Mutant characters

Mutants. I like them, you like them. Let's read about some. OK?

Post M-Day Mutants

Aardwolf (Night Thrasher foe)

Abcissa (Alternate future Jubilee)

Abuse-Monger (Psychobabble)

Abyss (Nils Styger)

Access (Amalgam; Possible Mutant) - by Skullogheist

Ace (Spider-Man character) - by Madison Carter - possibly

Adahm (Batroc foe) - by Markus Raymond

Adam X of Earth-15730 (X-Men '92 comics) - by MarvellousLuke

Advocates (X-Men training squad) - by MarvellousLuke

Aero (Melody Guthrie, sister of Cannonball & Husk, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Agee, Rebecca (Aubrey's mutant sister)

Agent Orange of Earth-New York Remained a Savage Land (Firestar)

Agent X-13 of Earth-12472 (X-Society-889 foe)

Agent X-13 of Earth-81035 (diverged Earth-81211 from Earth-616 by killing Cyclops)

Agent X-13 of Earth-91138 (diverged Earth-90227 from Earth-616 by fully opening Ghost Box)

Aguila (Power Man/Iron Fist character) - by Norvo

Ahmet (mutant, Tunnel Rats, District X character) - by MarvellousLuke

Airhead (Trash, Power Pack foe) - by Patrick D Ryall

Aki of Earth-101001 (telekinetic girl) - by Proto-Man (possibly)

"Alchemist" (Pryde and Widsom foe)

Alesky ?? (Polish mutant, Magneto character) - by Proto-Man

Alex (Inferno Babies, New Mutants foe)

Alex (Morlock, Ghost Rider foe)

Alliance of Evil (X-Factor/X-Force foes) - by Norvo

Allure of Earth-534834 (hypnotic seductress, Hulk foe) - by Proto-Man (possibly)

Alpha Squadron (X-Men training squad) - by MarvellousLuke

Amalgam (X-Men character) - by Flank

Amazon of Earth-1191 (X.S.E., Bishop character) - by MarvellousLuke

Amber ?? (Chamber character) - by Prime Eternal

Ames, Elsa (encountered Peter Maher)

Aminedi (Desert Sword)

Ampere (Circle of Pavane)

Anais (Cyclops/Apocalypse character) - by MarvellousLuke

Anarchist (X-Statix member) - by Proto-Man

Andrew ?? of Earth-92131 (mutant energizer, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man

Angel (Warren Worthington III)

Angel Dust (Morlocks) - by Darc_Light

Annalee (Morlock, Power Pack/X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Anne ?? (Purifiers, X-Men foe) - by Norvo latent mutant

Anole (Victor Borkowski, X-Men student, Young X-Men/X-Men) - by MarvellousLuke

Anteus (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Anti-Matter (X-Force wannabe) - by Proto-Man

Antonio (Magma (Amara Aquilla) character) - by Chadman

Ape (Morlocks, Power Pack/X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur)

Apokolypse of Earth-17413 (mutant despot) - by HBK123

Arcadian of Earth-928 (Undead, X-Men 2099 foe)

Arcenaux, Emery (Gambit foe)

Archangel (Warren Worthington III)

Archer of Earth-1191 (Xavier's Underground Enforcers)

Arclight (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Argent (Laurent Bavota, Canadian mutant refugee, Alpha Flight character) - by Proto-Man

Ariel (Coconut Grove mutant, Fallen Angels member) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro

Armageddon of Earth-2182 (Professor W's X-Men)

Armageddon Man (early mutant, X-Force foe) - by Proto-Man

Asher, Mike (Brotherhood member) - by Zerostar

Astra (X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Audio (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Auric (Alpha Flight character) - by Norvo

Aurora (Jeanne-Marie Beaubier)

Avalanche (Dominic Petros)

Axe (Gladiators, New Mutants foe) - by Norvo

Baby (evil mutant baby, 1950s) - by Ron Fredricks

Backhand (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Bailey, Gailyn (Jean Grey's niece, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Bailey, Joseph "Joey" (Jean Grey's nephew, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Banjo (Spider-Man character) - by caliban

Banshee (Theresa Rourke) of Earth-105709

Banshee (Sean Cassidy)

Barbican (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Barnacle (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Base (Genetix)

Basilisk (Mike Columbus, X-Student/Special Class) - by Norvo

Battering Ram (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man

Beacon, Derrick (X-Men character) - by Proto-Man

Beame, Nathan (Ghost Rider foe)

Bean, Sonny (X-Men character) - by Norvo

Beanpole (X-Student, Mike Galbraith; Watchers on the Wall)

Beast (Henry McCoy)

Beautiful Dreamer (Morlocks, X-Men character) - by G Morrow

Becky ?? (X-Student)

Bedlam (Derangers, Alpha Flight foe)

Beezer, Tillie (Gus Beezer's younger sister)

Bela (Brotherhood) - by Zerostar

Belen ?? (X-Student, X-Cutioner victim) - by MarvellousLuke

Bellona of Earth-18366 (X-23 clone)

Bernard the Poet (X-Men character) - by Chadman

Berzerker (Morlocks)

Bette (X-Ranch)

Betto, Giancarlo (mutant landscaper, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Big Casino (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Big Top (Lost Boys and Girls)

Bio-Genes (Silver Sable characters)

Birdy (Sabretooth character) - by Norvo

Bishop (Lucas Bishop)

Black Bishop (Harry Leland, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Black Death (X-Men foe) - by Sammy 7D

Blackgar, Marlene (Werewolf foe) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier

Black King of Earth-92131 (Sebastian Shaw, Hellfire Club, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

Black Panther of Earth-15730 (X-Men '92 comics) - by MarvellousLuke

Black Shadow (Wolverine foe) - by Changeling

Blaquesmith of Earth-13393 (Clan Askani member) - by Proto-Man

Blasting Cap (Trash, Power Pack/Cage foe) - by Patrick D Ryall

Blax'zthor, G'illian (mutant Skrull, Squirrel Girl character) - by Chadman

Blaze, Siena (mutant criminal, Upstarts/Earth-93060's Exiles member) - by Chadman

Blind Ali (Euro-Trash)

Blind Faith (Exiles, Russian mutant Underground) - by Prime Eternal

Blindside (Brood Mutants)

Bling! (X-Student, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Blink (Clarise Ferguson)

Bliss (Morlock) - by Darc_Light

Blob (Fred J. Dukes)

Blockbuster (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Bloke (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man

Bloodhawk (Avengers associate)

Bloodlust (Femme Fatales, Spider-Man/X-Men foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond *former mutant

Blowhard (Morlocks) by Darc_Light

Blowtorch Brand (Defenders foe) - by Chad Anderson

Blue of Earth-811

Blue Condor (Marvel Italia, Task Force member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with translation aid from Angelo Mammone

Bo (mutant girl, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Bodine, Larry (New Mutants character) - by Zerostar

Bogatyr (Bogatyri)

Boggart (Advocates member)

Bolaa (Rigellian mutant, Thor character)

Book of Earth-928 (X-Men 2099 character) - by MarvellousLuke

Book (Genoshan, Professor X's "Excalibur" member) - by Norvo

Boost (Gene Nation, X-Men character) - by Chadman

Bora (Avant Guard)

Bouncer (Howlers, Gladiators member)

Bouncer (Masque's "X-Men")

Boy-Toy (Marvel Year-in-Review joke character) - by Loki

Brain Cell (Morlock) - by Norvo

Brainchild (Squadron Supreme/Avengers foe)

Brass (Wolverine/Ghost Rider ally) - by Markus Raymond

Brickbat (Brood Mutants)

Braddock, Jamie (Captain Britain character) - by Loki

Brawler (Circle of Pavane)

Breakdown (Derangers, Alpha Flight character)

Briggs, Billy (X-Men foe) - by Prime Eternal

Briquette (Hell's Belles, X-Factor foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Broadband (Genosha, Professor X character) - by Norvo

Brood Mutants (infected mutants) - by Darc_Light

Brotherhood of Earth-1043 (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man

Brotherhood of Evil Mutants

Brotherhood of Evil Mutants of Earth-127 (Brother Mutant)

Brotherhood of Mutants (Joseph's Brotherhood, Magneto foes) - by MarvellousLuke

Brother Mutant of Earth-127 (Exiles foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Brother Nathan (Cable) of Earth-58161

Brother Xavier (Wolverine) of Earth-2988

Browning (Metallak)

Brute (Trash, Power Pack foe) - by Patrick D Ryall

Brute (Morlock) - by Sammy 7D & Prime Eternal

Bryson (Brotherhood) - by Zerostar

Bubbles (Buzz-Boys) of Earth-905

Buff of Earth-700029 (Arlee Hicks, mutant, Generation X movie, Xavier's Institute student) - by Loki

Bugeye (Spider-Man character) - by caliban

Bukenya, Riek (mutant, Muties character) - by Markus Raymond

Bulk (X-Factor character)

Bulwark (Generation X foe) - by Norvo

Burke of Earth-1191 (Fitzroy ally) - by Proto-Man

Burner (Crucible, Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman

Burning Puddle (London Tunnel Dwellers, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Butterfly (Lucy Priest, X-Men student) - by MarvellousLuke

Buzz-Boys of Earth-905 - by Proto-Man

Buzzsaw (Children Of Heaven)

Cable (Nathan Dayspring Summers)

Cadre K (mutant Skrulls team, X-Men characters) - by MarvellousLuke & Norvo

Caiman (Genoshan, Professor X's "Excalibur foe) - by Norvo

Calderak (Arakkii mutant, Storm foe) - by MarellousLuke


Calligrapher of Earth-691 (31st Century, Guardians of the Galaxy character) - by Grendel Prime

Callisto of Earth-905

Campbell, Mary (victim of Retribution virus)

Candra (Externals, X-Men/Gambit character)

Cannonball (Sam Guthrie)

Captain America of Earth-1298 (Mutant X, Six/Avengers member) - by Peteparker & Markus Raymond

Captain Britain of Earth-15370 (Brian Braddock, X-Men '92 comics) - by MarvellousLuke

Captain X of Earth-19647 (X-Command member)

Caput (Abraham Verne, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

Cara ?? (mutant, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Carapace (Morlock, Wolverine character) - by MarvellousLuke

Carl ?? (District X character)

Carla (London Morlocks, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Carnivore (X-Factor foe)

Carrenna, Gretchen (mutant artist, Bushwacker victim) - by Grendel Prime

Carstairs, Roger (Bob Brant & the Trouble-Shooters foe) - by John Kaminski

Carter ?? (X-Student)

Carter, Tad (pre-modern era, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Carver (Morlocks, Wolverine/Spider-Man foe) - by Norvo

Cascade (Alpha Flight character) - by AvatarWarlord72

Castor (Arakii mutant, Cable foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Cat of Earth-8280 (Kitty Pryde, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Catiana (NYX character) - by Proto-Man

Catscratch of Earth-928 (Undead, X-Men 2099 foe)

Catseye of Earth-94040

Cephalopod (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

Chamber (Jonathon Starsmore)

Chance (Fallen Angels member) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro

Changeling (X-Men character) - by Snood & Norvo

Chantel, Lourdes (Hellfire Club, Sebastian Shaw's lover)

Charm (Gene Nation)

Chela (Brotherhood)

Chevaliers (X-Men training squad) - by MarvellousLuke

Chickenwings (Morlocks)

Chimère (mysterious Genoshan mutant) - by MarvellousLuke

Choir (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Chrome (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Cipher (X-Student, Young X-Men) - by MarvellousLuke

Circle of Pavane (Quicksilver foes)

Clawjaw (clawed, fanged uncontrallable killing machine) - by Loki

Clive (Brotherhood) - by Zerostar

Coach (X-Force member/traitor) - by Proto-Man

Coffin, Johnston (Generation X foe) - by Norvo possibly

Collective Man (Chinese hero) - by Prime Eternal

Colonel Logan of Earth-811 (Days of Future Past) - by Loki

Colossus (Piotr Rasputin)

Colossus of Earth-2301 (Mangaverse, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Commander Logan of Earth-199406

Commander X of Earth-19647 (Major X ally) - by Grendel Prime

Compound (London Tunnel Dwellers, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Concussion (Exiles, Russian mutant underground) - by Prime Eternal

Connaughton, Liam (mutant, Muties character) - by Markus Raymond

Conquistador (el Aguila enemy)

Contact (Frida Rivera, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

Cool Million (Iron Fist foe) - by Markus Raymond

Copycat of Earth-92131 (Vanessa Carlysle, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

Corkscrew (X-Statix reject) - by Proto-Man

Cornea (Buzz-Boys) of Earth-905

Corsairs (X-Men training squad) - by MarvellousLuke

Cortez, Anne-Marie (Acolytes, Fabian's sister, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Cougar (Marvel Age character, New Mutants) - by Madison Carter

Cowboy (Team America/Thunderiders member) - by David Lawrence

Coy Manh, Leong (Karma's sister, X-Men/New Mutants character)

Coy Manh, Nga (Karma's brother, X-Men/New Mutants character)

Coy Manh, Tran (Karma's brother, Fantastic Four/Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner

Craddock, Sue (Meggan's cellmate) - by Loki possibly

Cragg, Nelson (Generation M character) - by Chadman

Crater (Erik Hallgrimsson, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Crawler (Mutant Underground of Singapore)

Crazy Legs (Trash, Power Pack/Cage foe) - by Patrick D Ryall

Creep (Marisol Guerra, mutant student, X-Men ally) - by Chadman

Crimson Commando (Frank Bohannan, Freedom Force, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

Crimson Commando (Brotherhood trainee) - by MarvellousLuke

Crimson DAFFODIL (Cloak & Dagger character) - by Changeling

Croc (London Tunnel Dwellers, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Crosta (Namor/X-Men charater) - by MarvellousLuke

Crowley, Kirsten (Ghost Rider (Ketch) character) - by Grendel Prime

Crule (External, X-Force foe) - by Madison Carter

Crumm, Lucy (Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher character) - by Markus Raymond

Cryptid (Andy Hartnell, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

"Cubists" of Earth-7484 (Spider-Man/Deathlok foes)

Cudgel (X-Student, Beast character) - by MarvellousLuke

Cupric (X-Force member)

Curse (Krakoan child, Marauders character) - by MarvellousLuke

Cybelle (Morlock, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

Cyberlock (X-Force character) - by Madison Carter

Cyclops (Scott Summers)

Cyclops (London Tunnel Dwellers, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

Cypher (Douglas Ramsey)

Daemon (X.S.E. foe) - by Grendel Prime

Daïzonest, Kuhrra (Brazilian mutant, Wolverine foe) - by Loki

Daken of Earth-13133 (son of Wolverine, Horseman of Death) - by Proto-Man

Damask of Earth-295 (Emma Steed, Age of Apocalypse) - by Norvo

Dane, Lorna

Danger (Euroforce member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with help from Angelon Mammone

  • Dark Angel of Earth-92131 (MI13, X-Men '92 cartoon reality)
  • Dark Claw of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Proto-Man

    Darkholme, Rogue of Earth-1043 (Millennial Visions)

    Darkstar of Earth-987

    Darkveil (Darnell Wade, drag queen mutant) - by MarvellousLuke

    Dawnsilk of Earth-13393 (3999 AD, X-Men: The Animated Series) - by MarvellousLuke possible mutant

    Dazzler (Alison Blaire)

    Deadbolt (Dark Riders, X-Men/Wolverine foe) - by Chadman

    Dead Girl (X-Statix member) - by Proto-Man

    Dead Ringer (Captain America foe)

    Death of Earth-5701 (Archangel)

    Death of Earth-92131 (ancient Egyptian mutant, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Decay (Acolytes, Heroes for Hire foe) - by Norvo

    Dee, Johnny (X-Men foe) - by Chadman

    Delgado, Marco (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Delphi (Morlock) - by Chadman

    Deluge (X-Men foe) - by Prime Eternal

    "Demon" (1950s mutate/mutant) - by AvatarWarlord72 - possibly

    Denham (Metallak)

    Depresso (Xavier's School Rejects)

    Derrick and his Wife (Psychobabble)

    Dervish (criminal mutant, X-Men foe) - by Chadman

    Destiny (Irene Adler, X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Detective X (Herbert Daye, Mystery Tales character) - by Ron Fredricks --possible mutant

    Deville, Arcadia (X-Force ally) - by Prime Eternal

    Devon ?? (X-Student)

    D'Gard (Gene Nation, X-Men character) - by Chadman

    Diamondheart of Earth-90411 (Young X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Diamond Patch of Warp World (X-Brotherhood, Wolverine/Emma Frost fusion) - by Minor Irritant

    Dirge (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Dirt Nap (Dark Riders, Wolverine/Venom foe) - by Chadman

    Dive-Bomber (Brood Mutants)

    D.J. (X-Student, New X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Dr. Marc Dale (Professor X ally) - by Grendel Prime

    Dr. Denton (Slapstick foe) - by Patrick D Ryall

    Doctor Goodwrench (Avengers West Coast foe)

    Doctor Nemesis (James Bradley, X-Men character) - by Ronald Byrd & MarvellousLuke

    Dr. Brian Swaine (X-Statix ally) - by Proto-Man

    Doctor Whoosh (teleporter, potential X-Statix recruit) - by Chadman

    Dog of Ultraverse (mutant assassin, Ultraforce foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Domino (Neena Thurman)

    Doop (X-Statix member) - by Proto-Man

    Doopool of Warp World (Deadpool/Doop fusion)

    Double Helix (London Morlocks, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Doug ?? (Sally Floyd ally) - by Chadman

    Downes, Johnny (1950s mutant) - by John Kaminski

    Dragon-Lord (Namor foe) - by Prime Eternal

    Dragonwing (Rising Sons)

    Dryad (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Dummy (X-Student, Special Class) - by Norvo

    Dust of Earth-92131 (Sooraya Qadir, X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Dynamite (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    E., Kevin (Former Order of Mutants)

    Ed ?? (ex-mutant, X-Men character)

    El Guapo (X-Statix member) - by Proto-Man

    Electric Eve (Chicago Morlocks) - by Darc_Light

    Elf (Natalie Wood, X-Student)

    Elsewhere (X-Student, Beast character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Elysia (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Ember of Earth-928 (Undead, X-Men 2099 foe)

    Ember, Holly Ann (Aladdin Effect GN)

    Empyrean (X-Men foe) - by Proto-Man

    Enchantress (Magik, Illyana Rasputin) of Earth-904

    Ent (Morlock) - by Darc_Light

    Eosimias (Hong Lianje, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Eques (X-Men promotional character) - by Madison Carter

    Erg (Morlocks, X-Men/Power Pack foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Evans, Willie jr. (Grunt)

    Eve ?? (X-Student)

    Excelsiors (Iceman's X-Men training squad) - by MarvellousLuke

    Exiles (Russian mutant underground) - by Prime Eternal

    Exodus (Bennet du Paris)

    Externals of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon)

    Eye Scream (X-Men foe)

    Faceshopper (mutant, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Factor Three (X-Men foes)

    Fagin (Brotherhood) - by Zerostar

    Falcone, Arturo (District X character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Fallen Angels (mutant thieves led by Vanisher) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro

    Fallows, Amanda (mutant, encountered Daredevil)

    Famine of Earth-92131 (ancient Egyptian mutant, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Famine of Earth-5701 (Blob)

    Famine (Autumn Rolfson, X-Factor/X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Farnsworth, Craig (Promise, X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Farnsworth, Lucius (horror character) - by Prime Eternal

    Farnsworth, Vincent (Tales of Suspense character, mutant) - by John Kaminski

    Fauna (mutant, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Fellows, Percival B. (Magneto henchman) - by Chadman

    Felon (NYX character) - by Proto-Man

    Femme Fatales (Spider-Man foes)

    Fenn, Argus (1950s mutant, Spellbound) - by Ron Fredricks

    Fenris of Earth-9112

    Feral (Maria Callasantos)

    Feuer (Jahrmarkt members)

    Fever Pitch (Gene Nation/198/X-Corps member, X-Men foe) - by Chadman

    Fieldston, Roger (X-Men/Captain Universe foe)

    Firebolt (Power Man/Iron Fist foe) - by Spidermay

    Firebug (Beta Flight foe) - by Spidermay - possibly

    Fish (Marauders, Krakoan mutant) - by MarvellousLuke

    Fixx of Earth-1191 (Xavier's Underground Enforcers)

    Fiz (Skrull mutant, X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Flambé (Hell's Belles, X-Factor foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Flare of Earth-8610 (Alison Blaire, Gates of What If?)

    Flare (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Flasher (X-Student, Kristin Koenig; Watchers on the Wall)

    Flood (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Floyd, Minnie (Sally Floyd's daughter) - by Chadman

    Flubber (Nick Shelley, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Flynn, Alexander (Gladiators leader) - by Elf with a Gun

    Fontanelle (Black Womb's daughter, Gambit character)

    Ford, Justin (1950s evil Spellbound mutant)

    Forearm (Michael McCain)

    Forearm (Marcus Tucker, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Forever Man (Captain America/Avengers foe)


    Fraser, Kate (Dracula foe) - by Loki - possibly

    "Freakshow" (X-Force character) - by Norvo

    Freakshow (Genoshan mutant, Professor X ally) - by MarvellousLuke

    Freddy ?? (autistic arachnoid mutant) - by Proto-Man

    Frenzy (Joanna Cargill, X-Men character) - by Chadman

    Frodo of Earth-1037 (Millennial Visions)

    Frost, Christian (Emma Frost's brother, X-Men character) - by Chadman

    Frost, Emma (White Queen)

    Fugue (Morlocks, Wolverine foe) - by Norvo

    Gadfly (First Line character) - by Norvo

    Gaia (extradimensional mutant, Generation X member) - by Chadman

    Gambit (Remy LeBeau)

    Gamesmaster (X-Men/X-Force/New Warriors foe) - by Norvo

    Gargouille (Acolytes, Heroes for Hire/X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Garrett, Jeffrey (X-Student, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Garrison, Dr. Sean (Wallflower's father) - by MarvellousLuke

    Gateway (X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Geech (X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Gehringer, Pete (JLA/Avengers character) - by Madison Carter

    Gelatin (Carlo Brewster, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Gene Nation (X-Men/Generation X foes) - by Chadman

    General X of Earth-19647 (X-Command member)

    Generation Next of Earth-95120

    Generation X (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man

    Gentle (Nezhno Abidemi, X-Men student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Gerhart (Bushwacker victim)

    Gerr (Rigellian mutant, Thor character)

    Ghazikhanian, Carter (X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Ghost Girl (Alpha Flight/Beta Flight member) - by AvatarWarlord72

    Ghoul (X-Men foe) - by Chadman


    Gin Genie (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man

    Ginsberg, Sharon (X-Statix foe) - by Proto-Man

    Glamour (Genoshan mutant) - by Norvo

    Glob Herman of Earth-92131 (X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Gloom (Xavier Institute student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Glory ?? (circus telekinetic, Dominic Fortune character) - by Loki possibly

    Glow Worm (mutant, X-Factor character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Gorgeous George of Earth-21993 (Nasty Boys)

    Goth (X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Gottberg, Ankhi (mutant, Muties character) - by Markus Raymond

    Grace (Nightcrawler character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Grand, Charmaine (Rogue/Gambit foe) - by Chadman

    Graverobber of Earth-928 (X-Men 2099 foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Gray, Moira (pyrokinetic mutant infant) - by Proto-Man

    Graymalkin, Jonas (X-Student, Young X-Men) - by MarvellousLuke

    Gremlin of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Grey, Henry (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski - possible mutant

    Grey, Jean

    Greystone of Earth-1191 (Xavier's Underground Enforcers)

    Grimlock (mutant, Morlocks, X-Men character) - by Chadman

    Grunt (Willie Evans Jr.)

    Gypsy Moth (Night Shift, Spider-Woman foe) - by Prime Eternal & Will U

    Hack (Genosha, Professor X character) - by Norvo

    Hacker, Tim (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Hairbag of Earth-21993 (Nasty Boys)

    Hancock of Earth-1191 (Bishop character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Hannah, Marilyn (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Harmonize (mutant, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Harmony (London Morlocks, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Harness (New Warriors/X-Factor/X-Force foe) - by Norvo

    Harpoon (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Harris, Dezmond (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Harrison, Julie (mutant, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) & Wolverine character)

    Harry (X-Student, Harry Mills; Watchers on the Wall)

    Haven of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Havok (Alex Summers)

    Hazard (Carter Ryking, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Headhunter (Namor foe)

    Healer (X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Heartbreak Kid (Defenders character) - by Proto-Man

    Hebb, Georgiana (Team America/Thunderiders member) - David Lawrence

    Hellion of Earth-18366 (Julian Keller, killed during Doom World War)

    Hell's Belles (X-Factor foes)

    "Hellverine" (Wolverine possessed by demons, Wolverine/X-23/X-Men foe) - by Markus Raymond

    Helper (Yusef Abbas, unregistered superhuman) - by Proto-Man

    Hemingway (Gene Nation, X-Men foe) - by Chadman

    Herald, Vanna (Bushwacker victim)

    Hitch-Hiker (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Hoffman (Brotherhood) - by Zerostar

    Hogan, Dennis (X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Holocaust (mutant, Stryfe's Strike Files) - by Norvo

    "Holy Grail" (Russian mutant underground)

    Honda, Seiji (mutant, Muties character) - by Markus Raymond

    Honcho (Team America/Thunderiders) - by David Lawrence

    Hope of Earth-13393 (Clan Chosen, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke - possibly

    Horde (X-Men foe) - by Spidermay

    Horns (Gladiators member)

    Horseman of the Apocalypse of Earth-92131 (ancient Egypt, X-Men foes, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Hothead (X-Student, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Hotshot (Hostess ad; Spider-Man foe) - by John Kaminski - maybe

    Hound of Earth-83466 (Logan, Berserker, Multiversal Masters of Evil member) - by Proto-Man

    Howlett, James of Earth-96099 (X-Men leader, Timestorm) - by Julien Vivé

    Hub (Genoshan mutant, Professor X character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Hump (Morlock) - by Sammy 7D & Prime Eternal

    Hungry One (horror character) - by Madison Carter

    Hunter, Henrietta (X-Statix member) - by Proto-Man

    Huntsman (X-Men foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Hurricane (Dark Riders, X-Men/Wolverine foe) - by Chadman

    Husk (Paige Guthrie)

    Hutchinson, Doug (mutant, Emma Frost character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Hydro (Noah Crichton, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Iceman (Robert Drake)

    Immortal One of Earth-5309 (ca. 31st century, Guardians of the Galaxy) - by MarvellousLuke

    Imp (Anders Nobel, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Indra (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    "Inhibitor" of Earth-89149 (Annex Squad member)

    Integer (Gene Nation)

    Iolanthe (X-Student, Beast character) - by MarvellousLuke

    I.Q. of Counter-Earth (Franklin) (Young Allies member) - by Norvo

    Iron Curtain (Exiles, Russian mutant underground) - by Prime Eternal

    Iron Maiden (Gene Nation)

    Irving (Morlock, Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Ivich (Gladiators member) - by Elf with a Gun

    Jack-in-the-Box (Weapon X character) - by Reddie

    Jackson, Lucas (Thing character) - by AvatarWarlord72

    Jane ?? (X-Student)

    Janine ?? (Rogue/Gambit character)

    Janus (Derangers, Alpha Flight character)

    Jaq (K-Class Deviant Skrull)

    Jason ?? (mutant caught by Charmaine Grand)

    Jaunt (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Javitz, Isaac (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Jean of Earth-1006 (Scott & Jean, Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man

    Jean (Jean Grey counterpart) of Earth-98101

    "Jean Grey" (Masque's "X-Men")

    Jeb ?? (X-Student)

    Jeffers, Gil (Stalker)

    Jefferson, LaTonya (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Jellick (mutant, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Jenna ?? (X-Student)

    Jessie ?? (Typhoid Mary ally)

    Jill ?? (Purifiers victim) - by Norvo

    Jo (Morlock, Kitty Pryde character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Joe Bomb (mutant, X-Cellent member) - by MarvellousLuke

    Joe Bugs (Morlock, Xraven victim) - by MarvellousLuke

    Joey ?? (Beast/Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner

    John ?? (Weapon X victim) - by Patrick D Ryall

    Jones, Angelica of Earth-9112

    Jones, Katie (Katie Sawyer, daughter of U-Go Girl)

    Josette ?? (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Jubilee (Jubilation Lee)

    Juggernaut (Charles Xavier) of Earth-905

    Jukka (Rigellian mutant, Thor character)

    Julian ?? (mutant, X-Men character) - by Chadman

    Julie ?? (X-Student)

    Jumbo Carnation (mutant fashion designer) - by Norvo & MarvellousLuke

    Junction (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    K., Bertram (Former Order of Mutants)

    Kafka (mutant, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Kali (X-Men foe--possible mutant) - by Sammy 7D

    Kamikaze of Earth-21993

    Kangaroo (Frank Oliver, Spider-Man foe) - by Stunner & Snood

    Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh)

    Kate (Heartbreak Hotel)

    Katu (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Kaur, Benazir (Hellfire Club)

    Kayla (X-Men character, Colossus' love interest) - by MarvellousLuke

    K-Class Deviant Skrulls (Skrull mutants, X-Men characters) - by MarvellousLuke

    Keratin (Dave Finn, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Key (Lachlan Patterson, Cable character)

    Kid Sensitive of Earth-15730 (X-Men '92 comics) - by MarvellousLuke

    Kidogo (Lazaro Kotikash, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Kikyo of Earth-101001 (assassin, Blade/Wolverine character) - by Mike Podgor

    Killpower of Earth-92131 (MI13, X-Men '92 cartoon reality)

    Killron (Morlock) - by Chadman

    Kilmer (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Kine, Benedict (Hellfire Club)

    King Britain of Earth-9997 (Earth X character) - by Skullogeist

    Kinney, Laura of Earth-18366 ("Old Woman Laura") - by Grendel Prime

    Kiza (X-Man (Nate Grey) character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Knight Koala (mutant superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man

    Knockout (Femme Fatales, Spider-Man/X-Men foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond

    Know-It-All of Earth-295 (Generation Next, Age of Apocalypse) - by Norvo

    Koren (X-Student, Beast character)

    Kraal (War Watch) of Earth-2988

    Kranpuff, Winston J. (Hawkeye character) - by the Beetle

    Kray, D'Von of Earth-4935 (Wolverine/Cable foe) - by Markus Raymond

    Krista Marwan (Death Metal character)

    Kriven of Earth-2775 (Ranshi Empire soldier) - by Proto-Man

    Kroeger of Earth-1191 (Fitzroy ally) - by Proto-Man

    Kyle ?? (mutant, Xavier Institute for Mutant Education and Outreach student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Kylun of Ee'rath (Earth-148) (Excalibur member) - by Loki

    La Bandera (Wolverine character) - by Chadman

    la Nuit (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man

    Lacuna (X-Statix ally) - by Proto-Man

    "Lady Gardener" of Earth-92131 (mutant plant manipulator, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man

    Lambert, Chet of Earth-92131 (mutant phaser, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man

    Lament (Neo, Lost Souls, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Landscape (bounty hunter, Gambit & Rogue foe)

    "Laser" of Earth-89149 (Annex Squad member)

    Lash (X-Student, James Wheaton)

    Lash (Sunita, Marauders character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Leafmaster (Xavier's School Rejects)

    Leech of Earth-Generation X (Millennial Visions)

    Leecher (Bio-Genes)

    Lefty (bartender, Jamie Madrox character) - by Chadman

    Legion of Earth-99315 (David Haller, Defenders)

    Lehnsherr, Eric of Earth-97400

    Lehnsherr, Erik (Magneto) of Earth-523004

    Leighton, Brian (mutant, Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) foe) - by Norvo

    Leiko (Mutant Underground of Singapore)

    Lensherr, Charles of Earth-295 (son of Magneto & Rogue, Age of Apocalypse) - by Norvo

    Lestron, Ted (pre-FF mutant) - by John Kaminski

    Lexi (Gladiators member)

    Lieutenant X of Earth-19647 (X-Command member)

    Lifeforce (Dark Riders, X-Men/Wolverine foe) - by Chadman

    Lifter (Meteorite, Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman

    Light (Mutant Underground of Singapore)

    Lightbright (Bio-Genes)

    Lightning Bug (Morlock, Jean Grey character) - by Markus Raymond

    Lightning Bug (X-Force tryout) - by Proto-Man

    Lightning Rod (Genoshan mutant) - by Norvo

    Lighttrakker (Power Pack character) - by Elf with a Gun

    Lightwave of Earth-8107 (Aurora Dante, Iceman's half-sister) - by Loki

    Link (Heartbreak Hotel)

    Lionmane (Heroes for Hire/Wolverine foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Lipid (X-Student, Beast character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Litterbug (Morlocks-Chicago sect) - by Darc_Light

    Living Diamond (Cyclops foe)

    Living Pharao (Ahmet Abdol, X-Men/Spider-Man/Power Man/Iron Fist foe)

    Loa (X-Student, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Lobo, Carlos (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

    Lobo, Eduardo (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

    Lobo, Maximus (Dominant Species, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Lockup (Brood Mutants)

    Locomotive Breath (War Machine foe) - by Gauntlet: Dark Rider

    Logan (James Howlett)

    Longneck (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    "Longshot" (Masque's "X-Men")

    Lord Votan (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal

    Loss (Gene Nation)

    Lucy ?? (Heartbreak Hotel)

    Lullaby (Sleepwalker character) - by Changeling

    Lunt, Arnie (Mysterious Fan Boy)

    Lycaon (Arakko/Mars mutant, Great Ring of Arakko member) - by HBK123

    Lys of Earth-1037 (Millennial Visions)

    M of Earth-957

    MacTaggert, Moira

    Madam Drache (X-Ranch)

    Mad Jim Jaspers of Earth 238 (Marvel UK) - by Loki

    Madcow (London Morlocks, X-Men character)

    Maddox, Daniel (Multiple Man duplicate, son of John) - by Proto-Man

    Maddox, Rev. John (rogue Multiple Man duplicate) - by Proto-Man

    Madrox, James "Jamie"

    Maggie ?? (mutant, Marvels character) - by John Kaminski

    Maggott (X-Men member) - by Norvo

    Magma of Earth-904

    Magneto (Eric Magnus Lennsherr)

    Magnus of Earth-27 (Magnus Lehnsherr, time-hopping Exiles member) - by Proto-Man

    Magpie (Death's Head/Knights of Pendragon foe)

    Magus of Earth-811 (Cypher counterpart)

    Mairs, John (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Mali (Bio-Genes)

    Malice (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Malice (Madelyne Pryor) of Earth-956

    Mallin, Frederick (1950s mutant, Strange Tales of the Unusual) - by Loki

    Mandrill (Shanna/Daredevil/Defenders/Avengers foe) - by Chadman

    Manfred ?? (District X character)

    Mant (X-Force tryout) - by Proto-Man

    Marianna of Earth-92131 (Morlock, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Marie ?? of Earth-32491 (mutant, friend of Rickey)

    Marjorie (Psychobabble)

    Mark ?? (Purifiers victim) - by Norvo

    Marked Man (Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Changeling

    Marrow (X-Cell, former X-Men/Gene Nation/Weapon X) - by Chadman

    Marshal (Brotherhood foe) - by Zerostar

    Martin, Ashley (X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Martin, Jeannie (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Marvel (Mark Holly, lost Marvel UK character) - by Loki

    Marvel (Mark Hawkins, depowered mutant or delusional human) - by MarvellousLuke

    Marvel Girl (Jean Grey)

    Marwan, Krista (Death Metal character)

    Mary (Spider-Man/Wolverine character)

    Mary Zero (mutant thief, Agent X character) - by Chadman

    Masque of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon, Morlocks) - by MarvellousLuke

    Masque's "X-Men" (disfigured Morlocks) - by Darc_Light

    Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Mastermind (Martinique Wyngarde, X-Men foe) - by Chadman

    Match (Ben Hamill, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Matchstick Girl (Morlock, Wolverine character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Matson, Teddy (X-Men ally) - by Norvo

    Matthew ?? (District X character)

    Max Rocker (Gladiators member) - by Elf with a Gun

    Maximoff, Pietro of Earth-1044

    Maximoff, Tatiana of Earth-Once and Future Thor (26th Century Avengers, Millennial Visions)

    McCoy, Henry (Beast) of Earth-523004

    Mean of Earth-5311 (Wolverine counterpart, "Kitty's Fairy Tale")

    Melissa ?? (X-Student)

    Mellencamp, Seamus (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Meltdown (Havok/Wolverine foe) - by Per Degaton

    Membrain (Gene Nation)

    MeMe (Morlock, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Mentac (Exiles, Russian mutant Underground) - by Prime Eternal

    Mentallo (Marvin Flumm, psychic criminal) - by Chadman

    Mentat (Robert Zepheniah, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Men with "atomic brains" (pre-FF characters)

    Mer-Mutants (Namor foes) - by Prime Eternal


    Messenger, Tobias (Promise, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Mexer, Andre (Wolverine character) - by Loki

    Michael ?? (Former Order of Mutants)

    Michigan Wolverine of Earth-88131 (ALF, Melmacian adventurer) - by Grendel Prime

    Micromax (Excalibur member) - by Loki

    Mike ?? (Children Of Heaven)

    Mike ?? (X-Man character)

    Milan, Francisco (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Mimic (Calvin Rankin)

    Mindblast (Femme Fatales, Spider-Man/X-Men foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond

    Mindclan (Neo, hidden mutant clan) - by MarvellousLuke

    Mindmeld (Shinobi Shaw agent, X-Force foe) - by Proto-Man

    Mind-Wave (Daredevil/Uri Geller foe) - by Spider-May - maybe?

    Mindworm (William Turner, Spider-Man foe) - by Markus Raymond

    Mirage (Danielle Moonstar)

    Ms. Hoo (Hellfire Club, Wolverine foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Missy (Morlock, Ghost Rider foe)

    Mister M (District X character) - by Norvo

    Mister One & Mister Two (Captain America characters)

    Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex)

    Mist Mistress (Resistants, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal

    Miz Tree (Euro-Trash)

    Mjnari of Earth-92131 (Storm's godson, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Mole (Morlock)

    "Mole" (Emplate's Hellions, Generation X foe) - by Norvo

    Mondo (Generation X foe) - by Norvo

    Monitor (Lost Boys and Girls)

    Monsoon of Earth-92131 (Aloba Dastoor, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Montoya, Serafina (X-Men character)

    Moonstar, Danielle of Earth-2301 (formerly X-Men, Mangaverse character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Morph (Kevin Sidney)

    Mortis (Lois London, Dazzler's half-sister) - by Snood & Markus Raymond

    Mother Askani of Earth-78154 (Rachel Summers) - by Proto-Man

    Mother Inferior (Morlocks) - by Darc_Light

    Motormouth of Earth-92131 (MI13, X-Men '92 cartoon realit)

    Multiple Man of Earth-92131 (X-Factor, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Munroe, Ororo (also see Storm)

    Murmur (Emplate's Hellions, Generation X foe) - by Norvo

    Murmur (Alpha Flight member) - by Norvo

    Muse of Earth-2023 (Millennial Visions)

    Mutalien (X-Statix farm team member) - by Proto-Man

    mutant donors (Winterbrand Corporation victims)

    Mutant Force (Brotherhood of Evil Mutants/Resistants members) - by Chadman

    Mutant Underground of Singapore (X-Men vs Avengers series)

    mutants affected by the Chlorite search and restiction (Watchers on the Wall novel)

    Mutate 1149 (Genoshan) - by Darc_Light

    Mutate #8765 (Genoshan) - by Stunner

    Mysterio (Francis Klum, Spider-Man/Black Cat foe) - by Minor Irritant

    Mysterious Fan Boy (X-Statix) - by Proto-Man

    Mystiq of Earth-797 (New Exiles member) - by Norvo

    Mystique (Raven Darkholme)

    Naiad (Advocates member)


    Namora (Aquaria Nautica Neptunia, Namora's cousin, Agents of Atlas member) - by MarvellousLuke

    Namorita (Nita Prentiss)

    Nancy ?? (X-Student)

    Nanny (X-Factor/X-Men/Generation X foe) - by Chadman

    Nasty Boys of Earth-21993

    Nata (Muties character) - by Markus Raymond

    Nature Girl of Earth-92131 (Lin Li, X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Negasonic Teenage Warhead (student of Emma Frost) - by Grendel Prime

    Nekra (hate-powered mutant, Shanna/Daredevil/Avengers/Spider-Man/Spider-Woman foe) - by Chadman

    Neophyte (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Neramani, Alanna of Earth-Shiar (X-Character)

    Nessie (London Morlocks, X-Men character)

    Nestor (Quicksilver character) - by Elf with a Gun - possible mutant

    Network (Sarah Vale, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Nevermind (Hulk foe)

    New Mutants

    Nicole ?? of Earth-92131 (mutant crystallizer, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man

    Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)

    Nightvoid (X-Statix farm team member) - by Proto-Man

    Nixon, Kiden (mutant, NYX character) - by Proto-Man

    Nocturne (Emplate's Hellions, Generation X foe) - by Norvo

    Noise (Agent foe)

    Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)

    Nova, Cassandra of Earth-15730 (X-Men '92 comics) - by MarvellousLuke

    Nowlan, Michael (X-Factor character)

    Numenor of Earth-311 (mutant emperor of Bensaylum) - by Grendel Prime

    Nuwa (3-Peace member, China Force foe) - by Proto-Man

    Officer Holloran (Pink Psychos)

    Old Man Venom of Earth-17673 (Logan, Anti-Poison resistance leader) - by Proto-Man

    Omega Red of Earth-9112

    Omerta (Paulie Provenzano, X-Men member) - by Norvo

    Onyxx (Sydney Green, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Opsidian the Dark (Gene Nation)

    Orator (Magneto character) - by Norvo

    Orb (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Ororogue of Earth-New York Remained a Savage Land (Rogue/Storm)

    Orphan (Mr. Sensitive, X-Statix) - by Proto-Man

    Orphan Maker (X-Factor/X-Men/Generation X foe) - by Chadman

    Orwell (Brotherhood) - by Zerostar

    Oscar ?? (X-Student, X-Cutioner victim) - by MarvellousLuke

    Ostinato (X-Force member)

    O'Sullivan, Solomon (X-Statix rival) - by Proto-Man

    Oswald (Brotherhood) - by Zerostar

    Outlaw (Deadpool/Agent X ally) - by Patrick D Ryall

    Overlay (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Overrider (Captain America/SHIELD II foe)

    Oxford Blue (Euro-Trash)

    Pachinko of Earth-1191 (Summers Rebellion)

    Pain-Broker (Razorhead)

    Painkiller (Psychobabble)

    Pako (Cirlio Crisologo, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Papillon (X-Student, Sarah Allaire; Watchers on the Wall)

    Paradigm (X-Force foe) - by Norvo

    Paragons (X-Men training squad) - by MarvellousLuke

    Parker, May of Earth-Aunt May was a Mutant with Claws

    Patterson, Paul (Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man

    Paula the Comic (X-Factor character) - by Norvo

    Pavane (Quicksilver foe)

    Payge, Reeva (Hellfire Club)

    Peace Monger (American Eagle/USAgent foe) - by Cisco & Prime Eternal

    Peeper (Occult, Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman

    Penance of Earth-15730 (X-Men '92 comics) - by MarvellousLuke

    Perez, Paco (X-Force character) - by Proto-Man

    Persuader (Roland Rayburn, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

    Pester (Morlock) - by Darc_Light

    Pestilence (Plague, X-Factor/X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Pestilence of Earth-92131 (ancient Egyptian mutant, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Peter ?? (mutant, Northstar/X-Men character) - by Zerostar

    Peterson, Gary (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Petra (X-Men member) - by Norvo

    Pettine, Vincent (depowered mutant)

    Phantazia (Eileen Harsaw, former Brotherhood of Evil Mutants) - by Proto-Man

    Phat (X-Statix) - by Proto-Man

    Phillip ?? (Children Of Heaven)

    Phillips, Sir Gordon (former Lord Imperial of Hellfire Club) - by MarvellousLuke

    Phoenix (Rachel Summers)

    Phoenix (Jean Grey)

    Picaro (Marvel Italia, Euroforce member) - by Wolfhead & Loki with translation aid from Angelo Mammone

    Piecemeal (Gilber Benson, X-Force/New Warriors character) - by Norvo

    Pillar (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Pink Psychos (Wolverine/Doop characters)

    Pinocchio (X-Student, Beast character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Pinpoint (Advocates member)

    Piper (Morlock, Power Pack/X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Pixie (Morlock, Ghost Rider character)

    Pixie of Earth-92131 (Megan Gwynn, X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Plague of Earth-1043 (Millennial Visions)

    Plague (Lucien) of Earth-2182 (living Legacy virus)

    Plasma (Havok foe) - by Markus Raymond

    Plazm (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man

    Polaris (Lorna Dane)

    Pollux (Arakii mutant, Cable foe) - by MarellousLuke

    Poltergeist (mutant, Spider-Woman (Drew)/Dazzler/Beast character) - by Will U, Elf with a Gun & Snood

    Polymer (Dana Holmes, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Poser (Morlock, Wolverine character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Possessor (Son of Satan foe)

    Post (Kevin Tremain, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Postman (Chicago Morlock)

    Postman (Psychobabble)

    Powerhouse (Spider-Man/Beast foe) - by Stunner

    Preview (Jessica Vale, X-Student, Paragons member) - by MarvellousLuke

    Primal (X-Men ally) - by Prime Eternal

    Prindle, James (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Prism (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Professor W (Logan) of Earth-2182 (formerly Wolverine, paralyzed X-Men leader)

    Professor X (Charles Francis Xavier)

    Projector (Acolytes, Heroes for Hire/X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Proteus of Earth-987

    Protozoa (X-Student, Beast character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Proudstar, John of Earth-913

    Pryde, Katherine of Earth-1298 (Mutant X, Hellfire Club member) - by Peteparker

    Pryde, Kitty

    Pryor, Madelyne

    Psychobabble (Doc Samson/Vengeance foe)

    Psyclops of Earth-1042 (Millennial Visions)

    Psylocke (Elizabeth Braddock)

    Puceanu, William (Meggan's father) - by Loki possibly

    Pulse (Augustus, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Purge (Genoshan, "Excalibur" member) - by Norvo

    Purple Woman (Kara Killgrave, Canadian mutant, former Alpha Strike/Alpha Flight/Beta Flight member) - by Chadman

    Purser, Sarah (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Pyro (St. John Allerdyce)

    Pyro of Earth-2301 (Mangaverse, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff)

    Quill (Resistants) - by Patrick D Ryall

    Quill (Maxwell Jordan, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Qwerty (Morlock) - by Chadman

    Rabin, Gretta (Hulk character) - possibly

    Radial (Xavier's School Rejects)

    Radian (Christian Cord, former X-Student, New Warriors member) - by MarvellousLuke

    Rain Boy (Carl Aalston, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Rakkus (Acolytes; Avengers foe)

    Ralph ?? (Former Order of Mutants)

    Ralston, Ned (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Rancor of Earth-691 (Wolverine descendant, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - by Minor Irritant

    Random (X-Factor member/foe) - by Chadman

    Ransome Sole (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Rasputin, Illyana of Earth-95120

    Rasputin, Mikhail of Earth-295 (Horsemen of Apocalypse, Age of Apocalypse) - by Norvo

    Rasputin, Peter (Colossus) of Earth-523004

    Rat King (Piper's son, Generation X foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Raya ?? (mutant caught by Charmaine Grand)

    Razor Cut (Trash, Power Pack/Cage foe) - by Patrick D Ryall

    Razorhead (X-Statix foe) - by Proto-Man

    Reaper (Pantu Hurageb)

    Recoil of Earth-1191 (X.S.E., Bishop character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Red Queen of Earth-998 (originally Earth-9575, X-Man (Nate Grey) character)

    Reeves, Malcolm (Brotherhood foe) - by Zerostar

    Reeves, Malon (Brotherhood) - by Zerostar

    Reichert, Tommy (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Rem-Ram (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Remus (Wolverine character) - by Markus Raymond

    Repulse (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Requiem (Neo, Lost Souls, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Resistants (mutant rights activists) - by Patrick D Ryall

    Retro Men of Earth-1038 (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man

    Reuger, Hans (World War II, Nazi saboteur) - by Ron Fredricks

    Revanche of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Revelation (Morlock, Wolverine/Punisher character) - by Markus Raymond

    Reverb (Gene Nation)

    Rex (Sugar Man ally, X-Man foe) - by Norvo

    Rhapsody (X-Factor foe) - by Prime Eternal

    Richards, David of Earth-2600 (Exiles foe) - by Norvo

    Richards, Franklin

    Rictor (Julio Richter)

    Rigellian mutants (sub-race of the Rigellians)

    Rinehart, Brian (Sentinel character) - by Prime Eternal

    Riptide (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Roach (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Robb, Tony (mutant baseball player) - by Proto-Man

    Robb, Wesley (Tony's mutant father) - by Proto-Man

    Robert ?? (X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Robert ?? (X-Student)

    Robinson, Lucy (Promise, X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Rogue (Anna Marie)

    Rok (Alpha Flight foe) - by Darc_Light

    Rolling Thunder (agent of Elias Bogan) - by Proto-Man

    Romeo, Tony (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Rubbermaid (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Ruckus of Earth-21993 (Nasty Boys)

    R.U. Reddy (Team America/Thunderiders member) - by David Lawrence

    Russell, "Crush" (X-Student, Watchers on the Wall)

    Russian of Earth-928 (Undead, X-Men 2099 foe)

    Rust (Resistants) - by Prime Eternal

    Sabra (Israeli heroine) - by Norvo

    Sabre (Brotherhood trainee) - by MarvellousLuke

    Sabretooth (Victor Creed)

    Sack (Gene Nation, X-Men foe) - by Chadman

    Sage of Earth-523004

    Saint Anna (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man

    Salvadore, Angel of Earth-92131 (X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Salvo (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Sanchez, Violet (Generation M character) - by Chadman

    Sapphire Styx (Roche ally, Wolverine foe) - by Markus Raymond

    Saucier (Krakoan chef, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Saul of Earth-92131 (Externals, X-Men '92 cartoon)

    Sauron (X-Men/Avengers foe) - by Chadman

    Saurus (X-Men student) - by MarvellousLuke

    "Savage Fin" (Band of Baddies)

    Scab (Inferno Babies, New Mutants foe)

    Scaleface (Morlocks) - by Darc_Light

    Scalphunter (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Scarlet Knight (Colin Hardy, squad leader of the Scarlet Knights, former mutant)

    Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)

    Scavenger (Man-Thing foe)

    Scorch (Tommy Ng, Night Thrasher foe) - by Chadman

    Scorpion Boy (Rico, Nightcrawler character) - by Chadman

    Scott of Earth-1006 (Scott & Jean, Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man

    Scramble (Lionel Jeffries, Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo

    Scrambler (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Scratch (Lee Franks, Black Air agent, Pete Wisdom foe) - by Proto-Man

    Scree (London Morlocks, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Sebast, Duncan (mutant, Muties character) - by Markus Raymond

    Selby (Mutant Liberation Front member, intuits binary language) - by Proto-Man

    Selene (Black Queen, X-Men foe) - by Chadman

    Senyaka of Earth-92131 (Skull Mesa resident, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Sergeant X of Earth-19647 (X-Command member)

    Seth (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Shackle of Earth-1191 (Bishop character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde)

    Shadow-X of Earth-6141 (Excalibur foes) - by Proto-Man

    Shani of Earth-92131 (friend of Ororo, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Shard of Earth-9790

    Shatter (Morlocks-Chicago sect) - by Darc_Light

    Shatterbox (Lost Boys and Girls)

    Shaw, Anthony of Earth-1191 (Hellfire Club, Bishop character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Shaw, Jacob (Sebastian Shaw's father)

    Shaw, Sebastian of Earth-21993

    Shepard, Daniel Atherton (Defenders character) - by Proto-Man

    Shire, Randall (telepath, former Undying host, Cable character)

    Shocker (Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman

    Shockman (Gladiators member)

    Short Circuit (X-Force foe) - by Prime Eternal

    Shredder (Hulk/Wolverine foe) --possible mutant

    Shrew (Hell's Belles)

    Shrine (Jago Marrak, telepathic Black Air agent) - by Proto-Man

    Sibercat (Illyich Lavrov, Russian mutant government operative) - by Loki

    Siberforce (Russian mutan underground, Exiles)

    Sights (mutant, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Silencer (Big House inmate) - by Minor Irritant --possible mutant

    Silicon (X-Men student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Silver (sister of Auric, China Force/Gamma Flight member) - by Norvo

    Silver Samurai (Kenuichio Harada, Japanese mutant) - by Chadman

    Simian (London Morlocks, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Sinew (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Singularity (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Sirocco (Desert Sword)

    Skein (Gypsy Moth, Thunderbolts) - by Prime Eternal & Will U

    Sketch (X-Men ally) - by Prime Eternal

    Skin (Angelo Espinosa, Generation X member) - by Norvo

    Skitz (X-Corporation, X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Skylark (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Sky Panther of Earth-11511 (alternate future warrior) possibly

    Skywalker (X-Men student)

    Slab of Earth-21993 (Nasty Boys)

    Slick (Quincy Marrow, X-Student) - by Norvo

    Slider (Mutant Underground of Singapore)

    Slipstream (Davis Cameron, X-Men member) - by Norvo

    Slither (Mutant Force/Fangs/Serpent Society member) - by Chadman

    Sluk (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man

    Slyme of the pre-Multiverse reality (Morlocks member) - by Proto-Man

    Smart Alec (Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo

    Smith, Gracie (Promise, X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Smith, Laurel (mutant, X-Men character)

    Snakeskin (mercenary cage fighter, Domino foe) - by Proto-Man possible

    Snaketongue (Gladiators member)

    Snake Whip (Femme Fatales, Spider-Man/X-Men foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond

    Sneezing Louise (Xavier's School Rejects)

    "Snikt the Clown" of Earth-5116 (Wolverine counterpart) - by Grendel Prime

    Snowfall (Captain America ally)

    Snow Leopard(s) (Black Widow/Night Raven foes)

    Soames, Tildie (X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Soft Serve (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Soil (abandoned Rob Liefeld New Mutants character) - by Loki

    Sonos Rex (Robert Wynn, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Solarr (Avengers/Defenders foe) - by Chadman

    Soul Skinner (X-Men foe) - by the Squid

    Soul-Thief (Razorhead)

    Southpaw of Earth-1191 (Summers Rebellion)

    Sparrow (Underground Legion) - by Prime Eternal

    Specter (Dallas Gibson, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Spectre, Jon (X-Force character) - by Madison Carter - possibly

    Speedfreak (Lost Boys and Girls)

    The Spike (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man

    Spike (Gary Walsh, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Spiny Norman (London Morlocks, X-Men character)

    Spirit (X-Student, Kitty Pryde character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Spiritclan (Neo, hidden mutant clan) - by MarvellousLuke

    Spitball (Brood Mutants)

    Spoor (Andrew Hamish Graves, mutant terrorist, Acolytes member) - by Norvo

    Sporr (Fomalhauti mutant) - by Prime Eternal

    Sprite (Kitty Pryde)

    Spyne (Dark Riders, X-Men/Wolverine foe) - by Chadman

    Squid-Boy of Earth-92131 (Sammy Paré, X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Stacy X (former X-Men/New Warriors member) - by Norvo

    Stalwart (Adewale Ekoku, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Stare (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Static (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Static (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Stealth (Agent foe)

    Stencil (Exiles, Russian mutant underground) - by Prime Eternal

    Stigmata (Venom/Ghost Rider (Ketch) character) - by Minor Irritant

    Stinger (Alliance of Evil, X-Factor/X-Force foe) - by Norvo

    Stonewall (Hamilton Louis, Freedom Force, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Storm (Ororo Munroe)

    Strange Ones (Strange Tales mutants) - by John Kaminski

    Streetman (Agent of the Kingpin)

    Stringfellow (X-Corporation, X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Strobe of Earth-92131 (Skull Mesa resident, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Strom, Dan (mutant, X-Men character) - by Darc_Light

    Strong, Martin Henry (mutant businessman, X-Force foe) - by Proto-Man

    Strong Guy (Guido Carosella)

    Stryfe (Cable clone)

    Styglut of Earth-1191 (mutant criminal, X.S.E. foe) - by Chadman

    Stylles of Earth-1191 (Fitzroy ally) - by Proto-Man

    Subject X of Earth-89149 (pyrokinetic leader of the Annex Squad, X-Men-616 foe) - by Copeinator123

    Sugar Man of Earth-295 (X-Man/New Mutants foe) - by Norvo

    Summers, Alex of Earth-94040

    Summers, Christopher (Jean & Scott's son) of Earth-905

    Summers, Philip (Jean & Scott's son) of Earth-905

    Summers, Ms. (Bushwacker victim)

    Summers, Rachel

    Summers, Scott (Cyclops)

    Sunder (X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida)

    Sunfire of Earth-2109 (Mariko Yashida, Japanese mutant, Exiles member) - by Proto-Man

    Sunpyre (Leyu Yoshida, X-Corps/X-Men member) - by Norvo

    Sunpyre (Big Hero Six member) - by Madison Carter

    Sunset Grace (X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Sunspot (Roberto DaCosta)

    Super Sabre (Fletcher Martin, Freedom Force, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    Sureshot of Earth-1191 (X.S.E., Bishop character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Surgeon (Generation X foe) - by Norvo

    Surrender Monkey (Euro-Trash)

    Susan ?? (X-Student)

    Sway (X-Men member) - by Norvo

    Swift, Arthur (victim of "Geek")

    Switch (Hellions, X-Force foe) - by Norvo

    Sycamore (X-Force tryout) - by Proto-Man

    Sydewaze (Xavier's School Rejects)

    Synch (Generation X member) - by Norvo

    Syrin of Earth-21993

    Tag (proposed New Mutants character) - by Loki - possible mutant

    Tag (Brian Cruz, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tanaka, Dr. Darrell of Earth-92131 (Skull Mesa resident, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by Proto-Man

    Tantra (Xavier Institute student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tar Baby (Morlocks) - by Proto-Man & Prime Eternal

    Tarf of Earth-1037 (Millennial Visions)

    Tartarus (Neo, young, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tartarus (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tasha ?? (Professor X character)

    Tattoo (Tektos)

    Tattoo (Christine Cord, former Omega Gang/New Warriors member) - by MarvellousLuke

    Taylor, Billy (Neverland camp internees, Weapon X victim) - by Norvo

    Taylor, Wendy (Neverland camp internees, Weapon X victim) - by Norvo

    Team America (Captain America/X-Men characters) - by David Lawrence

    Technarx of Counter-Earth (Franklin) (techno-organic mutant, Doom's Generals) - by Norvo

    Temptress (Brood Mutants)

    Temptress of Earth-1042 (Millennial Visions)

    Tension (Brood Mutants)

    Termite (Iron Man foe) - by LV

    Terrel, Carl (1950s Spellbound mutant) - by Ron Fredricks

    Tether (Gene Nation, X-Men character) - by Chadman

    Thanos (Millennial Visions 2001) - by Proto-Man

    Theo ?? (Rogue/Gambit character)

    3-Peace (Chinese mutant revolutionaries) - by Proto-Man

    Thumbelina (Mutant Liberation Front, X-Men foe) - by Nyssane

    Thunderbird (James Proudstar) of Earth-105709

    Thunderbird (John Proudstar, X-Men member) - by Norvo

    Tick-Tock (Night Shift) - by Prime Eternal

    el Tigre of Earth-95120

    Timeshadow (Alliance of Evil, X-Factor foe) - by Norvo

    Timmins, George (possible 1950s mutant)


    Toad-in-Waiting (Genoshan mutant) - by Norvo

    Toby ?? (mutant, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Tommy (Morlock Massacre victim) - by Prime Eternal

    Tommy ?? (X-Student)

    Toodle Pip (possible X-Statix recruit)

    Topper (Buzz-Boys) of Earth-905

    Tores, Miguela (Skin's ex-gf) - by Norvo

    Tower (Alliance of Evil, X-Factor/X-Force foe) - by Norvo

    Trace of Earth-1191 (X.S.E., Bishop character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Trader (Morlocks) - by Zerostar

    Trago of Earth-1037 (Millennial Visions)

    Trance (Hope Abbott, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Transfaser (Bio-Genes)

    Traveller, Judas (Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant

    T-Ray (X-Men member) - by Madison Carter

    Treemont, Jason (X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Tremolo (Hell's Belles, X-Factor foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Trovao (Advocates member)

    Tryx (Rigellian mutant, Thor character)

    Tusk of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Typhoid Mary (Mutant Zero/Bloody Mary, Daredevil foe)

    Ugly John (X-Men ally) - by Grendel Prime

    U-Go Girl (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man

    Umbra (Advocates member)

    Uncinus (What The? character) - by Markus Raymond

    Undead of Earth-928 (X-Men 2099 foes) - by MarvellousLuke

    Underground Mutant Safe-System (Russian mutant underground) - by Prime Eternal

    Unforgiven (X-Men/Avengers foes) - by Stunner

    unidentified Brazilian mutants (three, Marauders)

    unidentified Buzz-Boy ("Beast Boy") of Earth-905

    unidentified Buzz-Boy ("Red Devil") of Earth-905

    unidentified "Cannonball girl" (mutant, X-Men character)

    unidentified girl with horns (mutant caught by Charmaine Grand)

    unidentified leader of Earth-1191 (Xavier's Underground Enforcers)

    unidentified medical examiner (District X character)

    unidentified members (Heartbreak Hotel)

    unidentified mutant (X-Ranch)

    unidentified mutant (Brotherhood character)

    unidentified mutant of Earth-811

    unidentified mutant (Russian mutant underground)

    unidentified pyrokinetic (X-Student, Watchers on the Wall)

    unidentified stalker (Wasp foe) - by Markus Raymond

    Unit One of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon, US Army operative)

    Unus the Untouchable (Brotherhood of Evil Mutants)

    Unuscione, Carmella of Earth-92131 (Acolytes, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Updraft (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Ursa Major of Earth-987

    V., Joey (Former Order of Mutants)

    Vague (Hell's Belles, X-Factor foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Vampyr (London Morlocks, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Vanguard of Earth-987

    Vanisher ("Telford Porter," teleporting mutant, X-Men character) - by Chadman

    Varkis (Wolverine mystic vampire clone, Wolverine/Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond

    Vega, Robin (Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant

    Veil (Desert Sword)

    Venus Dee Milo (X-Statix member) - by Proto-Man

    Vessel (Gene Nation, X-Men foe) - by Chadman

    View (Winston Frankowski, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Vincente (Emplate's Hellions, Generation X foe) - by Norvo

    Vindaloo (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    "Viperion" (Gladiators member)

    Virago (X.S.E. foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Visioary (X-Student, Meena Banerjee; Watchers on the Wall)

    Viskid (Adrian Defoe, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Vivisector (X-Statix member) - by Proto-Man

    Voodoo (Children of Heaven)

    Votan (Star Masters foe) - by Prime Eternal

    Vulcan of Earth-92131 (Gabriel Summers, Imperial Guard, X-Men '97 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Vulcann the Bloodsmith of Earth-928 (mutant, X-Men 2099 foe) - by Grendel Prime

    Vulpine (X-Force member)

    Wade, Barnaby (Yellow Claw character) - by John Kaminski --possibly

    Wagner, Kurt of Earth-1044

    Wall (Mick Patterson, mutant, Cable character)

    Wall (Euro-Trash)

    Wallflower (Laurie Collins, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Wanda (Circle of Pavane)

    War (Abraham Kieros, X-Factor/X-Men foe) - by Norvo

    War (Wolverine) of Earth-2988

    War of Earth-92131 (ancient Egyptian mutant, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    War of Earth-5701 (Cable)

    Warhide (unpublished Marvel UK title, former Russian agent) - by Loki possibly

    "Warlock" (Masque's "X-Men")

    Warpath (James Proudstar)

    Warp Savant (X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Warren, Ethan (Wolverine foe)

    Warthog (London Morlocks, X-Men chararacter) - by MarvellousLuke

    Washout (John Lopez, mutant Weapon X member, former would-be X-Force farm team member) - by Chadman

    Watchdog of Earth-92131 (Skull Mesa resident, X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke

    Watkins, Todd (X-Student, Watchers on the Wall)

    Weapon X (James "Logan" Howlett)

    Weapon Y (Turbo foe) - by LV - possible mutant

    "Weird Woman" (1950s mutant) - by John Kaminski

    Wells (1950s, possible mutant) - by Ron Fredricks

    Werewolverine of Earth-7085 (werewolf, Jameas "Logan" Howlett)

    Whiphand (Brood Mutants)

    Whiplash (Femme Fatales, Spider-Man/X-Men foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond

    Whisper (Karl Reifschneider, Magneto foe) - by Markus Raymond

    White, Eddie (World War II, American P.F.C.)

    White, Jonathan (Doctor Strange foe)

    White Dwarf of Earth-1010 (Millennial Visions, Exiles)

    White Ghost of Earth-4011 (John Howlett Jr.) --possible mutant

    White Queen (Emma Frost)

    White Shadow (Wolverine foe) - by Changeling

    Whitman, Malcolm (pyrokinetic would-be mutant revolutionary) - by Proto-Man

    Wicked (Genoshan mutant, Professor X ally) - by MarvellousLuke

    Widow-Maker (Razorhead)

    Wild Child (Kyle Gibney)

    Wild Man of Earth-3470 (Exiles' Sasquatch's husband, Alpha Flight leader) - by Proto-Man

    Wildside (Richard Gill)

    William (Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime & Prime Eternal

    Wing (Edward Tancredi, X-Student) - by Norvo

    Wisdom, Pete of Earth-1043 (Millennial Visions)

    Wither, Ashton (mutant arms dealer) - by Proto-Man

    Witness (Gambit/Bishop character) presumed

    Wiz Kid (X-Terminators, New Mutants/X-Men character) - by Norvo

    Wolf (Team America/Thunderiders member) - by David Lawrence

    Wolf Cub (Nicholas Gleason, X-Men student) - by MarvellousLuke

    Wolfsbane (Rhane Sinclair)

    Wolverine (James Howlett)

    Wolverine of Earth-295 (hunter, Age of Apocalypse) - by Norvo

    Wolverine of Earth-18366 (Gabby Kinney, X-23's clone) - by Grendel Prime

    Wolverweenie of Earth-9047 (What The--?! hero) - by Markus Raymond

    Wombat (Cloak & Dagger character) - by Changeling

    Wraith (Hector Rendoza, X-Men member) - by Norvo

    Wrap (Emplate's Hellions, Generation X foe) - by Norvo

    Wrench (Team America member) - by David Lawrence

    Wrench (Sandra Yo, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Xavier, Charles

    Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters Rejects (Hembeck characters) - by Prime Eternal

    Xavier's Underground Enforcers of Earth-1191 (X-Factor characters) - by Chadman

    Xavier the Fallen (Charles Xavier counterpart) of Earth-98101

    X-Brotherhood of Warp World (X-Men/Brotherhood of Evil Mutants fusion)

    X-Command of Earth-19647 (Major X allies) - by Grendel Prime

    Xenon (Advocates member)

    X-Factor Unit 27 of Earth-6124 (alternate future mutant group) - by Proto-Man

    X-Force (X-Statix, mutant group) - by Proto-Man

    X-Man of Earth-95120

    X-Man of Earth-1032 (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man


    X-Punks of Earth-902 (Millennial Visions) - by Proto-Man

    X-Statix (X-Force, mutant group) - by Proto-Man

    X-23 of Earth-11052 (Wolverine's clone) - by Proto-Man

    Yama, Jimmy of Earth-10225 (superstrong mutant) - by Copeinator123

    Yamamoto, Sanji (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Yekaterina ?? (Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant

    Zalme (lizard-like mutant soldier, Dazzler foe) - by Loki

    Zapper (Agent foe)

    Z'Cann (Skrull, Cadre K) - by Norvo & MarvellousLuke

    Zealot (Genoshan, Magneto foe) - by MarvellousLuke

    Zeek (Morlock, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke

    Zeeshan (mutant, Generation Hope character)

    Zeitgeist (X-Force member) - by Proto-Man

    Last updated: 04/17/05

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