These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and Villains, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.

T (Wolverine foe) - by MarvellousLuke

T-5 (Spammers)

T-14 (A.I.M. agent, Ka-Zar/Man-Thing foe)

Taaru the Terrible (Valkyrie foe) - by Markus Raymond

Tabby (cat, mutated by Victor Avery)

Tabeshaw, Harry (Wolverine character) - by Norvo

Tabicantra (Ghost Rider character)

Tabletop (Black Tiger foe)

Taboo (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal

Taboo (Werewolf character)

Tabor (pet of Insect Man's son)

Tabur (Tigra foe) - by Prime Eternal

Tacker (the People, Sub-Mariner character)

Taco Bell (Monteiro, Project: Glamor)

Tachyon of Reality-691 (Force, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)

Tachyon Torch of Earth-90110 (Cosmic Avenger)

Tactical Force ("Hydra Super-Agents")

Tadj (Morbius foe) - by Markus Raymond

Tadpole (Warpies)

Tae (xt god, Thor/Hercules foes) - by Donald Campbell

Taforne (Watchers on the Wall novel, Diascar)

Taffy (Dafydd ap Iowerth)

Tag (proposed New Mutants character) - by Loki

Tag (Brian Cruz, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

Tagak the Lantern-Lord of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Tagak the Leopard Lord (Daredevil character)

Tagar (Count Tagar)

Tagashi, William Caesar of Ultraverse (Smoke)

Tager, Alisa (Cipher)

Taggert, Ace (Moon Knight foe)

Taggert, Douglas (Grasshopper)

Taggert, Roland (Old West rancher)

Tahmina (Conan character)

Tai the Slayer (Man-Thing foe)

Taifu (Pacific Overlords)

Taiko, Jin (Juggernaut)

Tailgunner (Heavy Metal, Brute Force foe)

Tailgunner (Loonies)

Tailhook (Nova foe) - by Future

Tailspin (Hellbent)

Taine, Clayton Richard (Attacker)

Taine, Michael (Son of Satan character)

Taine, Sydney of Earth-1211 (Nightside character) - by Madison Carter

Taiya (Children of Ootah)

Tak (The People)

Taka (Iron Fist character)

Takada, Jennifer of Earth-11511 (Hazmat)

Takahama, Helen "Hallie" (Jolt)

Takahama, Jane (Jolt's mother)

Takahama, Robert (Jolt's father)

Takahashi, Haru (Crimesaurus, All-Hate Squad)

Takamimusubi (Japanese God)

Takata, Hideko (Bruce Banner's Hulkbusters)

Takeda (X-Men character)

Takegura (Punisher foe) - by the Beetle

Takeo of Earth-3071 (Wolverine character)

Taker of Heads (Kah-Tah-Dhen)

Taker of Heads (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Taker of Life (Arize)

Taki ?? (Midas the Golden Man victim)

Taki ?? (pilot of Symbiotic Weapons Suit)

Takiguchi, Rob (Godzilla Squad)

Takiguchi, Dr. Yuriko (Godzilla Squad/X-Club member)

Takimoto, Keiko of Earth-97082 (Iron Man character)

Takimoto, Ron (Hydra, Punisher character) - by Chadman

Takkim (Conan character)

Takkor of Earth-691 (Prime Mover's Minions)

Takui (Lorna character)

Takumer (Wonder Man foe)

T'al (Slug's father, Microverse royalist)

Talan (Namora's deceased husband)

Talbert, Russ (Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal

Talbot (Kingpin employee)

Talbot, Glenn

Talbot, Gov. Bruce (state governor)

Tale-Er (Possessor/Kamo Tharnn)

"Taliban Slayer" (Henrietta Hunter)

Talisman (Nahita, Tribe of the Moon)

Talisman (Contest of Champions) - by Prime Eternal

talking fish of unrevealed Earth (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron)

"talking plant-beast" (ally of the Iron Fist of 1,000,000 BC) - by Proto-Man

"talking tree" (ancient being, had child with Gaea) - by Proto-Man

Talks-To-Spirits (Tribe of the Moon)

"Tall-Man" (Wilbur Day, Stilt-Man)

Talla-Ron (Lunatic Legion)

Tall Bear (Kid Colt foe)

Tallibone, Princess (Starjammers foe) - by Sammy 7D

Tallis (Find Your Truth, Oracle Adventures)

Tallon (Tallun)

Tallon, Leroy (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

Talltrees, Rebecca (Red Wolf (William) mother) - by Proto-Man

Talltrees, Tommy (Red Wolf (William) father) - by Proto-Man

Talltrees, William (Red Wolf (William) uncle) - by Proto-Man

Tallun (Lunatic Legion)

Tally (Inhuman) - by Markus Raymond

Talmadge the Watcher (newborn, Thing character)

Talogan of Earth-691 (Wolverine descendant, Rancor's son)

"Talon" (Unholy Three)

Talon (Armechadon, possible Deviant)

Talon of Eurth (Vulture (Adrian Toomes) counterpart)

Talos the Tamed (Talos)

Talos the Tamer (Skrull, Hulk character) - by Mick Martin

Talos the Untamed (Talos)

Tam ?? (Genoshan Magistrate, X-Men character)

Tamar-Shar-Khun (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

Tamazzotti, Anthony (Tony Tapioca)

Tambura, Dr. (Followers of the Light)

Tame (Oceanic God)

"Tamer of Pthira" (Macrothrax)

Tamiroff (Gregory Gideon rival)

Tamisha ?? (classmate of Kiden Nixon)

Tamm, Willie (Tokamak)

Tammi Lu ?? (dancer who developed leg condition, sister of Sheldon)

Tammuz (Hyborian/Mesopotamian god/demon) - by Snood & Will U

Tamon (Bishamon)

Tamone (agent of Senor Muerte)

Tamri, Kito (Punisher character) - by Grendel Prime

Tana Nile (Rigellian, Thor/Howard the Duck/Ronan character)

Tana the First (Tana Nile)

Tanager (Air Force) - by LV

Tanaka, Dr. Darrell of Earth-92131 (Skull Mesa resident, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man

Tanaka, Kenjiro (Quasar supporting cast)

Tanaka, Tom (Howling Commandos ally) - by Prime Eternal

Tanaka, Uchio (telepath, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Tanakadon (Monster Island creature) - by Madison Carter

Tanakyth (Arakne)

Tanas (Homo mermani)

Tancredi, Edward "Eddie" (Wing, X-Student)

Tancredo (Patriot (Bradley) foe) - by Chadman

Tandylla (Tandy Snow)

Tane (Tribune, Wolverine foe)

Ta-Nehi-C (Sparkitect, manipulated Black Panther)

Tangerine (MI13 agent, Captain Britain character) - by Loki

Tangerine Lime (Elmer Gore)

Tangle (New Enforcers, Spider-Man foe) - by Prime Eternal

Tango (AAFES Anniversary comic, Avengers foe) - by AvatarWarlord72

Tango (Silver Sable's Wild Pack, Spider-Man character) - by Spidermay

Tanila (Spy Fighters)

Tanir (Tuk the Caveboy character) - by MarvellousLuke

Tanith (Inhuman, Agon's parent)

Tank (National Force, Punisher foe) - by Markus Raymond

Tannan Six of Earth-Avengers: Assembled Once More (maybe Earth-8710, 26th Century Avengers, Millennial Visions)

Tannar (Children of Ootah)

Tanner (Daredevil character)

Tanner, Jacko (Captain Britain supporting cast) - by Loki

Tanner, Mitchell (Warhawk)

Tansteele (Eopian Technarchy, Dark Guard character)

Tantalus (Tartarus)

Tantalus (Blackwulf's father) - by Prime Eternal

Tantra (Xavier Institute student) - by MarvellousLuke

Tantrum (Delbert, criminal mutate, Night Thrasher (Dwayne Taylor) foe) - by Chadman

Tanuta (Q7 Strikeforce)

Tanya ?? (Zebra Daddy's prostitute)

Tanya ?? (Daredevil character)

Tanzerian, Ara (Iron Man foe) - by Chadman

Tanzika (Black Panther foe)

Tao-Yu, Chang (Collective Man)

Tao-Yu, Han (Collective Man)

Tao-Yu, Ho (Collective Man)

Tao-Yu, Lin (Collective Man)

Tao-Yu, Sun (Collective Man)

Tapp, Lucius (Double-Tap's brother, Quentin Carnival story)

Tapping Tommy (Defenders foe) -One of the goofiest characters ever...and if you want to feel the true majesty of this profile, make sure the music boots up so you can "enjoy" it while you read the profile.

Tar (X-Men character) - by Norvo

Tar, Caden (Weirdworld, Black Knight (Dane Whitman) foe) - by Grendel Prime

Tara (Children of the Comet, Morbius character)

Tara of Earth-691 (31st Century, Starhawk's children)

Tara (Enigma)

Tara (Invaders member) - by LV

Tara Sidth Alarune (Ovada host, Conan foe)

Tarakis (Thor foe) - by Stunner

Tarakato, Toru (Monster-Master)

Taramis (Conan character) - by Spidermay

Taran (Spider Clan, Spider Man character)

Taranis (Celtic Gods)

Taranith Gelstal (Negative Zone, Fantastic Four foe)

Taranova, Jack "Baby" (Typhoid character)

Taranova, Quince (Jack's son)

Taranta (1950s, Benjamin Blair's giant spider)

Tarantino (Red Wolf foe)

Tarantino, Dr. (Spider-Man character)

Taran Tula (Roxanne)

Tarantula (Old West, Phantom Rider foe)

Tarantula (Lance Brant foe) - by Ron Fredricks

Tarantula (Runaways foe) - by Madison Carter & Mike Fichera

Tarantula (Agent X enemy) - by Patrick D Ryall

Tarantula of Earth-1048 (Spider-Man-1048/Superior Spider-Man-616 foe) - by Proto-Man

Tarantula of Earth-13162 (El Ministerio de Paseos Tontos member) - by Proto-Man

Tarascus (Hyborian era)

Taraskh (Arakne)

Tar Baby (Morlocks) - by Proto-Man & Prime Eternal

Tarene (Thor Girl)

Tareva (Dr. Strange character)

Tarf of Earth-1037 (New Mutants, Millennial Visions)

Target of Odhams Earth (Niles Reed, attended Special Squad Christmas party)

Target (Master Form)

Target (Ryu)

Targo (Marvel Boy (Grayson) foe)

Targo (Old West character) - by Grendel Prime

Targon (Inhuman, Genetics Council) - by Chadman

Targus (doorman to Port Brimstone)

Tarianna of Leenn (mental construct, Battleworld (Beyonder) warrior woman, Thing ally) - by Norvo

Tariel (Angel, Grigori)

Taric Redhand (1st millennium pirate, Marada character)

Tark (Tarkington Brown)

Tark of Earth-829 (Assassins' Guild)

Tarkas (Gatherers)

Tarkington (Ft. Cheer warden, Hulk character)

Tarklu, Avan (ally of the Doctor)

Tarleton (Spawn of the Witch Queen)

Tarleton, Alvin (A.I.M., MODOK's father)

Tarleton, George of Earth-32323 (MODOK)

Tarna (Namor foe)

Tarnok-Kol (Kree soldier)

Tarq (Starjammers foe) - by Chadman

Tarrant (Shang-Chi foe) - by the Beetle

Tarrax the Tamer (Circus of Crime tamer) - by Chadman

Tar-Rell (Kree, Skrulls foe) - by Donald Campbell

Tarros (Spider-Man character, alien)

Tarsitino, Father Louis (Ghost Rider character)

Tarsitino, Matt (Louis' son)

Tarsitino, Sally (Louis' wife)

Tartaglia, Paul (Skinny Paulie)

Tartaglione, Joey (Maggia, Cloak & Dagger foe)

Tartar, Sari (Namor/Namora foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Tartaro (agent of Typhon)

Tartarus (Captain Mar-Vell foe)

Tartarus (Neo, young, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Tartarus (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Tartarus (Hidden Ones)

Tartessus (Dr. Strange foe)

Tartoff (1950s, Dracula foe) - by Markus Raymond

Taru (Ba'al)

Tar-Vash (Kree/Ruul, Defenders foe) - by Chadman

Taryn down the Highway (Taryn O’Connell)

Taryn O’Connell (U.S 1 character)

Taser (Tazer)

Taserface of Earth-691 (Overkill)

Tasha ?? (Professor X character)

Tasha (Sen. Owen Danville's dog) - by Proto-Man

Tasha ?? (Inhumans character)

Tasha ?? (Canadian mutant)

Tashaa of Ultraverse (Night Man foe)

Tasker (Games official, Battletide story)


Taste (Sensors)

Tas'wzta (D'Bari, Nova Corps)

"Tat" (Catiana)

Tate, Lee of a distant future (traveled to 1950s) - by Ron Fredricks

Tate, Loralee (Brother Voodoo love interest) - by Prime Eternal

Tate, Randy (Ratri, the Night)

Tate, Samuel (Loralee's father)

Tate, Senator (Captain America foe)

Tate, Roderick (Sherrif) (Black Panther character)

"Tati" (Tatiana Arocha)

Tatterdemalion (Night Shift, West Coast Avengers/Moon Knight, etc. foe) - by Norvo

Tattoo of New Universe (Justice foe)

Tattoo (Tektos)

Tattoo (Christine Cord, former Omega Gang/New Warriors member) - by MarvellousLuke

"Tattoo Man" (NYX character) - by Proto-Man

Tatum, Ann (Ron's wife)

Tatum, Ron (Daughters of the Dragon foe) - by Markus Raymond

Taurens, William (Man-Bull)

Taurey, William (Royalist/Imperial Forces) - by Prime Eternal

Tauro-demon (Aged Genghis character)

Tauron (Inhuman, father of Grimal)

Taurus (Cornelius Van Lunt, Zodiac Cartel) - by Prime Eternal

Taurus (Conan character) - by Spidermay

Taurus (One-Man Zodiac)

Taurus (Mr. Zodiac)

Taurus (LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal

Taurus (Zodiac-Ecliptic member)

Taurus ("New Zodiac", New Warriors foe)

Taurus of Khoraja (Conan character, Advisor to Yasmela)

Tawa (Native American Sun God)

Tavarez, Beth (Night Cat's mother)

Tavarez, Jacqueline (Night Cat)

Tavarez, Lou (Night Cat's father)

Tavashtri (Conan foe) - by Grendel Prime

Tavers, John (possessed by "Thing", 1950s)

Tavi (worshipped by Rasputin)

Tavist (Hydra agent, Captain America/Daredevil foe)

Tavon of Ultraverse (Godwheel, Necromantra character)

"Taxi" Taylor (Golden Age hero, master mechanic, Crazy S.U.E.S.) - by Proto-Man

"Taxi" Taylor (Ducky Dozen, Howard the Duck character)

Taxman (Night Raven foe) - by Loki

Taxtor (slave of Skrulls of Kral)

Taylor (1950s sheriff, Kenyon enemy)

Taylor (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)

Taylor (alien captive of the Collector) - by Proto-Man

Taylor, Andy (sheriff, Rocket Racer character)

Taylor, Billy (Neverland camp internees, Weapon X victim) - by Norvo

Taylor, Dwayne (Night Thrasher)

Taylor, Edward (NYPD detective, Daredevil character)

Taylor, Frank (alien champion foe)

Taylor, Harrison (geneticist, Mystique foe) - by Chadman

Taylor, Helene (Kool-Aid Man character)

Taylor, Dr. Hugh (1950s scientist, Spellbound)

Taylor, James (famous musician, former Beatles associate)

Taylor, Jim (Golden Age hero, "Taxi" Taylor)

Taylor, Kymberly (SHIELD agent) - by Prime Eternal

Taylor, Leslie (Kool-Aid Man character)

Taylor, Mark (Kool-Aid Man character)

Taylor, Mary (Kool-Aid Man character)

Taylor, Michi (reporter, attended Raymond Carter's party) - by Chadman

Taylor, Mr. (Power Man/Iron Fist character)

Taylor, Rebecca (Vengeance character) - by Markus Raymond

Taylor, Paul (Mr. Scrath's aid, Tag Team)

Taylor, Phil (Old West, Yahoo Kid)

Taylor, Roland (Captain Universe) - by Prime Eternal

Taylor, "Taxi" (Ducky Dozen, Howard the Duck character)

Taylor, "Torpedo" (WWII submarine character) - by Grendel Prime

Taylor, Trudy (hunted by Dracula, Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Taylor, W.C. (Friends of Humanity, Rogue foe)

Taylor, Wendy (Neverland camp internees, Weapon X victim) - by Norvo

Tazer (Lunatic Legion)

Tazza (Dr. Strange foe)

T-Bird of Earth-91918 (radio personality)

T-Bone (Hunger thrall)

T'cahr (Shi'ar, Starjammers foe) - by Chadman


T'Challa (Black Panther)

T'Channa of Earth-2301 (Mangaverse, Doom)

Tcernobach of Earth-3470 (Chernobog)

T'Chombi (Living Mummy's father)

Tchunda (torturer, Marada the She-Wolf foe)

Teacher (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man

Teacher (leader of the Students of Love, Spider-Man foe)

"Teacher" (Gregor, Kravinoff ally)

teacher (Carmondians)

teacher/assessor (Grad Nan Holt, one of many)

Teamleader (Force Four)

Tech (Project: Survival)

Tech 1Z (The Firm)

Techmaster (Dazzler foe)

Technarx of Counter-Earth (Franklin) (techno-organic mutant, Doom's Generals) - by Norvo

Techno of Earth-20051 (Fantastic Four foe) - by Grendel Prime

Technocrat (Power Pack foe) - by Elf with a Gun

Technocrat of Earth-253 (X-Man character)

Tech-Noir (armored Omega Flight member)

Techno-Killer (Iron Man foe) - by Markus Raymond

Techno-Mage (Yandroth)

Technomantra of Earth-95431 (Foxfire ally) - by Grendel Prime

Technospike (System Crash)

Technovore (Iron Man foe)

Teck-Yo, Reverend Moon (Punisher character, Intruder GN)

Ted ?? (Joker Comics, Happy Mann's friend)

Ted ?? (Teen Brigade)

Ted ?? (saw Matt Murdock & Karen Page)

Ted ?? (Millwood citizen)

Ted ?? (Daredevil/Punisher character)

Ted ?? of Earth-18067 (radio announcer, Spider's Battleworld)

Teddy (1960s toy) - by Ron Fredricks

Teddy (Slapstick foe)

Teddy ?? (child, saved by Daredevil)

Teej (T.J. Vance)

Teekle, George (Defenders character)

Teekle, June (George's wife)

Teena (giant spider, Young Allies foe)

Teen Hulk (Chester Weems, Crazy Magazine character)

"Teen Tony" of Earth-96020 (Iron Man/Tony Stark, Avengers member)

Teena the Fat Lady (Mary Stenson, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman

Tegai, Arkady (Synthesizer)

Teju of Earth-691 (Intimidators/Minions of Menace)

Tekagi (Snakeroot)

Tegrotti (mob boss, Kingpin ally)

Telekinian (Ian Soo, Inhuman Hellcat ally) - by Chadman

Telemachus (Odysseus' son)

"Tele-phony" (pre-FF micro-alien) - by John Kaminski

Teleplex (Kinsmen)

Telepinu (Ullikumis)

Television Head (Radio Head)

Tel-Kar (Kree, Venom symbiote's first host) - by Loki

Tella (Sisters of Grace)

Teller, Lord Professor of Earth-7511 (Fragmented America)

Telling-Stone, Lucas (vampire hunter, Blade/Dracula character)

Telv (Inhuman)

Tem (Conan character) - by Spidermay

Temax (servant of Chandu)

"Temnota" ("Kopiya", Black Widow foe)

Tempest (Flashfire, Imperial Guard)

Tempest (X-Force)

Tempest (Exemplars) - by the Beetle

Templar (First Line member) - by Norvo

Templar, Michael (Venus character) - by Ron Fredricks

Temple, Inez (Outlaw, Outlaw Kid descendant)

Templeton, Quentin (Black King)

"Templeton, Willard" (1950s Horror) - by John Kaminski

Templeworth, Lillian (Living Mummy character)

Tempter (Marduk Kurios)

Temptress (Asp, Serpent Society)

Temptress (Brood Mutants)

Temptress (Terminatrix)

Temptress of Earth-1042 (X-Force, Millennial Visions)

Tempus (Immortus agent) - by Per Degaton, Squid, Proto-Man, Snood & others

Temujai (Yellow Claw weapon) - by Spidermay

Tenclaws, Gorath (Cloudsea dim, Spider-Man character)

Tendril of Earth-87119 (Inhumanoid, Earth Corps foe) - by Grendel Prime

Tendril (Spider-Man foe)

Tenebrous of the Darkness Between (Proemial God, Silver Surfer foe) - by Donald Campbell

Tenenbaum (Yavapai county sheriff)

Tenfingers (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

Ten-For (Machine Man foe)

Teng (Agent foe)

Tenko, Carter (FBI agent, Freedomslight member)

Tenley, Debra (Earl's wife from Earth)

Tenley, Earl (Danebians)

Tennyson, Adam (son of Alex Tennyson/Dreamkiller)

Tennyson, Alex (Dreamkiller)

Tennyson Blenholt, Elaine (ex-wife of Alex Tennyson/Dreamkiller)

Tennyson, Jacob (Pilgrims Rock, Fantastic Four/Doctor Doom character)

Tennyson, Kenneth (Hellscout)

Tenor (Ferraro Colon, mobster, Deadpool/Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man

Ten Per Cent, General (Captain Savage character) - by Prime Eternal

Tenpin (Death-Throws) - by Chadman

Tensen (Justice)

Tensen, Angie of New Universe (daugher of Justice)

Tensen, Irene (former wife of Justice)

Tensen, John (Justice)

Tension (Brood Mutants)

Tensu (magician, shrunk dragon)

Tentacle (Warlord foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

tentacled (Centurions, Firelord character)

tentacled cyclopean (Imperial Guard member)

tentacled demon of reality-8116 (Bialgesuard or his agent)

Tentaclus of Eurth (Dr. Octopus counterpart)

"Tentacula" (Roger Fieldston mutate)

Tentakill (Omega Flight foe) - by Proto-Man

Ten-Thirtifor (Avengers foe) - by Prime Eternal

Tenure (Undergrounders)

Teo (El Caiman's men)

Teodor (Triune Understanding member) - by Proto-Man

Tepania, Araoha (Tuatara)

Tequila (Punisher foe, Rosalie Carbone's assassins)

Teraknid (Venom foe) - by Minor Irritant

Teraphin Mox (xt, Eben Stafford/Woodrow McCord character)

Teraxtola, Maya (Maya, Adam Warlock character)

Terence (1950s Atlas Foundation member) - by Proto-Man

Tereshkova, Martina (Iron Fist character)

Teress (Kree, Priests of Pama) - by Donald Campbell

Terhali (Conan foe) - by Greg O & Spidermay

Termagaira (Death's Head/Killpower foe)

Termagent (Termagaira component)

terminal Ravonna (Avengers character)

Terminator (Terminus)

Terminatrix (Avengers foe)

Terminex (Terminus)

Terminizer (Hawkeye character)

Terminoid (Terminus)

Terminus (Fantastic Four foe)

Termite (Iron Man foe) - by LV

Ternak (Cold People)

Terraformer (Plantman simuloid, New Warriors foe) - by Chadman

Terrance ?? (X-Men character)

Terran Commando Sergeant Superdare of Earth-59462 (Marvel UK, SolPlanet League)

Terrance (female virtual reality construct based on student) - by Proto-Man

Terra-X of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist

Terrax the Tamer

Terraxia (Thanos creation) - by Henrique Ferreira

Terrel, Carl (1950s Spellbound mutant) - by Ron Fredricks

Terrence, Hal (1950s, haunted by dead wife) - by Ron Fredricks

Terrence, Lydia (1950s, killed by Terrence)

Terrex (Daredevil foe)

Terrible Eye (Gwenpool character) - by Chadman

Terrie ?? (friend of Calvin, Li'l Kids comedy character)

Terrier (Litter)

Terrier (Spider-Man foe) - by Omar Karindu

Terrigene (Crystal foe)

Terrizi, Angela (1950s Italian vampire)

Terrizi, Maria (1950s Italian vampire)

Terror (Laslo Pevely, Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks

Terror of Earth-88194 (Shreck) - by Zerostar, Snood, Nick the Squid, Prime Eternal & Per Degaton

Terror Cupid (Shamrock foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Terror Device (high-tech Avenger with two attitudes) - by Loki

Terror INC of Earth-88194 (Terror/Shreck)

Terrore of Earth-88194 (Terror/Shreck)

"terrrorist" of New Universe (unidentified assassin, Nightmask foe)

Terrorist (Jaine Cutter)

Terry ?? (Millwood citizen)

Terry (operated on Beto, Mosaic character)

Terry, Edna Mae ("victim" of the Heartbreak Kid)

Terwilliger, Herman of Earth-77013 (Newspaper Strip, Blue Fly)

Teshub (Ba'al)

Tess ?? (King-Cake Killer victim)

Tess (Spider-Man foe)

Tess-One (Captain America/Avengers foe) - by Norvo

"Tessie" (Tess-One)

Testa, Brad of Earth-33900 (AAFES, Avengers ally) - by Grendel Prime

Tesub (Ba'al)

Teth, Glora (Heavy Duty)

Tether (Gene Nation, X-Men character) - by Chadman

Tethra (Fomor)

Tethys (Inhuman, Black Bolt antagonist) - by Chadman

Tetra (Conan character)

"Tetramam" of Ultraverse (Fire People)

Tetsu, Shigeru (Samurai Steel partner)

Teutonic Knight (WW2, Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond

Tex (Old West, corrupt Cavalry scout)

Tex (carnival performer, Blob ally, X-Men foe)

Tex (Racine Ramjets)

Tex (Defenders character)

Tex (Death's Head (FPA) foe)

Tex (Johnny Blaze foe)

Tex Willer of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)

Texas (Trust)

Texas Kid (Old West, Daring Mystery Comics cowboy) - by Loki

Texas Jack (Jack Muldoon)

"Texas Ranger Ghost Rider" (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki

Texas Twister (Rangers member) - by DragynWulf

Texter (vampire-hunter, partner of Tripp; Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

Teyanoga (Kull foe)

Tezcatlipoca (Aztec God of Darkness and the Sun) - by Will U

T-Fleek (hip hop artist, Mosaic's ex-girlfriend)

Thad ?? (Falcon character)


Thakos (Namor character) - by Chadman

Thales the Milesian (Triumvirate of Mages)

Thalis (Conan character)

Thalkalides (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

Thallo (Atlantean king)

Thames, Saripha (Hellstorm character)

Thanademos (Iron Fist foe) - by Markus Raymond

Thanatos (Olympian god) - by Will U

Thanatos of Earth-9309 (Spider-Man 2099/Captain Marvel (Genis) foe) - by Squid

Thanatos (Rune)

Thane (son of Thanos, Inhuman/Titan hybrid) - by Chadman

Thane Ector (Brethren)

Thang of Earth-97102 (Ben Grimm)

Thang, Zhao (Auric)

Thani (Kah-Tah-Dhen victim)

Thann (Conan character)


Tharamus (Greek god) - by Prime Eternal

Tharkûn (Gandalf)

Tharn, Jeesala (Serpent Men)

Tharn, Sekhmet (Serpent Men)

Tharnn, Kamo (Possessor, Elder of the Universe)

Thasaidon (Ape Lords)

Thatcher (Willie Evans Jr.'s teacher)

Thatcher, Andrew "Thug" (Zaniac, Thor foe)

Thatcher, Dr. Herschel (Nighthawk character)

"that four-footed creepycrawler" (Kraawl)

"That horrible creature" (Dr. Schreiber)

"that lunatic scientist" (Professor Zunbar)

"That tin Godzilla" (Mechanical Dragon)

That Which Endures (Avengers foes)

That Which Must Obey (Chane foe)

Thaug (demon, Conan foe)

Thaumas (Olympian sea god)

"the man" ("Demon")

The Man (Stan Lee)

Thea of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Thefertaash (Man-Serpents)

Thelius (Crusader)

Thelma ?? (Uncanny Tales)

Thelma ?? (Purple Man employee)

Thelonia (Unos' mother, Conan character)

Theo ?? (Rogue/Gambit character)

Theodore ?? (Jinx)

Theodoric, Walther (Baron Brimstone)

Theoric (Crimson Hawks) - by Prime Eternal

Theos of Earth-6212 (Fifth Dimension, Human Torch character)

Thera (Shadow Consortium member)

Thera (Inhuman, mother of "Earthquake Baby")

Therak (Deathweb)

Theresa ?? (Howard the Duck's "sister", "Duckworld")

Theresa ?? (Brass' girlfriend)

Theresa, General (Captain Savage ally)

Therion of New Universe (Far Place)

Thermal (Mutant Liberation Front)

Thermal Man (Thor foe) - by caliban

Thermal Thief (Energy Drainers, Campbell Kids/Captain America foe) - by Norvo

"Therma-tron" (Cybertrons)

Thermatron (Retrievers of Atlantis)

Thermite (Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner

Thermo the Thermatronic Man (Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord72

Thernon (Inhuman Genetics Council)

Thespian lion (lion of Cithaeron)

Thespides of Khoraja (Conan character)

Thialf (Thialfi)

Thialff (Thialfi)

Thialfi (Asgardian, advisor to Thor) - by Will U & Prime Eternal

Thick, Freddy (Daredevil foe)

"Thick Lips" Scarbo (Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe)

Thief in the Night (Firebolt (Sloan) )

Thierrault, Guy (Flag-Smasher)

Thierry (Dakota North character)

"Thing" ("Iceberg Alien")

"Thing" (xd, 1950s monster) - by Ron Fredricks

Thing (pre-FF monster)

Thing (Ben Grimm)

Thing of Earth-721 (Earth-A, Reed Richards)

Thing of Earth-1228 (Jack Kirby, Fantastic Four)

Thing Behind the Wall (Marak)

Thing Called IT (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter

Thing from Beyond (Orogo)

Thing from Planet X (Tales of Suspense alien) - by John Kaminski

"Thing from R'Lyeh" (Dr. Strange foe)

"Thing from the Hidden Swamp" (Kirby monster) - by Madison Carter

Thing in Cell 13 (pre-FF monster) - by Future

Thing in the Cell (The Thing in Cell 13)

Thing in the Grotto (Starchild)

Thing in the Mud (Marvel Monster) - by Prime Eternal

Thingbeard (temporally divergent Ben Grimm counterpart active on Earth-6001, President of the United States) - by Copeinator123

Thingpin of Earth-78719 (Ben Grimm, Marvel Super Heroes RPG character) - by Loki

Thing's pop art dealer (Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo

Thing That Ate the World (Galactus, Timeslip)

Thing That Crawled by Night (Marvel Monster, Tales of Suspense) - by Ron Fredricks

"Thing That is Beetles" (Tusk)

"Thing That is Hornets" (Vespa)

"Thing That is Silkworm" (Thread)

Thing that shouldn't Exist (Zzutak)

Think Tank of New Universe (Teresa Roberts)

Think Tank (Freedom Force, Initiative)

"Third Peter Parker" (Spidercide)

Third Rail (Judge foe) - by Patrick D Ryall

third Si-Fan assassin (Council of Seven)

Third Sleeper (Nazi Sleepers)

Thirty (Gene-Batch Warclone)

33 (Psigns of the Times)

"This Fellow in a Cape" (Marvel Mini-Book, Spider-Man character)

"This Guy" of Earth-46421 (Portland Avengers)

"This One" (Hungry One)

"this overgrown tadpole" (Kraawl)

Thog (Conan foe) - by Grendel Prime

Thog (demon, Man-Thing foe)

Thogarh (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

Thok (Ant-Men mutant)

Thomas ?? (paleontologist, studied Pterodactyl)

Thomas ?? (Robert Mallory's driver)

Thomas (child of Scarlet Witch & Vision) - by Proto-Man & Snood

Thomas ?? (Daredevil character)

Thomas ?? of Earth-199406

Thomas (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent) - by Proto-Man

Thomas, Becky (Nighthawk character)

Thomas, Brick (basketball player, Mosaic character)

Thomas, Dai (UK police officer, Captain Britain (Brian Braddock) character) - by Loki

Thomas, Don (Blue Streak)

Thomas, Everett (Synch, Generation X)

Thomas, Gareth (Red Dragon, S.H.E.)

Thomas, Gordon "Geordie" (Typeface)

Thomas, Dr. John (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Thomas, Jay T. of Earth-20007 (Spider-Man, Marvels Comics)

Thomas, Josey (Brood) - by Darc_Light

Thomas, Lloyd of Earth-7580 (Captain Prydain)

Thomas, Gen. Roy (World War II military expert, Sgt. Fury ally) - by Proto-Man

Thomas, Ruth (Dai Thomas' daughter)

Thomas, T.T. of Earth-20007 (Clarion, Spider-Man (J.T. Thomas) father)

Thomas, Valerie (Dai Thomas' wife)

Thomm (crewman on the Space Queen)

Thommanon (Angkor)

Thompson (WW2 general, Terror character)

Thompson (missionary, Leatherneck Raiders ally) - by Prime Eternal

Thompson (The Firm)

Thompson (SHIELD agent)

Thompson (NYPD sergeant, Cole North character)

Thompson, Eugene "Flash"

Thompson, Ferrel J. (Manipulator, Conclave)

Thompson, Joey of Ultraverse (Heater)

Thompson, Senator (pro-mutant senator)

Thompson, Thomas of Earth-712 (Tom Thumb)

Thompson, Wade (Old West sheriff)

Thompson, Wilbur of Earth-35722 (scientist, Zadixx enemy)

Thomson, Luke (Old West, Dakota Kid (Morgan) foe)

Thongor of Lost Lemuria (Conan character) - by Greg O, Snood & Prime Eternal

Thor (Jovian, Atlas era character) - by Grendel Prime


Thor (Roger "Red" Norvell)

Thor of Earth-16045 (Carol Danvers) - by Proto-Man

Thor of Earth-88255 (Luke Cage)

Thor of Earth-38909 (Franklin Richards)

Thor of Earth-8710 (26th Century, Dargo Ktor) - by Snood, Doc Savage & Proto-Man

Thor of Earth-253 (X-Man character)

Thor of Earth-73256 (Jane Foster, ally of Valkyrie-616 & Avenger Prime-18201) - by Proto-Man

Thor the Accursed of Earth-666 (Avengers of the Undead)

Thor, John (Marvel horror) - by Grendel Prime

Thor O. Coyote (Merry Maladies)

Thordis of Earth-788 (What If? character) - by Will U

Thorfel the Fair (Conan foe)

Thorfel the Fair (11th century, Bran Mak Morn foe)

Thorg (pre-FF monster) - by Future

Thorgeir (Conan character)

Thor Girl (Tarene, Thor character) - by Will U

Thorita (Thor Girl)

Thor Kid (Trash, Cage foe) - by Patrick D Ryall

Thor Lass (Thor Girl)

Thormond (Stefanya's father)

Thorn (coal-miner, encountered subterranean "Four-armed men")

Thorn of Earth-791 (Star-Lord character) - by Donald Campbell

Thorn (Punisher foe)

Thorn, Christopher (Doctor Synne)

Thorn Boy of Ultraverse (Foxfire ally)

Thorndike, Mr. (Peters’ boss)

Thorndike, Emily of Earth-6799 (retired actress) - by Proto-Man

Thorne, Aaron (Bad Seed, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

Thorne, Alexander "Alec" (Smart Alec, Omega Flight/Gamma Flight)

Thorne, Belle (Fantastic Four character)

Thorne, Gerald (Jann of the Jungle foe) - by Grendel Prime

Thorne, Harry (Korean War character) - by Grendel Prime

Thorne, Martin (greedy entrepreneur, Night victim)

Thorne, Sam (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man

Thornehill, Carla (Jason's mother, vampire, Vampire Tales character)

Thornehill, Gerry (Jason's father, possible vampire, Vampire Tales character)

Thornehill, Jason (adopted by Martin Cunningham, Vampire Tales character)

Thornn (Salem's Seven proto-husks, Deadpool foe)

Thornton (1950s scientist) - by Ron Fredricks

Thornton (Here (And There) )

Thornton, Lawrence (Spawn of the Witch Queen)

Thornton, Professor Thaddeus (resurrected skeleton, Skull-Face victim)

Thorpe, Duncan of Ultraverse (Scourge)

Thorpe, Gavin (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

Thorpe, William (Prowler character) - by Stunner

Thorr (Thorg, pre-FF monster)

Thorse (Hocky Hoof Hank)

Thorton, Rosalie (Philip Sanderson's would-be lover)

Thorun (Conan foe)

Thos, Sara of Earth-9047 (shopaholic, seemingly possessed by Spirit of Shopping) - by MarvellousLuke & Proto-Man

Thoth (Egyptian god)

Thoth-Amon (Conan foe)

The Thousand (Spider-Man foe)

Thraller, Martin (Ringmaster/Maynard Tiboldt)

Thrash Bandit (Wild Thing foe) - by Future

Thrasher (Shadow foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

Thraxon (Inhuman criminal) - by Chadman

Thraxton, Dr. (empowered Smasher/Man-Monster)

Thread (Silkworm Ghoul, Ant-Man (Scott Lang) foe) - by Proto-Man

Threadgold (Black Air member, Excalibur foe) - by Proto-Man

Three (Stealth Inc.)

3-D Man (Charles & Harold Chandler)

Three-Face (Dorkham Asylum)

3-21 (Nazi disguise artist, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal

3X Moo Shu Pak (Spider-Man foe, Golden All-Star Book)

Threkker (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal (but see also Threkker )

Threnadier (le Concierge)

Thrine (princess of Kelbaza, Conan character)

Throb (Black Panther robot)

Throg (Simon Walterson/Puddlegup)

Throk (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal

Throll (king of Kelbaza, Conan foe)

Throwaway (Howard the Duck character)

Throwback (The Pipeline)

Throwdown (Death-Throws, Loki foe) - by Minor Irritant

Thrust, Lucynda of Reality-829 (Hercules 2300 character)

Thug, Tom (incompetent bully)

Thugra Khotan (Conan foe)

Thulcan Death Rob (alien robot)

Thule (Cloak & Dagger foe)

Thule (A.C.E. Corporation, Motormouth and Killpower character)

"Thulean Ghost Rider" (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki

Thulsa Doom (Conan/Kull foe)

Thumb, Tom of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme character) - by Norvo

Thumbelina (Mutant Liberation Front, X-Men foe) - by Nyssane

Thumper of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime

Thumper (White Rabbit)

Thunder (Dromedan agent)

Thunder (Lunatic Legion)

Thunder of Earth-99101 (Trueno)

Thunder (Fantastic Four foe) - by Grendel Prime

Thunderball (Black Knight, Morgan Le Fay agent)

Thunderbird of Earth-105709 (James Proudstar, X-Men)

Thunderbird (John Proudstar, X-Men member) - by Norvo

Thunderbird (Echo/Maya Lopez)

Thunderbolt (William Carver, Power Man/Iron Fist character) - by Norvo

Thunderbolt (successor to the original) - by Prime Eternal

Thunderbolt (spiked-shoulder superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man

Thunderboot (Triumvirate of Terror)

Thunderchick of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Thunderclap (Spider-Man character) - by Loki

Thunder Cockroach (Tordenkakerlakk)

Thunderer ("Red" Norvell/Thor)

Thunderer (Lei Kung)

Thunderer of Earth-10246 (Thor, Millennial Visions 2001)

Thunderer (Sparrow)

Thunderer of Earth-83466 (Thor, servant of Earth-14412's Dark Phoenix)

"Thunderer's thunder" (Lei Kung)

Thunderfist (Crusaders, Invaders character) - by MarvellousLuke

Thunder God of Earth-10246 (Thor, Millennial Visions 2001)

Thunderhawk of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Thunderhead (Headshop)

Thunderhead, Thomas (1970s, Red Wolf)

Thunderhoof (Force Four)

Thunderpunch (Techno-X)

Thunder queen (Kaminari)

Thunderstrike of Earth-983107 (Eric Masterson)

Thundersword (Beyonder pawn) - by Madison Carter

"Thunder-Thighs" (Beverly Switzler)

Thunderwing of Earth-8107 (Savage Land pteranodon) - by David Lawrence

Thundra of Earth-10081 (Avengers/JLA character) - by Norvo

Thung of Earth-665 (Bim Grimm, humorous Thing counterpart) - by Proto-Man

Thurgood, Angela (Nuclear Man's daughter)

Thurman, Nate (rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Gittes outfit)

Thurman, Nenna (Domino)

Thurnton, Morton (Darkhold villain) - by Patrick D Ryall

Thursby (time traveler ca. 1952; Adventures into Weird Worlds)

Thussman, Thelonius of Earth-68320 (Oscar Greenberg's novel, "The Second Book of Genesis")

Thutothemes (Conan foe)

Thwart (What The? character)

THX-1138 of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

Thysson, Dr. Ingrid (X-Men character) - by Grendel Prime

Tia (Dementia, Cadre)

Tiamat (Deadpool foe)

Tiamet (xt, Undying race)

Tibbidoe, Tom (reporter, X-Men character)

Tibbs, Bernie (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man

Tiberias (Conan character)

Tiberius Exeter (Rome-World, Dr. Strange character)

Tibo (Karl King foe)

Tiboldt, Fritz (Ringmaster of Death, Circus of Death leader)

Tiboldt, Lola (Ringmaster of Death's wife & Ringmaster/Maynard Tiboldt's mother) - by Chadman

Tiboldt, Maynard (Ringmaster, Circus of Crime leader)

Tiboro (Dr. Strange)

Ticker (Headhunter assistant)

Tickler of Earth-57780 (Spider-Man foe) - by David Lawrence

Tick-Tock (Night Shift) - by Prime Eternal

Tie-Chi of Earth-11511 (alternate future warrior known for Iron Hammer-Blow)

Tiepin of Crime of Earth-83138 (Grit, Kingpin counterpart)

Tiers LeBon, Michelle (Silver Sable character)

Tiger (Lao-Hu, Korean War character) - by Grendel Prime

  • Tiger (Crimson Plague character, "Ultravengers")

    Tiger (Marvel Italia, Euroforce member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with translation aid from Angelo Mammone

    Tiger-Claw (Shang-Chi, rogue Si-Fan) - by Prime Eternal

    Tiger Fang of Earth-51320 (Monkey o'Doom foe)

    Tiger Jack of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)

    Tiger Jani (ca. 1860s, Iron Fist (Bei Bang-Wen) foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Tiger Lady (Matt Murdock character)

    Tiger Man (Morton Haverstraw, early 20th century big game hunter) - by Grendel Prime

    Tigerman (Daring Mystery Comics adventurer) - by Loki

    Tiger Minn (Sons of Yinsen, Iron Man character)

    Tiger Shark (Namor foe, Masters of Evil) - by Chadman

    Tigerstryke (Weapon P.R.I.M.E., Northstar/X-Force foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Tiger Tim (mischievous anthropomorphic feline)

    Tiger Wylde of Earth-928 (Doom 2099 foe) - by Zerostar

    Tigra (Greer Grant)

    Tigre (X-Men/Ka-Zar foe) - by Spidermay

    Tigre of Earth-95120

    Tigre Blanco (White Tiger, Hector Ayala)

    Tigresa Blanca (White Tiger, Angela Del Toro)

    Tigress (Zephra)

    Tigrina (Cat People, 1950s)

    Tiko (Circus of Moon Sun)

    Tikos of Reality-791 (Prince Gareth's jailor/torturer)

    Tikuak (Kosmosian)

    Tilburn, Cal (Old West sheriff)

    Tilda (Crimson Hawks)

    Tillie the Hun (Band of the Bland)

    Tillman, Jennifer (Martin Bastelli character) - by Chadman

    Tim (Captain Tim)

    Tim (Masque victim, Ghost Rider character)

    Tim ?? (Ghost Rider character)

    Tim ?? (Savage Steel (Zafar) ally)

    Tim ?? (Code of Honor character)

    Tim ?? (neighbor of Dr. Hillman Barto)

    Tim (Eurth involvement only) - by Proto-Man

    Tim ?? (Mary Mahajan romantic interest circa 1960s)

    Tim ?? (boyfriend of Emulator's mother)

    Timas (Dakota North foe)

    Timberius (tree-like Inhuman, Maximus ally) - by Chadman

    Timberius (Lupo, Savage Land Mutates)

    Tim Boo Ba (classic monster character) - by Prime Eternal

    Timebomb (Harriers)

    Time-Bot (Dr. Doom's robot) - by Prime Eternal

    Timebroker (Panoptichron construct, Exiles character) - by Proto-Man

    Time-Buoy #6-C (Luann Bloom)

    Time-Eater (divergent Kang, devourer of realities, Exiles foe) - by Proto-Man

    Time Guardian (Marvel UK)

    Timekeeper (AIM, Aladdin Effect Graphic Novel)

    Timely, Victor (Immortus)

    Time Master (Ant Man (Pym) foe)

    Timeshadow (Alliance of Evil, X-Factor foe) - by Norvo

    Timeslot (Death Sponsors, X-Men/Shatterstar foe)

    Timespinner (Spider-Man/Avengers foe)

    Timestream of Earth-7484 (Deathlok foe)

    Time Traveler (Microverse, Enigma Force)

    Time-Traveler (Time Traveler/Enigma Force)

    Time Traveller (Time Traveler/Enigma Force)

    Timly, Agatha (Werewolf by Night foe) - by Copeinator123

    Timly, Nathan (Agatha's husband)

    Timmins, George (possible 1950s mutant)

    Timms, Joseph "Joe" (Glob)

    Timmy ?? (Daredevil character) - by Chadman

    Timmy ?? (former AIM employee)

    Timmy ?? (Spider-Man character)

    Timon (Argonauts)

    Timon, Tuatola T'Tuana (T-5, Spammers)

    Timoran (Atlantean, Sub-Mariner foe) - by Chadman

    Tin (Old West, Steam Rider's mechanical horse)

    Tin of Forbidden Planet (DC's Metal Men, comic shop ad)

    Tina ?? (student, Glorianna O'Breen ally)

    Tina ?? (Social Services employee)

    Tina ?? (college friend of Victoria Anderson)

    Tindall, Mr. (X-Men character)

    Tindolini, Milo (Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo

    Tink (Tinky Weissman)

    Tink (Tinker)

    Tinker (Power Man/Iron Fist character)

    Tinker (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

    Tinker, "Doc" (pawn shop owner, blind since age 12) - by Chadman

    Tinkerer (Phineas Mason) of Earth-78127

    Tinkerer (alternate future inventor circa 2099 A.D., Ravage resident) - by HBK123

    Tin Man (1940s android, Creeper & Crawler foe) - by Grendel Prime

    "Tin Man" (Scarlet Spider, Joe Wade)

    Tinner, Dr. (Dr. Doom ally) - by Markus Raymond

    Tinnus, Cort Zo (Trader, Elder of the Universe)

    Tinsel of Ultraverse

    Tinsely, Tiffany (romance character, musician) - by Grendel Prime

    "Tin Tangerine" (Agent Orange, Captain America/Nick Fury foe)

    "Tin-Top" (Ahmet Abdol, Living Pharao)

    Tiny (King's Crossing)

    Tiny (Joe Bob the trucker's friend)

    Tiny Tim of Earth-1211 (Others)

    Tippett (ESU professor)

    Tippett, Oscar (Old West, third cousin of Marie Lathrop)

    Tippi Canoe (Odd Dimension hunter, partner of Tyler II, Howard the Duck foe)

    Tippit, Leonard (Avengers foe) - by Chuck D

    Tippy-Toe (squirrel, Monkey Joe's successor) - by Chadman

    Tip Top Tulip of Earth-57780 (ballet dancer, Spider-Man character)

    Tirade (sonic-emitting Inhuman) - by Chadman

    Tired Tim (tramp)

    Tir-Zarr (Captain Mar-Vell character) - by Spidermay

    Tisha ?? (Frankstein's monster associate)

    Tisha ?? (Hulk character)

    Tisiphone (Dark Lady, Furies)

    Titan (Xemnu the Titan)

    Titan (Avengers foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Titan (Dwarf, fantasy hero) - by Prime Eternal

    Titan (Shi'ar Imperial Guard) - by Chadman

    Titan of Eurth (Atlas (Erik Josten) counterpart) - by Proto-Man

    Titania (Davida DeVito, Grapplers member) - by Nyssane

    Titania (Mary MacPherran)

    Titania of Earth-10091 (Giant-Man's ant) - by Grendel Prime

    Titanis (Eternals) - by Prime Eternal

    Titanium Man of Earth-13182 (Red Guys)

    Titanium Man (Kree, Captain Atlas/Att-Lass)

    Titano (gorilla, horror character, Astonishing) - by Grendel Prime

    Titano (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter

    Tithe (Hellfire Club, Wolverine foe) - by Loki

    Tito (Argus captain, Conan character)

    Tito Peping (Pia's magical familiar)

    Tittle, Oscar ("candid camera fiend" victim)

    Tituba (1691, Salem Witch Trials, Dracula character)

    Titus Germanicus (Roman, Bran Mak Morn foe)

    Titus Sulla (Roman, Bran Mak Morn foe)

    Tityus (Tartarus)

    Tiurno, Pol (Conan foe) - by Nemedien Chronicler

    Tiv (Shi'ar, Hecatomb victim) - by Chadman

    Tivan, Matani (Collector's wife) - by Darc_Light

    Tiwaz (Asgardian God) - by Snood, Will U, Gregg O' Driscoll and Markus Raymond

    Tiyanga (1950s, Masaibi tribesman, encountered mammoth)

    Tjinder ?? (Punisher foe)

    TKO (Hellbent)

    T’kyll Alabar (Shi’ar, Avengers character)

    Tlaango (Captain Marvel character) - by Stunner

    T-Mech (Transisto-Mech)

    "T'Munee" (Shanna the She-Devil character)

    Tnneya (Enslavers/Troxx)

    Toad (Black Toad)


    Toad-in-Waiting (Genoshan mutant) - by Norvo

    Toad God (Chamber of Chills creature) - by AvatarWarlord72

    Toadthrax the Black (Shadow-Earth, Genghis Grimtoad foe)

    Toast-T-Buns Girl (Teen Hulk)

    Tobe ?? (Doctor Doom employee)

    Tobias (Crossing, Avengers foe) - by Markus Raymond

    Tobias, Wilfred (Colony)

    Tobin, Christopher "Scar" (Painter ally)

    Toby ?? (Golden Age, Human Meteor (O'Dowd) ally)

    Toby ?? (Dracula victim)

    Toby ?? ("Wally's Nightclub Raiders")

    Toby ?? of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon, friend of Cannonball)

    Toby ?? (Darklove victim)

    Toby ?? (Professor (Miles Warren) ally) - by Chadman

    Toby ?? (mutant, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tochsyn of Earth-95431 (Foxfire character) - by Grendel Prime

    Tod ?? (pimp, Daredevil foe)

    Todd, Fisher (Force Works character) - by Markus Raymond

    Todd, Henry (Defenders character)

    Todd, Voletta (Ion)

    Toddler (Eddie Price)

    Toe Jam Tortellini (Constrictor foe) - by Markus Raymond

    Tofield, Francesca (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe)

    Togaro (xd, Golden Age, Captain America foe)

    Tohil (Mayapan)

    Toiven, Belial (parent of Rexel)

    Toiven, Rexel (Inhuman) - by Chadman

    Toiven, Ursicus (parent of Rexel)

    Tok (Daughters of the Dragon character) - by Markus Raymond

    Tokamak (viral swarm)

    "Token" (Light Brigade)

    Tokk (Lunatic Legion)

    "Tokka" (Collector speciman) - by Madison Carter

    Tokkots (Dark God)

    Tol-Nok (Kree soldier)

    Tolan, Eileen (Midnight Sons character)

    Tolan, Willis (Eileen's father)

    Tolaria of Earth-691 (31st Century, Badoon Sisterhood)

    Tolliver, Melba (American journalist) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tolliver, Ms. (Nighthawk character)

    Tolliver, Reverand (Spider-Man character)

    Toloc ?? (el Tigre agent)

    Tolomaq (Great Beasts, Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo

    Tolos (Inhuman guard) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tolsky, Sonya (Seraph, Defenders character)

    Tol-Wes (Brekk race)

    Tom ?? (Old West, Lathrop ranch hand)

    Tom ?? (Spy Fighters)

    Tom ?? (1950s spirit)

    Tom ?? (robber, scared away by Ned Flanders)

    Tom ?? (Gladiator (Potter) character)

    Tom ?? (Wendy Carson's high school sweetheart, romance character)

    Tom ?? (Beetle enemy) - by Chadman

    Tom ?? (Sundragon's boyfriend)

    Tom ?? of Earth-7484 (C.I.A., Deathlok character)

    Tom ?? (medic, Daredevil character)

    Tom ?? (Mike Hellman ally, Frontier Comics)

    Tom ?? (Gladiator (Potter) victim)

    Tom ?? (NYPD)

    Tom Thumb (zombie clone, Squadron Supreme)

    Tomahawk (Old West character) - by Grendel Prime

    Tomahawk, Jill (Red Wolf (Thunderhead) character) - by Grendel Prime

    Tomazooma (Native American god, Keewazi) - by Loki

    Tomazooma (robot, Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal

    Tomb, Judge Elias (Green Goblin character)

    Tombstone (Lonnie Lincoln, Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman

    Tombstone the Ravager of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

    Tomi ?? (X, the Thing That Lived creator)

    Tomlinson, Mr. (Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) character)

    Tommer, Hans of Earth-691 (Techno-Barons)

    Tommy ?? ("Ted Grey's" son)

    Tommy ?? (private investigator, Kitty Blake employer) - by Chadman

    Tommy ?? (Fantastic Four fan) - by Proto-Man

    Tommy ?? (Matador (Eloganto) fan) - by Chadman

    Tommy ?? (Time Master's grandson)

    Tommy ?? (Golden Tigers)

    Tommy ?? (Jack Hazzard's cousin)

    Tommy ?? (Marvel UK, Thames University student)

    Tommy (Thomas, Scarlet Witch & Vision's child)

    Tommy ?? (Trust)

    Tommy (Morlock Massacre victim) - by Prime Eternal

    Tommy ?? (boyfriend of Priscilla Morrison)

    Tommy ?? (Plasmer character)

    Tommy ?? (Martin Bastelli friend)

    Tommy ?? (Punisher foe)

    Tommy ?? (street kid, Fat Boys character)

    Tommy ?? (criminal, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

    Tommy ?? (Shanna Cho's cameraman, X-Men story)

    Tommy ?? (X-Student)

    Tommy ?? (child, saved by Daredevil)

    Tommy ?? (Victor Lanza henchman)

    Tommy Lightning (Crusaders, Invaders character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tommy Thumb (Circus of Death member) - by Chadman

    Tomorrow Hawk (Eternals) - by Prime Eternal

    Tomothy (Seven)

    Tomkins (Unholy Three victim)

    Tompkins, Rachel (Monstrollo character)

    Tompkins, Tommy of alternate reality (Captain America)

    Tomp, Christine (Bainwood Jury, found Bainwood not guilty)

    Tompkins, Wally (Daredevil character)

    Tom Smith (nobody anybody knows)

    Tonaja (Inhuman) - by Chadman

    Tone of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)

    Tone-Def (Captain America foe)

    Tong (ally of Kublai Khan)

    Tong, Lawrence "Larry" (Baron Thunder trainer)

    Tong, Wo (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man

    Tongue (Inhuman, Karnak/Ulysses Cain character) - by Chadman

    Tongue of the Beast (demon servant of the Beast, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

    Toni ?? (X-Statix character)

    Tonio ?? (drug dealer, Daredevil foe)

    Tonj (Tonaja)

    Tonto (S.H.I.E.L.D. Howling Commandos, Lone Ranger's partner) - by Loki

    Tony ?? (controlled Mechanoid)

    Tony ?? (Waiter, Taxman victim)

    Tony ?? (Andromeda character)

    Tony ?? (bullied Matthew Linden)

    Tony (Armadillo)

    Tony ?? of Earth-88194 (Shadowline, Merchants)

    Tony ?? (Daredevil thug)

    Tony ?? (Kingpin agent)

    Tony ?? (court bailiff, Daredevil character)

    Tony ?? (Pete London henchman, Daredevil foe)

    Tony ?? (called Paige Angel radio show)

    Tonya ?? (child, saved by Daredevil)

    Tony ?? (criminal, Frank Milo henchman)

    Tony ?? of Earth-21766 (owner/operator of Runway Bar, longtime friend of Ben Grimm) - by Proto-Man

    Tony ?? of Earth-62141 (Kang's Avengers member, Iron Man counterpart, cybernetic being)

    Tony Tapioca (Anthony Tamazzotti, criminal Kade Kilgore foe) - by Chadman

    Tonya ?? (reporter)

    Toodle Pip (possible X-Statix recruit)

    Toohey, Jeb (Old West, Kid Colt foe)

    Took, Peregrin (Iron Fist character)

    Tool-Master (Zakka)

    Toomes, Adrian (Vulture)

    Toomey (scientist, Daredevil ally)

    Toomey (Speedball foe) - by Chadman

    Toother (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe) - by Proto-Man

    "Tooth-Face" (Orka)

    Toots (Beyonder character)

    top hat-wearing sea serpent (Doctor Bong mutate)

    Topaz (Werewolf/Dr. Strange character)

    Topaz of Ultraverse (Ultraforce member)

    Topaz (Cynthia Rossini, mutant assassin, Domino foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Topaz Queen of Gwendor of Ultraverse (Topaz)

    Topeka (Harvesters)

    Topeka Kid (Charlie McCoyle)

    Topher (Runaways foe) - by Reddie

    Top Man (Maggia, Fantastic Four foe)

    Topographical Man of Earth-691 (31st Century, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)

    Topolev, Valentina (Saberbat)

    Topolov, Kondrati of Earth-92131 (Gremlin, X-Men '92 cartoon)

    Topolov, Yuri (Gargoyle)

    Topper of Earth-905 (Buzz-Boys)

    Top Ten Tyrannosaur (Behemoth Jack)

    Tor (Mongolian warrior) - by Grendel Prime

    Torcher (Tyrannicals)

    "Torchie" (Tara)

    Torch Willingham (arsonist, Kingpin foe)

    Tordenkakerlakk (Spider-Man foe)

    Tores, Miguela (Skin's ex-gf) - by Norvo

    Torg (Namor foe) - by Prime Eternal

    Torg (Tigra foe) - by Markus Raymond

    Torgah (Fall People, X-Men character) - by Chadman

    Torgan, Jeremy (caught a mermaid, 1950s) - by Ron Fredricks

    Torgan, "Killer" Jim (Old West criminal, Kid Colt foe)

    Torgo (vampire, Torgo Nia)

    Torgo (Fantastic Four/Hulk/Wolverine character)

    Tori ?? of Ultraverse (Ripfire character)

    Tork of Earth-691 (Intimidators/Masters of Menace)

    Tork, Michael "Mickey" (Bloke)

    Torkal Moh (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

    Torkon II (Tribbitite/Toad Man, Hulk foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Tor-Mel of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)

    Tormentor (Cat demon)

    Tornado (Flame Mammoth foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

    Tornaga (Atlantean)

    Toro (Old West, el Sombro foe)

    Toro (Giant-Man/West Coast Avengers foe)

    Toro of Counter-Earth (Young Allies member, Thunderbolts/Exiles character) - by Markus Raymond

    Toroa (Conan foe)

    Toro Negro (Spider-Man foe) - by Omar Karindu

    Toro Rojo (Deviant, Delta Force) - by Prime Eternal

    Torpedo (Daredevil foe--no, not that one...or that one...or that know, Crime-Wave agent...still nothing?)

    Torpedo (Michael Stivak)

    Torpedo (Brock Jones, Daredevil/Luke Cage/Iron Fist/Rom character) - by Chadman

    Torpedo (alternate reality, proposed young Avengers in training)

    "Torpedo" Taylor (WWII submarine character) - by Grendel Prime

    Torque (Ralph Hutchins)

    Torque, Hy (Iron Man foe) - by Ronald Byrd

    Torr (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal

    Torrak (Tribbitite/Toad Men)

    Torrance, ?? (Secret Empire)

    Torrancio, Vito (Delilah victim)

    Torrence, Jim (WW2, Hood)

    Torrence, Ms. (Phantom Rider character) - by Markus Raymond

    Torrent of Earth-9811 (Battleworld)

    Torrent (Thor/Avengers foe)

    Torrent (Centurions, Firelord character)

    Torres, Allen (Darkhold character, no picture)

    Torres, Carmen (Misty Knight character) - by Chadman

    Torres, Fernando (Prince, Stone Perfs)

    Torres, Jorge (Carmen's husband)

    Torres, Manuel (Bantam ally)

    Torres, Sergio (el Toro Negro)

    Torres, Sofia (Carmen's daughter)

    Torso of Ultraverse (cyborg mercenary, Night Man/Strangers foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Tortellini, Joe (Toe Jam Tortellini)

    Tortellini, Joey Jr. (Toe Jam's son)

    Torthar (Star-Corps)

    Tortilla (Andrew Malvern)

    Tortino, Anthony (drug dealer, Coyote victim)

    Torumjumala (Conan character)

    Tostavich, Fyodor of Ultraverse (Supreme Soviet)

    Tota (extraterrestrial Inaku Weapon H character) - by Chadman

    Total Elimination of Super Soldiers-One (Tess-One)

    Totec (Huitzilopochtli)

    Totem (animated totem pole) - by Prime Eternal

    Touch (Sensors)

    Touchstone (Underground Legion) - by Prime Eternal

    "Touffe" (The Ruined)

    Toughguy, Tony (criminal, Homer Ghost foe)

    Tough Love (Rising Sons)

    Toulson, Graham of Earth-61112 (Computer Graham)

    Tourneyman (alien warlord) - by Chadman

    Toussant, Anne (Switchblade victim)

    Tov, Yousuf (Israeli agent) - by Per Degaton

    Tover (alien arms dealer, Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) foe) - by Proto-Man

    Tower (Alliance of Evil, X-Factor/X-Force foe) - by Norvo

    Tower, Blake (New York City D.A., Daredevil/Spider-Man/She-Hulk character) - by Chadman

    Tower, Luke (Blake's son, Spider-Man/Human Torch character)

    Tower of Strength (Earth Force, Earth Lord)

    Tower of Towers (Oshtur)

    Towering Oak (Phantom Rider character)

    Townes, Adam (millionaire, Organization victim)

    Townes, Art ("Men in the Mole")

    Townes, Deedra (Nigel's wife, left him)

    Townes, Nigel (cab driver, Daredevil character) - by Chadman

    Townes, Nigel Jr. (Nigel's son)

    Townsend, Leland (Fortress, Crossbones foe)

    Townsend, Marianne (Model Soldiers)

    Townsend, Marty (Fortress, Leland's brother)

    Townsend, Paul (student, fellow student of Anya Corazon) - by Chadman

    Townsend, Sarah (Model Soldiers)

    Townshend, Leslie of Earth-68320

    Townshend, Tabitha (Woman, Ms. Marvel character)

    "Toxic Waste Terror" (Brute Force foe)

    Toxin (Underground Legion) - by Prime Eternal

    Toy (Spider-Man/Luke Cage foe) - by Minor Irritant

    Toymaker of Earth-57780 (Spider-Man foe, Spidey Super Stories) - by caliban

    Toymaker (Arize)

    Toymaster (Professor Prometheus)

    Toynbee (Cord Conglomerate employee)

    Toynbee, Monica of Earth-8107 (Arachnoid's assistant)

    Toynbee, Mortimer (Toad)

    Toz (Moloid, price fighter)

    Trace of Earth-1191 (X.S.E., Bishop character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Trace (armored identity, Hawkeye characters)

    Tracer (Deathlok/Spider-Man foe)

    Tracer (Munition Militia)

    Trachos (The Four, aka Satan) or the second link

    Tracker (Plasma)

    Tracker of Ultraverse (Hybrid creation, Mantra/Ultraforce foe)

    Tracker-Tiger of Mojoverse (warrior of Mojo) - by MarvellousLuke

    "Tracy, Dick" (famous detective, based on newspaper strip) - by Loki

    Trader (Morlocks) - by Zerostar

    Trader (Elder of the Universe)

    Tragg (Monsters on the Prowl) - by Madison Carter

    Tragg (Garvey)

    Trago (Ant Man (Pym)/Wasp foe)

    Trago of Earth-1037 (New Mutants, Millennial Visions)

    Trahn (Chaste, Daredevil character)

    Trainer, Dr. Carolyn (Lady Octopus)

    Trainer, Tony (Sandstorm)

    Trainwreck Miller (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

    "Traitor" (Lou Haines)

    Trance (Hope Abbott, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    T'rannikus (She-Hulk/Avengers foe) - by Madison Carter

    Tranh of Ultraverse (Empire-7)

    Tranh, Buktir Van (The General)

    Tranh, Duc No (Bengal)

    Tranq (Warforce)

    Tranqula (Dr. Dino foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

    Transcendent Shakari (Davan Shakari)

    Transfaser (Bio-Genes)

    Transformation Girl (superheroine, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man

    Transformer (Yellow Claw's cyborg)

    Transisto-Mech (WW2, Jim "Taxi" Taylor's robot) - by Ron Fredricks

    Transmutant (Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man

    Transom (Cannibal Catch)

    Trantor (Axi-Tun)

    Trantra (Protector of the Universe)

    Trappen, Daniel (Old West pioneer scout)

    Trapper of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man/Shanna foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Trapster (female, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

    "Trapster's Goon" (Hostess ad, Captain America/Nick Fury foe) - by John Kaminski

    Trask, Bat of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist

    Trask, Donald (X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Trask, Larry of Earth-523004

    Trask, Mark (1950s, trapped in "Lost World")

    Trask, Nicholas (She-Hulk foe) - by Will U

    Trask, Nora (Rawhide Kid character)

    Trask, Raymond (casino owner, Spider-Man character) - by Markus Raymond

    Trask, Selden of Earth-1191 (Bishop character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Trask, Thorn (Old West, Raven)

    Trauma (Troyjan, Hulk foe) - by Stunner

    Traveler, Warren of Earth-58163 (House of M, Ms. Marvel foe)

    "Traveling Tom" (Sorcerer's uncle)

    Traveller (Judas Traveller)

    Traveller, Judas (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

    Travers (San Francisco Police Department) - by Chadman

    Travers, Ben of Ultraverse (friend of Firearm/Alec Swan)

    Travers, Janice of Earth-7484 (Deathlok/Luther Manning's wife)

    Travers, Matt (Warheads Bina Troop, Cyberdrones)

    Travers, Mike of Earth-7484 (Deathlok character)

    Travis (N-Explorers)

    Travis, Dr. (Captain Britain character)

    Travis T. Hipp (Dr. Ellington)

    Trax of Ultraverse

    T-Ray (X-Men member) - by Madison Carter

    Tray ?? (Bush Rangers)

    Traynor, Fletcher (Biohazard)

    Traynor, Harley (New Warriors foe)

    Treach (unemployed U.S.Agent ally) - by Chadman

    Treach, Amos (Krogg victim)

    Trebbiani, Joseph (actor)

    The Tree (Tales to Astonish) - by Future

    Treefern (Micronauts ally) - by Grendel Prime

    "Tree-Creature" (Avengers foe) - by Chadman

    "Tree-Dweller" (Inhuman, Timberius)

    Tree Lobster (irradiated insect, Squirrel Girl ally) - by Chadman

    "Tree-Man" ("Tree-Creature")

    Treemont, Jason (X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Trefkov, Ivan (Genesis Coalition, Silver Sable foe) - by Spidermay

    Trefusis, Robert of Earth-311 (Ice Man counterpart)

    Trejus, Rikus (Imperator Addelaus)

    Trella, Shawn (cyborg Darkhawk (Connor Young) foe) - by Proto-Man

    Tremain, Kevin (Post, X-Men foe)

    Tremayne, Ellie of Earth-95132 (released Chrysalis) - by Proto-Man

    Tremayne, Noah (Noah van Helsing)

    Tremayne, Roger of Earth-95132 (Ellie's corrupt father) - by Proto-Man

    Tremble, Cootie (1859, Marauders leader)

    Tremellyn, Ennis (Thing/Doctor Strange foe)

    Tremmore, Ariel (Shock, Mr. Fear (Fagan)'s daughter)

    Tremmore, Cora (Shock's mother)

    Tremolo (Hell's Belles, X-Factor foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tremont, Jonathon (Lord Templar sub-entry, Avengers character)

    Tremont, Sonny (Ghost Rider/Blaze character)

    Tremsky, Carl Yaz of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)

    Trench of Earth-5555 (Sudden Impact, Death's Head (FPA) foe)

    Trench, Amos (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Mosaic foe) - by Chadman

    Trent (Stalkers, Venom/Vengeance foe)

    Trent (Typhoid character)

    Trent ?? (Inhumans character)

    Trent ?? (student, Wolverine (Laura Kinney)/Squirrel Girl character) - by Chadman

    Trent, Alan (Shadow Wing)

    Trent, Marcia (Dr. Strange character)

    Trent, Paul (Savage Steel)

    Trent, Sykes (Caswell Gang)

    Trentonn the Terrible (Chad, Inhuman catfish-like mutate) - by Proto-Man

    Treshie the Trash Monster (magically-animated garbage, Squirrel Girl ally) - by Chadman

    Treste (daughter of Inhuman Auran)

    Trevani, Denika (H.E.A.R.T.)

    Trevor ?? (Project/Fortress scientist)

    Trevor ?? (wedding guest of Doug Hutchinson)

    Trevorik, Janos V. (Power Man (Luke Cage) character)

    Trezza, Officer (Lockjaw story)

    Tri-Android (Tri-Man)

    Tri-Animan (Tri-Man)

    Triax (Adam Warlock foe) - by caliban

    Triax (Mega Monsters)

    Tribal chief (encountered Tyrannosaurus)

    Tri-Bunal (Micronauts foe)

    Tribune (Daredevil foe)

    Tribune (Mandate, Wolverine foe)

    Tribune (Graydon Creed)

    Tribune Drusus Marcellinus Maximus (Roman, Bran Mak Morn foe)

    Tricephalous (Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal

    Trick Shot (Hawkeye character)

    Trick Shot (Barney Barton)

    Trick-Shot (Trick Shot)

    Trickshot (Trick Shot)

    Trickster (Cat demon)

    Tricolore (S.H.E.)

    Tri-Delta-Five (Committee agent)

    Trieste (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal

    Trifanov, Yuri (People's Protectorate's p.r. man) - by Prime Eternal

    "Trigger" (Light Brigade)

    Trigger, Aurora of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

    Trigger, Northstar of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

    "Triggerman" Carr (Fight Man foe)

    Tri-Judge (Living Tribunal)

    Tril (Slug imposter, Microverse rebel)

    Trilby, Dilbert (Daily Bugle obituary writer) - by G Morrow

    Trillion Dollar Man (Spike Freeman)

    Tri-Man (Daredevil character)

    Tri-Man (Werewolf foe)

    Tri-Man (Spider-Man foe)

    Trimble, Cal (manager of Corinth Hotel, Captain America character) - by Norvo

    Trini (Bantam ally)

    Trinity, Joe (Mop Man)

    Trio (Slice and Dice)

    "Trioccula" (Brotherhood character)

    Triphammer (Power Tools)

    Triple Destruction (Whizzer foe) - by Ron Fredricks

    Triple Iron (Iron Fist foe)

    Triple Threat Killer (Daredevil foe)

    Triplex (Hellbent)

    Tripp (vampire-hunter, partner of Texter; Blade character) - by Markus Raymond

    Tripper (romance character) - by Grendel Prime

    Triscareatops of Earth-19122 (alternate Ghost Rider's ride)

    Tri-Sentinel (Spider-Man foe) - by Henrique

    Triserinak of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

    Trish ?? (Empire State University computer science student)

    Trisha ?? of Ultraverse (Coven member)

    Tristum of Guildern (Dark Angel/Wild Thing character)

    Triton of Earth-700089 (Pacifican prince, Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man


    Trixie (poodle, Malice victim)

    Trixter (Daredevil foe) - by Proto-Man

    Trl'k (Skrull, Carpiax IV)

    Tr'morr (Shi'ar, X-Force foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Trog (creation of Father Darklyte, Son of Satan/Hellstorm foe)

    Troglodyte (robot, Gregson Gilbert creation)

    Troglodyte (Adventures in Reading, Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man

    Trois (Brotherhood)

    Trojak, Dr. Anton (HYDRA, Annihil-Agent 47) - by Prime Eternal

    Trole (Garokk's Death Cult)

    Trolkin (Arak foe)

    Troll (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe) - by Prime Eternal

    Troll of Earth-982 (MC2, Ulik)

    Troll of the Bridge (Conan foe) - by Spidermay

    Trollo (reluctant Conan ally)

    Troll Prince (Horskuld)

    "Trollwitch" (Askella)

    Trolus (Red Sonja foe)

    Tront, Isabel (prostitute, raised Freddy Krueger)

    Tropical Punch (Punch Bunch, Kool-Aid Man's team)

    "Trouble Magnet" (Gennady Gavrilov, Crimson Dynamo)

    Troubleshooter (Corporation, Cage foe)

    Troubleshooter (Brothers in Arms foe) - by Gauntlet: Dark Rider

    Trout (Spider-Man/Black Widow foe) - by Chadman

    Trovao (Advocates member)

    Trow-Mah (Troyjan, Trauma)

    Troy ?? (Hydra, Morbius victim)

    Trubble, Ms. of Earth-6799 (cartoon, Spider-Man foe) - by Thor2000

    Trublood, Kevin (Black Panther character)

    Trudy ?? (wedding guest of Doug Hutchinson)

    "true heir to the dragon throne" of Earth-6311 (Huntara/Tara Richards)

    Trueno of Earth-99101 (Laberinto hero, Avengers/Iberia, Inc. member) - by Loki

    Truesmith, Woodrow (Code: Gray)

    Trufaut, Claude (Jacqueline's father)

    Trufaut, Jacqueline (Namor foe) - by Chadman

    Truffaut, Pierre (La Nuit, X-Force)

    Trull (wizard, foe of Starr the Slayer)

    Trull the Unhuman (pre-FF alien) - by Madison Carter

    Trull the Mighty (Trull the Unhuman)

    Truman, Jack (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, former Deathlok) - by Loki

    Truman, Slade (Moonraker)

    Trumbull (police officer, killed by Paulo Scorcese)

    Trump (Daredevil/Captain America foe) - by Norvo

    Trunk of Earth-93121 (Knights of Justice)

    Trunklops (Power Pachyderms)

    Truscott-Sade, Fey (ally of the Doctor)

    Trusivor (ruler of Egaliterns of Eopia, Dark Guard character)

    trusted steed of Earth-82105's Hulk the Barbarian

    Truth (Weird Sisters)

    Truth (demon, Wolverine foe) - by Proto-Man

    Truthsayer (Blood)

    Truth-Seeker (Veritus)

    Truxton, Stephanie (Eli Wirtham secretary)

    Tryco Slatterus (Champion of the Universe)

    Tryon, Dr. Jack (medical doctor, Night Nurse (Linda Carter) associate) - by Grendel Prime

    Tryphon (xd vampire, Simon Majors foe) - by Spidermay

    Trypthe (Imperial Guard, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tryx (Rigellian mutant, Thor character)

    Tsaa (Past Assassins)

    Tsar Zerod (Dr. Zero)

    Tsarfin, Galina of Earth-1078 (Black Widow)

    Tsarina of Earth-398 (Black Widow (Romanoff), Queen's Vengeance)

    Tsathoggua (Conan foe) - by Greg O

    Tserron (Dark God)

    Tsiln female (Gog mate or sister)

    Tsiolkovsky, Nina Vladimirovna (Madame X)

    Tskarov (former KGB agent, Black Widow/Daredevil foe)

    Tsobor (Lemurian mercenary)

    Tsuboro (Cult of the Black Blade)

    Tsu Fwon (Red Ronin character)

    Tsui Chiao Shang Chi of Ultraverse (Orange Lotus Cult)

    Tsukihito Otoko (Tsukuyomi)

    Tsukiyomi (Tsukuyomi)

    Tsukuyomi (Japnaese God) - by Skullogeist

    Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto (Tsukuyomi)

    Tsukuyumi (Tsukuyomi)

    Tsukuyumi Otoko (Tsukuyomi)

    Tsumura, Sadae (Steel Vengeance, Steel Wind's sister)

    Tsumura, Ruriko (Steel Wind)

    Tsunami (Spikelar foe, Spider-Man Magazine)

    Tsuruta, Holly (Jolt/Hallie Takahama)

    T'Swana (Black Panther character) - by Grendel Prime

    Tu (Bishop character)

    Tuan (Lord Tuan)

    Tuan, Trung (Half-Face)

    Tuatara (Iron Man/Black Widow foe) - by Chuck D

    Tubbs (Glenn Industries board of directors)

    Tubby (Daredevil character)

    "Tubby" (Harry Leland)

    Tubin (xt, Gramosian, Venom (Thompson) foe)

    Tuc (Crossing, Avengers character) - by Markus Raymond

    Tuck (Death's Head character)

    Tucker (encountered Ch'manu)

    Tucker, Ben (Solarman)

    Tucker, Desmond of Earth-10091 (Thor the Mighty Avenger character) - by Grendel Prime

    Tucker, Kane (Doctor Dark)

    Tucker, Marcus (Forearm)

    Tucker, Mike (Solarman's father) - by Grendel Prime

    "Tucker, Tom" (1950s greedy man...became Yetti) - by Ron Fredricks

    Tucker, Wayne of New Universe (Psi-Force) - by Prime Eternal

    Tufty McGee (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)

    Tug (thief, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman

    Tuh, Gow (Husu Ko foe)

    Tuk the Caveboy (pre-Cataclysmic Marvel hero) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tul (Ka-Zar character)

    Tula (Dr. Agony's panther)

    Tulak (el Dorado)

    Tulath of Ultraverse (Fire People)

    "Tuli" (Tulio Guzman)

    Tulie (New American Revolution)

    Tullamore Voge of Earth-1289 (slave trader, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tullk (Ronan character)

    Tully, Derek (real estate magnate, Daredevil character)

    Tully, Joe (1950s scientist, accidentally turned himself invisible) - by Ron Fredricks

    Tully, Sean (The Team, Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe) - by Proto-Man

    Tul'uth (Dr. Strange foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Tumbler (John Keane, Captain America foe) - by Spidermay

    "Tumbler" (Spider-Squad)

    Tumbler (Michael Keane, Captain America foe)

    Tumbling Turners (Circus of Crime)

    Tumult (Euroforce, Avengers character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tumumba (Supremus' assassins, Nick Fury foe)

    Tundameyer, Zachary S. (Bainwood Jury, found Bainwood not guilty)

    Tundra (Great Beasts, Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo

    "Tundra topped titan" (Teen Hulk)

    Tungsten (Iron Man character) - by Ronald Byrd

    Tunis-Var (Kree, Jazinda foe)

    Tunstall, Robert (Electro-Man)

    Tuoks'enhaamin (Shi'ar Grand Council)

    Tupac Amaru (host of Toro Rojo)

    Turac (Dracula foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Turac, Elianne (Dracula foe)

    Turalla (Namor foe)

    Turber, Wolf of Earth-36292 (insane, time-traveling android, Captain America (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Proto-Man

    Turbine (Spider-Man character)

    TurboCharge of Ultraverse (Prime ally) - by Grendel Prime

    Tureem (Conan character)

    Turgenov, Boris (Crimson Dynamo)

    Turing, Conrad (Human Computer)

    Turk (US cavalry, Arrowhead foe)

    Turk (Captain America foe)

    Turk (Crime-Wave employee, Daredevil foe)

    Turk (Todd Flaminirezck, Next Wave, Ghost Rider foe) - by Spidermay

    Turk, Harrison (Arisen Tyrk)

    Turk, Harrisyn (Arisen Tyrk)

    Turk Barrett (Daredevil character)

    Turkel, Gideon (Gotham Game Club)

    Turkel, Thad of Earth-68320 (New York Ripper)

    Turkey Martin (Wild West criminal) - by Loki

    Turmoil (Avatars of the Mandarin)

    Turn Key (Vermin the Vile dungeon staff)

    "T'urnaround" (The Ruined)

    Turner (Hellfire Club) - by Loki

    Turner, Adrian (Team America foe) - by David Lawrence

    Turner, Billy (Scout) of Earth-7328 (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man

    Turner, Chris (WNTN camera man, Human Torch (Storm) character)

    Turner, Fred (Bill Williams character)

    Turner, Jeff (Blazing Skull supporting cast)

    Turner, William (Mindworm)

    Turner D. Century (Spider-Woman foe) - by Madison Carter

    Turnip Man (Space Turnip)

    Turnip, Jonas of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

    Turpin, "Scar" (briefly Captain America)

    Turpin, Tim (Avengers character)

    Turret of Earth-88469 (Dinosaurs for Hire foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Turtle-Man (Golden Age, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72

    "Turtle Neck" (Committee)

    Tus'Au (Resurrection Stone creator)

    Tuschoff, Major (Festung von Furcht)

    Tusk (Dark Riders, X-Factor/X-Men foe) - by Chadman

    Tusk (Rhino Beetle Hulk, Ant-Man (Scott Lang) foe) - by Proto-Man

    Tusk Prime (Tusk)

    Tuskanini (demon, Hellcat foe)

    Tusker, Colonel of Earth-238 (Crooked World)

    Tuskmaster of Earth-9047 (trained Forbush Man as new Charlie America) - by MarvellousLuke & Proto-Man

    Tuskwin, Archibald (Mercenary)

    Tussmann (encountered Toad God)

    Tuta (Hyborian era amazon)

    Tutaku (Journey into Mystery)

    Tutinax (Deviant Mutate) - by Prime Eternal

    TuTu (Howard the Duck character)

    Tuumar (Dakkamite)

    Tuur, Salac (Smasher, Imperial Guard)

    Tuval (Namor foe)

    Tuval (Sauron victim) - by Chadman

    Tuvia (Namor character)

    Tuzun Thune (Kull/Conan/Red Sonja foe) - by Snood & Spidermay

    T'voor of Earth-8394 (Kamado)

    Twain, Cleavon (Headsman)

    Twaki, Dr. Ted (Tricorp, Peter Parker's ex-boss) - by G Morrow

    Tweed, Harris (pompous spy)

    Tweedie (Loonies)

    Twigg-Smythe, Cedric (Supremus' assassins, Nick Fury foe)

    Twilight of Ultraverse (Warstrike character)

    Twilley, Jim (Haggard/Grimjack)

    Twin Killer (Daredevil foes) - by Chadman

    "The Twins" (Gemini, Zodiac Cartel)

    Twist, Hodiah (Vampire Tales character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier

    Twister (Ant-Man/Wasp foe)

    Twit (Silver Squad)

    Twitch (Spider-Man character) - by Stunner

    Two (Stealth Inc.)

    Two (Hulk character)

    Two Crows, Eve (Johnny Blaze character)

    Two-Faced Goblin of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)

    "Two-Fisted" Tommie Boyd (Yancy Street Gang)

    Two-Green Kid of Earth-81698 (alternate Hulk) - by Loki

    Two-Gun Hulk of Earth-84112 (alternate Hulk) - by Loki

    "Two-Headed Dog-Man" (Professor Baldwin experiment)

    "two-headed man in blue sorcerer" (recruited by Merlin) - by Proto-Man

    two-headed monster (Dr. Varoz creation)

    Two-Headed Thing (Marvel Monster, Fantastic Four foe) - by Ron Fredricks

    Two-Heads (Bi-Beast)

    Two-Legged Rat (Speedball villain) - by Patrick D. Ryall

    Two-Rivers, Billy (Red Wolf character)

    "Two Who Were Once One" (Gog and Magog)

    Twoyoungmen (Shaman's grandfather)

    Twoyoungmen, Katheryn (Shaman's wife) - by Proto-Man

    TX-12 (rebel Alpha Primitive)

    Tybalt (Microverse, Coral's father)

    Tyburn of Ultraverse (police captain, worked for Mourning Star)

    Tyburn, Gudrun golem (Marvel UK, Dark Guard foe)

    Tyger, Captain (Brother Voodoo character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier

    Tykkio, Yorgon (AIM, Iron Man foe)

    Tyler ?? (Namor, Defenders character)

    Tyler ?? (son of Clayton Cole's girlfriend Donna)

    Tyler ?? (childhood friend of Squirrel Girl)

    Tyler, Adam (time traveler, Strange Tales)

    Tyler, Bobby (Journey into Mystery character) - by Future

    Tyler, John (Bobby's father)

    Tyler, Mandy (Morbius character) - by Markus Raymond

    Tyler, Mary (Bobby's mother)

    Tyler, Nathan (Lord of Light, Dagger's father)

    Tyler, Pascal (former Guardsman, Luke Cage foe)

    Tyler, Wilson (Death's Head assimilated personality)

    Tyler II (robot, Howard the Duck story)

    Tyme, Sandson O. of Earth-75011 (Slow Glass) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier

    Tymok (Hulk foe)

    "Tyn" (Tyndall of Klarn)

    Tyndale (Pilgrims Rock, Doctor Doom character)

    Tyndall of Klarn (Weirdworld hero) - by Prime Eternal

    Tyndar (Anachronauts)

    Tyne, Carol (victim of Dark Angel's brother)

    Tynjo of Universe-7711 (Hulk foe)

    Typ, M'Dom (Aerian, Savage Land, Ka-Zar character)

    Typeface (Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant

    Typhoeus (Typhon)

    Typhoid (Typhoid Mary)

    Typhoid Mary (Mutant Zero/Bloody Mary, Daredevil foe)

    Typhon (Olympian Gods foe) - by Will U, Prime Eternal & Snood

    Typhon (Seth)

    Typhoon (Typhon)

    Typhoon (partner of Cutlass) - by Prime Eternal

    Typhoon (Taifu)

    Typhoon (First Line foe) - by Norvo

    Tyr (Gene Dogs)

    Tyr (Asgardian god) - by Will U & Prime Eternal

    Tyr of the Burning Blade (Warriors of a Thousand Galaxies)

    Tyrak (Atlantean warrior) - by Prime Eternal

    Tyranno (tyrannosaurus, Captain America (Mace)/Golden Girl foe) - by Ron Fredricks

    tyrannosaur ("Twilight World")

    Tyrannosaurus (pre-FF monster) - by John Kaminski

    Tyrannosaurus Rex (1950s, encountered by Mark Trask, "Lost World")

    Tyrannosaurus Rex (fought Gorgilla)

    Tyrant (Galactus, Silver Surfer foe)

    Tyrax (leader of the Cosmic Cutie Commandos)

    Ty Rejutka Lupex (Death’s Head (FPA) father)

    Tyreseus (Calurnian, Liberator)

    Tyresias of Earth-73012 (Brak the Barbarian character)

    Tyrk, Arisen (Other Realm)

    Ty-Rock (Slag foe) - by Markus Raymond

    Tyrone (Witch's husband, coloring book)

    Tyrone ?? (Reapers, Ace foe)

    Tyrone, Dominic (Rapier)

    Tyrone King (Master Khan)

    Tyrr (Bast dimension, Microverse)

    Tzabaoth (Deb+Don Ritter, children of Kro and Thena) - by Prime Eternal

    Tzadqiel (angel, Hellstorm foe)

    Tze, Chan (Atlas Foundation member) - by Proto-Man

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