Adler, Manfred (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Agent Axis (WW2, Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Agent of 1,000 Faces (Nazi spy, Howling Commandos foe) - by Prime Eternal
Alfie ?? (Invaders foe) - by John Kaminski
Ameridroid (Captain America foe)
Armless Tiger Man (Angel foe) - by Prime Eternal
Aryan (neo-nazi, Wolverine foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Axis Annie (Übermädchen)
Baron Blood (John Falsworth, Super-Axis) - by Prime Eternal
Baron Boche (Young Allies foe)
Baron Knuckleduster of Earth-333333333 (armored Nazi agent)
Baron von Königsblut (WW2 Nazi werewolf, Captain America foe) - by Markus Raymond
Baron Zemo (Herman, 11th Baron Zemo) - by Markus Raymond
Baron Zemo (Heinrich, 12th Baron Zemo) - by Prime Eternal
Baroness (Captain America/Spider-Man foe)
Barzak, Andreas (1940s, shrinking Nazi spy) - by Ron Fredricks
Baskersville, Anthony (Dr. Strange foe)
Berglund, General Roderick (Eye of Force, neo-nazi)
Blitzen of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent of Baron Knuckleduster)
Blitzkrieg (Vernichtungs Kommandos, Captain America foe)
Blitzkrieg Squad (Baron Strucker's team, Howling Commandos' counterparts) - by Prime Eternal
Brain (Adventures into Terror character)
Brain Drain (Invaders/Liberty Legion/Alpha Flight foe) - by SQUEAK
Brenner, Wolfgang (Red Skull's servant) - by Prime Eternal
Broen, Friedrich (Nazi Fifth Columnists)
Bucher, Wilhelm (Fourth Reich, Shang Chi foe) - by the Beetle
Cadavus, Franz (Exiles)
Cane (WW2, Captain America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Captain Axis (Hulk foe)
Circus of Death (WWII Captain America foes) - by Chadman
Colonel Klaue (Howling Commandos foe) - by Prime Eternal
Colonel Krieghund (Invaders/Liberty Legion foe) - by Markus Raymond
Colonel Bryon Kritzberg (Howling Commandos foe)
Commander Ritter (Subbie foe)
Count von Blitzkrieg (Nazi, 1959s Avengers foe) - by Markus Raymond
Cramm (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Daschundkicker, Fritz (Nazi agent, Winston S. Quaill character)
Death's Head Squadron (S.H.I.E.L.D. foes, neo-nazis, Gnobians) - by Prime Eternal
Decker, Dran (WW2, Terror foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Dr. Agony (WW2, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
DoctOrangutan (1959 Avengers/Fight Man/Agent X foe) - by Markus Raymond & Mikel Midnight
Doctor Death (Doctor Nemesis/James Bradley) - by Ronald Byrd & MarvellousLuke
Dr. Jurgen Enderle (built hand for Colonel Klaue)
Dr. Vincent Fishler (Comet Man foe)
Dr. Hans Groitzig (WW2, Patriot (Mace) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Dr. Adler Klaus (Sgt. Fury foe)
Dr. Friederich Krause (Namor foe) - by Chadman
Dr. Reich (Howard the Duck foe)
Doctor Strasser (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
Donner of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent of Baron Knuckleduster)
88 (neo-nazi, Nomad foe) - by Prime Eternal
Eikenski, Charlotte (Nazi, death camp commander; later Lottie Hederman)
electrically-controlled glass vats (used by Herr Mole, Human Torch (Hammond) story)
Elga ?? (Festung von Furcht)
The Face (Col. Eisen, Invaders foe) - by Spidermay
Faceless Man (Bob Brant and the Trouble-Shooters foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Farber, Siegfried (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Fiddler (WW2, Captain America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Fliegentod (Teutonic Knight's flying warship, Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Fräulein Fatale (Übermädchen)
Fredrich ?? (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Geist (Wolverine foe)
General Brinkhaus (World War II, Namor foe) - by Chadman
General Mahling (Nazi, World War II, Hans Reuger handler)
General Skul (Sky Wolves foe) - by Markus Raymond
Genetikorps (Doctor Nemesis/James Bradley foes)
Gerhardt, Josef Heinrich (Soul of the Damned)
giant wolf man (Liberty Legion and Hurricane/Makkari foe)
Goebbels, Joseph of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent)
Goering, Hermann of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent)
Gotteskrieger (Axl Nacht/Master Man, New Invaders/Namor foe) - by Markus Raymond
Gremlin (Nazi weapon) - by Proto-Man
Gruber, Franz (Baron (Heinrich) Zemo imposter)
Gruning, Eric (Exiles)
Hans ?? (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Hans ?? (Nazi, disguised as Jacques Dernier)
Hate-Monger (Hitler clone-dealy-o) - by Nick, Per Degaton, Prime Eternal, Snood & others
Hauptmann, "Gert" (Probably a Nazi) (Fantastic Four character)
Hauptmann, "Gustav" (Fantastic Four character)
Heinkle, Otto (Nazi agent, Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Hennig, Erich (Eye of Force, neo-nazi)
Herr Blitz (Nazi agent, Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Herr Dwarf (Nazi, Captain Wonder foe) - by Norvo
Herr Huss (WW II, Patriot (Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
Herr Mole (Nazi agent, Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Herr Nachtersteller (Doctor Nemesis/James Bradly foe)
Himmler, Heinrich (Zyklon)
Hitler, Adolf (Third Reich leader) - by Prime Eternal
Hooded Horror (Nazi, Captain America (Steve Rogers) foe) - by Prime Eternal
Horner (Nazi officer, Headline Hunter foe)
Human Meteor (Invaders character) - by Ronald Byrd
Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler, Invaders/Thunderbolts character) formerly
Iron Cross (Oskar Mors, Invaders foe)
"Iron Hand" Hauptmann (Exiles, Captain America foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond
Jaggar, Erik (Nazi captain, Hidden Ones foe)
Karl ?? (aide of Dr. Sweikert)
Klauber, Hans (Nazi general) - by John Kaminski
Klein-Schmidt, Fritz (Nazi Fifth Columnist, Captain America foe) - by Proto-Man
Klugg (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
Koenig, Eric (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Kosmic Kommandant (Doctor Nemesis/James Bradley foe)
Kristall Starrer (Johnny Blaze foe) - by Markus Raymond
Krott, Phil (WW2, Terror foe)
Krowler, Viscount Heinrich (Dr. Strange foe)
Kruger, Heinz (Captain America foe) - by Spidermay
Kruuger, Rudolph (Sgt. Fury foe)
Kubekult (Captain America foes) - by Proto-Man
Lederle, Horst (Red Skull's servant) - by Prime Eternal
Leroux, Captain Eric (Marrakech, Sam Sawyer foe)
Little Poison (Nazi, Monstro the Mighty foe)
Lord Ha-Ha (Howling Commandos foe)
Lubischt, Dr. Franz (Nazi, Genesis Coalition)
Ludwig ?? (WW2 Nazi, Patriot (Mace) foe)
Mad Mechanic (Young Allies foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Madame Mauser (Übermädchen)
Major Albrecht Kerfoot (Nazi, Heinz Kruger ally) - by Spidermay
Major Schmidt (Nazi)
Major Strasser (Devil's Island commander) - by Prime Eternal
Major Richard Uberhart (Red Skull agent)
Master Interrogator (Nazi, Captain America foe)
Master of Matrix Eight (Matrix Eight)
Matrix Eight (Captain America foes)
Mauller, Siegfried (Nazi torturer) - by Grendel Prime
Medusa Cannon (Baron Zemo death ray variant) - by Donald Campbell
Mendelhaus, Klaus (Nazi war criminal) - by Prime Eternal
Missing Link (Circus of Death member) - by Chadman
Mr. Cooles (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Mueller, Ernst (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Mycroft (Nick Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal
Nacht, Adelmo (Nazi, father of Axl Nacht/Gotteskrieger)
Nazi Fifth Columnists (Marvel Boy/Martin Simon Burns foes)
Nazi Sleepers 1-3 (original Sleepers) - by John Kaminski & Prime Eternal
Nefaria, Gialetta of Earth-90214 (Noir Earth, Iron Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Nordo (Invaders foe)
Omir the Snake Charmer (Circus of Death member) - by Chadman
Penny Panzer (Übermädchen)
Pinhead (Nazi, Miss America (Madeline Joyce) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Planner (Sgt. Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal
Priest of Sickles (Johan Richter, Kulan Gath servant) - by Proto-Man
Pterorists (Axis Mundi agents, Invaders foes) - by Markus Raymond
Rabe, Otto (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Reaper (Captain America/Bucky foe)
Red Skull
Reuger, Hans (World War II, Nazi saboteur) - by Ron Fredricks
"Reggie" (Subbie foe)
Remus (Wolverine character) - by Markus Raymond
Ringmaster of Death (Fritz Tiboldt, Circus of Death leader) - by Chadman
Rudolph ?? (Subbie foe)
Rumor (First Line foe) - by Norvo
Säurespritze (Vernichtungs Kommandos, Captain America foe)
Sando (World War II, Captain America/Bucky foe) - by David Lawrence
Schlag, Lars (Nazi, activated Nazi Sleeper)
Schmidt, Wilhelm (father of Lump, former aide of Baron Strucker) - by Prime Eternal
Schoen, Sgt. (Devil's Island soldier)
Schroeder, Karl (Combat Kelly boxing opponent) - by Prime Eternal
Schroeder, Ludwig (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Schultz, Wilhelm (Silver Sable foe) - by Will U
Shark-Man (WWII, Sub-Mariner foe) - by Grendel Prime
Shultz, Gustav (Nazi Fifth Columnists)
Skinhead (Neo-Nazi, Spider-Man foe) - by Will U & Prime Eternal
Skul, Gretchyn (General Skul's daughter)
Skulls (neo-nazis, Aryan's gang)
Skyshark (Invaders/Liberty Legion foe) - by Spidermay
Spider-Queen (Invaders character) - by Ronald Byrd
Spike (Circus of Death member) - by Chadman
Steimle, Dr. Lola (Nazi doctor)
Stein, Emil (Captain America/Iron Man foe)
Steinem, Dr. Kurt (Deadly Dozen foe) - by Prime Eternal
Stohl, Frank (Nazi Fifth Columnists)
Stryker, Karl (Captain America foe) - by Markus Raymond
Swarm (Fritz von Meyer, Spider-Man/Champions foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Sweikert, Dr. Max (Nazi surgeon, Deadly Dozen foe) - by Prime Eternal
Sydenham, Geoffrey (American Nazi sympathizer, Wolverine/Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Teutonic Knight (WW2, Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond
3-21 (Nazi disguise artist, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Thule (Cloak & Dagger foe)
time-bomb (used by Herr Mole, Human Torch story)
Tommy Thumb (Circus of Death member) - by Chadman
Trapeze Trio (Circus of Death members) - by Chadman
Trefkov, Ivan (Genesis Coalition, Silver Sable foe) - by Spidermay
Triple Destruction (Whizzer foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Tuschoff, Major (Festung von Furcht)
Uber Alles (Neo-Nazi Inhuman) - by Chadman
Übermädchen (Miss America/1950s Avengers foes) - by Markus Raymond
unnamed anarchist assassin (Invaders foe)
Veiled Violinist (WW II, Patriot (Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
Vernichtungs Kommandos (Nazis, Captain America foes) - by Markus Raymond
Vichy Vixen (Übermädchen)
Volker, Berthold (Agent Axis component)
Von Boom (Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
von Eisenbluth, Luther (Elektra foe)
von Himmel, Eric (Young Avenger foe) - by Grendel Prime
von Kimmer, Martinus (Nazi, awakened Nazi Sleeper)
von Logor, Wilhelm (Nazi, Headline Hunter foe)
von Richt (failed Nazi agent) - by Chadman
von Sydow, Fritz (Blitzkrieg Squad)
von Voltzman, Fritz of Earth-9904
Vulture (WW2, Captain America foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Vunderknight (Nazi, 1959s Avengers foe) - by Markus Raymond
Wasserreich of Earth-717
Wax Man (World War II era Nazi agent, Captain America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Weiss, Otto (World War II, Namor foe)
Whisper (Karl Reifschneider, Magneto foe) - by Markus Raymond
Wolfmann, Kerta (Nazi, awakened Nazi Sleeper)
Wolves (Nazis, Combat Kelly foes)
Zahnmörder (Vernichtungs Kommando, Captain America foe)
Zandow (Circus of Death member) - by Chadman
Zemo, Heinrich (12th Baron Zemo) - by Prime Eternal
Zyklon (Heinrich Himmler)
Last updated: 04/29/05
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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