Creations of Bill Mantlo
Abrams, Raf (camera operator, Human Fly character)
Acroyear (Micronaut hero) - by Grendel Prime
Admissions Ward (Halfworld chapel)
Adreadite, Monique (Team America foe) - by David Lawrence
Agent 4 (Corporation)
Agent 6 (Corporation)
Agent Codgins (S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain Marvel character) - by Donald Campbell
Agent Einhardt of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Agent M (SHIELD, Microverse expert) - by Prime Eternal
Agent Marcus (Hydra agent)
Agnes ?? (cleaning lady, Mole Man victim turned ally) - by Proto-Man
Agni of Earth-Sword in the Star (Wayfinder's followers)
Agni (The Nest)
Agnu, Gyro ("Duckworld")
Agricon (xt planet, Galador's sector, Rom story)
Agriconians (xt race, Rom characters)
Ahote (Human Fly character)
Alpha Mechs of Earth-7484 (Hellinger's cyborgs)
Alpha Prime (Alpha Flight characters) - by Grendel Prime
Ampzilla (Micronauts foe) - by Grendel Prime
Animals of Halfworld (mutated terran animals, Rocket Raccoon/Hulk characters)
Antrons (Microverse race)
Aquon (Micronauts ally) - by Grendel Prime
Arabian Knight (Abdul Qamar, Hulk character) - by MarvellousLuke
Archivist (Baron Karza tool) - by Grendel Prime
Archon (xt, Thuvrian king, slain by Terminator, Rom story)
Arcturus (Rigellian, Iron Man foe)
arena (Proselytes/red sect, the Pit)
arena (Profeslytes/green sect)
Argon (Microverse, former ruler of Homeworld, Mari's brother)
Arsenal (Avengers/Hulk foe(s) ) - by Stunner, Madison Carter & Prime Eternal
Asbestoscase of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Astra (first-generation Spaceknights of Galador)
Asylum (Halfworld location)
Atar (Hindu god) - by Will U
Auctioneer (Alpha Flight foe) - by Proto-Man
authorized police drones of Reality-80324 (Robopolice)
Avian (Alpha Prime member)
"Awful Eight" of Halfworld (Rocket Raccoon foes)
Ayala, Awilda (sister of White Tiger/Hector Ayala, mother of White Tiger/Angela Del Toro) - by Chadman
Ayala, Filippo (Corporation, White Tiger's (Hector Ayala) brother)
Baltic Avenue (Swamp City)
B & O Railroad (Swamp City)
Bank (Swamp City)
Banner, Brian (Hulk's dad) - by Stunner
Banshee Mask (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Barker, Cyrus T. (Human Fly (Rick Rojatt) foe)
Baron (Power Man foe) - by Spidermay
Baron Karza (Micronauts/X-Men/S.H.I.E.L.D. foe) - by Grendel Prime & Snood
Bartos (Krylorian representative at Intergalactic Council)
Ba't'll (Klklk queen)
Battleaxe (Death Squad, Micronauts foe)
Battle-bats (Microverse animals)
Battle-beetles (Micronauts foes) - by Grendel Prime
Bear of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
beasts (xt, Cygnet VII, used by Proselytes/green sect in arena)
Beaver tribe (Never-Summer, Microverse)
Bedlam (Derangers, Alpha Flight foe)
Bedlam's Arctic Complex (Alpha Flight stories)
Bedlamites (Bedlam creations, Alpha Flight foes)
Belladonna (Microverse duchess, Slug body-swapper)
Belvedere Castle of Earth-7484 (Central Park, Deathlok story)
Bereet (Hulk character)
B.E.S.T. (Bozoes Eagerly Serving Tyrants)
Betelgeuse asteroid of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Big Man (Janice Foswell, Spider-Man foe)
Binder (Imperial Guard Cohort)
Birdroid (Tri-Man)
Black, Linda Lee (Blackbyrd/Abe Brown ally, Deadly Hands of Kung Fu character)
Blackbyrd (NYPD, Sons of the Tiger character)
Black Hand (Sons of the Tiger foes)
Black Raazer (Alpha Flight/Freedom Force foe)
Blacksun (Mysterium/Nth Man)
Black Talon (Howard the Duck foe)
Black Tiger (Sons of the Tiger...sort of)
Blinky ("Duckworld")
Blitzkrieger (German super-hero) - by Prime Eternal
Blowhard, Werner (BEST)
Body Banks of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Bombdroid (Tri-Man)
Bong Quintuplets (Doctor Bong's clones)
Boris ?? (Commissar (Bruskin) ally)
Bounty Hunter (Rawhide Kid ally/foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bounty Hunter (Spider-Man foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Bowie, Dixon (Team America character)
Brackett (Commissar (Bruskin) ally)
Braden, Carl (TV producer, Human Fly character) - by Grendel Prime
Brady (Cloak & Dagger/Mayhem foe)
Brahma (The Nest)
Breakdown (Derangers, Alpha Flight character)
Brillalae (Black Tiger)
Brother Power (Spider-Man foe)
Brow (Black Tiger enemy)
Bryce ?? of Earth-7484 (Deathlok the Demolisher foe)
Bugsy (Little D's Den O' Thieves)
B'zzk (xd, Microverse, Planetary Council)
Cadaver (Power Pack/Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Grendel Prime
Calgary Chinooks (Little League team, Alpha Flight characters)
Calurnians (xt, Rom characters) - by Spidermay
Candyman (Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Grendel Prime
cantina (Halfworld location)
"Capitol City" (Agricon, Rom story)
Capoultry, Truman ("Duckworld")
Captain Americana (Howard the Duck foe)
Captain Andreyivich (Black Widow foe) - by David Lawrence
Captain Barkan (freight ship captain, Caxon Oil Company associate)
Captain D'ark (Micronauts foe) - by Grendel Prime
Captain Forbes (New York firefighter, Human Torch ally) - by Proto-Man
Captain Universe (Ray Coffin)
Captain Universe (Steve Coffin)
Captain Universe (Clare Dodgson)
Captain Universe (Ann Stanford)
Captain Universe (Monty Walsh)
Captain Universe (Contest of Champions) - by Proto-Man
Captain Universe (Delayne Masters)
Carboni, Guido (Captain Universe (Walsh) foe)
Carruthers, Ethan (Rom character) - by Chuck D
cathedral (Proselytes/red sect)
Cathedral-Ship (Proselytes, red sect)
cavalry (Proselytes/red sect, Hulk foes)
Cave-bats (Microverse animals)
Caxon, Devon (Caxon Oil, Abe Brown/Blackbyrd/Linda Lee Black foe)
Caxon Oil Company (Abraham Brown/Blackbyrd foes)
Centauri (xd race, Homeworld's Sandzone, Micronauts characters)
Centauria (Microverse, Baron Karza's Death Squad)
Centaurus (Centauri race, Microverse)
Chakar (Imperial Guard Cohort)
Cha'tima (Human Fly character) - by Grendel Prime
Checkpoint Charlie (Baron's informant, Luke Cage foe)
Chenen, Eric (Alpha Flight character)
Chenen, Simone (Alpha Flight foe)
Chenen, Mrs. (Alpha Flight character)
Chicken Hawks (gang, indirectly helped Cadaver)
chief ("Duckworld")
Chief Wheatly (police, Human Fly character)
Children (Children of the Damned)
Children of the Night (Bermuda Triangle)
Cilicia (Micronauts ally) - by Grendel Prime
Clairvoyant Cauldron (Mammy Tuba)
Clavians (Rom characters)
Cleary, Kris (Cloak & Dagger/Mayhem character)
Cleft Chin (Howard the Duck character)
Clover (senator, Team America character)
Clover, Paula Jean "P.J." (Clover's sister, Team America character)
Cockroach (Howard the Duck foe)
Cody ?? (rodeo owner, Shooting Star/Texas Twister foe)
Coffin, Ray (Captain Universe)
Coffin, Steve (Captain Universe, Micronauts character)
Collective Man (Chinese hero) - by Prime Eternal
Colonials of Reality-80324 (Servant Species)
colonials (Contraxian race)
Computrex (Micronauts foe)
Conklin, Sheila (Cougar fiance')
Connecticut Avenue (Swamp City)
Conquistador (hellhound, Rom foe) - by Chadman
Contraxian (race of Jack of Hearts' mother)
Contraxian ships (numerous)
Copperhead (Human Fly/White Tiger foe)
Coral (Micronauts ally) - by Grendel Prime
Cordova, Juan (runaway, preyed on by Cadaver)
Corporation (Captain America, Hulk, (and a bunch of others) - foes) - by the Beetle
Cosmic Portal (used by "Piper of Peril")
Cougar (Cat People, Thing/Tigra foe)
Cowboy (Team America/Thunderiders member) - by David Lawrence
Crag (Alpha Prime member)
Crime-Master (Nick Lewis jr, Spider-Man foe)
Crimson Dynamo (Dimitri Bukharin, Airstrike)
Crossroads (and it's associated dimensions, former prison of Hulk) - by Anti-Grimm
Crystal Chamber (Spartak, Microverse)
Crystal Column (Contraxian race, memory storage device)
crystal-flowers (Microverse, Spartak flower)
"Cubists" of Earth-7484 (Spider-Man and Deathlok foes)
Cuckoo's Nest (Halfworld location)
Custer, Jamie (Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
customs of Reality-80324 (Titan, Paradox story)
Cygnetians (xt Cygnet VII, green sect, Proselytes, Hulk characters)
Cygnetians (xt Cygnet VII, red sect, former Proselytes, Hulk characters)
Dagon (Baron Karza robot) - by Grendel Prime
Dakari (Shi'ar, Rom character)
Dark Rider (Salem Witch Trials, Spider-Man foe) - by Spidermay
Darter (Spider-Man/White Tiger foe) - by Minor Irritant
D'Barri Sector/Satellite Cluster (xt, Spaceknights/Dire Wraiths story)
"Death-Chariots" (Emperor of Texas)
deceased's memory reader device (Shi'ar technology, Rom story)
Decyst, Daniel (Hulk character) - by Caesar Godzillatron
Defendroids (Hulk characters, used by Bereet)
Delgado, Francis Xavier (spy for Mister Jip, former Catholic priest, Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Markus Raymond
DeLionatus, Anton (employed Spider-Squad)
De Lys, Catherine of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
De Lys, Vincent of Reality-80324 (Catherine's husband)
Derangers (Alpha Flight characters)
Desert Demons (Microverse, Homeworld, Micronauts characters)
Devourer (Thor/Thing foe) - by Grendel Prime
"Dire Wraiths impersonating Agricon family" (Rom foes)
"Dire Wraiths holding Ray-Na hostage" (Rom foes)
Doctor Dredd (Rom/Torpedo foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dr. Kaity (Human Fly character)
Dr. Ludwig von Cluck ("Duckworld")
Dodgson, Clare (Captain Universe) - by Proto-Man
Doomsday Man (Energy Drainers, Campbell Kids/Captain America foe) - by Norvo
Doomsday-Mech of Earth-7484 (Luther Manning clone, Deathlok the Demolisher foe)
Draggoth (xt race, Cygnet VII, Hulk characters)
Drakillar (Halfworld, Rocket Raccoon foes) - by Elf with a Gun
Dreadknight (Iron Man foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Dreir, Alexandra (daughter of David)
Dreir, David (Human Fly foe) - by Grendel Prime
Driscoll, Amy (Jock's daughter)
Driscoll, Anne Darrow (Jock's wife)
Driscoll, Jock (Swamp City architect)
drones of Earth-7484 (Deathlok the Demolisher foes)
Druid Tome (Samhain, sought by Dredmund Druid)
Duck Deity (Howard the Duck character)
"Duckworld" (Howard the Duck's altered reality homeworld)
Duktor Strange ("Duckworld")
Dukas (Human Fly foe)
Duxon, Richard Millnest ("Duckworld")
Dwarves (Paradise and City of Death)
Dweller on the Threshold (Rom foe) - by Donald Campbell
Earth-772 (Fantastic Five: Spider-Man)
Earth-80119 (conquered by Mister E)
Earth-80324 (Paradox's reality)
Earth-79170 (inspired by Howard the Duck animals were forced to wear Wally Sidney's clothes)
Earth-Sword in the Star (Marvel Preview, Micronauts, Dr. Strange stories)
Educator (Proselytes/green sect, media device)
Eena of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Eggsmen (creations of Pro-Rata)
Electric Company (Swamp City)
Elves of the North Pole (Santa's helpers)
Emperor of Terra of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Emperor of Texas (Team America foe)
Empire Arts Center of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Empire Hotel (Swamp City)
Energy creatures of Erdile (Avengers foes) - by Stunner
Energy Drainers (Campbell Kids/Captain America foes) - by Norvo
Energy-Eaters (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Enigma Force (Time Traveler, Microverse)
Esterhase of Reality-80324 (Paradox's father)
Eternity Man (Jason Beere, Avengers foe)
Evans, Andy (Human Fly character)
Evans, Mal (Human Fly character)
Evek (Microverse, Homeworld king; Argon & Mari father)
Faceless Ones (Proselytes/red sect, Hulk foes)
Fairer Fowl Farms (Mister Chicken's HQ)
Falcone, Roger (Cloak & Dagger/Mayhem foe)
50th and Lexington subway station of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Fire of Earth-80324 (Paradox character)
Firefall (Karas, Galadorian Spaceknight, Rom character) - by Loki
Firefall (Arch Stryker, Rom foe) - by Grendel Prime
Fireflite of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
First Subterranean Sector of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
"Flitter" (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Fly (Rick Deacon, Spider-Man foe) - by Omar Karindu
Flynn, "Candy" Mike (Human Fly (Rick Rojatt) foe)
Fowler, Morty ("Duckworld")
Frankenstein, Dr. Victoria (Baroness von Frankenstein, Iron Man/Doctor Strange/Hulk/Wolverine character) - by Snood & Markus Raymond
Freakout (Derangers, Alpha Flight character)
Fred (Little D's Den O'Thieves)
Free Parking Lot (Swamp City)
Freya (Asgardian goddess) - by Will U and Prime Eternal
Frost (dog, Human Fly character)
Funeral Dome of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Galacian Wall (surrounds Halfworld)
Galactic Defender (Micronauts foe)
Galactic Destroyer (Micronauts foe)
Gander, Reverend Godfrey ("Duckworld")
Gardener (Elder of the Universe)
Geomancer (transformed Jade Dragon)
Gervasse (Modred’s tutor) - by Patrick D Ryall
Gideon's Bible (Halfworld Bible)
Glazier (Hulk foe)
Glow (Triad, Hulk character)
G-Men (Micronauts foes)
"Go" (Swamp City)
Goblin (Triad)
Gog and Magog (Hulk foes) - by Madison Carter
Golden Globe of Power (Galador, used by Prime Director)
Good Humor Men of Halfworld (Rocket Raccoon characters)
Gordon, Slick (Human Fly (Rojatt) character) - by Grendel Prime
Gorr the Golden Gorilla (Fantastic Four character)
Greedy Killerwatt (Howard the Duck foe)
Green Sorceror (Paradise and the City of Death)
Greens (Paradise and the City of Death)
Grey Panther (Howard the Duck foe)
Griffin (Beast foe/Namor ally)
Grissom of Earth-7484 (Deathlok the Demolisher/Spider-Man foe)
Groot (Nightmare pet) - by Markus Raymond
Groundbase (S.H.I.E.L.D. base)
Guardian (Triad)
Guthrie, Melody (sister of Cannonball & Husk, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Halfworld (Rocket Raccoon's homeworld) - by Elf with a Gun
Halfworld Bible (logbook of hospice starship Gideon)
Hammerhand (first-generation Spaceknight, Rom character)
hand-weapons (Proselytes/red sect)
Haney, R. L (Hemlock Shoals ally)
Hankus (Human Fly foe)
Harry ?? of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Hart, Philip (Jack of Hearts' father)
"Hart, Marie" (Jack of Heart's mother)
Haysboro Hawks (Little League team, Alpha Flight characters)
Head Robot of Halfworld (Rocket Raccoon character)
Hebb, Georgiana (Team America/Thunderiders member, Leonard's wife) - David Lawrence
H.E.L.L. (Human Engineering Life Laboratories, Micronauts stories)
Hellinger of Earth-7484 (Deathlok the Demolisher foe)
Hemlock (Corporation, Jack of Hearts foe)
Hemlock Shoals (Howard the Duck character)
Hero of the Day (Hulk ally) - by Sammy 7D
High Lama (elderly Asian mystic turned spirit) - by Proto-Man
"Hired Killer" (Team America foe) - by David Lawrence
Hodges (Tapping Tommy ally)
Holy Hierarchy (Proselytes/red sect, Hulk foes)
Holy Hierarchy (Proselytes/green sect, Hulk characters)
Holy Huntsmen (Proselytes/red sect, Prophet-Priests, Hulk foes)
Hornetroids (Microverse race) - by Grendel Prime
Horrible, ugly, ghastly, execrable, outrageous, frightful, shocking, hideous, mutated monstrosities that were obviously once poor, innocent seals, polar bears, penguins, and whales (mutated by Greedy Killerwatt)
Hospice ships (Halfworld, used by Shrinks)
Howard the Duck's "family" ("Duckworld")
Howe of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Human Fly (stuntman hero) - by Grendel Prime
humanoid spaceship (Halfworld, Ship)
Humanoids (Professor Prometheus/Baron Karza creations, Micronauts foes)
Hungry (Heroes for Hope comic, X-Men foe) - by Madison Carter
Huntarr (Micronauts) - by Grendel Prime
Hutchik, Charles "Curley" (Mayhem foe)
Hybrid (Rom/Avengers Academy foe) - by Norvo
Hymie the Rat (ca. 1919, cartoon character, created by Wally Sidney)
Icch (Microverse, B'zzk race, Planetary Council)
Ice of Earth-80324 (Paradox character)
Igor (Children, Baroness von Frankenstein ally)
Iguana (Spider-Man foe)
Imperial Gamesman (Micronauts foe)
Imperial Guard Cohort (Chakar's team, Shi'ar) - by Spidermay
Inquisitors (Vision & Scarlet Witch foes) - by Markus Raymond
Insula-Sphere (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Interplanetary Security Agency of Reality-80324 (Paradox characters)
Irma ?? of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Iron Knights (Paradise and the City of Death)
Iron Man Auto Wreckers (Claude Starkowski's shop, Howard the Duck)
Isis (Egyptian goddess) - by Will U
Jackpot (Howard the Duck foe)
Jade Dragon (Chinese hero, Alpha Flight character) - by MarvellousLuke
Jaguar Priest (Bermuda Triangle)
Jail (Swamp City)
James ?? (Auctioneer's chaffeur)
Janna-23 (Micronauts, Huntarr's sister)
Janus (Derangers, Alpha Flight character)
Jasmine (Microverse adventurer, Micronauts) - by Grendel Prime
Javelin (Darin, first-generation Spaceknight of Galador)
Jocko (Little D's Den O'Thieves)
Johnson, Willie (Captain Universe foe)
Jokester (Howard the Duck foe)
Jovians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Jupiter of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Jury of John Proctor's trial (Salem Witch Trials)
Kaina (Marcy Kane, Spider-Man/Jack of Hearts character)
Kãli (Hindu Goddess) - by Will U
Kali of Earth-Sword in the Star (Wayfinder's followers)
Kali (The Nest)
Kane, Marcy (Kaina, Spider-Man/Jack of Hearts character)
Karsh (Centauri race, Microverse)
Kendall, Blaze (Human Fly (Rojatt) support crew) - by Grendel Prime
Kentucky Avenue (Swamp City)
Keystone Quadrant Kops (Halfworld, Hulk/Rocket Raccoon characters)
Kierrok (N'Garai, X-Men foe) - by Stunner
Killdragon, Harmony (Sons of the Tiger character)
Killgrave, Melanie (Purple Girl's mother, Alpha Flight character) - by Norvo
Klemmer (Spider-Squad foe)
Klklk (xt race, Hulk foes) - by Spidermay & Snood
Knights of Neep (Micronauts allies)
K'rel (Cygnet VII, Green sect/Proselytes, Hulk character)
Kronos (xd race, Kaliklak, Microverse)
Krylor (former homeworld of the Krylorians)
Krylorians (xt, pink-skinned Hulk characters) - by Loki
Kwill (Imperial Guard Cohort)
Kyra (Agriconian, Rom character)
L.A. Valley Clinic (Hulk story)
Lady Janice (Modred’s true love) - by Patrick D Ryall
Lang, Loraida of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Lara ?? of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Larry ?? (Human Fly (Rojatt) foe)
Legion of Light (sect, Spider-Man foes)
Leslie, Yvonne (Captain Universe character)
Lettre A (Cell Combattre)
Lettre B (Cell Combattre)
Lettre C (Cell Combattre)
Leviathans (Oceania, Microverse race)
Liberator (Rom foe) - by Spidermay
Life Support Spider (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Lightner, Janice (Thomas' sister)
Lightner, Lucinda (Thomas' mother)
Lightner, Raymond (mad scientist astronomer, Human Torch/Thing foe)
Linn, Lana ("Duckworld")
Little D's Den of Thieves (Microverse Prisonworld)
Llango-Tri-Color of Reality-80324 (drink, Paradox story)
Lobros (Microverse race)
Long Island of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Loonies of Halfworld (Hulk/Rocket Raccoon characters)
Lord of Light (Dagger's father) - by Markus Raymond
Lords of Light and Darkness (The Nest)
Luna of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Lunans of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Lyca (Microverese, Empress of Kaliklak) - by Grendel Prime
Lyton, Janet (Modred character) - by Patrick D Ryall
Maccabee (Micronauts foe) - by Grendel Prime
Maddox (Human Fly foe)
"Magnum", Emily (Captain Americana's wife)
Mahagreasy Migraine Yogi (BEST)
Mahdi (Indian revolutionary) - by Grendel Prime
maitre d'hotel of Reality-80324 (Season's Pleasure Palace, Paradox character)
Maktu (Paradise and the City of Death)
Malik (Human Fly foe) - by Grendel Prime
Maller (Howard the Duck foe)
Mallory, Slade (Human Fly foe) - by Grendel Prime
Mammy Tuba (Howard the Duck character)
Manning, Luther clone-CIA of Earth-7484
Mantle, Jake (Hudson Trucking, employed Luke Cage)
Mara of Earth-Sword in the Star (Wayfinder's followers)
Mara (The Nest)
Marag-Tu (Kattan-Tu's parent, Hulk story)
Marchesi, Stephen (US Senat investigator, The Nest)
Mare Imbrium Dome of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Maris (Corporation)
Marks, Alex (Human Fly (Rock Rojatt) character) - by Grendel Prime
"Marks, Jacob" (Hybrid's father)
Mars of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Marshall, Simon (Maggia scientist, Cloak and Dagger foe)
Martian Concerto (song, Paradox story)
Martians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Martinet, Marion (Human Fly foe) - by Grendel Prime
Marya (Contraxian, Jack of Heart's mother)
Master Assassins (Arcturus Rann foes) - by Grendel Prime
Masters, Delayne (Captain Universe) - by Markus Raymond
Mather, Cotton (Salem Witch Trials) - by Spidermay
Matin of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Maya (Hindu god) - by Per Degaton
Maya of Earth-Sword in the Star (Wayfinder's followers)
Mayhem (Cloak & Dagger character) - by Markus Raymond
Mayhem Organization (Team America foes) - by David Lawrence
Mayhew, Tommy (Alpha Flight character)
Mayor Quach ("Duckworld")
Mazzilli, Louis (Cloak & Dagger/Mayhem character)
McDrake, Scrounge ("Duckworld")
McDuck ("Duckworld")
McKenzie, Leonard of Earth-772 (son of Namor & Sue)
Mediterranean Avenue (Swamp City)
Medvedev (Commissar (Bruskin) ally)
Membros (Microverse race)
Mentus (dark aspect of Galador's Prime Director, Rom foe)
Mercado, Margarita (Human Fly character)
Mercenary (Human Fly (Rick Rojatt) foe) - by Grendel Prime
Mercurians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Mercury of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Metalmines of Reality-80324 (Luna, Paradox story)
Milehigh Keep (Baron)
Mister Chicken (Howard the Duck foe)
Mister E (Captain Universe foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mister Fish (Mortimer Norris, Power Man's most terrifying foe!) - by Prime Eternal
Mister Magic (Mayhem Organization)
Mister Mayhem (Mayhem Organization)
Mr. McFeelbot (Madison Jeffries creation) - by Norvo
Mister Mind (Mayhem Organization)
Mister Muscles (Mayhem Organization)
Mistress (Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Modred the Mystic (Darkhold Redeemer) - by Patrick D Ryall
Mole (X the Marvel foe)
Mole (Black Tiger enemy)
Monocle (X the Marvel foe)
Montoya, Carlos (Team America/Thunderiders character)
Montoya, Mrs. (Carlos' mother)
Montoya, Reina (Carlos' sister)
Mother-Ship (Simon Ryker)
mothership (Contraxian race)
Mother Superior (Contraxian race, Sun Priestess)
Mudge, Mr. (Team America foe) - by David Lawrence
Murder-1 (Micronauts ally) - by Grendel Prime
Murder Mole (Rom foe) - by Grendel Prime
Nalee (Paradise and the City of Death)
Nakwach (Human Fly character)
Nanotron (Micronauts member) - by Grendel Prime
Nemesis (Captain Universe foe) - by Proto-Man
Neptune of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Neptunians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
The Nest (Spider-Man/X-Men characters)
Never-Summer (Microverse planet) - by Grendel Prime
New Houston of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Newtonmore resident (Rom characters)
North Pole Nuclear Power Facility (created by Greedy Killerwatt)
Northwest Sector of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Number One (Hydra section leader)
Numéro Deux (Cell Combattre)
Numéro Trois (Cell Combattre)
Odd John (Micronauts foe)
Ojeeg (Baron Karza foe) - by Grendel Prime
Ollakook (Santa Claus)
Olsen ("Duckworld")
Oltnam (Contraxian, Jack of Hearts foe)
Olvidos, Manuel (Team America/Thunderiders character)
Oriental Avenue (Swamp City)
Osiris (Egyptian god) - by Will U
Ostras (Microverse, Homeworld, Aegypta/Sandzone fauna)
other magic items (Mammy Tuba)
Pantasy (movie, written or directed by Wally Sidney)
Paradise and the City of Death (Crossworlds, Hulk characters) - by Anti-Grimm
Paradise III (Microverse)
Paradox of Earth-80324 (Wolverine character)
Parahumans of Reality-80324 (Paradox characters)
Paranormals of Reality-80324 (Paradox characters)
Pariah (Hulk foe)
Park Place (Swamp City)
Parris, Betty (Salem Witch Trials) - by Spidermay
Peregrine (French superhero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Petrovic, George (Cloak & Dagger/Mayhem character)
Pfotts, Carl (Hulk character) - by Norvo
Pharoid (Microverse prince, leader of the Desert Demons)
Phobos (xd race, Kaliklak, Microverse)
Pillsbury (Claok & Dagger character)
Pinball Lizard (Howard the Duck foe)
"Piper of Peril" (Rom foe) - by Donald Campbell
Pit (Proselytes/red sect, detainment facility)
planet-moving technology (developed by Mentus, Rom story)
Pluto of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Pluvians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Portable Teleporters of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
POTUS of Earth-7484 (President of the United States, ca. 1990 AD)
Predator (Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Markus Raymond
Prei-Ying Mantis (Hemlock Shoals ally)
priests (Proselytes/green sect)
Primate (Alpha Prime member)
Prime Director of Galador (Rom character)
Prince Peacock (Micronauts ally) - by Grendel Prime
Prince Wayfinder of Earth-Sword in the Star
Proctor, John (Salem Witch Trials)
Professor Phobos (Hulk/Soviet Super Soldiers foe)
Professor Prometheus (Micronauts/War Machine foe)
Prophet-Priests (Proselytes/red sect, Holy Huntsmen, Hulk foes)
Prometheus Pit (Professor Prometheus creation, access point to Microverse)
Provisional Revolutionary Army of Earth-7484 (Deathlok the Demolisher foes)
Ptolemaeus Dome of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Puffball Collective (Hulk character(s)) - by Mick Martin, the Anti-Grimm
Puffin (Howard the Duck foe)
Purple Woman (Kara Killgrave, Canadian mutant, former Alpha Strike/Alpha Flight/Beta Flight member) - by Chadman
Qor (xd, Microverse, Planetary Council)
Quackson, Johnny ("Duckworld")
Quakton, Amy ("Duckworld")
Quartuccio, Victorio of Earth-7484 (Deathlok the Demolisher foe)
Queen Fria (Micronaut ally) - by Grendel Prime
Queen Zoyburt (Homeworld, Argon & Mari mother)
Quizling (Howard the Duck foe)
Rabbit (China Force, Alpha Flight foe) - by Loki
Rainbow (Galadorian Spaceknight, Rom character)
Rakks (The Nest's security robots)
Ratri (Hindu god) - by Per Degaton
Ratri (The Nest)
Ravenstorm, Jedediah (Hellstorm/Thing character)
Razor of Earth-80324 (Paradox character)
"Realm of Unreality" (Rom story)
Recordasphere (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Red Breath (Rocket Raccoon foe) - by Elf with a Gun
Reptos (Microverse race)
"Rich Uncle Pennybags" ("Mister Monopoly", Swamp City)
Rifkin, Marjorie (runaway, preyed on by Cadaver)
Robohorse of Halfworld (Rocket Raccoon character)
Robomower of Halfworld (Hulk foe)
Robopolice of Reality-80324 (Paradox characters)
Roboreporters of Reality-80324 (Paradox characters)
Roborescue of Reality-80324 (Paradox characters)
Robots of Halfworld (Hulk/Rocket Raccoon characters)
robots (Contraxian race, servants)
rocket-car (used by Bombardiers)
Rodent (Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Kyle Smith
Rooney, Mike (Captain Universe (Dodgson) foe)
Ryak (Microverse, Tybalt's bodyguard)
Ryker, Simon (Dr. Doom/Namor foe) - by Spidermay
Sabra (Israeli heroine) - by Norvo
Safe Refuge (runaway shelter)
Samarobryn (Nostrodamus prediction)
Sarkan, Andrew (Hulk character)
Sarkan, Janice (Hulk character)
"Sarkan, Mark" (Dire Wraith, Hulk foe) - by Donald Campbell
Satin (Shooting Star's horse)
Saturn of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Saturnians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
saucers (Contraxian race)
Sawchuck, Eddie (Cloak & Dagger/Mayhem foe)
Schizoid Man (Spider-Man foe)
Schnozz (Little D's Den O'Thieves)
Scourge (Giles McHeath, Alpha Flight foe) - by Markus Raymond
Scramble (Lionel Jeffries, Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo
Scratch (Black Tiger enemy)
Screamer (first-generation Spaceknights of Galador)
Seasons, Sebastian of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Season's Pleasure Palace of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Seaton-Marks, Marjorie (Hybrid/Jimmy Marks' mother)
Seelia-23 (Micronauts, Huntarr's mother)
Serpentyne (Rom character)
Servant Species of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Seth (Serpent God of Death) - by Will U & friends
Severinson, Duck ("Duckworld")
Shaitan (Micronauts foe) - by Mike Fichera
Shaman (Microverse, Ojeeg ally)
Shamrock (Irish super-hero) - by Prime Eternal
Shattered Plains (Spartak, Microverse)
Shelter Society (Cadaver's hideout)
S.H.I.E.L.D. missile (Helicarrier weapon)
Shields, Joe Jr. (Human Fly character)
Shields, Joe Sr. (Human Fly character)
ship (Proselytes/green sect, interstellar)
Ship (Halfworld, humanoid spaceship)
Shiva (The Nest)
Shooting Star (Rangers member) - by Norvo
Shortline Railroad (Swamp City)
Shrike (Mr. Fish's lackey)
Shrinks (Halfworld founders)
shuttle (Contraxian, used by Varga)
Sidney, Wally (clothier, Howard the Duck foe)
Sidney Land Conservative Clothiers (Wally Sidney's store, Howard the Duck story)
Silver, Willie (Human Fly (Rick Rojatt) character) - by Grendel Prime
Sin City of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Sir Hogg (New Men, Knights of Wundagore, Iron Man character)
Sister Sun (Spider-Man foe)
Skidoo, Hank (Mister Chicken's foreman)
Skull (Little D's Den O'Thieves)
Skull Warriors (Hulk foes)
Sloan, Archie (head of Bets-R-Off Race Promotions)
Slug (Microverse rebellion)
Snake Eyes (Sons of the Tiger foe)
Snowslayers (Never-Summer, Microverse)
Snowstar (Glazier's pet, Hulk character)
solar probe ship (Contraxian race)
Soul Survivors of Sylos VII (Microverse mutates) - by Grendel Prime
spaceport of Reality-80324 (Titan, Paradox story)
Space Terminal of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Spacewheel (Halfworld, space station)
Spartak (Microverse world, Acroyears' world) - by Loki
Spatial Distorter (used by Bereet)
Spider-Amoeba (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Spider-Creature (Micronauts foe) - by Grendel Prime
Spider-Squad (Spider-Man foes)
"Spindrome" (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Squash (Little D's Den O' Thieves)
staffs (Proselytes/red sect, weapons)
Stanford, Ann (Captain Universe) - by Proto-Man
Stanford, Jenny (Ann's daughter)
Stanford, Johnny (Ann's son)
Stanhope of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Stardust (Rom foe)
Star Eyes (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Starkowski, Carol (Howard the Duck character)
Starkowski, Claude (Iron Duck armor creator, Howard the Duck character)
Starlab (Professor Prometheus' former base)
Star Scepter (chosen weapon of Pharoid)
Starseed (Legion of Monster character)
Starshine (Landra, Rom character) - by Loki
Steinsinger, Bernie (X the Marvel character)
Stinker of Halfworld (Hulk/Rocket Raccoon character)
Stockholders of Swamp City (Kong Lomerate allies)
Stone Palace of Spartak (Microverse, Spartak)
Strake of Earth-7484 (Provisional Revolutionary Army, Deathlok foe)
Strake of Earth-7484 (sniper, Deathlok/Spider-Man foe)
Stryke (Corporation)
Stryker, Max (Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Sturgis, Frank (Human Fly foe) - by Grendel Prime
Sturky (Bereet's pet)
Sun Priestesses (Contraxian race)
Sunquist (Santa Claus' Elf, Howard the Duck character)
Sunscope (Baron Karza weapon) - by Grendel Prime
Super-Mandroid (SHIELD weapon) - by Spidermay
Survivalists (Contraxian race)
Swamp City (Kong Lomerate, Howard the Duck story)
swamp creatures of Wundagore II (insectoid extraterrestrial race)
Swanson, Gary (Green Cross head, Hulk/She-Hulk character) - by Will U
Swarm (Fritz von Meyer, Spider-Man/Champions foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Sword in the Star of Earth-Sword in the Star
Sylos VII (Microverse planet)
Sylvia ?? of Earth-7484 (Provisional Revolutionary Army, Deathlok the Demolisher foe)
Symbionic Man (Sub-Mariner foe) - by Spidermay
symbol (Proselytes/red sect)
Tabletop (Black Tiger foe)
T'al (Slug's father, Microverse royalist)
Talisman (Contest of Champions) - by Prime Eternal
Tapping Tommy (Defenders foe)
Tartaglione, Joey (Maggia, Cloak & Dagger foe)
Temple of Judgment (Proselytes/red sect)
Temple of Light (Lord of Light's temple)
Temple of the Rock (Microverse, Spartak)
Tennessee Avenue (Swamp City)
Terra of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Terrans of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Thermal Thief (Energy Drainers, Campbell Kids/Captain America foe) - by Norvo
Thornoids (Rom foes) - by Grendel Prime
Thuvria (xt planet, home of the Thuvrians)
Thuvrian (xt, natives of the Thuvria)
Time Traveler (Microverse, Enigma Force)
Times Square of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Titan of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Titanis (Eternals) - by Prime Eternal
Tivan, Matani (Collector's wife) - by Darc_Light
Torch Song of Reality-80324 (song, Paradox story)
Tor-Mel of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
torture chamber (Proselytes/red sect, the Pit)
Tower of Power (Kong Lomerate, Swamp City)
Traffic Control Central of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Transport Chamber (used to reach Transport Egg, Iron Man story)
Transport Egg (Lunar Observation Base, Rigellian technology, Iron Man story)
Treefern (Micronauts ally) - by Grendel Prime
Trees (Paradise and the City of Death)
Tremsky, Carl Yaz of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Triad (Hulk characters) - by Anti-Grimm
Tri-Bunal (Micronauts foe)
Tril (Slug imposter, Microverse rebel)
Tri-Man (Spider-Man foe)
Trolls (Pinball Lizard allies)
Tumbler (Michael Keane, Captain America foe)
23rd Street Subway Station of Earth-7484 (Deathlok story)
Tybalt (Microverse, Coral's father)
Uncle Pyko (Halfworld, Rocket Raccoon ally) - by Norvo
unidentified (Starseed's society)
unidentified (xt, stole Starseed's mountain)
unidentified CIA agent (Team America character)
unidentified driver (Caxon Oil Company)
unidentified emissary (slain Contraxian scout)
unidentified extradimensional demon (Vision & Scarlet Witch foe)
unidentified house doctor (Caxon Oil Company)
unidentified ISA scientist of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
unidentified killers (sent after Linda Lee Black)
unidentified pier guard (Caxon Oil Company)
Uranians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Uranus of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Varga (Contraxian, Jack of Hearts character)
Vartu (Paradise and the City of Death)
Vasquez, Ramon (White Tiger imposter, Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant
Vasquez, Ricardo (Team America/Thunderiders character)
vehicles (Proselytes/red sect)
vehicles (Proselytes/green sect)
Venus of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Venusian Suit (Whiz Kids)
Venusians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Vermont Avenue (Swamp City)
Viracocha (Bermuda Triangle)
Vishnu (The Nest)
Volcanus (Thing/Ka-Zar foe) - by Grendel Prime
Voltor (Imperial Guard Cohort)
von Doom, Victor clone (Fantastic Four character)
Wackerton, Booker T. ("Duckworld")
WACkies ("Duckworld")
Walcott, Mary (Salem Witch Trials) - by Spidermay
Walsh, Monty (Captain Universe) - by Madison Carter
Wartstaff (Microverse, Bug rival) - by Grendel Prime
Washington, "Deaf Melon" (Swamp City)
Watchwraiths (Dire Wraith weapons, Rom foes) - by Grendel Prime
Wattage Waster (Energy Drainers, Campbell Kids/Captain America foe) - by Norvo
Wayfinder's followers of Earth-Sword in the Star (Microverse)
Waynesboro, Kate (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Weasel (X the Marvel foe)
Weathermen (Avengers foes)
Webby-Two of Earth-57780 (Dr. Doom creation, Spider-Man foe) - by Norvo
Web-Man of Earth-57780 (Dr. Doom creation, Spider-Man foe) - by Norvo
Wenden-Tu (Kattan-Tu's parent, Hulk story)
Wender (Corporation)
Wendigo (Francois Lartigue, Hulk/Sasquatch foe) - by Norvo
Whirldemons (Dr. Strange/Wayfinder foes)
Whispering Wells (town, Pariah)
White Tiger (Hector Ayala, Sons of the Tiger/Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant
Whitman, Debra (one-time Spider-Man love interest) - by Will U, Prime Eternal, Stunner & Per Degaton
Whitman, Mark (Debra's ex-husband)
Whittaker, Grant (Modred character) - by Patrick D Ryall
Whyte, Harmony (TV news reporter, Human Fly character)
Wild Worms of Halfworld (Rocket Raccoon characters) - by Elf with a Gun
Williams, Abigail (Salem Witch Trials) - by Spidermay
Wise One (Dire Wraith, manipulated Thuvrians, Spaceknights foe)
Wolverine tribe (Never-Summer, Microverse)
Wonder Toy (Halfworld, used to cure Loonies)
Worldmind (Microverse, sentient lifeforce of Spartak)
Worth, Catherine of Reality-80324 (Catherine De Lys)
wraparound-rockets (used by Bombardiers)
Wrench (Team America member) - by David Lawrence
Wrinkles (Black Tiger foe)
X the Marvel (Power Man foe) - by Spidermay
Xaphan (demon, Deadpool/Ghost Riders foe) - by Markus Raymond
X-Press Bar of Reality-80324 (Paradox story)
Yama of Earth-Sword in the Star (Wayfinder's followers)
Yama Dharma (The Nest)
Zeeko of Reality-80324 (Paradox character)
Zgorian (Hulk character) - by Mick Martin
Zoot (Qor race, Planetary Council)
List compiled by Markus Raymond
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