These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and Villains, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.

na Connacht, Cormac (prince of the Gaels, Bran Mak Morn character)

NAAC-P30 (Howard the Duck character)

Naanis (Inhuman, Timberius' twin brother) - by Chadman

Nacht, Adelmo (Nazi, father of Axl Nacht/Gotteskrieger)

Nacht, Axl (Gotteskrieger/Master Man)

Nadar (Inhuman, Mr. Fantastic ally) - by Spidermay

Nadehzda ?? of Earth-148611 (Coojeechiscue)

Nadia ?? (Latverian nurse, Daredevil foe)

Nadine ?? (angry mob, Daredevil/Legion of Monsters foe)

Naga (Namor character)

Nagai of Reality-21394 (xt, "Kiashon" leader/advisor)

Nagai, Yoshi (Ice, Drug Lords)

Nagala (Deep Six/Fathom Five leader) - by Chadman

Nagan, Dr. Arthur (Gorilla Man, Headmen) - by Chadman

Nagasha (Japanese prison commander, Leatheneck Raiders foe)

Naguro (Free Access)

Nagyivanyi, Katalin (1950s, encoutered Carl Dekker)

Nahita (Talisman, Tribe of the Moon)

Nahrees (Inhuman) - by Chadman

Naiad (Advocates member)

Nails (Elite Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) - by Patrick D Ryall

Nain Rouge (former hero, Great Lakes Avengers foe) - Proto-Man

Naja (Inhuman) - by Chadman

Najeeb, Karim Mahwash (Iron Man foe) - by Chadman

Nakadai, Tom (Warhawk, Harriers)

Nakamura, Kyle (anti-mutant bomber) - by Proto-Man

"Naked Flaming Girl" (Tara)

Nakios (Conan character)

Nakota (Lilin, Midnight Sons foe) - by Markus Raymond

Nakwach (Human Fly character)

Nalee (Greens, Paradise and the City of Death)

Nallo (Inhuman) - by Chadman

Namada, Eva (Marvel Boy (Grayson) character)

Na-Maka-O-Kaha'l (Oceanic God)

Nameless One (Defenders foe, Undying Ones)

Nameless One (zombie, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

Nameless One of Earth-691 (Overkill/Taserface)

Nameless One (Defenders foe, Undying Ones) - not the same guy!

Namie (Red Ronin cyborg)


Namor the Sub-Mariner (zombie Invaders)

Namora (Aquaria Nautica Neptunia, Namora's cousin, Agents of Atlas member) - by MarvellousLuke

Namora the Sea-Woman (Namora)

Namora the Great (Namora)

Namor-El of Reality-79733 (Supermanta, Namor/Superman amalgam)

Namorita (Nita Prentiss)

Nan ?? (Hulk character)

Nan ?? (Nan's Cookhouse, possessed by Venom clone)

Nan, Kre'al (Death's Head assimilated personality)

Nana (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)

Nanaboscy Man (odd-looking hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man

Nanabozho (Native American God) - by Will U

Nanai, Beatrix (Brides of Dracula)

Nancy ?? (Strange Tales)

Nancy ?? (Brood)

Nancy ?? (Open Space story)

Nancy ?? (X-Student)

Nandy (Mojoverse, Veech assistant)

Nanjiwarra, David (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Scorpio victim) - by Loki

Nanna (Asgardian goddess) - by Will U

"Nanna" (Prodigy's grandmother)

Nanny (Magneto's robot) - by Spidermay

Nanny (X-Factor/X-Men/Generation X foe) - by Chadman

Nanook of Earth-1041 (Alpha Flight, Millennial Visions)

Nanotron (Micronauts member) - by Grendel Prime

Nantakarn, Alec (abused by father, Black Panther character)

Napalm (Grip)

Napier, Dr. Carter (creator of Deathweb) - by Prime Eternal

Napier, Dr. Ramona (Iron Man/Captain America character) - by Markus Raymond

Napoleon of Earth-9008 (Avengers West Coast story) - with extensive notes on Napoleon

Napoleon G. Robberson (Skrulls of Kral)

Nappy Fro Lad (Vibraxas)

Nara (Atlantean Braddock Academy student, Avengers Arena character) - by Proto-Man

Naraba (Jabari tribe)

Narahdarn (Aboriginal God)

Narasimha (Vishnu)

Narcia (White Queen, Conan character)

Narcissus (Ancient Greece)

Nardi (Cell-12)

Nardo (pre-modern, Martian migrant) - by Ron Fredricks

Nardo, Ludwig (traveling circus owner, 1950s)

Nargak (xt, terrorist) - by Grendel Prime

Narim (Jackson Cole's guide)

Nasca, Kith (Ultra-Marine)

Naseemo (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)

Nash (Ant-Man ant) - by Proto-Man

Nash the Twelfth (Ant-Man ant, grown to giant size) - by Proto-Man

Nash, Mary (WWII era friend of Black Marvel (Dan Lyons)) - by Prime Eternal

Nasland, William (Captain America, formerly Spirit of '76, WWII hero)

N'astirh (Otherplace demon, X-foe)

Nashtoth (Order of Hydra)

Nasland, William of Earth-8610 (Captain America, Gates of What If?)

Nasland, William Jr. (William Nasland III's "father")

Nasland, William III (Adam III's android host, Captain America/Human Torch character)

Nassar (Conan foe)

Nassar, Ruman (Nick Fury character)

Nast, Charlie (year 2100, Strange Tales character) - by Prime Eternal

Nasto (remote-using Captain Wally foe)

Nasty McBurne (Hulk/Thing character)

Nata (Muties character) - by Markus Raymond

Natala (Conan character)

Natari (Azoth character)

Natasha ?? (wife of Count Vicuna)

Natasha of Earth-311 (Black Widow counterpart)

Natchios, Christina (Elektra's mother)

Natchios, Elektra

Natchios, Hugo (Elektra's father)

Natchios, Orestez (Elektra's brother)

Nat Mare (zombie, Midnight Sons character)

Nate ?? (NYPD, Daredevil story)

Nate ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Nately, Lt. (Daredevil character)

Nathan ?? (patient)

Nathaniel ?? (sailor, Spider-Man character) - by Prime Eternal

Natohk (Thugra Khotan)

Natu (Atlantean "Ranine")

Natu, Pilli (Skrull, Spider-Woman foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Nature Girl of Earth-92131 (Lin Li, X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

Nauda (Young Gods foe)

"Naugahyde Kid" (Leather Boy)

Nautak (Atlantean, Andromeda ally)

Nautical Nancy (Who Talks To Boats) (Nancy Whitehead)

Nautilus (Spider-Man/Cage foe) - by Minor Irritant

Navajo Coyote (Wolverine foe) - by Grendel Prime

Navarro (Hannibal King foe) - by Prime Eternal

Naville, Sekhem (Panther)

Nayela (16th century, Bogondi tribe, Solomon Kane character)

Naylor, Steve (Golden Age, Marvel Mystery Comics character) - by David Lawrence

"Nazakka" (Dr. Strange character)

Nazario, Robert (Quickstart, All-Hate Squad)

Nazi Sleeper 1 (Nazi Sleepers)

Nazi Sleeper 2 (Nazi Sleepers)

Nazi Sleeper 3 (Nazi Sleepers)

Nazi X (android with Adolf Hitler brain)

N'Baku (Gentle's brother)

N'Banta (Wakandan, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

N'Banu (Black Panther character) - by Grendel Prime

N'Baza (Black Panther's uncle) - by Proto-Man

N'Dingi, Joshua (Doctor Crocodile)

Ndriananahary (Buluku)

Neal, Angelica (Dracula character)

Neal, Frank (Angelica's father)

Neal, Laurie (Angelica's mother)

Neat, Norman of Earth-57780 (reporter, Spider-Man character)

"Neat" Pete Sligo (Night Raven foe) - by LV

Neato, Maggie of Earth-9791 (Wolver-Wimp foe)

Nebb, Aubrey (caught Great Gordoni)

Nebuchadnezzar (Cyrus Black's pet)

Nebul, Mr. (Nebulon)

Nebula (Terminatrix)

Nebula of Earth-91110

Nebulo (Inhuman, Hulk/Fantastic Four foe) - by Norvo

Nebulon (Defenders/Avengers foe) - by Chadman

Nebulos (extradimensional mystic, Dr. Strange foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Necker, Eliza Clare (Requiem Sharks, Dr. Evelyn Clarice Necker's mother)

Necker, Dr. Evelyn Clarice of Earth-8410 (Death's Head character)

Necroborg (Cynodd, Gun Runner foe)

Necrodamus (Defenders foe) - by Chadman

Necromancer of Counter Earth-High Evolutionary (Dr. Strange) - by Per Degaton

Necromancer (Realm of Madness) - by Markus Raymond

Necromon (Netherworld/Otherworld, Black Knight enemy)

Ned ?? (reporter, X-Statix character)

Nedia (Conan character) - by Spidermay

Neddick, Maggie (Wizard of the West)

Nedra (Storm Giant queen, Odin foe)

Nedra of of Earth-6311 (Other-Earth, Eyriennes matriarch)

Needham (Golden Age, Chief Defense Commissioner, Patriot (Jeff Mace) character)

Needle (Zapper)

Needle (Night Shift member) - by Madison Carter

Needle (Nomad character) - by Grendel Prime

Neeg (Zeraphon)

"Neemo" (Spawn of the Monster from the Lost Lagoon)

Nefaria (alternate reality, possible proposed young Avengers in training foe)

Nefaria, Gialetta of Earth-90214 (Noir Earth, Iron Man foe) - by Grendel Prime

Nefaria, Luchino (Count Nefaria, Avengers/Iron Man foe) - by Norvo

Nefarius (Avengers foe) - by Norvo

Neferthamen (Horusians)

Nefertiti, Cleopatra "Cleo" (Asp)

Negafok (Inuit god of cold weather, Snowbird's uncle) - by Grendel Prime

Nega-Man (Janus)

Negasonic Teenage Warhead (student of Emma Frost) - by Grendel Prime

Negative Forbush Man of Earth-9047 (Forbush Man foe, acquired reality-warping Infinity Wart) - by MarvellousLuke & Proto-Man

Negator (Thing/She-Hulk foe) - by AvatarWarlord72

Neg-Star (Firefrost)

Negus, Solomon (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Neifi (Inhuman) - by Chadman

Neil (interdimensional commentator, Captain Britain character)

Neil, Margot (Avengers character) - by Norvo

Neith (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)

Neith (servant of Beelzeboul)

Nekal-Gehep of Earth-20051 (Marvel Adventures, Fantastic Four foe) - by AvatarWalord72

Nekhbet (Mist-Men of Sargasso)

Nekoboh, Roman (Dazzler character) - by Norvo

Nekra (hate-powered mutant, Shanna/Daredevil/Avengers/Spider-Man/Spider-Woman foe) - by Chadman

Nelet Pa (Rigellian, Intergalactic Council)

Nell (Old West, Gwen Saunders' horse)

Nell ?? (Scarlet Knights, nicknamed "Little Nell")

Nellis, Douglas (record company owner, Gemini creator)

Nelson (victim of Josh Collins' curse)

Nelson (S.H.I.E.L.D. regional director, Captain America character)

Nelson ?? (Muties character)

Nelson, Anna (Foggy's foster mother)

Nelson, Art (Cynthias Worthington's ex-boyfriend, romance character)

Nelson, "Baby Monster" (Punisher foe)

Nelson, Candace (Foggy's half-sister, Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Nelson, Candy (Candace Nelson)

Nelson, Cindy (Candace Nelson)

Nelson, Edward (Foggy Nelson's father)

Nelson, Elyse (Slasher)

Nelson, Franklin "Foggy"

Nelson, Mindy (romance character) - by Grendel Prime

Nelson, Rod (S.S. Recovery)

Nelson, Ryan (student, Hydra Youth Choir)

Nelson, Skip (Mindy's brother)

Nelson, Wendy (actress, chosen by Artur LaValle)

Nelson, William Grant (Tigra's son) - by Chadman

Nelvanna (Inua goddess, mother of Snowbird) - by Loki

Nemean Lion (Hercules foe) - by Will U

Nemesis (Captain Universe foe) - by Proto-Man

Nemesis (Falcon foe) - by Prime Eternal

Nemesis of Ultraverse (Infinity Gems)

Nemesis of Earth-295 (son of Apocalypse, Holocaust)

Nemesis, Dr. (Invaders)

Nemesis of the World (Wrathchilde)

Nemo (Blood Brothers)

Nenaunir (Conan foe)

Nenora (Skrull, Silver Surfer foe)

Neohedron (Dr. Evald Skorpion, Blue Marvel/New Avengers foe) - by Markus Raymond

Neooqtoq the Ravager (Great Beasts) - by Loki

"Neopard" (Deviant Horde)

Neophyte (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Neosaurus (Shi'ar Superguardians) - by Grendel Prime

Nepenthe (Bloodseed character)

Nephilia of Earth-8107 (Dr. Bradley Shaw, Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man

Nephri (Ozymandias' sister) - by Markus Raymond

Nephrus (Living Mummy foe)

Nep'Perr (Kree officer, killed by Super-Skrull)

Nepthys (Sandahl Swarn, Moon Knight foe) - by Markus Raymond

Nephut-Sha (Gog and Magog)

Neptune (Olympian God) - by Alex K, Prime Eternal, Snood & Will U

Neptunia (Olympian Goddess of the Sea) - by Will U

Neramani, Adam (Adam-X the X-Treme)

Neramani, Alanna of Reality-9922 (X-Character)

Neramani, D'ken (Lilandra & Deathbird's brother)

Neramani, Lilandra

Neramani, Sharra (Deathcry)

Nereel (Fall People tribe, Savage Land native, Colossus lover) - by Norvo

Nergal (Hyborian/Mesopotamian god/demon) - by Snood & Will U

Neri (Asgardian goddess) - by Kyle

Nero of Ultraverse (Warstrike foe) - by Grendel Prime

Nero, Mike (Enforcer)

Nero, Quintus Claudius (Worms of the Earth/human hybrid, Bran Mak Morn foe)

Nero, Dr. Royce (Spider-Man character) - by Ronald Byrd

Neron-Alak (Egyptian alien) - by Patrick D Ryall

Nertha (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)

Nerval (ally of Pol Tiurno)

Nesbit, Albert (found Midgard Serpent tear) - by Ron Fredricks

Nesbitt (former landlord of Nelson and Murdock)

Nesbitt, Patrick (Umbra)

Ness (Sisters of Grace)

Ness (Hellbent, Witness)

Ness, Tom (Fly, SPC Records character)

Nessie (London Morlocks, X-Men character)

Nessus (centaur) - by Will U

"Nest" (Harpies/Slaughterhouse Six)

Nester, Cob (Old West gunfighter) - by Grendel Prime

Nesters, Ray (Spider-Man character) - by the Beetle

Nesters, Tony (Ray's brother)

Nestor of Earth-148611 (New Universe, Chango Villalobos' right hand man)

Nestor (ca. 1000 BC, Inhuman king)

Nestor (Quicksilver character) - by Elf with a Gun

Netar (Subbie's companion)

Neth-At (Conan character) - by Nemedian Chronicler

Nether Demon (Conan foe)

Netherking (Necromon)

Netherspawn (Thog)

Net Prophet of Earth-928 (Justice/Tensen)

Netshape (Green Goblin (Urich) foe) - by Omar Karindu

Nettle (Parasites member)

Nettles, Gregory (Megatak)

Nettleton (federal prosecutor, Foggy Nelson character)

Network of New Universe (Wayne Tucker)

Network (Hellbent)

Network (Sarah Vale, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

Network (Anti-Registration Underground) - by G Morrow

Neuhaus, Billy (crooked cop, Spider-Man foe)

Neumensch, Dr. Franz (Golden Age, Cherub)

Neural Beast (Sigmar creation, Eternals)

Neuron Nelson (Hostess ad, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) foe) - by AvatarWarlord72

Neurotica (Realm of Madness) - by Markus Raymond

Neut (Crossing, Avengers foe) - by Markus Raymond

Neutralizer (Iron Man foe) - by Markus Raymond

Neutron (Shi'ar Imperial Guard) - by Chadman

Neutron (Munchkin, New Genix)

Neutron Bum (Slapstick, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, Fantastic Four and New Warriors foe!) - by Patrick D Ryall

Nevada (gunslinger, Derringer Kid foe)

"Nevada" of Earth-616 (alternate version of Vertigo character)

Nevermind (Hulk foe)

Neville, Althea (King-Cake Killer foe)

Neville, Kate (S.H.I.E.L.D. Director of Ordinance) - by Minor Irritant

Nevins, Walter (1950s scienctist)

Nevsky, Alex (Crimson Dynamo)

"New Head" (Committee)

New Napoleon of Deceit (Egghead)

New Seed (2001 characters) - by Prime Eternal and Kyle Sims

New York Ripper of Earth-68320

Newby, Hal (Old West, aged cowboy) - by Grendel Prime

Newcomb, Joanne (Fresh Air)

Newell, Walter (Stingray)

Newkirk (mercenary, Skull the Slayer foe)

Newlin (Starlord character)

Newman (Brand Corporation, Mosaic character)

Newman, Brian (Hulk character) - by Markus Raymond

Newman, Laraine (Not-Ready-for-Primetime-Players, Saturday Night Live cast member)

Newmark, Lotus (Hawkeye/Wonder Man foe)

Newsome, Defense Comm. (WWII defense commissioner, killed by Circus of Death) - by Chadman

Newtilus of Earth-18 (Miracleman foe)

Newton, Huey P. of Earth-9591 (Ruins) (Black Panther Party)

Newton, Maxwell (Hammer Aeronautics boss, She-Hulk character)

Newton, Professor (Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man

Newton, Ralph (Snake Men)

Newton, Steve (proposed to Alice Whyte, romance character)

"Newtonmore Piper" (Rom foe) - by Donald Campbell

Next Step of Earth-97082 (IM2)

Nexus (Mike Baron/Steve Rude creation, M'nden's Bar patron)

Nexus of Realities (K'ad-Mon of the Fallen Stars)

Nezaral (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

NFL (Vibraxas)

NFL Man (NFL SuperPro)

NFL SuperPro (Football themed hero) - by Markus Raymond

Ng, Min Li (Silk Fever/Firewall)

Ng, Thahn (Sin-Cong, Inhumans foe) - by Markus Raymond

Ng, Tommy (Scorch)

N'Gabthoth (Demon, Dr. Strange foe)

Ngala, Khairi (Afrikaa)

N'Gama (Wakandan, Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man

N'Gamo (Man-Ape's aide) - by Prime Eternal

N'Garai creature (Dracula/X-Men foe)

N'Gasi (Wakandan security officer, Black Panther ally) - by Prime Eternal

N'Gassi (Black Musketeer) - by the Beetle

Ngh the Unspeakable (Avengers foe) - by Chad Anderson

Ngi (Cameroon gorilla god, spirit merged with Gorilla-Man) - by Proto-Man

N'Gll (Soul Survivors)

Nia, Torgo (Lord of Vampires)

Nial (Kull foe) - by Spidermay

Nial (Inhuman doctor)

Niamh (Lady of the Lake)

Nicholis, Diana (Joshua Cooper's girlfriend)

Nicholls, William (Harriet Homerstone ancestor)

Nichols (Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond

Nichols, Morgan (Dr. Strange, Defenders character)

Nichols, Art (Defenders character)

Nicholson (judge, Daredevil character)

Nicholson, Aaron (Answer)

"Nicholson, Isaac" (1960s, thieving inventor) - by Ron Fredricks

Nicieza, Erik (Ratbag)

Nick ?? (Wheels of Wolfpac foe)

Nick ?? (Matt Murdock foe)

Nick ?? (ClanDestine character)

Nick ?? (Inhumans character)

Nick Furry (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)

Nick Scratch (Mephisto)

Nickie ?? (WWII-era young newspaper salesman, Mr. Million character)

Nicky ?? (Punisher victim)

Nicodemus (Dr. Strange/Clea foe) - by Grendel Prime

Nicolai of Earth-928 (Russian)

Nicole ?? (Water Kidz comic, Hydrators character)

Nicole ?? (Black Goliath's ex-girlfriend)

Nicole ?? of Earth-92131 (mutant crystallizer, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man

Nicolle, Danielle (Nightmare Boxes, Man-Thing character)

Nicolle, Robert (Scavenger, Danielle's brother)

Niceiza, Nabisco (Reverand Nice)

Niceiza, Wendy Sue (Nabisco's wife)

Nidetz, Amy (Patrick's sister)

Nidetz, Patrick (Ben Urich character) - by Chadman

Nidhogg (Asgardian monster) - by Prime Eternal

Niehoff, Beth (Hollywood producer)

Nieman, Dr. of Earth-8107 (Red Skull agent)

Nieth of Reality-8116 (Orsirosians)

Nietzche, Friedrich robot (Mad Thinker's Intellectual Robots)

Nigel ?? (Hooligans' leader)

Nigguraab (demon--mentioned only)

Night (Ratri, The Nest)

Night (Mister Jip agent, Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Markus Raymond

Night Beast (Lorna the Jungle Girl foe) - by Ron Fredricks

Night Blade (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man

Nightcaller of reality-88131 (ALF ally) - by Grendel Prime

Night Cat (singer/crimefighter) - by Madison Carter

Nightcat (Night Cat)

Night Count (Comte de Nuit)

Night-Crawler (Dark Crawler)

Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)

Night Creature (Jigsaw Monster)

Nightcreeper (Prowler foe/ally) - by Minor Irritant

Nighteyes (Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) foe) - by Minor Irritant

Nightfall (NuHuman, New Warriors foe) - by Minor Irritant

Nightfighter of Earth-253 (X-Man character)

Nightfire (Son of Satan character)

Nightfire (Illuminator foe) - by Prime Eternal

Night Flyer (Captain America/Hulk foe)

Night Flyer (Stanley, mercenary thief, Deadpool/Conan ally) - by Proto-Man

Nightgate (Gateway/Nighthawk)

Nightgaunt (Weirdworld villain) - by Prime Eternal

Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond, Defenders member) - by Chadman

Nighthawk of Earth-712 (Earth-S, Neal Richmond) - by Barry Reese

Nighthawk (Joaquin Pennysworth; only in potential future)

Nighthawk (zombie clone, Squadron Supreme)

Nighthowl of Eurth (Wolverine counterpart) - by Proto-Man

Nighthunter, John (Skinwalker)

Nightingale (First Line member) - by Norvo

Night Man of Ultraverse (Johnny Domino, sleepless ultrahero) - by Proto-Man

Nightmare (Morpheus' steed)

Nightmare (agent of Dr. Glitternight)

Nightmare of Earth-83840

Nightmare (villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man

Nightmare from Outer Space (Orogo)

Nightmare Owl (Nightmare character)

Nightmask of Earth-148611 (New Universe)

Nightmoose (Kaspar the Dead Baby character)

Night Nurse (Linda Carter)

Night Nurse (Daredevil character)

Night Nurse of Earth-928 (2099 A.D., Linda Carter, registered nurse) - by Loki

Night Phantom (Iron Man foe)

Night Raven ("pulp" character, Black Widow ally)

Night Rider (Phantom Rider, Carter Slade)

Nightshade (children of Mandrac) - by Loki

Nightshadow (Hellbent)

Nightshirt Guerilla (Paul Same, Howard the Duck character)

Nightspawn (African vampire)

Nightside (Shi'ar Imperial Guard) - by Chadman

Night Stalker (Lifeform)

Nightstick (Thought Police)

Nightstrutter of Earth-99476 (Nightcrawler counterpart, Dino-World) - by Loki

Night Terror (Ghost Rider/Blade foe) - by Madison Carter

Night Thrasher of Earth-9105 (Forever Yesterday)

Nightvoid (X-Statix farm team member) - by Proto-Man

night watchman (Wax People)

"Night Watcher" (alien spy, 1950s) - by Ron Fredricks

Nightweaver (Pyra)

Nightwind (Rising Sons)

Night Witch (1940s "Soviet Super-Soldiers") - by Loki

Nighty-Nightcrawler (teleporting Adorable X-Baby) - by Proto-Man

Nigot (Marvel Boy (Grayson) foe)

N'Iix (Wakandan, Shuri ally) - by Chadman & Markus Raymond

Nikki ?? (Soul’s of the Damned)

Niko (Ryu)

Nikoh (Rejects)

Nikolai ?? (Yama Nuri foe)

Nikos (Mastermind/Jason Wyngarde)

Nikos, Christos (Emil's son, Morbius character)

Nikos, Elizabeth (Emil's sister, Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond

Nikos, Emil (Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond

Nila, Dr. Araman (Agni, Lord of Fire)

Nile, Tana (Rigellian, Thor/Howard the Duck/Ronan character)

Niles (Gayle Edgerton's butler)

Nilffim-King (Ytitnedion)

Nilrac (demon,Children of Satan)

Nil Star (Mikaboshi)

Nimatziis (Serpent Men)

Nimbli (Myth-Realm, Hulk character)

Nimrod (Lord of vampires) - by Prime Eternal

Nimrod (Captain Mar-Vell foe) - by Spidermay

Nimrod of Earth-811 (advanced Sentinel, X-Men foe)

Nimrod of Earth-652975 (X-Men Arcade Game)

Nimsu of Reality-8116 (Byfrexian)

Nimue (Merlin lover/foe)

Nina ?? of New Universe (Sillatochca's daughter, Psi-Force character)

Nina (Skrull, Glenbrook resident)

Nina the Conjuror (1950s Sorcerer Supreme, Dr. Strange ally) - by Proto-Man

9-Ball (8-Ball's gang)

99 (Psigns of the Times)

Ningal (Mesopotamian God/Demon, Dr. Strange foe)

Ninhursag (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)

Ninja (Iron Fist foe)

Ninja Bread Man (Care Bears ally) - by Grendel Prime

Ninja Star (Rin Setsushi, former pop star turned supervillain, Gemini foe)

Ninnox (Dakkamite)

Nino ?? (friend of Kiden Nixon)

Nino, Hector (Punisher foe) - by Chadman

Niord (Hyborian Era warrior) - by Grendel Prime

Ninotchka (Power Man/Iron Fist foe) - by Norvo

Nirissa (Mandate, Wolverine character)

Nironus (Grithstane's vulture, Monsters Unleashed)

Nironus (Weirdworld, Grithstane's vulture)

Nirvana (Tantalus' wife) - by Prime Eternal

Nisanti (The Hood foe)

Nital, Adri (Taj's son)

Nital, Jyoti (Taj's wife)

Nital, Taj (Dracula foe) - by Markus Raymond

Nitro of Earth-5555 (Sudden Impact, Death's Head (FPA) foe)

Niu T'ou the Black (Iron Fist foe)

Niven, Doctor Giles (Space Saver, Marvel Two-in-One character)

Niven, Lester (Death-Stalker victim)

Niven, Peter (Gotham Game Club)

Nix (Hogman ally)

Nixon, Danny (Kiden's brother)

Nixon, Elizabeth (Kiden's mother)

Nixon, Kiden (mutant, NYX character) - by Proto-Man

Nixon, Nick (Kiden's father)

Nixon, Richard M. imposter (Zirksu, Skrull)

Nixon, Sam (Old West sheriff)

Nixon, Tyler (Kiden's brother) - by Proto-Man

N'Jadaka (Erik Killmonger)

Njord (Gods of Asgard) - by Will U

N'Kama (Black Widow foe)

N'Kano (Fantastic Force character)

N'Kano (Vibraxas)

N'Kantu (Living Mummy)

Nkosi (Black Panther foe) - by Markus Raymond

Nkrahmu (Hyborian era panther)

Nkrumah, Emenya (Obeahman)

N'kzaii, K'rk (Shi'ar captain) - by Chadman & Proto-Man

N'Laka (Avengers character)

N'Longa (Solomon Kane character)

"Noah" (Dwellers of the Ark)

Noatak, Kodiak (Marauders, Harpoon)

Nobble, Nick (bank robber, Snailman foe)

Nobel, Anders (Imp)

Nobili, Carmen (Inhuman, Gordon's son)

Nobili, Gordon "Gordo" (Lineage)

Nobili, Joseph "Joey" Raymond (Inhuman, Gordon's son)

Nobilus (New Immortals) - by Prime Eternal

Noble, Nia (Invaders ally) - by LV

"Noble One" (High Lord, Gramosian)

"Noble Pastor" (Destine Kale)

nobody anybody knows (Lilith foe)

No-Bot of Earth-700459 (Graviton's guard robot) - by Proto-Man

Nocculus (Inhuman, Tribe member) - by Chadman

Nocturne (First Line foe) - by Norvo

Nocturne (Spider-Man character)

Nocturne (Emplate's Hellions, Generation X foe) - by Norvo

Nohm (Quo Modari, Imogen ally)

Noh-Varr of Earth-200080 (Marvel Boy/Captain Marvel/Protector) - by Zerostar

Noise (Agent foe)

Noki (Rojans)

Nokomis (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)

Nolan, Angie (Death-Stalker victim)

Nolan, Blackie (1950s criminal, owned "Metal Monster")

Nolan, Dr. Curtis (archeologist, Deadpool/Thor character)

Nolan, Detective (Night Raven character) - by Loki

Nolan, Mr. (Death-Stalker victim)

Nolan, Sean (Death-Stalker victim)

Nolem (Lemurian mercenary)

Noletti, Marc (Spider-Man character) - by Norvo

Noll, Criti (Skrull, Hank Pym imposter(s)) - by Chadman

Nolo Contendre (Punisher foe)

Nolor (Rigellian auditor) - by Chadman

Noltoi outcast (Gullivar Jones character)

Nomad of Earth-8610 (Rick Jones, Gates of What If?)

Nomad (Steve Rogers)

Nomad (Edward Ferbel, Captain America foe)

Nomad (Onslaught)

Nomextra (partner of Kevlor) - by AvatarWarlord

Nomura of Earth-1211 (Black Dragon Society)

Nonefingers (Church of the Sheltering Hands, Daredevil foe)

Non-human (Reptyl)

No-No-Bear (Who-Cares Bears)

Nonna of the Lo-Kala (Ronan the Accuser character)

Nook (Pretorious's assistant)

Noon (Death's Head-Minion character)

Noose of Earth-9561 (Nocturne character) - by Per Degaton

Nopply, Ignatz of Earth-52123 (Suspense, mad scientist) - by Ron Fredricks

Nora ?? of Earth-8140 (Irkutsk Liberation Front)

Nora (Ghost Rider/Blaze character)

Nora, Aron (Mirrorshade)

Nor-Atz (Kull foe)

Norcott (Scotland Yard officer)

Norcross, Dr. James (stole Bell of Ikonn)

Norda (Conan character)

Nordo (Invaders foe)

Nordstrom, Ned (U.S. Agent character) - by Prime Eternal

Norfolk, Mary-Lyon (old girlfriend of John Walker) - by Prime Eternal

Noriyaki, Dr. Ito of Earth-20051 (Marvel Adventures, Fantastic Four character)

Noriyaki, Oji of Earth-20051 (Ito's daughter)

Norm (Excalibur foe)

Norma Jean (Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher character)

"Norman" (Golden Age, bank teller)

Norman ?? (encountered Pan)

Norman, Ma of Earth-333333333 (Private Normal's adoptive mother)

Norman, Norman of Earth-333333333 (Private Normal/He)

Norman, Pa of Earth-333333333 (Private Normal's adoptive father)

Norman, Dr. Victor (Vishnu the Preserver)

Normas, Effrain (Oversize)

Norombi (Tong crime boss, Kingpin ally)

Norra (Kull character)

Norris (WW2, Professor Gold's assistant, Invaders character)

Norris (jealous Dane Whitman lab assistant) - by Proto-Man

Norris (doorman, Mosaic character...kind of)

Norris, Jack (Phantom Eagle character)

Norris, Nick (Son of Santa) of Earth-8336

Norris, Richard K. (Scorpio victim) - by Proto-Man

Norris, Mortimer George "Mort" (Mister Fish)

Norris, William "Bill" (Mister Fish, Mortimer's brother)

Norriss, Barbara (Valkyrie host) - by Chadman

Norriss, Jack (Defenders member, Barbara's husband) - by Chadman

Norseman (3rd century, Bran Mak Morn character) - by Wolfram Bane & Loki

"Norseman Ghost Rider" (English Knight Ghost Rider foe)

North of Earth-5555 (Sudden Impact, Death's Head (FPA) foe)

North, Arlo (architect, Thing character) - by Chadman

North, Caroline (Dakota North's mother)

North, Cole (NYPD detective, Daredevil ally) - by Chadman

North, Dakota (PI, Daredevil character) - by Chadman

North, Dr. John (Thor character)

North, Ricky (Dakota North's brother) - by Chadman

North, S.J. (Dakota North's father) - by Chadman

North, Upton of Earth-57780 (private detective, Spider-Man ally) - by Grendel Prime

North Orc (Snow Giant)

Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)

North Wind (Four Winds)

Norton, Brad (1950s, survived plane crash after encounter with Arla)

Norton, Dr. of Earth-8107 (Spider-Man character)

Norton, Jennifer (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Norton, Jimmy (Slick Jimmy)

Norton, "Nose" (Daredevil/Spider-Man character) - by Chadman

Norton, Otis (encounterd Ghost of Grismore Castle)

Norton, Ralph (X-Factor character)

Norton, Tommy (1950s youth, Mystic character) - by Ron Fredricks

Norvell, Roger ("Red" Norvell/Thor)

Nosferata (She-Hulk ally)

Nosferata of Eurth (Black Widow (Claire Voyant) counterpart) - by Proto-Man

Nosferatu (Bloodstone/Dracula/Frankenstein monster foe) - by Markus Raymond

Nostranda (16th century vampire sorceress)

Nostume (Conan foe)

Not-At-All-Super-In-Any-Way-Man of Earth-333333333 (Private Normal/Norman Norman)

"Not M'Gubgub" of reality-9808 (Nth Man character) - by Loki

Noto, Hashi (Antro)

Notoi (chief of the Asteroidians)

Notorious Outback Toilet Tarantula (caused "Jolly Swagman" mutation)

Nova (Frankie Raye, Fantastic Four character) - by Chadman

Nova (Nova Omega/Super-Nova)

Nova of Earth-57780 (presumably Rhomann Dey)

Nova (Richard Rider)

Nova (Rigellian, Irani Rael)

Nova, Cassandra of Earth-15730 (X-Men '92 comics) - by MarvellousLuke

Nova 0:0 of Earth-9442 (Nova ally) - by Grendel Prime

Nova Infinity (Nova 0:0)

Nova Omega (Garthan Saal, Avengers/Nova/New Warriors character)

Nova-Prime (Rhomann Dey)

Novak (Doctor Doom's bear/friend) - by Chadman

Novak, Delilah (Daredevil character)

Novak, Ralph (Hugo Longride's assistant)

Novell, Arch of Ultraverse (Requiem)

Nowak (guard at the Warden's base)

Nowlan, Michael (mutant, X-Factor character)

Nowlan, Susan (Michael's ex-wife)

Nowlan, William (Derangers, Bedlam)

Nox (Fear Lords, Dr. Strange foe)

Noxx (White Raven foe)

Noy (Rising Sons)

Noyo (Conan character)

N'rill'irēē (Imperial Guard)

N'ruto (Shi'ar, Marvel Girl (Rachel Grey) foe) - by Chadman

N'Taka (Wakandan, 1950s Icon ally) - by Chadman

N'Taka (Jabari tribe)

Nth Man I-1 (Lightner, Mysterium)

Nth Man I-2 of Earth-S (Benjamin Jones)

Ntshonge (Ashake's chamberlain)

Nuada (Celtic Gods)

Nuadhu (Nuada)

Nuage (Marvel Italia, Euroforce member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with translation aid from Angelo Mammone

Nu-An (Yü-Ti)

Nuba (Golden People)

Nubian Prince of Earth-398 (Black Panther (T'Challa), Queen's Vengeance)

Nuclear Man (Mahkizmo)

Nuclear Man (Ghost Rider (Blaze) foe) - by Spidermay

Nugent (Magik (Sefton) character) - by MarvellousLuke

Nugent, Dr. Alice (Doctor Spectrum, Iron Man character)

Nugent, Orville (Architect)

Nugert, Felicia (friend of Microchip) - by the Beetle

Nugert, James (Microchip foe) - by the Beetle

Nugget (Willie Lincoln's dog)

Nugliano (1950s, chief foreman of dictator Baruta)

Nuke of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo

Nuke (Simpson, Daredevil foe)

Null the Living Darkness (demon, Defenders foe) - by Chadman

Nullet (former simian techno serving the Supreme Intelligence) - by Donald Campbell

Nullitor (Thor robot) - by Stunner

Nullitron (Nullitor)

Null-Tron (Microverse, Carnage ally/foe)

Numa (lion, Leopard Girl ally)

Numa (lion living in Bill Rotsler's jungle)

Numallah (Conan character)

Number 1 (Marya Penskiyov, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

Number 1 (Marya's successor, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

Number One (Organization)

"Number One" (Shogun Warriors ally)

Number One of Earth-8107 (Hulk foe) - by Norvo

Number One (Professor Power)

Number One (Hydra section leader)

Number One (Kestorans)

Number One (Rat Pack) - by The Beetle

Number One Fan (X-Factor foe)

Number 1 son Egg Drop Stoop (Spider-Man foe, Golden All-Star Book)

Number 2 (Samson Washington, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

Number 2 (Samson's successor, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

"Number Two" (Changeling)

Number Two (Rat Pack, Marie DuChailu)

Number 3 (Farley London, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

Number 3 (Farley's successor, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

Number 3 (Espionage Elite member)

Number Three (Rat Pack)

Number 4 (Godfried Herter, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

Number 4 (Godfried's successor, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

Number Four (Rat Pack)

Number 5 (Roger Phillips, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

Number 5 (Roger's successor, Espionage Elite member) - by Chadman

Number Five (Rat Pack)

Number Six (Rat Pack, Jules Bannion)

Number Six (Cold Warriors)

Number 6 (Espionage Elite member)

Number Nine (Secret Empire agent, impersonated by Gabe Jones) - by Prime Eternal

Number Nine (Secret Empire, Linda Donaldson)

Number Nine (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

Number 12 (Corporation)

"Number 12" (Kashmir Vennema-12116)

Number Fourteen (Rat Pack) - by The Beetle

Number 16 (Hydra; Nick Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal

Number 19 (Organization)

Number 23 (Organization)

Numbers (Technet/Special Executive, Excalibur character) - by Loki

Numenor of Earth-311 (mutant emperor of Bensaylum) - by Grendel Prime

Numéro Un (Cell Combattre)

Numéro Deux (Cell Combattre)

Numéro Trois (Cell Combattre)

Numinus (cosmic entity, Power Pack/Groot character) - by MarvellousLuke

Nuncio Klarheit (Deviant, Ghaur ally) - by Spidermay

Nupa (Conan foe)

Nur (Frank McGee)

Nuri, Yama (World of Fantasy character) - by John Kaminski

Nuron (Prof. Savannah's robot)

Nurotox (Galactic Alliance of Spider-Men member)

Nurse Ayers (Matt Murdock character)

Nurse Barbara (BEST)

Nurse Collins (Blessing Hospital, Cardiac ally)

Nurse Ratchid (Secret Empire)

Nurse Richards (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man

Nurse Stanton (Churchill Prep, Jason Thornehill character)

Nurse Vicki (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent posing as Pleasant Hill nurse) - by Proto-Man

"Nussbaum, Mr." (Black Fox)

Nut (Egyptian goddess) - by Will U

Nutasha Romanutt (squirrel, Squirrel Girl/Allene Green ally)

Nutso (squirrel)

Nutsy McSmasher (digital squirrel entity created by Emulator) - by Chadman

Nuubissat (Man-Serpents)

Nuwa (3-Peace member, China Force foe) - by Proto-Man

Nuy (Red Fox)

N'Yaga (Odongo, Conan foe)

N'Yaga (Wakandan scientist, Black Panther ally) - by Prime Eternal

Nyarlathotep (ancient demon) - by AvatarWarlord72

Nyborn (Nygorn)

Nyeung, Thomas (drug dealer, Venom foe) - by Chadman

Nygorn (Starblasters)

Nyirh, Ghaszaszh (Dr. Strange foe)

Nykonn (Captain Britain foe) - by Loki --check your obscure-ometer!

Nyles, Jennifer (Beast character) - by MarvellousLuke

Nyssa (Conan character)

Nyteflyt of Ultraverse (Alien Elite)

Nyx (Olympian goddess of night) - by Proto-Man

Nyx (Nox)

Nzinga (Hyborian era amazon princess)

Nzinga (Hyborian era amazon queen)

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