Creations of Steve Ditko
Able Chairs (Adam Able)
Adam Able (pre-FF alien) - by Future
Adria (Dr. Strange foe)
Aged Genghis (Dr. Strange character)
Agent K (Alpha Flight/Machine Man character) - by Grendel Prime
Aggamon (Dr. Strange foe)
Ahmed ?? (encountered Zokae & Okzik)
Akra (Ethicals)
"Amazing Fantasy Boy" (Spider-Man character) - by Markus Raymond
Angela (Enclave foe)
Anti-Magnetic Inverter (Spider-Man invention) - by John Kaminski
Ape Man (Gruner, pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
arthropod-creatures of Planet X of Reality-60751 (xt, Tales to Astonish)
Asmodeus (Dracula foe)
Astran (xt, Metal Master)
atomic mole machine (used by Alan Swan)
Aunt May (Linda Brown's aunt)
Automatic Car Wash (1960s, run by con artist Rocky Baines)
Axel, Anton (Amazing Adult Fantasy character) - by John Kaminski
Baines, Rocky (1960s con artist, encountered Martian prisoner) - by Ron Fredricks
Ba-Korr (warlord of Klangians)
Barge, Hugo (Pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Barney ?? (Bonehead's henchman)
Baron Brimstone (Machine Man/Spider-Man foe) - by Odd Rob & Grendel Prime
Baron Mordo's Minions (Dr. Strange foes)
Basher (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D. Ryall
Bealer, David (Speedball classmate) - by Prime Eternal
Ben ?? (thug, beaten by "Fourth Man")
Bentley, Clive (Dr. Strange character) - by Spidermay
Bentley, Victoria (Doctor Strange/Black Knight character) - by Clay Jodee
Biaggi, Vinnie (victim of the Basher)
Big Monk McGak (encountered Mister Zero)
Billings, John (Atlas sci-fi character) - by John Kaminski
Binary Bug (Machine Man foe) - by Kyle Smith
Binder (Imperial Guard Cohort)
Binder, Sam (1950s Explorers' Club member, encountered Monstro) - by Ron Fredricks
Birchwood, Miriam (Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal
Bishop (Hulk foe)
Black Knight (Merlin construct)
Bliss (Freak of Science foe)
Bloods (Daredevil characters)
Bobkins, Mary (Tommy Jr.'s future wife)
Bobkins, Tommy Sr. (Tommy Jr.'s father)
Bobkins, Tommy Jr. (1960s, Amazing Adult Fantasy) - by Ron Fredricks
Bobkins, Tommy III (Tommy Jr.'s future son)
Boder, Nathan (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Bogg, Hugo (encountered Ice-Monster)
bolo-cable launchers (used by Tinkerer's ersatz aliens)
Bombers (Daredevil foes) - by Chadman
Bonehead (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D. Ryall
Bootblack (1960s angel, punished Simon Sledge)
Bouncer (Speedball foe) - by Markus Raymond
Bow, Alex (Speedball character)
Brad the Micronaut (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Brant, Eleonore (Betty Brant's mother) - by G Morrow
Briggs, Foxy (Spider-Man foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Brown, Linda (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Bruce Banner's Robot (created for Thunderbolt Ross) - by Prime Eternal
Bug-Eyed Voice (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D. Ryall
bug-pod (used by Binary Bug, Machine Man story)
Burglar (Ben Parker's murderer, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Burnatt (Speedball character) - by Prime Eternal
Butch (Jeff Raye's cat)
Calurnians (xt, Rom characters) - by Spidermay
Cannibals (Daredevil characters)
Cap (encountered Thing from Planet X)
Captain Universe (Clare Dodgson)
Captain Universe (Ann Stanford)
Captain Universe (Monty Walsh)
Captain Universe (Eddie Price)
car/spaceship (Martian prison transport, taken by Rocky Baines)
Carboni, Guido (Captain Universe (Walsh) foe)
Carol ?? (1960s, owned Teddy)
Carter, Charleton (Mr. Doll victim, Iron Man character)
Carter, Tad (pre-modern era, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Cartland, Douglas Arthur (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Casey ?? (encountered Shadow Man)
Cat (Hibbs, Spider-Man foe)
Cat (Shroud ally) - by Prime Eternal
Chakar (Imperial Guard Cohort)
Charlie ?? (Tinkerer's ersatz aliens)
Charlie ?? (Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man
Charlie ?? (Teen Brigade)
Chip ?? (encountered "Speed Demon")
Christmas tree (set up by Monsters on Mercury)
Chuck ?? (encountered Thing from Planet X)
Cinnibar, Kathryn (Shroud foe) - by Prime Eternal
Clase, Otto (Speedball character)
Clea (Dr. Strange's wife, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Clyde (Speedball foe) - by Prime Eternal
Cobbwell, Professor (Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man
Colonel Jabor of Earth-56989 (aide to General Gorth)
Colossus (super-computer) - by Prime Eternal
commandant (Communist leader, Hulk foe)
Cooke, Joe (pre-FF Merlin foe) - by John Kaminski
Cooper, Teri (Speedball classmate) - by Prime Eternal
Coren, Mark (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Cosmos, B.J. (Spider-Man character) - by Prime Eternal
couple (Wax People)
Craig (federal agent, caught Ozak)
Creature From the Black Bog (giant monster) - by Prime Eternal
"Creatures from the Bottomless Pit" (1950s race) - by John Kaminski
Crime-Master (Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner
Crimson Circle of Cyttorak (magic spell) - by MarvellousLuke
Crooked Face (Speedball foe) - by Prime Eternal
Crooked Man (Shroud foe) - by Prime Eternal
Cyttorak (demon) - by Per Degaton
Dakari (Shi'ar, Rom character)
Damien (Enclave)
Danebians (xt, Journey into Unknown Worlds) - by AvatarWarlord
Dave ?? (encountered Thing from Planet X)
Davis (Spider-Man character) - by G Morrow
Dawson, Duke (Satan Squad)
Deacon (Shroud foe) - by Prime Eternal
deceased's memory reader device (Shi'ar technology, Rom story)
The Demon (Demonicus)
The Demon of the Mask (Dr. Strange foe)
Demonicus (Dr. Strange foe)
Dennis, Peter (FBI, investigated Markham Moros)
Deth (xt planet, Ozak's homeworld)
Dethan (metamorphs, Ozak's race)
Dexter, John (pre-modern, vanished in mall)
Dimensional Man (Enclave foe)
Disintegrator (Blue City on the Moon) - by Prime Eternal
Distorter (Hulk foe)
Doctor Druid (Anthony Ludgate Druid, former Avenger...first super hero of the Marvel Age) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Rarque (Speedball character)
Dr. Warren (Dr. Strange character)
Dodgson, Clare (Captain Universe) - by Proto-Man
Dolly (xt child, 1960s Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Dorian (Speedball character)
Drago, Bull (convict, Totem foe)
Dragon Lord (mystic hero) - by Prime Eternal
Dragon Lord (Ral Dorn) - by Prime Eternal
Dragon Lord (Skagerackrakor)
"Drakos" (Shazana)
Dralla (Middle Ages hero) - by Spidermay
Drothor (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Druig (Enclave)
Druker (Enclave)
Duet (Slice and Dice)
Duner, Major (Wargod foe)
Earth-10530 (alternate reality, Earth taken over by spider-creatures from "Planet X")
"Earth-59591" (2469 AD, Arro Goron)
Earth-80119 (conquered by Mister E)
Earth-Crawlers (Journey into Mystery) - by Future
Earth-Iron Man Had Been a Traitor (What if? world) - by Proto-Man
Earth of the 30th Century (future traveled to by Fredrick Fenton)
Ebrok (creator of Cat People) - by Prime Eternal
Egghead's Android (Giant-Man/Wasp foe) - by John Kaminski
Einstein (Bombers)
Enclave (Dracula foes)
ersatz aliens (Mysterio/Tinkerer allies, Spider-Man foes)
Ethicals (Machine Man characters) - by Prime Eternal
Evilizer (fearsome item of power, Speedball story) - by Markus Raymond
Faceless Ones (Danebians)
Failure Five (Machine Man foe)
Fawlkes (Neutralizer ally)
Feathered Felon (Speedball)
Fenton, Fredrick (Journey into Mystery time-traveler) - by Ron Fredricks
Fenton Electronics (Frederick Fenton's corporation)
Faltine (Dark Dimension race) - by Jean-Marc Lofficer
Fitch, Emil (Marak foe)
Flames of the Faltine (magic spell) - by Spidermay
"Fletcher, Hiram" (Death foe) - by John Kaminski
flora of Planet X of Reality-59356 (controlled fauna via exuding neural scent)
"Fourth Man" (1960s, living statue) - by Ron Fredricks
The Fox (Human Torch foe)
Fox, Charlie (encountered "Howler")
Frank ?? (Bill Parmenter's friend, encountered Gargantus)
Freak of Science (Speedball character) - by Patrick D Ryall
Frog-Man (Strange Tales) - by Future
Gage, Les (television newscaster, impersonated by Ozak)
Galactic Defender (Micronauts foe)
Gargantus (aquatic Marvel Monster) - by Prime Eternal
Garson (Sticker's ally)
Gart (Captain Universe (Eddie) foe)
gas canister (1950s, used by Sam Binder against Monstro)
Gaxton, Blackie (Spider-Man character)
General Gorth of Earth-56989 (ranking military general, former aide to Gen. Karall)
General Karall of Earth-56989 (elderly former general, defeated Xanu invader) - by Prime Eternal
Geni (1950s supernatural being) - by John Kaminski
Genie (transformed Freddy Sykes)
Ghost of Grismore Castle (pre-modern ghost) - by Spidermay
Ghost of Kragmoor Castle (encountered by Anton Axel)
Ghost of Springdale High (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Gladys ?? (Speedball classmate) - by Prime Eternal
Glob (Frank Johnson creation)
Goldsmith, Archie (Machine Man character)
Goldsmith, Hiram R. (Archie's brother)
Goloks (extraterrestrials) - by Prime Eternal
Gorak (pre-FF character) - by Future
Gorga (animated toy, Captain Universe)
Gorlion (Dr. Druid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Goron, Arro (time traveler, 2469 AD alternate future) - by Ron Fredricks
Gotham Game Club (NOT related to some bat-guy!) - by Prime Eternal
Graffiti Guerillas (Speedball foes) - by Patrick D Ryall
gravity beam (invented by Arro Goron, 2469 AD)
"Greasy" Jimmy Genova (Shroud character) - by Prime Eternal
Great Gambonnos (Ernesto & Luigi Gambonno, Circus of Crime members) - by Chadman
Great Gordoni (Mystery Tales character) - by John Kaminski
"Great One" (pre-FF alien)
Greenfield, Fred (Machine Man character)
Gregarian, Anton (Vienna sculptor, built statue for Kublai Khan)
Grismore Castle (haunted castle)
Grokor (Komoks)
Gruff, Gorgi (Adam Able foe)
Guardian (sidekick of Phantom)
Gulgol (Dr. Strange character)
Gundar the Viking (Viking warrior) - by Spidermay
Gundar ?? (Viking descendant)
G'uranthic Guardian (Dark Dimension guardian) - by Prime Eternal
Guy Named Joe (Spider-Man character)
Haag (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Hagert, General (Wargod's father)
Hamir the Hermit (Dr. Strange character) - by Clay Jodee
"Hammer" Harrison (Enforcers member) - by Prime Eternal
Hanes, Frank (1950s time traveler) - by Ron Fredricks
Harlequin Hit Man (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Harlock, Mr. (Speedball character)
Harris, Chick (Speedball character) - by Patrick D Ryall
Haunted House (House of Shadows)
Haven, Dr. Sol (victim of the Sticker)
Hicks, Claude (encountered Geni)
High-Intensity Field Cannon (designed for commandant, Hulk story)
Horace the Joker (Amazing Adventures character) - by Madison Carter
Hornetroids (Microverse race) - by Grendel Prime
House of Shadows (Dr. Strange/Rom foe)
"The Howler" (Tales of Suspense monster) - by John Kaminski
Hudaks (Dragon Rider trainers) - by Prime Eternal
Hulk (Glop, pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Humanoids (Hulk foes) - by Stunner
Hunk (convict, Totem foe)
"Iceberg Alien" (visitor from the stars, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Ice-Monster (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Idol of Tibo (Karl King foe)
Images of Ikonn (magic spell) - by Spidermay
Imperial Gamesman (Micronauts foe)
Imperial Guard Cohort (Chakar's team, Shi'ar) - by Spidermay
Invaders (alien race) - by Future
Invaders (Martian movie characters)
Ion (Machine Man foe) - by Prime Eternal
Jacque ?? (encountered "Iceberg Alien")
Jim ?? (Carol's husband, she owned Teddy)
Joe the Barber (made "Muggsy" Bogar vanish)
John ?? (ally of Creature From the Black Bog)
John ?? (Strange Tales)
Johnson, Frank (Zzutak creator/foe, Fantastic Four character)
Johnson's monster (Zzutak foe)
Jolly Roger (Speedball foe) - by Prime Eternal
Jones, Cathy (1960s, played with xt child Dolly)
Jones, Timothy (1960s, Cathy's father, found Dolly)
Jukes (time traveler) - by Spidermay
Kaecilius (former Minion of Mordo, Doctor Strange foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond
Kanga Khan (Hulk foe)
Kate ?? (encountered Tyrannosaurus)
Kemplet, Serge (encountered "Creatures from the Bottomless Pit")
Khan, Kublai (Machine Man foe) - by Prime Eternal
King (Hulk foe)
King, Karl (Tibo foe) - by Spidermay
King Arthur (possibly the same as Earth-616's version)
Klang (homeworld of Klangians)
Klangians (warlike race, stopped invasion plan of Earth) - by AvatarWarlord
Knight (Hulk foe)
Knight, Franklin (Gotham Game Club)
Kole, Max (drummer, cursed by Madame Grimm)
Komoks (xt, giant conquerors, Tales to Astonish) - by AvatarWarlord
Konak, Karlos (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Kongo (animated toy, Captain Universe)
Kora (Ethicals)
Korumbu ("helped" Hugo Barge)
Kragg, Ben (Karl's brother)
Kragg, Karl (glory-seeking bodybuilder, Amazing Adult Fantasy character) - by Grendel Prime
Kraggoom (1960s smoke-like alien monster) - by Prime Eternal
Krills (xt race, pre-FF era) - by John Kaminski
Kronos (xd race, Kaliklak, Microverse)
Kruger, Nat (Old West bank robber, Warren Mace foe) - by Loki
Kwill (Imperial Guard Cohort)
"Kyrkalin" (pre-FF alien) - by John Kaminski
LaGuardia, Al (Speedball character) - by Prime Eternal
Lalique (Dragon Rider) - by Prime Eternal
Lama (1950s mystic, cursed greedy men to become Yetti)
La Roc, Pierre (1960s criminal, encountered living statues) - by Ron Fredricks
Leaper Logan (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D. Ryall
Lestron, Ted (pre-FF mutant) - by John Kaminski
Liberator (Rom foe) - by Spidermay
Living Brain (Spider-Man character)
"Living Pants" (Arnim Zola creations)
"living statues" (encountered Mike Rugger)
living wax statues (1960s, encountered by Pierre La Roc)
Lizard-Bird (Frank Johnson creation)
Logan, James (Gotham Game Club)
Lola (Speedball character)
Looter (Spider-Man foe)
Lou ?? (encountered Krills)
Lucky Lobo (Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner
Lunk (Graffiti Guerillas) - by Patrick D Ryall
Maccabee (Micronauts foe) - by Grendel Prime
Mad Martian (Frank Johnson creation)
Madame Grimm (pre-modern sorceress) - by Ron Fredricks
Magee, Thomas Tommy (Speedball character)
Magic One (protected "Creatures from the Bottomless Pit")
Mallon (pre-modern store detective, vanished) - by Ron Fredricks
Man in the Rat Hole (Worm Man)
Marak (pre-FF monster) - by Future
Marcus ?? (Speedball character)
Markas (used Drothor-mask)
Marlowe, Bret (Haag foe)
Martha (Journey into Mystery)
Martha (ally of Creature From the Black Bog)
"Martian Flying Saucer" (1960s, Tales of Suspense alien) - by Ron Fredricks
Martians (alien race) - by Future
Martin, the Most Dangerous Man in the World (1950s mutate, World of Mystery character) - by Loki
Master Khan (Power Man, Iron Fist, and Namor foe)
Masters of Menace (Clown-led Circus of Crime) - by Chadman
matter transporter (1950s, Jeff Raye invention)
Max The Axe (Daredevil foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mayson, Dorothy (Machine Man character)
Melter (Bruno Horgan, Iron Man foe) - by Norvo
Men with "atomic brains" (pre-FF characters)
Merlin's diary (magic book) - by Spidermay
Messenger, Tobias (Promise, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Metal Master (Hulk foe)
"meteors" (1950s, shrunk Mark Coren)
Miller, Bill (pre-modern, vanished in mall)
Miller, Dave (helped "Wanderers")
mind-transfer machine (used by Kublai Khan, Machine Man story)
Missing Link (Pre-FF Monster) - by Future
Mister Doll (Iron Man/Spider-Woman (Drew) foe)
Mister E (Captain Universe foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mr. Huggins (Freak of Science foe)
Mr. Rasputin (Dr. Strange foe)
Mr. Vort (pre-FF character)
Mister Zero (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Mogard (Black Knight construct foe)
Moko (1950s gorilla, Sam Binder's show)
Molten Man (Mark Raxton, Liz Allan's half-brother, Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman
Molten Man-Thing (Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mongoors (xt, 1960s semi-humanoid race) - by Prime Eternal
Monkey Joe (Squirrel Girl's former partner) - by Chadman
"Monster" Ambassador (alien Supreme Council of Civilized Planets ambassador) - by Loki
Monsteroso (micro-monster) - by Prime Eternal
Monsters on Mercury (xt, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Monsters of Bald Mountain (living statues) - by Prime Eternal
Monstro (pre-FF monster, Journey into Mystery) - by John Kaminski & Ron Fredricks
"Moon Satellite" (transported Mark Coren)
Mopox (Komoks)
Moran, Ray (Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Morgo, Edward (hypnotist, would-be robber, Amazing Adult Fantasy) - by Ron Fredricks
Moros, Markham (xd, 1950s cult leader) - by Ron Fredricks
The Moth (Human Torch foe) - by Prime Eternal
mountain lion (1960s, slain by Teddy)
Mouse (Shroud ally) - by Prime Eternal
"Muggsy" Bogar (criminal fugitive, Joe the Barber foe) - by Grendel Prime
Mummy (Amazing Fantasy character) - by Madison Carter
Mystic Prod (Nightmare weapon)
Nancy (Strange Tales)
Nast, Charlie (year 2100, Strange Tales character) - by Prime Eternal
"Nazakka" (Dr. Strange character)
Nebb, Aubrey (caught Great Gordoni)
Nemesis (Captain Universe foe) - by Proto-Man
Netherworld of Eternal Doom (Demon of the Mask's realm)
Neutralizer (Iron Man foe) - by Markus Raymond
Newton, Professor (Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man
night watchman (Wax People)
Niven, Peter (Gotham Game Club)
Noki (Rojans)
Norton, Otis (encounterd Ghost of Grismore Castle)
O'Brien, Bernard (NYPD, Peter Parker character) - by Copeinator123
oil lamp (Geni prison)
Okzik (pre-FF alien) - by John Kaminski
old man (encountered Dralla)
Orann (sorcerer, enemy of Cat People)
O'Reilley, Seymour (Spider-Man character, Midtown High School bully)
Ozaan (Frog-Man foe)
Ozak (pre-FF alien) - by John Kaminski & Ron Fredricks
Ozt (xt, shrunk Mark Coren)
Paradise III (Microverse)
Parmenter, Anne (Bill's wife)
Parmenter, Bill (encountered Gargantus)
Parmenter, Dan (encountered Gargantus, Bill's father)
Pawn (Hulk foe)
Perlongetti, Louie (Speedball character)
Petty, Mr. (designer of the Living Brain, Spider-Man character)
Phantom (wielder of the Evilizer)
Phipps, Hinton (Speedball character)
Planetoid 12 (2100, visited by Charlie Nast)
Planet X of Reality-59356 (plants in control of others, Tales of Suspense story)
"Planet X" of Reality-60751 (inhabited by giant insects, Tales to Astonish story)
police officer (Wax People)
Poltergeist (Marvel fantasy race) - by Grendel Prime
P184 (alternate future spacecraft)
Possessors (Dr. Strange foes)
Price, Eddie (Captain Universe)
Price, Jane (Captain Universe (Eddie) foe)
"Price, Kendra" (Eddie's mother)
Price, Roger (Jane's husband)
"Price, Timothy" (Eddie's father)
Primus (Captain Mar-Vell ally) - by Prime Eternal
Princess Python (Zelda DuBois, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
Professor Ace (helped Brad the Micronaut)
Professor Dark (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Professor Dolen (pre-FF time traveler) - by John Kaminski & Ron Fredricks
Professor Serak (scientist, U.S. military)
Professor Stromm (Geophysicist, Commandant slave, Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
"Proletariat" (Speedball foes)
Proton Beam (commandant weapon used against Hulk)
Prowler (Hibbs, Spider-Man foe)
Pseudo-Hulks (Arnim Zola creations, Avengers foes) - by John Kaminski
Pulitzer Patty (Speedball character) - by Markus Raymond
Purple Dimension (Aggamon)
Purple Gem (Aggamon)
Quantum Mechanic (Captain Universe foe) - by Madison Carter
Quartet (Slice and Dice)
Queen (Hulk foe)
Quintet (Slice and Dice)
Quogg (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
radar outpost (Canada, invaded by Krills)
rain control device (Journey into Mystery)
Rammatpolen (home of Dragon Riders) - by Prime Eternal
Rank, Rocco (Amazing Fantasy character) - by Madison Carter
rat (Worm Man foe)
Rath (Captain Universe (Eddie) foe)
Raye, Jeff (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Ray Projector (invented by "Hiram Fletcher")
Reigel, Charles (Gotham Game Club, Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Reptos (Microverse race)
Rever, Brad (Wargod foe)
Rever, Dan (Wargod ally)
"Ring of Full Power" (Dr. Strange weapon) - by Spidermay
Ritual of Ikonn (magic spell) - by Spidermay
Robot soldiers (Supreme Calculator)
Rod ?? (encountered Tyrannosaurus)
Rogan, Jean (Dave Miller's fiancée)
Rojans (encountered by Jeff Raye)
Rook (Hulk foe)
Rooney, Mike (Captain Universe (Dodgson) foe)
Rrorgo (alternate future xt race) - by Spidermay
Rugger, Mike (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Ruthar (Sub-Mariner foe)
Sacred Ball (used by Magic One)
Sagar (Klangian warrior)
Salt, Henry (Journey into Mystery)
Sammy ?? (Bonehead's henchman)
Satan Squad (Machine Man foes) - by Prime Eternal
Satellite Machine (Dr. Doom weapon) - by John Kaminski
Satus (Enclave)
Screamers (thralls of Soul Masters)
Screaming Idol (Tiboro's item)
Sextet (Slice and Dice)
Shadow Man (pre-FF creature) - by John Kaminski
Shawn, Dr. Lyman (victim of Screamers)
Shazana (Dr. Strange foe)
Shiffman, Maxie (Spider-Man character)
Simpson, Abigail (pre-modern, vanished in mall)
Sir Baskerville (Dr. Strange foe)
The Sixth Dimension (home of Tiboro)
Skagerackrakor (Dragon Lord) - by Prime Eternal
Skipper (Speedball character)
sky seat (invented by Arro Goron, 2469 AD)
Sledge, Simon (1960s, ruthless businessman) - by Ron Fredricks
Slice and Dice (Speedball characters) - by Markus Raymond
Smith, Joe (Spider-Man character)
"Snake" Marston (Enforcers member) - by Prime Eternal
Sol-Mac (microwave weapon, Machine Man story) - by Prime Eternal
Solo (Slice and Dice)
Sondra (Enclave)
sonic amplifiers (mutated Barry Witherspoon)
sonic blaster (used by Binary Bug, Machine Man story)
Sorcerer (pre-FF character) - by Future
Soul Masters (Captain Mar-Vell foes) - by Prime Eternal
Spaceship (used by Zokae & Okzik)
Spade (thug, beaten by "Fourth Man")
Sparling, Jessica (Hulk character)
specimen cage (used by Tinkerer's ersatz aliens)
"Speed Demon" (pre-modern speedster) - by Ron Fredricks
Spinybeast (Dr. Strange foe) - by Spidermay
Spy who cannot be Caught (Worm Man)
Squirrel Girl (BEST SUPER-HERO EVER!!) - by Kyle Smith
Stanford, Ann (Captain Universe) - by Proto-Man
Stanford, Jenny (Ann's daughter)
Stanford, Johnny (Ann's son)
Stanley, Simon (time machine inventor)
Stara (Primus' wife)
Star Patrol (heroic extraterrestrial organization)
Statue of Liberty (opposed Undersea Giants)
Sticker (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D. Ryall
Stillwell, Dr. Farley (Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant
Stone, Earnest (Gotham Game Club)
Stone Men (1950s subterranean race, Tales to Astonish) - by Ron Fredricks
Stromm, Mendel (Spider-Man foe) - by G Morrow
subterranean cavern (home of "Creatures from the Bottomless Pit")
subterranean people (encounterd by Alan Swan)
Sunset Bain (Machine Man and Iron Man character) - by Chuck D, the Prime Eternal & Snood
Supreme Calculator (pre-FF future robot) - by John Kaminski
Swan, Alan (ugly man finds romance underground, Amazing Adult Fantasy) - by Ron Fredricks
Sykes, Fredd (1960, criminal turned genie) - by Prime Eternal
techno-breaker (used by Binary Bug, Machine Man story)
Teddy (1960s toy) - by Ron Fredricks
Teen Brigade (Rick Jones' allies) - by Prime Eternal & Proto-Man
"Tele-phony" (pre-FF micro-alien) - by John Kaminski
Teleporting Machine (used by "Kyrkalin")
Tenley, Debra (Earl's wife from Earth)
Tenley, Earl (Danebians)
"Them" (pre-FF aliens) - by Future
Thing from Planet X (Tales of Suspense alien) - by John Kaminski
The Thing in Cell 13 (pre-FF monster) - by Future
thought machine (1950s, Rojan technology)
Tiboro (Dr. Strange foe)
Tim Boo Ba (classic monster character) - by Prime Eternal
time machine (invented by Frederick Fenton)
time machine (invented by Arro Goron, 2469 AD)
time machine (invented by Simon Stanley)
time machine (future technology, used by Mary Bobkins)
Tong (Kublai Khan's servant)
Totem (animated totem pole) - by Prime Eternal
Tribal chief (encountered Tyrannosaurus)
Trio (Slice and Dice)
"Tucker, Tom" (1950s greedy man...became Yetti) - by Ron Fredricks
Turkel, Gideon (Gotham Game Club)
Tutaku (Journey into Mystery)
Two-Legged Rat (Speedball foe) - by Patrick D. Ryall
Tyrannosaurus (pre-FF monster) - by John Kaminski
Uatu the Watcher (Earth-616's Watcher, Fantastic Four/Avengers/X-Men character) - by Norvo
"Ubbu" (Shazana's pet)
Uncle Ben (Linda Brown's uncle)
Undersea Giants (pre-FF race) - by John Kaminski
unidentified agent (Worm Man employer)
unidentified alien race (xt, inspiration for the alien imposters from Amazing Spider-Man I#2)
unidentified colonel (spied on by Tinkerer)
unidentified Dethan ruler (ruler of Deth, sent Ozak to Earth)
unidentified dog (impersonated by Ozak)
unidentified Earth astronauts (encountered Monsters on Mercury)
unidentified escaped Martian prisoners (1960s, encountered by Rocky Baines)
unidentified Explorers' Club member (1950s, overheard by Sam Binder)
unidentified general (spied on by Tinkerer)
unidentified native chief (1950s, sold Monstro)
unidentified pilot (alternate future, flew P184)
unidentified race of Reality-59356 (xt, humanoid aliens, controlled by plants on Planet X)
unidentified race (sentient rocks, Komoks failed to conquer them)
unidentified radar operator (encountered Krills)
unidentified reporter (interviewed Lem Whipple)
unidentified scientist (Commandant slave, Hulk character)
unidentified scientists and generals (encountered "Martian Flying Saucer")
unidentified scientists (1950s, helped Mark Coren)
unidentified spy (Hulk foe, stole Bruce Banner's robot)
unidentified witch doctor (Africa, befriended Mr. Doll)
unnamed chief (animated the Totem)
unnamed clerk (Speedball character)
unnamed criminal (Tales to Astonish)
unnamed Earthman (encountered "Tele-phony")
unnamed janitor (stopped Supreme Calculator)
unnamed lighthouse keeper ("Robot on a Rampage")
unnamed man with a fly-swatter (pre-FF, encountered Zogg)
unnamed pilot (2100, encountered Charlie Nast)
unnamed robot ("Robot on a Rampage") - by Prime Eternal
unnamed sorcerers (employed of Cat People)
Unog (Fifth Galaxy, recruited Karl Kragg for Mr. Universe challenge)
Vaporizer (commandant weapon used against Hulk)
Vapors of Valtorr (magic spell) - by Spidermay
Vipers of Valtorr (magic spell) - by Spidermay
Vogez, Hans (The Thing in Cell 13 foe)
Voltor (Imperial Guard Cohort)
Wade, Joshua (Gotham Game Club foe)
Walsh, Monty (Captain Universe) - by Madison Carter
Wand of Watoomb (mystic wand, Dr. Strange/Spider-Man stories) - by Spidermay
"Wanderers" (pre-FF extraterrestrials) - by John Kaminski
Wani (Dragon Lord foe)
Wargod (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Warren, Miles (Jackal, terrorist former college professor, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Warren, Raymond (Midtown high teacher, Spider-Man character) - by G Morrow
The Watchers (partial entry)
Wax Mannequins (Wax People)
Wax People (pre-FF characters) - by Future
Weason, Senator (Wargod foe)
"Weisskopf, Hubert" (encountered Zokae & Okzik)
White (friend of "Fourth Man")
"Will This Be the End of The World?" world (micro-world) - by Prime Eternal
Witherspoon, Barry (Machine Man foe) - by Prime Eternal
Witherspoon, Gloria (Barry's wife)
Wolfington, Derek (astronaut, mind merged with Kraggoom)
Wormly, Richard (Daily Bugle Editor-in-Chief's assistant) - by G Morrow
Worm Man (Strange Tales character) - by John Kaminski
X-1000 (spaceship)
Xanadu (Kublai Khan's base)
Xanu of Reality-56989 (xt race, tricked into defeat by General Karall)
Xenians (1960s humanoid extraterrestrial race) - by Prime Eternal
Yetti (1950s, cursed man)
Young, Max (Mendel Stromm's former assistant, Spider-Man foe) - by G Morrow
yo-yo (future technology, temporarily owned by Tommy Bobkins Jr.)
Yucoya-Tzin (Aztec magic-user, Zzutak/Fantastic Four character)
Zak (xt, shrunk Mark Coren)
Zamu (Dr. Druid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Zoga (Sub-Mariner foe)
Zogg (pre-FF alien) - by John Kaminski
Zokae (pre-FF alien) - by John Kaminski
Zola's "birds" (Avengers story)
Zota (Dr. Strange foe) - by Per Degaton
Zuka (pre-FF character)
Zzutak (monster) - by Prime Eternal
List compiled by Prime Eternal
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