Pre-Modern era
(1960 to just prior to Fantastic Four I#1 (Marvel Time))
Aaron the Sorcerer (xd pre-FF sorcerer) - by Spidermay
Able Chairs (Adam Able)
Abominable Snowman (Marvel monster character)
About Face (Daredevil story, virus)
Adam Able (pre-FF alien) - by Future
Adams, Bud (vampire, Ravencroft character) - by Chadman
Aerivar the 18th (Inhuman, Sky-Island king) - by Chadman
Agamotto (Vishanti, Doctor Strange character)
Aged Genghis (Dr. Strange character)
Agent Axis (WW2, Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Agent Colby (First Line character) - by Norvo
Agent Groza (First Line character)
Ainsley-Jones, Katherine (vampire, Mortigan Goth foe)
Albert ?? (encountered Chondu the Mystic)
Alchem-Tech (virus, used by Nocturne)
Alice (Strange Tales)
"Monster" Ambassador (alien Supreme Council of Civilized Planets ambassador) - by Loki
alien champion (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
alligator (1960s, fought Monstrom)
Alma ?? (Flatiron's wife)
Amanda ?? (encountered Cyclops (monster), pre-FF)
Amber ?? (Dracula character)
Anders, Mrs. (wife of Alfred, Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Anders, Alfred (WWII soldier serving alongside Captain America)
Anderson, Wilhelmina (Jane Foster & Runa character)
Anne ?? (encountered Roc)
Antiquary (exiled Thieves Guild member, Gambit character)
Anubis of Earth-Shadowline (Doctor Zero foe)
Anuxa (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
"ape creatures" ("Twilight World" race)
Ape Man (Gruner, pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Aqhat (Annunaki god, Citizven V foe)
Aquaticons (Dr. Druid/Droom foe)
Architect (Elektra foe) - by Future
Arsenal (Avengers/Hulk foe(s) ) - by Stunner, Madison Carter & Prime Eternal (after retcon)
Ashton, George (Pandora character)
Asp (Living Mummy, Ms. Marvel character)
asteroid (new home of Victor Farrington)
atomic machine (mutated Bruttu)
atomic transmitter (caused Mekano to run amok)
August, Darla ("snow vampire")
Aunt May (Linda Brown's aunt)
Auto-Disintegrator (Zetora's gun)
Automatic Car Wash (1960s, run by con artist Rocky Baines)
Axis (First Line foe) - by Norvo
Azazel (Serayn-created artificial intelligence, Undying/Cable character)
"Bachman, Steve" (encountered Monster in the Cellar)
Baines, Rocky (1960s con artist, encountered Martian prisoner) - by Ron Fredricks
Baker, Sally (pre-modern, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Bard, Eli (Eliphas, vampiric Selene servant) - by Proto-Man
Barge, Hugo (Pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Barlow, Abel (crew of the Serpent's Crown)
Barlow, Sam (created Melting Pot)
Baron Blood (John Falsworth, Invaders foe) - by Prime Eternal
Barstow, Clem (Ghost Rider (Blaze) foe) - by Don Campbell
Battle Wagon ("Road Warriors", First Line story)
Baxter, Joe (Ozamm)
Baxter, Mr. (Gigantus foe)
Bayan (Reed Richards story)
Beast Man (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
Beelzeboul (Terror foe)
"Beings from Beyond" (ghosts)
Belasco (Otherplace, X-Men/New Mutants/Ka-Zar foe)
Bellis, Clodette (wife of Ernest)
Bellis, Ernest (cousin of Henry)
Bellis, Henry (grandson of Martin, Darla August victim)
Bellis, Martin (father of Martin, Darla August victim)
Bellis, Mary (daughter of Martin)
Bellis house (Bellis family, haunted by "snow vampire" Darla August)
Bellweather, Theresa (About Face)
Ben ?? (thug, beaten by "Fourth Man")
Bentley (Simon Drudd's partner)
Bentley, Edward (Scorpion foe)
Bentley, John (Tales to Astonish time traveler) - by Ron Fredricks
Bey, Jameel (First Line foe)
Biggotty, Horace Milton IV (Lilith--Daughter of Dracula character)
Biggotty, Horace Milton V (Lilith--Daughter of Dracula character)
Billy ?? (Inhumans character) - by Chadman
Billy ?? (1960s, encountered Monstrom)
Binder, Sam (encountered Monstro)
Black Axe (Marvel UK) - by Changeling
Black Bee (Spider-Man character) - by Ronald Byrd
Black Clock (Journey into Mystery) - by Future
Black Fox (First Line member) - by Norvo
Blackjack (First Line member) - by Norvo
Black Marvel (Golden Age hero, Slingers character) - by Norvo
Blake (pre-FF character)
Blasco, Lawrence (1970s vampire)
Blaze, Barton (Johnny Blaze's father) - by Proto-Man
Blip (Blip race)
Blips (Marvel monster race)
Bloodstone Manor (Ulysses Bloodstone)
Bobby ?? (1960s, poor child, owned robot teddy bear)
Bombu (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Bootblack (1960s angel, punished Simon Sledge)
Boris (Doctor Doom's aide, Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo
Bova (New Men, Avengers character)
Brad the Micronaut (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Bridges, Mrs. (Cassidy Keep employee) - by Proto-Man
Briggs, Tony (preteen boy, assisted in creation of Mechano)
Brother Steven (Children of the Night)
Brother Tode (Deviant, Eternals foe) - by Norvo
Brown, Linda (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Bruce ?? (Tales to Astonish, encountered Floating Head)
Bruiser (Mole Men foe)
Bruno ?? (William Cartwright's bodyguard)
Bucky (zombie Invaders)
Burgos, Carl (real life Timely/Marvel Comics artist, Human Torch ("Jim Hammond") ally) - by Proto-Man
Burke, Anne (Henry Burke's wife, Sserpo enemy)
Burke, Henry (Sserpo enemy)
Burke, Tom (werewolf, 1973)
Burton (encountered Zog)
Byelai, Odette (vampire, Dracula character)
Café Papillon (1960s cafe)
Calhoun, Joseph "Licorice" (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
Callahan, "Big" Mike (Spider-Man character, Squid's father)
Cambers, Alynn (Thing character) - by Norvo
Candra (Externals, X-Men/Gambit character)
Captain (Stone Men)
Captain America of Earth-8160 (Jeff Mace, Gates of What If?)
Captain America of Earth-8160 (Jack Monroe, Gates of What If?)
Captain America (drill instructor, Punisher character) - by Proto-Man
Captain America (zombie Invaders)
Captain Fate (Man-Thing foe)
Captain Hip (First Line character) - by Norvo
Captain Tim (Tim Mulrooney, Captain Wonder sidekick) - by Norvo
car/spaceship (Martian prison transport, taken by Rocky Baines)
Carmody, Mary (First Line character) - by Norvo
Carmody Institute (First Line HQ)
Carol ?? (1960s, owned Teddy)
Carstairs, Albert (Journey into Mystery)
Carter, Jim of Earth-5391 (great-grandfather of Speed Carter) - by ZuckyD1
Carter, John (Torr foe)
Carter, Tad (pre-modern era, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Cartwright, John (Titan foe)
Cartwright, Victor (Dragoom foe)
Cartwright, Victor (Lizard Men foe)
Cartwright, William (alien Four-Armed Men foe)
Casey ?? (encountered Shadow Man)
Cassandra 4 of Earth-21766 (NASA rocket, designed/stolen by Reed Richards) - by Proto-Man
Cassidy Keep (ancestral Cassidy family castle) - by Proto-Man
Cathy ?? (discovered "Twilight World")
Ceausescu, Ionel (First Line foe)
Centaurans (xt, pre-modern era)
Centurious (Ghost Rider foe) - by Barry Reese
Centurius (Conspiracy, Nick Fury/Bloodstone/Avengers character)
Chaos Mites (Skreet's race, Diableri creations) - by Donald Campbell
Charlie ?? (Gigantus foe)
Charlie ?? (encountered Chondu the Mystic)
Charnel (Undead MC)
"Chief" (pre-modern, Mallon's boss)
Children of the Night (Werewolf by Night foes) - by Markus Raymond
Chimera (Zuhn)
Chinook (Alpha Flight foe) - by Grendel Prime
Chip ?? (encountered "Speed Demon")
Chomen, Debra (vampire, Vampire Tales)
Chomen, George (vampire, Vampire Tales)
Chondu the Mystic (Headmen) - by Chadman
Christianson, Roberta (vampire, Dracula foe)
Chthon (the Other, Elder God, author of the Darkhold) - by Patrick D Ryall
Churchill Prep (Jason Thornehill school; Vampire Tales story)
Clarke, Walter (Cult of the Third Moon)
Claw of Bast (Reed Richards story)
Cleito (Man-Thing character)
Cliff ?? of Earth-21766 (NASA security guard circa 1961)
Collins, Dirk (Maaboo)
Colonel America (Project: Rebirth operative) - by David Lawrence
Colossus of Earth-60672 (super-computer) - by Prime Eternal
Comet (Champions of Xandar, Fantastic Four/Nova character) - by Norvo
Commander Hartnell (encountered Titano)
"Committee of prominent people" (Monstrollo foes)
Conrad, Lewis (Taboo foe)
Contrares, Anastasia (Fantastic Four character)
control panel (used to control "Isaac Nicholson's" robot teddy bear)
Conway, Sweeney (vampire, Vampire Tales character)
Cooke, Joe (pre-FF Merlin foe) - by John Kaminski
Cooper, Bill (Midnight Monster foe)
Cooper, Fred (Lizard Men foe)
Corby, Bud (1932-1973, resurrected by Mysterious Fan Boy)
Cosmic Radio (Zetora's radio)
Cosmic X-23 Spaceship (Zetora's spaceship)
court (banished Victor Farrington)
Cragstone, Jarvis (Scarecrow foe)
Craig (federal agent, caught Ozak)
Creature From the Black Bog (giant monster) - by Prime Eternal
crew of the Serpent's Crown (Man-Thing foes)
Creyton house (abandoned, used by Walter Phelps)
Crimebuster (Frank Moore, Champions of Xandar, Fantastic Four/Nova character) - by Norvo
Crimson Commando (Frank Bohannan, Freedom Force, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Cro ("Twilight World" inhabitant)
Cross, Lucas (Blade's father, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond & Julien Vivé
Crusader (Thelius, Fantastic Four foe) - by Norvo
Cult of the Third Moon (Werewolf by Night foes) - by Markus Raymond
Cummings, Diana (film actress, romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Cummings, John (Dimension of Doom)
Cunningham, Martin (vampire, Jason Thornehill enemy)
"Curtiss, Lance" (1960s sci-fi character) - by John Kaminski
Cyclops (Tales of Suspense monster) - by Madison Carter
Dare, Rossalyn (Squire's wife)
Dark Mairi of the Shore (Spider-Man character)
Dark Wind (Daredevil/Wolverine character)
Davis, Samuel (Spider-Woman (Drew) character) - by Norvo
Dawes, Harry (encountered Stone Men)
Dawkins, Morgan (vampire, Vampire Tales) possibly
Deadly Ernest (Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo
Death Man (Mortus)
"Decoy-5" (Mister Justice character) - by Ron Fredricks
Decyst, Daniel (Hulk character) - by Caesar Godzillatron
Dematerializing Machine (invented by Duncan Sloan)
Destine, Florence (ClanDestine, older clairvoyant) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Gracie (ClanDestine, X-Men character) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Maurice (ClanDestine, alias Maurice Fortuit)
Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, Golden Age hero, later V-Battalion commander) - by Proto-Man
Deth (xt planet, Ozak's homeworld)
Dethan (metamorphs, Ozak's race)
Deveraux, Magrite (Banshee character) - by MarvellousLuke
Devil Rig (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Dexter, John (pre-modern, vanished in mall)
Dherk (Ka-Zar character)
"Diesel of Doom!" (Clem Barstow's truck)
dimetrodon ("Twilight World")
Divine Wolf (Shu-Hu, K'un-Lun warrior)
Dixon, John of Earth-5106 (20th century, Space Squadron character)
Doctor John Dee (Elizabethan occultist and immortal) - by Loki
Dr. Domino (pre-FF mutate, Strange Tales) - by John Kaminski
Doctor Doom of Earth-21766 (Latverian despot, Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Druid (Anthony Ludgate Druid, former Avenger...first super hero of the Marvel Age) - by Proto-Man
Dr. Krause (Namor foe) - by Chadman
Dr. Smith (Journey into Mystery)
Dog Brother #1 (Immortal Weapons, Iron Fist character) - by Minor Irritant
Dolly (xt child, 1960s Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Dolman, Gray (Spider-Man/Spider-Woman foe) - by Minor Irritant
Don Vischetti (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Donder, Jerry (vampire, 1975 AD)
Dracula (1430-modern era) - A literal MONSTER of a profile - by the Masters of the Obscure
Drago, Bull (Totem foe)
Dragonblood, Ulysses (Deviant, X-Force ally) - by Prime Eternal
Dragoom (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Droom (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Drothor (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Drudd, Simon (pre-FF scientist) - by Madison Carter
drug dealers (Texas Ranger Ghost Rider foes)
Duncan ?? (encountered Cyclops (monster), pre-FF)
Duncan, Fred (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Dutch (Jerry Donder's dog, 1970s)
D'Var (Shi'ar scout) - by Proto-Man
Dwane, Stephen (encountered Kusoom)
Earth-Crawlers (Journey into Mystery) - by Future
Earth-62321 (alternate future Uranus planet) - by Proto-Man
Edward ?? of Earth-21766 (advisor to Pres. Ronald Reagan circa 1984) - by Proto-Man
Effigy (First Line member) - by Norvo
"Electrans" (pre-FF xd race) - by John Kaminski
electric sword of Jim Fitzpatrick (Eternal Brain story)
Ellen (Sorcerer's mother)
Emil ?? (Children of the Night)
Emperor of Mongolia (Eternal Brain foe) - by Norvo
Eric ?? (Lucius Farnsworth enemy)
Eternal Brain (First Line member) - by Norvo
Ethel ?? (Monsteroso character)
Ethel ?? (encountered Chondu the Mystic)
Evans, Alice (Leslie's wife)
Evans, Leslie (Groot foe)
Everett, Bill (real life Timely/Marvel Comics artist, Human Torch ("Jim Hammond") ally) - by Proto-Man
Explorers' Club (group of adventurers)
Eye of Bast (Reed Richards story)
Fabius, Emerich (Duncan Sloan victim)
Farnsworth, Craig (Promise, X-Men character) - by Norvo
Farnsworth, Lucius (horror character) - by Prime Eternal
Farnsworth, Vincent (Tales of Suspense character, mutant) - by John Kaminski
Farrington, Victor (encountered Centauran)
Father Time (Elder of the Universe, Captain America foe) - by Proto-Man
Ferman, Troy (werewolf foe, hunter @ 1973)
"figment"/Khlog (Dr. Strange foe)
Fillardi, Pete (Sleepy Hollow resident) - by Proto-Man
Fin Fang Foom (Dragon Lord, Iron Man foe) - by Madison Carter
Firefall (First Line member) - by Norvo
First Line (1950s to pre-modern era heroes) - by Norvo
Fisher, Ambrose (Montclair's attorney)
Fitch, Emil (Marak foe)
Fitzpatrick, Jim (First Line character) - by Norvo
Fixer (Roscoe Sweeny, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Flatiron (First Line member) - by Norvo
Fleming, Paul (encountered Mummex)
Fletcher, Henry (encountered "The Watcher")
Floating Head (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
Flying Fox (Black Fox's vehicle)
Fontanelle (Black Womb's daughter, Gambit character)
Fooh (K'un-Lun scientist, Iron Fist character)
force field gun (used by Insect Man's son)
Ford, Justin (1950s evil Spellbound mutant)
Forever Man (Captain America and Avengers foe)
Forgotten One (Gilgamesh, Eternals & Avengers member) - by Prime Eternal
Four-Armed Men (xt, 1960s invaders) - by Ron Fredricks
Four Winds (Elektra foes) - by Future
"Fourth Man" (1960s, living statue) - by Ron Fredricks
Fox, Charlie (encountered "Howler")
Foxhole (Black Fox hideout)
Frank ?? (Moomba foe)
Frank (First Line character) - by Ron Fredricks possibly Frankenstein's Monster
Friedan, Betty of Earth-21766 (feminist author/icon, Invisible Woman ally) - by Proto-Man
Frog-Man (Strange Tales) - by Future
Fu Manchu (the greatest fiend the world has ever known, Shang-Chi's father) - by Prime Eternal
Gadfly (First Line character) - by Norvo
Gage, Les (television newscaster, impersonated by Ozak)
Galvez, Alfonso (Duncan Sloan victim)
Gammus (pre-FF alien/cyborg) - by John Kaminski
Gargantus (1960s, carnival gorilla, encountered by Victor Phillips)
Gargantus (aquatic Marvel Monster) - by Prime Eternal
Gargoyle (Strange Tales) - by Future
Garlick, Greg (ghost, Great Lakes Avengers ally) - by Proto-Man
Garnett, Frank (romance character)
Garnett, Mark (encountered Rro)
Garnett, Martha (Mark's wife)
Gaul, Volan (vampire, Vampire Tales)
Geist (Wolverine foe)
Genie (transformed Freddy Sykes)
Genie (pre-FF, served and later trapped Mike Morgan) - by Ron Fredricks
Ghost of Grismore Castle (pre-modern ghost) - by Spidermay
Ghost Tiger (Night Raven foe) - by LV
giant diamond (formerly owned by Manoo)
Giant from Outer Space of Earth-59594 (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
giant white bird ("Twilight World")
Gigantus - by Prime Eternal
Glob (pre-FF alien invader) - by Grendel Prime
Gloria ?? (encountered Trull the Unhuman)
Godzilla (Night Raven foe)
Golden Grenadier (unpublished Marvel UK title, 1950s British hero) - by Loki
Goliath (Gigantus)
Gomdulla (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Gomurr the Ancient (Juggernaut/X-Men character) - by Norvo
Gorak (pre-FF character) - by Future
Gordon, Tom (romance character)
Gorgilla (Marvel Monster, Fin Fang Four member) - by Norvo
Gorgolla (Marvel Monster, Stonians) - by MarvellousLuke
"Gorilla from Outer Space" (1960s, encountered by Mike Mullins)
Gor-Kill (Marvel Monster, Tales of Suspense) - by Madison Carter
Gorko (Tales to Astonish#55)
Gorman, Cleve (Frank Castle war foe)
Gorosaur (Mento foe)
Grant, Richard Thomas (Broadway Project)
green mist (dimensional portal to "Twilight World")
Green Thing (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Grimstone, Horace (vampire, Vampire Tales) possibly
Grismore Castle (haunted castle)
Groff of Earth-62321 (Uranian criminal) - by Proto-Man
Grogg (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Groot (Marvel Monster) - by Prime Eternal, Madison Carter, Donald Campbell & MarvellousLuke
Gross, Bobby (Bizarre Adventures, haunted by sister) - by Markus Raymond
Gross, Lillian (Bobby Gross' mother)
Gross, Milton (Bobby Gross' father)
"Gross, Roberta" (Bobby Gross' sister)
Grottu (Marvel monster)
Grozick, Igor (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Gruber (Journey into Mystery)
Gruff, Gorgi (Adam Able foe)
Gruto (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Gus ?? (student at Churchill Prep, Jason Thornehill character)
Haag (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Hadley, Wally (Tales to Astonish)
Hall, Clinton (Broadway Project)
Hamilton, Dr. Jerome (Blind Justice, Scientists Guild/Three X's/Enclave member)
Hampton, Fred (real-life African-American activist) - by Proto-Man
Hanson, Bart (encountered Trull the Unhuman)
Harold (Journey into Mystery)
Harper, Dan (Pandora character)
Harper, Joe (Xemnu the Titan foe)
Harper, Paul (1960s, discovered "Twilight World")
Harris, Sam (pre-FF character)
Harris, Steel (Nick Fury foe) - by John Kaminski
Hartnell, David (Stonians foe)
Hathaway, Jacob "Hath" (Monster Hunters associate, archivist)
Hathaway, Stanley (pre-modern era Explorers' Club associate)
Hawking, Stephen (famous English physicist and astronomer) - by MarvellousLuke
Heart of Candra (gem imbued with essence of Candra's real heart)
Hederman, Lottie (Charlotte Eikenski, Black Widow foe) - by Markus Raymond
Helen ?? (Thorg foe)
Hellbilly (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Hell-Driver (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
He-Who-Summons (Watcher, High Tribunal) - by Patrick D Ryall & Donald Campbell
Hicks, Bill of Earth-21766 (comedian, David Letterman guest) - by Proto-Man
High Priest (encountered Gomdulla)
Hobbs, Ben (Journey into Mystery, possible scarecrow) - by Ron Fredricks
home of Carla and Gerry Thornehill (New England, Vampire Tales story)
Honky Tonk zombies (Hellbilly foes)
Hopkins, George B. (creator of Mechano)
"Howler" (Tales of Suspense monster) - by John Kaminski
Howler (First Line foe)
Hua, Kuai (Dracula servant)
Hudson, Charles (Monstrollo character)
Hugo, Edvard (First Line character) - by Norvo
Hulk (Albert Poole, pre-FF character) - by Prime Eternal
Hulk (Glop, pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Human Torch of Earth-8160 (Jim Hammond, Defenders)
Human Torch (zombie Invaders)
Hunk (Totem foe)
Hunt, Ashley (time traveler, 1960s) - by Ron Fredricks
Hunter, John (pre-FF character)
hunting cabin of Troy Ferman (@ 1973, werewolf hunter)
hunting trophy of Troy Ferman (@ 1972-1973)
Huntingcut, Josiah (Broadway Project)
Hyena (Henry Mortonson, Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by Markus Raymond
Hypno-Creature (Dimension of Doom)
Ice Box Bob (Johnny Blaze foe) - by Markus Raymond
Ice-Monster (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
idols of Kraa (Wabuzi tribe)
Ignatius Rex (Green Thing foe)
"Impossible Spaceship" (1960s, Strange Tales alien) - by Ron Fredricks
Indigo, Odysseus (Deviant, Damocles Foundation CEO) - by Prime Eternal
Infra-Red Machine (Strange Tales)
Insect Man (Marvel Monster, subterranean insectoid scientist) - by Markus Raymond
insectoid race (subterranean species)
Invaders (alien race) - by Future
Invaders (Martian movie characters) - by Future
Invaders (zombies, First Line foes)
Iquitos (M'Gumbu's stribe)
Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler, Invaders/Thunderbolts character)
Jaffe, Professor David (Queen ally, Spider-Man foe)
Jameson, "Old Man" (Daily Bugle, World War II)
Jaxon, Jerry (Omega Flight member) - by John Kaminski
Jeremy ?? (Hydropolis, Hulk character)
Jim ?? (Carol's husband, she owned Teddy)
Joe ?? (Adventures of Terror character) - by Spaceknight
John ?? (encountered Roc)
John ?? (ally of Creature From the Black Bog)
John ?? (1960s, encountered Monstrom)
Johnny ?? (encountered Scarecrow)
Johnson, Burt (1975 Chicago, pimp/vampire killer)
Johnson, Cal (son of Frank Johnson)
Johnson, Frank (Zzutak creator/foe)
Johnson, Walter (TV newscaster, exposed Meeks)
Jones, Albert "Slow-Motion" (Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Jones, Billy (encountered Manoo)
Jones, Cathy (1960s, played with xt child Dolly)
Jones, Gullivar (Warrior of Mars, 1 billion BC) - by Grendel Prime
Jones, Orji (Blade ally, Dracula foe)
Jones, Dr. Ricardo of Earth-21766 (NASA astro-biologist, jealous Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man
Jones, Timothy (1960s, Cathy's father, found Dolly)
Jordan (1960s ghost hunter) - by John Kaminski
Juggernaut (first avatar of Cyttorak) - by Proto-Man
Juggernaut (Jin Taiko, Cyttorak avatar) - by Proto-Man
Juhasz, Andras (vampire, Vampire Tales) - by Loki
Jupiterians (Sserpo enemies)
Kaa (Warlord Kaa)
Kale, Dante (Dan Ketch/Johnny Blaze ancestor, Ghost Rider character) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Destin (17th century, Johnny Blaze/Dan Ketch ancestor) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Magdelena (17th century, Johnny Blaze/Dan Ketch ancestor) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Naomi (mother of Dan Ketch & Johnny Blaze, Ghost Rider character)
Kale, Noble (Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch's spirit of vengeance) - by Proto-Man
Kaluu (Doctor Strange/Mighty Avengers character) - by Markus Raymond
Kane, Eric (pre-FF, Lizard Men) - by John Kaminski
Kane, Roderick of Earth-62192 (would-be conqueror from the 51st century) - by AvatarWarlord72
Karindu, Omar (Dr. Strange character)
Karthon the Questor (Namor character)
Kartu Kon (Astonishing character, alien) - by John Kaminski
Katu (Moomba foe)
Katyusha (First Line member) - by Norvo
Kawa (African tribe, encountered Monsteroso)
Kenwell, Marcia (Monsters Unleashed/Cockroach Conspiracy character)
Khadijah (First Line character) - by Norvo
Khafre (Reed Richards story)
Khlog (Strange Tales III character)
Khonshu (Egyptian God)
Khordes (satyr, Man-Thing character)
Kimura, Asano (Wolverine character)
Kit ?? (Churchill Prep student, Jason Thornehill character)
Kleinfeldt, Lorna (Silver Sable character) - by Spidermay
Kole, Max (drummer, cursed by Madame Grimm)
Konak, Karlos (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Kopnik, Franz (Mordoo character)
Korilla (alien invader, Journey into Mystery) - by Grendel Prime
Korumbu ("helped" Hugo Barge)
Korya (Skrull, First Line foe) - Norvo
Kraa the Unhuman (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Kraggoom (1960s smoke-like alien monster) - by Prime Eternal
Kragoo (Journey into Mystery) - by Madison Carter
Krass, Roger (Creatures on the Loose character) - by Sammy7D
Krills (xt race, pre-FF era) - by John Kaminski
Kristall Starrer (Johnny Blaze foe) - by Markus Raymond
Krogg (Dr. Druid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Krueger, Freddy (Nightmare on Elm Street dream demon) - by Proto-Man
Krumhauen, Luther (Journey into Mystery)
Krunk, Joe (carnival owner, encountered Martian Luxurr)
Kuhn (Journey into Mystery)
Kunga (1960s, Journey into Mystery alien "gorilla") - by Ron Fredricks
Kusoom (Pretender, pre-FF alien) - by Madison Carter
"Kyrkalin" (pre-FF alien) - by John Kaminski
Laddie (1960s, Frank Miller's dog)
Lady Lotus (Super-Axis, Invaders foe) - by Prime Eternal & Snood
"Lagoon Creature of Rising Sun" (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
"Langenscheidt", Hans (Gustav "Schultz" victim)
Lao-Tse the Mystic (Reed Richards story)
La Roc, Pierre (1960s criminal, encountered living statues) - by Ron Fredricks
La Rocca, Joseph (Don Vischetti's right-hand)
Larry ?? (Diana Cummings' agent, romance character)
Laura ?? (encountered Gruto)
Lectronn (Marvel Age) - by Monzo - maybe ??
Lei Kung the Thunderer (Iron Fist character)
Lester, John (Raffington sheriff, aided Martian migrant Nardo)
Lewis, Dr. Thomas (Broadway Project)
Liberty Girl (First Line member) - by Norvo
Linus (Thorg foe)
Lisa ?? (servant of Mary Bellis)
Lisle (vampire, Dracula character)
Lithodia Rexians (pre-FF aliens) - by Madison Carter
Living Shadow (Warlord Kaa)
"living statues" (encountered Mike Rugger)
living wax statues (1960s, encountered by Pierre La Roc)
Lizard Men (Deviants, Monster Hunter foes) - by Prime Eternal
Lobo (Red Wolf/Thomas Thunderhead companion)
Logan of Earth-65 (Spider-Woman/Gwen Stacy foe) - by Minor Irritant
Lo-Karr (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Loop (Black Cat character) - by Spidermay
Lord Tuan (K'un-Lun, Iron Fist character)
Lou ?? (encountered Krills)
Lubischt, Dr. Franz (Nazi, Genesis Coalition)
Lucas, Esther (Luke Cage's mother) - by Proto-Man
Lucifer (the fallen angel, Ghost Rider (Blaze) foe) - by Markus Raymond
Lumpkin, Willie (Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo
"Lurkers" (Doctor Druid foes) - by Ron Fredricks
Luxurr (Martian, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Lynwood, "Benton" (encountered "Electrans")
Maaboo (Pre-FF Monster) - by Future
Mace, Jeff (Golden Age, former Captain America/Patriot) - by Proto-Man
Madame Grimm (pre-modern sorceress) - by Ron Fredricks
"Magic Bullet" (Vârcolac item)
Magneto (no, not him--a pre-Fantastic Four character) - by Prime Eternal
Magnum, Moses (Avengers, Black Panther, Deathlok, Power Man, X-Men foe)
Major Ford (Tales to Astonish)
Major Carlson (doctor, Avengers ally) - by Prime Eternal
Makka (xt, Aquila Centurius, Strange Tales) - by Ron Fredricks
Mako (First Line foe) - by Norvo
Mallon (pre-modern store detective, vanished) - by Ron Fredricks
Man from the 5th Dimension (pre-FF alien, Stan Lee/Steve Ditko foe) - by John Kaminski
Man in the Rat Hole (Worm Man)
Manoo (pre-FF alien) - by Ron Fredricks
Marak (pre-FF monster) - by Future
Markas (used Drothor-mask)
Markham, Harry (Strange Tales character) - by Spidermay
Marlowe, Bret (Haag foe)
Marlowe, Lily (ca. 1975, turned by Lawrence Blasco)
Marsh, Henry (Vincent Farnsworth foe)
Marshall, John (encountered Molitis Microbe)
Marshall, Paul (pre-FF monster)
Marshall, Victor (Marvel monster hero) - by Prime Eternal
Martha ?? (Journey into Mystery)
Martha (ally of Creature From the Black Bog)
Martians (alien race) - by Future
Martians (Luxurr's race)
"Martian Flying Saucer" (1960s, Tales of Suspense alien) - by Ron Fredricks
Martian Masters (Freedom's Five, Invaders & Men on the Wall foes)
Martian Who Stole a City (Marvel monster character) - possibly not Earth-616
Martian Who Walks Among Us (Strange Tales) - by Future
Mason, Jake (Bombu foe)
Master Izo (former member of Hand and Chaste, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Master Khan (Power Man, Iron Fist, and Namor foe)
Master of Matrix Eight (Matrix Eight)
masters in the Soviet Union (Igor Grozick superiors)
Matrix Eight (Captain America foes)
McClary, Calvin (Franklin Pierce National Bank manager, Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
McFleet, Pete (1960s businessman, loved spreadsheets)
McGee, Ralph (Night Raven foe)
McGee, Vinnie (Night Raven foe)
McGak, Big Monk (encountered Mister Zero)
McGowan, R.R. (Raffington citizen, employed Martian migrant Nardo)
M'Dammen, Azu (Blade ally, Dracula foe)
Meachum, Harold (Iron Fist foe)
Mechano (1960s giant robot) - by Ron Fredricks
Meeks (xt, alternate Earth invaders) - by Ron Fredricks
Melting Pot (pre-FF sci-fi item) - by John Kaminski
Mento (Strange Tales character) - by John Kaminski
Messenger, Tobias (Promise, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
M'Gumbu (pre-FF sorcerer) - by Future
Midnight Monster - by Ben Peberdy, Spaceknight
Miller, Bill (pre-modern, vanished in mall)
Miller, Frank (1960s, feared plotting dogs) - by Ron Fredricks
Missing Link (Pre-FF Monster) - by Future
Mrs. Hadley (Tales to Astonish)
Mr. Jordan (Black Clock, Journey into Mystery)
Mr. Hadley (Tales to Astonish)
Mister Howard (ghost) - by Future
Mister Justice (First Line member) - by Norvo
Mister Lang (Tales to Astonish character)
Mister Lao (lung dragon adviser to the Atlas Foundation) - by Proto-Man
Mr. P (Tales of Suspense character) - by John Kaminski
Mr. Pitt (crew of the Serpent's Crown)
Mr. Vanderbanks (New York banker, Hedy De Vine character) - by Loki
Mr. Vort (pre-FF character)
Mister Zero (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Mitchell, Dan (encountered Gruto)
Mole Men (pre-FF) - by Future
Molitis Microbe (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Molten Man-Thing - by the Prime Eternal
Monsieur Khruul (Mantis uncle)
Monster (pre-FF monster) - by Future
Monster (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
Monster (At My Window) (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Monster (Escapes) (pre-FF alien) - by Madison Carter
Monster in the Cellar (Tales of Suspense monster) - by John Kaminski
"Monster Men" (alien invaders, Korilla)
Monster That Walked Like A Man (Gigantus)
Monsteroso (Marvel Monster)
Monsteroso (micro-monster) - by Prime Eternal
Monsters of Bald Mountain (Marvel monster character)
Monstro (pre-FF monster) - by John Kaminski
Monstro (pre-FF monster) - by John Kaminski
Monstrollo (Marvel Monster) - by Loki
Monstrom (Marvel monster character)
Montclair, Beauregard IV (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Moomba (pre-Marvel monster) - by Sammy7D
Moorg (Marvel horror character) - by Grendel Prime
Mordoo (pre-FF sorcerer) - by Future
"Morgan, Anne" (xt, Four-Armed Men)
Morgan, Joe (criminal, transported to Earth-62321) - by Proto-Man
Morgan, Mike (encountered a genie, pre-FF) - by Ron Fredricks
Morlak, Maris (Enclave)
Morph (First Line member) - by Norvo
Morrison, Henry (encountered Kartu Kon)
Morton, Jack (Sorcerer's father)
Morton, Tom (Sorcerer's uncle)
Mortus (Dracula foe)
Mother (Atlantean/Pangean robot, Ka-Zar foe)
mountain lion (1960s, slain by Teddy)
Mullins, Mike (1960s, Tales of Suspense character, encountered alien gorilla) - by Ron Fredricks
Mummex (pre-FF alien) - by Madison Carter
Munch, Heinrich (Thing Called IT creator/host)
Musenda (Blade ally)
Mustin, Gus (Power Pack character) - by Markus Raymond
Nacht, Adelmo (Nazi, father of Axl Nacht/Gotteskrieger)
Naga (Namor character)
Namor the Sub-Mariner (zombie Invaders)
Namora (Aquaria Nautica Neptunia, Namora's cousin, Agents of Atlas member) - by MarvellousLuke
Nardo (pre-modern, Martian migrant) - by Ron Fredricks
Neanderthal tribe ("Twilight World")
"Neat" Pete Sligo (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Nebulos (extradimensional mystic, Dr. Strange foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Negus, Solomon (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Neptune (Olympian God) - by Alex K, Prime Eternal, Snood & Will U
"Nicholson, Isaac" (1960s, thieving inventor) - by Ron Fredricks
Nightingale (First Line member) - by Norvo
Ninja (Iron Fist foe)
Nocturne (First Line foe) - by Norvo
Norton, Otis (encounterd Ghost of Grismore Castle)
nuclear test (mutated Scarecrow)
Nurse Stanton (Churchill Prep, Jason Thornehill character)
O'Connor, Henry (Ghost Rider (Blaze) character) - by Proto-Man
Octo-Monster (Lizard Men)
Ol' Bailey (oak tree near Churchill Prep, Vampire Tales story)
Olddan, Miles (Asp ally)
old geezer (Black Clock, Journey into Mystery)
"Old Man" (Cloak's "precursor", Shadow (Larry Cranston) homage)
old worker (Harry Markham employee)
The One (repository of the knowledge of the Watchers, Fantastic Force/Fantastic Four character) - by Donald Campbell
The One (K'un-Lun robot, Iron Fist foe)
Oog (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Ordo Draconum (holy order, Daredevil characters) - by Chadman & Markus Raymond
O'Reilly, Eveline (Abraham van Helsing's daughter, Dracula character) - by MarvellousLuke
Orogo (Journey into Mystery) - by Future
Orphan (estraterrestrial creature) - by Markus Raymond
Orphelus (Dracula character)
Orrgo (Defenders foe, pre-Marvel monster)
Orrgo/Khlog (Strange Tales III character)
"Outer Space Object" (Journey into Mystery story)
Oxbow (First Line member) - by Norvo
Professor Henry Oxton (archeologist, Azazel foe, Cable story)
Ozak (pre-FF alien) - by John Kaminski & Ron Fredricks
Ozamm (pre-FF monster) - by Future
pain (alien substance, created the Glob)
Pandora (greek myth)
Pandora (Pilgrims Rock, 175h century ship, brought to Negative Zone, Fantastic Four story)
Parker, Joe (encountered Chondu the Mystic)
Parmenter, Anne (Bill's wife)
Parmenter, Bill (encountered Gargantus)
Parmenter, Dan (encountered Gargantus, Bill's father)
Passim, Eddie (Daredevil character)
Patch (crew of the Serpent's Crown)
"Patient in Room 3D" (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Paul ?? (encountered Gomdulla)
Peacekeeper (Daredevil character)
Peg-Leg Martin (Eternal Brain foe)
pencil (xt, used by "Lance Curtiss")
Persuader (Ernest Evans, Cloak & Dagger character)
Peterson (principal of Churchill Prep, Jason Thornehill character)
Petrovich, Ivan (Black Widow character) - by Chadman
Pharaoh (Dr. John Redfield's cat)
Phelps, Filbert (1960s time traveler, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
Phelps, Walter (time traveler, Tales of Suspense) - by Ron Fredricks
Phelps, Willy (1960s, time traveler) - by Ron Fredricks
Phil ?? (encountered Trull the Unhuman)
Phil ?? (Monsteroso character)
Phillips, Ice (Nam, Punisher character) - by Per Degaton
Phillips, Victor (1960s, Tales of Suspense character turned gorilla) - by Ron Fredricks
Pixie (First Line member) - by Norvo
Pizer (Excalibur character...mentioned anyway) - by Ronald Byrd
Pluto (Olympian God) - by Chadman & Will U
Pook, Alfred (Journey into Mystery) - by Future
Poole, Albert (pre-FF character) - by Prime Eternal
Poole, Elias (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Positron (First Line member) - by Norvo
the professor (Sporr creator)
Professor Ace (helped Brad the Micronaut)
Professor Barnes (1960s, Paul Harper's teacher)
Professor Berger (Azazel foe, Cable story)
Professor Dark (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Professor Kroft (Earth scientist, killed while accompanying the alien Zo into the sun)
Professor Serak (scientist, U.S. military)
Proto-Goblin (Nels van Adder)
pteranodon ("Twilight World")
Purple Gang (1970s, Captain Hip foes) - by Ron Fredricks
python (Kraa the Unhuman enemy)
Queen (Strange Tales)
Queen (Ana Soria, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Questers (Namor characters)
Quogg (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
radar outpost (Canada, invaded by Krills)
Rainbow Serpent (Aboriginal god of fertility)
rain control device (Journey into Mystery)
Ramsey, Paul (Torr foe)
Rand'Kai, Wendell (Iron Fist's father)
Rapunzel (First Line member) - by Norvo
rat (Worm Man foe)
Rawlings, Cedric (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
"ray machine" (fake used against Midnight Monster)
Rebound (First Line member) - by Norvo
Redek, Gary (She-Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Redfield, Dr. John (scientist, Frank Miller's friend)
Red Guardian (Alexi Shostakov, Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Redneck Smokie vampires (Devil Rig/Hell-Driver foes)
Red Skull (zombie, First Line foe)
Red Wolf of the 1970s (Thomas Thunderhead)
Reflex (First Line member) - by Norvo
Remus (Wolverine character) - by Markus Raymond
Rheinhardt, Martin (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Richards, Ted (Mr. Fantastic's uncle) - by Proto-Man
Riggio, Tony (Don Vischetti's bodyguard)
Riot-Act (First Line characer) - by Norvo
"Road Warriors" (Mister Justice foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Robertson, Bob (Spragg foe)
Robinson, Lucy (Promise, X-Men character) - by Norvo
robot laborers (Robot X enemies)
robot teddy bear (1960s, invented by "Isaac Nicholson")
Robot X (Amazing Adventures/Doc Samson character) - by Prime Eternal
rocket ship (Eternal Brain vehicle)
Rocky Mountains Hideaway (First Line HQ)
Rocs (monster birds, Sinbad foes) - by Madison Carter
Rodgers, Paul (Scorpion foe)
Rogers, Hank (Tales to Astonish, encountered Floating Head)
Rommbu (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Roth, Arnold (Captain America character) - by Norvo
Roxxon (A big evil corporation!) - by SQUEAK
Rro (pre-FF Marvel Monster) - by Markus Raymond
Rudolfo (Dr. Doom foe)
Rugger, Mike (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Rumor (First Line foe) - by Norvo
The Runway Bar of Earth-21766 (NYC bar owned/operated by Tony)
Russell Jr. (Flatiron's son)
Russoff, Gregor (Werewolf father) - by Loki
Ryking, Dr. Alexander (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Rypel (Hydropolis, Hulk foe)
Sablinova, Ernst (Silver Sable's father) - by Minor Irritant
sabre-tooth tiger ("Twilight World")
Sage, Henry (Blade/Spider-Man foe)
Sally ?? of Earth-21766 (Ben Grimm's former fiancee) - by Proto-Man
Salt, Henry (Journey into Mystery)
Sam ?? (handyman of Mary Bellis)
Sandman (pre-Marvel Monster) - by Madison Carter
Sara ?? (1960s, encountered Monstrom)
Sara ?? (encountered Mummex)
Sara's father (encountered Mummex)
Scalphunter (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Scarecrow (Marvel Monster, Strange Tales) - by Ron Fredricks
Scarlet Witch (Natalya Maximoff)
Sceptre of Bast (Reed Richards story)
"Schultz", Gustav (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Scimitar (First Line foe) - by Norvo
Scorpio (Jake Fury, Zodiac Cartel and LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal
Scorpion (pre-FF monster) - by Future
Scott, Lucy (encountered Aaron the Sorcerer)
Scythe (First Line foe) - by Norvo
Sgt. Mason (U.S. Army, caught by Insect Man)
Serpent's Crown (Captain fate's ship)
Shadow King (X-Men foe)
Shadow Man (pre-FF creature) - by John Kaminski
Shagg (Sphinx-like robot) - by Madison Carter
Shaw, Jacob (Sebastian Shaw's father)
Shinski, Wladyslav (Enclave)
Shocky Dan (1960s Hydra agent, Winter Soldier foe) - by Chadman
Shzzzllzzzthzz (Blip)
Sidney, Wally (clothier, Howard the Duck foe)
Sidney Land Conservative Clothiers (Wally Sidney's store, Howard the Duck story)
Si-Fan (Fu Manchu's minions) - by Prime Eternal
Silent Fox (Keewazi chief, Wyatt Wingfoot's grandfather) - by Prime Eternal
Simmons, Det. Benny (Heroes for Hire character) - by Proto-Man
Simon ?? (1960s, Ben Hobbs' nephew)
Simple Simon (Night Raven character) - by LV
Simpson, Abigail (pre-modern, vanished in mall)
Skipper (Anuxa foe)
Skreet (Lunatik/Thanos character) - by Markus Raymond
sky-hook (Jupiterians, used against Sserpo)
Slade (Battlin' Jack Murdock foe) - by Chadman
Slave of Souls (Thing character) - by Proto-Man
Sledge (Deviant, X-Force ally) - by Prime Eternal
Sledge, Simon (1960s, ruthless businessman) - by Ron Fredricks
Sloan, Duncan (Strange Worlds character) - by John Kaminski
Smith, Albert (owned Scarecrow, Martha's husband)
Smith, Gracie (Promise, X-Men character) - by Norvo
Smith, Martha (owned Scarecrow, Albert's wife)
Smithville Thunderbolt (Spider-Man character)
Smyth, Dennis (Dracula character)
Solar-Electromagnetic Instrument (Gorgolla device)
Sorcerer (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
Sorcerer (pre-FF character) - by Future
Sorcerers (three enemies of Aaron the Sorcerer)
Sorrow (Man-Thing character)
spaceship (Centaurans, pre-modern)
Spade (thug, beaten by "Fourth Man")
"Speed Demon" (pre-modern speedster) - by Ron Fredricks
Spirit Banner of Temujin (Atlas Foundation artifact) - by Proto-Man
Sporr (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Spot (Zetora foe)
Spragg the Living Hill (Marvel Monster, She-Hulk foe)
Spy who cannot be Caught (Worm Man)
Squire (First Line member)
Sserpo (pre-FF Marvel Monster) - by Ron Fredricks
Stalwart, Vincent (Duncan Sloan victim)
Star of Capistan (Defenders power item)
Statue of Liberty (opposed Undersea Giants)
Steel Serpent (Davos, Iron Fist/Spider-Man foe)
Sternberg, Berthold (Infinity Formula developer, Nick Fury character) - by John Kaminski
Steuben, Katrina (Mordoo's lover)
Stick (the Chaste, Daredevil/Elektra character) - by Chadman
Stone Men (pre-FF aliens) - by Madison Carter
Stoner, Rick (SHIELD director)
Stones of Merlin (Merlin creations, owned by Doctor Doom) - by Donald Campbell
Stonewall (Hamilton Louis, Freedom Force, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Stonians (Gorgolla's race) - by Prime Eternal
Strong, Ogun (Blade ally, Dracula foe)
Styx, Sapphire (Wolverine/X-Men foe) - by Markus Raymond
Sue ?? (encountered Scarecrow)
Sunshine (First Line character) - by Norvo
Super Sabre (Fletcher Martin, Freedom Force, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Swarm (Fritz von Meyer, Spider-Man/Champions foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Sykes, Fredd (1960, criminal turned genie) - by Prime Eternal
Synraith (X-Men/Clan Destine foe)
Szkorbec, Miklos (Dracula character)
Tabby (cat, mutated by Victor Avery)
Taboo (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Tabor (pet of Insect Man's son)
Takiguchi, Dr. Yuriko (Godzilla Squad/X-Club member)
Tar (X-Men character) - by Norvo
Taylor, Frank (alien champion foe)
Teddy (1960s toy) - by Ron Fredricks
"Tele-phony" (pre-FF micro-alien) - by John Kaminski
Templar (First Line member) - by Norvo
Terrel, Carl (1950s Spellbound mutant) - by Ron Fredricks
Terror (Laslo Pevely, Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Texas Ranger Ghost Rider (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
That Which Endures (Avengers foes)
"Them" (pre-FF aliens) - by Future
Thing Called IT (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Thing in the Box (Pandora ally)
Thing in Cell 13 (pre-FF monster) - by Future
Thorg (pre-FF monster) - by Future
Thornehill, Carla (Jason's mother, vampire, Vampire Tales character)
Thornehill, Gerry (Jason's father, possible vampire, Vampire Tales character)
Thornehill, Jason (adopted by Martin Cunningham, Vampire Tales character)
Thule (Cloak & Dagger foe)
Tim ?? (Mary Mahajan romantic interest circa 1960s)
Time Sphere (Centaurans, pre-modern)
Titan (Avengers foe) - by Grendel Prime
Titano (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
tomb of Garaz (ancient prison of Garaz, near Great Wall of China)
Tony ?? of Earth-21766 (owner/operator of Runway Bar, longtime friend of Ben Grimm) - by Proto-Man
Torr (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Totem (Strange Tales) - by Prime Eternal
tranquil-gas (used by Insect Man)
Tree (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
Trull the Unhuman (pre-FF alien) - by Madison Carter
Trunk of Arcana (Cynthia von Doom)
Truth of Reality-19333 (demon, Wolverine foe over a period of decades) - by Proto-Man
turpentine (used to destroy the Glob)
Tutaku (Journey into Mystery)
"Twilight World" (1960s, prehistory world) - by Ron Fredricks
2-D Men (Dimension of Doom)
Tyler, Bobby (Journey into Mystery character) - by Future
Typhoon (First Line foe) - by Norvo
tyrannosaur ("Twilight World")
Uatu the Watcher (Earth-616's Watcher, Fantastic Four/Avengers/X-Men character) - by Norvo
Ulvar (Gigantus "foe")
Ulysses Bloodstone (Marvel monster hunter
Uncle Ben (Linda Brown's uncle)
Undersea Giants (pre-FF race) - by John Kaminski
Undying (xt race, Serayn creations, Cable foes)
unidentified (xt, Monstrollo foes)
unidentified agent (Worm Man employer)
unidentified alien (encountered by "Lance Curtiss")
unidentified aliens (encountered Gustav "Schultz")
unidentified American city (visited by Makka, Strange Tales)
unidentified archaeologist (encountered Shagg)
unidentified escaped Martian prisoners (1960s, encountered by Rocky Baines)
unidentified spirit (encountered by Jordan)
unidentified chief (Totem user & foe)
unidentified criminal (Tales to Astonish)
unidentified criminal gang (used Floating Head)
unidentified Dethan ruler (ruler of Deth, sent Ozak to Earth)
unidentified dog (impersonated by Ozak)
unidentified dreamer (Tales to Astonish)
unidentified Earthman (encountered "Tele-phony")
unidentified extraterrestrial criminal (Manoo foe)
unidentified extraterrestrial invaders (Mechano foes)
unidentified group of scientists (encountered "Impossible Spaceship")
unidentified hunters (1960s, hunted Kunga)
unidentified man with a fly-swatter (pre-FF, encountered Zogg)
unidentified painter (encountered/created the Glob)
unidentified pilot (encountered Lithodia Rexians)
unidentified police detectives (1960s, hunted Victor Phillips)
unidentified prisoner (Journey into Mystery character)
unidentified radar operator (encountered Krills)
unidentified reporter (interviewed Lem Whipple)
unidentified R'Zahnian leader (Zamu's superior, Doctor Druid foe)
unidentified scientist (created Lo-Karr)
unidentified scientist (encountered/created the Glob)
unidentified scientists and generals (encountered "Martian Flying Saucer")
unidentified seeress (encountered by Dr. Domino)
unidentified senator (Monstrollo foe)
unidentified sheriff (1960s, encountered Ben Hobbs)
unidentified soldiers (encountered "Impossible Spaceship")
unidentified subterranean city (home of Insect Man)
unidentified teacher (encountered Kraa the Unhuman)
unidentified townspeople (1960s, encountered Monstrom)
unidentified toy store manager (1960s, sold robot teddy bear)
unidentified wealthy toy store patrons (1960s, clients of toy store manager)
unidentified witness (neighbor of Carla and Gerry Thornehill, Vampire Tales)
unidentified zoo official (1960s, tricked by Mike Mullins)
Uranians of Earth-62321 (Strange Tales story) - by Proto-Man
Vail, Horace (Raffington citizen, hated Martian migrant Nardo)
Valeria ?? (Dr. Doom character)
Van Nuys, professor (Reed Richards story)
Vârcolac (Werewolf by Night foe) - by Markus Raymond
Venus (Olympian Goddess)
Venusian (Strange Tales)
Virgil, Al (vampire, 1975)
Vischetti, Salvatore (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Vogez, Hans (The Thing in Cell 13 foe)
von Doom, Cynthia (Dr. Doom's mother)
von Doom, Werner (Dr. Doom's father)
Voodoo King (Journey into Mystery story) - by Future
Voodoo Tribe (Voodoo King)
Voyager (Marvel UK, Frontier Comics)
Vulcan (First Line member) - by Norvo
Wabuzi tribe (Kraa the Unhuman's tribe)
Walkabout (First Line member) - by Norvo
Warlord Kaa (Hulk foe)
Warren, Ethan (Wolverine foe)
Warren, John (Zetora foe)
"The Watcher" (pre-FF alien, Amazing Adventures) - by John Kaminski
Weed (mutated plant, Lucius Farnsworth foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Weems, Wilbur (encountered a ghost)
"weird old geezer" (Strange Tales character)
Welsh Dragon (Pete Wisdom/Thor foe) - by Markus Raymond
Whelton, Austin (werewolf, @ 1973)
Whipple, Lem (pre-FF character)
Whisper (Karl Reifschneider, Magneto foe) - by Markus Raymond
White (friend of "Fourth Man")
White Ghost of Earth-4011 (John Howlett Jr.)
Wilkes, Charles (Maaboo)
Williamson, Mr. (Mortus' father)
Willowby (Harry Markham employee)
Wingfoot, Will (Wyatt Wingfoot's father) - by Donald Campbell
"wizard" (Ancient Egypt, Thing foe)
Wolf (Ghost Rider/Blaze character) - by Markus Raymond
Wolfington, Derek (astronaut, mind merged with Kraggoom)
Wolfsblade (Vârcolac item)
"Wolfseye" (Vârcolac item)
Wolverine (James Howlett)
Woodward, Bob (First Line character)
Worm Man (Strange Tales character) - by John Kaminski
X, the Thing That Lived (Marvel Monster, Alpha Flight/Big Hero 6 foe) - by Prime Eternal
Xavier, Brian (Professor X's father) - by MarvellousLuke
Xemnu the Titan (Kirby monster, Hulk/She-Hulk foe) - by Madison Carter
Xoorr (Mole Men)
"X2" (Robot X creation)
Xxirys (controlled by Frank Johnson, Zzutak's enemy)
Yeti (Inhumans, First Line)
Yucoya-Tzin (Zzutak controller)
Yü-Ti (Iron Fist's uncle, son of Tuan)
Zafina (First Line character) - by Norvo
Zankor (First Line character) - by Norvo
Zawandi of Earth-21766 (Wakandan, wife of Franklin Richards) - by Proto-Man
Zetora (pre-FF Martian) - by Ron Fredricks & Future
Zeus (Olympian God)
Zo (xt, explorer from Attalia) - by Prime Eternal
Zota, Carlo (Enclave)
Zzutak - by Prime Eternal
strictly off-Earth existence (as far as we know)
caretaking automaton (Silver Surfer character)
couple (Wax People)
Damballah (spawn of Set)
Elder Demon (Silver Surfer foe) - by Future
Monsteroso (Marvel monster character)
night watchman (Wax People)
police officer (Wax People)
Set (Elder God) - by Per Degaton and Snood
Shadowqueen (Dr. Strange foe)
Shou-Lao the Undying (Iron Fist character) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL
Survivor (Silver Surfer character)
Wax Mannequins (Wax People)
Wax People (pre-FF characters) - by Future
Yankee Clipper (First Line member) - by Norvo
Zamora, Darius (Journey into Mystery) - by Future
Zamu (Dr. Druid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Zendu (Tales to Astonish)
Zog (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Zogg (pre-FF alien) - by John Kaminski
Zuhn (First Line foe) - by Norvo
Zuka (pre-FF character)
I only started this page on 6/24/02, and I'm only going to add new characters to it, so if you want to search the site and let me know who should be added, please do.
All characters mentioned or pictured are
™ and © 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights
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