These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and Villains, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.

K1 of unrevealed Earth (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who character)

K-9 (robot dog, Doctor Who, Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron)

K., Bertram (Former Order of Mutants)

Ka (Bird of Creation, pre-Cataclysm)

Kaa (warlord of Shadow Realm, Hulk/Champions/Alpha Flight foe) - with help from Prime Eternal

Ka'ardum (Shi'ar, X-Men character) - by Chadman

Kaaris'a (Dire Wraith) - by Prime Eternal

Kaaskop (Netherlands, Superhelden Agenda)

Kabaki, Olisa (Bedlam, Exemplars)

Kabal (Zephyrland, the Four)

Kabal, Geraldo (Werewolf character) - by Donald Campbell

Kaballa (Conspiracy, Golem foe)

Kaboom (NuHuman, Ms. Marvel (Khan)/Captain Marvel (Danvers) foe) - by Minor Irritant

Kabor of New Universe (Far Place)

Kabuki-Back (Head Hunters)

Kabunian (Bathala)

Kacy (Inhuman, the Tribe member)

Kada (Lorna character)

Kadagar, Pilgrim golem of Reality-49327 (Mars colony ca. 2026 AD, Death's Head (Minion) character)

Khadhdhaab, Al (12th century, Adam Destine foe) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro

Khyber (cyborg, Wolverine (Skrull) & Jubilee foe) - by Chadman

Kadir (Tuk the Caveboy character)

Kadlec (Seeker, Inhumans)

K'admon, Adam (K'ad-Mon of the Fallen Stars)

K'ad-Mon of the Fallen Stars (Man-Thing character) - by Prime Eternal & Snood

Kadmos (Cadmus)

Kaecilius (former Minion of Mordo, Doctor Strange foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond

Kaef (agent of Domitian, Infinity Watch foe)

Kaffkal (Tribe of Fire)

Kafka (mutant, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Kafka the dog (dog of Caviar Killer's former boss)

Kag (wolf, Tuk the Caveboy foe)

Kag (Captain America of the 1950's foe) - by Spidermay

Kaganitzky, Dima Alekov (Dragunov)

Kage (Hand, Black Axe foe) - by Grendel Prime

Kagg (Miners of Xorr, Thor character)

Kagrok the Killer (Dr. Doom foe)

Kagutsuchi (Japanese god of fire)

Kagu Zuchi (Kagutsuchi)

"Kahani, Sulieman" (Solomon Kane)

Kahn, Shaman (Doctor Who character)

Kah-Tah-Den (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

Kai, Li-Peng (Kogar)

Kaifi, Ronan (Sakaarian, Hulk story)

Kai-Dong, Chiang (Si-Fan faction leader, Shang-Chi foe) - by Prime Eternal

Kai-Mak (Golden Age villain) - by Madison Carter

Kaimonnen (Conan character)

Kain, Morgan (Pacific Overlords)

Kaina (Marcy Kane, Spider-Man/Jack of Hearts character)

Kai-Ra (Rime Giant) - by Prime Eternal

Kai-Shek (Kingpin ally) - by Chadman

Kai'tra (Shi'ar, X-Men foe) - by Grendel Prime

Kaity, Dr. (Human Fly character)

Kak (Ongulian race)

Kala (Iron Man foe) - by Norvo & Snood

Kalamari (Skrull, Fantastic Four foe) - by Norvo

Kalden (Inhuman king)

Kal'Du (Skrull, follower of Queen Veranke) - by Donald Campbell

Kale, Andrew (Jennifer's brother, Man-Thing/Witches character)

Kale, Dante (Dan Ketch/Johnny Blaze ancestor, Ghost Rider character) - by Proto-Man

Kale, Destin (17th century, Johnny Blaze/Dan Ketch ancestor) - by Proto-Man

Kale, Illyana (Jennifer's ancestor, Cult of Zhered-Na)

Kale, Jennifer (Dr. Strange/Man-Thing, etc. character)

Kale, Joshua (Jennifer’s grandfather, Man-Thing character)

Kale, Magdelena (17th century, Johnny Blaze/Dan Ketch ancestor) - by Proto-Man

Kale, Naomi (mother of Dan Ketch & Johnny Blaze, Ghost Rider character) - by Proto-Man

Kale, Noble (Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch's spirit of vengeance) - by Proto-Man

Kalen (Namor ancestor, grandson of Kamuu)

Kalen, David "Davey" (D.K.)

Kalen, Henry "Hank" (D.K.'s brother)

Kaley ?? (crushed on by Fife)

Kâli (Hindu Goddess) - by Will U

Kali (Wayfinder's followers)

Kali (The Nest)

Kali (Iceman foe) - by Grendel Prime

Kâli (Dalindra, Cult of Kali, Shroud foe) - by Prime Eternal

Kali (X-Men foe) - by Sammy 7D

Kâli (Mercy)

Kaliban (Inhuman, Yeti's brother)

Kalibar (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence

Kalikya (Inhuman) - by Chadman

Kalimachh (Vision (Aarkus) foe) - by Ron Fredricks

Kalinator (X-Force foe) - by Madison Carter

Kalinsky, Sal (imported heroin, Daredevil/Black Tarantula foe)

Kaliph, Rama (Dr. Strange character) - By Jean-Marc Lofficer & Snood

Kalish, C.B. (Madame Fate)

Kalishnikov, Alexi (Samisdat)

"Kali-Sta" (Deviant Horde)

Kall of Earth-49121 (@ 30th century, Blonde Phantom foe)

Kallara (Monitor robot woman, Thing character)

Kalldin-Zo (Enslavers/Troxx)

Kalligor (Hyborian warrior) - by Grendel Prime

Kalmaku, Happy of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Kalmari (Black Knight foe) - by Markus Raymond

Kalnab (xt, Gramosian, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) foe)

Kalnan, Archie (night watchman, Spider-Woman (Drew) character) - by Norvo

Kalorian (Count Abyss)

Kalousek (security guard, Power Broker)

Kalthea (Watcher)

Kal'ti (Wakandan, Agents of Atlas character) - by Proto-Man

Kaluba the Master (worshipful figure for the Priests of Shao-Lom) - by Chadman

Kalumai (demon, Straw Man foe)

Kaluu (Doctor Strange/Mighty Avengers character) - by Markus Raymond

Kalvin of Ultraverse (Shreck's gang)

Kalxor (Skrull, Avengers for) - by Stunner

Kalya (agent of Madam Macabre)

Kama, Sui Ti (agent of Silent Ones)

Kamal (The Shame, street gang)

Kamala (Inhuman, Champions character)

Kamala of an alternate future (cosmically-powered old woman, Kang foe) - by Proto-Man

Kaman-Ru (Blood Stone)

Kaman Thuu (Thongor)

Kamar (Atlantean, Sub-Mariner foe/son) - by Chadman

Ka-Mart the Blue Light Savage of Earth-9047 (businessman/Ravage Land savage) - by MarvellousLuke & Proto-Man

Kamdu (Tibetan resistance fighter) - by Grendel Prime

Kamendae of Irth (Earth-9339, Excalibur ally)

Kamikaze of Earth-21993

Kamil (Ka-Zar character)

Kaminari (Japanese goddess) - by Will U & Prime Eternal

Kaminski, Don (Roxxon)

Kam'n'ehar (Brood, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Kamran (Inhuman, Captain Marvel (Danvers)/Ms. Marvel (Khan) foe) - by Chadman

Kamuu (king, Pre-Cataclysmic Atlantis) - by Prime Eternal

Kamuu (Atlantean (Homo mermani) ) - by Spidermay

Kamyr (Kehilla)

Kan (Wong's ancestor)

Kanaka, Sijo (Takegura's bodyguard)

"Kanczuzewski, Robby" (Strange Ones)

Kandyman of unrevealed Earth (robot torturer, Doctor Who foe)

Kane (basketball player, New York Stride)

Kane, Aleister (Dr. Strange ally) - by Markus Raymond

Kane, Daisy (model, Cleo Vanderlip agent)

Kane, Daryl (Nemesis)

Kane, Eddie (criminal, encountered Two-Headed Thing)

Kane, Eric (pre-FF, Lizard Men) - by John Kaminski

Kane, Eric (time traveler) - by Spidermay

Kane, Garrison of Earth-13393 (3999 AD, X-Men: The Animated Series) - by MarvellousLuke

Kane, Harold "Harry" (Old West, Hurricane)

Kane, Joshua (Werewolf foe) - by Donald Campbell

Kane, Luther (Werewolf foe) - by Donald Campbell

Kane, Marcia (Old West, laundry owner)

Kane, Marcy (Kaina, Spider-Man/Jack of Hearts character)

Kane, Roderick of Earth-62192 (would-be conqueror from the 51st century) - by AvatarWarlord72

Kane, Shannon (WW2, Spider Queen)

Kane, Solomon (Robert E. Howard's Puritan 16th to 17th century adventurer) - by Wolfram Bane

Kaneda (Marvel Italia, Lords of War)

Kanegawa, Hiroyuki (Agent Axis component)

Kang (Nathaniel Richards) of Earth-6311

Kang (Shadow-Earth, Genghis Grimtoad foe)

Kang Cobra (Council of Cross-Time Kangs)

Kang "discoverer" (Council of Kangs)

Kang "final counterpart" (Council of Kangs)

Kang "gorilla" (Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man

Kang "Kaseo" (Council of Cross-Time Kangs)

Kang Kong (Council of Cross-Time Kangs)

Kang-Mesozoic-24 of Earth-99476 (Cross Time Council of Kangs) - by Loki

Kang "M.O.D.O.K." (Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man

Kang Nebula (Terminatrix)

Kang "Orphan" (Council of Cross-Time Kangs)

Kang Ransom (Council of Cross-Time Kangs)

Kang Raulex (Council of Cross-Time Kangs)

Kang Swaach (Council of Cross-Time Kangs)

Kang, Marcus (Scarlet Centurion)

Kang's father of Earth-41571 (reported missing son) - by Proto-Man

Kang's mother of Earth-41571 (discovered missing son) - by Proto-Man

Kanga Khan (Hulk foe)

Kangaroo (Frank Oliver, Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner & Snood

Kangaroo (Hibbs, Spider-Man foe)

Kangaroo the Conqueror of Earth-8311 (Larval Earth, Scavengers foe)

Kankrr (alien operative, Starbrand (Brandy Selby) foe) - by Proto-Man

Kan-Laon (Bathala)

Kannon, Doris (Spider-Man character) - by Markus Raymond

Kanto (control room worker on Fantastic Four movie)

Kanto of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist

Kanu (Atlas Era character) - by John Kaminski

Kao (Chinese resistance fighter)

Kao-Goto Suru (Face Thief)

Kaok (Void Indigo, demon of Sominus)

Kapah (Fall People, Ka-Zar character)

Kapany, Dr. (Brand Corporation, Mosaic foe)

Kapelos, Andreas (Arms Merchant)

Kaper, Jack (Iron Man character) - by Prime Eternal

Kaplan, Barry (encountered Elfqueen & Gorn) - by Proto-Man

Kaplan, William (Wiccan)

Kapoor, Melanie "Mel" of Earth-61112 (Magic Boots Mel)

Kaposvar, Bettina (Brides of Dracula)

Kapoztas, James (Cardiac foe)

Kappelhoff, Dr. Andrew (Project: PEGASUS)

Kapplebaum, Abraham (Anna's father)

Kapplebaum, Anna (Captain America character) - by Norvo

Kaptain Briton (Captain Britain foe, Marvel UK) - by Loki

Kara of reality-64356 (conquered Mars @ 31st century, allied with Julias Caesar/Charles Cotta)

Kara ?? (friend of Kiden Nixon)

Karadoc (Evil Walkers)

Karaguchi Inoyawa (Red Ronin character)

Karai (victim of Kah-Tah-Dhen's offspring)

Karal (Atlantean guard) - by Prime Eternal

Karall of Earth-56989 (elderly former general, defeated Xanu invader) - by Prime Eternal

Karanada of Earth-691 (31st Century, Topographical Man component)

Karanda (Shi'ar, Lilandra ally) - by Chadman

Karant Kiar (Skrull, Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo

Karanthes (Conan character) - by Spidermay

Karanthes (Priest of Azoth)

Karas (Firefall)

Karashnur, Simyon (Marada the She-Wolf foe)

Karath (The Four)

Karbon (Tektos)

Kareem, Hassan (Gog and Magog)

Kareesh-Bek (Slayers Elite)

Karel (X-Men character) - by Sammy7D & Snood

Karen ?? (Nighthawk character)

Karen ?? (Lila Cheney concert attendee)

Karen ?? (the baby, Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Karen ?? (Daily Bugle staff) - by Chadman

Kargus the Deadly (Hedzek monster sent to attack the Tirenians)

Karia (Arkon's steed)

Kariel (Conan character)

Kari-Le (Jakar's wife)

Karindu, Omar (Dr. Strange character)

Kariooq (Great Beasts, Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo

Karis of Earth-1211 (Others)

Karisma (Fantastic four foe)

Karista (Children of Bast)

Karjee (Triune Understanding member) - by Proto-Man

Karkas (Deviant scholar, Eternals ally) - by Chadman

Karl ?? (Werewolf of Wilmach)

Karl ?? (Werewolf foe)

Karl ?? (Lorna the Jungle Girl foe)

Karl ?? (aide of Dr. Sweikert)

Karlak (Namor/Namora foe) - by John Kaminski

Karlbad, Dr. (mad scientist, Ape trainer)

Karlbad, Virginia (Dr. Karlbad's daughter)

Karlk (White Ape of Sorjoon/human hybrid, Conan foe)

Karlot (Reptyl victim) - by Cheyne

Karlovich, Ivan (Psycho-Man agent, Fantastic Four foe)

Karlskin, Timothy (Death-Shield)

Karm, Seden (Zann/Chlorite, X-Men foe; Watchers on the Wall)

Karm Karvus (Thongor)

Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh)

Karn, Rhamtha (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

Karna (12th Century, servant of Hassan ibn Sabbah)

Karnaj (Lord Karnaj)

Karnak of Earth-8545 (Vi-Locks)

Karnik, Nalini (NYPD police commissioner, Daredevil character)

Karnilla (alternate reality Asgardian god, proposed Thor animated series)

Karnivore (Man-Beast)

Karnowsky, Sylvia (Stark International Research Division, Iron Man character) - by Donald Campbell

Karr, Jameson (Golden Age, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72

Karr the Mummy (Jameson Karr)

Karragan the Unforgiving (Human Torch/Galactus foe) - by Grendel Prime

Karrg (It the Colossus foe) - by Markus Raymond

Karr-Oll (Kree, Avengers character)

Kar-Sagg (Kree scientist, creator of Midnight Sun) - by Prime Eternal

Karsano (Dragonfly, True Believers)

Karsh (Centauri race, Microverse)

Karsov, Maria (Winter Olympics)

Kartag the Keeper (Thor character)

Karthon the Questor (Namor character)

Kartu Kon (Astonishing character, alien) - by John Kaminski

Karygmax (Avengers foe) - by Spidermay

Karza (would-be Skrull Emperor) - by Donald Campbell

Karzai, Zakim (Iron Man foe) - by Chadman

Karzni, Miklos (Elod Kisfaludi enemy)

Karzni, Mrs. (Miklos' wife)

Karzz, the Conqueror of Earth-67626 (Avengers foe)

Kasady, Cletus of Earth-33734 (Carnage)

Kasatanov, Valeri (Skull-Jacket character)

Kasema (Kehilla)

Kasha (1950s, Tibetan freedom fighter) - by Grendel Prime

Kashuygin, Vlad (Russian scientist, Marvel RPG character) - by David Lawrence

Kasloff, Dr. Orson (Asbestos Man)

Kaslov, Mr. (Red Guardian (Belinsky) character)

Kaspar the Dead Baby (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki

Kasper, Mrs. (1950s, Charlie Frost's landlady)

Kass (Stalkers, Venom/Vengeance foe)

Kassim ?? (Cult of the Living Pharao)

Kastyx (Kehilla)

Katabolik (Demon-Fire)

Katan (xt, Feruvians)

Katana (Cyber-Ninjas)

Katar of the Bloody Blades (The Ruined)

Kate ?? (encountered Tyrannosaurus)

Kate ?? (Heartbreak Hotel)

Kate ?? (Persuader victim)

"Kate" (Darius Venginian pawn)

Kate ?? (American Panther's mother)

Kate ?? (nurse, Daredevil character)

Kath, Katu (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Kathar (Kehilla)

Kathisul Evin Earth-7888 (Dark Angel)

Kathulos (Dr. Strange foe)

Kathy ?? (Namor/Namora character)

Kathy ?? of New Universe (Myron Feldman patient)

Kathy ?? (Ricochet character)

Kathylis (cosmic entity, Silver Surfer character) - by Prime Eternal

Katie ?? (Poppa's Olympian Palace, Daredevil character)

Katinka (Dracula foe)

Kativa (Man-Killer)

Katmandingo (Fight Man foe)

Kato (Stuff's disguise)

Katos (Young Gods' teacher)- by Prime Eternal

Katrin of Reality-81165 (Backworld)

Katrina (Man-Killer)

Katrina the Bareback Rider (1930s, Dugan Travelling Circus of Wonders, Dominic Fortune character)

Katrinka ?? (wife of Bruno, pacifist) - by Proto-Man

Katrinka ?? (Black Widow (Romanoff) foe)

Kattan-Tu ("Mark Sarkan")

Katu (Moomba foe)

Katu (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Katuman (Conan character)

Katy ?? (librarian, predecessor of Watkins the werewolf)

Katyusha (First Line member) - by Norvo

Katz, Mel (FBI, Man-Wolf character)

Katz, Dr. Rudy (Typhoid Mary ally/victim)

Katzenbach, Nicholas de B. (Sons of the Serpent enemy) - by Proto-Man

Katzenbaum, Nick (Punisher foe)

Katzenborn dragon (1550s, Solomon Kane foe)

Kaufman, Elvira (Dracula victim)

Kaufman, Karl (Phantom Eagle)

Kaufmann, Isaac of Earth-85133 (Devil-Slayer MAX character)

Kaur, Benazir (Hellfire Club)

Kaviti, Koru (Skrull, Spider-Woman foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Kavula (Conan character)

Kawade, Deanna (Kid Kaiju's mother)

Kawade, Kei (Kid Kaiju)

Kawade, Minouru (Kid Kaiju's father)

Kawolski, Big Earl (Dugan Travelling Circus of Wonders, Dominic Fortune character)

Kaxton, Barbara (Carl's daughter)

Kaxton, Carl (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

"Kay, Brandon" (Skrull, Spider-Man imposter)

Kaye, Michael (General Argyle Fist agent)

Kayla (Wolverine character) - by Markus Raymond

Kayla (X-Men character, Colossus' love interest) - by MarvellousLuke

Kaza, Dr. (Solomon Prey ally)

Kazantra (Eternal) - by Prime Eternal

Ka-Zar (Kevin Plunder)

Kazarian (Apocalypse)

Kazi of Reality-21394 (xt, "Kiashon" leader/advisor)

Kazir, Abdul (Nick Fury foe) - by Loki

K.C. (Darklove victim)

Keach, Jack (WZNY reporter)

"Keane, Mrs." (Tumbler's mother)

Keane, John Robert (Tumbler, Michael's brother)

Keane, Michael Kenneth (Tumbler)

Kearney (Watchdogs)

Kearns (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent) - by Proto-Man

Kearse, Aaron (religious Mutant Civil Rights Task Force agent) - by Proto-Man

Kearse, Amy (Aaron's wife) - by Proto-Man

Kearse, Matthew (Aaron's son) - by Proto-Man

Keating, Kris (Defenders/Spider-Man character) - by Chadman

Keaton, Alex P. (Bainwood Jury, found Bainwood not guilty)

Keaton, Arthur of Earth-68320

Keaton, Denise of Earth-68320 (vampire)

Keaton, Julius (Marvel mystery character) - by John Kaminski

Kedrov, Natalya (Maverick character)

Kedzierski, Alice (size-altering Inhuman woman) - by Chadman

Kedzierski, Dennis (Alice's husband)

Kedzierski, Tommy (Alice's son)

Kee, Kim (1950s South Korean guerilla fighter) - by Grendel Prime

Kee, Master (Sons of the Tiger character)

Keefer, Gordon (Ape-Man)

Keefer, Monk (Gordon Keefer, Ape-Man)

Keefmeyer, Dirk (appeared on Ted Koppel's Nightline)

Keegan (Melter assistant) - by Madison Carter

Keegan, Joe (encountered Mister One & Mister Two)

Keelooah of Reality-81165 (Backworld, Amazons)

Keen, Jules (Bizarre Adventures, God of Luck)

Keen, Spencer (WW2, Blue Blaze)

Keena (Wamusa tribe, encountered Elephant God)

Keena (Church of the Saved)

Keene, Spencer (1930s cyborg, Dominic Fortune foe) - by Loki

Keener (Serpent Society associate)

Keener, Beatrix (Coachwhip)

Keeno (sought to build nuclear reactor, Daredevil foe)

Keeno, Rance (Old West businessman, Two-Gun Kid foe)

Keeper of Earth-691 (Dr. Raker, Killraven character)

Keeper (asylum keeper) - by Prime Eternal

Keeper (A.I.M., Cosmic Cube) - by Prime Eternal

Keeper (Kartag)

Keeper (Conan character) - by Greg O

Keeper of the Comics Code (She-Hulk character) - by Will U

Keeper of the Cosmic Cube (A.I.M.)

Keeper of the Dream (Job Burke)

Keeper of the Flame (el Dorado, They who Wield Power)

Keeper of the Flame (Eurasian Doradian, Namor foe)

Keeper of the Menagerie (Cruel Striker)

Keeper of the Northern Lights (St. Elmo)

Keepsake of Earth-5555 (Death's Head/Doctor (Who) character) - by Per Degaton

Kee-Sai (Captain America of the 1950's foe)

Keeyah (Kree pilot, former Starjammers member) - by Chadman

Kefkin, Anna (Jeffrey Haight's girlfriend)

Kehl (alien Taurian pirate, agent of Nebula)

Keisha ?? (NYX character)

Keisha ?? (Kamala Khan friend, got caught drinking)

Keishicho, Kioshi (Ebon Samurai)

Keith ?? (Iron Man character)

Keith ?? (Celia Jackson's nephew, Black Goliath character)

Keith ?? (courthouse guard)

Keith (Skrull, Glenbrook resident)

Keiv (Conan character)

Keka'Akeluak (Kosmosian)

Keku (Ogdoad, Ashake & Heka-Nut character)

Kell, Kyllian (Wildpride)

Kellard, Dennis (Iron Man foe) - by Chadman

Kelleher, Mary (Spider-Man character)

Kellen, Marcus (employed by Thug Thatcher)

Keller (FBI agent, Daredevil character)

Keller, Dr. (Special United Nations Council on Nuclear Armaments)

Keller, Dr. Martin (Gordon Sanders victim)

Kellog, Randy of New Universe (Gladiator)

Kelloway, Nancy (Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal

Kells, Dr. Mark (traitor, Lance Brant foe)

Kelly ?? (Rotgut victim)

Kelly (corrupt cop, Cole North foe)

Kelly, Brenda (Daredevil story) - by Chadman

Kelly, Cassandra of Earth-19224 (Spinner)

Kelly, Ed (Channel Master)

Kelly, Eddie (Brenda's husband)

Kelly, John (Siege)

Kelly, Michael Lee (Combat Kelly)

Kelly, Robert of Earth-81727

Kelly, Sharon (Robert Kelly's wife, X-Men character) - by Norvo

Kelpie (ancient water demon, Union member) - by Loki

Kelso (S.H.I.E.L.D. Air Cavalry)

Kelson (leprechaun of Cassidy Keep) - by Proto-Man

Kelt, Louie (zombie gangster, Dominic Fortune foe) - by Prime Eternal

Keluka the Swordsman (Imbayalo's troups)

Kemis (Sagittarian)

Kemp of Battleworld (Thing foe)

Kemp, Mr. (attorney, Namor foe)

Kemp, Michael (Kingpin agent)

Kemp, Rupert (Black Baron)

Kemplet, Serge (encountered "Creatures from the Bottomless Pit")

Ken ?? (NYPD officer)

Ken (Mystique's android) - by Markus Raymond

Ken ?? (some guy on a phone)

Ken ?? (Darklove victim)

Ken (Iron Fist foe) - by Markus Raymond

Kendall, Blaze (Human Fly (Rojatt) support crew) - by Grendel Prime

Kendall, Dalt (WW2, Shocker)

Kendra (Savage Land tribeswoman) - by Proto-Man

Kendrick (Conan character)

Kendrick, Elaine (Daredevil character) - by the Beetle

Kendrick, Paul (friend of Jerry Bramley, Strange Tales)

Keng of Earth-924 (Cross-Time Kangs)

Kenkoy, Harry "TNT" (Budo, Snakeroot)

Kennedy, Shaun (Xenon)

Kenny ?? (civilian, Daredevil/Torpedo foe)

Kenny ?? (Serpent Society clerk)

Kenny ?? (robber, Daredevil foe)

Kenny ?? (Civil War: Front Line)

Kenny ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman

Kenny/Lord Pumpkin hybrid (Ultraverse character)

Kenojuak, Aningan (Avengers character)

Kent (Omni Corporation, "Pilgrims")

Kent (NFL SuperPro foe)

Kent, Brady (zombie, Lethal Legion ally) - by Chadman

"Kent," Clark (Superman in the Marvel Universe)

Kent, Paul (romance character, university student)

Kentworth, Paul (encountered Mummy, Tales to Astonish)

Kenwell, Marcia (Monsters Unleashed/Cockroach Conspiracy character)

Kenyon (strong trouble-maker, 1950s Strange Tales) - by Ron Fredricks

Kenyon, Burt (Hitman)

Keos (Ashake foe)

Keough, Lenore (Red Lucy's daughter)

Keough, Lucy (Red Lucy)

Keough, Quentin (Red Lucy's son)

Kepke, Barbi (WQXR reporter)

Keratin (Dave Finn, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

Kerfoot, Albrecht (Nazi, Heinz Kruger ally) - by Spidermay

"Kermit, Jason" (encountered Rashu)

Kern, Bill of Ultraverse (Spectral's partner)

"Ker-Nal" (Colonel Klaue)

Kerr, Dallas (Mop Man foe)

Kerrigan (Florida coast guard)

Kerrin (1950s, time travel to 16th century)

Kerrin, Mark (Korean War character)

Kerry ?? (paramedic, New York City)

Kerry, Jim (Werewolf by Night character) - by Donald Campbell

Kerstin, Jack (ex-husband of Ms. Verasdi)

Kerth (Broker's slaves)

Kerwin, Prof. Brent (Man-Bull foe) - by Chadman

Kessel (encountered Werewolf of Wilmach)

Kessler, David (Messiah, Defenders character)

Kessler, Jackie (Spider-Man character)

Keston, Miles (pre-FF character)

Kestrel (Gene Dogs)

Kestrus (Bird People)

Ketch, Barbara

Ketch, Dan (Ghost Rider)

Ketch, Jack (Marvelman/Miracleman character)

Ketrick (British academic, early 20th century, encountered Worms of the Earth)

Ketterson, Dr. Frank (oncologist, Daredevil character)

Kevin ?? (1950s diminutive ventriloquist, posed as puppet) - by Ron Fredricks

Kevin ?? (Eli Wirtham employee)

Kevin (sentient cheese, Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant

"Kevin ??" ("Lumbermen")

Kevin ?? (Inhumans character)

Kev-Lar (Kree Imperial Militia) - by Norvo

Kevlor (partner of Nomextra) - by AvatarWarlord

Key (Marvel Italia, Euroforce member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with help from Angelo Mammone

Key (Lachlan Patterson, Cable character)

Key (Omega Flight foe) - by Proto-Man

Key, Shawn (Shockman, Gladiators)

Keyes, Raymond (Audio)

Keys, Monk (Kong Lomerate)

Kezan Val (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

Khadar (Ms. Marvel (Danvers) foe) - by Spidermay

Khadijah (First Line character) - by Norvo

Khafre (Claw of Bast)

Khalf (King of the Pterons, Ka-Zar/Shanna foe)

Khalid (agent of Anubis the Jackal)

Khalis-Wu, the Darklord (KISS foe)

Khamuui of Ultraverse (Alien Elite)

Khan (Night-Raven foe) - by Loki

Khan (Black Widow foe)

Khan, Erlik (demon)

Khan, Genghis of Earth-8107 (summoned by Mr. Frump)

Khan, Kamala of Earth-18366 (US president)

Khan, Kanga (Hulk foe)

Khan, Kublai (Machine Man foe) - by Prime Eternal

Khan, Munthassem (Conan foe)

"Khan's daughter" of Earth-81111 (deceased daughter of Kamala Khan) - by Proto-Man

Khanata (Black Musketeer) - by the Beetle

Khandruvitch, Vasily (Elements of Doom creator, Avengers/Thunderbolts foe) - by Norvo

Khaos of Irth (Earth-9339, Excalibur ally) - by Grendel Prime

Khãrad Dur (Dragons of Karadoc)

Kharga (Kah-Tah-Dhen victim)

Kharim (Sinbad foe)

Kharkov (general, Red Guardian (Belinsky) character)

Kharkov, Anton (Sophia's father)

Kharkova, Idel (Sophia's mother)

Kharkova, Sophia Ilyitch (Ursa Major character) - by Markus Raymond

Kharlak (cyborg Conquest member)

Kharn, Shaka (Shang-Chi ancestor/foe)

Khar-Tan the Beauteous (Red Wizard victim)

Khat (Dr. Strange foe)

Khenbish, Borjigin Byambyn (Demon, Thor foe)

Kheng (K'un-Lun, Daniel Rand antagonist)

Khenti (Thoth)

Khephnes (Nyarlathotep)

Khitan Wizard (Conan character)

KhLΘg (Strange Tales III character)

Khnum of Earth-20051 (Rama-Tut's Guard)

Kh'oja of Earth-5631 (Skrull, Power Pack foe) - by Grendel Prime

Khonsah (Fall People, Ka-Zar character) - by MarvellousLuke

Khonshu (Egyptian God) - by Will U, Prime Eternal & Snood

Khoon (Silver Surfer foe)

Khor (Golden Age Vision foe) - by Ronald Byrd

Khordes (satyr, Man-Thing character)

Khossus (King of Khoraja)

Khotan, Thugra (Conan foe)

Khrag 'Thung (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki

Khruul (Mantis' uncle)

Khruschev, Nikita imposter (Kusoom)

Khufor (Amenhotep)

Khufu of Reality-700459 (leader of mummy Hotepian race)

Khult (Blackwulf villain) - by Prime Eternal

Khumbala the Mountain (Khumbala Bey)

Khumbanigash (Conan character)

Khumri (Conan character)

Khup (Aerian, Ka-Zar foe)

Ki, Tath (Contemplator)

KIA (unhinged MVP clone) - by Proto-Man

Kiana (Moonstalker, Young Gods)

Kiar, Karant (Skrull, Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo

Kiber, Frederick (Kiber the Cruel)

Kiber the Cruel (Black Panther foe) - by Spidermay

Kibosh, Easton (Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man

Kickback (Corporation, Cage foe)

Kicks of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)

Kid of Earth-6311 (Other-Earth)

"Kid" (Renegades)

"Kid" (Eugene Everett)

Kid (Elite Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) - by Patrick D Ryall

Kid Briton of Earth-13022 (Brian Braddock, Corps) - by Loki

Kid Cassidy (Gunhawks, Nightriders) - by Prime Eternal

Kid Colt (Sandy "Baby-Face" Smith)

Kid Colt of Earth-57780 (Old West, Spider-Man ally) - by Grendel Prime

Kid Colt of Counter-Earth (Young Allies member, Thunderbolts/Exiles character) - by Markus Raymond

Kid Copper (Captain Britain character) - by Loki

Kid Daredevil of Earth-1610 (Raymond Connor, vampire) - by Grendel Prime

Kid Deadpool (Deadpool's sidekick) - by Patrick D Ryall

Kiddo (Lindsay McCabe)

Kid Gawaine (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Kid Glove of Earth-6023 (Southpaw partner) - by Madison Carter

Kid Justice (Mister Justice)

Kid Kaiju (Kei Kawade, Inhuman monster summoner) - by Chadman

Kid Kong (pro wrestler, King Arthur opponent)

Kid Miracleman of Earth-238 (Crooked World)

Kid Monstro (television character)

"Kid" Murdock ("Battling Jack" Murdock)

Kid Nada (Dr. Zero)

Kid Quarry (Nova foe) - by Spidermay

Kid Reaper (Quasar's death avatar) - by Mike O

Kid Sensitive of Earth-15730 (X-Men '92 comics) - by MarvellousLuke

kidnapper of women (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

Kidney Lady (Howard the Duck foe)

Kidogo (Lazaro Kotikash, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

Kiefer ?? (Avery Connor)

Kierkegaard (Jahrmarkt member(s))

Kieros, Abraham Lincoln (War, Horsemen of Apocalypse)

Kieros, Abraham (War)

Kierrok (N'Garai, X-Men foe) - by Stunner

Kiev, Dr. Yuri (Red Guardian android creator, Black Widow foe)

Kika (Thanos character)

Kiko of Earth-2301 (orca whale, Mangaverse character)

Kikyo, Mikage of Earth-101001 (assassin, Blade/Wolverine character) - by Mike Podgor

Kilamanjaro (Alphaclan, New Warriors foe) - by Loki

Kildare (Undergrounders)

Kilgore, Duncan (Alpha/Andy Maguire character)

Kilgrew, Basil (Alpha Flight character) - by AvatarWarlord72

K'illace (Shi'ar, X-Men foe) - by Chadman

Killaine (I-Bots, "Ultravengers")

"Killdozer" (Theodore Sturgeon monster) - by Grendel Prime

Killdozer (Iron Trinity)

Killdragon, Harmony (Sons of the Tiger character)

Killer (Lorna foe) - by Spidermay

Killer B (Punisher foe)

Killer Bane (Golden Age, Captain America foe)

Killer Bots of Earth-8410 (C-10, Baintronics)

Killer Jim Breck (Old West gunslinger)

Killer Clown (Spider-Woman (Drew) foe) - by Will U

"Killer" Croesus (former boxer turned criminal, Daredevil/Punisher foe) - by Chadman

Killer Dick (Mercy Sisters victim)

"Killer-Droid" (actually Daredevil, Synario illusion)

Killer Kane of Earth-9078 (Son of Santa foe, What The-?!)

Killer of Lawson (Organization)

Killer Queen (Chess Set)

Killer Ryan (1950s mutate) - by John Kaminski

Killer Whale (Orka)

Killfrenzy (Marvel UK character) - by Loki

Killgaren, Taurus of reality-8116 (manipulator of Syzygy Darklock)

Killgrave, Benjamin (Purple Son)

Killgrave, Erik (Purple Man)

Killgrave, Kara (Purple Woman/Persuasion)

Killgrave, Melanie (Purple Girl's mother, Alpha Flight character) - by Norvo

Killgrave, Zebediah (Purple Man)

Killian, Aldrich (Tony Stark character) - by Chadman

Killing Machine (Ransak the Reject)

Killing Machine (Karkas)

Killjoy (Black Panther/Deathlok foe) - by AvatarWarlord72

"Killjoy" (Erik Killmonger)

Killkillan, Freddy (Mike Murdock/Daredevil foe)

Killmallard (Howard the Duck)

Killmonger of Earth-52191 (Shuri, T'Challa's sister, Exiles member)

Killmonger, Erik (Black Panther foe)

Killy (Purple Man)

Killobyte (Joey, System Crash)

Killobyte (Lester, System Crash)

"Killpanther" (Erik Killmonger)

Killpower (Marvel UK)

Killron (Morlock) - by Chadman

Killshot (Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime

Kilman, Joe (Red Ronin character)

Kilmer (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Kilroy of Ultraverse (Rune foe) - by Grendel Prime

Kim ?? (Hu Sak's sister)

Kim ?? (Code: Blue)

Kim ?? (Force Works character) - by Markus Raymond

Kim ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Kim, Colonel (Punisher character, Intruder GN)

Kim, Mr. (Foggy Nelson character) - by Chadman

Kimanye, Jomo (Lockdown) of Shadow City

Kimara the Cloudstalker (Alpha Flight foe)

Kimba (Oriental Expediters, Golden Daggers)

Kimba (Tiboldt Carnival of Wonders trained tiger) - by Chadman

Kimball, Barton J. (1950s, Howard Gleason's boss)

Kimball, Jason (Genii, Young Gods)

Kimberly ?? (childhood friend of Squirrel Girl)

Kimble, Dr. (Cybertek Systems Inc.)

Kimbo (It victim)

Kimora of "Dimension of Shadows" (Wolverine foe)

Kimura, Asano (Wolverine character)

Kimura, Ren (Inhuman, Valkyrie's Defenders) - by Chadman

Kincaid, Harvey (Morbius victim)

Kincaid, Oscar Jr. (Osprey)

Kincaid, Randy (Old West, Annie Oakley character)

Kine, Benedict (Hellfire Club)

King (John the Changeling's dog)

King (Medieval World/Skrull playground)

King (Hulk foe)

King (Daredevil foe)

King, ?? (Secret Empire)

king of Guildern (Dark Angel/Wild Thing character)

King (HYDRA, Elektra foe)

King (Jose Gomez, drug lord, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

King of Earth-18136 (T'Challa, Old West gunslinger, former Exiles member) - by Proto-Man

King, Amara (CIA agent, Shroud ally) - by Prime Eternal

King, Arthur of Earth-93121 (King Arthur & the Knights of Justice) - by Grendel Prime

King, Bruno (1950s circus performer, horror character) - by Grendel Prime

King, Carl (The Thousand)

King, Elizabeth of Ultraverse (Exiles character)

King, Ellen (paralegal, Daredevil character) - by Chadman

King, Garrick (gangster, Shroud foe) - by Prime Eternal

King, Hannibal of Earth-Hannibal King Lord of Vampires (Blade/Hannibal King (616) foe)

King, Jerry (opposed Eyes)

King, John (The Hood's cousin)

King, Karl (Tibo foe) - by Spidermay

King, Larry (legendary talkshow host) - by Norvo

King, Lee (Danny foe)

King, Mark of Earth-45828 (Annabelle Baldwin's lover, Ectokid character)

King, Martin Luther Jr. (Skrulls of Kral)

King, Silas (Solarr)

King, Suyin (Chi Demon)

King, Tyrone (Master Khan)

King Amir (Tuk the Caveboy character) - by MarvellousLuke

King Arrkam of Earth-6676 (Hulk foe)

King Arthur (Camelot) - by Snood, Loki & Will U

King Arthur (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal

King Arthur of Earth-93121 (Arthur King, King Arthur & the Knights of Justice) - by Grendel Prime

King Barri Zhan (Conan character)

King Bellusk (Hedzek king, deposed by Red Hulk)

King Bogdan Radischev (Belgriun dictactor)

King Britain of Earth X (Brian Braddock) - by Skullogeist

King Brogar (5th century, King of the Picts, the Dark One)

King Cadaver (Black Panther foe)

King-Cake Killer (Namor foe) - by Chadman

King Carelius (Ravonna's father) - by Prime Eternal

King Chaos (Mikaboshi)

King Coal (Chess Set)

King Cobra (WW2, Miss America (Madeline Joyce) foe) - by Ron Fredricks

King Cobra (Klaus Voorhees, Serpent Society leader) - by Chadman

King Cobra (Piet Voorhees, Cobra)

King Coma (Fantastic Four character)

King Crab (Defenders of the Deep member, Avengers/Winter Guard foe) - by Proto-Man

King Crocodile (1950s, Namor monster) - by Grendel Prime

King Cycle (Red Wolf (Talltrees) foe)

King David (Biblical character) - by Prime Eternal & Proto-Man

King Evek (Microverse, Homeworld king; Argon & Mari father)

King Ghannif (Red Sonja foe)

King Glugwort (Frogs of Central Park)

King Granitor (Stonian, Granitor)

King Groot (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal, Madison Carter, Donald Campbell & MarvellousLuke

King Iba-Taub (king of Idnshar, Bob Brant and the Trouble-Shooters character)

King James of Scotland of Earth-311 (1602 A.D.)

King Jarand (16th century, House of Denied Pleasure victim)

King Jerald (Black Lama)

King Jukas (Conan character)

King Jumel (Conan foe)

King Kahil al-Kafir (Aqiria, Fantastic Four foe)

King Kalden (Inhuman king)

King Killmonger of Earth-36054 (armored conqueror, Multiversal Masters of Evil) - by Proto-Man

King Kirjak (Hunters of the Captive)

King Kobra (Kid Colt villain) - by Prime Eternal

King Kombo of Reality-88191 (product of an evil influence on the Planet of the Shapes)

King Ku (underwater kingdom ruler, Atlas Era)

King Lizard of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist

King McManus (Elsewhere dimension)

King Midas (Greek myth character) - by Will U

King Modrian (Kronak foe)

King Mushkan (Little People, Kodom Shath character)

King Nellor of Reality-8116 (xt, Monarchy)

King Nestor (ca. 1000 BC, Inhuman king)

"King of all Earth" ("Lance Curtiss")

King of All Stories of Earth-7082 (Anansi)

King of all the beasts ("Lion King")

King of Barsoom of Earth-1289 (Warlord World/Barsoom, Excalibur character)

King of Chicago (Don Vischetti)

"king of cool" (Captain Hip)

King of Crime (Robert Hao, Chaka Khan)

King of Fear (Lord Pumpkin)

King of Hate (Lord Pumpkin)

King of Hearts (Archon)

King of Hell (Hellstorm)

King of Kings (Rama-Tut)

King of Lai-Son (People of the Sea king)

King of Mirwood (Pearla's father)

"King of New York" (Ammo)

King of Pain (Skire)

King of Pain (Malevolence)

King of Skull City (Baron Skullfire)

King of the Bike (Iron Mike)

King of the Dark Domain (Pluto, Olympian)

King of the Dragon Men (Draco)

King of the Eagle (Agnar)

King of the Eagles (Agnar)

King of the Fire People of Ultraverse (Atalon)

King of the Forgotten People (Conan foe) - by Greg O

King of the Ithacons of Earth-7614 (Sword in the Star)

"King of the Mountain" (Jonathan Bascombe)

"King of the Night" of Ultraverse (Night Man)

King of the Saigon Underworld (Khruul)

King of the Sewers (Daredevil foe)

King of the Vampires (vampire lord, 19th century) - by Markus Raymond

King Perrus (300 BC, Inhuman king)

King Phillip (Symkarian regent, World War II)

King-Pig of Earth-7840 (humanoid animals)

King Pleasure of Ultraverse (Solitaire foe) - by Grendel Prime

King Ranald the Protector (Shadow-Earth, father of Prince Eric)

King Reimos (Conan foe)

King Solomon (former Sorcerer Supreme, Israelite king)

King Stefan (Symkaria, Silver Sable character) - by Spidermay

King Sumuabi of Akkharia (Sumuabi)

King Thakorr of Earth-717

King Urid (Tirenian king, killed by Warka)

King Viktor of Earth-18136 (T'Chaka foe) - by HBK123

King Vladimir (predecessor of Dr. Doom)

King Warka (Tirenian king, killed by Red Hulk)

King Winter (Spider-Man foe, Reading Motivation Kit) - by Proto-Man

King Zakkim (Frog-Man)

King Fisher (Old West, gunslinger)

Kingfisher (Old West, gunslinger)

Kingmaker (Pryor Cashman, Norman Osborn character) - by Minor Irritant

Kingman, Barry (MODOT robot, tv talk show host)

Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)

Kingpin (Alfredo Morelli)

Kingpin of Earth-807128 (Old Man Logan foe) - by Grendel Prime

Kingpin (Janus Jardeesh)

Kingpin of LA (Count Nefaria)

Kingsize (Wasp foe) - by Kyle

Kingsley, Charley of Ultraverse (Rafferty victim) - by Grendel Prime

Kingsley, Daniel (Hobgoblin (Roderick Kingsley)'s brother, Spider-Man character) - by G Morrow

Kingsley, Roderick (Hobgoblin)

Kingsley, Roderick (Daniel Kingsley)

Kingston, Brian (Devil-Slayer character)

Kingston, Brian Jr. (Brian's son)

Kingston, Linda (Brian's wife)

Kingston, Phil (Phil Hichok)

Kingston, Tippy (Sterling Whitman's publicist) - by Proto-Man

Kinkaid, Ross (Cascade)

Kinmont, Bill (Casey's grandfather)

Kinmont, Casey (Dr. Strange character) - by Grendel Prime

Kinney (NYPD seargent, Karen Page character)

Kinney, Gabby of Earth-18366 (Wolverine, X-23's clone)

Kinney, Laura of Earth-18366 ("Old Woman Laura") - by Grendel Prime

Kinsi (Daydra's pet)

Kinsolving, Eugene (Polka Doctor, All-Hate Squad)

Kinsolving, Ray (FBI, Carol Danvers character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier

Kio (space mercenary, Venom (Thompson) foe)

Kiord (Beast-Men of Brutheim slave, Conan character)

Kir (New Mexico Outcasts)

Kira (Lord Darkwind's army, Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Kirby, Jack - by the Masters of the Obscure

Kirby, Jeff (Old West sheriff, Black Rider character)

Kirby, Jim (1950s detective) - by John Kaminski

Kirby, Lee (Korean War soldier) - by Grendel Prime

Kirby, Thorne (Menagerie of Rimthursar, host of Grult)

Kirchherr, Astrid (longtime friend of the Beatles)

Kirigi (Hand)

Kirk (Johnny Dee foe)

Kirk, Roger (Theodore Sturgeon's It)

Kirke of Earth-7614 (Sword in the Star, Witch-World)

Kirkegaard (Kierkegaard)

Kirkland (Spider-Man character)

Kirkpatrick, Littany of Earth-928 (Metalscream ally)

Kirren (Inhuman guard) - by MarvellousLuke

Kirsch (fashion designer, Cleo Vanderlip employee)

Kisfaludi, Elod (sorcerer, cockroach character)

Kisfaludi, Emese (Brides of Dracula)

Kiskilla, Lilith (Lilith, Mother of Demons)

Kiskvnalas, Catherine (Brides of Dracula)

Kismet (Fantastic Four/Quasar character) - by Proto-Man

Kisto, Steve (Big Strong Man, All-Hate Squad)

Kit ?? (Churchill Prep student, Jason Thornehill character)

Ki'takh possibly of Reality-791 (Iforani)

Kit Carson of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)

Kit Willer of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)

Kitang (Inhuman Genetics Council)

Kitchen Witch of Reality-88131 (Melmacian mystic) - by Grendel Prime

"Kite" (Harpies/Slaughterhouse Six)

Kite (component of Charnel)

Kito (Korean War character) - by Grendel Prime

Kitsenubi of Earth-4011 (White Ghost (John Howlett Jr.) )

Kitson, Billy (Bison)

"Kitten" (Scorpia)

"Kitty" (Farnum & Daly Circus lion) - by Proto-Man

Kitty ?? of Earth-9591 (Ruins) (prisoner)

Kivelki, Ivan (Black Death)

Kiwi (Broker's slaves)

Kiyami (Takegura's bodyguard)

Kiza (X-Man (Nate Grey) character) - by MarvellousLuke

Kizaki, Shinji (Yakuza, Wolverine foe) - by Prime Eternal

Kkallakku (Fear Lords)

K'Karr (Kosmosian)

Kkk-Kkk (New Mexico Outcasts)

K'kkt (Broker's slaves)

K'kyy (Knights of the Infinite)

Klaatu (Hulk foe) - by Stunner

Klahan (Wolverine character) - by Grendel Prime

Klarheit (Deviant, Ghaur ally) - by Spidermay

Klarion (Interdite; Adam Warlock character) - by Donald Campbell

Klark (Worldform INC)

Klasser, Morton (pawn of Aan Taanu)

Klauber, Hans (Nazi general) - by John Kaminski

Klaue (19th century, Klaw ancestor, Black Panther foe) - by Markus Raymond

Klaue, Fritz (Colonel Klaue, Howling Commandos foe) - by Prime Eternal

Klaus, Dr. Adler (Nazi scientist, Sgt. Fury foe)

Klaus, Dr. Anton (1950s, slain by vampire Clyde O'Reilly)

Klaus, Sgt. Hans (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal

Klausvichnova, Irma (Black Widow character) - by MarvellousLuke

Klaw, Fritz (Colonel Klaue, Ulysses Klaw's father)

Klaw, Ulysses (Master of Sound, Black Panther/Avengers/Fantastic Four etc. foe) - by Chadman

Klaxton, William (Carl Kaxton)

Kleenex of New Universe (Justice character)

Kleezar (Golden Age, Human Torch foe) - by John Kaminski

Klein, Allen (former Beatles business manager)

Klein, Dr. David (Dr. Jacob Weisenthal's nephew)

"Klein", Kurt (Faceless Man, Bob Brant and the Trouble-Shooters foe)

Klein, Joey (GARID)

Klein, Henry (Summer's father, Hannibal King character)

Klein, Madelyn (Summer's mother, Hannibal King character)

Klein, Mr. (Namor's lawyer) - by Chadman

Klein, Professor Paul (Bob Brant and the Trouble-Shooters character)

Klein, Summer (Hannibal King character)

Kleinenshvitz, Elsbeth (Hilliard Zemo's love)

Kleinfeldt, Lorna (Silver Sable character) - by Spidermay

Klein-Schmidt, Fritz (Nazi Fifth Columnist, Captain America foe) - by Proto-Man

Klemmer (Spider-Squad foe)

Klemmer, Judith (SHIELD)

Klemmer, Kurt (Wrench)

Klevano, Jack (Cancer, Zodiac Cartel)

Klevshin (Defenders character)

Kligger (Corporation)

Kline, Desmond ((Idiot) Punisher)

Kline, Prof. Otis (Kool-Aid Man character)

Klobok (Skrull, Annihilators foe) - by Grendel Prime

Klompman (Netherlands, Superhelden Agenda)

Klonus (Man-Thing foe)

Klopman, Mr. of Earth-8107 (owner of Klopman Jewelry Store) - by David Lawrence

Klor, Brutus (demon-lord, Magik character)

Kloss, Bernard (Ka-Zar character) - by Norvo

Klossner, Stefan (Latverian, Squirrel Girl character) - by Chadman

Kloth, Terry (fellow student of Dirk McGirk, Daredevil character)

Klout, Emile "The Goat" (Howard the Duck foe)

Kl'rath (Snark, Future Foundation foe)

Kl'rt (Super-Skrull)

Klu (Pyra's lover)

Kludge (Inhuman engineer) - by Chadman

Kluge, Geyr (Key, Euroforce)

Klugg (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Spidermay

Klum, Francis (Mysterio, Spider-Man/Black Cat foe)

Klynn (Lunatic Legion)

Knat (Warlord foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Knave of Hearts of Earth-398 (Starfox, Queen's Vengeance)

Knickknack (Death-Throws) - by Chadman

Knight (Hulk foe)

Knight (Black Knight, Morgan Le Fay agent)

Knight (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

Knight, Diana (18th century, Lady Diana)

Knight, Dr. (encountered Killer Ryan)

Knight, Franklin (Gotham Game Club)

Knight, Leo (Knight (Malcolm Knight)'s brother)

Knight, Malcolm "Mal" (Knight)

Knight, Misty

Knight, Sean (Venom (Brock) character) - by Markus Raymond

Knight Demon (Spider-Man/Thing foe)

Knight Errant (William Matson, elderly British vigilante) - by Proto-Man

Knight Errant (Strike Force One, Black Knight clone)

Knight Koala (mutant superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man

Knight Man (She-Hulk character) - by Madison Carter

"Knight Moon" ("Ultravengers")

Knight of Darkness (Star Team foe)

Knight of the Quadriverse (Dr. Strange character)

Knights of the Order of St. George of Earth-Shadowline

Knightwolf ("Ultravengers")

Knoblach, Gloria (17th century, daughter of Hans Knoblach)

Knoblach, Hans (17th-18th century, father of Clarity & Finality)

Knockout (Femme Fatales, Spider-Man/X-Men foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond

Knorda (Thor/Avengers/Fantastic Four character)

Knowbot (hacker, Captain America foe)

Know-It-All of Earth-295 (Generation Next, Age of Apocalypse) - by Norvo

Knowles, Pete (partner of Al Clark)

Knox, Sec. Frank (real life WWII-era Secretary of the US Navy) - by Proto-Man

Knox, Richard (Continental Trucking owner, Daredevil foe)

Knox, William (Sinew)

Knuckles O'Shaugnessy (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki

K.O. (boxing trainer at Fogwell's Gym) - by Chadman

Ko, Husu (pre-FF character) - by Future

Koala Kommander of Earth-65 (Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy) foe) - by Grendel Prime

Kobar (Inhuman, Crystal & Medusa's grandfather)

Kobold (Warpies)

Kobold of Earth-44145 (Harry Osborn)

Koch, Alistair (Barricade, Supremacists)

Kockenlocker, Trudy (Code: Gray)

Kodiak (Kody, Quentin Carnival)

Kodiak, Spence (Moon Knight character)

Kodo, Ryuhei (16th century vampire, brother Of Raizo Kodo)

Kodom Shath (Little People prince, swords and sorcery)

Kodor (Badoon bounty hunter, She-Hulk character)

Kody (Quentin Carnival, Ghost Rider/Blaze character) - by Markus Raymond

Ko Eke, Aladi (Queen of Fifth Caste, Universal Inhumans) - by Chadman

Ko Eke, Dara (Fifth Caste, All-Knowing)

Koemannen (Netherlands, Superhelden Agenda)

Koenig (soldier, Skrulls foe)

Koenig, Eric (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal

Koenig, Ilsa (Eric's sister) - by Prime Eternal

Koenig, Kristin (X-Student, Flasher)

Kofi (Timbuktu bartender, Gorilla-Man ally) - by Proto-Man

Kogar (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle

Kognovich (1950s Polish defector)

Kohattus (Serpent Men)

Kohbra (Man-Beast's New Men, Adam Warlock & Hulk foe)

Kohl, Rob (The Exile's brother)

Kohl, Victor (The Exile, Inhuman)

Kohler, Nelson of New Universe (The Witness)

Koi Boi (Ken Shiga, Squirrel Girl ally) - by Chadman

"Kojak" (Rat Pack)

Kojeck, Stefan (vampire, 1950s horror character) - by Grendel Prime

Koko of Earth-730834 (gorilla, Collector's collection)

Kokoro of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist

Kolb, Simon (Werewolf by Night character)

Kole, Max (drummer, cursed by Madame Grimm)

Kole, Ramsey (Daddy Longlegs)

Kol'Lann (Kree general, fleet killed by Kylor)

Kollanti Vishnevetsky, Zoya of New Universe (Sillatochca's wife, Psi-Force character)

Koln (Spawn of the Monster from the Lost Lagoon)

Kolomaq (Great Beasts, Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo

Kolsky, Leon (Punisher foe, Costa mob family)

Komarovshky, Maria (Black Widow character)

Komatsu, Aya (Kuroko, Pacific Overlords)

Kometes (Son of Satan thingee)

Komodo (Animen)

Komodo (Nocturnals, "Ultravengers")

Komodon (The Eye foe)

Komtur the Teutonic Knight (Teutonic Knight)

Konak, Karlos (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski

Kona-Lor (Lunatic Legion)

Konda, Dr. (encountered Norton Dunlap)

Kondo, Inoshiro (Iron Man foe)

Kone, Joe of Earth-73836 (Fantastic Four story)

Kong of Earth-61173 (Peter Parker, superhumanly agile primate protector) - by Proto-Man

Kong Lomerate (Howard the Duck foe)

Konga (Kaiwann, Thing/Iron Fist character)

Kongbu of Earth-88194 (Terror/Shreck)

Konik (Corporation)

Koning, Roger (greedy time traveler, Mystical Tales) - by Donald Campbell

Konn of Earth-18466 (pet dog of the former Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd) - by Proto-Man

Kono the Sumo (Black Widow/Captain America foe)

Kool-Aid Man (living pitcher of Kool-Aid, thirst defender & friend to kids everywhere!) - by Proto-Man

Kooliq, Kelly (Captain Marvel character) - by Stunner

"Koontz Satellite Killer" - by Madison Carter

Koord of Reality-691 (Badoon, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)

"Koot" (component of Charnel)

Kopeikin, Kylie (Blindspot)

Kopern, Dr. (Mr. Graybar's psychoanalyst)

Kopnik, Franz (Mordoo character)

Koppel, Ted (legendary newsman, Nightline) - by MarvellousLuke

Kor (Mystery Tales alien) - by John Kaminski

Kora (Thongor)

Kora (Ethicals)

Korahn (Malachi's lover)

Korath (Inhuman, Gorgon's father)

Korath the Pursuer (Kree Starforce) - by Stunner

Korath-Thak (Korath the Pursuer)

Korba, Achmed (Brother Power)

Korber, Dr. Leon (1950s scientist)

Korda (Dracula foe)

Korda of Reality-791 (xt, Haalmhad)

Korda, Vladimir (ULTIMATUM, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal

Korea Kate (Korean War character) - by Grendel Prime

Koren (X-Student, Beast character)

Korg (Gatherers)

Korgo (Rocket Raccoon character) - by Grendel Prime

Korgon, Harek (Fantastic Four character)

Koric, Nanci (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Korilla (alien invader, Journey into Mystery) - by Grendel Prime

Kor-At (Sun People)

Kor-Konn (Atlantean, Attuma ally) - by Chadman

Korman, Kerwin (Destructor, Doomsday Man power source)

Kornfeld, Brian (Spider-X)

Kornfeld, Mrs. (mother of Spider-X)

Korngold (police inspector, Shroud character)

Koroviev (demon, Magik foe)

Korpse, Dr. Boris (Black Cat character) - by Minor Irritant

Korrek (Man-Thing/Howard the Duck ally)

Korr-Lo-Zann (Kull character)

Korsoe (Crazed Maniac foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Kort, Angelica (Louis Kort's daughter)

Kort, Dr. Karl (Wrecker)

Kort, Dr. Louis (Thing character)

Kort, Malcolm of Ultraverse

Korta (Children of Ootah)

Kortz, Daniel (Hulk character)

Koru Kaviti (Skrull, Spider-Woman foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Korumbu ("helped" Hugo Barge)

Korvac of Earth-82432

Korvostax (Flint)

Korvus (Shi'ar, Starjammers member) - by Chadman

Korya (Skrull, First Line foe) - Norvo

Koshima (Warlord Kargul's advisor)

"Koshka" ("Kopiya", Black Widow foe)

Kosinsky, Katya (Black Widow character)

Kosmic Kommandant (Doctor Nemesis/James Bradley foe)

Kosmos (Fantastic Four, Thanos character; also see Beyonder)

Koth (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence

Kothian kidnapper (kidnapper of women)

Kotikash, Lazaro (Kidogo, X-Student)

Koto (Mandarin's android, Iron Man foe) - by Prime Eternal

Kottus (Centimanes)

Koul, Disha "Dee" (Rachna Koul's comatose sister)

Koul, Dr. Rachna (scientist, former criminal, Fantastic Four ally) - by Chadman

Koulèv, Josué (Damballah)

Koura (Sinbad foe)

Kovad (Inhuman, Lineage ancestor)

Kovalski, Charlie (US Army, Korean War character)

Kovax, Mordechai (Bloodbath)

Kowalski (San Francisco Police Department, "Ironguts" O'Hara ally) - by Chadman

Kowalski (Grapplers manager)

Kowalski, ?? (Secret Empire)

Koyoti (Snark, Inhumans foe)

K'ozar of Reality-81165 (possible Amazons deity, Backworld)

Kozlov, Miklos (Grogg foe)

K'qill Vor Don (Kree smuggler, Avengers character) - by Chadman

Kraa the Unhuman (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal

Kraa (Nova foe)

Kraal (Solarman foe) - by Grendel Prime

Kraal of Earth-2988 (War Watch)

Kraawl (Thing foe) - by John Kaminski

Kraddak (xt, Tales of Suspense) - by Spidermay

Kraft, Dr. (physician, Daredevil character)

Kraft, Keith (Ringer)

Kraft, Dr. Walston (Frankenstein monster/Spider-Man foe)

Krager (Code of Honor character)

Kragg (Phoenix)

Kragg, Agent (General Kragg's daughter)

Kragg, Ben (Karl's brother)

Kragg, Karl (glory-seeking bodybuilder, Amazing Adult Fantasy character) - by Grendel Prime

Kraggoom (1960s smoke-like alien monster) - by Prime Eternal

Kraglin (A-Chiltarian)

Krago (sea monster, Namor foe) - by Chadman

Krago (Shroud foe) - by Markus Raymond

Kragonn (Thor foe) - by Grendel Prime

Kragoo (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter

Kragowski, Joseph (General Kragg)

Krahllak (Beast of the Hand)

Kraig (Agatha Timly's servant, Werewolf by Night foe)

Krait (Shi'ar Death Commandos) - by Chadman

Krak (Night Cat character)

Krak (Moon Knight foe) - by Markus Raymond

Krakatoom (Fantastic Four/Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime

kraken of Sekhmet Tharn (pre-Cataclysmic era)

Kraken (Phorcys)

Kraken (Ceto, Wolverine/Hercules foe) - by Markus Raymond

Kraken (Andromeda foe) - by Markus Raymond

Kraken (Namora foe) - by Markus Raymond

Kraken (Daniel Whitehall, Hydra member) - by Minor Irritant

Kraki (followers of Harek Korgon)

Krakkan (Octessence, mystic entity) - by Spidermay

Krakoa (X-Men foe)

Krakos (Atlantean, Sub-Mariner foe) - by Chadman

Krallides (Conan character)

Kramer (corrupt judge, Kingpin ally)

Kramer, Mr. (ClanDestine foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Kramer, Mrs. (Foggy Nelson client)

Kramer, Donna (Midtown High, Steve Petty character)

Kramer, Michael (Judas Man)

Kramer, Pamela (Judas Man's daughter)

Kramer, Raoul (Avengers character) - by Norvo

Krammer, Jack (Shade-Thrall of Dweller-in-Darkness, Dr. Strange character)

Krampus (demon, Ghost Rider/Luke Cage/Iron Fist foe) - by Markus Raymond

Kran (16th to 17th century, Solomon Kane character)

Krang (giant ant) - by Prime Eternal


Krang (Quarrnian)

Krank, Arnold (created Braggadoom)

Kranpuff, Winston J. (Hawkeye character) - by the Beetle

Kranz, Walter (creator of Copperhead pulp stories) - by Chadman

Krapotkin, Anton (construction engineer, Daredevil/Black Widow character)

Krasner, Mr. (Arnold Krank's boss)

Krashni Denamit (Anton Vanko, Crimson Dynamo)

Krashni Denamit (Boris Turgenov, Crimson Dynamo)

Krashni Denamit (Alex Nevsky, Crimson Dynamo)

Krashni Denamit (Yuri Petrovitch, Crimson Dynamo)

Krashni Denamit (Dmitri Bukharin, Crimson Dynamo)

Krashni Denamit (Valentin Shatalov, Crimson Dynamo)

Krashni Denamit (Crimson Dynamo, Answer's enforcer)

Krashni Denamit (Gennady Gavrilov, Crimson Dynamo)

Krask, Kenneth (lawyer, Kronin's son, Code: Blue/Mighty Avengers foe) - by caliban & Markus Raymond

Krask, Kevin (lawyer/senator, Kronin's son, Code: Blue/Mighty Avengers/Sunspot foe) - by caliban & Markus Raymond

Krask, Kronin (Thor/Code: Blue and Gray foe) - by caliban

Krass, Roger (horror character) - by Sammy 7D & Snood

Kratar (Metoxo's wife)

Kratos (Olympian god, Avengers foes) - by Will U & Prime Eternal

Kratos (Hyborian era, polar bear of Ursla)

Kratus (Kratos)

Kraus, Paul (1950s, telepathic would-be conqueror) - by Ron Fredricks

Krause, Dr. Friederich (Namor foe)

Krauss (WWII-era blind assassin that used trained parrot Polly to kill, Angel foe) - by Prime Eternal

Krautman, Mr. (Hellcat character)

Kravadka, Casimir (would-be conqueror, mad scientist) - by Ron Fredricks

Kraven, Ana (Kraven's daughter, Spider-Man/Spider-Girl foe) - by Chadman

Kraven the Hunter (Sergei Kravinoff)

Kraven the Hunter (Ana Kraven)

"Krave the Hunt-Pig" of Earth-29955 (Spider-Swine)

Kravinoff, Anastasia "Ana" Tatiana (Ana Kraven)

Kravinoff, Sergei (Kraven the Hunter)

Kravinoff, Vladimir (Grim Hunter)

Kravo (Skrull, She-Hulk foe)

Kray, D'Von of Earth-4935 (Wolverine/Cable foe) - by Markus Raymond

Kray-Tor (Universal Church of Truth) - by Chuck D

Kraye, Mr. (Spider-Woman character)

Krazy Kat of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)

Kre'al Nan (Death's Head assimilated personality)

Kreature of Earth-398 (Beast (McCoy), Queen's Vengeance)

Krebs, Harry (1950s horror) - by Spidermay

Kree Captain America of Earth-99315 (Kree Earth)

Kree Giant-Man of Earth-99315 (Kree Earth)

Kree Iron Man of Earth-99315 (Kree Earth)

Kree Scarlet Witch of Earth-99315 (Kree Earth)

Kreeg (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal

Kreeger, Jenny (Victor's daughter)

Kreeger, Mrs. (Victor's mother)

Kreeger, Mortimer (Victor's son)

Kreeger, Ransom (Victor's son)

Kreeger, Victor (Hammer of Judgement)

Kree-Kowl (Staak the Evolver's partner)

Kreig, James (Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal

Kreitzer, Hans (1950s, Leopard Girl character)

K'rel (Cygnet VII, Green sect/Proselytes, Hulk character)

K'renn (Shi'ar, Nova foe) - by Chadman

Krenok One (Technocrat agent)

Krepit, Zhime (Inhumans Genetics Council)

Kre'shje (Shi'ar, Nova foe)

"Krestiton" (Deviant Horde)

Krevius (Microverse, Carnage ally/foe)

Kribbee, Morton (Black Hole)

Krieger, Simon (Republic Oil & Natural Gas, Roxxon)

Krieghund (Invaders/Liberty Legion foe) - by Markus Raymond

Krill, Jexia (Tyrus' child)

Krill, Tyrus (Brood hunter, Wolverine character) - by Darc_Light

Krill, Ulara (Tyrus' wife)

Krill, Zet (Tyrus' child)

Kringe (Brotherhood of Hades)

K'Rill (Soul-Eater, see also Soul Survivors )

Krill female (pre-FF alien)

Krimonn (Power Prism, Dr. Spectrum)

K'rin (Deathcry's nursemaid)

Kris ?? (family member of bystander during Apocalypse attack)

Krishna (Vishnu)

Krishnaman (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki

Krista Marwan (Death Metal character)

Kristall Starrer (Johnny Blaze foe) - by Markus Raymond

Kristel, Isabella (Moon Knight character)

Kristian ?? (monstrous Norwegian Inhuman) - by Chadman

Kristin ?? (Iron Man character)

Kristin ?? of Ultraverse (Wrath/Thomas Hunter girlfriend)

Kritzberg, Bryon (colonel, Howling Commandos foe)

Kriven of Earth-2775 (Ranshi Empire soldier) - by Proto-Man & Snood

K'rk (Shi'ar captain) - by Chadman & Proto-Man

K'rll (Soul-Eater/Soul Survivor)

Krobaa (Eddie Brock foe) - by Minor Irritant

Kroeger of Earth-1191 (Fitzroy ally) - by Proto-Man

Kroft (Earth scientist, killed while accompanying the alien Zo into the sun)

Krogg (Dr. Druid foe) - by Prime Eternal

Krogg (Werewolf by Night foe) - by Grendel Prime

Krogg (Slig, Fantastic Four character)

K'Rok (Kryptonian Conquest member)

Krokarr the Cruel (Thing/Olympians foe) - by SQUEAK

Krollar (Mega-Monsters)

Krolnek, Heather (daughter of Stag Beetle)

Kromm of Irth (Earth-9339, Excalibur ally)

Kronak (Fall People, Ka-Zar character) - by MarvellousLuke

Kronak the Barbarian (Hulk foe) - by Spidermay

Kronar (Latverian Freedom Fighter, Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man

Kronin, Stelian (vampire, Count Kronin)

Krono (Conan foe)

Kronos (Cronus)

Kronov, Ivan (1950s Electro)

Kronsteig, Otto (Captain Axis)

Kronton, Dr. John (Doomsday Man creator)

Kronus (Split-Second Squad)

Kronus (Cronus)

Kronus, Kerwin (Hulk character) - by Spidermay

Kroon, Bradley (Icemaster)

Kropotkin the Great (Hulk character) - by Norvo

Krosakis (Captain Universe, Gladiator/Silver Surfer foe) - by Chadman

Krott, Phil (WW2, Terror foe)

Krotze, Fritz of New Universe (Spitfire foe)

Krowe, Kharion (Yellow Claw servant)

Krowler, Heinrich (Sara's father)

Krowler, Sara (Baroness of Mordo) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier

Krowler, Viscount (Dr. Strange Character)

Krowtanem (Famine, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)

Krru (xt, held Resurrection Stone)

Krubb, Geoff (A.I.M., Gates of What If?)

Krueger, Amanda (Sister Mary Helena, Freddy Krueger's mother)

Krueger, Freddy (Nightmare on Elm Street dream demon) - by Proto-Man

Krueger, Gustav (Rattler)

Krueger, Harlan (Hangman)

Kruel (Daredevil foe) - by Julien Vivé

K'Ruel, Salamander (Black Panther foe)

Krueller, Victor (Kruel)

Krugarr of Earth-691 (21st-31st century, Guardians of the Galaxy character) - by Markus Raymond

Kruger (Jann of the Jungle foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Kruger (Code: Blue)

Kruger, Heinz (Captain America foe) - by Spidermay

Kruger, Klaus (Daredevil foe) - by Prime Eternal

Kruger, Matt (Kruger, Nat)

Kruger, Nat (Old West bank robber, Warren Mace foe) - by Loki

Krugg, Eric (Journey into Mystery, robot creator) - by John Kaminski

Krugg, Walter (Tales to Astonish, Hiroshima victim) - by John Kaminski

Kruggar (Mourners)

Krule (Crule)

Kruma, Talia (Black Goliath character) - by Spidermay

Krumhauen, Luther (Journey into Mystery)

Krunch (Hellbent)

Krupp, Roderick (Digger)

Krush (Inhuman, Kree foe) - by Grendel Prime

Krushki, Ivan (Exiles)

Kruuger, Major Rudolph (Sgt. Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal

Kruzak, Deszo (vampire, Beast-Man victim)

Kryad (Cosmic Commandos)

Krylar (Jarella's world)

Krylla of Earth-68091 (Iron Man ally)

Kryllk the Cruel (Asgardian rock troll, Spider-Man/Thor foe) - by Al Sjoerdsma

Krylov, Sergei (Presence)

Krylova, Marya (Presence's wife)

Krystal ?? (anchorwoman)

Krystal M'Kraan (New York City-based drag queen) - by MarvellousLuke

Krystar (Magneto's mutates)

Kryzewski, Leonard (Sons of the Serpent) - by Prime Eternal

Kryzstof ?? (Inhumans character)

Ksa (Marvel UK, Iktomi)

Ksang (Krago, Cult of Kãli)

Ksweyzu, Malcom (colonel, Black Axe foe)

Kthara (Satana/Hellstorm foe)

K'tor (Shi'ar, X-Men foe) - by Chadman

Ktor, Dargo of Earth-8710 (Once and Future Thor, 26th century, Thor) - by Snood, Doc Savage & Proto-Man

K'toth (Shi'ar, Devil Dinosaur character) - by Chadman

(Oceanic God)

Ku, Chandra (Splice, Young Gods)

Kuara (Mongolian god of thunder) - by Grendel Prime

Kubali (Lorna foe)

Kubik (sentient Cosmic Cube) - by Proto-Man

Kublai Khan (Machine Man foe) - by Prime Eternal

Kubrick, Jack (CSA, Machine Man character) - by Prime Eternal

Kugel, Rose (Wild Rose)

Kuger, Jess (Old West, Kid Colt foe) - by Grendel Prime

Kuhn (Journey into Mystery)

Kuhn, Sheriff (Ghost Rider character)

Kukulcan (Mayan God) - by Will U

Kukulcan (el Tigre)

Kukulcan (Mayapan)

Ku-La (Man-Apes)

Kulakh42 (Gennady Gavrilov, Crimson Dynamo)

Kulan Gath (Avengers, Conan, Spider-Man, X-Men, etc. foe) - by Will U, Greg O & Snood

Kuljit (repairman hired by Foggy Nelson)

Kulkulk (Archmechadon, presumed Deviant)

Kulla (Slaveworld)

Kulto, Prof. Kendall (fanatical scientist, Captain America (Jeff Mace) character) - by Proto-Man

Kultron of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Kundo (Grag foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Kung, Lei (Iron Fist character)

Kunga (1960s, Journey into Mystery alien "gorilla") - by Ron Fredricks

Kuni, Sahren (reporter)

Kunta (Wakandan security guard, Black Panther character) - by Prime Eternal

Kur (Hyborian era; stronghold of the Dark Lords; Void Indigo)

Kura (Witch-Woman)

Kurami (Beyonder; also see Kosmos)

Kuramoto, Shintaro (IDIC)

Kurani (Inhuman, Fantastic Four foe) - by Chadman

Kurarkill, Dr. (Iron Man foe)

Kurasov, Simyon (X-Men ally) - by Prime Eternal

Kurios, Marduk (Satan)

Kurlychek, Patty (Fleshstones foe)

Kurma (Vishnu)

Kuroba (Bogondi, 16th century, Solomon Kane character)

Kurokawa, Sam (marketing specialist for Sable & Fortune) - by Spidermay

Kuroko (Pacific Overlords)

Kuroyama (Elektra foe) - by Future

Kurrgid (Nova Academy cadet, Rocket & Groot novel)

Kurrgo (Master of Planet X)

Kurt ?? (Melanee Carondelet's cousin)

Kurt, Alfred of Reality-5391 (Speed Carter foe) - by Ron Fredricks

Kurt, Wanda of Reality-5391 (Alfred's daughter)

Kurtz, Alex (Daredevil character)

Kurtz, Belle (Alex's wife)

Kurtz, Scott (real life comic writer/artist, Earth-616 fan fiction writer/artist) - by Proto-Man

Kurtzberg, Zelda (Zelda, Iceman girlfriend)

Kurtzmann, Reinhold (Freedom Force character)

Kurudred the Blood Drinker (Cloudsea dim, Spider-Man character)

Kuryestan (Peace Corpse)

Kusek (Sagittarian, Intergalactic Council)

Kushad (Conan character)

Kushala (Demon Rider, Old West Sorcerer Supreme) - by Proto-Man

Kusoom (Pretender, pre-FF alien) - by Madison Carter

Kussa (Shuki race)

Kuster, Ulrich (WW2, Fiddler)

Kutter, Angeline "Angel" (Surgeon General)

Kutuzov, Colonel (Starcore astronaut) - by Proto-Man

Ku-Var (Kull foe)

Kuyper, nurse (Freedom Science Studies Institute)

Kuyuk (Charniputra vampire)

Kvara (Kuara)

Kwaal of Earth-691 (Techno-Barons)

Kwai (Golden Dragon, Shang Chi foe)

Kwak, Jae Hwa (Joro Spider)

Kwaku-Anansi of Earth-7082 (trickster god, Spider-Man: Fairy Tale)

Kwannon of Earth-92131 (Revanche, X-Men '92 cartoon)

Kwate (Seven)

Kwiat, Lamar (Lifeform foe)

Kwill (Imperial Guard Cohort)

Kwill of Ultraverse (Alien Elite)

Kwirkegard (Hostess Ad, Iron Man foe) - by Prime Eternal

Kx'ulthuum (Conan foe)

Kyamm of Earth-78423 (Fatty Thieves, Howard the Duck foe)

Kyi (Siren character)

Kyknos (Hercules foe) - by Will U & Prime Eternal

Kyknus (Kyknos)

Kyle ?? (Mercy Corporation)

Kyle ?? (Inhumans character)

Kyle ?? (mutant, Xavier Institute for Mutant Education and Outreach student) - by MarvellousLuke

Kyle ?? (carhijacker, encountered Toby the infant mutant)

Kyle, Robby (Winter Olympics)

Kyle, S. (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)

Kyle, Sergeant (trooper who faced the Hulk)

Kyllian (Wildpride, Doctor Strange character)

Kylor (Skrull would-be emperor) - by Stunner

Kylun of Ee'rath (Earth-148) (Excalibur member) - by Loki

Kylus (ca. 1000 BC, Inhuman, first King of the Aerie) - by Chadman

Kym (Ghostmare/Matriarch, Force Four)

Kymri of Earth-1289 (Warlord World/Barsoom, Excalibur character) - by MarvellousLuke

Kyoto, Sayuri (M-80, Elite Agents of SHIELD)

Kyr (She-Hulk foe)

Kyra (Agriconian, Rom character)

Kyral (Atlantean)

Kyras Shakati (Starlord/Inhumans character)

Kyrie (Menagerie of Rimthursar)

"Kyrkalin" (pre-FF alien) - by John Kaminski

Ky'ron of Ultraverse (possessed Martin, Ripfire character)

Kyte (Plutonia, Fraternity of Raptors)

K'ythri (husband of Sharra, Shi'ar god)

Kyusha, Miko (Mister Black victim)

Kyzerra Os (Deviant, Mole Monster's mother)

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