These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and Villains, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.
Q (Quoi/Sequoia)
Q-5 (A.I.M. agent, Ka-Zar/Man-Thing foe)
Qabiri (X-Man character)
Qadir, Sooraya of Earth-92131 (Dust, X-Men '97 cartoon)
Qamar, Abdul (Arabian Knight)
Qatar of New Universe (Far Place)
Qebehsenuf (Horusians)
Qgaxbq-4 (Gasbag, Unoxxian criminal)
Qnax (Amphibion)
Quach (mayor, "Duckworld")
Quack o'Lantern of Earth-8311 (super criminal) - by Proto-Man
Quackson, Johnny ("Duckworld")
Quade, Ember (Emulator)
Quaid, Arnold "Arnie" (Ringmaster/Maynard Tiboldt)
Quaid, Mickey (Blizzard)
Quail, Timothy ("Hermit")
Quaill, Winston S. of Earth-333333333 (Adolf Hitler double, UK character) - by Loki
"Quakey" (Earthquake)
Quakton, Amy ("Duckworld")
Qualaero of Ultraverse (demon, Witch Hunter foe)
Quanah, the Painted Warrior (Shadow-Earth, Genghis Grimtoad character)
Quan-St'ar (Shang-Chi/Iron Fist foe) - by Spidermay
Quant, Sally (Waxman)
Quantrell, Lincoln (Hypnotist, Old West)
Quantum (Dakkamite, West Coast Avengers foe) - by Markus Raymond
Quantum King (Yandroth)
Quantum Mechanic (Captain Universe foe) - by Madison Carter
Quan-Zarr (Starlord character)
Quark (Havok/Wolverine character)
Quark (Microverse warrior, Enigma Force member)
Quarrel (Lunatic Legion)
Quarrel (lawyer of Hammer Aeronautics, She-Hulk characrter)
Quarrel, Merimarth (Starlord/Sinjin Quarrel's mother)
Quarrel, Sinindru (Starlord/Sinjin Quarrel's father)
Quarrel, Sinjin (Starlord)
Quarry (War Machine foe) - by Gauntlet
Quarry (Hulk foe)
Quarryman of Earth-398 (Sandman (Baker) )
Quartermain, Clay
Quartermaster, Jason (Luke Cage foe) - by Prime Eternal
Quartet (Slice and Dice)
Quarto of Irth (Earth-9339, Excalibur ally)
Quartuccio, Aces (criminal, Tarkington Brown victim)
Quartuccio, Victorio of Earth-7484 (Deathlok the Demolisher foe)
Quasar (Neutron, Imperial Guard)
Quasar (Wendell Vaughn)
Quasar (Phyla-Vell)
Quasar the Future Man (Iron Man foe)
Quasimodo of Earth-Hulk Vs Quasimodo (alternate reality Hulk foe) - by Madison Carter
Quasimodox of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Quayle, Dan of Earth-9061 (Earth-Stalin robot)
Queely, Alfred (Council of Antiquarians)
Queen (Strange Tales)
Queen (Hulk foe)
Queen (Indries Moomji, Stane's Chessmen)
queen (Ergon race)
queen of the Caraneri (Morg's race)
Queen (Ana Soria, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Queen, Nora (Knorda)
Queen Adora (Xandarian, Nova (Richard Rider) character) - by Norvo
Queen Ai'sha of Earth-148 (Ee'rath, mother of Princess Sa'tneen) - by Donald Campbell & Proto-Man
Queen Bea (post-apocalyptic society)
Queen Bee of Earth-57780 (Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Queen Cilla (Tryk, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Queen Elizabeth of Earth-311
Queen Fria (Micronaut ally) - by Grendel Prime
Queen Greensong (Frogs of Central Park)
Queen Hippolyta of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Queen Jade (Shadow-Earth, mother of Prince Eric)
"Queen Klutz" (Merx Pharmaceuticals)
Queen Nara of Ligra (Electro robot character)
Queen Nzinga (Hyborian era amazon queen)
Queen of Diamonds of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Queen of Kaliklak (Lyca)
Queen of Lai-Son (People of the Sea)
"Queen of Mean" (Marilla)
Queen of Sheba (Balkis, former Sorcerer Supreme)
Queen of the Amazons (Hippolyta)
Queen of the Black Coast (Bêlit, Conan lover)
Queen of the Dark Domains (Ovada)
Queen of the Deep (Namora)
"Queen of the Gargoyles" (Sylvia Corpo)
Queen of the Great Below (Ereshkigal)
Queen of the Lost (Marie Laveau)
Queen of the Nile (Cleopatra)
"Queen of the Sub-Sea Realm" (Namor foe) - by John Kaminski
Queen of the Sun (Apalla)
Queen Kalthea (She loved Uatu) - by Prime Eternal
Queen Mother (Conan character)
Queen Sen (Kaiwann, Thing/Iron Fist character)
Queen Sen Suwanda (Elsewhere dimension)
Queen Sharaan of Eurth (Sharon Carter counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Queen Tandylla (Tandy Snow)
Queen Taramis (Conan character) - by Spidermay
Queen Ula (Thryheim, Thor foe) - by Markus Raymond
Queen Xiombarg (Conan foe) - by Spidermay
Queen Zoyburt (Homeworld, Argon & Mari mother)
Queenie (follower of Astrologer)
Queenie (dog of Raymo & Hank)
Queenie Dimm of Earth-791014 (Amusement World)
Quelin (Inhuman, Crystal & Medusa's father)
Queller, Shannon (news correspondant, Norman Osborn ally) - by Proto-Man
Quellor (Miners of Xorr, Thor character)
Quentin (Red Lucy's child)
Quentin, Ray of Ultraverse (Slayer)
Quested, Janos (Marauders, Riptide)
Questor, Ishmael of Counter-Earth (Franklin) (I.Q.)
Quetzalcoatl (Aztec God, Defenders foe) - by Will U, Snood & Chadman
Qui (Shang-Chi character) - by Proto-Man
Quickdeath of Earth-928 (2099, Xi'an Chi Xan foe)
Quick-Draw Kid (Hulk Andrews, Old West gunslinger) - by Grendel Prime
"Quick-Draw" Quatros (Old West, Annie Oakley foe)
Quickfall, Lorne (Cane)
Quickfire (Barbara McDevitt, Inhuman, Avengers foe) - by Chadman
"Quickie" of Earth-9591 (Ruins) (Quicksilver counterpart)
Quick Kick (NFL SuperPro foe) - by Cisco
Quicksand (Thor foe) - by Norvo
Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff)
Quickstart (Fight Man foe)
Quiet Harold (Octobliterator)
Quill (Resistants) - by Patrick D Ryall
Quill of New Universe (Justice Foe)
Quill (Maxwell Jordan, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke
Quill, Jan (part-time corpse, 1950s) - by Ron Fredricks
Quill, Meredith of Earth-791 (Star-Lord's mother) - by Donald Campbell
Quill, Peter Jason (Star-Lord)
Quin (mob employee)
Quinlan, Edward of New Universe (Quill)
Quinn (Lorna foe)
Quinn (Fantastic Four character)
Quinn (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Quinn, Jenny (Golden Dragon)
Quinn, Peter (Peeper/Occult)
Quintero, Julian (Reptil (Humberto Lopez) cousin) - by Grendel Prime
Quintet (Slice and Dice)
Quintronic Man (Hulk and Nova foe) - by Spidermay and Snood
Quiquayquod (sorcerer)
Quirk, Jim of Earth-665 (Forbush Man/Irving Forbush)
Quirt (Luke Cage foe)
Quisling (Inner Guard)
Quixote of Ultraverse (Warstrike ally) - by Grendel Prime
Quizling (Howard the Duck foe)
Qu'lar the Massive (Thanos-Thralls)
Quogg (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
Quoggoth (spawn of Shuma-Gorath, X-Men/Squirrel Girl foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Quoi (Avengers character) - by Stunner
Quon-Shek (Tongs, Kingpin ally)
Quor (Ka-Zar foe)
Quormo, Rubanna Lagenris (Caregiver)
Quota (Agent foe)
Quothar (Tagak/Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Qutzbalaam (Serpent Men)
Qu'vin the Malevolent (mystic parasite, Dr. Strange foe) - by Proto-Man
Qwa (True Beleivers)
Q'wake (Avatars of the Mandarin)
Qwerty (Morlock) - by Chadman
Qyre (mouthless, silent Watcher) - by Proto-Man
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