These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and Villains, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.

E., Kevin (Former Order of Mutants)

Eagle (Old West, Marie Lathrop's horse)

Eagle (Old West, Aguila)

Eagle (Alejandro Montoya, Aguila)

Eagle (S.T.O.R.M.)

Eagle-Eye, Junior Spy (pre-teen secret agent)

Eagle, He'e'e (NFL SuperPro character)

Eagle, Herbert (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man

Eagle, Laura (He'e'e's sister)

Eaglemore (U.S. Army general, Daredevil foe)

Eaglus (New Men of High Evolutionary's Counter-Earth, Hulk character)

Eagor (Aegir)

Eallal (Kull character, King of Valusia)

Earl ?? (Mauler killer)

Earl ?? (news reporter)

Earl (Sweat Shop)

Earl ?? (Jeremy Briggs' security guard)

Earl ?? of Earth-18136 (saloon patron)

Earl of Darwell (Red Lucy foe)

Earle, James H. (judge, Daredevil character)

Earth Creature (Elemental Creatures)

Earth God (Lord Gaea)

Earthling Joe (Space Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Earth-Lord (Ralphie Hutchins)

Earth Lord (Earth Force, Thor character)

Earth Man (Green Demon foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Earth-Mover (Berserkers)

Earth-Mover (Iron Man foe) - by Hugo V. Negron

Earthmover (Alpha Flight member) - by Norvo

Earthquake (Shi'ar Imperial Guard) - by Chadman

"Earthquake Baby" (Inhuman, Alpha Flight character) - by Chadman

Earthshaker (Neptune)

Earthshaker of Earth-982 (MC2, Spider-Girl foe) - by Future

Earth-Shaker (Tyrannus creation, Nova foe) - by John Kaminski

Earth-Shaker (Darkhawk ally)

East, Jonathan (Sorcerer)

Easter Bunny (Doctor Bong)

Easterner (They)

East Wind (Four Winds)

Easton, Richard (Snowbird's father) - by John Kaminski

Eater of Hearts (Ammut)

Eaton, Joan (Nails, Elite Agents of SHIELD)

Eban (Moon Knight character)

Ebbtide (The Pipeline, Nomad foe) - by Proto-Man

Ebenezer ?? (summoned by Micah Synn)

Ebers, Augustus (Yazdi Gem)

Ebers, Florence (Yazdi Gem)

Ebersol, Paul Norbert (Fixer)

Eblis, Nicholis (Man-Thing foe)

Ebon Flame (Lottie Hederman/Eikenski)

Ebon Samurai (Big Hero Six member) - by Madison Carter

Ebon Seeker (Fantastic Four character)

Ebora (Priestess of Sligguth, Dr. Strange foe)

Ebrok (creator of Cat People) - by Prime Eternal

Ecce the Watcher (Galactus character) - by MarvellousLuke

Eccles, Albert (F.66)

Ecdysiast (stripper) - by Prime Eternal

Ech (New Mexico Outcasts)

Echidna (Defenders foe) - by Markus Raymond

"Echino" (Roger Fieldston mutate)

Echo (Olympian nymph) - by AvatarWarlord72

Echo (Maya Lopez, Daredevil/Avengers character) - by Chadman

"Echomelian assassin woman" (Murd Blurdock love interest)

Eckhardt, Jonas Wilhelm (Axis Mundi, Necromancer) - by LV

Eclipse (criminal mystic, Ten Rings, Ironheart foe) - by Chadman

Ecliptic (Zodiac member)

Eco, Rikki (Sofia Strange ally)

E-Coli (Fight Man foe)

Ecological Eyesore of Earth-80360 (oil slick monster)

Ector, Thane (Brethren)

Ed ?? (London Star editor, Headline Hunter character)

Ed ?? (police officer) - by Chadman

Ed ?? (Cross-Technologies)

Ed (Iron Fist foe)

Ed ?? (ex-mutant, X-Men character)

Edam (Froma, Iron Man/Punisher foe)

Edda the Watcher (Quasar character)

Eddie ?? (Hooded Horror victim)

Eddie ?? (Thunderbolts Gang)

Eddie ?? (Daredevil story)

Eddie ?? (Midas the Golden Man victim)

Eddie ?? ("Commitee of Five" ally)

Eddie (Skrulls of Kral)

Eddie ?? (bystander, witnessed Daredevil in the streets)

Eddie ?? (thief, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

Eddie ?? (cop, saw Daredevil save a suicidal man)

Eddie ?? (drug dealer)

Eddie ?? (Generation M character)

Eddie ?? (White Tiger (Del Toro) foe) - by Chadman

Eddie, Reno (Moon Knight character)

Eddie the Cross (Skinhead)

Eddy ?? (King-Cake Killer foe)

Eddy, Fahnbullah (Gorilla Girl)

Eden (tattooed lady, Tiboldt circus member) - by Chadman

Eden, Kirk (Damage Control, Ghost Rider (Ketch) character) - by Proto-Man

Eden, Samantha (Ulysses Bloodstone character) - by Al Sjoerdsma

Edendale, Chip (reality TV star/entertainer, Elektra character) - by Chadman

"Edev" (Eved)

Edgar (Lt. Belial's raven, D.O.A.)

Edgar ?? (Daredevil foe...kind of)

Edge ("Ultravengers")

Edge of Ultraverse (Double Edge)

Edge, Darkos (Satana foe)

Edge, Hubie (Roach)

Edgerton, Gayle (Chamber's ex-gf, Generation X foe) - by Norvo

Edifice Rex (Damage Control character)

Edison (NFL SuperPro/Spider-Man foe)

Edison, Dixie (Paladin character)

Edison, Emmette (Dixie's father)

Edison, Thomas (clone, Inventor)

Edi-Tor of Earth-9078 (Son of Santa ally, What the-?!)

Editor (Latverian media manipulator) - by Prime Eternal

Edkin, Joseph "Joey" (Avengers character)

Edleman, Mr. (Reverend Styge follower)

Edmonds, Dr. Paul (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man

Edmund ?? (Mandarin ally) - by Chadman

Edmundson, Miss (H'ylthri victim)

Edric (Conan foe)

Eduardo ?? (Triune Understanding member) - by Proto-Man

Eduardo ?? (demon posing as human used bookstore owner, Daimon Hellstrom ally/foe) - by Proto-Man

Eduardovitch, Semyon (Savage Land Mutates victim)

Edward ?? (X-Men character)

Edward ?? (Reese butler)

Edward ?? (Scarlet Knights, nicknamed "Ned")

Edward ?? of Earth-21766 (advisor to Pres. Ronald Reagan circa 1984) - by Proto-Man

Edward ?? of Earth-77013 (Blue Fly victim, Spider-Man character)

Edwards, Curtis (Ghost Dancer foe)

Edwards, Frank of Earth-712 (Remnant)

Edwards, Hank of Earth-8107 (scientist captured by Vulture)

Edwards, Mathew K. of Earth-10511 (Roxxon enemy, Wolverine story)

Edwards, Simon ("Smiling Simon")

Edwin ?? (Wall Street Club member, Daimon Hellstrom ally)

Edwina ?? (Brood)

Ee'Ching (Hyborian era, former host to Thoth-Amon)

Eeek (New Mexico Outcasts)

Eel (Leopold Stryke, Serpent Squad/Crime Wave/Emisarries of Evil member) - by Chadman

eel (Fantastic Four character, Brain Parasites host)

Eel (Edward Lavell, Maggia/Masters of Evil/Enforcers/Thunderbolts member) - by Chadman

Eel (SURF)

Eel of Earth-28121 (Vennema Multiversal's Hunt Squad)

Eela-Man (supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man

Eelak the Agile (Inhuman, Crimson Cadre) - by Chadman

Eelar (Defenders foe) - by Chad Anderson

Eena of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)

Eerok (Giant ape, Fantastic Four foe) - by Madison Carter

Eev of Earth-78411 (Devil Dinosaur/Moonboy ally) - by Grendel Prime

Effendi Mahomad (Golden Age, Silver Scorpion foe) - by Ron Fredricks

Effex (Ultragirl/New Warriors foe)

Effigy (First Line member) - by Norvo

Efford, Dame Ruth (Fantastic Four character)

Egan, Hy (police officer, Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man

Egel (pre-cataclysmic scientist, 2001: A Space Odyssey)

Egeus (Black Knights of UCT, Adam Warlock foe)

Egg (Squirrel Girl character)

Egg (Technarch, Kid Kaiju character) - by Chadman

Eggbreaker (Wildebots of Sakaar, Hulk foe)

Egg Drop Stoop (Spider-Man foe)

"Egg Head" (Binary Beings)

Egghead (Ant-Man/Avengers/Defenders foe) - by Chadman

Egghead (Bunsen Burners, Punisher foe)

Egg-Nog possibly of Earth-665 (Captain Mar-Vinn foe, Not Brand Ecch)

Eggs Benny (Atlantic Medhaden fish, Koi Boi ally)

Eggther (giant, skeleton found by Order of Hydra)

Egma the Watcher (Quasar character) - by MarvellousLuke

Ego-Prime (portion of Ego the Living Planet, Thor/Quasar foe)

Ego-Spawn (aspect of Franklin Richards)

Egros (xt, consciousness survived in Ego the Living Planet)

Ehman, Heidi (Avengers character)

Ehren, Anita (Battleaxe)

Ehrthold (Man-Thing foe)

Eichorn, Jacob (Styx, partner of Stone, Spider-Man foe)

Eigen (Conan foe)

8-Ball (Eightball, Fatboys)

8-Ball (Sleepwalker/She-Hulk foe) - by LV

Eightball (Fatboys, Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Eightball (Dr. Pow's bodyguard)

Eightball (Inhumans character)

Eightyfive of Reality-691 (Force, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)

88 (Nomad foe) - by Prime Eternal

Eihu the Watcher (Quasar#16)

Eikenski, Charlotte (Nazi, death camp commander; later Lottie Hederman)

Eileen ?? (Kerry's sister)

Eil'gi possibly of Reality-791 (Iforani)

Eine (Kree, Skrulls foe)

Einhardt of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)

Einhorn (V.I.G.I.L.)

Einstein (Bombers)

Einstein of Earth-741 (intelligent mouse, Captain Empire character)

Einstein, Albert (famous theoretical physicist) - by Loki

Einu the Watcher (Quasar character)

Eisele, Horst (HYDRA section chief, Thunderbolts foe) - by Prime Eternal

Eisen (WW2, the Face)

Eisenhardt, Max (Magneto/Erik Magnus Lehnsherr)

Eisenhardt, Ruth (Magneto's sister) - by Peteparker

Eisenhart, John of Earth-928 (Hulk 2099)

Eisenstadt, Conrad (Undertaker)

Eisner (Eugene Van Der Merwe's partner)

Eisner, father (Dracula character)

Eisner, Marie (Dracula character)

Eiskalt, Adrian (Magneto foe) - by Zerostar

Eiskalt, Üte (Adrian's brother)

Eithinoha (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)

Eithriall the Invincible (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

Eitri the Dwarf King of Earth-904

Ejulp (Oktid, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Ekeko (possibly Vashnu)

Ekker, Dr. Ross (Golden Age, Vision foe) - by John Kaminski

Ekku (Kushite god)

Ekoku, Adewale (Stalwart)

Elker, Larry (Everyman/Zeitgeist)

Elkins (Old West sheriff, Black Rider character)

Ekhidna (Echidna)

Ekl'r (Captain Ultra foe) - by Markus Raymond

el Aguila (Power Man/Iron Fist character) - by Norvo

El Alemain (Crusader)

El Amir, Farouk (S.H.I.E.L.D. foe)

el Brutale (Dr. Friday's agent)

El Caiman (drug lord) - by the Beetle

el Condor (Daredevil foe)

El Condor (South American super-hero, Zeitgeist victim) - by Prime Eternal

El Conquistador (Beast Foe)

El Guguy (A.I.M., Fantasma)

El Diablo (Sub-Mariner foe) - by John Kaminski

El Gato (Cheetah)

el Gato (Omega the Unknown foe) -by Omar Karindu

El Guapo (X-Statix member) - by Proto-Man

El Hombre Que Desaparance (Vanisher)

El Lider (Lightmaster)

el Lobo (Spider-Man foe) - by caliban

El Montano (drug lord, Shanna the She-Devil foe) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro

el Ojo (Phantom Rider (Carter Slade) foe)

"El Presidente" (dictator, sought Crusher's power)

"El Professor" (Crusher, Iron Man foe)

el Sombro (Mexican Old West hero) - by Ron Fredricks

El Supremo (Hulk foe) - by Loki & Snood

el Tenor (Ferraro Colon, mobster, Deadpool/Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man

el Tigre (X-Men/Ka-Zar foe) - by Spidermay

el Tigre (Corporation ship--not a character)

el Tigre of Earth-95120

el Tigre Blanco (White Tiger, Hector Ayala)

el Toro (Old West, el Sombro foe)

el Toro (Giant-Man/West Coast Avengers foe)

el Toro Negro (Spider-Man foe) - by Omar Karindu

el Toro Rojo (Deviant, Delta Force) - by Prime Eternal

el Uno (Spider-Man foe) - by Zerostar

Elaine ?? (Former Order of Mutants)

Elaine of Earth-93121 (King Arthur & the Knights of Justice) - by Grendel Prime

Elan (Infant Terrible)

Elanna (Atlantean (Homo mermani) ) - by Spidermay

"Elastico" (criminal, Fin Fang Four story) - by John Kaminski

Elastika of Earth-534834 (Marvel Action Hour, shape-changing Iron Man foe) - by Norvo

Elata (Dr. Strange character) - by Markus Raymond

Elathan (Fomor)

Elcid Barrett (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)

Eldar (Defenders character) - by Chadman

Elder (Order of the Black Sun)

Elder, Harvey Rupert (Mole Man)

Elder Cotati (Avengers character) - by Stunner

Elder Demon (Silver Surfer foe) - by Future

Elder Goddess of the Eastern Star (Oshtur)

Elder Singer (People of the Whole Moon Hawk)

Elderly Man (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki

Eldrac the Door (Inhuman character) - by MarvellousLuke

"Elec Boy" (Phantome victim)

Elect (Power Platoon)

Electralux (Power Pachyderms)

"Electrellina" (Francine Frye/Electro)

Electric Eve (Chicago Morlocks) - by Darc_Light

"Electric Man" (Volton)

"Electric Monster" (Elk Diamond)

Electro (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo

Electro (50's Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal

Electro (Maxwell Dillon)

Electro (Dirk McGirk creation, Daringdevil love interest; Elektra counterpart)

Electro (Francine Frye, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

Electrode (Department H)

Electro-Eel of Earth-7840 (humanoid animals)

Electro-Man (Captain Britain character - sort of) - by Loki

Electron (Shi'ar Imperial Guard) - by Chadman

Electron (Retrievers of Atlantis)

Electron (Reptil foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Electryon (X-Force foe) - by Sammy 7D

Eleha'al monstrous form (Sakaar, Skaar foe)

Elejea (Inhuman handmaiden) - by Chadman

Elektra (Elektra Natchios)

Elektra (Dirk McGirk creation; Daringdevil foe; Electro counterpart)

Elektra of Earth-8812 (Elektra-Class NinjaBot E4, Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man

Elektra-Class NinjaBot E4 of Earth-8812 (Elektra, Millennial Visions)

Elektro (giant robot) - by Prime Eternal

Elementelle of Earth-398 (Crystal, Queen's Vengeance)

Elena ?? (Defenders character)

Elena ?? (Stone Perfs victim)

Elephant (Ani-Mates)

elephant of Baron Skullfire's successor (Ghost Rider character)

Elephant-God (Ganesh)

Elephant God (African god) - by Grendel Prime

11-Ball (8-Ball's gang)

Eleyn (Amazar)

Elf (Natalie Wood, X-Student)

"Elf of the Staff" (Gandalf)

Elfqueen (Avengers character)

Elfthu of Earth-9078 (Son of Santa foe, What The-?!)

Elf with a Gun (Defenders foe)

Elga ?? (Festung von Furcht)

Eli ?? (Wonder Man character)

Eli ?? (Owl employee)

Elias ?? (encountered Un-Human)

Elias (corrupt NYPD detective, Cole North foe)

Elijah ?? (Man-Thing character)

Elimi (Davy Jones)

Eliminator (Fantastic Four foe)

Eliminator of Earth-8410 (IU-104/E, Baintronics)

Eliminator of Ultraverse (Siren's father)

Eliot ?? (Generation X character) - by Norvo

Eliot, Edgar (Iron Man foe) - by Markus Raymond

Eliphas (Eli Bard, vampiric Selene servant) - by Proto-Man

Elisha (Alpha Primitive, Black Bolt & Maximus foe) - by Chadman

Elite (Vigilante Squad)

Elizabeth I of Earth-78912

Elizabeth, Mary (Dr. Strange character)

Elk Step, Roberta (Wyatt Wingfoot's grandmother)

Elks, Basil (Basilisk)

Ella ?? (Skin and Bones club)

Ella (Selene's maid)

Ellegua (Santerians, Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Ellen ?? of Earth-51124 (ca. 2000 A.D., encountered Robert Gordon)

Ellen (Robed One, resurrected Jan Quill; 1950s)

Ellen ?? (Were-Rats)

Ellen ?? (Sorcerer's mother)

Ellen ?? (Inhumans character)

Ellene ?? (Demonstaff's wife)

Ellin (The Four)

Ellington, Dr. (Daredevil character) - by Markus Raymond

Elliot ?? (Microchip's cousin)

Elliot, Hank (Old West marshal)

Elliot, Martin (Roar)

Elliot, Mr. (A.I.M., Ms. Marvel foe)

Elliott, Darian (The Spike, X-Force)

Ellis (Daredevil character)

Ellis, Alexander (Annex)

Ellis, Ambrose (Dragon Circle)

Ellis, Ken (Daily Bugle, Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant

Ellissya (Bloodseed character)

Ellwood, Marty of Earth-2301 (Mangaverse, Captain Marv-ell)

Elmak the Light-Shaper (Cloudsea dim, Spider-Man character, no picture)

Elmer (Sub-Mariner foe)

Elmer Strange (Merry Maladies)

Elmo ?? (Hulk foe)

Elmo (Werewolf foe) - by Spidermay

Elmo ?? of Earth-80360 (Aunty Nuke's nephew)

Elo (Moloid, possessed by Mosaic)

Eloganto, Manuel (formerly the Matador) - by Snood & Loki

Elongated Armstrong (Fight-Brigade)

Elric of Melniboné (Conan character) - by Greg O, Spidermay & Jean-Marc Lofficier

El-Ron (Conan/Red Sonja foe) - by Spidermay

Elroy, Calvin (Paragon)

Elsa ?? (Venus character)

Elsa ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Elsewhere (X-Student, Beast character) - by MarvellousLuke

Elsie-Dee (robot, Albert ally, Wolverine character)

Eluke (Shi'ar, Dark Phoenix victim)

Elvira ?? (1950s, Tommy Norton's greedy aunt)

Elviriom (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

Elvis ?? (Stonecold victim)

Elwood, Mr. (Power Man/Iron Fist character)

Elysia (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Ely-Vell of Earth-98120

Ember (Alecto, Furies)

Ember (Carlie Colon)

Ember (Force Works foe) - by Gauntlet: Dark Rider

Ember of Earth-928 (Undead, X-Men 2099 foe)

Ember, Holly Ann (mutant, Aladdin Effect Graphic Novel)

Ember, Joseph (Holly Ann's dad)

Ember, Mary (Holly Ann's mom)

Emberlin, Joseph (Jagged Bow)

Embodiment of the Illusion (Cleito)

Embyrre (Blood/Fallen)

Emerald Elf of Earth-3145 (glider-flying Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man

Emery, Paul (Power Man/Iron Fist character)

Emery, Dr. Zane of Earth-5106 (Space Squadron character)

Emil ?? (1950s Atlas Foundation member) - by Proto-Man

Emil ?? (Children of the Night)

Emil of Earth-9200 (Abomination)

Emily ?? (little witch, horror character) - by Madison Carter

Emily ?? (saved by Squirrel Girl)

Emily's Daughter (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)

Emissary of En Sabah Nur (Arclight/Philippa Sontag)

Emissary of En Sabah Nur (Harpoon/Kodiak Noatak)

Emissary of En Sabah Nur (Riptide/Janos Quested)

Emissary of En Sabah Nur (Scalphunter/John Greycrow)

Emissary of En Sabah Nur (Scrambler/Kim Il Sung)

Emissary of the Enigma Force (Time Traveler/Enigma Force)

Emlot (Eternals of Titan, Moondragon ally) - by Chadman

Emma ?? (Acidroid victim)

Emma ?? (daughter of "Tentacula")

Emma ?? of Earth-96020 (Stark family's housekeeper) - by Norvo

Emmanuel ?? of Earth-88194 (Shadowline, Powerline character)

Emmet, Archer (drug dealer, Daredevil foe)

Emmet, Jim (1950s criminal, stopped by Billy Herrick)

Emmett ?? (King's Crossing)

Emnu the Watcher (Tales of Suspense I#53/2)

Empathoid (Spider-Man foe)

Empedocles of Agrigentum (Triumvirate of Mages)

Empereur du Monde Southern (Thing/Heroes des Paris foe) - by Proto-Man

Emperiatrix (Empress of the Brood)

Emperor (Fantastic Four foe)

Emperor (Jason of Sparta)

Emperor of Sandt (Man-Thing foe)

Emperor Dorrek I (Skrulls) - by Donald Campbell

Emperor Eson (Jason of Spartax's father)

Emperor Goozot of reality-691 (31st century xt ruler, Hulk/Yondu foe) - by Norvo

Emperor of Mars of reality-59523 (2306 AD conqueror, Monica Rambeau foe) - by Markus Raymond

Emperor of Mongolia (Eternal Brain foe) - by Norvo

Emperor of Sky Island (Graviton)

Emperor of Terra of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)

Emperor of Texas (Team America foe)

Emperor Septimius Severus (Roman, Bran Mak Morn foe)

Emperor Thakorr of Earth-8310

Empire-7 of Ultraverse (Strangers/Prototype ally) - by Grendel Prime

Empress of the Ama (xt, Silver Surfer foe)

Empress of Illusion (Spite)

Empress of the Brood (X-Men foes)

Empress of the Dark (Miyu)

Empress R'Klll (Skrull Empress) - by Norvo

Emptiness that Devours of Earth-691 (31st Century, Karanada)

Empyrean (X-Men foe) - by Proto-Man

Emulator (Ember Quade, Inhuman, Ms. Marvel/Squirrel Girl ally/foe) - by Chadman

Enbe (Thunderhoof, Force Four)

Enchantress of Earth-904 (Magik, Illyana Rasputin)

Enchantress of Earth-9591 (Ruins, adult performer)

Enchantress of Earth-730834 (Masters of Evil, Avengers: United They Stand)

Enchillado (Andrew Malvern)

End (Wolverine/Captain Marvel (Danvers) character) - by Minor Irritant

Enderle, Dr. Jurgen (built hand for Colonel Klaue)

Endless One (Cagliostro)

Endless Voyager (Voyager)

Endo, Suzi (Iron Man character) - by Gauntlet: Dark Rider

End of All There Is (Ravager of Worlds)

Endolana of New Universe (Far Place)

Endotherm (Iron Man foe)

Endros, Giao (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

Enemy (Unnameable)

Enemy (alias of Khlog)

Enemy of All Life of "Earth-93112" (Magus)

"Enemy of Red" (Mighty Bull)

"Enemy of the Underworld" (Mister E (Victor Jay) )

"Enemy of Tyranny & Dictatorship" (Roger Aubrey, aka. Destroyer or Dyna-Mite)

energized (Centurions, Firelord character)

Enforcer (Ghost Rider/Spiderwoman Foe) - by Donald Campbell & Snood

Enforcer (Mike Nero, Hood foe) - by Grendel Prime

enforcer/punisher (Grad Nan Holt, one of many)

Engel, David (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

English, Aaron Tagma (Dollar Bill)

English, Bonnie (late 1940s circus performer) - by Grendel Prime

English, Michael (Atom Smasher)

English, Ronald (Atom Smasher)

"English Knight Ghost Rider" (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki

Engu the Watcher (Captain Marvel I#39)

Enigma (Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant

Enigma Force (Time Traveler, Microverse)

Enigmo (Deviant, Delta Force)

Enilwen (She-Hulk character) - by Will U

Enitharmon the Weaver (Dr. Strange character)

Enlil (Dagon) - mostly discussed in the comments

Enmity (cosmic abstract entity, personification of animosity, Lady Liberators foe)

Ennis Tremellyn (Thing/Doctor Strange foe) - by SQUEAK

Enoch, Hans (Atlas horror) - by Grendel Prime

Enrakt (Enchanters)

Enrile, Pablo (Stone Perfs)

Enrique ?? (La Bandera ally)

Enriquez, Sgt. (Fantastic Force character)

En Sabah Nur Apocalypse

Ensign, Frank (Guardsman Prime; Avengers character) - by Proto-Man & Snood

Enslaver (Silver Surfer foe)

Ent (Morlock) - by Darc_Light

Enteki (Snakeroot)

"Entirely Visible Girl" (Flasher/Kristin Koenig)

Entity (dark Professor X)

entity (Ralph Hutchins)

entity (unnamed, within Resurrection Stone)

entity (The Nest)

Entity (Hungry)

Entity from the Moon of Ultraverse

Entity (X-Men character) - by Grendel Prime

entity (Archenemy)

"Entity" (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man

Entos (Inhuman, Hulk foe)

Entropic Man (Jude)

Entropy (Captain Marvel character) - by Stunner

"Entym" (Roger Fieldston mutate)

Enyo (Bellona)

Eoin (Leprechauns of Cassidy Keep)

Eosimias (Hong Lianje, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

Ephialtes (Aloadai, Ares foe)

EpicCrimez (live-streaming criminal, Squirrel Girl foe) - by Chadman

Epimenides of Knossos (Triumvirate of Mages)

Epimetrius the Sage (Conan character)

Epiphany (Captain Marvel (Genis) character) - by Stunner

Epoch (cosmic being, daughter of Eon) - by Prime Eternal

Epstein, Brian (The Beatles' manager)

Èpt-Rass (Lunatic Legion)

Eqnuus (Bastianite)

Eques (X-Men promotional character) - by Madison Carter

Equilibrius (Savage Land Mutates) - by Chadman

Equinox (Spider-Man character)

Equinus (Centaur, fantasy hero) - by Prime Eternal

Eradica (Annihilation Wave, Annihilus' concubines)

Eradikator 6 (robot warrior, Punisher foe)

Erce (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)

Erda (Asgardian, Odin character)

Erdoes, Alfonso (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

Erektra of Earth-83138 (Grit, Elektra counterpart)

Ereshkigal (Mesopotamian Death Goddess, Thor character) - by Will U

Ereshkigal (Deviant, Thor/Quasar foe)

Erg (Morlocks, X-Men/Power Pack foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Erg, Morton (Gopher)

Eria (Conan character)

Eric ?? (Lucius Farnsworth enemy)

Eric ?? (reporter, interviewed Foggy Nelson)

Eric ?? (Bartovian Liberation Front)

Eric ?? (drug dealer, Danny Guitar ally)

Eric ?? (friend of Echo (Maya Lopez) )

Eric ?? (father of Squirrel Girl's childhood friend)

Eric the Red (Davan Shakari)

Eric the Viking of Earth-8107 (viking reawakened in the modern era)

Erica ?? (Postman's wife)

Erik ?? (Norwegian civilian)

Erik the Lion Tamer (1930s, Dugan Travelling Circus of Wonders, Dominic Fortune character)

Erik the Red (Davan Shakari)

Erik the Red (Dr. Zero)

Erika ?? (charge of Sister Angelique)

Erikson (trained Leatherneck Raiders for winter combat) - by Prime Eternal

Erin of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) foe)

Eris (Bellona)

Eriskegal (Mesopotamian Death Goddess, Thor character) - by Will U

Erista (Tribe of Fire, Wolverine's child)

Erlik (Mongolian and Hyborian god) - by Kyle Smith & Greg O

Erlik Khan (demon) - by Kyle & Greg O

Erlking (Auferstehungs Corps)

Ernie ?? (cop, Daredevil/Black Panther character)

Ernie ?? (Captain America ally)

Erop (Quarrnian)

Eros (Cupid)

Errol, Douglas (1930s, flying saucer witness, possibly abducted by Skrulls) - by Donald Campbell

Erskine, Abraham (Captain America character, Operation: Rebirth) - by G Morrow

Ertzia (Inhuman, Hoody character) - by Grendel Prime

Erwin ?? (encountered Toad God)

Erwin, T.W. (Nth Command, Avengers character) - by Proto-Man

Erymanthian Boar (Hercules foe) - by Will U

Erynys (Daredevil/Elektra foe)

"Escapee from a Horror Movie" (dinosaur, Spider-Man foe, TV commercial character) - by Proto-Man

Eschu (African God)

Eshu (Master of the World)

Esh-Uta (Broker's slaves)

Esme ?? (trafficked young woman, Hellstorm/Black Widow/Conan ally) - by Proto-Man

Esmera (Queen of Kaliklak, Micronauts character)

Esmeralda ?? (Ms. Marvel character) - by Spidermay

Eson (Spartoi emperor, Jason of Spartax's father)

Espanto of Earth-88194 (Terror/Shreck)

Espejo, Hector (What if character) - by Proto-Man

Esphares (Angel, Grigori)

Espia (Centurions, Torrent)

Espinosa, Angelo (Skin)

Espirita (Firebird)

Esrit (Conan foe)

Essex, Nathaniel (Mister Sinister)

Esso (Spider-Man foe, Golden All-Star Book)

Esta (Sisters of Grace)

Estelle ?? (1950s, Namor/Namora foe)

Estelle ?? (Arnie Milsap's ex-wife, Storm character)

Esterhase of Reality-80324 (Paradox's father)

Esterhase, Mark (Paradox) of Reality-80324

Esteves, Rosa (Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) character) - by Norvo

Estevez, Steven (Spider-Man character)

Esther ?? (charge of Sister Angelique)

Estigma of Earth-98120 (Laberinto character, Solar Squadron/Triada Vértice member) - by Loki

Estregone (Three Sisters)

E.T. (Zrek, Conquest member)

Etchison, Gabriel (Sancha's cousin)

Etchison-Carlsberg, Sancha (Open Space story) - by Madison Carter

Eternal Brain (First Line member) - by Norvo

Eternal Embodiment of All Hallows Eve (Samhain)

Eternal One (Volkhvy)

Eternal Warrior (W’Sulli ally)


Eternity Man (Jason Beere, Avengers foe)

Eternity's Bastard (Voyager)

Ethan ?? (Sons of the Serpent)

Ethan ?? (X-Statix story)

Ethel ?? (Monsteroso character)

Ethel of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)

Ethel ?? (encountered Chondu the Mystic)

Etta ?? (waitress, Strange Tales)

Ettlinger, Markus (Hauptmann Deutschland)

Eubel of Earth-94157

Eucalypta, Sister (Ultron's robot, Avengers foe)

Eugene ?? (drug dealer, NYX character)

Eugene (Daredevil/Punisher character) - by Chadman

Eugenix member One/I (New Warriors foe)

Eugenix member Four/IV (New Warriors foe)

Eugenix member Seven/VII (New Warriors foe)

Eugenix member Nine/IX (New Warriors foe)

Eugenix member Eleven/XI (New Warriors foe)

Eugenix member Twelve/XII (New Warriors foe)

Eugevnia (D-Man character) - by Chadman

Euler, Katrina (Hulk character)

Eulogy ("Seven Friendless")

Eunuch (servant of Sultan, Tigra foe)

Euphrosyne (Joya)

Euro-Adaptoid (Marvel Italia, Gemini foe) - by Loki & Angelo Mammone

Eurydice ?? (Captain America character)

Eurystheus (Hercules foe) - by Will U

Eurytion (Argonauts)

Eurytus (Argonauts)

Eva ?? (friend of Lance Cashman)

Eva ?? (Daredevil character)

EVA of Earth-11045 (presumably Weapon Infinity/Deathloks)

Evan ?? (student, Beast character)

"Evangeline" (Darius Venginian pawn)

Evans (WW2 pilot, Garaz enemy)

Evans (Amesville alderman)

Evans (Team America foe)

Evans, Alice (Leslie's wife)

Evans, Andy (Human Fly character)

Evans, Bess (Ernest's wife)

Evans, Charles (Venom character)

Evans, Doris "Dorrie" (Human Torch (Johnny Storm) love interest) - by Chadman

Evans, Doris "Dee Dee" (Willie Evans Jr.'s mother)

Evans, Ed (1950s time traveler) - by Ron Fredricks

Evans, Ernest (bookkeeper of Oliver Gombol)

Evans, Ernest "Ernie" (Persuader)

Evans, Jim (Old West, Sting-Ray)

Evans, Lawrence "Larry" (Bolt)

Evans, Leslie (Groot foe)

Evans, Mal (Human Fly character)

Evans, Ned (Ernest's son)

Evans, P.J. (Defender foe)

Evans, Vinnie (Marc Stone ally) - by Prime Eternal

Evans, Willie Jr. (mutant, Fantastic Four/Iron Man/X-Factor character)

Evans, Willie Sr. (Willie Evan Jr.'s father)

"Eve" (1 million BC, Wanderers)

Eve (Beverly Switzler)

Eve (Ophrah Industries A.I. assistant) - by Proto-Man

Eve ?? (associte of Kerry)

Eve ?? (X-Student)

Eve 3, 031 of Earth-691 (21st Century, Death-Birth)

Eve the snake (snake, Daredevil character)

Eved (Baron Karza pawn) - by Grendel Prime

Evek (Microverse, Homeworld king; Argon & Mari father)

Evelyn ?? (18th century, jealous of a witch)

Evenor (Man-Thing character)

Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Howard the Duck of Earth-88011 ("Thing-Duck", Legion of Howards)

Ever Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing of Earth-22177 (Thing, Millennial Visions 2001)

Everbest, Ross G. (Foolkiller)

Everett of Earth-8107 (scientist working for Kingpin)

Everett, Bill (real life Timely/Marvel Comics artist, Human Torch ("Jim Hammond") ally) - by Proto-Man

Everett, Earl (Master Mind Excello)

Everett, Eugene "The Kid" (Thing/Daredevil character) - by SQUEAK

Everett, Jimmy (Microman, Golden Age)

Everett, Mr. (Master Mind Excello's father)

Everett, Mortimer (Barnacle)

Everhart, Christine (Daily Bugle, Iron Man character) - by Prime Eternal

Evers, "Dutch" (Kevlor)

Everwood, Clifton (late 1940s socialite)

Everwraith (Big Hero Six foe) - by Caesar Godzillatron

Everyman (Captain America/Spider-Man foe) - by Prime Eternal & Snood

"Everyone's Favorite Talking Blob" (Doop)

Evil (Monsters of Bald Mountain)

Evil Incarnate (Mephisto)

Evil McWeevil of Earth-57780 (Spider-Man foe)

Evil One (Skurge the Executioner)

Evil One (Shadow King)

Evin, Kathisul of Earth-7888 (Dark Angel)

Evita ?? of Earth-80360 (Aunty Nuke's niece)

Ewing, Mark (Conspiracy) - by Will U

Ewing, Thomas (Firefly)

Exacto, Mack (knife-thrower, Howard the Duck character)

Exalt (The Ruined)

Exalted One (Aged Genghis)

Examiner (creation of Sligs, Avengers West Coast foe)

Examiner (X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Excaliber (Spider-Woman (Drew) foe) - by Will U

Excavator (Wrecking Crew member) - by Madison Carter

Excellency of Earth-49121 (@ 30th century; Golden Age, Blonde Phantom foe) - by Ron Fredricks

Excello (Master Mind Excello)

Executioner (Lupa Lupoff, Captain America foe) - by Spidermay

Executioner (communist dictator, Thor foe)

Executioner (Skurge, Thor/Avengers foe)

Executioner (Rawhide Kid villain) - by Prime Eternal

Executioner (Calliope's Circus)

Executioner of Earth-238 (Crazy Gang)

Exeter, Tiberius (Rome-World, Dr. Strange character)

Exile (Fantastic Four foes) - by Markus Raymond

Exile (Nightmare foe) - by Markus Raymond

Exile (Darkforce-manipulating Inhuman, Iron Man foe) - by Chadman

Exiter (familiar to Satana)

Ex-Lax (Undergrounders)

Exmore, Sam (Fast Lane, Spider-Man character) - by Prime Eternal

Exodus (Bennet du Paris)

Exo-Mind (Hellfire Helix, Bloodgem)

Exorcist of Earth-88194 (Shadowline, Merchants)

Expatriate (Generation X foe)

Expediency ("Seven Friendless")

Experiment 247 (giant turtle)

Experiment 36-B (Florus Homo)

Experiment XYZ (giant turtle)

Exploitinator (She-Hulk character) - by Will U

explorer (unnamed, Baloneyverse, Wildmoon, She-Hulk foe)

Explorer (Elder of the Universe)

Explorers' Club President (Zad Compton story)

"Explosa" (Brotherhood character)

Extermina (Bride and mother of Annihilus, Annihilation character)

Exterminator (Death-Stalker, Daredevil foe)

Exterminator (Deck Borate, armored Orkin pest controller) - by Grendel Prime

Exterminatrix (Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr) ally) - by Markus Raymond

Extirpia (concubine of Annihilus, Annihilation Wave) - by Chadman

Eye (eyeball-shooting villain, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man

Eyeglare of Earth-88469 (Mutations, Dead Clown foe)

Eye of Odin (Thor character)

Eye of Ra (Lion God/Sekhmet)

Eye Patch of Earth-57780 (Spider-Man foe) - by David Lawrence

Eye Scream (X-Men foe)

Ezili (African God)

Ezili, Calypso (Spider-Man/Daredevil foe)

Ezili, Mambo (Calypso's sister, Daredevil foe)

Ezekeel (Angel, Grigori)

Ezekiel (Spider-Man ally) - by Henrique

Ezell, Nick (police detective, encountered the Marvel/Mawk Hawkins)

Ezra ?? (Dr. Strange character)

Ezra ?? (Solomon Kane foe)

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