These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and Villains, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.
D-18 (Wolverine/Fantomex/Noh-Varr foe)
Da Costa, Emmanuel (Hellfire Club, Sunspot's father) - by Norvo
Da Costa, Roberto (Sunspot)
da Lima, Renata (Nata)
D.A. Loran (Daredevil character)
Daak (prison warden, Thanos victim) - by Chadman
Daak, Abslom of unrevealed reality (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patrons, Dalek slayer)
Daakor (Axi-Tun, Nova foe)
Daboia, Russell (Hellcat and Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Dad (Daedalus Darquill)
"dad of mad" (Captain Hip)
D'Addario, Tina of of Earth-68320
Daddy (Zebra Daddy)
Daddy Do-Right (Daredevil character)
Daddy Longlegs (Spider-Woman foe)
Daddy Wronglegs (Punisher/Fantastic Four foe) - by Markus Raymond
Dadi, Abu Ho (Bagmom)
Dae, Kwong (Calculator, Happy Campers)
Daemon (X.S.E. foe) - by Grendel Prime
Daemon, Alisabeth (Lady Daemon's sister)
Daemon, Megan (Lady Daemon)
Daemond (Morbius foe)
Daffy (Trouble-Shooters, 1950s adventurer)
Dagda (Celtic God) - by Will U
Dagger (Old West, el Sombro foe)
Dagger (Tandy Bowen)
Dagger (Alicia Masters) of Earth-7316 (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man
Dagmar, Jenn (WFET news anchor)
Dagmar, Kurt (impostor, Martian Master, Deathlok & Invaders foe)
Dagon (Conan god) - by Will U and Greg O
Dagon (xd, 1950s extradimensional) - by Ron Fredricks
Dagon (Baron Karza robot) - by Grendel Prime
Dagoth (demon, Dr. Strange foe)
Dahlgren, Nikki (Brand Corporation, Mosaic character)
Dahlia ?? (She-Hulk character) - by Will U
Dahlia (vampire, Dracula/Blade foe)
"Dahlia the Demon" (Dahlia)
Dahn, Sawalha (Farnoq Dahn, Hulk character) - by Stunner
Dahn, Jalfaha (New Warriors character)
Dai'andral (Shi'ar, killed by Vulcan) - by Chadman
Daillus the Daring (Asgardian god) - by Shiryu
Daily, David (Sleepwalker character) - by LV
Daimon Hellstrom (Hellstorm)
Daisuke (Downer)
Daisy (Omega Flight foe) - by Proto-Man
"Daisy" (Rose, Phillip Hayes)
Daisy ?? (social media influencer, Millie the Model ally) - by Chadman
Daisy the Frost Giant (singing Jotunheim giant) - by Chadman
Daisy Etta ("Killdozer")
Daito (Snakeroot)
Daïzonest, Kuhrra (Brazilian mutant, Wolverine foe) - by Loki
Dakari (Shi'ar, Rom character)
Daken of Earth-13133 (son of Wolverine, Horseman of Death) - by Proto-Man
Dakimh the Enchanter (Man-Thing/Spider-Man character)
Dakini (Hydra, Captain America foe) - by Chadman
Dakir, Abu (Mogul)
Dakkamite Elect (Power Platoon)
Dakkon (Conan foe) - by Grendel Prime
"D'Aknopf" (N'Grith)
Dakor, Yogi (Terrible Trio)
Dakota (1998 pitch for teen Avengers clone team, clone of Jennifer Walters)
Dakota Kid (Frank Yarrow, Old West sheriff) - by Grendel Prime
Dakota Kid (Old West outlaw) - by Grendel Prime
Dakota Kid (Cliff Morgan, Old West, Rawhide Kid foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dakr't (Skrull, Carpiax IV)
Dal (Kree soldier)
Dalabuur (alien, Silver Surfer character) - by Stunner
Dalca (Vlad the Impaler agent)
Dale (Brood)
Dale (Deadpool foe)
Dale, Frank ("A Man Destroyed", TV movie character)
Dale, Dr. Marc (Professor X ally)
D'Alescio, Marguerite (Legion of the Damned)
Daley, Gary (encountered Zagan)
Daley, Rupert (encountered Joe the Jinn)
Daley, Susy (Gary's wife)
Dalia the Shape-Changer (Spider-Man/Valkyrie foe)
Dalili (Conan character)
Dalindra (Kâli, Cult of Kâli)
Dallas, Commander Frank (Silvereye)
Dallas Kid (Old West hero) - by John Kaminski
Dalquist, Robert (serial killer, horror character)
Dalton, Alec (Super Soldiers) - by Changeling
Dalton, Amanda (18th century witch) - by Spidermay
Daly, Pam (Roadkill creator)
Daly, Samuel Clement ("Scoop" Daly)
Damadan, Yassin (Elektra character)
Damage (Punisher and Wolverine foe)
Damascene (Bible John)
Damasco (Rockhouse Operation)
Damask (Wasteland dimension, Rose of Purity, Defenders character)
Damask of Earth-295 (Emma Steed, Age of Apocalypse) - by Norvo
Dam-Ayido (Damballah)
Damballah (African/Voodoo God)
Damballah (Brother Voodoo foe)
Damballah (spawn of Set)
Dame Aramanthe (Satana character)
Dame Efford (Fantastic Four character)
Dame Kackle (Golden Age, Defender foe) - by Grendel Prime
Damek the Earth-Shaker (Darkhawk ally) - by The ExWhaler
Damiano, Nick (Phoenix (Rachel Summers) character) - by Chadman
Damien (Enclave)
Damien (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond
Damien, Richard of Earth-760207 (wealthy businessman, Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man
Damien Kravenov of Earth-91918 (former pet of Kraven)
Damiru (Shanna the She-Devil foe)
Damoc, Dal (Wayfinder)
Damocles (Thor foe)
Damola (Jabari tribe)
Damon of Earth-665 (police officer, noticed Forbush Man leaving crime scene) - by MarvellousLuke & Proto-Man
Damon Conquest of New Universe (Justice foe)
Damon the Man-God (Ka-Zar foe) - by Grendel Prime
Damos (Darbian, Fantastic Four foe)
Dampyre (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal
Damson (Warpies)
Damyish, Harith (Starlord foe)
Dan ?? (Ophrah Industries security guard)
Dan ?? (friend of Don Smith)
Dana ?? (clerk at Supreme Court)
Danad (Sagittarian)
Dana'e, Tana'ri (alien Intergalactic Network reporter) - by Proto-Man
Danak (Denak)
Dan-Ayido-Hwedo (Damballah)
Danby, Sharps (Old West, Jim Torgan victim)
Dance, Willie (X the Marvel)
Dancer (Tri-Man)
Dancer, Ben (Two-Gun Kid's mentor) - by John Kaminski
Dancer, Jack of Ultraverse (Foxfire ally) - by Grendel Prime
Dandre (Kree, Ultra-Girl "mentors")
Dandridge, Rachel (Rick Jones co-act, Mordecai P. Boggs client) - by Prime Eternal
Dandruff, Clairol possibly of Earth-665 (Captain Mar-Vinn character, Not Brand Ecch)
"Dandy" (Rachel Dandridge)
Dane (Litter)
Dane, Clark (professor, encountered the Gool)
Dane, Elias (horror character) - by Prime Eternal
Dane, Lorna (Polaris)
Dane, Zala (Zaladane, Polaris' alleged sister)
Danette of Earth-79213 (Conan character) - by Sammy 7D
Danforth (police chief, Daredevil character)
Danforth, Harold "Hal" of Earth-712 (Haywire)
Dangbe (Damballah)
D'Angelo, August (Julie Angel relative, Roxxon)
D'Angelo, Juliette (Julie Angel)
Danger (Damballah)
Danger (Marvel Italia, Euroforce member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with help from Angelon Mammone
Danger Kong (digital entity created by Emulator)
Danger Mina (Damballah)
Danger Mouse (attended Saturnyne's trial on Earth-622)
Danger Peanut (squirrel)
Dangerous Dan (fugitive, Homer Ghost character)
Dangor of Inniverse
Danh (Damballah)
Dan Houeza (Damballah)
Dania (Red Raven)
Daniel ?? (psychotherapist, Daredevil character)
Daniel ?? (knocked down by Sabretooth)
Daniel (Savage Land tribesman) - by Proto-Man
Daniel, Darrel (Man-Thing character) - by Future
Daniel, Milo (Darrel's father)
Daniel, Zoe (Darrel's mother)
Danielle (Jotunheim Frost Giant assigned to Canada)
Daniels (Spear, Mangler's brother)
Daniels (Mangler)
Daniels, Chris (Suicide)
Daniels, Drew (Texas Twister)
Daniels, Henry (1950s, encountered Zeraphon)
Daniels, Jack (Power Man character)
Daniels, Jack (fallen angel Lucifer host)
Daniels, Marcus (Blackout)
Daniels, Norman (dated Judy Parker)
Daniels, Norman (museum director) - by Chadman
Dann (Ruby Scarab creator)
Danner, Hugo (The Real World's first super-hero) - by Per Degaton
Danni (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Danning, Lt. (LAPD officer)
Danning, Mr. (Uncanny Tales) - by Future
Danning, Donald "Dilbert" (1950s, "Boot-Camp" Brady character)
Danning, Sandra (1950s, Leopard Girl foe)
Danning, Sheila (Hawkeye foe) - by Prime Eternal
Danny ?? (art student, Blonde Phantom character)
Danny ?? (Mona Rand victim)
Danny ?? (1950s ghost) - by Spidermay
Danny ?? (Organization)
Danny ?? of Earth-7484 (sewer dweller, Deathlok the Demolisher character)
Danny ?? (Cloud's template)
Danny ?? (bystander during Apocalypse attack)
Danny ?? (police officer)
Danny Boy (Sentry foe) - by LV!
Danny Demon (demon, 1940s comedy character) - by Grendel Prime
Danny Guitar (drug dealer, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Dan Petro (Damballah)
Dansen Macabre (Night Shift member, Shroud foe) - by Norvo
Dansker (Satana foe)
Danson, Marc (Guardsman, Guardsman (Pascal Tyler) foe)
Dant, Lester Leroy (Daredevil character)
Dante (Shadow Consortium member)
Dante, Aurora of Earth-8107 (Lightwave, Iceman's half-sister)
Dante, Ed of Ultraverse (friend of Firearm/Alec Swan)
Dantes, Dr. Edwina (Shadow City)
Danting, Dennis (Golden Age, Silver Scorpion character)
Danting, Mrs. (Golden Age, Silver Scorpion character)
Danton Vayla (Brotherhood of Baal)
Danu (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)
Danvers, Carol (Captain Marvel/Ms. Marvel)
Danvers, Chewbacca Sassy of Reality-58163 (Chewie, Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)' Flerken)
Danu (Celtic Gods, Gaea)
Danvers, Joseph (Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) father) - by Spidermay
Danvers, Joseph Jr. (Carol's younger brother)
Danvers, Marie (Carol's mother) - by Spidermay
Danvers, Paul (Guardsman, Guardsman (Pascal Tyler) foe)
Danvers, Steve J. (Carol's brother)
Danville, Sen. Owen (former US Army colonel turned anti-mutant senator) - by Proto-Man
Dan Yi (Damballah)
Dao (Wolverine foe)
Dap (extraterrestrial employee of Funtzel Intergalactic Towing & Recovery)
Daphne (Riot)
Dara (Atlantean, Namor's cousin) - by Chadman
Daramulum (Aboriginal God)
D'Arbanville, Clementine (Northstar character)
Dar-Benn (former Kree leader, Avengers character) - by Markus Raymond
Dar'bikk (Shi'ar, X-Men foe)
Darby, Mr. (Venom character)
Darby, John (Old West, Red Wolf foe) - by Grendel Prime
Darby, Randall (Shocker/Paralyzer)
Darceneaux, Genevieve (Gambit lover) - by Zerostar
"Darcey, Darren" (Strange Ones)
D'Arden, Mansfield "Manslaughter" (champion bar fighter)
Dare of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Dare, Ananais of Earth-311 (1602 AD)
Dare, Dan of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Dare, Dan (sci-fi hero)
Dare, Gordon Fitzwilliam (Silver Squire, Freedom's Five)
Dare, Hugh Fitzwilliam (Sir Steel, Freedom's Five)
Dare, Ian Fitzwilliam (Templar, First Line)
Dare, Janice (Hilda Zemo)
Dare, Rossalyn (Squire's wife)
Dare, Virginia of Earth-616
Dare-a-Day Davy of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
Daredevil (Ideaverse, Headless Horseman's horse)
Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
Daredevil of Earth-1610 (Raymond Connor, vampire) - by Grendel Prime
Daredevil of Earth-8982 (Richard Fisk)
Daredevil of Earth-8545 (Vi-Locks)
Dare-Double (Hostess, Man With 999 Faces)
Darek (future time traveler, 1950s World of Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Darg (Zeraphon)
Dargil (Alpha Flight foe)
Daria (Prime Sentinel, Generation X character) - by Norvo
Darin (Javelin, Spaceknight of Galador)
Darius (Conan foe) - by Spidermay
Darius (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Dark (demon, foe of Red Sonja)
Dark, Professor (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Dark Aegis of Earth-534834 (Marvel Action hour, Iron Man foe) - by LV!
Dark Agent of Chthon (Nezaral)
Darkangel (Angel of Death)
Dark Angel (Deb and Don Ritter, Kro and Thena's kids) - by Prime Eternal
Dark Angel (Marvel UK)
Dark Angel of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier, Doc Savage & Snood
Dark Art (She-Hulk foe) - by Norvo
Dark Claw of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Proto-Man
Dark Counsel (Watcher, Realm of Blackbodies, partial entry)
Dark-Crawler (formerly Night-Crawler)
Dark Design (Hidden)
Dark Destroyer (Midnight Sun)
Dark Dreadnought (Firefrost)
Dark Druid (Mordred the Evil)
Dark Dweller (Thor foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dark Forbush-Man of Earth-665 (Forbush Man/Irving Forbush)
Dark God (Rune)
Darkhold (childlike mystic construct, living embodiment of the Darkhold tome) - by Proto-Man
Darkhold Dwarf (Chthon agent, Darkhold Redeemers foe)
Darkholme, Raven (Mystique)
Darkholme, Raphael-Raven of Earth-797 (Mystiq, New Exiles)
Darkholme, Rogue of Earth-1043 (Brotherhood, Millennial Visions)
Dark Horse (Devourer of Souls' steed)
Dark Hunter (Franklin Richards aspect)
Dark Huntress (Selene, Black Queen)
Dark Kleenex of Reality-88131 (ALF ally) - by Grendel Prime
Dark Knight of Earth-79733 (Steven Wayne, bat-themed avenger of the night) - by Proto-Man
Dark Knight of Astralon (Medieval World/Skrull playground)
Dark Lady (Tisiphone, Furies)
Dark Legion (Lilin, Vengeance foe) - by Markus Raymond
Darklens (Weirdworld villain) - by Prime Eternal
Darklock, Ajar'l of reality-8116 (Empirical galaxy)
Darklock, Cula of reality-8116 (Ajar'l's mother)
Darklock, Lena of reality-8116 (Ajar'l's wife)
Darklock, Ravol of reality-8116 (Ajar'l's son)
Darklock, Woolfor of reality-8116 (Ajar'l's father)
Darklon (sorcerer)
dark lord (Mephisto)
Dark Lord (Pluto, Olympian)
Dark Lord (false god of Black Talon)
Dark Lord (Khult)
Dark Lord of all that is Evil (Mephisto)
Darklore (Adam Warlock character)
Darklove (Ghost Rider foe) - by Markus Raymond
Dark Mairi of the Shore (Spider-Man character)
Dark Man (Thor foe)
Dark Man (Marvel UK, Spider-Man foe)
"Dark Man" (Abraxas)
Dark Master (Moondark's master)
Dark Messiah (Daredevil foe)
Dark Moon of Earth-9209 (alternate Moon Knight)
"Darkness" (Predator)
Dark Night of the Soul (Brain Drain)
"Dark Nut Detective" of Earth-20226 (Bat-Squirrel/Tippy-Toe)
Dark Ock (Octopals member)
Darkon of Earth-8107 (Camelot-era demon servant of Mordred)
Dark One (Wyrm)
Dark One (5th century, Brogar, King of the Picts)
dark one (sea snake, slain by Garrok)
Dark One (Deacon Frost)
Darkos Edge (Satana foe)
Darkoth the Death-Demon (Fantastic Four/Thor/Excalibur character) - by Spidermay, Per Degaton & Snood
Dark Overlord of Earth-58472 (Howard Movie Adaptation, alternate earth Howard The Duck foe) - by Madison Carter
Dark Prince of Deceit (Pluto, Olympian)
Dark Raider of Earth-994 (Reed Richards, Fantastic Four foe)
Dark Rider (Salem Witch Trials, Spider-Man foe) - by Spidermay
Dark Rider (Marauder, Team America)
Dark-Riser (Former foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dark Roger (Starfox character) - by Markus Raymond
Darkshorn (Myth-Realm, Hulk foe)
Darkstar of Earth-987 (Soviet Super-Soldiers)
Darkstar of Earth-3470 (Soviet Super-Soldiers)
Darkstrider (Shang-Chi foe) - by Spidermay
Dark Tower (Chess Set)
Darkveil (Darnell Wade, drag queen mutant) - by MarvellousLuke
Darkwater of Eurth (Hydro-Man counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Darkwave (Flood character)
Dark Wind (Daredevil/Wolverine character)
"Darkest Night" (Wayeb)
Darla ?? (Bratpack/Fatboys, Daredevil character) - Chadman
Darlene ?? (Deadpool foe)
"'Darling' of the Roller Derby" (Blue Streak)
Darnak (Levians)
Darque, Jonathan (Magma, Roxxon Oil Company)
Darquill, Daedalus of New Universe (Justice foe)
Darrance, "Deadshot" (Black Widow foe)
Darrell ?? (friend of Calvin, Li'l Kids comedy character)
Darren of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)
Darrow, Melissa (Magdalene, possible name)
Darryl ?? (Sleepy Hollow resident, Johnny Blaze character) - by Proto-Man
Dart Dude (The Eye foe)
Darter (Spider-Man/White Tiger foe) - by Minor Irritant
Darth Vader (Marvel Universe version of the Sith Lord) - by Loki
Darth_Vapelord (Flatman's online gaming friend) - by Proto-Man
Daruma (Widdle Wade's dog)
Dar' U Sorrin of Ultraverse (Maxis)
Darvin, William (Hydra agent, Team America foe) - by Chadman
Darwin, Glenn (Sun Girl foe) - by Grendel Prime
Daryl Rutabaga of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Dasam, Saddam Abed (Elektra foe) - by Markus Raymond
Daschundkicker, Fritz (Nazi agent, Winston S. Quaill character)
Dash of Earth-928 (Spider-Man 2099 character) - by Zerostar
Dashire, Iman (Mandala, Gemini member)
DaSilva, Enrique of Ultraverse (Prime/Lizard foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dass, Vishnu (Gargoyle character)
Dastoor, Aloba of Earth-92131 (Monsoon, Haven's brother, X-Men '92 cartoon)
Dastoor, Radha of Earth-92131 (Haven, X-Men '92 cartoon)
Databus (non-sentient executive assistant, Tony Stark ally)
Data Pirate of Earth-928 (Spider-Man 2099 foe) - by Zerostar
Datavore (Fantastic Four creature) - by Proto-Man
Daughter of Creation (Dr. Victoria Frankenstein)
Daughter of Mephisto (Mephista)
Daughter of the Moon (Selene, Black Queen)
Dauntless (Alec Dalton)
Dauoi, Mortimer (Project: PEGASUS, zombie scientist) - by Grendel Prime
D'Auria, Jack (Shriker)
Davalte, Lupos (Conan foe) - by Spidermay
Davan, Rieg (Powerhouse)
Dave ?? (encountered Thing from Planet X)
Dave ?? (NYPD)
Dave ?? (Mr. Fear (Saxon) foe)
Dave ?? (reporter, Daredevil character)
Dave ?? (V.I.G.I.L.)
Dave ?? (college friend of Victoria Anderson)
Dave ?? (Channel 4 cameraman) - by Proto-Man
Dave ?? (paramedic, New York City)
Davenport, Jacqueline (The Ripper)
Davey ?? (Daredevil character)
Davi Naka (Madripoor god, Sword Master character) - by Grendel Prime
David ?? (security guard of Cleo Vanderlip)
David ?? (attorney, Daredevil character)
David ?? (Postman of the Chicago Morlocks)
David ?? of Earth-21052 (cancelled Deathlok: Detour MAX series)
David, James (Rumbler)
David, son of Jesse (King David)
David, Varen (Hercules, Golden Age hero)
David, Dr. Vincent (Golden Age, Hercules (Varen David) father)
Davidoff (Russian agent, Black Widow/Daredevil foe)
Davidson, Paul (Nova character)
Davies, Charles (Cardiac foe)
da Vinci, Leonardo robot (Mad Thinker's Intellectual Robots)
Davis (Jann foe)
Davis (Winston Walker bodyguard, Spider-Man foe)
Davis (SHIELD agent)
Davis (Mercy Corporation)
Davis (detective, Pulse character) - by Chadman
Davis (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Davis (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Davis (Glenville, Long Island, Human Torch (Storm) character)
Davis, Andrew (Spider-Man character) - by G Morrow
Davis, Anthony (Ringer/Strikeback)
Davis, Avril (S.T.R.I.K.E. Psi Division)
Davis, Daniel (Deathgrin)
Davis, Ginny (Marvel romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Davis, Harley (Motormouth, Marvel UK)
Davis, Leila (Spider-Man, Thunderbolts character) - by the Beetle
Davis, Leroy (Missouri Marauders)
Davis, Mr. (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Davis, Raymore (scientist, empowered Human Top (Bruce Bravelle))
Davis, Reuben (Zohar)
Davis, Rocky (Yellow Claw foe)
Davis, Samuel (Spider-Woman (Drew) character) - by Norvo
Davis, Sgt. (S.H.I.E.L.D. commando unit)
Davis, Tommy (vampire victim)
Davos (Steel Serpent)
Davros, Theodore "Theo" (Therak, Deathweb)
Dawes, Harry (encountered Stone Men)
Dawes, Vic of Odhams Earth (Python pilot, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Dawkins (V.I.G.I.L.)
Dawkins, Morgan (vampire, Vampire Tales)
Dawn (Hellbent)
Dawnsilk of Earth-13393 (3999 AD, X-Men: The Animated Series) - by MarvellousLuke
Dawn Star (Old West, Red Warrior character)
Dawood, Mrs. (Inhuman, Champions character) - by Chadman
Dawson, Andy (Reaper's son)
Dawson, Benito (Red Rim Canyon rancher, Texas Kid character)
Dawson, Big Daddy (Ghost Rider/Blaze foe)
Dawson, Duke (Satan Squad)
Dawson, Gary (Big Daddy Dawson)
Dawson, Louis (Reaper)
Dawson, Nathaniel (Old West Quaker lawman, Kid Colt character)
Daxwell, Belsa (1940s, Widjit Witch character)
Day (Mister Jip servant, Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Markus Raymond
Day, Jackson (Corruptor)
Day, Phil (1931, Daily Bugle editor)
Day, Wilbur (Stilt-Man)
Day, Zelda (Princess Python)
Daya (Inhuman of Utolan, Maternal Council of Elders)
Daydra (Sagittarian, Hulk character)
Daydreamer (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Daye, Esther (Detective X/Herbert's wife)
Daye, Herbert (Detective X)
Dayelite (Lightning Bolt foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dayes, Shabby (Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) character) - by Markus Raymond
Daylight (M.U.D. foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dayne, Gloria (Fontanelle)
Daystar of Earth-398 (Photon (Rambeau), Queen's Vengeance)
Dayton, Beverly (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Daze (Warrant foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Daze, Harry "Happy" (Nova/Spider-Man foe)
"Dazz" (Burt Worthington)
Dazzler (Burt Worthington, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Dazzler (X-Force)
Dazzler (Alison Blaire)
DC (Deathcry)
D'Chel the Deceptor (Dark God)
D'Compose of Earth-87119 (Inhumanoid, Earth Corps foe) - by Grendel Prime
Ddraig Goch (Welsh Dragon)
De Diamond, Maxwell of Earth-9413 (Death Wreck character)
De Diamond, Olivia of Earth-9413 (Maxwell's daughter)
de Glasse, Antoine of Jarabesht (Lord High Protector)
de Guadalupe Santiago, Maria (Silverclaw)
de la Cruz, Count Ramon (17th century Spanish aristocrat)
de la Fuente, Horacio (Silver Surfer character) - by Markus Raymond
de la Joya, Maria (Sister Maria)
de las Heras, Maria Aracely Josefina Penalba (Hummingbird)
De Lys, Catherine of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
De Lys, Vincent of Reality-80324 (Catherine's husband)
de Manger Beacoup Ducanard, Alphonse of Earth-15110 (Ducanard)
De Molen (Netherlands, Superhelden Agenda)
de Noli, Pedro (Trovao)
de Peyraud, Renee (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle
De Rico, Ramon (Jaguar)
de Ruyter, Andreas (Black Panther and Storm foe)
de Toledano, Dolores (17th century vampire) - by Grendel Prime
de Toledano, Fernando (17th century vampire)
Deacon (Old West, Cliff Macklin's horse)
Deacon (Lifeline, Harriers)
Deacon (Shroud foe) - by Prime Eternal
"Deacon" John (Deadzone)
Deacon, Ray (Mister X, wrestler)
Deacon, Richard (Fly)
Deacon, Tina (NYPD detective, Daredevil character)
Dead (Marvel (Mark Holly) foe)
Dead (Ashen Combine)
Deadaim (Spider-Man foe) - by Spidermay
Deadair (Death Sponsors, Mojoverse, X-Men foe)
Deadbolt (Dark Riders, X-Men/Wolverine foe) - by Chadman
Dead Cert of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) character) - by MarvellousLuke
Dead Clown of Earth-88469 (Force America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dead Diamond (Living Diamond)
Deadeye of Ultraverse (Exiles (Deming) character)
Deadeye of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Deadeye (Mutant Liberation Front) - by Prime Eternal
"Dead-Eye" Derrick (World War II fighter pilot) - by Grendel Prime
Deadeye Dick (Wolverine foe)
Dead George Pelham (early 20th century, Street Arabs, Runaways character) - by Loki
Dead Girl (X-Statix character) - by Proto-Man
Deadhead (Headshop)
Deadhead (Nova foe) - by Spidermay
Deadline (Sunfire foe) - by Kyle Smith
"Deadly Delilah" (Delilah, Spider-Man foe)
Deadly Diamondhead (Diamondhead/Arch Dyker)
Deadly Ernest (Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo
Deadly Headley (vampire)
Deadmaker (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Deadmaker (Gregori Anatolovich, Deadmaker's father)
Deadman (Dead Donnelly)
Deadpool of Earth-1036 (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man
Deadpool ("Wade Wilson")
Deadpool (Foolkiller/Greg Salinger, Mercs for Money)
Deadpool (Madcap, Mercs for Money)
Deadpool (Slapstick/Steve Harmon, Mercs for Money)
Deadpool (Stingray/Walter Newell, Mercs for Money)
Deadpool (Terror, Mercs for Money)
Dead Ringer (Captain America foe)
"Deadshot" Darrance (Black Widow foe)
Deadspot of Earth-982 (Spider-Girl foe) - by Minor Irritant
Deadzone (Moon Knight foe) - by Markus Raymond
"Deaf Melon" Washington (Swamp City)
Deal, Ed (Iron Man character)
Dealer (Spider-Man foe, Hobgoblin ally) - by Stunner
dealer (Mr. Fantastic & Miles H foes)
Dean, Constance (mother of Golden Age Ka-Zar (David Rand))
Dean, Jason (Photon)
Dean, Jim (1950s, father of Baby)
Dean, Martha (1950s, mother of Baby)
Dean, Walter (Satana foe)
Dean Smith (Daredevil character)
Dean Wilkerson (Marvel UK, Rick Jones character) - by Loki
Deane, Lois (1950s, girlfriend of Mac Grant)
Deaner, Mrs. (former teacher of Maya Lopez)
DeAngelo, D'Andre (man who family was shrunk, Damage Control client) - by Proto-Man
DeAngelo, Devlin (Hulk foe) - by Minor Irritant
Dearborn, Arthur (Sunturion, Roxxon operative)
Dearth, Donny (Imperium Emporium)
Dearth, Tortuga (Imperium Emporium)
Dea-Sea (Kree, starship captain)
Death (Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
Death (Firebolt (Sloan) )
Death (Kx'ulthuum)
Death (Captain America foe) - by Markus Raymond
Death (Rune)
Death of Earth-295 (Maximus Boltagon, Horsemen of Apocalypse) - by Norvo
Death of Earth-5701 (Archangel)
Death of Earth-92131 (ancient Egyptian mutant, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke
Death of Earth-19411 (Back Issue magazine, pleased with everyone staying dead) - by Proto-Man
Death Adder (Serpent Society member, Scourge victim) - by SQUEAK
Death Adder (replacement, Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
"Death Angel" of Ultraverse (Lost Angel)
Deathbird of Earth-88469 (Dead Clown foe) - by Grendel Prime
Deathbird construct (Yon-Rogg creation, Captain Marvel (Danvers) foe)
Deathborg of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Deathcharge (Namor foe) - by Kyle Smith
Deathcry (Shi'ar, honorary Avengers member) - by Elf with a Gun
Death-Dealer (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle
Death-Dealer of Earth-8410 (C-28, Baintronics)
Deathdevil (metafictional version of Daredevil) - by Chadman
D.E.A.T.H.D.O.K. of Earth-22925 (cyborg prison warden, formerly M.O.D.O.K.) - by Proto-Man
Death-Flame (Demon-Fire, Morbius foe)
Death God (Abdul Alhazred)
Deathgrin (Nightwatch foe) - by Spidermay
Deathgrip (Captain Mar-Vell foe) - by Spidermay
Deathgrip (Dazzler foe) - by Spidermay
Death Hand (Simon Bretnor, Shang-Chi foe)
"Deathless One" (Black Tarantula)
Deathlight of Eurth (Blackout/Living Laser counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Deathlok the Demolisher (Luther Manning) of Earth-7484
Deathlok (John Kelly, Siege)
Deathlok (Jack Truman)
Deathlok (Larry Young)
Deathlok (Jemma Simmons, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Deathlok of Earth-1298 ("Mutant X"; Avengers member; Captain America foe) - by HBK123
Deathlok of Earth-10511 (Avengers/X-Force character)
Deathlok (Peter Parker/Spider-Man) of Earth-11045 - by MarvellousLuke
Deathlok of Earth-22423 (Steve Rogers, X-Factor Investigations foe) - by HBK123
Deathlok of Earth-32211 (Harlan & Rebecca (Death Locket) foe) - by HBK123
Deathlok of Earth-71912 (X-Force member) - by HBK123
"Deathlok" of Earth-82338 (Earth-32102, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur cartoon) - by Mike Castle
Deathlok of Earth-807128 (Spider-Man/Miles Morales)
Deathlok (Captain America-like, Multiversal Deathlok army)
Deathlok cyborg (minus either Jack Truman or Larry Young's mind)
Deathlok-Cyborg of Earth-8799 (Luther Manning clone, Millennial Visions)
Deathlok L17 of Earth-10511 (General/Peacelok)
Deathlok Prime of Earth-10511 (Deathlok)
Deathlok Prime of Earth-10511 (General/Peacelok)
Deathlok Simulacrum (TSR's Marvel Superheroes game module "Night Moves) - by Loki
Death-Lord (Yama Dharma, The Nest)
Deathlox of Earth-9037 (Deathlok counterpart) - by Markus Raymond
Death-Maiden (Valkyrie, Brunnhilde)
Death Maker (Cosmic Blade foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Death-Man (Pluto, Olympian)
Death Man (Mortus)
Death Master (Comicsville foe)
Death Master (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Deathmaster of Eurth - by Proto-Man
Death Metal of Earth-8410 (Marvel UK)
Death Ninja (Ghost Rider foe) - by Madison Carter
Death Priestess (Nekra Sinclair)
Deathraven of Earth-691 (21st Century, Killraven foe/brother)
Death Reaper (Nekra's daughter, Gambit foe) - by Minor Irritant
Death's Boatman (River of Darkness)
Death's Head (Daredevil foe)
Death's Head (Death-Stalker, Daredevil foe)
Death's Head (Freelance Peacekeeping Agent) - by Changeling & Snood
Death's Head (Minion) (Marvel UK)
Death's Head V (Vee)
Death-Shield (Spider-Man foe) - by Zerostar
Deathsong of Earth-1136 (Ferret foe) - by Grendel Prime
Deathsquawk of Earth-8311 (Larval Earth; Nick Furry and his agents of S.H.E.E.P. character) - by HBK123
Death-Stalker (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Death Stalker (Villains for Hire member) - by Hawkguy
Death-Sting (Iron Fist's half-sister) - by Chadman
Deathstorm (Spider-Man foe) - by Per Degaton
Deathstroke (Spider-Woman foe) - by Omar Karindu
Death That Walks (Tomazooma)
Death Tiger (Black Panther foe) - by Grendel Prime
Deathtoll (War Machine foe, Kâli worshipper) - by Prime Eternal
Deathtrap (Deadpool foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Deathunt 9000 (Anachronauts)
Deathurge (Messenger of Death, Avengers/Doctor Strange/Great Lakes Avengers, etc. foe) - by Norvo
Death Watch (Children of the Dreaming Star, Microverse)
Deathwatcher (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Death Wreck of Earth-8410 (Marvel UK)
Debb of Earth-691 (31st Century, Major Victory character) - by Markus Raymond
Debbie ?? (Punisher character)
Debon (Spider)
Debt-Worm (used to torture Blinky)
DeCade, Lenore (vampire, Dracula ally)
Decapitating god (Kah-Tah-Dhen)
DeCarlo, Anton (TV director, Misty Collins character)
Decathalon (Marvel Age character, lost in the vaults somewhere...) - by Monzo
Decay (Acolytes, Heroes for Hire foe) - by Norvo
Decay (Exemplars) - by the Beetle
December (demon, Hellstorm character)
Decent, Dash (inept space hero)
deChanteaux, Alphonse (Hand/Elektra target) - by Chadman
Decibel (aka Riot, Heavy Mettle)
Decibel, Anton of Earth-712 (Doctor Decibel)
Decimator (viral swarm)
"Deckelbaum" (Left Leg, Quintronic Man pilot)
Decker (criminal, Daredevil foe)
Decker, Dran (WW2, Terror foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Declun, Walter (Damage Control, Wolverine foe) - by G Morrow
de Cordova, Fred (Johnny Carson's producer)
"Deco Devourer" (Crazy Magazine character)
"Decoy-5" (Mister Justice character) - by Ron Fredricks
Decyst, Daniel (Hulk character) - by Caesar Godzillatron
Dee, Jimmy (criminal informant, Spider-Man ally) - by Proto-Man
Dee, Dr. John (Elizabethan occultist and immortal) - by Loki
Dee, Johnny (X-Men foe) - by Chadman
Dee, Kimberly (Catwalk, Skrull Kill Krew)
Dee, Lorna (actress)
Deed-a-Day Danny (boy scout do-gooder)
Deena ?? (Inhumans character)
Deep (Spider-Man character)
Deep-Sea Dan (Dan Barrow, Sub-Mariner character)
Deep Sight (Marvel Italia, Euroforce member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with translation aid from Angelo Mammone
Deep Throat (Effigy)
Deep Throat (Gerard Arthur Dolan)
Deep Throat (Jack Truman)
Deerborn, Delilah "Dee Dee" (Geiger)
Deering, Lt. (Captain America character)
Deeters, Wendell of Ultraverse
Deever, Milton (Nightmare victim) - by Grendel Prime
DeFalco, Louie "Lou" (DeFalco Gang)
DeFalco, Sid (DeFalco Gang)
DeFalco, "Tommy" (DeFalco Gang)
Defender (Golden Age hero) - by Grendel Prime
Defender (Puppet Master robot, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Defender (Akkers security robot, Doctor Who foe, Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron)
Defender of Justice (Old West, Aguila)
Defender of the Dozy (Macho-Man, British/Klaktonian hero)
"Defender of the Sacred Bill of Rights" (Patriot (Jeff Mace))
Defense Commissioner Newsome (WWII defense commissioner, killed by Circus of Death) - by Chadman
Defensor (Contest of Champions, hero from Argentina) - by Prime Eternal
"Defiler" (Magdelena Kale)
Defiler (Avengers West Coast foe)
Defoe, Adrian (Viskid)
de Fontaine, Valentina Allegro of Earth-79101 (SHIELD)
Degenerate of Ultraverse (Solitaire foe) - by Grendel Prime
DeGioia, Barbara (Blazeye, Metahumes)
Degrogotti, Babs (made out with criminal Carmine)
DeGroot, Christine (Danish freedom fighter)
DeGroot, Josef (Danish freedom fighter, Christine's father)
DeGuzman, Randolph (Darkholders)
Dehman Doosha of New Universe (Psi-Force/Crasniye Solleetsi) - by Prime Eternal
Dehn, Randy (FBI, Man-Wolf character)
De Horst, Mike (Jim Hudson character)
Deilla (Arko's wife)
Dehydrator (H.E.A.T. leader, Hydrators foe)
Deianeira (Hercules' wife) - by Will U
Deimos (Olympian God, Dr. Strange foe)
Deity (Wayeb)
Dekker (Lunatic Legion)
Dekker, Carl (1950s vampire) - by Spidermay
Dekker, Lyle (Ameridroid)
Del, Hugh (Peter Parker character) - by G Morrow
Delacourt, Paul (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Delacroix, Anton of Ultraverse (Prime/Elven foe) - by Markus Raymond
Delacroix, Jerome (US Army, Venom clone enemy)
Delandan, Carl (Spider-Man/Mockingbird foe) - by Prime Eternal
Delandra (Half-Queen of Biphasia, Werewolf character)
Delaney (NYPD officer)
Delaney, Deanne (Iron Man character)
Delano, Erik (Hellstorm foe) - by Grendel Prime
Delano, Kristian (Seeker 3000, doctor) - by Prime Eternal
Delany, Capt. (NYPD police captain) - by Proto-Man
Delarosa, Marty (Guardsman)
Delator, Maxy (homeless man, Eddie Passim ally)
Delazny, Charles L. Jr. (Enforcer)
Delazny, Charles L. Sr. (Enforcer's father)
Delbert (Tantrum)
Delectrode (reading motivation kit, Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man
DeLeon (Julian's grandmother)
"Delgado" (Masters of the Matrix)
Delgado, Francis Xavier (spy for Mister Jip, former Catholic priest, Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Markus Raymond
Delgado, Marco (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Delgado, Luz (H.E.A.R.T.)
Delgado, Marrisa (NFL SuperPro character)
Delgado, Robert (Spitball, Brood Mutants)
del Hierro, Blanca (Order of Deacons)
Delight, Heater (Starfox character)
De'Lila (Skrull, Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal
Delilah (Doc Samson foe)
Delilah of Reality-8116 (Vanth/Dreadstar character)
Delilah (Spider-Man foe) - by G Morrow
Delilah D-50 of Reality-8116 (Delilah)
Delinquent (Infant Terrible)
DeLionatus, Anton (employed Spider-Squad)
Deliverer (Century)
Delman, Isabel (Bainwood Jury, found Bainwood not guilty)
Delon, Frances (Spider-Man character) - by Grendel Prime
DeLorentti, Maria of Ultraverse (Witch Hunter)
Delores (member of the Waterboys, Punisher foe)
Delph'goram, Shanga Fia (Shanga the Star-Dancer)
Delphi (Morlock) - by Chadman
Delphos of Earth-7614 (Sword in the Star)
Delphos (Shi'ar Imperial Guard) - by Prime Eternal
Delsoin, Antoine (Hypno-Hustler)
Delta (Warzone)
Delta Nine (Atlantean clone)
Delta Strike (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Deltite (LMD, secret leader of S.H.I.E.L.D.) - by Prime Eternal
Del Toro, Angela (White Tiger)
Del Toro, Marisol (White Tiger's sister)
Del Toro, Rey (White Tiger's brother) - by Chadman
Deluge (Avatars of the Mandarin)
Deluge (X-Men foe) - by Prime Eternal
Delusion (Dusk)
"Delusion" (Realm of Madness)
Del Wolverine, Ricardo (Santa Mafiosa soccer player) - by Loki
De Mal, Marc (Brute Force foe)
"de man" ("Demon")
De-Man (Derek Hoffman)
Demeityr (Eternals of Titan, lover of Sundragon) - by Prime Eternal
Demelza (Captain Britain character)
Dementia (Tia, Cadre)
Dementia (Nightmare character) - by Markus Raymond
Demeter (Olympian goddess) - by Will U
Demetrius (Iron Man foe)
Demi-God (Strike Force One, Hercules clone)
Deming, Dr. Rachel of Ultraverse (Exiles)
Demiurge (sentient life-force of Earth's bio-sphere)
Demo (D-Man)
Demogog Montano (Technarchy of Eopia)
Demogog Tansteele (Eopian Technarchy, Dark Guard character)
Demogorge (God Slayer) - by Will U and Per Degaton
Demolisher (Iron Man foe, Drexel Cord's robot)
Demolisher (Durok)
Demolisher (Deathlok)
Demolition Derby (Hostess character, Spider-Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Demolition Dunphy (D-Man)
Demolition Man (D-Man)
"de mon" ("Demon")
Demon (worked with Davey Drew, Golden Age)
"Demon" (1950s mutate/mutant) - by AvatarWarlord72
Demon (Demonicus)
Demon (Thor foe)
Demon (KISS)
"Demon" of Earth-8107 (robot used by Chameleon to capture Dr. Strange) - by David Lawrence
Demon (Project: Glamor)
demon (possessed Ed Windhart)
demon (servant of Aan Taanu)
demon (possessing Soulfire)
demon (The Hood foe, sought Hood's cloak) - by Proto-Man
"Demon Baby" (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Demon from Beyond (Xotli)
"Demon from the Deep" (Venus foe) - by John Kaminski
demon from the Quadriverse (Dr. Strange foe) - by Donald Campbell
Demon-God (Xotli)
Demon Huntress (Selene, Black Queen)
demon in a bar possibly Marduk Kurios or Mephisto
"demon in the black robes" (Frankenstein monster foe)
Demon in Your Head (Uncanny Tales)
Demon Lord (Pau-Styss)
Demon of the air (Ghost Flyer)
Demon of the Blood-Jewel (Equinus/Titan foe)
Demon of the Caves (Spider-Man/Thing foe)
Demon of the Dark (Necrodamus ally)
Demon of the Darkhold (Chthon)
Demon of the Della Gems (planet of the Aris)
Demon of the Diamonds (Namor character)
"Demon of the Dunes" (Martu, Arabian Knight foe) - by Markus Raymond
"Demon of the Lake" (Imp)
Demon of the Mask (Dr. Strange foe)
"Demon of the Moon" (Anamelech)
Demon of the Sands (Bloodstone foe)
Demon of Smoke (summoned by Zeriti)
Demon that Devoured Hollywood (movie, Jason Roland)
Demon Within of New Universe (Dehman Doosha)
Demon without Humor (Ekl'r)
Demon Druid (Mordred the Evil)
Demon Druid (Dredmund Druid)
Demon Druid (Ultimus, Kree Eternal)
Demonhand, Fafnir (Hyborian era)
Demonic M.O.D.O.K. of an unrevealed reality (fire-breathing monster)
Demonicus (Minions of Mordo)
Demon Mask (Devil Rider)
demon master of Orleans Cooper (Gambit character)
Demon-Mother (Kthara)
Demonolater (Wolf-Men of Valusia)
Demon Rider (Devil Rider)
Demon Rider (Kushala, Old West Sorcerer Supreme) - by Proto-Man
Demon Shade (Kull foe)
Demon-Slayer (Destroyer of Demons)
Demonstaff of Earth-8710 (Thor/Dargo foe)
Demon Sun of Earth-9010
Demon-Woman (Zephra)
De Montfort (6th century, Black Knight (Sir Percy) character) - by Markus Raymond
de Montfort, Simon (12th century, Crusaders) - by Markus Raymond
DeMore, Jay (Crooked Man)
Dempsey (High Evolutionary's first New Man) - by John Kaminski
Den Vakre (Thor/Deadpool foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Denak (Dr. Strange character) - by Spidermay
Denakk (Denak)
DeNatale, Robert (Spider-Man foe) - by the Beetle
Denbrow, Pete (Old West, Dakota Kid (Yarrow) foe)
Dendrok (New Inhuman Elite)
Denebo Aruc II (Denebo Aruc III's father)
Denebo Aruc III (Gorvernor of Wukar)
Deng (Dr. Strange foe)
Denham (Metallak)
Denham, Paul (Legion of Living Lightning)
Deniro, Palmer (Paladin)
Denis ?? (Daredevil character)
Dennehy, Robert (WFET news anchor) - by Chadman
Denning, Gale (1950s, Robert's wife)
Denning, Paul (Paladin)
Denning, Robert (1950s, horror character) - by Grendel Prime
Dennis, Marty (architect, Eric Masterson friend) - by Prime Eternal
Dennis, Melinda (Sir victim)
Dennis, Peter (FBI, investigated Markham Moros)
Dennison (Kingpin henchman)
Dennison, Richard "Rick" L. (Firebrand)
Denny ?? (encountered Hungry One)
Denny ?? (college friend of Victoria Anderson)
Dent, Dee of Ultraverse (Siren's aunt)
Dent, Hal (Wyoming Kid, Old West character) - by Grendel Prime
Denti, Carl (X-Cutioner)
Denti, Carla (Captain Ultra character)
Dentifris, Pierre (le Beaver)
"Dentist" (Band of Baddies)
Dentist (Dr. Ned Zane, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Denton, Alvin (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Denton, Dr. Doyle (WW2, Phantom of the Underworld)
Denton, Dr. Oliver (Slapstick foe)
Denzile of Earth-8394 (Kamado)
Deol, Adhira (Grid's mother)
Deol, Anoop (Grid's father)
Deol, Devi (Grid's sister)
Deol, Dinesh (Grid)
DePaul, Alex (rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. agent) - by Prime Eternal
Dephine (Aerian, Ka-Zar foe)
DePrayve (Werewolf foe) - by Prime Eternal
"Department H Wolverine" (Weapon X synthoids)
Depression (Mindscape, Sleepwalker foe)
Depresso (Xavier's School Rejects)
Deputy Dopy (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Deputy Beauregard Feiffer (Fantastic Four character)
Deragon, Vince (Las Vegas crimelord, hired Terror Inc.) - by Chadman
Derath (Black Goliath ally)
Derek ?? (driver, possessed by Mosaic)
Derevkova, Anya (Black Widow, World War II)
Dering, Randolph (Moorlands Monster)
Dermot (Seeker 3000)
Derneg (Conan character)
Dernier, Jacques (French resistance, Sgt. Fury ally) - by Prime Eternal
DeRoma, Matthew ("Scrier Jr.", Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Derrick and his Wife (Psychobabble personality)
Derrick, "Dead-Eye" (World War II fighter pilot) - by Grendel Prime
Derrin (Sons of the Serpent, Daredevil foe)
Derringer Kid (Old West character) - by Grendel Prime
Derry, Jim (1948, Namora foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Dervish (criminal mutant, X-Men foe) - by Chadman
Derwyddon (Gargoyle character) - by Chadman
Des (Highwayman victim)
des Wakandas, T'Challa of Earth-9591 (Ruins) (Black Panther Party)
Desadia (Gabriel the Devil-Hunter's partner)
Desalvio, J.B. (Goliath/Wasp foe) - by Proto-Man
Descard, Phil (Lord of the Plants, Berserkers)
Deseronto, Kateri (Coldheart)
Desert Demon (Dibbuk)
Deserter (Hostess character, Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
"Desert Lizard" (Ghost Miner's pet)
Desford, Cressida (Dominic's mother)
Desford, Derek (Dominic's father)
Desford, Dominic (X-Factor character) - by Markus Raymond
Desidera (Inhuman) - by Chadman
Designate (Thor Girl)
deSilva, Carlos (Pacer, Gene Dogs)
Desinna (Spider-Man, aliens)
Desire (Thor foe)
Desiree, Charisma (Blade/Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond
Desiree, Newton (Charisma's father)
Desiree, Zinnea (Charisma's mother)
Desjardins, Guy (Weapon X) of Earth-199406
Desmond ?? (Werewolf foe)
Desmond, Alan (HYDRA foe) - by Prime Eternal
Desmond, Sir Phillip (scientist, Alan's father)
Desolation (Hungry)
D'Espana, Lolita (Captain America (Jeff Mace) character)
Desperate Dennis (Macho-Man idol)
Despoiler of Planets (Terminus)
Destine, Florence (ClanDestine, older clairvoyant) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Garth (ClanDestine, deceased member) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Gracie (ClanDestine, X-Men character) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Lance (ClanDestine, deceased member) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Maurice (ClanDestine, alias Maurice Fortuit)
Destine, Nathaniel (ClanDestine character) - by MarvellousLuke
Destine, Rik (ClanDestine member) - by MarvellousLuke
Destine, Sherlock (ClanDestine, deceased member) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Thaddeus (ClanDestine, 14th century) - by MarvellousLuke
Destiny of Earth-8310 (Paul Destine)
Destiny (Irene Adler, X-Men character) - by Norvo
Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, Golden Age hero, later V-Battalion commander) - by Proto-Man
Destroyer (communist)
Destroyer (Buck Franklin)
Destroyer (Shiva, The Nest)
Destroyer (alternate reality Asgardian god, proposed Thor animated series)
Destroyer (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who foe)
Destroyer (Lorelei, Asgardian)
Destroyer (Shiva, Weapon X robot)
Destroyer of Earth-983107
Destroyer (S'met'kth the Messiah)
"Destroyer of All That is Good" (Dreamkiller/Alex Tennyson)
Destroyer of Demons (Ghost Rider foe) - by Spidermay
Destroyer of Dimmorz (Grimm, Conan foe)
Destroyer of Galaxies of "Earth-93112" (Magus)
Destroyer of Life (Tryphon)
Destroyer of the World (Firebolt (Sloan) )
Destroyer of Worlds (Rune)
Destructoid (Diamondhead weapon) - by John Kaminski
Destructon (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Destructor (Ms. Marvel foe) - by Spidermay
Destructor (Spider-Man (Octavius) foe) - by Minor Irritant
Detective Barton (investigated Walter Hamill)
Detective Burnings (Ruby Thursday character)
Detective Butler (Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond
Det. Chief Inspector Macadamia (Chrrt-chuk who pretends to be a spy)
Detective Mike Corson (NYPD detective, Howard the Duck character) - by Chadman
Detective Craig (White Tiger (Del Toro) character) - by Chadman
Detective Crocket (Daredevil character)
Detective Dan (Lightning ally, Texas detective) - by Proto-Man
Detective Davis (Daredevil character)
Detective Davis (Pulse character) - by Chadman
Detective Fonti (Deadpool character)
Detective Greene (NYPD detective, Cole North ally)
Detective Tim Haley (1950s, caught Mac Grant)
Detective Harry (Spider-Woman (Drew) character)
Detective Hayes (investigated Walter Hamill)
Detective Hobbes (Ben Urich foe)
Detective Inspector Kate Fraser (Dracula foe)
Detective Izzo (Generation M character) - by Chadman
Detective Kurtz (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Detective Larson (Daredevil character)
Detective Li (Iron Fist character)
Detective Love (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Detective Mantegna (Ben Urich character) - by Chadman
Detective March (California police detective, west coast Avengers ally) - by Proto-Man
Detective McBain (Oddball, Elton Healy)
Detective Ed Morgan (1950s, caught Mac Grant)
Detective Patterson (Generation M character) - by Chadman
Detective Fantome (Les Heroes de Paris)
Detective Jacob Raven (detective, Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant
Detective Reznor (Daredevil character)
Detective "Dick" Richards (Westside Ripper)
Detective Ross (Nighthawk character)
Detective Scudder (Spider-Man character) - by Stunner
Det. Benny Simmons (Heroes for Hire character) - by Proto-Man
Detective Sloat (police, Daredevil character)
Detective Vernon (NYPD, Karen Page character)
Detective X (Herbert Daye, Mystery Tales character) - by Ron Fredricks
Det. Sgt. Murphy (police officer, Thor ally)
Det. Sgt. Rizzo (Code of Honor character)
Detroit Mike (Sofia Strange ally)
Deuce ("Ultravengers")
Deuce the Devil-Dog (Blind Al's dog; formerly Foggy Nelson's dog) - by Chadman
Deuteronomy (Howard the Duck foe)
de Valdez, Santiago (Old West vampire) - by Loki
De Valerie, Alfred of Ultraverse (Firearm character)
Devane, Marcus Randall (Morelle Pharmaceuticals, Project: Sandstorm)
DeVanens (Hellstorm character, mentioned only)
DeVasquez, Christina (Hector's daughter)
DeVasquez, Hector (She-Hulk character) - by Will U
Devastator (Ultimo)
Devastator (Kirkov Petrova, Russian super-spy, Hulk foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Deveraux, Magrite (Banshee character) - by MarvellousLuke
DeVere, Dr. (Project: PEGASUS)
Devereaux, Dr. (Daredevil character)
Devereaux, Teresa of Earth-7484 (CIA leader, Deathlok character)
de vica Severtes, Benedicto (Brass Bishop)
"devil" (Chane foe)
Devil (Lucifer)
Devil (Davy Jones)
"Devil" (1950s, made deal with Clarence Hopkins)
"Devil" (Otherplace, Belasco)
Devil (Mephisto)
Devil (Marduk Kurios)
Devil (Hellstorm)
Devil (Catherine)
"Devil" (Order of the Black Sun)
Devil of Earth-81297 (demon glimpsed in a dream by Earth-616's Daredevil) - by Chadman
"devil-ape" ("winged horror")
Devil Breaker (Stephen Loss)
devil-condor (Kull character)
Devil Dinosaur
Devil Doctor (Fu Manchu)
Devil-Dog (Deuce)
"Devil-God" (Golden Age, Mystic Comics dinosaur) - by Ron Fredricks
Devil Grip (Ghost Rider foe) - by Madison Carter
Devil-Hunter (Gabriel)
Devil Incarnate (Cyrus Black)
Devil Rider (Red Wolf/Johnny Wakely foe)
Devil Rig (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Devil-Slayer (Defenders member) - by Chadman
Devil-Slayer of Earth-85133 (Danny Sylva, MAX adventurer) - by Markus Raymond
Devilspawn (four-armed supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Devil-Spider (Hobgoblin/Roderick Kingsley)
Devil-Spider (Hobgoblin franchise, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Deville, Arcadia (X-Force ally) - by Prime Eternal
DeVille, Gloria (Captain America (Mace) character)
DeVille, Hellyn (Dracula character)
Devil of the Pits (Rotath)
Devil's Heart (Dracula foe)
Devil Who Dares of Earth-717
Devine, Anton (Hellstorm character)
DeVito, Davida (Lascivious)
Devlin, Marc (Tyr, Gene Dogs)
Devlin, Michael of Earth-Shadowline (Knight of St. George)
Devlin, Monte (Terrier, Litter)
Devlor (Inhuman, Fantastic Force member) - by Chadman
Devlunn (used Resurrection Stone)
D'Evo (Shi'ar Death Commandos) - by Chadman
Devon ?? (X-Student)
Devon, Mr. (Pleasureland)
Devonshire, Charles (Vulture/Jimmy Natale character)
Devonshire, Walter (Stilt-Man foe, Daredevil character)
DeVoor, Albert E. (Nth Command, Interlocking Technologies, Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man
Devos (Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal
DeVoto, Heidi (actress posing as Vanessa Fisk, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Devourer (Thor/Thing foe) - by Grendel Prime
Devourer (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Devourer of Babes (Ehrthold)
Devourer of Men (Jagrfelm)
Devourer of Souls (Mephisto)
Devourer of Souls (Conan foe) - by Greg O & Snood
Devourer of the Dead (Ammut)
Devros (Kree soldier, the "Brood King") - by Darc_Light
DeWinter, Roxanne (photographer, Spider-Man character)
Dewitt, Kearson (Iron Man foe) - by Chadman
Dewlap (Frogs of Central Park)
"DeWolff, Jean" (Yuri Watanabe)
Dewoz (Inhuman) - by Chadman
Dex (pawn of Morlun)
Dex (security officer)
Dex ?? (student, Cammi Benally/Drax ally) - by Chadman
Dexam (Micron, Alpha Flight ally, Captain Marvel foe) - by Grendel Prime
"Dexter" (Aliens cartoon)
Dexter, Dr. (Gena-Sys scientist, Genetix character) - by Loki
Dr. Aaron Aikman of Earth-31411 (Spider-Man)
Dexter, Dr. Ambrose (Nyarlathotep)
Dexter, Ben (Old West sheriff, Black Rider character)
Dexter, John (pre-modern, vanished in mall)
Dexter, Louis (Dead Ringer)
Dexter, Simon (mystically enhanced human, Black Widow (Claire Voyant) foe) - by Loki
Dexter, Spike (Hedgehog)
Dey, Rhomann (Nova-Prime)
Dezan, prince (Skrull, Avengers character) - by the Beetle
DeZoan, John "Johnny" (Deadzone)
DeZoan, Marge (Deadzone's mother)
D'Gard (Gene Nation, X-Men character) - by Chadman
Dhasha Khan (Iron Fist foe)
Dherk (Ka-Zar character)
Dherk of Atlantis (Dherk)
D'Hiver, Luciane (Diadem)
D'Hu-Tsien, Conal (Sharyd)
Diabolik of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Diabolik (Zirksu)
Diabolique (Vengeance foe)
Diableri of Chaos (Proemial Gods)
Diablo (smoke creature, fifth dimension) - by Prime Eternal
Diablo the Volcano Man of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Diadem (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle
Dialonzo, Hector (Dynamo, Techno-X)
Diamond, Chucky (Thor character) - by Norvo
Diamond, Elk (50s mutate) - by John Kaminski
Diamond, John (Ace Diamond)
Diamond, Phillip (jewelry store owner, Man-Bull foe) - by Chadman
Diamond, Robert of Earth-93070 (Captain America)
Diamond Android (Mole Man creation, X-Men character) - by Norvo
Diamondback (Cage/Power Man foe)
Diamondback (Debbie Bertrand, Daredevil/Spider-Man foe) - by Markus Raymond
Diamondback LMD (Captain America character) - by Markus Raymond
Diamond Hammer (Metahumes)
Diamond Head (Captain America foe)
Diamondhead (Nova (Rider) foe) - by Chadman
Diamondheart of Earth-90411 (Young X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Diamond Patch of Warp World (X-Brotherhood, Wolverine/Emma Frost fusion) - by Minor Irritant
Diamonde, Yvette (Martyr, Ruined)
Dian Cecht (Tuatha de Danann)
Diana (Warheads Bina Troop, Death's Head and Die-Cut character)
Diana ?? (Sofia Strange foe)
Diana, Lady Knight (18th century, Hellfire Club)
Diana Prince of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Diana of Themyscira of Earth-79733 (Hell's Angel)
Diane ?? (encountered Pan)
Diane ?? (Bacchae)
DiAngelo, Chic (crimelord, Cloak & Dagger/Power Pack/Dragon Man foe) - by Chadman
Dianne (Golden Age, "Princess of the Atom"; Mita/Microverse, Captain America character)
Diarmad (Microverse, Marionette ally) - by Grendel Prime
Diaz, Jesus (X-Statix character)
DiBacco, Achille (Bird-Man)
Dibbs, Lionel (Inhumans foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dibbuk (Omega the Unknown foe) - by Chadman
DiCasto (1950s, Marvel Boy (Grayson) foe)
Dice (Skrull Kill Krew)
Dice, Mr. (Dr. Cross ally)
Dichinson, Ricky (stock trader, Bloodshed's brother, Spider-Man ally) - by Chadman
Dichinson, Wyndell (Bloodshed)
Dick (talk show host) - by Chadman
Dick Tracy of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ad)
"Dick, Clark" of Earth-90113
Dicken, Roger (Crusaders, Captain Wings)
Dickerson (Metahuman Investigations Committee)
Dickie ?? (Daredevil character)
Dickie (Brimstone)
Dickie (Richard Easton)
Dickie ?? (Ghost Rider character)
Dickinson, Alice (Alice Hart)
Dicky (Euro-Trash organizer)
dictator of unidentified Communist country (1950s)
dictator (Iron Man foe)
Dictionary Dawson (Yancy Street Gang)
Die-Cut (Marvel UK)
Diego, Donna (Scream)
Diego, Manuel (Dr. Strange character)
Diering, Mark (Brother Nature)
Diesel (Zebra Daddy's thug)
Diespiter Optimus Maximus (Zeus)
Dietzel, Bart (Blockbuster)
DiFazzio, Tony (Punisher foe)
Di Forbushio, Joe of Earth-665 (guest editor for Snafu magazine, reported on sports) - by MarvellousLuke & Proto-Man
Digger (Outcasts)
Digger (Roderick Krupp, Night Shift member) - by Norvo
Digger (Spider-Man foe) - By Henrique Ferreira, Reformatted By Stunner
Digitek (Marvel UK character) - by Changeling
Dijyen (Inhuman of Utolan, Flint's father)
"Dilbert" (Donald Danning)
Dilby, Lucius (Spider-Man/Doctor Strange foe) - by Norvo
"Dill" (Howard the Duck foe)
Dill, D.D. (Doctor Dill)
Dillman, Nick (Daily Bugle, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
'Dillo (Armadillo)
Dillon (Golden Age, Black Marvel character)
Dillon, Allison of Earth-982 (Aftershock)
Dillon, Maxwell (Electro)
Dilpepper, Dunbar (Gus Beezer character)
Dimbura (Dr. Strange character)
Dimensional Man (Dracula foe)
dimetrodon ("Twilight World")
Diminutio (Marvel Boy (Grayson) foe)
Dimitra (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Dimitri ?? (Special United Nations Council on Nuclear Armaments)
Dimitri ?? (Savage Land Mutates victim)
D.J. (X-Student, New X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
D.J. Blast of Ultraverse (Jamal Blass, Squad member, Hardcase character)
Djinn of Ultraverse (Jinn)
Dmitri ?? (Avengers character)
Dmitri ?? (Captain America character)
Dmitri ?? (Vlad the Impaler victim)
Dimmbulb, Suzanne (Captain America character)
Dimples (Avant Guard) - by Loki
Dimri of Earth-20051 (Watcher, Fantastic Four character)
Din (Dinu)
Dina ?? (Millwood citizen)
Dina ?? (Kirsten McDuffie roommate, Foggy Nelson fling)
Dinaldo (Kull foe)
Diné (Inhuman) - by Markus Raymond
Dinello (Front Line reporter) - by Chadman
"Dingaling Duck" (Alden Maas' Wonderworld)
Ding-A-Ling, Auntie (Hostess, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Cousin Bee (Hostess, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Cousin Bye (Hostess, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Grandma (Hostess, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Ma (Hostess, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Pa (Hostess, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Sister (Hostess, Thor foe)
"Ding-Dong" (Doctor Bong)
Dini (Shadow City)
Dini, Waldo (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Dinkelbach, Lars (Eagle, STORM)
Dinkins (mayor, Crippler (Carl Stricklan) character)
Dinkins, Jewel of Earth-9011
Dino (Devlin DeAngelo agent)
Dino-Byte (Moon Girl creation) - by Chadman
Dino Knight (alternate Moon Knight)
dinosaur (encountered by Henry Burke)
Dinosaur Man (Stegron)
Dinosauric D.J. (Behemoth Jack)
Dino-Steel of Earth-99476 (Dinoworld, Iron Man counterpart) - by Loki
Dinotorch of Earth-99476 (Dinoworld, Human Torch counterpart) - by Loki
Dinu (Inhuman) - Chadman
Dinu, Angela (Vlad the Impaler's second wife)
Dinu, Gabe (Vlad's son, Black Panther foe)
Dinu, Nicolae (Vlad's son, Black Panther foe)
Dinu, Vlad (Vlad the Impaler)
Dio, Jackie (Underworld)
Dio, Mr. (Underworld's father) - by Chadman
Dio, Vincent (Mr. Pain)
Diomedes (Trojan War)
Diomedes (Hercules foe) - by Will U
Dion (Iron Man foe)
Dione (Sinbad's daughter)
Dionysus (Olympian god) - by Alex K and Prime Eternal
Dionysus (Isaac's agents)
Dior, Coco (reporter, Daredevil story)
DiPalma, Angela (Madame Angela, vampire)
Dippel, Johann Phillip (17th century, Konrad Dippel's father)
Dippel, Konrad (Konrad von Frankenstein, 17th century)
DiPriggia, Matteo of Earth-717
Dirac of Earth-791 (Star-Lord foe)
Director (Wonder Man foe)
Director François Borillon (Marvel Italia, Director of Euromind) - by Wolfhead & Loki with help from Angelon Mammone
Director Erika Doiron (Department H head director, Alpha Flight foe) - by Proto-Man
Director White (director of Brand Corporation, Mosaic foe)
Dire Wraith Queen (Volx) - by Flank McLargehuge
Dirge (Crossing, War Machine foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dirge (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Dirigible of Earth-295 (Wilson Fisk, Marauders, Age of Apocalypse)
Dirk ?? (Googam character)
Dirkreich, Frederick (employer of Torg, Tigra foe)
Dirt Nap (Dark Riders, Wolverine/Venom foe) - by Chadman
Dirty Jake Jones (Spider-Man character) - by the Beetle
Disaster (Slaughter/Nial Coward foe)
Disciple of Earth-7888 - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Disciple of the Claw (Adam-X the X-Treme)
disciple of the Elder Singer (People of the Whole Moon Hawk)
Disciple of the Old Gods (Gargoyle, Son of Pan)
Disciplinarian (Cloak and Dagger foe) - by Changeling
Disco (Laid-Back Commandos)
Discord (Bellona)
Discordia (Bellona)
Discus (Power Man foe)
Discus of Ultraverse (Wrath foe) - by Grendel Prime
Disintegrosaurus (metafictional, Avengers/Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
"Dispatcher of Destiny" (Father Time)
DisPater (Pluto, Olympian)
Disruptor (Richard Raleigh, Spider-Man foe)
Distorter (Hulk foe) - by Kyle Smith
Ditillio, Mickey (Project: Glamor opponent)
Dittomaster (Damage Control foe) - by Prime Eternal
"Diva" of Ultraverse (Solitaire character)
Di Varni, Roxanne (18th century, Louis Stark ancestor)
Di Varni, Vincent (18th century, Louis Stark ancestor)
Dive-Bomber (Brood Mutants)
"Divider" (Encoders)
Divider of Souls (Visimajoris)
Divine Wolf (Shu-Hu, K'un-Lun warrior)
Divinity of Counter-Earth (Franklin) (Doctor Doom's Generals, Fantastic Four foe) - by Norvo
Divinity Drake (Aamshed)
Diwata (Bathala)
Dixon, Jane (NFL SuperPro's girlfriend) - by Markus Raymond
Dixon, John of Earth-5106 (1920-1991, Space Squadron character)
Dixon, Keith (NYPD, Civil War: Front Line) - by Chadman
Dizzy the Hun (KISS character)
D.K. (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Dkamas (Alpha Primitive, attacked Unspoken)
D'Kay (Ghost Rider & Iron Fist foe) - by Markus Raymond
D'Keigh (Ares foe) - by Grendel Prime
D'ken (Shi'ar, X-Men foe)
Dlonk, Deniz (Yondu character)
Dluga, Tomas (Elsa Bloodstone character)
D'Lutz (Skrull, Kree-Skrull War)
D.M. (Dormouse, White Rabbit henchman)
D-Man (Captain America character) - by Chadman
D'Melza (Nanda, Charter Federation)
D-Minus Man (D-Man)
Dmitri ?? (Vulture/Jimmy Natale victim)
Do, Johnny of New Universe (Dehman Doosha)
Do, Loc (Iron Man character, unwillingly became the Mandarin) - by Ron Fredricks
Doadi, Venice of Earth-23233 (White Widow)
Doan, Bethel (Serpent Men of Starkesboro)
Dobbs (World War II, Wax Man)
Dobbs, Harry (Mr. Gamin victim)
Dobbs, Henry (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Dobbs, Sherry (Henry's wife)
Doberman (Dogs of War)
Dobronski, Agent Clyde (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent during superhuman Civil War) - by Proto-Man
Dobronski, Donnie (Clyde's son)
Doc (She-Hulk foe) - by Will U
"Doc" (Dr. Jefferson)
Doc (Lilin, Midnight Sons foe) - by Markus Raymond
Doc Carter (1950s, physician)
Doc Draggett (Old West, Kid Colt foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Doc Fantastic of Earth-11113 (Five for the Future)
Doc Flaky (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Doc Hackem of Earth-982 (MC2, J2 character)
Doc Horror (Nocturnals, "Ultravengers")
Doc Iron (Victor von Doom) of Earth-200781
Doc Kabel (Papa Doc)
Doc Mason (Old West town doctor)
Doc Morbius of Earth-31913 (living vampire, Web-Slinger foe) - by Proto-Man
"Doc Ock" (Carolyn Trainer)
Doc Ock (Doctor Dark)
Doc Parker (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Doc Rock (Zirksu)
Doc Samson of Earth-93070
Doc Virtual of Ultraverse (Wrath foe) - by Grendel Prime
Doc Watson (doctor, Deadly Dozen ally) - by Prime Eternal
Doc Wonder of Reality-200080 (18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt)
Docteur Q (Les Heroes de Paris)
Doctopus (Octopals member)
The Doctor (Doctor Who) - by Loki
Dr. Aubrey Agee (X-Men character) - by Norvo
Dr. Agony (WW2, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Doctor Anarchy (Fight Man foe)
Dr. Andrews (psychiatrist, paid by Kingpin)
Doctor Angst (Band of the Bland)
Doctor Angst (Jonas Mueller, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
DoctOrangutan (1959 Avengers/Fight Man/Agent X foe) - by Markus Raymond & Mikel Midnight
Dr. Algus (Arlo Samuelson foe)
Dr. Paul Allen (A.I.M. agent, Bobbi Morse's ex-fiance)
Dr. Anderson (Namor character)
Dr. Anderssen (Tanya Anderssen's father)
Dr. Mike Arlen (physician, Namor the Sub-Mariner character) - by Chadman
Dr. Arric (Grey Panther)
Dr. Ivan Asimoff (xt science-fiction author, Doctor Who character)
Dr. Paul Atwell (Young Allies character)
Dr. Jerry Baker (Sluj creator)
Dr. R.A. Barney (Daredevil character)
Dr. Barnum (Dr. Octopus associate)
Dr. Barret (doctor who owned clinic)
Doctor Barrow (English scientist, Invaders character)
Dr. Hillman Barto (Adarco scientist, Annex character) - by Chadman
Dr. Max Bassaraba (Shaman character)
Dr. Bear (gun-wielding bear in doctor's uniform, Squirrel Girl foe)
Dr. Belheur (spy, posed as Dr. Jonlon's assistant)
Dr. Albert Bendix (Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) foe)
Dr. Elizabeth Benning (Omega Flight foe)
Dr. W. Lee Benway (mad scientist, Spider-Woman/Hulk foe)
Doctor Bernstein (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Betty of Earth-20051 (Marvel Adventures, Fantastic Four foe) - by Grendel Prime
"Dr. Bing" (Doctor Bong)
Dr. I.S. Bischoff (Isbisa)
Doctor Blaine of Earth-7484 (Operation: Savior Machine, Deathlok character)
Doctor Blake of Earth-8107 (physician who treated Namorita)
Dr. Timothy Bleary of Reality-88131 (ALF ally) - by Grendel Prime
Doctor Bloodshot (Dr. Eye foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Bloom (Slime Man foe)
Dr. Noah Boddy of Earth-67 (Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Bradley Bolton (football star turned computer scientist) - by Chadman
Dr. Simon Bondy (encountered Peter Maher)
Doctor Bong (Howard the Duck foe)
Doctor Bongface of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Doctor Boreland (Wolverine (Laura Kinney)/Honey Badger (Gabby Kinney)/Deadpool/Jonathan foe) - by Markus Raymond
Doctor Brack (Reese family friend)
Dr. Bradford (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Brimm (1950s, killed by Jane Bryant)
Dr. Joseph Browning (Uncanny Tales)
Dr. Brunner (Thor character)
Dr. Bug Keeper (Mantis Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Burke (Initiative character)
Dr. Caldwell of Earth-50136 (28th century, invented indestructible metal) - by Chadman
Dr. Wilma Calvin (Ka-Zar/Man-Thing character)
Dr. Calvin (Iron Man foe)
Dr. Cargill (Spider-Man character)
Dr. Roger Carlysle (Marvel Boy (Grayson) foe)
Dr. Jason Carrington (ophthalmologist, Matt Murdock character)
Dr. Carson (Captain Marvell (Mar-Vell) character)
Dr. Reginald St. Martin Casey (Nighthawk character)
Dr. Wombo (1950s, former owner of Taranta)
Dr. Woodrow Cather imposter (Dire Wraith, Avengers foe) - by Donald Campbell
Dr. Chandra (Damocles Foundation scientist) - by Prime Eternal
Dr. Chen (Mandarin character)
Dr. Chia of Earth-88469 (Sadistic Six, Dead Clown foe)
Dr. Chow (Shang-Chi character)
Doctor Clark (Project: PEGASUS) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Claw (Captain Britain foe) - by Mark C
Dr. George Clinton (AIM founding member)
Dr. Dwight Clive (Howard the Duck character)
Dr. Cobbwell (Professor Cobbwell)
Dr. Comb (Hairball foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Commonhate of Earth-7484 (Simon Ryker agent, Deathlok foe)
Dr. Confort (Ms. Marvel character)
Dr. Conrad (1950s, Cedar Grove, Vermont physician)
Dr. Peter Corbeau (STARCORE administrator) - by SQUEAK
Dr. Cosgrove (Thor character)
Dr. Earl Cowan (Red Ronin pilot) - by Prime Eternal
Dr. Coyles (Hornet character)
Doctor Crawdaddy (cartoon-like mad scientist crawfish, Spider-Ham foe) - by HBK123
Dr. Mariah Crawford of Earth-92131 (Kraven lover, Spider-Man '94 cartoon) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Crispin (Hannigan Electronics scientist) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Crocodile (Captain Britain character) - by Loki
Dr. Jacob Cromwell (impersonated by Baron Blood)
Dr. Cross (Namor foe) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Curtis (Jonathan Storm's physician)
Dr. Cyber-Ock (Octopals member)
Dr. Cyclobe of Earth-8410 (Baintronics)
Dr. Marc Dale (Professor X ally) - by Grendel Prime
Doctor Danger (Kid Colt and West Coast Avengers foe)
Doctor Dark (B-Sides/Fantastic Four foe) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Vincent David (Golden Age, Hercules (Varen David) father)
Doctor Death (Doctor Nemesis/James Bradley)
Doctor Death (Fire Ball foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Decay (Water Kidz comics, Hydrators foe)
Doctor Decibel of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo
Doctor John Dee (Elizabethan occultist and immortal) - by Loki
Doctor Demon (Silly Seal/Ziggy Pig foe, 1940s cartoon-y wolf) - by Grendel Prime
Doctor Demonicus (Godzilla/Shogun Warriors/Iron Man/Avengers foe)
Dr. Dentist (dental-themed superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Denton (Slapstick foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Doctor Destiny (Kevin Mulheam, S.T.R.I.K.E. Psi Division)
Dr. DeVere (Project: PEGASUS)
Dr. Devereaux (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Dr. Dexter (Gena-Sys scientist, Genetix character) - by Loki
Dr. Ambrose Dexter (Nyarlathotep)
Doctor Dill (Sub-Mariner foe) - by John Kaminski
Doctor Dino (dinosaur-like supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Ditray (Squirrel Girl's pediatrician)
Dr. Domino (pre-FF mutate, Strange Tales) - by John Kaminski
Doctor Donaldson (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Nigel Donlevy (Krobaa victim)
Doctor Doom (mad scientist, Homer Ghost foe) - by Grendel Prime
Doctor Bob Doom (She-Hulk foe) - by Will U
Doctor Doom of Earth-13729 (Valeria, ruler of Hell realm) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom)
"Doctor Doom" (Miss Locke)
Doctor Doom of Earth-Dr. Doom was Dr. Strange and Dr. Strange was Dr. Doom (Stephen Strange)
Doctor Dope (Strend & Minth foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Dorcas (Namor foe) - by Chadman
"Doctor Dork" (Doctor Dark)
Dr. Dowlati (Inhumans character)
Doctor Bohemia Downes (Mercy Corporation)
Doctor Dream (Nightmare foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Drearr (Sun Girl foe) - by John Kaminski
Doctor Dredd (Rom/Torpedo foe) - by Grendel Prime
Doctor Dreer (Vision (Aarkus) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Doctor Anthony Droom (Doctor Druid)
Doctor Druid (Anthony Ludgate Druid, former Avenger...first super hero of the Marvel Age) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Claudia DuBois (medical doctor, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Dr. Eagland (Cole North ally)
Dr. Ecstasy (Night Cat character)
Dr. Paul Edmonds (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Ross Ekker (Golden Age, Vision foe) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Ellington (Daredevil character) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Ellis (Ken Ellis)
Dr. Zane Emery of Earth-5106 (Space Squadron character)
Dr. Jurgen Enderle (built hand for Colonel Klaue)
Doctor Everett of Earth-8107 (scientist working for Kingpin)
Doctor Eye (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Eyeball (Berzerker Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Falten (searched for Strange Ones)
Dr. Faro (Iron Fist character)
Doctor Faustus of Earth-8107 (master of hypnotism, Kingpin ally)
Doctor Fear (WW2, Blazing Skull foe) - by Spidermay
Dr. Hans Feldstadt (Hulk foe)
Doctor Feeny (post-WW2, horror character) - by Madison Carter
Dr. Ferris (1950s doctor)
Dr. Field (Daredevil story)
Dr. Fine (oncologist, Aunt May/Foggy Nelson character)
Dr. Vincent Fishler (Bridge)
Dr. Seth Forrest (Power Broker Inc., Hawkeye foe)
Doctor Foster (Lorna character)
Doctor Foster (possible Horseman of Apocalypse, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Dr. Francis (Golden Age, Human Torch character)
Dr. Fredericks (Ms. Marvel character)
Doctor Friday (Brother Voodoo/Moon Knight foe)
Doctor Fright of Earth-57780 (Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dr. Fronter of Reality-5391 (scientist)
Dr. Frost of Earth-8181 (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Dr. Peter Fulton (1950s psychiatrist) - by Ron Fredricks
Dr. Gallo (Shanna the She-Devil character)
Dr. Garibaldi (1537 AD, Order of Hydra ally)
Dr. Sean Garrison (Wallflower's father) - by MarvellousLuke
Doctor Geist (Hydra, Captain America foe)
Doctor Glitternight (Werewolf foe)
Dr. Gloss (surgeon, Daredevil ally) - by Chadman
Doctor Glover (Psi-Ber Sentinel creator)
Dr. Ruhart Gnaan (Arthur Nagan, Gorilla-Man)
Doctor Goodwrench (Avengers West Coast foe)
Dr. Gorff (LMD research control center, Black Widow character)
Dr. Charles Goss (mutated Vulture/Jimmy Natale)
Dr. Karl Gottfried (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Grand (Ringmaster/Maynard Tiboldt)
Dr. Charmaine Grand (Rogue/Gambit foe) - by Chadman
Dr. Graves (Shinobi Shaw's scientist, X-Force foe)
Dr. Grimm (WW2, Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Hans Groitzig (WW2, Patriot (Mace) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
"Dr. Gruber" (scientist, employee of Frederick Dirkreich)
Doctor Hale (Lance Brant character)
Dr. Halsey (S.H.I.E.L.D. physician)
Dr. Thomas Haney (FACADE designer)
Dr. Hantmarr (Latverian scientist, Daredevil foe)
Dr. Philip Hardaway of Ultraverse (TurboCharge's father)
Dr. Hardy (Crossbones character)
Dr. Anson Harkov (Project: PEGASUS)
Doctor Harpoon (Squid-Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Hartmann (Daughters of the Dragon foe)
Dr. Edwin Earl Hawkins (Giant-Man ally) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Richard Hawkins of Earth-730834 (Avengers character)
Dr. Benjamin Healy (1950s, Suspense character) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Hedison (Alpha Flight character) - by Spidermay
Dr. David Heimerdinger (Deathlok technology creator, Wolverine character)
Dr. Heisenberg (Adrian Eiskalt's psychologist)
Dr. Hennessy (Spider-Man/Dracula character)
Dr. Hildebrant (Nighthawk character)
Dr. Hinton (1950s author, killed by Baby)
Doctor Hoggarth of Reality-8116 (Altarix native, Syzygy Darklock character)
Dr. Holland of Earth-7484 (C.I.A., Deathlok character)
Dr. Sheri Holman (mad scientist, Black Panther foe) - by Chadman
Dr. Hopper (Terminus victim)
Dr. Fox Hu (Cybertek Systems Inc.)
Dr. Hudson (Fangu foe)
Dr. Michael Hunt (Typhoid Mary foe) - by Markus Raymond
Doctor Hurt (Suture)
Doctor Hydro (Namor foe)
Dr. Pons Indenbaum (Project: PEGASUS)
Dr. Didier Ines (Deathless Frenzy creator, Black Widow character)
Doctor It (Zone foe)
Doctor Jackson of Earth-18121 (Matt Murdock's ophthalmologist) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Jaimison (encountered Ned Glinsky)
Dr. Jakkelburr (coroner, empowered Crusher)
Dr. James (killed by Gael)
Dr. Jefferson (Dr. Octopus associate) - by G Morrow
Dr. Jenning (vampire story)
Dr. Walter Jenning of Earth-58472 (Howard Movie Adaptation)
Dr. Jennings (marine biologist, Defenders character)
Doctor Jensen of Earth-21923 (medical doctor of Isleton, California) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Sidney Joern (Fortress)
Dr. Jones (Basil Kilgrew)
Dr. Jones of Earth-98101
Dr. Ricardo Jones of Earth-21766 (NASA astro-biologist, jealous Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Jonlon (scientist, created device to transport humans to Thought-World)
Dr. Segismund Joshua (Damocles Foundation scientist) - by Prime Eternal
Dr. Jurk (Mad Monk)
Dr. Kaity (Human Fly character)
Dr. Kapany (Brand Corporation, Mosaic foe)
Dr. Andrew Kappelhoff (Project: PEGASUS)
Dr. Karlbad (mad scientist, Ape trainer)
Dr. Kar-Sagg (Kree scientist, creator of Midnight Sun) - by Prime Eternal
Dr. Rudy Katz (Typhoid Mary ally/victim)
Dr. Keller (Special United Nations Council on Nuclear Armaments)
Dr. Martin Keller (Gordon Sanders victim)
Dr. Mark Kells (traitor, Lance Brant foe)
Doctor Kelly (Spider-Woman (Drew) character)
Dr. Frank Ketterson (oncologist, Daredevil character)
Dr. Kev-Lar (Kree Imperial Militia) - by Norvo
Dr. Yuri Kiev (Red Guardian android creator, Black Widow foe)
Dr. Kimble (Cybertek Systems Inc.)
Dr. Adler Klaus (Nazi scientist, Sgt. Fury foe)
Dr. Anton Klaus (1950s, slain by vampire Clyde O'Reilly)
Dr. David Klein (Dr. Jacob Weisenthal's nephew)
Dr. Knight (encountered Killer Ryan)
Dr. Konda (encountered Norton Dunlap)
Dr. Kopern (Mr. Graybar's psychoanalyst)
Dr. Boris Korpse (Black Cat character) - by Minor Irritant
Dr. Louis Kort (Thing character)
Dr. Kraft (physician, Daredevil character)
Dr. Krause (Namor foe) - by Chadman
Dr. Kronton (Doomsday Man creator)
Dr. Kurarkill (Iron Man foe)
Dr. Charles Laing (Candace Nelson's academic advisor)
Dr. Leah (associate of Dr. Segismund Joshua)
Doctor Lemner of Earth-7484 (Operation: Savior Machine, Deathlok character)
Dr. Carolyn Lepre (Crossbones character)
Dr. Thomas Lewis (Broadway Project)
Dr. Emilio Licciardo (Foundations scientist) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Ling (Sandra Ling's father, Shang-Chi character)
Dr. Martin Livingstone (WW2, Young Allies ally) - by AvatarWarlord72
Dr. Alexander Locke of Earth-700 (First Line character) - by Norvo
Doctor Loomis of Reality-8116 (Altarix native, Syzygy Darklock character)
Dr. Loughridge (Ararat scientist, possessed by Venom clone)
Dr. Franz Lubischt (Nazi, Genesis Coalition)
Dr. Lund (Power Broker Inc.)
Dr. Shawna Lynde (Thor character)
Dr. Karl Lykos of Earth-99476 (Dinoworld) - by Loki
Dr. Maureen Lyszinski (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Dr. MacKenzie (Captain Britain character) - by Loki
Dr. Daniel Madrox (Multiple Man's father, former Los Alamos scientist) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Malice (Spider-Man foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Karl Malus (Spider-Woman/Captain America) - by Prime Eternal and Will U
Doctor Mandibus (Silver Surfer character) - by Stunner
Dr. Markham (1950s scientist) - by Ron Fredricks
Dr. Marcus (1950s mad scientist) - by John Kaminski
Doctor Marin (Darkhawk foe)
Dr. Markov (Human Torch/Toro foe) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Terrance Marney (Half-Men creator)
Dr. Matheson (psychiatrist)
Dr. Alice Joyce Maxfield (Spider-Man/Dracula character)
Dr. Margaret Mayfair (Project: PEGASUS)
Dr. Edwin Maxwell (Gamma Base personnel) - by Spidermay
Doctor McKay (X-Men character)
Doctor Megalomann (video game, Captain America foe) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Melloncamp (scientist, Freaks ally)
Dr. Robert Meridian (Brian Leighton's psychiatrist, Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) character)
Doctor Merle (1950s, encountered "Stranger from Space")
Dr. Meroux (Robert Bloch character)
Dr. Metellus (Morlocks foe) - by Darc_Light
Doctor Midas (Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr) foe) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Leslie Miglietta (Spider-Man character)
Doctor Mime (First Line member) - by Norvo
Doctor Minerva (Minn-Erva, Kree; Captain Marvel/Avengers/Ms. Marvel foe) - by Markus Raymond
Doctor Minkly (Bloodstone character)
Dr. Malcolm Modern (Mutant Town freelance scientist) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Molle (handwriting expert, Karen Page's trial)
Doctor Molinari (Invisible Woman's obstetrician) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Molnar (1930s, slew two Horhaga Brothers)
Doctor Morg of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
Dr. Morgan (1950s, encountered "Demon") - by AvatarWarlord72
Dr. Morgan (Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) character)
Dr. Morphine (Punisher character)
Dr. James Mortimer (Sherlock Holmes character)
Dr. Muller (Inhumans foe) - by Markus Raymond
Doctor Murrow of Earth-1228 (Fantastic Four foe)
Dr. Musclefists (Brain Drain)
Dr. Myers (Inhumans foe)
Doctor Mynde (Captain Mar-Vell foe)
Dr. Ramona Napier (Iron Man/Captain America character) - by Markus Raymond
Doctor Nemesis (Invaders character) - by Ronald Byrd & MarvellousLuke
Doctor Nemesis (Ant-Man foe)
Doctor Nero (Spider-Man character) - by Ronald Byrd
Dr. Franz Neumensch (Golden Age, Cherub)
Doctor Neutron (Havok and Wolverine foe)
Doctor Nial (Inhuman doctor)
Dr. Nieman of Earth-8107 (Red Skull agent)
Doctor Giles Niven (Space Saver, Marvel Two-in-One character)
Doctor Nod (vitamin supplement developer, Great Lakes Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Dr. No-Good (Blizzard foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Noiro (Orion Rex)
Dr. Curtis Nolan (archeologist, Deadpool/Thor character)
Dr. James Norcross (stole Bell of Ikonn)
Dr. Norton of Earth-8107 (Spider-Man character)
Dr. Alice Nugent (Doctor Spectrum, Iron Man character)
Dr. Jeannine O'Connell (Project: PEGASUS)
Doctor October of Earth-928 (Spider-Man 2099 character)
Dr. Octopus (Otto Octavius)
Dr. Octopus of Earth-8377 (Lew Stringer What If?) - by Loki
Dr. Octopus (Carolyn Trainer)
Dr. Octopus (Timeslip character) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Odd (Howard the Duck character)
Dr. Ogada (Damocles Foundation)
Dr. Olsen (scientist, served Nazis)
Doctor Oratz (former head of Dallas, Texas hospital burn ward)
Doctor Orgesky (mutated Elk Diamond)
Doctor Paine (Morbius and Venom foe) - by Barry Reese
Doctor Panshin of Reality-791 (xt, Haalmhad)
Doctor Parker (pre-FF scientist) - by Madison Carter
Dr. Charles Parker (1950s horror) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Dawn Parker of Earth-95132 (Johnny Domino's surgeon) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Parkes (encountered Un-Human)
Dr. Fraser Parkins (Shanna the She-Devil character) - by Spidermay
Dr. Howard Petrovic (surgeon, Owl foe/reluctant ally) - by Chadman
Doctor Phobia (Phobia)
Dr. Randall Pierce (bio-armor creator, Brute Force)
Dr. Felipe Picaro (vengeful scientist, Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau) foe) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Plant Brains (Warlord foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Plaque (Dr. Dentist foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Pow (Deadline character) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Roy Powell (found Frankenstein's Monster robot, later Curator)
Doctor Powers (Professor Power)
Dr. Taylor Prescott of Earth-92131 (Skull Mesa founder, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Pym of Earth-907 (Avengers)
Dr. Benjamin Rabin (Spider-Man foe)
Dr. Hellen Rachelson (Project N, Count Nefaria scientist) - by MarvellousLuke
Dr. Raker of Earth-691 (Keeper, Killraven character)
Doctor Ramsey (Captain Britain character)
Dr. Donald Rankin (Mimic's father, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Dr. Rarque (Speedball character)
Dr. John Redfield (scientist, Frank Miller's friend)
Dr. James Reeves of Earth-92131 (scientist turned jungle man, Spider-Man '94 cartoon) - by Markus Raymond
Doctor Reich (Howard the Duck foe)
Dr. Jason Rivera (Project: PEGASUS)
Dr. Roberts (Daredevil character)
Dr. Roberts (Spider-Man character)
Doctor Rocket (She-Hulk character) - by Madison Carter
Dr. Rogan (Kingpin's doctor) - by Chadman
Dr. Rosen (Daughters of the Dragon character)
Dr. Peter Rostov (1950s, insomnia specialist)
Dr. Claudia Russell (werewolf, Ravencroft psychologist)
Doctor Ralph Ryder (AIM, Captain America foe)
Dr. Sam Sabuki (World War II, father of Golden Girl)
Dr. Ephesus Sadd (modified Mister Fear's gas, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Dr. Samuelson (Iron Man foe)
Doctor Sanderson (Isbisa)
Dr. Glenda Sandoval (War Machine character)
Doctor Saturn (Old West, Ringo Kid foe) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Anita Savvy (Namor character)
Dr. Richard Savvy (Anita's husband)
Doctor Sax (Dazzler foe)
Dr. Sbaitso (treated Tony Stark)
Doctor Scarabeus (Hulk foe) - by Loki
Dr. Harold Schmidt (1940s scientist, Microman ally)
Dr. Dennis Schoolcraft (superhero scholar)
Dr. Earl Schreiber (1950's monster) - by Loki
Dr. Schwanig (Doctor Doom's scientist)
Dr. Scorpion (Snake King foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Scott of Earth-41715 (host to parasitic worms)
Doctor Shark With Teeth (Squid-A-Tron foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Bradley Shaw of Earth-8107 (Nephilia, Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Cindy Shelton (Grasshopper ally, Roxxon employee)
Dr. Carolyn Sheridan (Sluj creator)
"Dr. Shrinker" (Iron Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Sibelius (X-Men character)
Dr. Glenn Silas (Blade foe)
Dr. Singer (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Singh (sentient automaton, Liddleville science professor) - by Norvo
Doctor Sinn (magic user, Imp foe)
Dr. Skarab (Living Mummy character)
Dr. Leonard Skivorski (psychotherapist, author, Doc Samson's father) - by Chadman
Dr. Evald Skorpion (W.E.S.P.E. leader, Blue Marvel foe)
Doctor Slob (Captain Wolly foe)
Dr. Smarter of Earth-6799 (Spider-Man 1960's Cartoon, encountered Plutonians)
Dr. Dennis Smedley (archeologist, rediscovered Witch Queen's tomb)
Dr. Smith (Journey into Mystery)
Dr. Armstrong Smith (W.H.O. computer database developer) - by Chadman
Dr. Smythe (Terminus victim) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Snaffle (1940s, Ziggy Pig & Silly Seal foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dr. Snyder (Daredevil character)
Dr. Tricia Solaro (forensic expert, Matt Murdock character)
Dr. Pernell Solomon (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Dmitri Solzyn (Spider-Man/Hulk character) - by Grendel Prime
Doctor Spectrum of Earth-616 (Krimonn) - by Omar Karindu, Snood & Hugo V. Negron
Doctor Spectrum of Earth-616 (Billy Roberts)
Doctor Spectrum (Martha Gomes, Thunderbolts foe) - by Markus Raymond
Doctor Spectrum (Dr. Alice Nugent, Thunderbolts foe) - by Markus Raymond
Doctor Spectrum of Earth-616 (programmed Joseph Ledger simulacrum, Squadron Supreme of America)
Dr. Springer (encountered Ralph Halley)
Dr. Square (Energy Cubes wielder, Iron Man foe, Kenner See-a-Show toy character) - by Proto-Man
Dr. S'Rell of Earth-691 (31st century, medical officer of Sol III)
Dr. Archibald Stancheck (Project N, Count Nefaria's scientist) - by MarvellousLuke
Dr. Lola Steimle (Nazi doctor)
Dr. Kurt Steinem (Deadly Dozen foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dr. Steiner (operated Black Talon, WW2)
Dr. Rudolf Stern (Sh'mballah pawn)
Dr. Berthold Sternberg (Infinity Formula developer)
Dr. Stewart (Phantom of the Underworld, Golden Age)
Dr. Farley Stillwell (Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant
Dr. Harlan Stillwell (Farley's brother, Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant
Dr. Shannon Stilwell (scientist, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Dr. Stokes (Brand Corporation)
Dr. John Storm (mutated Terror/Laslo Pevely)
Dr. Susan Storm of Earth-1116 (Fantastic Four story)
Dr. Karl Strang (Golden Age, encountered "devil-god")
Doctor Strange (Iron Man foe)
Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange)
Doctor Strange of Earth-8748 (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Strange of Earth-Dr. Doom was Dr. Strange and Dr. Strange was Dr. Doom (Victor von Doom)
Dr. Stephen Strange III of Earth-22490 (Defenders, Millennial Visions 2001)
Doctor Strangefate of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Doctor Stranger Yet (Creators agent)
Doctor Strasser (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
Dr. Sandra Stulley (Florida State Beekeepers Association, Ant-Man (Scott Lang) ally) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Sugar (Dr. Dentist foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Sullivan (Daredevil character)
Dr. Svenson (doctor, Avengers ally) - by Prime Eternal
Dr. Brian Swaine (X-Statix ally) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Max Sweikert (Nazi surgeon, Deadly Dozen foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dr. Sykes (Owl's doctor) - by Chadman
Doctor Synne (Captain Britain foe)
Dr. Tambura (Followers of the Light)
Dr. Darrell Tanaka of Earth-92131 (Skull Mesa resident, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Tank (Jet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Dr. Tannenbaum (GLA/GLX foe) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Thatcher (Nighthawk character)
Dr. John Thomas (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Dr. Thunder Bolt (Fire Star Woman foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Time of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Dr. Tinner (Dr. Doom ally) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Trash (Reptil foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Judas Traveller (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Dr. Travis (Captain Britain character) - by Loki
Doctor Tricky (Fight Man foe)
Dr. Jack Tryon (medical doctor, Night Nurse (Linda Carter) associate) - by Grendel Prime
Dr. Ted Twaki (Spider-Man character)
Doctor Va-Va-Va-Voom of Earth-97102 (Dr. Doom)
Dr. Van Eyck (Klaus Kruger victim, DD ally)
Dr. Martin Vandenburg (Micronauts character)
Dr. Vargas (HEART Clinic, Eli Wirtham/Cardiac ally)
Dr. Bruno Varoz (Electro the Marvel foe) - by Spidermay
Dr. Aloysius Vault (IT, the Living Colossus foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dr. Cyrus Virro (1950s Atlas Foundation scientist, creator of M-11 the Human Robot) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Volkh (Bogatyr)
Dr. Volton (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Ludwig von Cluck ("Duckworld")
Doctor Wacko (Bullet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Dr. Joseph Waking-Bear (Spider-Man character)
Dr. Henry Wallace (Willie Evans, Jr's doctor, Reed Richards' former teacher) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Warren (Dr. Strange character)
Dr. Cedericke Waterfield (Night Raven story)
Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes' friend & biographer)
Dr. Susan Weaver (Spider-Man character)
Dr. Webber (1948, Namora character)
Doctor Weed (Plant Man foe)
Dr. Weinberg (S.H.I.E.L.D., Rabble Rouser)
Dr. Weird (Big Little Book)
Dr. Jacob Weisenthal (Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Marcus Welby (Nighthawk character)
Dr. Wendell (Project Gladiator, Man-Thing character)
Dr. Frank Weston (1950s scientist, encountered "White Whale")
Dr. Earl Weygard (Silver Surfer ally)
Dr. Wheeler (Alamagordo Project scientist) - by Proto-Man
Dr. White (WWII-era physician, target of assassin Krauss)
Dr. Myron Wilburn (Project: PEGASUS)
Doctor Wilcox of Earth-7484 (Operation: Savior Machine, Deathlok character)
Dr. Willis (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Willis (Hawkeye ally)
Doctor Whiplash of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Doctor Whoosh (teleporter, potential X-Statix recruit) - by Chadman
Doctor Whozonfirst of Reality-88131 (ALF character) - by Grendel Prime
Dr. Wilcox (Captain Marvell (Mar-Vell) character)
Dr. Wilcox of Earth-7484 (Luther Manning Clone-CIA)
Dr. Amos Willard (Shadow Hound of Cardiff Moor neighbor)
Dr. Williams (Daredevil doctor) - by Chadman
Doctor Withers (Project N, Nefaria's scientist) - by MarvellousLuke
Dr. Woolsey (Alamagordo Project scientist) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Wrench (Mindcontroller foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Wright (Gena-Sys scientist, Genetix character)
Dr. R. Wright (encountered Johnny Downes)
Dr. Wyatt (Happy Hogan character)
Dr. James Xavier of Earth-92131 (Professor X great-great grandfather, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Zuckyd1
Dr. Yedlin (Silver Surfer character)
Dr. Yen (Black Widow's brainwasher) - by Prime Eternal
Doctor Yes (Venom foe) - by Minor Irritant
Dr. Yesenia Rosario (scientist, Ms. Marvel/Spider-Man character) - by Chadman
Dr. Yesterday (Slapstick foe) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Su Yin (Iron Man character) - by Markus Raymond
Dr. Ned Zane (The Dentist)
Doctor Konrad Zaxon (Hulk foe)
Doctor Zero of Earth-Shadowline
Dr. Zeus (Spider-Man character) - by Prime Eternal
Dr. Zialus (imagined enemy of the Marvel/Mark Hawkins)
Dr. Zoltan of Earth-8107 (Dr. Doom employee, Spider-Man foe) - by David Lawrence
Dr. Zord of Earth-51124 (70th century scientist, worked with Robert Gordon)
Doctor Zu (Atlas Foundation scientist) - by Proto-Man
Dodge, Officer Clair (Typhoid character)
Dodgeball (Punisher foe) - by Minor Irritant
Dodgson, Clare (Captain Universe) - by Proto-Man
Dodson, Lorina (White Rabbit)
Doe, James of Earth-712 (Skymax the Skrullian Skymaster)
Doe, Jane (Dalia the Shape-Changer)
Doe, Jane (Uno)
Doe, Jane (Dusk, "Slingers")
"Doe, John" (Hybrid)
Doe, John (Nighthawk (Richmond))
Doe, John (Werewolf, Jack Russell)
Doe, John (Gun Runner)
Doe, John (Zombie, SHIELD Howling Commandos)
Doe, John (Colonel America)
"Doe, Val" (Valkyrie, Brunnhilde)
Doe Eyes (Old West, Arrowhead character) - by Grendel Prime
Doerner, Hal (Falcon character)
Dog (Agent foe)
Dog of Ultraverse (mutant assassin, Ultraforce foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dog (Origin series, Wolverine foe) - by Stunner
Dogbolter, Josiah W. of Earth-5555 (Doctor/Death's Head (FPA) foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Dog-boy (Doggerel)
Dog Brother #1 (Immortal Weapons, ancient)
Dog Brother #1 (Immortal Weapons, predecessor)
Dog Brother #1 (Immortal Weapons, Iron Fist character) - by Minor Irritant
Doge of Venice (Spider-Man story)
Dog-Faced Boy (Circus of Lost Souls)
Dog Filled with Fear (Sassafras)
Doggerel (Nightmare character) - by Markus Raymond
Doghead (Blackheart's Spirits of Vengeance, Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe)
Dog Hulk of Earth-53147 (Dog Bruce Banner, Cat Thor ally)
Dogman of Earth-21516 (Bird of Prey foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dog O' War of New Universe (Forsaken)
Dog Pound (M.O.N.S.T.E.R.)
Dogsbane VII (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Dogwoman (Dorkham Asylum)
Doherty, Robert of Earth-741 (Captain Empire)
Doiron, Dir. Erika (Department H head director, Alpha Flight foe) - by Proto-Man
Doka (Snakeroot)
Dolan (Old West, Steam Rider's father)
Dolan, Eustace P. of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ads, Spirit character)
Dolan, Gerard Arthur (Ghost Rider (Ketch) character) - by Proto-Man
Dolan, Mike (Jack Frost foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dolan, Professor (pre-FF character)
Dolan, Robert "Bob" (Old West, Steam Rider)
Dolan, Sean (Bloodwraith)
Dolan, Vivian (Butterball)
Dollar of Earth-88469 (elder assistant to Revenue)
Dollar Bill (Defenders character) - by Chadman
"Dollmaker" (WW2, Dran Decker)
Dolly (xt child, 1960s Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Dolly (vampire-hunter, Blade character) - by Markus Raymond
Dolly, Jake (Brothers Grimm)
Dolly, Nathan (Mister Doll/Brother Grimm)
Dolly, Priscilla (Madame Doll, Mister Doll's wife)
Dolly, William (Brothers Grimm)
Dolman, Gray (Spider-Man/Spider-Woman foe) - by Minor Irritant
Dolomite (Marvel UK, Dragonfly)
Dolores (Undead MC)
Dolos (Olympian god of lies) - by Proto-Man
Dolph (Knights of Pendragon foe) - by Markus Raymond
Dolphin (Ani-Mates)
Dolus (Dolos)
Dom of Earth-928 (Ninja-Nostra member) - by Proto-Man
Dom (DD foe, Insomnia henchman)
Domblue, Ethan (Sin-Eater)
Dome (Joy Boys)
Domenic, Paul (Master Builder, Berserkers)
Dominator of Earth-982 (MC2, Wizard's Warriors)
Dominatrix (Vixen)
Dominex (Avengers/Thunderbolts foe) - by Proto-Man
Domingo ?? (el Condor henchman) - by Chadman
Domingo, Johnny of Ultraverse (Night Man)
Domini (wife of Dracula)
Dominic ?? (Gavin Thorpe employee)
Domino (Conspiracy/Scourge)
Domino (Neena Thurman)
Domino, Johnny of Ultraverse (Night Man)
Dominor (Inhuman watchman) - by Chadman
Dominus (Avengers/Fantastic Four/X-Men foe)
Dominus (Inhuman soldier)
Domitian (Infinity Watch foe) - by caliban
Domnail (Irish chieftain, Bran Mak Morn character)
Don ?? (Falcon character)
Don of Dons (Don Salvatore Vischetti)
Don Salvatore Vischetti (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Don Santiago de Valdez (Old West vampire) - by Loki
Don Scarpone (Kral Skrull mob boss)
Don the Bomb (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Don the lobster (cyborg crustacean, former partner of Gomi & Bill)
Donahue, Dolly (Defenders ally) - by Chadman
Donahue, Floyd (Skrulls of Kral)
Donahue, Coach Patrick (Our Lady of Hope Parochial School teacher, drug dealer)
Donal (leprechaun of Cassidy Keep) - by Proto-Man
Donal, Stephanie (Defenders foe, Yandroth pawn) - by Chadman
Donal, the Old Man of the Templars of Earth-311 (Donald Blake counterpart)
Donalbain, Mal (Cat foe) - by Proto-Man
Donal Ban of Guildern (Dark Angel/Wild Thing character)
Donaldson, Dr. (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Donaldson, Prof. of Earth-8107 (Vulture victim)
Donaldson, Linda (Secret Empire agent, posed as Beast's friend within Brand Corporation) - by Prime Eternal
Donaldson, Neil (Termite)
Donar (Star-Gods)
Donar the Mighty of Earth-398 (Thor (Asgardian) )
Donarr (Inhuman)
Donatello (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe)
Donder, Jerry (vampire, 1975 AD)
Dongen, Dolph (Danger, Euroforce member)
Donkey (Ani-Mates)
Donlevy, Dr. Nigel (Krobaa victim)
Don Moroni (Spider-Man foe)
Donna ?? (Arlo Samuelson's girlfriend)
Donna ?? (sister of Kelly, Captain Marvel character, mutant)
Donna ?? (Parker Industries, dated Clayton Cole)
Donna ?? (Bouton, Nebraska student)
Donnelly, Dean "Deadman" (sheriff of Clearwater, Gunhawks character) - by Prime Eternal
Donnelly, Everett (Frost)
Donner (encountered Afran Mistforms)
Donner of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent of Baron Knuckleduster)
Donnie ?? (Lucifer victim) - by Proto-Man
Donny ?? (Church of Lucifer)
Donny ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Donoghue, Kirk (Blaze)
Donohue, Bill (Korean War soldier) - by Grendel Prime
Donoratti, Sal (mobster, Daredevil foe)
Donovan (Iron Man foe) - by Markus Raymond
Donovan, "Big Ben" (Marvel Knights foe)
Donovan, Hazel (Power Man (Luke Cage) character)
Donovan, "Lefty" (Hobgoblin imposter) - by Henrique
Donovan, "Little Ben" (Big Ben's son)
Donovan, Milla (Daredevil's wife) - by Chadman
Donovan, Paul (Thunderbolts Gang)
Donovan, Ray (FBI agent, former NYPD, Spider-Man ally) - by Prime Eternal
"Don Shreck" of Earth-88194 (Terror/Shreck)
Don Vincenzo Pardo (Deadpool foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Don Vito Torrancio (Delilah victim)
Doodle, Elmer (1950s US Marine, "Boot-Camp" Brady character)
Doole, G.P. of Earth-8107 (millionaire arcade collector)
Dooley (Thaddeus Smythe's chauffeur)
Dooley, Peter (Lorna, the Jungle Queen character)
Dooley, Roger (Shield I, Cockroaches)
Doolin, Emmy (Wolverine foe)
Doolin, Sgt. (Wolverine character)
Doolittle, Abner (Night People, Nth Command)
Doom of Earth-2301 (Mangaverse, Avengers foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Doom the Living Planet of Earth-10964 (Spider-Man & Wolverine foe)
Doom, Dr. Bob (She-Hulk foe) - by Will U
Doom, Viktor of Earth-38191 (Caliph Doom)
Doombear (Dr. Doom-armored brown bear, Squirrel Girl foe) - by Chadman
Doombot A76 (X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Doombringer (Power Man/Iron Fist foe) - by Grendel Prime
Doombringer (Wolverine foe)
Doomprayer (Iron Man "foe")
Doomsday Machine (Ultimo)
Doomsday Man (Silver Surfer/Ms. Marvel foe) - by Spidermay
Doomsday Man (Energy Drainers, Campbell Kids/Captain America foe) - by Norvo
Doomsday-Mech of Earth-7484 (Luther Manning clone, Deathlok the Demolisher foe)
Doomsman (Andro, Dr. Doom foe)
Doomsman (Fantastic Four foe)
Doomsmith of Eurth (Dr. Doom counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Doomstomp ("Who Wants to Be a Thunderbolt?" competitor)
Doop (X-Statix member) - by Proto-Man
Doopool of Warp World (Deadpool/Doop fusion)
Doorman (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Doorman (Plasmer character)
Doot of unrevealed Earth (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron)
Dopey Duck (Howard the Duck)
Doppelganger (X-Factor foe)
Doppelganger (evil Spider-Man counterpart, Carnage ally) - by Proto-Man
Doppel Shock (Fleer Ultra Spider-Man, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Dorcas, Dr. Lemuel (Namor foe) - by Chadman
Dore, Adrienne of Earth-712 (American Eagle's wife)
Dore, James Sr. (American Eagle)
Doreen ?? (Matt Murdock character) - by Chadman
Doremus, Janice (Janice Cord/Eve Doremus)
Dorhun (Inhuman warrior) - by Grendel Prime
Dorian (Speedball character)
Doris ?? (killed by husband, Daredevil character)
Doris (Landau, Luckman and Lake lab experiment) - by Patrick D Ryall
Doris ?? (Mr. Wallace's secretary)
Doris ?? (Lucy Chamber Bont's friend)
Doris ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Doris ?? (Daredevil character)
Doris ?? (elderly woman turned Inhuman) - by Chadman
Dork, Francis (WWII, Fiery Mask foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dorma (Nebulon)
Dorman, Jake (Midtown High, Spider-Man character)
Dormouse of Earth-238 (Crazy Gang)
Dormouse (agent of White Rabbit, Spider-Man foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Dorn, Ral (Dragon Lord, Dragon Riders)
Dorn, Sibyl (Brethren)
Dorrek I (Skrull emperor) - by Donald Campbell
Dorrek VII (Skrull emperor, Avengers/Fantastic Four foe) - by Chadman
Dorrek VIII of Earth-721 (posed as Earth-616's Hulkling)
Dorrek Supreme (Kree/Skrull hybrid, formed Knights of the Infinite)
Dorrit (Sisters of Grace)
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor robot (Mad Thinker's Intellectual Robots)
Dot 33 of Earth-928 (Avalon Five)
Double, Alison (Captain Britain character) - by Loki
"Double Bonus" of Earth-691 (31st Century, Punishers)
Double Edge of Ultraverse (Solitaire foe) - by GrendelPrime
"Double-Fisted Defender of Democracy" (Patriot (Jeff Mace))
Double Helix (London Morlocks, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Double-Tap (Johnny Blaze foe)
Doubting Tommy (private investigator)
Doucheblade (Howard the Duck)
Doug ?? (It's Amazing Crew)
Doug ?? (Ghost Rider (Ketch) character)
Doug ?? (young entrepreneur, Great Lakes Avengers neighbor) - by Proto-Man
Doug ?? of Earth-2301 (Sentinel Force)
Doug ?? (Sally Floyd ally) - by Chadman
Dougan of Earth-311 (Dum-Dum Dugan counterpart)
Doughboy (shapeshifting artificial being, Arnim Zola servant) - by Chadman
"Doughy Boy" of Reality-8417 (Herald of Galactus, Golden Oldie ally) - by Loki
"Dougie" (Douglas Arthur Cartland)
Dougie ?? (Starkesboro's Night Patrol)
Douglas (WW2 major, Red Skull victim)
Douglas, Arthur of Reality-19454 (Drax-Man)
Douglas, Heather (Moondragon)
Douglas, Howard (18th century vampire)
Douglas, Jesse (Blaze Carson foe) - by Loki
Douglas, Lemo (Golden Age, Hercules (Varen David) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Douglas, Pamela (Sundragon, Moondragon's cousin)
Douglas, Sam (NYC Fire Department)
Douglock of Earth-9620 (captured & turned into living computer system by Black Air)
Dourdevil of Earth-83138 (Earth-Grit, Daredevil counterpart) - by Loki
Dove, Honey of Earth-8107 (actress) - by David Lawrence
Dove, Honey robot of Earth-8107 (Mysterio's robot) - by David Lawrence
Dover (champion fighter employed by Mr. Hyle)
Dovinia (Changelings, Woodgood character) - by Loki
Dowlati (Inhumans character)
Down, Dan (Gambit character)
Downer (Daisuke, sleep-inducing Inhuman) - by Chadman
Downes, Doctor Bohemia (Mercy Corporation)
Downes, Johnny (1950s mutant) - by John Kaminski
Downing, Alicia (former Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters guidance counselor) - by MarvellousLuke
Downunder (Tag Team)
Doy, Mervin (Blonde Phantom foe)
Doyle (Inventor henchman, Ms. Marvl (Kamala Khan) foe)
Doyle, Douglas (Night Raven character) - by Loki
Doyle, Nikki (Wild Thing) of Earth-8410
Dozer, Jonathan of Earth-7481 (Apeslayer)
Dozer, Maureen of Earth-7481 (Apeslayer's mother)
Drabny the Fixer of Earth-9602 (Amalgam Character)
Drac de Ferro of Earth-99101 (Laberinto hero, Avengers/Iberia, Inc. member) - by Loki
Drachiss of Earth-9218 (Hulk foe)
Draco (Spider-Man foe, Spider-Man: Invasion of the Dragon Men Book & Record Set)
"Draco" (Order of the Black Sun)
Draconis (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Dracula ( you need an explanation?)- A literal MONSTER of a profile -by the Masters of the Obscure
Dracula, Vincent of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories character) - by caliban
Dracus (Thor foe) - by Grendel Prime
Drag of Earth-5106 (Space Squadron character)
Draghignazzo of Earth-Shadowline (Dr. Zero)
Drago, "Blackie" (Vulture)
Drago, Bull (convict, Totem foe)
Drago, Leon (scientist, horror character) - by Grendel Prime
Drago, Raniero (Vulture)
Drago, Zoltan (Mister Fear)
dragon of Lanjau (Conan foe)
dragon (shrunken to lizard size, 1950s)
dragon (Camelot, encountered by "Jean Grey")
Dragon ("Committee of Five")
Dragon of Earth-Shadowline (Dr. Zero)
Dragon of Earth-597 (Excalibur character) - by Loki
Dragon (xt, Silver Surfer "foe")
Dragon (Night Blade foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dragon (hero, Dragonlord foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dragona (Deviant, Delta Force) - by Prime Eternal
Dragona (heroine, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Dragonblood, Ulysses (Deviant, X-Force ally) - by Prime Eternal
Dragon Bone (Shadow foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dragonclaw (Rage/Harris Porter, Silk character)
Dragonfire (Night-Raven foe) - by Loki
Dragon Face (Old West, Apache Kid foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dragon Fist (Strike Force One, Iron Fist clone)
Dragonfist of Earth-982 (MC2, Spider-Girl foe) - by Future
Dragonfly (Veronica Dultry, Ani-Men/Femizons/Masters of Evil) - by Chadman
Dragonfly of Earth-7712 (Fantastic Four)
Dragonfly (Marvel UK, Supersoldiers) - by Changeling
Dragonfly (Marvel Italia, Task Force member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with translation aid from Angelo Mammone
Dragonfly (Karsano, Spider-Man character)
Dragonfly (Meiko, Spider-Man character) - by the Voice of Doom
Dragon King (Fafnir of Nastrond)
Dragon King of Earth-982 (MC2, Spider-Girl character) - by Future
"Dragon Lady" of Earth-148611 (New Universe, Justice character)
"Dragon Lady" (Miss Locke)
Dragon-Lord (Namor foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dragon Lord (Lord Tuan)
Dragon Lord (Yü-Ti, son of Tuan)
Dragon Lord (Marvel Spotlight) - by Prime Eternal
Dragon Lord (Ral Dorn) - by Prime Eternal
Dragon Lord (Skagerackrakor)
Dragonlord (elemental villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Dragon Man of Earth-13182 (Fantastic Four Consolidated)
Dragon Man (Draco)
"Dragon of Idlewood" (Kodom Shath foe)
Dragon of Justice of Earth-93121 (summoned by King Arthur) - by Grendel Prime
"Dragon of Moondark Mount" (dragon, Savage Tales character) - by Loki
Dragon of the Moon (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Dragon of Wall Street (Black Knight/Heroes for Hire character) - by Norvo
Dragonpaw (Nocturne character) - by Per Degaton
Dragonrider (Atlantean, Fathom Five member) - by Chadman
Dragon's Daughter (Salamandra)
Dragon Shade (F.O.O.M. character) - by AvatarWarlord72
Dragon-Slayer (Gilgamesh)
Dragonsworth, Patsy (Gingerbread Man creator, Howard the Duck character)
Dragonus (Werewolf/Dr.Strange foe)
Dragonus (Kronak ally)
Dragon who Sleeps Outside the City (Shou-Lao the Undying)
Dragonwing (Rising Sons)
Dragoom (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Dragoom of Earth-80219
Dragoon (Dragon-Men of Ligra, Howard the Duck/Marvel Zombies character)
Dragorr (Gnome's giant robot body, Namor foe)
Dragunov (Punisher character)
drake (Doctor Bong mutate)
Drake (Namor character)
Drake (criminal, Daredevil character)
Drake (Daredevil foe)
Drake Vader of Reality-83764 (Howard the Duck/Darth Vader mash-up)
Drake, Anne (Iceman's aunt) - by MarvellousLuke
Drake, Carlton (Life Foundation, Spider-Man/Venom foe) - by Markus Raymond
Drake, Chance (Old West saloon owner) - by Grendel Prime
Drake, Denny (Starion)
Drake, Sir Francis of Earth-58472 (Howard the Duck's famous cousin)
Drake, Martin (photographer, romance character)
Drake, Robert (Iceman)
Drake, Demosthenes Q. (Draco)
Drake, Divinity (Aamshed)
Drake, Jessie (mutant, Typhoid Mary ally)
Drake, Malcolm (Dragon of Wall Street)
Drake, Marlene McKenna (wife of Frank)
Drakion Destructoid (Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man
Drakla (Miss America foe)
Drakonmegas, Cassandra (ex-wife of Beelzeboul)
Drakonmegas, Mikal (Hellfire)
Drakula (Howard the Duck)
Drall (Endrionic, Lethal Legion member) - by Proto-Man
Dralla (Middle Ages hero) - by Spidermay
Dran, Damon (aka Indestructible Man, Black Widow/Captain America/Daredevil foe)
Drang (brother of Sturm, Thor foe)
D'rango Y. (Skrull)
Draper, Sally (Bainwood Jury, found Bainwood not guilty)
Draugr (710 AD, Order of Hydra)
Drax-Man of Reality-19454 (Arthur Douglas, Daily Guardian photographer, Guardians of the Galaxy cartoon) - by Loki
Drayne, Brian (Brain Drain)
Dread (Conan's dog)
Dread (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe) - by Proto-Man
Dread, Arkady of Earth-1211 (Others)
Dread, Marie of Earth-1211 (Others)
Dreadbot (Mad Thinker's robot) - by Proto-Man
Dreaded One (Psi-Wolf)
Dread Liege (Shadowqueen)
Dreadlord of Eurth (Baron Heinrich Zemo counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Dreadlox (viral swarm)
Dreadknight (Iron Man foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Dread Persuader (Mephisto)
Dreadstar, Kalla of Earth-8116 (Dreadstar's daughter)
Dream Creature (Beast Man)
Dream Crystal of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Dream Demon (Morpheus/Robert Markham)
Dream Demon (Thor foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dreamer (Glorian/Thomas Gideon)
Dreamer (Mara, The Nest)
"Dreamer" (Beautiful Dreamer)
"Dreamer" (Zalkor)
Dreamer (Job Burke)
Dreamguard (Force Works ally) - by Markus Raymond
Dreamkiller (astral being, aspect of Alex Tennyson, Darkhawk foe) - by Proto-Man
Dream Maker (Count Nefaria)
Dream Master (Captain America (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dream Master (Count Nefaria)
"Dreamwalk" (Altjira)
Dream-Weaver (Glorian/Thomas Gideon)
Dream Weaver (Dr. Strange foe)
Drearr, Dr. Neculai (Sun Girl foe)
Drebb, Zachary (Aquarius, Zodiac Cartel)
Dredd, Joseph of Forbidden Planet (Judge Dredd, comic shop ad)
Dredge (Old West era Mephisto servant)
Dredge of Earth-93122 (Death Wreck foe)
Dredmund Druid (Captain America/Nick Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal
D'reel of Reality-791 (Lorq, Star-Lord foe)
Dreel (xt, Entari, Men on the Wall foe)
Dreeme (son of Noyo & Laynnen, Conan character)
Dreer, Dr. Maxim (Doctor Dreer)
D'rehn (Shi'ar, Starjammers foe) - by Chadman
Dreir, Alexandra (daughter of David)
Dreir, David (Human Fly foe) - by Grendel Prime
Drenkov, Igor (Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Drew (Illuminator)
Drew ?? (wedding guest of Doug Hutchinson)
Drew, Alton (It character)
Drew, Babe (It character)
Drew, Bobbie (Golden Age, Hercules (Varen David) character)
Drew, Cory (It character)
Drew, Davey (Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Drew, Desmond (Black Talon)
Drew, Gerald "Gerry" of Earth-982 (Spider-Man, son of Jessica Drew)
Drew, Jessica (Spider-Woman)
Drew, Jonathon (Spider-Woman's father)
Drew, Merriem (Spider-Woman's mother)
Drew, Patience (Namor character)
Drey, Amber (Dracula character)
Dribble, Doris (Norman's wife)
Dribble, Norman (Macho-Man, British/Klaktonian hero)
Drihn Van Le of Ultraverse (Orange Lotus Cult)
Drill (Power Tools)
Drin (Order of the Black Sun)
Drinkingproblem, Ted (Star Soccer TV show presenter)
Driscoll, Amy (Jock's daughter)
Driscoll, Anne Darrow (Jock's wife)
Driscoll, Jock (Swamp City architect)
Drive (Inhuman, Medusa agent) - by Chadman
Driver, Harold (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Driver Reese (Wolverine foe)
Drivin' Drake (Howard the Duck)
Drivin Ivan (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Dro of Earth-950108 (Searchware of the Clave)
Droga (Conan foe)
Dro'ge Fenu Edu (Skrull scientist) - by Grendel Prime
Dromedan (Deviant mutate) - by Prime Eternal
Dromek (Conan foe)
Drom the Backwards Man (Spider-Man/Iron Fist foe) - by Markus Raymond
Drom the Spirit-Weaver (The Warriors of a Thousand Galaxies)
Drone R-11 (Galactus' servant, Dazzler character) - by GrendelPrime
Drone-X (Drones)
Droog (Hulk foe)
Droom (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Droomedia Rex (Droom)
Droook (Badoon War Commander, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)
Droopy (Shrunken Bones)
Droplet of Ultraverse (Flood's imaginary friend)
Droth of Earth-700089 (1960s cartoon, Fantastic Four foe) - by Loki
Drothor (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Drrf (diminuative Jotunheim Frost Giant) - by Chadman
Drudd, Simon (pre-FF scientist) - by Madison Carter
Druff, Dan (lazy man, "the Stingiest Man in the World")
Drug Dealer (Spider-Man character) - by Stunner
Drugunda Thal (Thongor)
Druid (Doctor Druid)
Druid (Dredmund Druid)
"Druid Ghost Rider" (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Druid King (Hyborian, Hamand foe)
Druid, Anthony (Doctor Druid)
Druig (Eternal) - by Prime Eternal
Druig (Enclave)
Druker, Kurt (Enclave)
Drumm, Jericho (Brother Voodoo)
"Drummer" (Danny Bellaman)
Drummond, Leland (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Dryad (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke
Dryans, Donald (Salmon Stunt Man)
Dryden, Jon ("A Man Destroyed", TV movie character)
Dryminextes (Human Torch and Son of Satan foe)
Dryrot (Spider-Man foe) - by Changeling
D'sean (NYX character)
D-7 ("Killdozer")
D'Spayre (Fear Lord, Spider-Man/Man-Thing/Cloak & Dagger/Doctor Strange, etc. foe) - by Norvo
du Lac, Augustine (Black Knight)
du Paris, Bennett of Earth-295 (Exodus)
Duamutef (Horusians)
Dubiel, Beatta (Bloodlust, Femme Fatales)
DuBois, Dr. Claudia (medical doctor, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
DuBois, Helene (Dracula character)
DuBois, Jacques (Dracula character)
DuBois, Zelda (Princess Python)
Ducanard of Earth-15110 (Howard the Duck foe)
DuChailu, Marie (Number Two/Madame Menace, Rat Pack)
DuChamp, Jean-Paul "Frenchie" (Committee appearances only)
Ducharme (Shang-Chi character) - partial entry
Duchess Belladonna (Microverse, Slug body-swapper)
Duchess Dolores de Toledano (17th century vampire)
Duck, Dewey of Earth-Superhelden Special (Donald Duck's nephew)
Duck, Donald of Earth-Superhelden Special (Spider-Duck)
Duck, Huey of Earth-Superhelden Special (Donald Duck's nephew)
Duck, Louie of Earth-Superhelden Special (Donald Duck's nephew)
Duck Deity (Howard the Duck character)
Duck Doom of Earth-93726 (Ducktor Doom)
Duckknight Detective (Howard the Duck)
Duck-Girl (Beverly Switzler)
Duck-Man (Howard the Duck)
Ducktor Doom of Earth-93726 (armored duck from 2099 A.D., Spider-Ham foe) - by Mike Castle
Ducktor Doom 2099 of Earth-93726 (Ducktor Doom)
"Ducotron" (Retrievers of Atlantis)
Ductor Doom 2099 of Earth-93726 (Ducktor Doom)
"The Dude" (Renegades)
Dude in the Really Rad Armor (Speedball foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dudek, Josef (1950s Polish defector) - by Grendel Prime
Dud-Man (D-Man)
”Dudikoff” (Tigra foe)
Dudley, Homer (1950s, Joe Tully's former boss)
Duende (1522 AD, Order of Hydra)
Duet (Slice and Dice)
Duet of Ultraverse (Firearm foe) - by Grendel Prime
Duff (Fantastic Four character, Brain Parasites host)
Duff, Eric (Ewan's son)
Duff, Ewan (Dracula foe)
Duffer (WW2, Captain America imposter)
Duffy of Earth-8410 (Death Wreck)
Duffy, Thomas (Polestar, Great Game)
Dufour, Arthur (Matt Murdock character) - by Chadman
Dugan (late 1940s, Vincent Varl's manager)
Dugan of Earth-730834 (SHIELD)
Dugan, Betty (1950s vampire, mother of werewolf Donald)
Dugan, Claude (1950s, Donald Dugan's uncle/victim)
Dugan, Donald (1950s werewolf, I was a pre-teen Werewolf)
Dugan, Michael (1950s vampire, father of a werewolf Donald)
Dugan, Mickey (Yellow Kid; possible name)
Duggan, Earl (Marvel horror, voodoo killer) - by Ron Fredricks
Duhl, Elsbeth (Man-Thing character)
Duhl, Roland (Nightmare Boxes, Man-thing character)
Dukas (Human Fly foe)
Duke (Bobby Lathrop's dog)
Duke (Barbara Norriss' dog)
Duke ?? (Tiger Shark victim)
Duke (Kingpin agent)
Duke (Corporation)
Duke ?? (Jaime Rodriguez co-worker) - by Proto-Man
Duke of Earth-5555 (Erin)
Duke, Errol (Foreigner doppelganger)
Duke Bleys (S'ym)
Duke Ctranj of Eurth (Dr. Strange) - by Proto-Man
Duke Fernando de Toledano (17th century vampire)
Duke Stratosphere of Earth-928 (Dr. Doom 2099 character) - by Zerostar and Snood
Dukes, Fred J. (Blob)
Duktor Strange ("Duckworld")
Dulb (Fomor)
Dulouz, Jack (Doctor Sax)
Dulpus (Deviant, Avengers foe) - by Stunner
Dultry, Margaret (Dragonfly's sister)
Dultry, Veronica (Dragonfly)
Dumas, Napoleon Caesar (Abdul Alhazred agent)
Dumballah (Damballah)
Dum-Dum Dugan (Timothy Aloysius Cadwaller Dugan)
"Dum-Dum Klum" (Francis Klum (Mysterio) )
Dummy (Journey into Mystery character) - by Madison Carter
Dummy (X-Student, Special Class) - by Norvo
Dumog of Earth-691 (31st Century, Formalhauti)
Dumuzi (Tammuz)
Duna of Other Realm
Dunbar, Samantha (Lancer) of Counter-Earth (Franklin)
Duncan ?? (encountered Cyclops (monster), pre-FF)
Duncan ?? (Namor character)
Duncan, Dave (Scarecrow character)
Duncan, Fred (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Duncan, Jess (Scarecrow character)
Duncan, Kenneth William (Lady Gorgon victim, Punisher character)
Duncan, Paul (corrupt Mutant Civil Rights Task Force agent) - by Proto-Man
Dundee (pool enthusiast, "Wall-Eyed" Pike ally)
Dunderhead (D-Man)
Dunk (Duncan Sebast)
Duner, Major (Captain America character)
Dunlap, Brian (Ogre, Factor Three)
Dunlap, Mr. (1950s director)
Dunlap, Norton (Marvel Tales charcter) - by Spidermay
Dunlop, Brian (Boost)
Dunn of Earth-94157
Dunn of Earth-691 (31st Century, Punishers)
Dunn, Dan (co-Supreme Serpent, Sons of the Serpent) - by Prime Eternal
Dunn, Fiona (Brotherhood)
Dunn, Henry (1950s, bookkeeper) - by Ron Fredricks
Dunn, Lester (encountered gorilla)
Dunn, Mr. (Masked Marauder)
Dunne, Charlie (Indiana Jones character) - by Loki
Dunph (D-Man)
Dunphy (I.N.S., Daredevil character)
Dunphy, Dennis (D-Man)
Dunphy, Duke (romance character)
Dunphy, Ruth "Rufus" (D-Man's sister) - by Chadman
Dunsinane, Dominic (Domino)
Dunton, Abigail (Visioneer)
Dunton, Sam (Visioneer's son)
Duntumbla (Grosgumbeekian)
Dupe, Won Ton (Spider-Man foe)
Dupen'th (extraterrestrial Webb member, New Mutants foe) - by Proto-Man
Dupont, Roussel (Rapido)
Dupres, Anthea (Daily Bugle reporter, ClanDestine character) - by MarvellousLuke
Duquesne, Rene (Crimson Cavalier)
Duran (Hskelon, Die-Cut victim)
Durand, Vincent (1950s, voodoo victim) - by Ron Fredricks
Durango (Reno Jones foe)
Durant, Phillip (Mad Slayer)
Durbuur (Darbian, Cloak&Dagger character, no pictures)
Durge of Reality-691 (Badoon soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)
Durgg of Reality-691 (Badoon soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - by Markus Raymond
Duro, Maria (el Sombro character)
Duro, Ramon (el Sombro charater)
Durok the Demolisher (Thor and Silver Surfer foe) - by Luis Dantas
Durrance, Teddy (Hodiah Twist ally) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Dursa (Conan character)
Durst (the Warden, Yelena Belova foe)
Duryea, Kurt (Freeware)
Duval, Clémence (Poodle, Litter)
Duval, Gail (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Duval, Horace (Julius Keaton)
Duval, Pierre (French resistane, WW2) - by Spidermay
Duval, Pierre (Gail's husband)
Duvario (Gonra of the Sword foe)
Durzzak (Conan foe)
Dusa, May (Medusa, Gorgon)
Dusk (Hellbent)
Dusk (Nightmare foe) - by Markus Raymond
Dusk ("Slingers", Mephisto/Puppet Master foe) - by G Morrow
Dusk of Earth-41613 (black-suited Spider-totem, Spider-Verse character) - by Copeinator123 & Proto-Man
Dust (Dazzler foe) - by Norvo
Dust of Earth-92131 (Sooraya Qadir, X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke
Dust Daughter Queen of Earth-13729 (queen of underworld beings) - by Proto-Man
Dust Dragon (Allergen Gang)
Dust Johannsen (Hellstorm character)
Dusty (Morlocks)
Dutch (Jerry Donder's dog, 1970s)
Dutch Oven (West Coast Avengers would-be member/foe) - by Proto-Man
Dutta (Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dutton (V.I.G.I.L.)
Dutton, Chief (Daredevil character)
Duxon, Richard Millnest ("Duckworld")
D'Var (Shi'ar scout) - by Proto-Man
Dvorak, Sybil (Skein/Gypsy Moth)
Dwane, Stephen (encountered Kusoom)
Dwarf (Darkhold)
Dweeb-Man (D-Man)
"dweller-in-darkness" (Wyrm)
Dweller-in-Darkness (Fearlord, Dr. Strange foe)
Dweller in Darkness (Si-Fan, Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle
Dweller in Darkness (Red Lord)
Dweller in Dreams (Time Traveler/Enigma Force)
Dweller in Shadows (House of Shadows)
Dweller in the Pit (Zug)
Dweller on the Threshold (Rom foe) - by Donald Campbell
Dweller of the Pool (Pthassiass)
Dworman, Jim (Cybertek Systems Inc.)
Dwyer, Marissa (Candace Nelson's friend)
Dyam, Carter (Brightsword, Young Gods)
Dyke (Kinsmen)
Dyker, Arch (Diamondhead)
Dyker, Archibald (Diamondhead)
Dyker, Archie (Diamondhead)
Dykon (Beginagains)
Dylan, Phillip "Philly" (Punisher character)
Dylon-Cir (Lunatic Legion)
Dynamic Donut of Destruction (Big Wheel/Jackson Weele)
Dynamic Man (Golden Age hero, Twelve member/foe) - by Norvo
Dyna-Mite (Roger Aubrey, aka. Destroyer)
Dynamite of New Universe (Mike Crawley)
Dynamite (Generation M character) - by Chadman
dynamite dinosaur (Behemoth Jack)
Dynamo (Hector Dialonzo, Techno-X)
Dyngo (Snark, Inhumans foe)
Dynorr the Stalker (Sub-Mariner foe)
Dyoahn (Kalibar's daughter)
Dyskor the Purveyor (Dr. Strange character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Dyson, Edward "Eddie" (Payback)
Dyson, Dr. Gina (Coldblood ally) - by Markus Raymond
Dyson, Lawrence of Earth-80219
Dyson, Leander (Satana character)
Dzilos (Brood member) - by Darc_Light
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Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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