville (Oddball, Death-Throws)
Bodb Derg (Red Lord)
Boddicker, Kyllian Kell (Wildpride)
Boddicker, William (Firefight)
Boddy, Dr. Noah of Earth-67 (Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man
Boder, Nathan (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Bodick, Jack of Ultraverse (Eliminator)
Bodie (Johnny Dee foe)
Bodine, Jimmy (Rogue character) - by Grendel Prime
Bodine, Larry (New Mutants character) - by Zerostar
Bodine, Sue Ann (Jimmy's sister)
Bodnik, Hector (criminal in Tulsa, Oklahoma) - by Chadman
Bodo, Nikolett (Brides of Dracula)
Bodtchik, Clyde (Speedball foe)
Body Magician (Voyager)
Boeglin, Oswald (Bulwark)
Boffo (Hilda's date)
Boffo the Clown (1930s, Dugan Travellig Circus of Wonders, Dominic Fortune character)
Bogar, "Muggsy" (criminal fugitive, Joe the Barber foe) - by Grendel Prime
Bogart, Humphrey (based on the famous actor, Laughing Horse Bar patron)
Bogatin (Organizatsiya)
Bogatin (Russian arms dealer, Daredevil foe)
Bogatyr (Bogatyri)
Bog Beast (xt monster, Tales to Astonish) - by Chadman
Bog Dog of Earth-7840 (humanoid animals)
Bogeyman (Power Pack/Luke Cage foe) - by Norvo
Bogg, Hugo (encountered Ice-Monster)
Boggart (Advocates member)
Boggs (Lorna foe)
Boggs, Mordecai P. (Captain Marvel character) - by Norvo
Bogowitz, Mel (Pride victim, Shanna the She-Devil character)
Bogthrottle, Sir Hercules (Shadow-Earth, Genghis Grimtoad character)
Bogweed (goblin)
Bohan, Tom (imagined neighbor of the Marvel/Mark Hawkins)
Bohannan, Frank (Crimson Commando)
Bohannon, Senator Bill (possessed by Catherine)
Bohra (Merlin foe) - by Proto-Man
B'ok (The People)
Bokk (Sun Girl foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Bokus (Conan foe)
Bokx (Cube-Men)
Bolaa (Rigellian mutant, Thor character)
Bolder (Reptil foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
"Bolero" of Earth-616 (alternate version of Vertigo character)
Boley (U.S. Marine)
Bolivar Littlemouse (Ani-Mates)
Bollard, Gregory (Inhuman)
Bollix of Earth-712 (Earth-S, Whizzer foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bolo (Golden Age, Marvex creator)
Bolo (Oriental Expediters, Golden Daggers)
Bolt (Starbolt)
Bolt (Daredevil foe) - by Minor Irritant
Boltagon, Ahura (Ahura)
Boltagon, Maximus of Earth-295 (Death, Age of Apocalypse's Horsemen of Apocalypse)
Boltblackagar, Ahura (Ahura)
Bolt Brain (Crazed Maniac foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
"Bolt-Face" (Blade foe)
Bolton (corrupt cop, Cole North foe)
Bolton, Dr. Bradley (football star turned computer scientist) - by Chadman
Bolton, Charles E. (Old West, Black Bart)
Bolton, Earle (Harry Hoyt foe)
Bolton, Ellen (Dr. Bradley Bolton's wife) - by Chadman
Bolton, Joe (encountered the Jovian Thor)
Bolton, Mindy (Dr. Bradley Bolton's daughter) - by Chadman
Bolu (Lorna character)
Bombadier (New Genix)
Bombadier (Shadowforce Alpha)
Bombardier of Earth-1136 (domestic terrorist, Man of War foe) - by Grendel Prime
"Bombastic Bag-Ma'am" of Earth-22339 (paper bag-masked May Parker) - by Copeinator123
"Bombastic Bag-Man" of Earth-15343 (Spider-totem wearing FF uniform & paper bag) - by Copeinator123
Bomber (Trouble-Shooters, 1950s adventurer)
Bombshell (Death-Throws/Femizons) - by Chadman
Bombshell of Earth-9511 (Avengers)
Bombu (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Bombu the Conqueror (Bombu)
Bombu the Merciless (Bombu)
Bombu the Witch Man (Bombu)
Bomvana, Moise (Black Panther character) - by Grendel Prime
Bond (Wyoming Kid)
Bond (servant of Candra) - by Proto-Man
Bond, Anne (1950s nurse, fiancee of Peter Fulton)
Bond, James (Ian Fleming's famous secret agent, Laughing Horse Bar patron)
Bondarchuk, Emil (X-Men character)
Bondi, Dr. Elizabeth (White Fang)
Bondoogle, James of Reality-88131 (ALF ally) - by Grendel Prime
Bondy, Dr. Simon (encountered Peter Maher)
bondsman (Spider-Man character, hired Bounty Hunter)
B-1 (Agent X foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Boneflayer, Laroximous (Dr. Strange character) - by Grendel Prime
Bonehead (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Bonehead (Tag Team)
Bones (Bones 'n Bailey Circus)
Bones of Earth-8410 (Midnight Wreckers)
Bones (Pink Pearl ally)
Bones (Bess Bliss, sister of Flesh, Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) foe) - by Norvo
Bones, Brom (Ideaverse, Headless Horseman)
Boneyard (Terror, Inc. character) - by Zerostar
Bongert (Sweat Shop)
Bongo (1950s mutated gorilla) - by Ron Fredricks
Bonner, Sam (1950s Horror) - by John Kaminski
Bont, Alexander (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Bont, Lucy Chambers (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Bonzo (Tuk the Caveboy foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Boo-Boo (Claremont Crushers, Li'l Kids comedy character)
Boobytrap (Death Squad)
Booch (carhijacker, encountered Toby the infant mutant)
Boogeyman (A.I.M., Fantasma)
"Boogyman" (Bogeyman)
Book of Earth-928 (X-Men 2099 character) - by MarvellousLuke
Book of Ultraverse (Quattro member, Solution foe) - by Loki
Book of Ultraverse (empowered Book)
Book (Genoshan, Professor X's "Excalibur" member) - by Norvo
Bookworm (Sleepwalker foe) - by Proto-Man
Booly (K'ai, Hulk foe)
Boom-Boom ("Committee of Five")
"Boom-Boom" Bolton (Dr. Bradley Bolton)
Boom Boy of Ultraverse (Freex)
Boomer (Rejects)
Boomer, Charlie (Willie Lumpkin character)
Boomerang of Earth-5631 (Power Pack foe) - by Grendel Prime
Boomerangutan of Earth-8101 (Ape-Vengers)
Boomslang (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Boone, Johnny (Horror character) - by John Kaminski
"Boopadoop, Blondie" ("Dagwood Bumstead's" wife, based on newspaper strip)
Boost (Gene Nation, X-Men character) - by Chadman
Boot (Shadowriders)
Bootblack (1960s angel, punished Simon Sledge)
"Boot-Camp" Brady (1950s era US Marines instructor) - by Grendel Prime
Booth, Andrew (Assassin-8)
Boothe, James of Earth-6799 (retired actor) - by Proto-Man
Boothroyd (S.H.I.E.L.D. weapons designer) - by Prime Eternal
Bora (Avant Guard)
Boraine, Percy (Black Panther character) - by Markus Raymond
Borate, Deck (Exterminator)
Borcah (Briton, Bran Mak Morn character)
Borden, Hawk (Old West gunslinger) - by Grendel Prime
Borden, Jim (Old West, Utah Kid's half-brother)
Borden, Joe (1950s spy) - by John Kaminski
Borden, Col. Lewis (native hunter, Old West)
Borden, Lizabeth Andrew "Lizzie" (Axe of Violence)
Borden, Spade (Old West, Utah Kid)
Bordia, Nicholas (Dracula character, @ 1459)
Bored Bear (Who-Cares Bears)
Boreland, Dr. (Wolverine (Laura Kinney)/Honey Badger (Gabby Kinney)/Deadpool/Jonathan foe) - by Markus Raymond
Borgdsky, Emil of Earth-71778 (Mr.Kline)
Borgeddon (Asgardian Troll "god")
Borghelm, Guntag (Doctor Druid)
Borgia (Black Knights of the UCT, Adam Warlock foe)
Borgia, Lucrezia (Cyana)
Borglum, Joshua (Atlas horror character) - by John Kaminski
Borgo (Frankensurfer)
Borham, Jake of Earth-45828 (Clive Barker's Razorline, Gorkill ally)
Borillon, François (Marvel Italia, Director of Euromind) - by Wolfhead & Loki with help from Angelon Mammone
Boriph (Kah-Tah-Dhen victim)
Boris ?? (Commissar (Bruskin) ally)
Boris (Doctor Doom's aide, Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo
Boris (Power Man/Iron Fist foe) - by Norvo
Boris ?? of Earth-9011
Borkowski, Victor "Vic" (Anole)
Borna (Menagerie of Rimthursar)
Borne, Max of Earth-9500 (Spider-Man, 2211 A.D.)
"Borneo Woman" (Calliope's Circus)
Boromir (Thundersword's steed)
Boros, Joannes (Silver Wolf ally, Silver Sable/Dominic Fortune foe) - by Spidermay
Boroughs, Charles (Daredevil foe)
Borri (Grim Grey God)
Boru of Earth-928 (Spider-Man 2099 character) - by Zerostar
Borus (Conan foe)
Bosephus (Family)
Boshlovor, Juris (Slorenia)
"Boss" (Stranger)
Boss (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Boss (Bruno Caper)
"Boss" (Steel Harris)
"Boss" (Black Cat character)
Boss (Generic)
Boss (Deadpool foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Boss Barker (Fantastic Four foe, Skrulls of Kral)
Bossko (Elsewhere dimension)
Boss lady (Larcenous Lil)
Boss Man (Spider-Man foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Boss McGool (Golden Age, Moon-Man foe)
Bossman Morgan (Harlem crimelord)
Boss of a Hundred Bazaars (Londal the Rich)
Bo'sun Stug Bar (Starstealth)
Boswell (Daredevil/Ka-Zar foe) - by Chadman
Boswell (Para-Man creator, Ant-Man (Hank Pym) character)
Boswell, Dean (Dummy)
Botham, Paul (Mister Clean)
Boudica (Iceni tribal queen)
Boudreaux, Julien of Earth-11052 (X-Men: Evolution, Rippers member) - by Julien Vive
Boudreaux, Marius of Earth-11052 (X-Men: Evolution, Rippers member) - by Julien Vive
Boudreaux, Thibodaux (Black Talon)
Bouillon, André (Spider-Man character)
Boulder (Outcasts)
Boulder (Kinsmen)
Bouncer (Howlers, Gladiators member)
Bouncer (Masque's "X-Men")
Bouncer (Speedball foe) - by Markus Raymond
Bouncer (Renata da Lima, Muties) - by Markus Raymond
Bounty (Silver Surfer foe) - by Future
Bounty Hunter (Ghost Rider foe)
Bounty Hunter (Spider-Man foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Bounty Hunter (Rawhide Kid ally/foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bourke, Jay (1950s Roland Cavell foe)
Boussard (Outlaws foe) - by Stunner
Boute-Feu (Captain Tyger foe)
Bouting, Fred (Xenophobic Man)
Bova (New Men, Avengers character)
Bow, Alex (Speedball character)
Bowden, Dennis (Wildstreak father)
Bowden, Tamika (Wildstreak)
Bowden, Yvonne (Wildstreak mother)
Bowel (Dirk McGirk creation, Daringdevil foe; Owl counterpart)
Bowen, Adrienne (Joel Flood ally)
Bowen, Joy (Adrienne & Saul's mother)
Bowen, Michael (Dagger's uncle, Cloak & Dagger character) - by Markus Raymond
Bowen, Saul (Joel Flood ally)
Bowen, Sian (Dragon Circle, Valkyrie's host)
Bowen, Tandy (Dagger)
Bowen, Tom (1948, Namora character)
Bowes, Don (Mastermind)
Bowie, Dixon (Team America character)
"bowl cut" of Earth-5555 (Jones Boys)
Bowman (Iron Fist ally)
Bowman, Thomas (Gamma Base) - by Spidermay
Bowman ("Hydra Super-Agents")
Box (Jerry Jaxon)
Box (Roger Jr., Captain Britain character) - by Loki
Box-1 (Box Sentinels)
Box-2 (Box Sentinels)
Box-3 (Box Sentinels)
Box-4 (Box Sentinels)
Box-5 (Box Sentinels)
Box-6 (Box Sentinels)
Box-7 (Box Sentinels)
Box-8 (Box Sentinels)
Box-9 (Box Sentinels)
Box-12 (Box Sentinels)
Box-14 (Box Sentinels)
Box-38 (Box Sentinels)
Boxcar Bertha of Earth-92800
Boxer (Mind-Master agent)
"boy" (Calliope's Circus)
"Boy" (gigantic xt, encountered "Bugs" astronauts from Earth)
Boy (Ancient)
"Boy" ("xenomorph" alien, sought to escape Earth) - by Proto-Man
Boy Champion of the Sea (Subbie)
Boy-Thing (Man-Thing spawn, Blade/Avengers ally) - by Proto-Man
Boy-Toy (Marvel Year-in-Review joke character) - by Loki
"Boy who Lived Forever" (Nathan Beame)
Boyd, Thomas of New Universe (Psi-Force) - by Prime Eternal
Boyd, Tommie (Yancy Street Gang)
Boylan (Owl employee)
Boyle, George (1950s scientist)
Boyle, Kris (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Mosaic foe)
Bozo Samedi (Interstel Church of Perpetual Annoyance)
Bozqwip (Sputs, Tunnelworld)
BP (Sons of Yancy Street)
Brace (Annex foe)
Brack, Dr. (Reese family friend)
Brackett (Commissar (Bruskin) ally)
Brackett, Kevin (Angler)
Brad ?? (Daredevil character)
Brad ?? (HawkJock, Squirrel Girl date)
Brad the Micronaut (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Bradek, Bryon of Earth-1193 (Captain Marshall)
Braden, Carl (TV producer, Human Fly character) - by Grendel Prime
Braddock, Bill of Earth-92131 (Solarr, Cyclops foe, X-Men '92 cartoon)
Braddock, Billy (Spider-UK)
Braddock, Brian (Captain Britain)
Braddock, Elizabeth (Captain Britain (Braddock) mother)
Braddock, Elizabeth (Psylocke; Brian Braddock's sister)
Braddock, Jamie (Captain Britain (Braddock) brother) - by Loki
Braddock, Sir James (Captain Britain (Braddock) father) - by Loki
Braddock, John (Hellfire Club member)
Braddock, William (Spider-UK)
Braddon, Gideon (Seeker 3000) - by Prime Eternal
Bradford (professor, Iron Fist/Power Man character)
Bradford, Angela (Synario)
Bradford, Benjamin (Martin Bastelli foe)
Bradford, Dr. (pre-FF character)
Bra-Dhok, Byron (Kaptain Briton) of Earth-794
Bradin, Felix (1950s, Explorers' Club member) - by Ron Fredricks
Bradlee, Paul Raymond (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Bradley ?? (Avengers character)
Bradley, Catherine (Doctor Nemesis' mother, early 20th X-Men character)
Bradley, Dana of Ultraverse (Rafferty victim) - by Grendel Prime
Bradley, H. Howard (Defenders character)
Bradley, Dr. James (Dr. Nemesis)
Bradley, Jeffrey (Dana's ex-husband)
Bradley, John (Poison, Inc. victim, Terror (Pevely) character)
Bradley, Dr. Nicola (Doctor Nemesis' father, early 20th century X-Men character)
Bradley, Rudolph (Captain America character)
Bradley, Stacey (Dana's daughter)
Brady (Jim Hudson character)
Brady ?? (Foggy Nelson's campaign manager)
Brady (Cloak & Dagger/Mayhem foe)
Brady (V.I.G.I.L.)
Brady, Bobby (Hal's son)
Brady, Hal (Captain America foe) - by Markus Raymond
Brady, John (Hal's son)
Brady, Michael (Hal's son)
Brady, Pat (Hal's son)
Brady, Patrick "Boot-Camp" (1950s era US Marines instructor) - by Grendel Prime
Brady, Rose (Hal's wife)
Brady, Samuel (Cloak & Dagger/Mayhem foe)
Bragg, Ben (Rawhide Kid foe) - by Grendel Prime
Braggadoom (Cage/Thing foe)
Braggi (Thor foe)
Bragi (Thor character) - by Proto-Man
Brahl of Earth-691 (Intimidators/Minions of Menace)
Brahma (Hindu god)
Brahma (The Nest)
Brahma (alternate reality, proposed young Avengers in training)
Brahma Bill (Ghost Rider (Blaze) character) - by Norvo
The Brain (horror character) - by Prime Eternal
"Brain" (Paul Kraus)
Brain of Odhams Earth (The Group, Pow! staff)
Brain (Tri-Man)
Brain of Earth-73836 (Fantastic Four story)
Brain of Earth-8410 (Midnight Wreckers)
Brain (Cassandra Pike)
Brainard (Cult of Zhered-Na)
Brain Cell (Morlock) - by Norvo
Brainchild (Savage Land Mutates) - by Chadman
Brain-Child of Earth-712 (Earth-S, Squadron Supreme, Avengers foe)
Brain Drain (Invaders/Liberty Legion/Alpha Flight foe) - by SQUEAK
Brainfeeler (Viridian)
Brain Master (Autans)
Brainstorm (Spider-Man foe)
Brainy (Prodigy)
Brainy (Bianca LaNiege's servants)
Brak the Barbarian of Earth-73012 (barbarian hero) - by Spidermay
Bramble (Hellbent)
Bramer (Cell-12)Bramley, Jerry (reporter, Strange Tales) - by Prime Eternal
Bran (Proud Walkers)
Bran Mak Morn (3rd century Pictish king) - by Wolfram Bane & Snood
Brancale, Angelina (Stunner)
Brand, Pete (1950s reporter, Adventure into Mystery)
Brand, Peter (Blowtorch Brand)
Brand Hex (Hexus)
Brandon, Arthur (romance character)
Brandon, Clete (former soldier, Savage Land resident) - by Prime Eternal
Brandon, Moira (Once an Avenger...) - by Prime Eternal
Brandt, Ellen (Man-Thing wife)
Brandt-Sallis, Ellen (Ellen Brandt)
Brandt, Gustav (Libra, Zodiac Cartel; Mantis' father)
Brandt, Lua (Libra's wife)
"Braniff, Kristin" (Hydra agent, Wolverine & Terror character)
Braniff, Maximillian (Hydra, Wolverine & Terror foe)
Brannex, Allesandro (AIM leader, Super-Adaptoid) - by SQUEAK
Brannex, Solemne (SHIELD ally) - by Prime Eternal
Brannigan, Jim (Old West, Red Wolf character)
Brannum, Mr. (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Branson (SHIELD agent) - by Proto-Man
Brant (CIA, Shang-Chi character)
Brant, Becky of Earth-94192 (Spider-Spy character)
Brant, Bennett (Betty Brant's brother, Spider-Man character)
Brant, Betty
Brant, Bob (Trouble-Shooters, 1950s adventurer) - by Ron Fredricks
Brant, Cecile (Bob's mother)
Brant, Eleonore (Betty Brant's mother) - by G Morrow
Brant, Lance (United Nations operative, Bob's brother) - by Ron Fredricks
Brantson, Daniel (Troubleshooter)
Brasel, Carl (James Rhodes character)
Brashear, Adrienne (Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. scientist, Blue Marvel's daughter) - by Chadman
Brasman, Robert (Brass Bishop)
Brass (Selbert, Project: Glamor)
Brass (Wolverine/Ghost Rider ally) - by Markus Raymond
Brass (Stockpile)
Brass Button Kid (Old West gunfighter) - by Grendel Prime
Brassknuckles (Death Metal character)
Brass Bishop (supernatural, Alpha Flight foe)
Brass Bishop (Chess Set, Alpha Flight foe) - by Spidermay
"brat" (Kaspar the Dead Baby)
Braun, Dr. (Dr. Vault's aide)
Braun, Ena (Marvel (Mark Holly) foe)
Bravado of Earth-9811 (Battleworld)
Braverman, Timothy (Gamesman)
Bravo (Warzone)
Bravo (ESU professor, Squirrel Girl character)
Brawler (Berserkers)
Brawler (Circle of Pavane)
Brawn (She-Hulk character) - by the Beetle
Braxton (NYPD, Daredevil character)
Braxton, Lloyd (Matt Murdock character) - by Chadman
Braxton, Robin (Gladiatrix)
Braxus (Wyrd Sisters)
Bray, Doris (elderly reality-altering Inhuman) - by Chadman
Bray, Howard (Doris' husband)
Brayden, Amanda (Blonde Phantom foe) - by Chadman
Brayden, Michael (Amanda's husband)
Brazos (Old West, Red Wolf foe)
Bread-Boy (failed would-be West Coast Avenger) - by Chadman
Breakdown (Derangers, Alpha Flight character)
Breakdown of Ultraverse (Cecilia Chun, Chinese-American ultra)
Breck, Jim (Old West, Billy the Kid foe) - by Grendel Prime
Breckenridge (corrupt cop, Cole North foe)
'Breed ("Ultravengers")
Breen, Spencer (Crimesaurus Rex, All-Hate Squad)
Breeze of Earth-811 (RCX)
Breeze of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Breeze (Namor foe)
Brell (Gun Runner)
Brement, Yelena (Valentin Shatalov's lover) - by Prime Eternal
Brenda ?? (Kathy Malper's secretary)
Brenda Sue (Texas Jack's flight attendant)
Brendan, Saint (Darkhold related character) - by Jean-Marc
Brennan (Darius Scott Pilling associate)
Brennan, Mrs. of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme character) - by Norvo
Brennan, Molly (Red Wolf character)
Brenner (fallen angel Lucifer host)
Brenner, Liam (X-Student, Cudgel)
Brenner, Paul (Mummudrai host)
Brenner, Wolfgang (Red Skull's servant) - by Prime Eternal
Brent (Moon Knight character)
Brent, Ellis (Clutching Hands)
Brent, Steve (Captain Wonder foe)
Brenton, Bradley (1950s Strange Tales character, owned sentient teddy bear) - by Ron Fredricks
Bres (Fomor, Avengers foe)
Bressack (Project: Glamor)
Bret of Reality-791 (xt, Haalmhad)
Bretnor, Simon (Mordillo)
Brett ?? (Inhumans character)
Brett, John (2062 A.D. Earth robot, used against Pildorr the Plunderer)
Brevlov, Yuri (Hulk character) - by Spidermay
Brew (Railsback, Project: Glamor)
"Brewer, George" ("Kyrkalin)
Brewn, Maise (Inhuman, traumatized Hulk (Jennifer Walters) foe) - by Chadman
Brewster, Ann (mother of Johnny, encountered the alien Mu)
Brewster, Carlo (Gelatin)
Brewster, George (Ann's abusive husband, Mu victim)
Brewster, Tom (Daredevil character)
Breyer, David (Armada)
Brezzi, Monica (Ghost Rider story) - by Proto-Man
Brian ?? (Avengers character)
Brian ?? (Old Woman of Beare/Glorianna O'Breen ally)
Brian ?? (Jacob Roark's grandson)
Brian ?? (Civil War: Front Line character)
Brick (1950s, encountered Zeraphon)
Brick (Power Broker Inc.)
Brick of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Brick (corrupt police officer)
Brick, Katherine (Moon Knight character)
Brickbat (Brood Mutants)
Brickford, Allison (Clay's daughter)
Brickford, Belinda (Clay's wife)
Brickford, Clay (Hulk/Rom character) - by Norvo
Brickford, Clay Jr. (Clay's son)
Brickford, Jimmy-Jack (Clay's son)
Brickman, Miles of Earth-8410 (Machine Man foe)
Brick-Thing (Behemoth from Below)
"Bride of Andrax" (Chane character)
Bride of Damballah (Sabia)
Bride of Ehrthold ("Cult of 6G", Man-Thing foe)
Bride of Frankenstein (Frankenstein monster character)
Bride of the God (Grateful Undead)
"Bride of the Monster from the Lost Lagoon"
Bride of Nephrus (Alicia Masters)
Bride of Venom (Ann Weying)
Bridges (USAF general, Captain Marvel character)
Bridges, Mrs. (Cassidy Keep employee) - by Proto-Man
Bridges, William Potter (General, replaced by Dire Wraith)
Bridges, William Potter imposter (Dire Wraith, Avengers foe)
Bridget ?? (Liam Connaughton's girlfriend)
Bridwell (district attorney office doorman)
Bridwell, Julius S. of Earth-982 (Big Julie)
Briedel, Brady (Monster, Villains for Hire)
Briefer, Otto (WW2, Mad Mechanic)
Brigadier Alysdon Stuart of Earth-99476 (Brigadier Alysande Stuart counterpart) - by Loki
Brigadier General Owsley (Defenders character)
Brigand (Dr. Strange foe) - by Grendel Prime
Briggs (Stalkers, Venom/Vengeance foe)
Briggs, Agent (Damocles Foundation agent) - by Prime Eternal
Briggs, Bailey (ghost, She-Hulk foe) - by Spidermay
Briggs, Billy (X-Men foe) - by Prime Eternal
Briggs, Foxy (Spider-Man foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Briggs, Jeremy (young billionaire with alchemical powers, Avengers Academy foe) - by Proto-Man
"Briggs, Lou" (1950s "Moon-man" infiltrator; encountered Martian) - by Ron Fredricks
Briggs, Orlando (Charnel, Undead MC)
Briggs, Professor (old friend of Dr. Parker)
Briggs, Simon (Simple Simon)
Briggs, Stephanie (Scarlet Spider (Wade) character)
Briggs, Tony (preteen boy, assisted in creation of Mechano)
Bright Lady (Oshtur)
Bright, Harry (Guardsman)
Brightly, Dr. Billie (Exterminatrix/Oubliette Midas)
Brightsword (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Brightwind (Donal MacLlyanllwyr's steed)
Brigit (eldest daughter of Eyriennes matriarch)
Brigitte (Sat-Yr-9's troops)
Brillalae (Black Tiger)
Brilliant One (Strange/Namor foe) - by Markus Raymond
Brimer (King of Storm Giants, Odin foe)
Brimm, Dr. (1950s, killed by Jane Bryant)
Brimstone, Herbert T. (demon)
Bringer of Disease (Pazuzu)
Bringer of Doom (Ravager of Worlds)
"Bringer of Genocide" (Garnok Rebbahn)
Bringer of Light (Lucifer)
Brink, Marjorie (Dr. Strange character) - by Markus Raymond
Brinke, Niomi (supermodel, Foggy Nelson love interest)
Brinkhaus, General (World War II, Namor foe) - by Chadman
Brinkley, Chet (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Brinner, George (Golden Age Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Brio of Life (Proemial Gods)
Briquette (Hell's Belles, X-Factor foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Briscoe, Vincent of Earth-200111 (Robert Fragosi)
Brisson, Mr. (Anna's father)
Brisson, Mrs. (Anna's mother)
Brisson, Anna (Inhuman, Jessica Jones foe) - by Chadman
Bristle (Peacekeepers) - by Prime Eternal
Bristow, Peter (New Mutants character) - by Norvo
Britanicus Rex of Earth-99476 (Captain Britain counterpart) - by Loki
Britches possibly of Earth-665 (Captain Mar-Vinn character, Not Brand Ecch)
"British Lion" (Roger Aubrey, aka. Destroyer or Dyna-Mite)
British Sleeper#1 (Tommy)
British Sleeper#3 (Aftermath)
Britney ?? (Inhumans character)
"Britney Spears-Wannabe" (Thor Girl)
Briton, Mark (thwarted Tenuous invasion @ 2008 AD)
Bro (Felon)
Broadani of Earth-8410 (Machine Man foe)
Broadband (Genosha, Professor X character) - by Norvo
Broadbhar, Laura (Fateball, B-Sides)
Broadhurst, Dr. Oliver (roboticist, Machine Man character) - by Prime Eternal
Broadside of Reality-691 (Force, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)
Broad-Stripe (Superia)
Brock (Power Man/Iron Fist character)
Brock (Inhumans character)
Brock (Professor Baldwin experiment)
Brock (Victor Lanza henchman)
Brock, Ann (Ann Weying)
Brock, Cameron (Vigilance)
Brock, Eddie (Venom)
Brock, Eddie of Earth-79733 (Asylum, Venom/Joker amalgam)
Brock, Kyle (Earth Force, Earth Lord)
Brockton, Melanie (news reporter, Sleepy Hollow resident) - by Proto-Man
Brodar (Attuma ally)
Broderick, Jason (Brimstone)
Broderick, Kerwin J. (lawyer, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Brodsky, ?? (Secret Empire)
Brodsky, Sol (Human Torch) of Earth-1228 (Fantastic Four)
Brodstroke, Sol (Sunstroke)
Brody, Clare of Ultraverse (hired Firearm/Alec Swan)
Broen, Friedrich (Nazi Fifth Columnists)
Broga, Colonel Rudev (Scarlet Spider character)
Brogan, Bulk of Reality-88131 (ALF foe)
Brogar (Hyborian Picts, Conan character)
Brogar (5th century, King of the Picts, the Dark One)
Brogar (11th century, Pict chieftain)
Brogin, Barnaby "Bull" (Terrible Trio)
Brogue of Earth-88131 (ALF ally) - by Grendel Prime
Brok the Crusher (The Warriors of a Thousand Galaxies)
Broken Haiku of Earth-928 (ca. 2099 AD, Lawless member)
Broker (Master Form)
Broker (Force Works/Century foe) - by Markus Raymond
Broker (Walter Declun)
Bro-Man (viking-like Dimension Echh native, Slapstick foe) - by Proto-Man
Bromo (Gods for the 80s)
Brona (Enchanters)
Bron-Char (Lunatic Legion)
Bronek (Kree, Sentry creator) - by FortMax
Bronkhorst, "Lippy" (Marvel Boy (Grayson) foe)
Bronskon, Dennis (Nightstalkers foe)
Bronson, "Bear" (Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Markus Raymond
Bront of Earth-81165 (Backworld character)
"Bront" ("Knuckledown," unpublished Marvel UK title)
Bront (Saur-Lords)
Brontnekkhar of Reality-81165 (Amazons god, Backworld)
Brontosaur Russ (single Detroit "superhero") - by Proto-Man
Bronx, Hiram J. (American grandstander, Snailman character)
Bronze (1998 pitch for teen Avengers clone team; clone of Ben Grimm)
Bronze Tiger of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Brood Empress (X-Men foe) - by Darc_Light and Will_U
Brood Imperiatrix (Great Mother, Brood queen) - by Darc_Light, Prime Eternal & Will U
Brood Queen (Tyrus Krill enemy)
Brooke of the Denim Shield (Gods for the 80s)
"Brooklyn" Barnes of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Brooks, Eric (Blade)
Brooks, Vanessa (Tara Cross, Blade's mother)
Broop (Deviant jester) - by Prime Eternal
Bror, Chester (Daredevil story)
brother (Generic, Bobby)
Brother Alistar (encountered Zagan)
Brother Anarchis of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George)
Brother Angus of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George)
"Brother Arkon" (Arkon)
Brother Barnabbas of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George)
Brother Bear (Avengers foe)
"Brother" Bloodseed (Bloodseed foe)
Brother Brimstone (Archer, Daredevil foe)
Brother Brimstone (Sterling, Daredevil foe)
Brother Brood of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Darc_Light
Brother Broomstick (Night People)
Brother Cash (Black Hand)
Brother D (D-Man, Night People appearance only)
Brother Dakr't (Skrull, Carpiax IV)
Brother Dickens (Night People)
Brother D-Man (Night People appearance only)
Brother Eli (Eliphas, vampiric Selene servant) - by Proto-Man
Brother Glove (Night People)
Brother Grimm (Brothers Grimm)
Brother Gustav of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George)
Brother Harmony (Night People)
Brother Have-Not (Night People)
Brother Ian (Spider-Man character)
Brother Inquisitor (Night People)
Brother Joshua (Miracle Man)
Brother Karygmax (Avengers foe) - by Spidermay
Brother Lei-Kung of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George)
Brother Mutant of Earth-127 (Exiles foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Brother Nashtoth (Order of Hydra)
Brother Nathan (Cable) of Earth-58161
Brother Nature (Captain America foe) - by Zerostar
Brother Peach Pie (Night People)
Brother Post (Night People)
Brother Power (Spider-Man foe)
Brother Powerful (Night People)
Brother Randi (Priapus agent)
Brother Redeye (Night People)
Brother Reeko (Night People)
Brother Richard (Spider-Man character)
Brother Royal (Badoon ruler) - by Darc_Light, Stunner, Kyle Smith & Prime Eternal
Brother Royale (xt, deceased Brotherhood of the Badoon ruler) - by Chadman
Brother Sacha of Earth-Shadowline (Order of St. George)
Brother Sebastian of Earth-2988 (Hudson Bay Watch Grounds)
Brother Seraph (Luddites, Iron Man foe)
Brother Shakari (Davan Shakari)
Brother Steven (Children of the Night)
Brother Super-Hero (Falcon, Night People appearance only)
"Brother to the Mountain" (Sserpo)
Brother Tode (Deviant, Eternals foe) - by Norvo
Brother Tomas of Earth-311
Brother Voodoo (Jericho Drumm)
Brother Waycool (Night People)
Brother Wonderful (Night People, Abner Doolittle)
Brother Wonderful (Night People)
Brother Wren (Inhuman Bird-People, Nova character) - by Chadman
Brother Xavier of Earth-2988 (Wolverine, Hudson Bay Watch Grounds)
Brother Zed (Daredevil foe)
Brow (Black Tiger enemy)
"Brown" of Earth-5555 (Freedom Fighters)
Brown (1950s Explorers Club, Journey into Mystery)
Brown (CSIS, Omega Flight ally)
Brown, Bennington (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Brown, Bugface (Skrull, Glenbrook resident, son of Don Scarpone)
Brown, Charity (17th Century, Dracula character)
Brown, George (Gordon Sanders)
Brown, Hobart "Hobie" of Earth-138 (Spider-Punk)
Brown, Jim (Avengers protester) - by Proto-Man
Brown, Jubal (Hellcow victim)
Brown, Laura LMD (Deltan conspiracy)
Brown, Lila (Willie Lumpkin character)
Brown, Linda (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Brown, Lois (Lois London, Dazzler's Half-sister)
Brown, Mary (encountered "Thing from the Hidden Swamp")
Brown, Mary (Karisma)
Brown, Mimi (Roadie, Shadow Riders)
Brown, Mindy (Prowler's wife, accountant) - by Chadman
Brown, Molly (1956, watched "A Man Destroyed")
Brown, Nancy "Nan" (Hellcat character)
Brown, Paul (1956, watched "A Man Destroyed")
Brown, Rachel (Reno Jones' lover) - by Prime Eternal
Brown, Rebecca (image-obsessed Inhuman, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) & Jessica Jones foe) - by Chadman
Brown, Ronnie (Barbara Norriss friend)
Brown, Tarkington (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Brown, Terry (Happy Hobart victim)
Brown, Vicky (Asbestos Lady)
"Brown & Tan Wolverine" (Weapon X synthoids)
Brown-Back of Earth-78411 (Dinosaur World, Devil Dinosaur character)
Brown Man of the River (Conan foe) - by Grendel Prime
Browne, Roger (Daredevil character)
Brownie Bear (brown bear, Little Pan ally)
Browning (Metallak)
Browning, Dr. Joseph (Uncanny Tales)
Browning, Louis (Hammerhead, Triumvirate of Terror)
Broxtel, Russ (Firebrand)
Broyd, Brian (Hornet foe)
Brrkk (intelligent caveman, Vnn lover) - by Proto-Man
Brubaker of Earth-523001
Bruce ?? (Tales to Astonish, encountered Floating Head)
Bruce ?? (Tiffany Tinsely's music manager)
Bruce ?? (Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane)
Bruce ?? (Student of Love, Spider-Man character)
Bruce ?? (Colossus ally)
Bruce (Freefall Warriors, Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patrons)
Brucknerr (Lady Octopus ally)
Bruin (Spider-Man (Octavius) foe) - by Minor Irritant
Bruindilda (Silver Surfer character)
Bruiser (Mole Men foe)
Bruiser (Edwin Jarvis foe)
Bruiser of Earth-135263 (rogue Doombot, Fantastic Four ally) - by Proto-Man
Bruiser (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
"Bruiser" Bates (Hawkeye character) - by Proto-Man
Brujo (Fury Force)
Brukenwald, Prof. Karl (Old West, Annie Oakley foe)
Brukner, Albert (Cardiac foe)
Brükner, Ilaney (Deadpool character) - by Markus Raymond
Brule's father (18,500 BC, Pict warrior)
Brulla (5th century, Picts of Golara)
Brun, Léopold (Garrote)
Brunner, Dr. (Thor character)
Brunnhilde (Valkyrie)
Brunnhilde (Star-Gods)
Bruno ?? (chemist exterminator, shrunk by shrinking serum) - by Proto-Man
Bruno ?? (William Cartwright's bodyguard)
Bruno ?? (Committee agent)
Bruno ?? (art gallery employee)
Bruno ?? (criminal, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Bruno (Teen Hulk)
Bruno ?? of Earth-88194 (Shadowline, Merchants)
Bruno ?? of Earth-90200
Bruno ?? (Daredevil thug)
Bruno ?? (Valkyrie foe)
Bruno of Earth-1211 (Others)
Bruno ?? of Earth-81111 (deceased husband of Kamala Khan)
Brunstad, Wilson (Canadian politician, Ratatoskr foe)
Brunt, Dan (Old West sheriff)
Brunt, Jasper (Power Man (Cage) character)
Brushfire (Gravity foe) - by Markus Raymond
Brushov, Yuri (Avengers foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bruskin, Alexi (Commissar)
Brutacus proto-husk (Salem's Seven proto-husks, Deadpool foe)
Brutag of Earth-691 (31st Century, Reavers of Arcturus)
Brutale, Tavio (Dr. Friday's agent)
Brute (Bonzo)
Brute of Counter Earth High Evolutionary (Fantastic Four foe)
Brute (DePrayve)
Brute (Ralph Hutchins)
Brute (Trash, Power Pack foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Brute (Morlock) - by Sammy 7D & Prime Eternal
Brute (BadGal operative, Big Hero 6 foe)
Brute That Walks (giant monster) - by Prime Eternal
Bruto the Strong Man (Bruce Olafsen, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
Brutos (Conan foe)
Bruttu (giant monster) - by Prime Eternal
Brutus (Sheik Ibn Bheik's falcon)
Brutus (Deviant, Avengers foe) - by Prime Eternal
Brutus (Inner Guard)
Brutus of Earth-93125 (apparent gamma mutate)
Brutus of Eurth (Beast counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Brutus Klor (demon-lord, Magik character)
Bruuk (Spawn of the Monster from the Lost Lagoon)
Bruut of Ultraverse (Deming's Exiles foe) - by Grendel Prime
Bruzo (Captain America foe)
Bryan, Bill (WW2, Young Avenger)
Bryan, Gregory (Sidewinder, Serpent Society)
Bryant, Amy of Earth-10511 (mother of Buzzsaw)
Bryant, Jane (1950s subterranean, nurse) - by Ron Fredricks
Bryant, Dr. Jonathan (Digitek)
Bryant, Jonathan (taxi driver, Spider-Man/Young Avengers character) - by Chadman
Bryant, Judy (Walter Hamill's girlfriend/victim)
Bryant, Dr. Samantha (Digitek's wife, Marvel UK)
Bryant, Shirlee (Cat)
Bryant, Todd of Earth-10511 (Buzzsaw, Deathlok-10511 foe)
Bryant, Wendell (Lorna foe) - by Spidermay
Bryant, Wendell (Deathlok-10511 victim)
Bryce ?? of Earth-7484 (Deathlok the Demolisher foe)
Bryce ?? (child, saved by Daredevil)
Bryce, Archer (Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant
Brynner, Will (reporter, Captain America character)
Brynocki (Shang-Chi foe)
Bryon, Alyssa (Young Avenger's granddaughter) - by Ron Fredricks
Bryson (Brotherhood character) - by Zerostar
BSOC of Earth-84632 (George the Spider)
B'Tumba (AIM, Black Panther foe) - by Proto-Man
Bubastis (Bast, Panther God)
Bubble (Tektos)
Bubble-Head (Ruby Thursday)
Bubble Man (bubble-generating superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Bubbles of Earth-905 (Buzz-Boys)
"Bubbles" (Deadmaker)
Bubbling Brook (Molly Brennan)
Bubonicus of Earth-691 (Guardians of the Galaxy foe)
Bubs (Canadian mutant)
Buchan, Clark of alternate future (law enforcer, Humanoids) - by Ron Fredricks
Buchanan, Alix (X-Factor Investigations ally) - by Proto-Man
Buchanan, Charlie (Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man & Per Degaton
Buchanan, Prof. Henry (Singularity Investigations microbiologist) - by Proto-Man
Buchanan, Sam (Darkhold Redeemers)
Bucher, Wilhelm (Fourth Reich, Shang Chi foe) - by the Beetle
Buchetta, Vita "the Headcutter" (Terror character)
Buchetto, Salvatore "Sidepockets" (criminal pool hustler)
Buchinksy, Col. (Spider-Man foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Buck ?? (Gladiator (Potter) ally)
Buck of Earth-5555 (Sudden Impact, Death's Head (FPA) foe)
"Buck" (Typhoid Mary character) - by Chadman
Buckle, Bart (Marvel Super Heroes RPG, Gator)
Buckler, Lt. of Earth-85133 (Devil-Slayer MAX character)
Buckman, Edward (former Hellfire Club leader) - by MarvellousLuke
Bucky (James Buchanan Barnes)
Bucky proto-husk (Bucky Barnes proto-husk, Deadpool foe)
Bucky (zombie Invaders)
Bud ?? (fled "haunted" house)
Bud of Earth-89923 (Wolverina's father)
Budan (Inhuman technician) - by Chadman
Buday, Loki (Hungarian werewolf) - by Spidermay
Buddha (Vishnu)
Buddy (Teen Brigade)
Buddy (dog, belonged to Eve, an associate of Kerry)
"Buddy" Juniper (SHIELD, Roger Juniper)
Budge, Harrison (agent of Silent Ones)
Budkin, Jeffrey (Power Man/Iron Fist character)
Budo (Snakeroot)
Buel (Spider-Man foe) - by the Voice of Doom
Buff of Earth-700029 (Arlee Hicks, Generation X movie, Xavier's Institute student) - by Loki
Buffalo Ben (Old West, Annie Oakley character)
Buffalo Snort (Wolverine ally)
Bufo (Ani-Mates)
Bufo (Tribbitite/Toad Men)
Bug (Binary Bug)
Bug (mutated form only)
Bug (Encoders)
Bug of Ultraverse (Solitaire ally) - by Grendel Prime
Bug of Earth-8096 (Microns)
Bugeye (Frogs of Central Park)
Bugeye (Spider-Man character) - by caliban
Bug-Eyed Voice (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
"Bug Eyes" (Erdoes)
"Buggerer" (Erdoes)
Buggitt (Martin Wigum, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Buggsy (Odd John’s childhood nickname)
Bug-Man of Alcatraz (Humbug)
Bugout (What The? character)
Bugsy (Little D's Den O' Thieves)
Buka (Golden Age, Black Marvel foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Bukenya, Riek (mutant, Muties character) - by Markus Raymond
Bukharin, Dimitri Ivanovitch (Airstrike/Crimson Dynamo)
Bukharov, Gregor (Mindsinger, Young Gods)
Bukowski (Watchdogs)
Bukowski, Barth (S.H.I.E.L.D. operative, Spider-Woman (Drew) character) - by Norvo
Bukowski, Buck (She-Hulk character)
Bulk (giant amorphous extraterrestrial, Hulk foe) - by Proto-Man
Bulk (Glow Worm's partner, X-Factor character)
Bulky Duck of Earth-18801 (super-strong mutate)
Bull (Captain America foe)
Bull (Andreas de Ruyter)
Bull ("Committee of Five")
Bull ('Vores, foe of Rick Jones)
Bull of Daka-Jur (Damiru)
bull of Matador Ghost Rider (Ghost Rider character)
Bull of Poseidon (Cretan Bull)
Bull Brogin (Terrible Trio)
Bull Cow (Howling Wolf)
Bulldozer (Captain America foe)
Bulldozer Man (Captain America foe)
Bullet (Buck Cashman, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Bullet (Head Hunters)
Bullet of Earth-982 (MC2, Wizard's Warriors)
Bullet Biker (Hawkeye foe) - by the Beetle
Bullet Man (fringe character, Spider-Man Magazine superhero) - by Proto-Man
"Bullet-Proof Man" (Karl Zymek)
Bullet-Proof Man (Rawhide Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bullinger, Bones (Headless Horseman)
Bull's Eye (S.H.I.E.L.D character, not the Daredevil foe)
"Bullseye" (Michael Miller, Deadly Dozen)
Bullseye of Earth-717 (Matthew Murdock)
Bull Taurus (Man-Bull, Daredevil foe)
Bullwhip of Earth-96201 (Rhino/Scorpion mashup) - by Proto-Man
"Bullwhip" Grogan (Smashers)
Bulowsky, Big Bull (Warriors Three foe)
Buluku (African God) - by Will U
Bulwark (Avengers foe)
Bulwark (Generation X foe) - by Norvo
"bumblebee Avenger" of Earth-14137 (insect Avengers member) - by Proto-Man
Bummer, Bruce (Possum Man)
Bummers, Snott of Reality-88131 (Psych-Major, ALF ally)
Bumpo, Mr. (Punisher character)
Bumpy Johnson (Skrulls of Kral)
"Bumstead, Blondie" (Dagwood's wife, based on newspaper strip)
"Bumstead, Dagwood" (based on newspaper strip)
Bunco (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Bun-Dall (Captain Mar-Vell character) - by Spidermay
Bundu (Dr. Strange character)
Bungo, Nathan T. (Thwart)
Bunker, Fred (San Francisco Police Department, Robert "Ironguts" O'Hara ally) - by Chadman
"Bunky" (Roderick Kingsley, Hobgoblin)
Bunnyhopper (Valkyrie character)
"Bunny Man" (Wes Cassady)
"Bunny-Skull" (Attuma)
Bunt, Tillie of Earth-78423 (Newspaper Strip, Howard the Duck character) - by AvatarWarlord
"Bunyan, Paul" (a Space Phantom, Immortus servant)
Burbank, Bradley (Channel 4 WFRT News, Spider-Man character)
Burbank, Carl (Bushwacker)
Burbank, Emil of Earth-712 (Master Menace)
Burbank, L.L. of Earth-712 (Earth-S, Squadron Supreme character) - by John Kaminski
Burbank, Marilyn (Bushwacker's wife)
Burchett (FBI agent, Donald Pierce victim)
Burdock, Barton of Earth-9204 (Butcher Britain)
Burge, Mr. (Alicia Masters' art dealer) - by Prime Eternal
Burgen (Death's Head/Death Wreck foe)
Burgh, Sam (Hulk foe) - by Norvo
Burglar (Ben Parker's murderer, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
"Burglar who walked thru walls" (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Burgos, Carl (real life Timely/Marvel Comics artist, Human Torch ("Jim Hammond") ally) - by Proto-Man
Burgos, Everett (Brand Corporation, newer version)
Burgundy (Power Man character)
Burhn (Dr. Strange character) - by Chadman
Buri (Tiwaz)
"Burk" (Quintronic Man)
Burk, Paul (1950s hobo, trapped by Genie of Barku) - by Ron Fredricks
Burka (Attuma ally) - by Proto-Man
Burka, Penny of Ultraverse (Pixx)
Burke (Head, Quintronic Man pilot)
Burke of Earth-1191 (Fitzroy ally) - by Proto-Man
Burke, Anne (Henry Burke's wife, Sserpo enemy)
Burke, Dr. (Initiative character)
Burke, Gwyneth (Job's adoptive mother)
Burke, Henry (archeologist, 1950s) - by Ron Fredricks
Burke, Henry (Sserpo enemy)
Burke, Jack (Job's adoptive father)
Burke, Dr. Jenny (Sunstreak)
Burke, Job (Man-Thing's son)
Burke, Mary Alice (Dr. Octopus lover) - by Stunner
Burke, Mr. (Paladin foe) - by Markus Raymond
Burke, Mr. (Daughters of the Dragon character)
Burke, Mrs. (Daughters of the Dragon character)
Burke, Thomas (scientist, Henry Burke ancestor)
Burke, Tom (werewolf, 1973)
Burke, Tracy (Ms. Marvel character) - by Spidermay
Burke, Walter (engineer, haunted former employer) - by Ron Fredricks
Burley, James (Agent-X, Next Wave)
Burlingame, Charles "Charlie" (Charcoal)
Burll of Earth-20051 (Fantastic Four character)
Burnatt (Speedball character) - by Prime Eternal
Burnell, Jay (Deadeye)
Burnemissza, Damien (Enclave, Dracula foe)
Burner (Crucible, Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman
Burnett, Chester Arthur (Howlin' Wolf)
Burnett, James (Dark Angel foe) - by Changeling
Burnich, Mr. (Daredevil character)
Burning Man (12th century humanoid monster) - by Madison Carter
Burning Man (Charcoal)
Burning Puddle (London Tunnel Dwellers, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Burning Skull of Earth-88469 (Force America character)
Burning Tiger (Qabiri)
Burnings, Detective (Ruby Thursday character)
Burnout (Mutant Liberation Front) - by Prime Eternal
Burns, Andrews (Martin Simon Burns' father)
Burns, Barbara (Martin Simon Burns' mother)
Burns, Hal (1950s magician) - by Spidermay
Burns, Martin Oksner (Marvel Boy, Golden Age hero)
Burns, Martin Simon (Marvel Boy, Golden Age hero)
Burns, Strangler (hand given to Black Talon, WW2)
Burnside, William (insane 1950s Captain America) - by Proto-Man
Burnside, Elizabeth (NuHuman, Binka)
Burpzilla (Marvel UK humor character) - by Loki
Burron (Inhuman, Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
Burroughs, John (Salem Witch Trials)
Burroughs, Mr. (Death Adder's father)
Burroughs, Roland (Death Adder)
Burrows (UN Security Council, replaced by Super-Adaptoid) - by Chadman
Burstarr (Captain Marvel foe) - by Chuck D
Burstyn, Mr. (Neutralizer)
Burt (dog, Car and Cable cartoon)
Burton (encountered Zog)
Burton (1950s, Explorers' Club, Craine rival)
Burton (Kingpin henchman)
Burton, Dennis (Laughing Mask)
Burton, John (17th century, Salem witch hunter)
Burton, John (John's son, witch hunter)
Burton, Samuel (15th century, witch hunter)
Burtonwil, Lord (Shang-Chi character)-by the Beetle
Buruc the Cruel (1st century, bandit chief)
Buscelli, "BIG" John (Wildstreak foe)
Bus Conductor (Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who character)
Buser, Gary (Shellshock)
Busey, Garrison (Brand Corporation, Mosaic foe)
Bushkin, Bernard of Earth-80219
Bushmaster (Power Master)
Bushmaster (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Bushmaster, Cruz (Cage foe)
Bushmaster, John (Power Master)
Bushra ?? (Kamran's mother, Ms. Marvel (Khan) character)
Bushwacker (Carl Burbank, assassin-for-hire) - by Chadman
Butane (Warpies)
Butch (Joker Comics, mugged Happy Mann)
Butch (Jeff Raye's cat)
Butch (Bratpack/Fatboys, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Butch ?? (criminal, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Butch, Bayonne (radio show announcer)
Butch Bulldoze (Buck Duck foe)
Butcher (Mephistoid)
Butcher Britain of Earth-9204 (Barton Burdock, extradimensional Corps member) - by Loki
Butcher T. Washington (Hercules foe) - by the Beetle
Butler (Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond
Butler, Harry (Ms. Marvel character)
Butler, Leann of Ultraverse (Flood)
Butler, Mr. of Ultraverse (Flood's father)
Butler, Rena (Dr. Strange character)
Butler, Travis (Stilt-Man Gang)
Butte (Desert Dwellers)
Butter Ball (Loaf Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Butterball (Grapplers)
Butterball (Atlantic Medhaden fish, Koi Boi ally)
Butterfly (Captain America foe, WWII era) - by Future
Butterfly (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man character) - by Madison Carter
Butterfly (Avatars of the Mandarin)
Butterfly (Lucy Priest, X-Men student) - by MarvellousLuke
"Butthead" (Roderick Kingsley, Hobgoblin)
"Buttwipe" (Charlie Weiderman)
Buza (Chlorites/Shuka race)
Buzz (Zirksu) - by Prime Eternal
Buzz (Elektra character)
Buzz (insect-themed supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Buzzard (Animen)
Buzzard King (Ytitnedion)
”Buzz-Saw” (Power Tools)
Buzzsaw (Razorblade)
Buzzsaw (Children of Heaven)
Buzzsaw of Earth-10511 (Todd Bryant, Deathlok-10511 foe)
Bwana Brown (1950s Explorers Club, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Byelai, Odette (vampire, Dracula character)
Byrd, Dirk (Howard the Duck)
Byrd, Ian (Greg Salinger, Foolkiller)
Byrd, Nathaniel Alexander (Blackbyrd)
Byrne (Malkuth Troop)
Byrne, John (X-Men/Fantastic Four/She-Hulk character & writer) - by Norvo
Byrns, Bruiser (Marvel Mini-Book, Captain America foe)
Byron (Lt., Namor/Namora character)
Byrrah of Earth-8310
Byte, Francis of Earth-8107 (Videoman)
Byter (Howlers, Gladiators member)
Bzzk'Joh (Howard the Duck foe)
Bzztl (Vuk's son, D'Bari)
All characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 1941-2099
Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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