Creations of Mark Gruenwald
Acba the Watcher (Quasar#25)
Acid Queen of New Universe (Para-Troop)
Adametco (Adamantium manufacturers)
Aegir (Giant) - by Will U
African Gods - by Will U
Agonistes of Earth-8336 (Son of Santa character)
A.I.D.A. of Earth-712 (Tom Thumb's computer) - by Prime Eternal
Alchemists of Lemuria (led by Atra, creators of Serpent Crown)
Aldebron (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal
Alfie (Mrs. Lennox's dog)
Alioth (Avengers foe)
"Allo" (Saur-Lords)
American Eagle of Earth-712 (Golden Agency member) - by Norvo
Americop (Captain America foe)
Anachronauts (Kang's agents) - by Gauntlet: Dark Rider
Anaconda (Serpent Society/Six Pack members) - by SQUEAK
Angel of Vengeance (Quasar ally)
Angler (Quasar foe)
"Anky" (Saur-Lords)
Anomaly (Quasar foe)
Anthropomorpho (Dimension of Manifestations)
Anti-Body of New Universe (Randy O'Brien)
Anti-Claus of Earth-8336 (Santa Claus/Son of Santa foe)
Antilia (Atra's daughter)
Ape X of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo
Apocryphus (Anachronauts)
Aqualung of New Universe (Para-Troop)
Aquanoids (Guardians of AIM Island) - by Prime Eternal
Araki imposter (Skrull, Avengers foe)
Architect (Elder of the Universe, Quasar story) - by Donald Campbell
Armadillo (Captain America character) - by Madison Carter
Asp (Serpent Society/BAD Girls Inc. member) - by SQUEAK
Ast (Time-Keepers)
Atra (Lemurian alchemist, creator of Serpent Crown) - by Donald Campbell
Auron (former Inhuman leader) - by Chadman
Avadar (Inhuman geneticist) - by Chadman
Aviles, Armando (Bantam foe)
Azur (Inhuman, Karnak & Triton's mother) - by Chadman
Ballantine, Kayla (Quasar's girlfriend)
Bantam (Captain America ally) - by Prime Eternal
Beaumont, Eugene (dream machine inventor)
Beauty (Weird Sisters)
Bekk (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
Bill ?? (Cross-Technologies)
Black Knight (Sir Raston)
Black Mamba (Serpent Society/BAD Girls Inc. member) - by SQUEAK
Black Panther's Engagement Party (Marvel Swimsuit Special event) - by Proto-Man
Black Racer (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Blazing Skull (Jim Scully)
Blistik (Captain America foe)
Blitzkrieger (German super-hero) - by Prime Eternal
Bloodstain (Scourge Inc. member)
Bludgeon (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Blue Marvel (Quasar foe)
Bob ?? (construction worker under Jack Johnson)
Bollix of Earth-712 (Whizzer foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bombshell (Death-Throws/Femizons) - by Chadman
Bongert (Sweat Shop)
Boomslang (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Boulder (Outcasts)
Brahma (Hindu god) - by Will U
Brain Leeches (Xandarian creatures) - by Prime Eternal
Brand's mutagenic equipment (used by Serpent Society & Brand Corporation)
Brannex, Allesandro (AIM leader, Super-Adaptoid) - by SQUEAK
Bronek (Creator of the Sentry)
Bront (Saur-Lords)
Bukowski, Barth (S.H.I.E.L.D. operative, Spider-Woman (Drew) character) - by Norvo
Burge, Mr. (Alicia Masters' art dealer) - by Prime Eternal
"Buried Alien" (Fastforward)
Bushmaster (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Buzz-Saw (Power Tools)
Caduceus (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Calculus (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Caprice (Scourge Inc. member)
Captain Atlas (Att-Lass; Kree, Avengers foe) - by Markus Raymond
Captain Forsa (Brazilian super-hero, Zeitgeist victim) - by Prime Eternal
Captain Universe (Contest of Champions) - by Proto-Man
Caregiver (Elder of the Universe)
Cat (Shroud ally) - by Prime Eternal
Cerebrac of Earth-712 (Master Menace's robot) - by Prime Eternal
Charm (Weird Sisters)
Chimera (Superia's Femizons)
Chosen Ones of Earth-8208 (Young Gods)
Chthon (the Other, Elder God, author of the Darkhold) - by Patrick D Ryall
Claus, Maria of Earth-8336 (Son of Santa's mother)
Cmar Har (S.H.I.E.L.D. (NOT a group featuring Nick Fury!), R'malk'i race)
Coachwhip (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Coal Tiger (Impala foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Codabac (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal
Combo Man (promotional character)
Commission for Superhuman Activities (U.S. government organization) - by Prime Eternal
Commission on Superhuman Activities (U.S. government organization) - by Prime Eternal
Committee on Superhuman Activities (U.S. government organization) - by Prime Eternal
Copperhead (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Cosmic Commandos (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal
Cottonmouth (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Council of Godheads (chiefs of Earth's pantheons)
Council of Order (Crystar characters) - by David Lawrence
Crooked Man (Shroud foe) - by Prime Eternal
Crowley of Earth-712 (cat, pet/familiar of Arcanna Jones)
Cruz (Power Broker Inc.)
Crystar the Crystal Warrior (Crystalium) - by David Lawrence
C.S.A. (Commission on Superhuman Activities)
Dakkamite Elect (Power Platoon)
Dampyre (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal
Daydreamer (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Dead Ringer (Captain America foe)
Deathlok robot (Roxxon)
Death-Throws (Captain America/Hawkeye foes) - by Chadman
Deathunt 9000 (Anachronauts)
Deathurge (Messenger of Death, Avengers/Doctor Strange/Great Lakes Avengers, etc. foe) - by Norvo
Defensor (Contest of Champions) - by Prime Eternal
Delubric Consortium (Kang foes) - mentioned by Gruenwald
Digger (Outcasts)
Doctor Decibel of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo
Dr. Anson Harkov (Project: PEGASUS)
Dr. Pons Indenbaum (Project: PEGASUS)
Dr. Margaret Mayfair (Project: PEGASUS)
Doctor Oratz (former head of Dallas, Texas hospital burn ward)
Dore, Adrienne of Earth-712 (American Eagle's wife)
Dougie ?? (Starkesboro's Night Patrol)
Dream Demon (Thor foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dream Machine (Beaumont's invention)
Drill (Power Tools)
Druidic church (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Druid's vestry (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Earl (Sweat Shop)
Earth-8208 (Earth-Prophet; Bizarre Adventures)
Earth-19828 (Marvel Production Crew Existed in This Reality and the Marvel Editorial Crew Did, Too, What if? world) - by Proto-Man
Earth-23848 (Earth-Aunt May Became a Super Hero: The Astounding Ant-Aunt)
Earth-24848 (Earth-Aunt May Became a Super Hero: Auntie Freeze)
Earth-24388 (Earth-Aunt May Became a Super Hero: The Invincible Golden Oldie)
Earth-24883 (Earth-Reed Richards Had Not Invented Unstable Molecules)
Earth-34828 (Wonder Man Were a Woman--& Power Man Were a Girl, What if? humor) - by Proto-Man
Earth-82816 (Galactus Ate the Earth, What if? humour) - by Proto-Man
Earth-Black Bolt Got the Hiccups (What if? humour) - by Proto-Man
Earth-Cyclops's Energy Beams Came Out of His Ears (What if? humour) - by Proto-Man
Earth-Him Had Married Her (What if? humour) - by Proto-Man
Earth-Korvac conquers the Universe (What If? world)
Earth-Quasar Lost Cosmos in Collision (Quasar#30)
Earth-The Watcher Grew Hair (What if? humor) - by Proto-Man
Earth-Thor Had a Swedish Accent (What if? humor) - by Proto-Man
Ed ?? (Cross-Technologies)
Edda the Watcher (Quasar#25)
Egma the Watcher (Quasar#25)
Einu the Watcher (Quasar character)
El Condor (South American super-hero, Zeitgeist victim) - by Prime Eternal
Epoch (cosmic being, daughter of Eon) - by Prime Eternal
Ergon (xt, Consortium members) - by Donald Campbell
Explorer (Elder of the Universe)
Fabrikant (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal
Falon (Maelstrom's Minions)
Fangs (Viper's team) - by Prime Eternal
Fanto (Cosmic Commandos)
Fastforward (Quasar ally) - by Snood, Daevanator & Mike Castle
Fath (Mourners)
Father Time (Elder of the Universe, Captain America foe) - by Proto-Man
Feldspar (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
Femizons (Superia's allies)
Farber, Jake (FBI agent)
Farrow, Martin (Commission on Superhuman Activities)
Fer-de-Lance (Serpent Society) - by Prime Eternal
Figillulli (Galactic Marathon racer) - by Darc_Light
Flaherty (Sweat Shop)
Fonabi (NOT Terminus' race) - by Donald Campbell
Fooferah (Galactic marathon)
Foxfire of Earth-712 (Olivia Underwood, Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo
Frost (Power Broker Inc.)
Galactic Roadrunner (Quasar character) - by Darc_Light
Galactic Marathon (Runner's interstellar race) - by Darc_Light
Gary ?? (Starkesboro's Moonchildren)
Gaston (Serpent Society butler)
Geometer (Quasar foe)
G.I. Max (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Gleason's Gym (Las Vegas gym where Right-Winger & Left-Winger practiced)
Globe of Souls (used by Enchantress) - by Chadman
Glom (Shi'ar Imperial Guard)
Golddigger (Scourge)
Golddigger (Captain America foe)
Gral (former Inhuman leader) - by Chadman
Grand Astrogator (apparent Elder of the Universe, Quasar story) - by Donald Campbell
Grapplers (Thing foes) - by Nyssane
Gronk (minion of Maelstrom) - by Prime Eternal
Grosgumbeekians (alien race)
Gruenwald, Mark (The Master of the Obscure!) - by Prime Eternal
Gypsy Moth (Night Shift, Spider-Woman foe) - by Prime Eternal & Will U
Gzoom (Galactic marathon)
Hagen (Nibelung Clan, Siegfried/Thor foe)
Hallsy (Serpent Society mechanic)
Halstan, General (Commission on Superhuman Activities)
Hammerhand (Power Broker Inc.) - by Prime Eternal
Hardball (Imperial Guard) - by Prime Eternal
Haywire of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo
Helio (minion of Maelstrom) - by Prime Eternal
Helter Skelter of New Universe (Para-Troop)
Henri ?? (Slug employee)
Heyatt (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
Highnote (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
High Technician (Captain America foe) - by Markus Raymond
The Hub (Charter headquarters) - by Prime Eternal
Hujah (xt, served as Thanos-Thralls) - by Donald Campbell
Hutchinson (tax auditor)
Huyenneyuh (Grosgumbeekians)
Ice Princess (Inuit, cold-projecting Femizons member) - by Norvo
Iceworm (Jack Frost foe) - by Prime Eternal
Ika (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
Inhuman scientists (Mr. Fantastic allies)
Immortus, Marcus (Revelation's son)
Impala (Bad Girls INC) - by Prime Eternal
Indigo of New Universe - by Prime Eternal
Indra (Hindu God, impersonated Shiva at least once) - by Will U
Inertia of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo
Insidio (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal
Iron Monger (U.S. Agent sparring partner) - by Prime Eternal
Iron Moth of Earth-712 (Tom Thumb foe) - by Future
Jack O' Lantern (no, not, not EITHER of the Mad Jacks...yeah, that guy...the other one!)
Jackpot (Howard the Duck foe) - "suggested" by Gruenwald
Jeffries, Dr. Lionel (Thor character) - by Prime Eternal
John ?? (Starkesboro's Moonchildren)
Johnson, Jack (Right-Winger's father)
Jones, Andrew of Earth-712 (Arcanna son, Squadron Supreme character)
Jones, Benjamin of Earth-712 (son of Arcanna Jones, potential mystic)
Jones, Drusilla of Earth-712 (Arcanna's eldest daughter, Squadron Supreme character)
Jones, Katrina of Earth-712 (Arcanna's daughter, Squadron Supreme character)
Jones, Philip of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme character, Arcanna's husband)
Judan (bizarre alien species, associated with Universal Church of Truth and the Runestaff dimension) - by Donald Campbell
Judicator (Elders of the Universe)
Kalibar (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
Karsov, Maria (Olympic athlete)
Keener (Serpent Society associate)
Kenny ?? (Serpent Society clerk)
Kid Reaper (Quasar's death avatar) - by Mike O
Knickknack (Death-Throws) - by Chadman
Kodabak (xt, porcine humanoid aliens, Avengers character) - by Donald Campbell
Korath (Inhuman, Gorgon's father)
Korath the Pursuer (Kree Starforce) - by Stunner
Korda, Vladimir (ULTIMATUM, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Korvac of Earth-Korvac conquers the Universe
Koth (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
Kowalski (Grapplers manager)
Kreeg (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal
Krugarr (Mourners)
Kryad (Cosmic Commandos)
Kyle, Robby (Olympic athlete)
"Lady Lioness" (New Men, Sir Lyan's wife)
"Lady Panthera" (New Men, Sir Lepard's wife)
LaGraves (Sweat Shop)
Lamprey of Earth-712 (Donald McGuiggin, Squadron Supreme member/foe) - by Proto-Man
Land of Legends (Captain America story) - by Proto-Man
Landar (Star Masters ally) - by Prime Eternal
Landers, Dave of New Universe - by Prime Eternal
Landslide (Outcasts, Subterreanean protector) - by Loki
Larry ?? (Slug employee)
Lavour (Crystar foe) - by David Lawrence
Leaman (Sweat Shop)
LeBron, Claude (Olympic athlete)
Left-Winger (Hector Lennox, Captain America (John Walker) foe) - by Proto-Man
Lennox, Mrs. (Left-Winger's mother)
Lenny ?? (Slug employee)
Letha (Grapplers member) - by Nyssane
Limbic Infundibula (xd, Avengers characters) - by Donald Campbell
Locus (Thor foe) - by Prime Eternal
Lord Votan (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal
Lynch (Power Broker Inc.)
Lyons, Phil (Vagabond's brother, Nomad foe)
Lyons, Priscilla (Vagabond/Scourge, Captain America/Nomad/USAgent character)
Macross (used Terminus armor)
Madcap (Nomad foe, general annoyance of the MU) - by Madison Carter & Prime Eternal
Maelstrom (Fantastic Four/Avengers/Inhumans/Eternals foe) - by Prime Eternal
Maelstrom's Minions (lackeys of Maelstrom) - by Prime Eternal
Magma Men (Crystar foes) - by David Lawrence
Magnar (Rynda's father, Black Bolt's grandfather)
Malachon (Crystar foe) - by David Lawrence
Mander (Inhuman, Karnak & Triton's father)
Mangler (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Marty (Sweat Shop)
Mason, John (Mutator)
Mastodon (Dave Landers)
Mathers, George (Commission on Superhuman Activities) - by Prime Eternal
Max the Axe (Daredevil foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mayor Seward (Starkesboro, Massachusetts, Captain America character)
McNulty, Elwood (FBI)
M'Daka (Avengers support crew) - by Prime Eternal
Metallurge of New Universe
Micawber, Tristan (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mike ?? (Starkesboro's Moonchildren)
Milena (Inhuman, Gorgon's mother) - by Chadman
Mindsinger (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Mink of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme foe) - by Norvo
Misfit (Night Shift) - by Prime Eternal
Mr. Keeshan (Cross-Technological, Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Mist Mistress (Resistants, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Miximixum (Galactic Marathon)
Moltar (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
Moonchildren (Starkesboro, Massachusetts, Captain America foes)
Moondancer (Shi'ar Imperial Guard)
Moonglow of Earth-712 (Melissa Hanover, Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo
Moonstalker (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Moon Thruster (Starblasters device) - by Prime Eternal
Moranis (Sweat Shop)
Morfex (Star Masters) - by Prime Eternal
Mourning Star (Mourners' vessel)
Mourners (aliens)
Mouse (Shroud ally) - by Prime Eternal
Mutator of New Universe - by Prime Eternal
Myran (former Inhuman king) - by Chadman
Mysteria (Superia's Femizons)
Nadar (Inhuman, Mr. Fantastic ally) - by Spidermay
Nanna (Asgardian goddess) - by Will U
Needle (Night Shift member) - by Madison Carter
Nefarius (Avengers foe) - by Norvo
Night Shift (criminal/vigilante team) - by Madison Carter
Night Patrol (Starkesboro's security, Captain America foes)
Nightshade's laboratory (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
Nordstrom, Ned (U.S. Agent character) - by Prime Eternal
Norfolk, Mary-Lyon (old girlfriend of John Walker) - by Prime Eternal
Nth Command (Captain America foes) - by SQUEAK
Nth Man (formerly known as Mysterium)
Nth Projector (Nth Command items)
Nyborn/Nygorn (Starblaster, Quasar foe)
Oblivion Plague (Watchers/Quasar story, conceived by Maelstrom)
O'Brien, Matthew (Hangman foe) - by Prime Eternal
O'Brien, Randy of New Universe - by Prime Eternal
Ocam the Watcher (Quasar character)
Oddball (Death-Throws, Elton Healy) - by Chadman
Ogeode (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
OHara (Sweat Shop)
Ojo Macabra (South American super-hero, Zeitgeist victim) - by Prime Eternal
Omnivore (Quasar foe)
Onslaught (Shi'ar Imperial Guard)
Origin (Quasar ally)
Ortega, Nicol (Slug employee)
Otmu the Watcher (Oblivion Plague, Quasar character)
Outcasts (Mole Man allies)
Overmind of Scarlet Centurion's 40th century (apparently Earth-712)
Overrider (Captain America foe)
Overshadow (Philip Nolan Voigt)
Paragon (Kismet foe)
Para-Troop of New Universe (DP7 villains) - by Prime Eternal
Peregrine (French superhero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Perun (Russian god) - by Will U
Phaeder (Maelstrom's father) - by Prime Eternal
Phobius (minion of Maelstrom) - by Prime Eternal
Pinball of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme foe) - by Norvo
Pit Bull of New Universe - by Prime Eternal
Pit-Wolves (Starkesboro's wolf people, Captain America allies)
Planetoid Bomb (Axi-Tun weapon, Star Masters story)
Pommerschen, New Troy home of Earth-712 (Arcanna & Philip Jones home)
Poundcakes (Grapplers member) - by Nyssane
Power Platoon (Dakkamites)
Prisma-Crystal (mystical item, Crystar story) - by David Lawrence
Prophet of Earth-8208
"Pter" (Saur-Lords)
Pucci (Sweat Shop)
Puff Adder (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Purple Haze of New Universe (Para-Troop)
Quant, Sally (Waxman victim)
Quantum Banders (Thanos creations)
Quill (Resistants) - by Patrick D Ryall
Raa (Anachronauts)
Ramis (Sweat Shop)
Ramrog (servant of Lord Votan)
Rattler (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Redstone of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme character) - by Norvo
Red Wolf (Wildrun)
Red Zepplin (costumed wrestler) - by Prime Eternal
Ree (Protector of the Universe)
Regulator of New Universe (Harlan Hackbarth, paranormal, D.P.7 character) - by Prime Eternal
Remnant of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme foe) - by Norvo
Resistants (mutant rights activists) - by Patrick D Ryall
Revelation (Ravonna counterpart)
Rickert (Slug employee)
Riddley, Hiram (Captain America fan) - by Prime Eternal
Riddley, Holly (Hiram's mother) - by Prime Eternal
Rigellian High Command (Rigellian ruling and/or advisory board/council, Star Masters story)
Right-Winger (Jerome Johnson, Captain America (John Walker) foe) - by Proto-Man
Ringleader (Death-Throws) - by Chadman
R'malk'i (xt, sentient alien plants) - by Donald Campbell
Rock Python (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Rockwell, Douglas (Commission on Superhuman Activities) - by Prime Eternal
Rodriguez, Maria Bonita (Armadillo's wife)
Rossi, Brad (Olympic athlete)
Rugar (Shi'ar, Lilandra ally) - by Chadman
Ruger (Cosmic Commandos)
Rust (Resistants) - by Prime Eternal
Rustler of Earth-712 (Whizzer foe) - by Prime Eternal
Ryas (planet of the Druffs, Silver Surfer/Adam Warlock stories)
Ryvain (Inhuman historical figure)
Sammish, Adrian (Commission on Superhuman Activities) - by Prime Eternal
Sanderson, Orville (Commission on Superhuman Activities) - by Prime Eternal
Santa Claus of Earth-8336 (Son of Santa's father)
Sardan (Mourners)
Saur-Lords (Captain America foes)
Sawbones (costumed wrestler) - by Prime Eternal
Scarlet Centurion of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme foe)
Scavenger Units (Nth Command)
Schiffman, Mitch (former Slug employee)
Schutz Heilgruppe (German super-hero team) - by Prime Eternal
Scourge of the Underworld (vigilante organisation) - by Madison Carter
Sgt. Simmons (John Walker's drill sargeant) - by Prime Eternal
Sea Witch (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Seeker of Earth-8208
Serpent Citadel (Serpent Society HQ)
Serpent Saucers (Serpent Society vehicles)
Serpent Society (Captain America foes) - by SQUEAK
Serpent Squad (Thing foes) - by SQUEAK
"Serpent Squad" (Viper agents, Captain America foes) - by SQUEAK
serpentine First Lady (Snake Men)
serpentine President of the Unites States (Serpent Men)
Shadowoman (Shock Troop/Secret Defenders) - by Prime Eternal
Shamrock (Irish super-hero) - by Prime Eternal
Shelton, Howard of Earth-712 (husband of Squadron Supreme's Power Princess) - by Norvo
Shen (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
Shiva (Hindu god) - by Will U
Shock Troop (Dr. Druid's team) - by Prime Eternal
Sidereus (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal
Sidewinder (Voelker, former Serpent Society leader) - by SQUEAK
Silencer (Hawkeye foe) - by Prime Eternal
Sir Gote (New Men, Knights of Wundagore)
Sir Hystrix (New Men, Knights of Wundagore)
Sir Raston (Anachronauts)
Sir Ursus (Knights of Wundagore, New Men)
Skar (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal
Skeletron (Starblasters leader, Quasar foe)
Skimmers (Nth Command transporter)
Skullhuggers (Starblasters device) - by Prime Eternal
Skymax the Skrullian Skymaster of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo
Slug (Ulysses X. Lugman, Captain America/Nomad foe) - by Chadman
Snake Men (Slither-derived)
Solar Wind (Shi'ar Imperial Guard)
Son of Santa of Earth-8336 (Bizarre Adventures)
Space Oddity of New Universe (Para-Troop)
Splice (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Squadron City home of Earth-712 (Arcanna & Philip Jones home)
Ssith (Anachronauts)
Stalax (Crystar character) - by David Lawrence
Starblasters (Starblast foes) - by Prime Eternal
Star Masters (Quasar/Beta Ray Bill/Silver Surfer team) - by Prime Eternal
Stellung (Cosmic Commandos)
Stenth (Cosmic Commandos)
Stygian Starbender (first Protector of the Universe)
Styro (Saur-Lords)
Sullivan, Inger (Avengers lawyer) - by Prime Eternal
Superia (Captain America foe)
Super-Nova (Garthan Saal, Avengers/Nova/New Warriors character)
Super Olympics (charity event) - by Proto-Man
Super Powers Commission (Commission on Superhuman Activities)
Sweat Shop (Captain America/Spider-Man foes) - by Prime Eternal
Symak (Inhuman, Agon's parent)
Talisman (Contest of Champions) - by Prime Eternal
Tanaka, Kenjiro (Quasar ally)
Tanith (Inhuman, Agon's parent)
Tenpin (Death-Throws) - by Chadman
Threkker (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal
Throk (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal
Time-Keepers (Thor, Avengers foes)
Titania (Davida DeVito, Grapplers member) - by Nyssane
Titanis (Eternals) - by Prime Eternal
Tone-Def (Captain America foe)
Torres, Manuel (Bantam ally)
Trantra (Protector of the Universe)
Trini (Bantam ally)
Truth (Weird Sisters)
Turgentine Technenium (robotic empire associated with Skeletron)
Tyndar (Anachronauts)
Ualu the Watcher (Quasar character)
Un-Being (Quasar foe)
unidentified announcer (Galactic Marathon)
unidentified Axi-Tun (servant of Lord Votan)
unidentified fish of Earth-712 (Drusilla Jones' pet)
unidentified Galactic Marathon fans (R'malk'i race)
unidentified recruiter (Power Broker Inc.)
unidentified Watcher (Galactic Marathon)
Urg (Cosmic Commandos)
Varua (Young Gods) - by Prime Eternal
Vaughn, Gilbert (Quasar's father)
Vesta (Olympian goddess) - by Alex K, Prime Eternal & Will U
Viracocha (Incan god) - by Will U
Voelker, Amelia "Amy" (Seth Voelker (Sidewinder) daughter)
Void-Eater (Spider-Woman foe) - by Prime Eternal
Voigt, Philip Nolan of New Universe - by Prime Eternal
Vormund (German super-hero) - by Prime Eternal
Vort (Cosmic Commandos)
Vort (Time-Keepers)
Votan (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal
Voyager (Shi'ar Imperial Guard)
War Dogs of New Universe
Warhead (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Watcher of Earth-The Watcher Grew Hair
Water Children (Aquarian cult, Quasar characters)
Water Witch (Outcasts)
Waxman (Spider-Woman (Drew) foe) - by Will U
Wayopex (Mourners)
Weird Sisters (Maelstrom's agents ) - by Prime Eternal
Werner, Wesley (Commission on Superhuman Activities)
Wesley, William (SHIELD weapon tester)
Wheelies (Galactic marathon)
White Room (alien dimension) - by Prime Eternal
Wilburn (Sidewinder servant)
Wildrun (Anachronauts)
Wild Thing (Mutator)
Wipeout of New Universe (Para-Troop member) - by Prime Eternal
Witness of New Universe (DP7 character) - by Prime Eternal
Wolf Pit (Starkesboro, Massachusetts)
"Wompus" of New Universe (creature Dave Landers was mistaken for)
Wooly Bully of New Universe (Para-Troop)
Xenith (Star Masters) - by Prime Eternal
Xlyym (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal
Yu Huang (Chinese god) - by Will U
Zanth (Time-Keepers)
Zardeth (Crystar foe) - by David Lawrence
Zardok (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal
Zeta (Rynda's mother, Black Bolt's grandmother)
Zona Rosa (South American superhuman, Zeitgeist victim) - by Prime Eternal
List compiled by Prime Eternal
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