fringe canon CHARACTERS
These are only the obscure ones that I've gotten to so
This list includes characters who are on the edge of continuity,
but have yet to break the barrier
(or to be confirmed one way or the other).
"Aaardvark" (Roger Fieldston mutate)
Acid (Strend & Minth foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Action Jackson of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Adam ?? (ant, Kool-Aid Man foe)
Akayama (X-Men: Watchers on the Wall novel, Madripoor)
al-Doom, Ra's of Earth-79733 (long-lived armored terrorist) - by Proto-Man
Alien Launching Platform (Fantastic Four story, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide)
Aliens (Marvel cartoon, lost in development Hell) - by Loki
Allergen Al (Allergen gang)
Allergen Gang (Glaxo, Inc., Captain America foes) - by caliban
Alphabet Pet (children coloring book, X-Men foe) - by Proto-Man
American Girl of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Crazy Ivan
Amonger (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)
Amulet of Aagara (cyber comic, invulnerability-granting mystic item) - by Proto-Man
Anchor-Man (television reporter, Madballs foe) - by Grendel Prime
Angle (Marvel Year-in-Review joke character) - by Loki
"Ankh" ("Knuckledown," unpublished Marvel UK title)
"Another Super Hero" (Marvel Mini-Book, Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man
Ant-Man (Peter Parker)
Ape-Man of Earth-81149 (Peter Parker, swinging, climbing & crawling hero) - by Proto-Man
Aquaman of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Armageddon of Earth-79733 (Robert Bruce Fairchild, gamma-irradiated undead monster) - by Proto-Man
Army Cat (Bubble Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Arounder (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)
"Arthur Street Bridge Boy" (Marvel Super Heroes RPG character) - by David Lawrence
Artie Choke (Cousin Betsy)
Ashius (coloring book, Captain America/Hulk/Iron Man/Thor foe) - by Proto-Man
Asterix of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Asterix the Gaul of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ads)
Asteroid Man (primordial being, Spider-Man Magazine)
Astro Flair (fireball-generating superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Asylum of Earth-79733 (Eddie Brock, insane reporter bonded to dozens of symbiotes) - by Proto-Man
Ataros (Gods for the 80s)
Atmospheric Ion Saturator (Hostess ad, Stormrider weapon)
Austin, Traci (Illuminator character)
Avenger of Earth-96620 (Faite's Wing foe)
Avengers for Freedom of Earth-94503 (Secret Empire enemies)
Axe Guy (Bullet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Baby Hulk (Crazy Magazine character)
Bandit of Earth-17819 (HawkMan foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Bank Robbers (Hostess ad, Iron Man foes) - by Ronald Byrd
Bardcade (Grag foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Barnes, Bucky of alternate reality (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins ally)
Bartholomew, Bob "Bart" of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
"Baseball" ("Knuckledown," unpublished Marvel UK title)
Basilisks (Night Blade foes, Spider-Man Magazine)
Baskin, Joannie (Mitch's mother)
Baskin, Mr. (Mitch's father)
Baskin, Mitch (Captain America character)
Batgirl of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Batperio (Knight Koala foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Battleaxe (Hostess ad, Iron Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Bayrane (Watchers on the Wall novel, Diascar)
Beacon, Derrick (X-Men character) - by Proto-Man
Beanpole (X-Student, Mike Galbraith; Watchers on the Wall)
Behemoth Jack (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Benny-Hana (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Bentley (Illuminator's dog)
Berzerker Man (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Betweener (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)
Big Man (Lightning Bolt foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Big Mouth (Hostess ad, Captain Marvel foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Big Thirstie (Thirsties, Kool-Aid Man foe)
Big T's Computer Company (Thirsties base, Kool-Aid Man story)
Bikers (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foes) - by AvatarWarlord
Billy the Marlin (mascot, Spider-Man ally) - by Grendel Prime
Bird of Prey of Earth-21516 (Peter Parker, winged hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Black Flag of Earth-11332 (Ant-Man (Peter Parker) foe)
Black Jack of Earth-11332 (Ant-Man (Peter Parker) foe)
Black Shadow (supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
Blade Runner of Earth-79733 (Logan West, superfast assassin, Wolverine/Flash amalgam) - by Proto-Man
Blank Brain (Cosmic Blade foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Blaze of Earth-95514 (Asgardian goddess heroine, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Blind Guy (Dr. Eye foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Blizzard (blizzard & iceberg-generation hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Bloated Bandit (Iron Man foe, Marvel Story Book Annual) - by SQUEAK
Blow Dryer (Hostess ad, Human Torch foe) - by John Kaminski
Blow Torch (Galactic Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Bluebird (Spider-Man foe, British Annual) - by Loki
Blue Star (coloring book, Captain America/Hulk/Iron Man/Thor character)
Bobby (Generic Comic Book)
Bolder (Reptil foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Bolt Brain (Crazed Maniac foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Boss Man (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Boy-Toy (Marvel Year-in-Review joke character) - by Loki
Brain of Odhams Earth (The Group, Pow! staff)
Brawn Tank (Hostess ad, Iron Man foe) - by Ronald Byrd
Brock (Professor Baldwin experiment) - by Madison Carter
Bromo (Gods for the 80s)
"Bront" ("Knuckledown," unpublished Marvel UK title)
Brooke of the Denim Shield (Gods for the 80s)
Brother Bear (Avengers foe)
Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions (Howard the Duck characters)
Brujo (Fury Force)
Bubble Man (bubble-generating superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Bugout (What The? character)
Bulk (giant amorphous extraterrestrial, Hulk foe) - by Proto-Man
Bullet Man (fringe character, Spider-Man Magazine superhero) - by Proto-Man
Bullwhip of Earth-96201 (Rhino/Scorpion mashup) - by Proto-Man
"Bumstead, Blondie" (Dagwood's wife, based on newspaper strip)
"Bumstead, Dagwood" (based on newspaper strip)
Burt (dog, Car and Cable cartoon)
Butler, Mr. of Ultraverse (Flood's father)
Butter Ball (Loaf Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Butterfly (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man character) - by Madison Carter
Buza (Chlorites/Shuka race)
Buzz (insect-themed supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Byrns, Bruiser (Marvel Mini-Book, Captain America foe)
Caesar (Hostess ad, Captain America character) - by Kyle Smith
Cal (Chlorites/Shuka race)
Calorie Clown (Dr. Dentist foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Campbell of alternate Earth (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins character)
Candy Man (Spider-Man foe, novels) - by SQUEAK
Capp, Andy of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Capricorn (Marvel Calendar Zodiacal character competition winner) - by Loki
Capsule Snatchers (Namor foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
Captain America of Odhams Earth (Steve Rogers, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Captain America of Earth-31370 (Ben Cooper Halloween costume) - by Proto-Man
Captain America of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Captain America of Earth-94503 (John Walker, Secret Empire ally)
Captain America of alternate reality (Tommy Tompkins, WWII adventurer, proposed cartoon character) - by Loki
Captain Armenia (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Captain Canada (Fun and Games hero) - by AvatarWarlod72
Captain Citrus of Earth-14101 (Florida Dept. of Citrus promotional, Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Captain Cuba (Fun and Games hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Captain France (Fun and Games hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Captain Greece (Fun and Games hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Captain Japan (Fun and Games hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Captain Marvel of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Captain Panama (Fun and Games hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Captain Protozoa (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Captain Scarlet (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron; Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons supermarionation series)
Captain Sweden (Fun and Games hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Captain Switzerland (Fun and Games hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Captain Turkey (Fun and Games hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Captain Wachtel (X-Men: Watchers on the Wall, Brazil)
Caragonne, Dorreen (Captain America/New Warriors character)
Cardiac Charge (Crazed Maniac foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Carla ?? of alternate Earth (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins character)
Carnage of Earth-63251 (Machete Monkey foe)
Carstairs, Emily (Generic Comic Book)
Catman of Earth-21516 (Bird of Prey foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Catweazle of unrevealed Earth (time-travelling Saxon wizard, TV series character)
Catwoman of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Celebrity Stalker (Slaughter/Nial Coward foe)
Chairman (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by Ronald Byrd & John Kaminski
Cheetah person (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who character)
Chief of Odhams Earth (Special Squad member)
Chill (Hydrators foe, Water Kidz promotional comic) - by Sammy7D
Chimp Man of Earth-99532 (Peter Parker, uses banana-themed weapons) - by Proto-Man
Chisel (Rock Solid foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Chlorites ("race" of mutations within individual species/races, X-Men novel)
Clay Face (Doctor Strange foe, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Claw-Hide (Fleer Ultra Spider-Man, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Clone (Doctor Megalomann creation, Captain America foe)
Clown-9 of Earth-77013 (newspaper strip, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Cloudman (Lightning Bolt foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Clymbe, Johnny (Hostess ad, Daredevil character) - by AvatarWarlord
Coach Williams (Kool-Aid Man character)
Cold Air Crook (Energy Drainers, Captain America foe)
Collins, George B. (Kool-Aid Man character)
Collins, Peter (Kool-Aid Man character)
Colonial Government (Earth-Amusement Park)
Colonel Corn (corny would-be world conquerer, Madballs foe) - by Grendel Prime
Color Criminals (from a Spider-Man youngsters book)
Colossal Deathlok (TSR's Marvel Superheroes game module "Night Moves", giant robot/mecha Deathlok) - by Loki
Combo Man (Combos ad)
Compu-Bots (computerized robots programmed with athletics)
Compute-a-Letter Energizer (Magneto creation, fed Alphabet Pet)
Compu-Terror (Kool-Aid Man foe)
Conan the Barbarian
Conine, Jeff (Florida Marlins team)
"Conroy," Eddie (Car and Cable cartoon)
Conservator (Wolverine foe, Global Jeopardy)
Converters (Doctor Megalomann creations, Captain America video game)
Cookie Factory (Spider-Man story)
Cookoo (Lightning Bolt foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Cool Copter (Kool-Aid Man vehicle)
Cornball (Colonel Corn minion, Madballs foe)
Cosmic Blade (hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Cosmic Creature (Thor foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
Cosmic QuartetTM of unidentified reality (Survival Geeks counterparts)
Cougar (Marvel Age character, New Mutants) - by Madison Carter
Cousin Betsy the Plant Lady (Hostess Ad, Hulk foe) - by Kyle Smith
C.P.A. Man (Crazy Magazine character)
Crab Clan (Knight Koala foes, Spider-Man Magazine)
Crack (Drug Lords)
Crane Cable (Daredevil foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
Cranny (Pretorious's assistant) - by Madison Carter
Crazed Maniac (shapeshifting villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Cream, Nick (PR man for Slaughter/Nial Coward)
creepy crawlers (X-Men characters)
Crimson Dynamo of Earth-13182 (Red Guys)
"Cristal" (Roger Fieldston mutate)
Cronon (Hostess Ad, Captain America foe)
Cross-Wordo (Fun and Games villain) - by AvatarWarlord72
Crowley, Kirsten (Ghost Rider (Ketch) character) - by Grendel Prime
Crystal (Hydrators)
Crystal, Caren (Kool-Aid Man character)
Crystal, Cynthia (Smalltown Sluggers, Kool-Aid Man character)
Crystal Taker (Zone foe)
Cubicus Rubicus (Gods for the 80s)
Cusick of unrevealed Earth (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron)
Cutback of Ultraverse (Aladdin Organization foe) - by Grendel Prime
Cyborg (Buzz foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Cyclops of Odhams Earth (Scott Summers, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Cynthia of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)
Cyric (Shadow foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dallas Cowboys (Spider-Man allies, football team) - by Madison Carter
Dare, Dan of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Dare-a-Day Davy of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
Daredevil of Odhams Earth (Matt Murdock, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Daredevil imposter (Man With 999 Faces)
Dare-Double (Man With 999 Faces)
Dark Knight of Earth-79733 (Steven Wayne, bat-themed avenger of the night) - by Proto-Man
Dark-Riser (Former foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dart Dude (The Eye foe)
Darth Vader (Marvel Universe version of the Sith Lord) - by Loki
Darvinian race (Avengers foes, Avengers: The Man Who Stole Tomorrow novel)
Dawes, Vic of Odhams Earth (Python pilot, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Dayelite (Lightning Bolt foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Daylight (M.U.D. foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Deathlok Simulacrum (TSR's Marvel Superheroes game module "Night Moves) - by Loki
Death Maker (Cosmic Blade foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Decathalon (Marvel Age character, lost in the vaults somewhere...) - by Monzo
"Deco Devourer" (Crazy Magazine character)
Delectrode (reading motivation kit, Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man
De Molen (Netherlands, Superhelden Agenda)
Demolition Derby (Hostess character, Spider-Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Deserter (Hostess character, Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Det. Sgt. Murphy (police officer, Thor ally)
Devilspawn (four-armed supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
"Dexter" (Aliens cartoon)
Diabolik of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Diascar (xt, Watchers on the Walls novel, X-Men foes)
Ding-A-Ling, Auntie (Hostess ad, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Cousin Bee (Hostess ad, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Cousin Bye (Hostess ad, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Grandma (Hostess ad, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Ma (Hostess ad, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Pa (Hostess ad, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling, Sister (Hostess ad, Thor foe)
Ding-A-Ling family (Hostess ad, Thor foes) - by John Kaminski
Disaster (Slaughter/Nial Coward foe)
Disco (Laid-Back Commandos)
Doc Flaky (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Doctor Bloodshot (Dr. Eye foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Bloom (Slime Man foe)
Dr. Bug Keeper (Mantis Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Cargill (Spider-Man character)
Dr. Comb (Hairball foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Death (Fire Ball foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Decay (Water Kidz comics, Hydrators foe)
Dr. Dentist (dental-themed superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Dino (dinosaur-like supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Dope (Strend & Minth foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Dream (Nightmare foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Eye (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Eyeball (Berzerker Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Glover (X-Men foe)
Doctor Harpoon (Squid-Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor It (Zone foe)
Doctor Malice (Spider-Man foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Megalomann (video game, Captain America foe) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Morg of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
Dr. No-Good (Blizzard foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Octopus (Otto Octavius)
Dr. Plant Brains (Warlord foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Plaque (Dr. Dentist foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Scorpion (Snake King foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Shark With Teeth (Squid-A-Tron foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Square (Energy Cubes wielder, Iron Man foe, Kenner See-a-Show toy character) - by Proto-Man
Doctor Strange of Odhams Earth (Stephen Strange, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Dr. Sugar (Dr. Dentist foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Tank (Jet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Dr. Thunder Bolt (Fire Star Woman foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dr. Trash (Reptil foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Doctor Wacko (Bullet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Doctor Weed (Plant Man foe)
Dr. Wrench (Mindcontroller foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dogman of Earth-21516 (Bird of Prey foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dolan, Eustace P. of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ads, Spirit character)
Dolls of St. Dominics of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
Doomsday Man (Energy Drainers, Campbell Kids/Captain America foe) - by Norvo
Doom Tube (Doctor Megalomann base, Captain America video game)
Doorman (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Doot of unrevealed Earth (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron)
Doppel Shock (Fleer Ultra Spider-Man, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Drac de Ferro of Earth-99101 (Laberinto hero, Avengers/Iberia, Inc. member) - by Loki
Draco (Spider-Man foe, Spider-Man: Invasion of the Dragon Men Book & Record Set)
Dragon (Night Blade foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dragon (hero, Dragonlord foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dragon Bone (Shadow foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Dragonlord (elemental villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Dragon Man of Earth-13182 (Fantastic Four Consolidated)
Dragon Men (agents of Draco)
Dragon Shade (F.O.O.M. character) - by AvatarWarlord72
Dragona (heroine, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Droook (Badoon War Commander, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)
Droplet of Ultraverse (Flood's imaginary friend)
Drug Lords (Captain America/New Warriors foes) - by Kevin Garcia
Dunne, Charlie (Indiana Jones character) - by Loki
Dust Dragon (Allergen gang)
Dynamo (Hector Dialonzo, Techno-X)
Earth-13182 (Galactus appeared over Moscow in a world without the FF, unpublished) - by Loki
Earth-32943 (Spider-Man is a vengeance-seeking Vietnam vet) - by Loki
Earth-62342 (Chlorite world, X-Men novel)
Earth-74425 (Bravavelli advertisements world) - by Spidermay
Earth-90125 (Mr. Mxyzptlk vs "Fantastic Four") - by Loki
Earth-90613 (Earth-A Different Team Fought the Adversary, X-Men II: Fall of the Mutants video game) - by Proto-Man
Earth-94503 (alternate reality, America ruled by the Secret Empire) - by Loki
Earth-Amusement World (Avengers story)
Earth-Forbidden Planet (comic shop ads, possible alternate Earth) - by Loki
Earth-Karzz (Karzz, the Conqueror)
Earthling Joe (Space Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Earth Man (Green Demon foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
"Echino" (Roger Fieldston mutate)
Eela-Man (supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Elderly Man (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Electro of Earth-63251 (Machete Monkey foe)
Electron (Reptil foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Emma (daughter of "Tentacula")
Enamelizer (Hydrators device)
Enemy Sub (Namor foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide)
Energy Cubes (flying objects with various abilities, used by Dr. Square)
Energy Drainers (Campbell Kids/Captain America foes) - by Norvo
Entertainment Standards Commission (Krylorian, Howard the Duck characters; unpublished)
"Entym" (Roger Fieldston mutate)
Eques (X-Men promotional character) - by Madison Carter
"Escapee from a Horror Movie" (dinosaur, Spider-Man foe, TV commercial character) - by Proto-Man
Esso (Spider-Man foe, Golden All-Star Book)
Estelle ?? (Arnie Milsap's ex-wife, Storm character)
Estigma of Earth-98120 (Laberinto character, Solar Squadron/Triada Vértice member) - by Loki
Ethel of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)
Exterminator (Deck Borate, armored Orkin pest controller) - by Grendel Prime
Eye (eyeball-shooting villain, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
Eye Scream (Obnoxio the Clown crossover, X-Men foe)
"Faceless Creatures" (xt, Spider-Man foes, coloring book) - by Proto-Man
"Fairchild," Matt (Car and Cable cartoon)
Faite's Wing of Earth-96620 (Peter Parker, razor disk-shooting hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Faith (teen runaway, Marvel RPG character)
Fantasizers (Rebel foes, Spider-Man Magazine)
Fantastic Four of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
"Fantastic Four" of Earth-90125 (fought DC's Mr. Mxyzptlk)
Fantastic Four Consolidated of Earth-13182 (Galactus appeared over Moscow in a world without the FF)
"Fantastic Geeks" of unidentified reality (Fantastic Four/Survival Geeks counterparts) - by Loki
Fatbat of Earth-96201 (Kingpin/Morbius mashup) - by Proto-Man
Father Christmas (polar-bear wrestling personification of Christmas, unpublished Marvel UK story) - by Loki
Fatso of Odhams Earth (The Group, Pow! staff)
Feather Boa (Allergen gang)
Felicity of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)
Ferrett (endangered species kidnapper, Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man
Fieldston, Roger (X-Men/Captain Universe foe)
Fireball (coloring book, Ashius weapon)
Fire Ball (fiery superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Fireflower (Spikelar foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Fire Bug (Plant Man foe)
Fire-Man (Blizzard foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Fire Star Woman (enemy-destroying Spider-Man Magazine heroine) - by Proto-Man
Fizz (Water Kidz comics, Hydrators foe)
Flame Mammoth (elephant-like supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Flame Thrower (Hostess ad, Human Torch foe) - by John Kaminski
Flasher (X-Student, Kristin Koenig; Watchers on the Wall)
Flea Market Eating Flea (Hostess ad, Captain Mar-Vell foe) - by Kyle Smith
Flood (Ultraverse character)
Flura (Crazed Maniac foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Fly (Tom Ness, Spider-Man foe that can transform into fly, SPC Records character) - by Proto-Man
Fly (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Flying Menace (Spider-Man foe, belt) - by Proto-Man
The Foe (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by Kyle Smith
Forbush Man of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Former (shapeshifting villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Four Freedoms Plaza of unidentified reality (home of "Fantastic Geeks")
Fran ?? (Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders)
Frankenstein monster of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Freeze Man (Snake King foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Freezemaster (Chill's weapon)
Freya of Earth-95514 (Blaze's great-grandmother)
Frietje Piet (Superhelden Agenda, Belgian hero) - by Loki
Frimp, Felicity (Spider-Man foe, S.C.U.M. leader, Golden All-Star Book) - by Proto-Man
Frizone (Hostess ad, Human Torch foe) - by John Kaminski
Frost Bite (Cosmic Blade foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Funland (amusement park, Kool-Aid Man story)
Furball (Allergen gang)
Fury, Nick Jr. (Fury Force)
Fury Force (unpublished precursors to G.I.Joe) - by Loki
Fury, Nick of Odhams Earth (Special Squad member) - by Loki
Galactic Man (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
Galactongue (Howard the Duck character)
Gamma Generator (ESU power plant, toilet paper story)
Gang of Nasties (Spider-Man video game foes)
Garbler (Mighty Marvel Superheroes Fun Book hero) - by Markus Raymond & Al Soupless
Gargoyle (Night Blade foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
"Gargoylee" (Spider-Man foe, belt story)
Garth of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Gator (Marvel Super Heroes RPG, Hawkeye foe) - by Loki
Gatorman of Earth-81149 (Ape-Man foe)
Gemini (android superheroine, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Gene Machine (lost Marvel UK character) - by Loki
General Lucifer (Sai foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
General Rigby (Universal Studios comic, Hulk foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Generic Super-Hero (Generic Comic Book) - by Zerostar
Generic Boss (Generic Comic Book)
Generic Girlfriend (Generic Comic Book)
Gentleman (Spider-Man foe, Spider-Man: Sinister Six novel trilogy)
Ghost Rider of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Giant (Bullet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Giant Anteater of Earth-96345 (Ant-Man (Peter Parker) foe)
Giant Fly Splotter (used by Sogmaster & Soggies)
Giant-Man of Odhams Earth (Hank Pym, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Giant One (Thor foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
Giant Robot (Avengers video game)
giant spider ("Faceless Creatures", Spider-Man foe, coloring book)
Gladys ?? (S.C.U.M., Spider-Man foe)
Glare of Earth-51320 (Monkey o'Doom foe)
Gleaming Gladiator (Marvel Calendar Zodiacal character) - by Loki
Glider (Wing Nut foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Glory ?? (S.C.U.M., Spider-Man foe)
Gods for the 80s (Bizarre Adventures)
Golden Grenadier (unpublished Marvel UK title, 1950s British hero) - by Loki
Golden Monkey of Earth-19216 (Peter Parker, super-leaping, monkey-themed hero) - by Proto-Man
Goldigger (Hostess ad, Mr.Fantastic foe) - by John Kaminski
Gordon ?? (vampire, X-Men foe)
Gorilla of Earth-47235 (Peter Parker, banana-spitting superhero) - by Proto-Man
Graham, Angus (Scottish fencer, Nightcrawler enemy)
Grag (cyborg goblin hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Grahh-Nola of Earth-46421 (Portland Avengers)
Greene, Gloria (Smalltown Sluggers, Kool-Aid Man character)
Green, Mary (Kool-Aid Man character)
Green, Mr. (Kool-Aid Man character)
Green, Randall (brother of Ready Girl/Rosie Green) - by Proto-Man
Green Demon (villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Green Goblin of Earth-32942 (killed Aunt May of this reality)
Green Goblin's Super-Bomb Plot (Spider-Man video game) - by Proto-Man
Green Gremlins (Rebel foes, Spider-Man Magazine)
Gremlin of Earth-13182 (Red Guys)
Grimjack (Haggard, mercenary from Cynosure) - by Loki
Gronk of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ad, Strontium Dog strip)
Ground Plot (Sai foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Group of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
Gudrun the Golden (Hostess ad, Thor foe) - by Kyle Smith
Gus ?? (Illuminator character)
H2O-Man (Fire Ball foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Haggis, Wee Willie of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
Hailstorm (Wing Nut foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Hairball (hairy hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Hair Spray (Hairball foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Hair Man (hair-controlling villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Hamish of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
Hammer Head Man (Rock Solid foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Hammermug (Galactic Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Hammer Strong (Eela-Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Hanxchamp, Odus (Alpha Centauri's Timely Inc.; Guardians of the Galaxy character)
Harry ?? (colorin book, Spider-Man character)
Harry ?? (Kool-Aid Man character)
Harry (Tzin agent)
Harry (X-Student, Harry Mills; Watchers on the Wall)
Harvard-Man (Crazy Magazine, Hulk foe) - by Loki
HawkMan of Earth-17819 (Peter Parker, photo-taking hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Heap of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
H.E.A.T. (Hydrators foes) - by Markus Raymond
Heavy Weapon (unpublished Marvel UK title, big robot with big guns) - by Loki
Hedgehog (Marvel RPG character) - by Loki
Hela of Earth-95514 (Blaze foe)
Hell's Angel of Earth-79733 (Diana of Themyscira, hellspawn avenger) - by Proto-Man
Herb ?? (Illuminator character)
Herculoids (cartoon and comics characters, M'nden's Bar patrons)
Higgs, Mike of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
HiJack of Ultraverse (hunter) - by Grendel Prime
Hipno (Former foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Hippie of Earth-46421 (Portland Avengers)
"Hobbes" (Professor Baldwin experiment)
Holmes, Sherlock of Odhams Earth (Special Squad member)
Home-Wrecker (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by Kyle Smith
Horror Mountain (headquarters of Dr. Square)
Horse-Man (Fire Ball foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
"Hostess Street Gang" (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foes)
Hotshot (Hostess ad; Spider-Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Hover vehicle (Preventive Maintenance, Dr. Octopus)
Howard the Duck of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ad)
Howard the Duck's Volcano Island Adventure (video game plot, Howard the Duck) - by Proto-Man
Hulk of Odhams Earth (Bruce Banner, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Hulk of Earth-313710 (TV super hero) - by Proto-Man
Hulk Hound (alternate reality canine mutate, proposed animated series) - by Loki
Human Computer (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Human Torch of Odhams Earth (Fantastic Four, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Hungry (Heroes for Hope comic, X-Men foe) - by Madison Carter
Hunters of the Host (Silver Surfer foes)
Hurricane (Strend & Minth foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Hybrids (alternate Earth Generation X foes)
Hydrators (Kidz Water heroes) - by Markus Raymond
Hydro (Hydrators)
Ice (Drug Lords)
Ice (Hydrators)
Icemaster--first to break the continuity barrier
Ignatz Mouse of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Illuminator (Andy Prentiss, teenage hero) - by Madison Carter
Impercepto (Hostess ad, Mr. Fantastic foe) - by John Kaminski
Incredible Kvetch (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Incredible Wino (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Infrared Beam (Karzz, the Conqueror)
Insect Crusher (Mantis Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
interfering robot (Spider-Man foe, coloring book)
Invisible Boy (Marvel UK, Heroes comic) - by Loki
Invisible Girl of Odhams Earth (Fantastic Four, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Iron Man of Odhams Earth (Tony Stark, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
It-Bots (Zone foes)
Jaguar-Dude of Earth-81149 (Ape-Man foe)
Jelly (Fury Force)
Jet Man (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
Jiggle (Gods for the 80s)
"Jiggs" (based on Bringing up Father newspaper strip)
Jimmy ?? (X-Men character)
Johnny Punk (Hostess ad, Daredevil foe) - by John Kaminski
Johnson, Dale (Illuminator character)
Johnson, Frank (resident of Natchez, Mississippi, X-Men story)
"Jolly Swagman" (Australian mutate, Flush Gordon ally) - by Loki
Judge Dredd of Forbidden Planet (Mega-City 5000, comic shop ad)
Judy of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)
June Jitsui (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Kaaskop (Netherlands, Superhelden Agenda)
Karm, Seden (Zann/Chlorite, X-Men foe; Watchers on the Wall)
Karzz, the Conqueror (Avengers foe, Avengers Battle the Earth-Wrecker)
Kashuygin, Vlad (Russian scientist, Marvel RPG character) - by David Lawrence
Kaspar the Dead Baby (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Kenojuak, Aningan (Avengers character)
Kicks of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
kids (X-Men characters)
Kimodus burdonus (Drammoth)
King Winter (Spider-Man foe, Reading Motivation Kit) - by Proto-Man
Kit Carson of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Kit Willer of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Kline, Prof. Otis (Kool-Aid Man character)
"Klingon" (Roger Fieldston mutate)
Klompman (Netherlands, Superhelden Agenda)
Klulez (xt, Spider-Man/Fantastic Four characters, Home Depot story)
Knat (Warlord foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Knight Koala (mutant superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Knight of Darkness (Star Team foe)
"Knuckledown" (genetically modified dinosaurs, unpublished Marvel UK title) - by Loki
Koemannen (Netherlands, Superhelden Agenda)
Komodon (The Eye foe)
Kong of Earth-61173 (Peter Parker, superhumanly agile primate protector) - by Proto-Man
Kool-Aid Man (living pitcher of Kool-Aid, thirst defender & friend to kids everywhere!) - by Proto-Man
Korsoe (Crazed Maniac foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Kraven of Earth-61173 (Kong foe)
Krazy Kat of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Krellian (xt, Silver Surfer characters) - by Grendel Prime
Krishnaman (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Krylorian Art Police (KAPs, Howard the Duck characters; unpublished)
Kundo (Grag foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Kussa (Shuki race)
Kwirkegard (Hostess Ad, Iron Man foe) - by Prime Eternal
Laid-Back Commandos (Crazy Magazine characters)
Larcenous Lil (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Larcenous thugs (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foes)
Laser (Spine foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Laser (primordial being, Spider-Man Magazine)
Lash (X-Student, James Wheaton)
Laufey of Earth-95514 (Blaze's biological great-grandfather)
Lavinia of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)
Leader Crab (Knight Koala foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Leader's Humanoid Body (strength-enhancing armor designed by the Leader)
Lectronn (Marvel Age) - by Monzo
Legal Eagle (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by Kyle Smith
Legumbé (Marvel Year-in-Review joke character) - by Loki
Lifegiver (Soultaker foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Light (Nightmare foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Light Dragon (Dragonlord foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Lightning Bolt (nature-communing superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Lightning Bolt (electric supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Lightning Bolt (flying superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Lilac (I.C.O.N., untold Peregrine and Shamrock story)
Lion Man of Earth-99532 (Chimp Man foe)
Lith Kasti (Devilspawn foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Little Lulu of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)
Lizard (Curt Connors)
Loaf Man (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
el Lobo (Spider-Man foe) - by caliban
"Lockhorn, Leroy" ("Loretta's" husband, based on The Lockhorns newspaper strip)
"Lockhorn, Loretta" (based on The Lockhorns newspaper strip)
Loki of Earth-95514 (Blaze's grandfather)
Lone Ranger (famous Old West hero, mentioned by Rawhide Kid)
Longrun, Alas (Krellian, Silver Surfer character) - by Grendel Prime
Lopez, Maria (Kool-Aid Man character)
Lord Dredd (Shadow foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Louie Louie (Fury Force)
Lund (Illuminator foe)
Lutefisk (Marvel Mini-Book, Thor foe) - by Proto-Man
Luvvy of Odhams Earth (The Group, Pow! staff)
Ma Yonaise (Superhelden Agenda, Belgian hero) - by Loki
Macchiavelli Club (Gentleman, Spider-Man: Sinister Six novel trilogy)
Machete Monkey of Earth-63251 (Peter Parker, sharp-tailed simian superhero) - by Proto-Man
Mach 1 (Danny Paterson, Marvel RPG character) - by David Lawrence
Madam Web (Hostess add, Spider-Man foe) - by Caesar Godzillatron
Madame Vegan of Earth-46421 (Portland Avengers)
Mad Computers (Hostess ad, used by Printout Man)
Madcow (London Morlocks, X-Men character)
Mad Magician (Hostess character, Hulk foe) - by John Kaminski
magic pencils (coloring book, sought by Ashius)
"Magmus" (Roger Fieldston mutate)
Magna-Mind (Magic Snake ad, Spider-Man foe) - by Kyle Smith
Man-Lizard of Earth-96201 (Toy Biz, alternate Spider-Man) - by LV!
Man with 999 Faces (Hostess ad, Daredevil foe)
Manneke Pis (Superhelden Agenda, Belgian hero) - by Loki
Mari Gold (Cousin Betsy)
Mammoth (Aurora comic scene model book, Hulk foe) - by caliban
Mantis Man (shapeshifting hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Margo the Model (Millie the Model rival, Marvel Mini-Books character) - by Proto-Man
Marigold the Bulk of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)
Marsh, Eddie (Kool-Aid Man character)
Marsh, Karen (Kool-Aid Man character)
Marsh, Larry (Kool-Aid Man character)
Marsupial Man of Earth-31338 (Peter Parker, vine-shooting hero) - by Proto-Man
Masked Mallard (Dr. Dino foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Masked Menace (Dr. Dino foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Mason, Don of Odhams Earth (Python pilot, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Master Sergeant Half-Mast (Preventive Maintenance, Spider-Man character)
Matim, Nikiy (whip-wielding superheroine, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Matthews, Enoch (Silver Surfer character, Ultimate Silver Surfer novel)
Mauler of Earth-Amusement World
Maurice ?? of alternate Earth (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins character)
Maze Man (Wing Nut foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
McBrain (Hostess ad, Daredevil foe) - by John Kaminski
McCaw (Weirdbeard's parrot, Madballs foe)
Mech. Skull (Avengers video game)
Mech. Taco (Avengers video game)
mechanical oysters (criminal robots) - by Proto-Man
Mechanoid (Leader weapon, toilet paper story) - by Proto-Man
Mega-Heat Beam (used by H.E.A.T.)
Megobars (Doctor Megalomann creations, Captain America foes)
Megocybs (Doctor Megalomann creations, Captain America foes)
Megodwarfs (Doctor Megalomann creations, Captain America foes)
Meltor (Melter imitator, summertime Iron Man foe, coloring book character) - by Proto-Man
Mental Manipulator (Leader device) - by Proto-Man
Metal Gear (robot, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Metallic (Black Shadow foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Metallic Monster (Captain America foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
Meteor Man (primordial being, Planet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Meteor Menace (Fantastic Four foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
"Microbe Molester" (Crazy Magazine character)
Micro-Manager of Earth-17226 (Michael Romanger, Hydra agent, Squirrel Girl foe) - by Chadman
Micro-Transistorized Light Neutralizer (device to render targets invisible, created by the Ultra Violet Man)
Midas the Million Dollar Mouse (cancelled funny animal character) - by Loki
Midget Man of Earth-19216 (Golden Monkey foe)
Mihúra of Earth-98120 (Laberinto character, Solar Squadron/Triada Vértice member) - by Loki
Milky Way Man (primordial being, Planet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Milsap, Arnie (Storm foe)
Mindcontroller (tech hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Minder Mouse (metallic supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Mindmaster Device (Look & See X-Men adventure) - by Proto-Man
Mind Woman (Transformation Girl foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Misdemeanor Man (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Miss Bolster of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
Ms. Fix (Drug Lords)
Ms. Punk (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Missile Launcher (hero, Metal Gear foe)
Missile Man (Jet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Mr. Chicken (Mr. Laughs foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Mr. Dynamite (Rock Solid foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Mister Earthquake (Cosmic Blade foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Mister Experiment (Squid-Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Mr. Fantastic of Odhams Earth (Fantastic Four, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Mister Freeze (Clay Face foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Mr. Laughs (clown-themed criminal, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Mister Meltdown (Slime Man foe)
Mr. Mxyzptlk (DC villain)
Mr. Natural of Odhams Earth (Fred Natural, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Mr. Zodiac (Spider-Man)
Mr. Zoo Al-ogator of Earth-99532 (Chimp Man foe)
Misty (Hydrators)
"Mitchell, Henry" (Dennis' father, based on Dennis the Menace newspaper strip)
Mite (Devilspawn foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
M.J. Ant of Earth-69364 (Peter Parker, four-armed, four-legged, ant-themed hero) - by Proto-Man
M'nden's Bar (pan-dimensional bar, visited by X-Men/New Mutants)
Mold Patrol (Allergen gang)
Mole of Odhams Earth (Special Squad member)
mole of Alcana (Chlorites)
"Molly the bus mutate" (Roger Fieldston mutate)
Monkey-Man of Earth-70475 (Peter Parker, super-swinging hero) - by Proto-Man
Monkey o'Doom of Earth-51320 (Peter Parker, super-screaming hero) - by Proto-Man
Monotony Man (Hostess ad, Iron Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Monstress (Marvel cartoon, lost in development Hell) - by Loki
Moomintroll of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Moomjay, Aldo (Foe enemy)
Mostest Hinkies™ (Crazy Magazine, Hulk story)
Motherra (Dragona foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Mountain Berry Punch (Punch Bunch, Kool-Aid Man's team)
M.U.D. (Most Unique Dude, hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Mudge, Mark (Spider-Man character)
"Mudspout" (Roger Fieldston mutate)
Muffy (Marvel cartoon, lost in development Hell) - by Loki
Mummy of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Munden, Gordon (owner of pan-dimensional bar, M'nden's Bar/Munden's Bar)
Munden's Bar (pan-dimensional bar, visited by X-Men/New Mutants)
Muscle Man (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
mutants affected by the Chlorite search and restiction (Watchers on the Wall novel)
Mutator (UK adventurer, Marvel UK lost projector) - by Loki
"Mysterio's Revenge Scheme" (Look & Find Spider-Man adventure) - by Proto-Man
Myth Monster (Camelot, Spider-Man foe)
Myzary (Flee Ultra Spider-Man, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Nadir's Raiders (Crazy Magazine, Hulk foes) - by Loki
Nanaboscy Man (odd-looking hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Nature Team (Dragonlord foes, Spider-Man Magazine)
Nellis, Douglas (record company owner, Gemini creator)
Nessie (London Morlocks, X-Men character)
Neuron Nelson (Hostess ad, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Neuron Neutralizer Ray (Hostess ad, used by Neuron Nelson)
Nexus (Mike Baron/Steve Rude creation, M'nden's Bar patron)
N'Garai creature (Dracula/X-Men foe)
Nicole ?? (Water Kidz comic, Hydrators character)
Niehoff, Beth (Hollywood producer)
Night Blade (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Nightfire (Illuminator foe) - by Prime Eternal
Nightmare (villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Ninja Star (Rin Setsushi, former pop star turned supervillain, Gemini foe)
Nomad of Earth-94503 (Steve Rogers, Secret Empire enemy)
Nook (Pretorious's assistant)
Notorious Outback Toilet Tarantula (caused "Jolly Swagman" mutation)
Number 1 son Egg Drop Stoop (Spider-Man foe, Golden All-Star Book)
Octodroid (robot Dr. Octopus creation, Marvel RPG) - by David Lawrence
Odin of Earth-95514 (Blaze's adoptive great-grandfather)
Of (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)
Officer Gun (Mr. Laughs foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Officer Outbody (Astral Plane Patrolman, Doctor Strange character) - by Loki
Orbal, Zania (Universal Church of Truth, Guardians of the Galaxy foe)
Orbivator (Doctor Megalomann creation, Captain America video game)
O'Toole, Gimpy (Marvel Mini-Book, Captain America foe)
"Outsiders" (xt, based on Known Space species)
Pak-Man (Gods for the 80s)
"Palooka, Anne Howe" (wife of Joe, based on newspaper strip)
"Palooka, Joe" (boxer, based on newspaper strip)
Papillon (X-Student, Sarah Allaire; Watchers on the Wall)
Paragon (meta-fictional character, Marvel UK) - by Michael Midnight
Paranoia (Gods for the 80s)
Parker, May of Earth-32942 (killed by Green Goblin)
Parsons (Generic Comic Book)
Peg Leg Peg (Madballs foe)
Penelope of Odhams Earth (Dolls of St. Dominics, Pow! staff)
Penguin of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Phantom (Spider-Man foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
Phase (Techno-X)
Pheasant Man of Earth-61613 (Peter Parker, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Phillips, Merilee (freelance photographer, Marvel Super Heroes RPG character) - by David Lawrence
Phoomie Goonies (Hostess ad, Hulk foes) - by John Kaminski
Photoman (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Pink Fink (coloring book, Fantastic Four foe) - by LV
Pinstripes (baseball team, Look & Find Spider-Man adventure)
Pity (Spider-Man character, Spider-Man: Sinister Six novel trilogy)
Planet Man (cosmic entity, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Plant Man (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Plastic Man of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Plastic Man of Forbidden Planet (DC, comic shop ad)
Plot-Device Man (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Pluto Man (primordial being, Spider-Man Magazine)
policeman (Jubilee character)
Polk, Deborah of Earth-14101 (Captain Citrus' sister)
Polk, Jean of Earth-14101 (Captain Cirtus' mother)
Polk, Martin of Earth-14101 (Captain Citrus' father)
Pollyanna (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Poporb (Krylorian technology, used by Chirreep; unpublished)
Poratine (Watchers on the Wall novel, Diascar)
Pork Chops (Crazed Maniac foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Portland Avengers of Earth-46421 (unpublished Avengers team, spoof) - by Loki
Possum Man (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
"Poundshop Silver Surfer on a Scooter" of unidentified reality (Silver Surfer counterpart, Survival Geeks character)
Pow! staff of Odhams Earth (Christmas party attendees)
power jewel (granted Witch magical powers, coloring book)
Predator of Earth-99532 (Chimp Man foe)
Prentiss, Andrew "Andy" (Illuminator)
"Presidential Kidnapper" (Hulk foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
Pressbutton, Axel (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, cyborg assassin)
Pretorious (alternate Earth Generation X foe) - by Madison Carter
Printout Man (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Prodigy (promotional character, Spider-Man foe) - by John Kaminski
Professor (tech-using Spider-Man foe, sticker book character) - by Proto-Man
Professor Baldwin (Illuminator foe) - By Madison Carter
Professor B-Man (V-Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Professor James (plastic surgeon, rescued by Spider-Woman) - by Proto-Man
Professor Laser (Jet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Professor Midknight (Dragona foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Professor Nogood (Astro Flair foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Professor Pink Eye (Dr. Eye foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Professor Pollution (Plant Man foe)
Professor Sneer (Hostess Ads, Captain Mar-Vell foe) - by John Kaminski
Professor Sting (Slime Man foe)
Professor X of Odhams Earth (Charles Xavier, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Project Ricochet (Ricochet Racers ad, Spider-Man/Captain America story) - by AvatarWarlord72
Protester of Earth-46421 (Portland Avengers)
Psi-Ber Sentinel (Toys 'R' Us giveaway, X-Men foe)
Punch Bunch (Kool-Aid Man's heroic team)
"Puppeteers" (xt, based on Known Space race) - by Loki
Purvis, Helen (vampire, X-Men foe)
Puzzle Man (Fun and Games contest character) - by Madison Carter
Python of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Queenie Dimm of Earth-Amusement World
Racquet, Rita (Super Sport agent, Captain America foe)
Radar Robot (Jet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Raffles (Forge/Kitty Pryde creation, computer-security cracker)
Raid of Earth-11332 (Ant-Man (Peter Parker) foe)
Rainbow Punch (Punch Bunch, Kool-Aid Man's team)
Rain Man (Lightning Bolt foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Rapator, Rex (Dragona foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Rapattak (dinosaur-themed shapeshifting villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Raptor of Earth-96201 (Vulture/Lizard mashup) - by Proto-Man
"Raptor-hounds" of Earth-32943 (Motormouth foes)
Rapture (Katrina Vesotsky, Techno-X)
Rattan (video game character, Captain America foe) - by LV
Rattler of Earth-77013 (newspaper strip, Spider-Man foe)
Razor of Earth-51320 (Monkey o'Doom foe)
Ready Girl (Rosie Green, New York Emergency Management character) - by Proto-Man
Rebel (enemy-swallowing superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
"Red" ("Knuckledown," unpublished Marvel UK title)
Red Fever (Punisher character)
Red Guys of Earth-13182 (Galactus appeared over Moscow in a world without FF)
Red Skull of alternate Earth (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins foe)
Red Skull's giant laser cannon (Avengers video game)
Red Skull's Giant Laser Cannon Plot (Avengers video game) - by Proto-Man
Red Skull's robot soldiers (Avengers video game)
Red Sonja of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ad)
Red Trims (baseball team, Look & Find Spider-Man adventure)
Refrigerator Man (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Removal Man (unpublished Marvel UK title, Motormouth foe) - by Loki
Reptil (green-skinned, reptile-themed superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Resourcelike (Crazed Maniac foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Reverend Egg Foo Yung (Spider-Man foe, Golden All-Star Book) - by Proto-Man
Rhinos (Hostess ad, Iron Man foes) - by Ronald Byrd
Rhoda Dendron (Cousin Betsy)
Richards, Reed of Earth-13182 (Galactus appeared over Moscow in a wirld without FF)
Richardson, Mark (Kool-Aid Man character)
Richardson, Mickey (Smalltown Sluggers, Kool-Aid Man character)
"Rick" (son of "Tentacula")
Ricochet Monster (Hostess ad, Thor foe) - by John Kaminski
Riddler of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Right Riders (Spider-Man character)
Ringo of Odhams Earth (The Group, Pow! staff)
Ripwire (unpublished Marvel UK title, robot armed with ultimate weapon technology) - by Loki
Roachman (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Robby the Robot of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ad)
Robin of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Robin of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Robot Bug (hero, Metal Gear foe)
Robotra (Professor Kline's maid, Kool-Aid Man character)
Rocklord (Buzz foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Rock Solid (rock-skinned superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Rocky (Theodore, teen runaway, Marvel RPG character)
Rogue mutate (Roger Fieldston mutate)
Roller Disco Devils (Hostess ad, Hulk foes) - by John Kaminski
Rolleys (Doctor Megalomann creations, Captain America foes)
Rotators (Doctor Megalomann creations, Captain America foes)
Rubble of Ultraverse (Rex Mundi mutate) - by Grendel Prime
Rugburn (Allergen gang)
Russell, "Crush" (X-Student, Watchers on the Wall)
Sai (hero, fringe character, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
“Salty“ the Man-Fish (alternate Earth Generation X foe)
Sam ?? (Kool-Aid Man character)
Sam's Snax (Kool-Aid Man story)
Sanderson (Generic Comic Book)
Sandman of Earth-13182 (Fantastic Four Consolidated)
"Sap" (Muscle Man foe)
Sarge of alternate Earth (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins character)
Scarlet (Galactic Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Scarlet Cyclist of Earth-46421 (Portland Avengers)
Scavenger (Fleer Ultra Spider-Man, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Scorcher (Shamrock foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Scorpianne (Dragona foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Scorpion of Earth-96345 (Ant-Man (Peter Parker) foe)
Scrueman (Mys-Tech, unpublished Removal Man vs Motormouth story)
Scullface (Spine foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Scupperman, Scot of Ultraverse (comic collector) - by Grendel Prime
Sealawatcher (Eela-Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Sergeant Death (Sai foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Sgt. Mellow (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Serpentino (Magic Snake ad, Hulk foe) - by Ben Peberdy
Shadow (invisibility-powered hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Shadow (Lilah Gaul, Fury Force)
Shadow (Dire Wraith, Road Force member) - by Markus Raymond
Shampoo (Hairball foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Shamrock (monstrous supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Shanon, Allison (Jubilee character)
Shark of Earth-99532 (Chimp Man foe)
Shocktopus (Madballs foe)
"shoplifters" (teen runaways, Marvel RPG characters) - by David Lawrence
Short Circuit (Bubble Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Shortstuff of Odhams Earth (Special Squad member)
Shrimp of Odhams Earth (The Group, Pow! staff)
Shuki (xt, Chlorites; X-Men novel)
Simon the Evil Swami (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord
"Simpson, Bart" ("Simpsons" son)
"Simpson, Homer" ("Simpsons" father)
"Simpson, Lisa" ("Simpsons" daughter)
"Simpson, Maggie" ("Simpsons" baby daughter)
"Simpson, Marge" ("Simpsons" mother)
"Sinister" (Aliens cartoon)
Sioux of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Sir Edward (horse, Kool-Aid Man character)
Sirio-10 of Earth-20022 (Laberinto hero, alternate reality Avenger) - by Loki
"Sizzle" (Aliens cartoon)
"Skipper" (Aliens cartoon)
Skull King (Snake King foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Skull Satellite (Red Skull's orbiting satellite base, Bubble Funnies story) - by Proto-Man
Skye, Lisa (Hostess ad, Spider-Man character) - by AvatarWarlord72
Skyhook (Spider-Man foe, Reading Motivation Kit) - by Proto-Man
Skyman of Odhams Earth (Allen Turner, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Slaughter (unpublished Marvek UK title, America's greatest hero) - by Loki
Sledge-Hammer Fists (Super Sport agent, Captain America foe)
Slime Haters (Slime Man foes)
Slime Man (superhero, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
Smalltown Sluggers (Kool-Aid Man characters)
Smart, Sigmund (Smalltown Sluggers, Kool-Aid Man character)
Smart, Steve "Stevie" (Kool-Aid Man character)
Smart Alec (Hostess ad, Spider-Man foe) - by Kyle Smith
"Smash" (Aliens cartoon)
Smith, Laurel (mutant, X-Men character)
Smith, Rina (New York City ghost, Marvel RPG character) - by David Lawrence
Smokescreen (anti-smoking comic, Spider-Man/Power Man/Storm foe) - by Greg O
Smythe, Winken (Marvel Mini-Book, Captain America foe) - by Proto-Man
Snake King (three-headed villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Snake Woman (Mr. Laughs foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
"Snoopy" (Aliens cartoon)
Soggies (Spider-Man/Cap'n Crunch foes)
Sogmaster (Spider-Man/Cap'n Crunch foe) - by Madison Carter
Soil (abandoned Rob Liefeld New Mutants character) - by Loki
Sonic Cannon (Preventive Maintenance, Spider-Man story)
Sore Sir's Apprentices (Hostess ad, Captain America foes) - by Kyle Smith
Soultaker (supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
Sound Man (hero, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
space creature (transformed buzzard into Witch, coloring book character)
Space Man (pink-skinned superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Space Ranger (Warlord foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Space Shot Capsule (Namor story, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide)
space station ("Faceless Creatures", Spider-Man coloring book)
Space Surfer (Space Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Sparkler (Nightmare foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Spelvin, Carla (vampire, X-Men foe)
Spider-Man (Peter Parker) of Earth-32943 (Spider-Man is a vengeance-seeking Vietnam vet)
Spike (criminal, investigated mechanical oysters)
Spiny Norman (London Morlocks, X-Men character)
Spider-Goblin of Earth-96201 (Toy Biz, Spider-Man/Hobgoblin composite) - by LV!
Spiderman of Earth-313710 (Ben Cooper Halloween costume) - by Proto-Man
Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Spider-Man imposter (coloring book, Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man
Spider-Man's car (toy story, Spider-Man) - by Proto-Man
Spider-Man's helicopter (toy story, Spider-Man) - by Proto-Man
Spider-Mite of Earth-79733 (Peter Palmer, shrinking arachnid-themed hero) - by Proto-Man
Spider Wasp Woman (Marvel UK competition, Spider-Man foe) - by Loki
Spider-Woman of Earth-313710 (Ben Cooper Halloween costume) - by Proto-Man
Spikelar (dragon-like villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Spikes Harvey Rotten of Forbidden Planet (Mega-City 5000, comic shop ad)
Spine (head-separating villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Spook (Fury Force)
Squid-A-Tron (supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Squid-Man (hypnotic supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Star Hawk (Star Team's ship)
Starhawk of Earth-6950 (ad character, Marvel Super-Heroes) - by John Kaminski
Star Team (Zeroids robot heroes) - by Grendel Prime
Starkey, Rich (Daily Bugle copy boy, Spider-Man character) - by Grendel Prime
Starr, Justin (astrologist, cyber comic)
Steel, Bobby (Brad's son)
Steel, Brad (Big Looker Storybook, Spider-Man character) - by Proto-Man
Steeler (Fury Force)
Stevens, Jean "Jeanie" (Kool-Aid Man character)
Stevens, Scott (Kool-Aid Man character)
Stiffany's Jewelry (jewelry store robbed by the Ultra Violet Man)
Stogies (Allergen gang)
S.T.O.M.P. (unpublished Marvel UK title, student in nano-tech suit) - by Loki
Storm Satellite (Karzz, the Conqueror)
Stormrider (Hostess ad, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
"Streak" (Aliens cartoon)
Strend & Minth (two-headed hero, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
Stupid of Odhams Earth (The Group, Pow! staff)
Sub-Mariner of Odhams Earth (Namor McKenzie, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Sulfur Surfer (Harold, Howard the Duck character)
Sunbeam (superheroine, Spider-Man Magazine fringe character) - by Proto-Man
Sunlight (Lightning Bolt foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Sun Man (primordial being, Planet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Sunshine Punch (Punch Bunch, Kool-Aid Man's team)
Super Attorney (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Supergirl of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Superhero Special Action Squad (grouping of Captain America allies)
Supermanta of Reality-79733 (Namor-El, Kryptonian ecological warrior on Earth) - by Proto-Man
Super Predator (demonic-looking superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Super Slimer (Spine foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Super Sport (robot, Captain America foe) - by Proto-Man
Super Sub (Squid-A-Tron foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Survival Geeks of numerous unidentified realities (Surival Geeks counterparts)
Swift Flyer (Black Shadow foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Swing of Earth-26957 (Peter Parker, superhumanly strong, monkey-themed hero) - by Proto-Man
"Swoop" (Aliens cartoon)
Symbiosis (Techno-X)
Sympatico (Marvel Year-in-Review joke character) - by Loki
Taforne (Watchers on the Wall novel, Diascar)
Tag (proposed New Mutants character) - by Loki
talking fish of unrevealed Earth (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron)
Target of Odhams Earth (Niles Reed, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Taylor, Helene (Kool-Aid Man character)
Taylor, Leslie (Kool-Aid Man character)
Taylor, Mark (Kool-Aid Man character)
Taylor, Mary (Kool-Aid Man character)
Techno-X (robot-fighting team spinning out from Transformers) - by Loki
Teen Hulk (Chester Weems, Crazy Magazine character)
Tentacle (Warlord foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
"Tentacula" (Roger Fieldston mutate)
Terrance ?? (X-Men character)
Terror Cupid (Shamrock foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Testa, Brad of Earth-33900 (AAFES, Avengers ally) - by Grendel Prime
Tex Willer of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Thermal Thief (Energy Drainers, Campbell Kids/Captain America foe) - by Norvo
Thing of Odhams Earth (Fantastic Four, attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Thing of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ad)
Thing of Earth-50810 (Mega Morphs)
Thing Mega Morph of Earth-50810 (giant transforming robot) - by Grendel Prime
Thirsties (Kool-Aid Man foes)
Thirstie Squad A (Thirsties, Kool-Aid Man foes)
Thirst Ray (Thirsties weapon, Kool-Aid Man story)
"This Guy" of Earth-46421 (Portland Avengers)
Thor of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Thor of Earth-95514 (Blaze's great uncle)
Thrasher (Shadow foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
3X Moo Shu Pak (Spider-Man foe, Golden All-Star Book)
Throwaway (Howard the Duck character)
Thunderbolt (spiked-shoulder superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Thunderpunch (Techno-X)
Thwart (What The? character)
Tiger Fang of Earth-51320 (Monkey o'Doom foe)
Tiger Jack of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Time Glider (time vehicle, Beast invention) - by Grendel Prime
Tin of Forbidden Planet (DC's Metal Men, comic shop ad)
Titanium Man of Earth-13182 (Red Guys)
Tornado (Flame Mammoth foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Torque, Hy (Hostess ad, Iron Man foe) - by Ronald Byrd
"Tracy, Dick" (famous detective, based on newspaper strip) - by Loki
Tranqula (Dr. Dino foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Transformation Girl (superheroine, Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
"Trapster's Goon" (Hostess ad, Captain America/Nick Fury foe) - by John Kaminski
T-Ray (X-Men member) - by Madison Carter
Triton of Earth-13182 (Fantastic Four Consolidated)
Troglodyte (Adventures in Reading, Spider-Man foe) - by Proto-Man
Tropical Punch (Punch Bunch, Kool-Aid Man's team)
Trueno of Earth-99101 (Laberinto hero, Avengers/Iberia, Inc. member) - by Loki
Tsunami (Spikelar foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Turbine (Spider-Man character)
"Two-Headed Dog-Man" (Professor Baldwin experiment)
Tymok (Hulk foe, Incredible Hulk: Lost in Time)
Tyrone (Witch's husband, coloring book)
Tzin (Captain America/New Warriors foes) - by Kevin Garcia
UFOs ("Faceless Creatures", Spider-Man coloring book)
Ultimate Marvel Villain (combo villain(s), FOOM/Fun and Games Magazine) - by AvatarWarlord
"Ultimate Wave Reader" (Hydrators gadget)
Ultimate Weapon (Hostess ad, Torgo)
ultramagnet (Karzz, the Conqueror)
Ultra Violet Man (mad scientist using invisibility tech, Thor foe) - by Proto-Man
Ultra Violet Molecular Disintegrator (Ultra Violet Man's death ray)
Underneather (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)
unidentified clerk (Ma & Pa Grocery employee, Marvel RPG character)
unidentified demon (Illuminator character)
unidentified pyrokinetic (X-Student, Watchers on the Wall)
unidentified robot or armored villain (Car and Cable cartoon)
Valentine, Kym (Slaughter/Nial Coward's agent)
Vampider of Earth-96201 (Toy Biz, alternate Venom) - by LV!
Vampirella of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ad)
Vapor (Hydrators)
Vapora (Daredevil/Gas Company promotional character) - by Ron Byrd
Vermilion (I.C.O.N. agent, Peregrine & Shamrock foe, unpublished story)
Vicious Vine (Fantastic Four foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
Visionary (X-Student, Meena Banerjee; Watchers on the Wall)
V-Man (shapeshifting hero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Volcano Island (video game, Howard the Duck)
Voltarr (I.C.O.N. agent, Shamrock & le Peregrine foe, unpublished story)
Voltman (Berzerker Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Voodonut of Earth-46421 (Portland Avengers)
Vowel Snatcher (Mighty Marvel Superheroes Fun Book villain) - by Markus Raymond & Al Soupless
Vulcan Machine (Karzz, the Conqueror)
Vulture of Earth-31338 (Marsupial Man foe)
Wacky Warehouse (Kool-Aid Man stories)
Walkman (Gods for the 80s)
Wallace, Alf of Odhams Earth (Pow! staff)
"Wallet, Allison 'Skeezix'" (based on Gasoline Alley character)
War Gear (Metal Gear foe)
Warlord (color-changing supervillain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Warning, Gail (weather forecaster, Madballs foe)
Wasp Man (Wing Nut foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Water Man (Clay Face foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Waterman (Hostess ad, Iron Man foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
water monster of Ultraverse (Flood character)
Watkins, Todd (X-Student, Watchers on the Wall)
Wattage Waster (Energy Drainers, Campbell Kids/Captain America foe) - by Norvo
Web Man (Fire Star Woman foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Weirdbeard the Pirate (Madballs foe) - by Grendel Prime
Weed (Drug Lords)
Weird (The Eye foe)
Wendall (Kaspar the Dead Baby foe)
Wendigo (Hostess Ad, Hulk foe) - by Madison Carter
Wendy ?? (Car and Cable cartoon)
Werewolf of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Westcott, Skip (Spider-Man promotional character) - by Ron Byrd
White Canyon (Flame Mammoth foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
White-Collar Criminal (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Wild Card of Earth-79733 (Remy Cash, mutated Thieves Guild member) - by Proto-Man
Wiley, Mr. (Eques' father)
Wiley, Mrs. (Eques' mother)
Wilkenson, Warren (Kool-Aid Man character)
Wilson, Keith (Captain America character)
Windigo (Shamrock foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Windy (Kaspar the Dead Baby character)
Wing Nut (winged superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Winifred (Kaspar the Dead Baby's mother)
Winks, Wolfgang "Woozy" of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
Witch (transformed buzzard, Fantastic Four ally, coloring book character)
Witch Hunt of Earth-79733 (Sara Hope, undercover cop turned paranormal protector) - by Proto-Man
Withiner (Brotherhood of Evil Prepositions, Howard the Duck character)
Wizard from the Dark Dimension (Rebel foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Wizard Prang of Odhams Earth (attended Special Squad Christmas party)
WMGD News (news station, Kool-Aid Man story)
Wolverine of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ad)
Wolverine Mega Morph of Earth-50810 (piloted by Wolverine, giant transformable mecha) - by Grendel Prime
Wolverwillie of Earth-73925 (Simpsons Treehouse of Horror character) - by Loki
Won Ton Dupe (Spider-Man foe, Golden All-Star Book)
Wonder Woman
"Woodley, Herb" (based on Blondie and Dagwood character)
World Computer Communications (computer science firm) - by Proto-Man
World Government (Earth-Amusement Park)
Wrist Hydrophasers (Hydrators weapon)
X-Man (X-Men foe, Blockbuster special) - by AvatarWarlord72 & Technarch
X-Men of Earth-47235 (Gorilla allies)
X-Press (Marvel Year-in-Review joke character) - by Loki
X-Stream (Hydrators)
Yankee Bean Stadium (Reverend Egg Foo Yung's stadium)
Yankers (Doctor Megalomann creations, Captain America foes)
Ying & Yang (Doctor Megalomann creations, Captain America video game)
Youngblood, Seth (Spider-Man foe, British Annual) - by Loki
Zak Patat (Superhelden Agenda, Belgian hero) - by Loki
Zann (xt, Chlorites; X-Men novel)
Zem-21 (Star Team)
Zeroid Blue (Star Team)
Zeroid Red (Star Team)
Z-Man (V-Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Zone (portal-generating Spider-Man Magazine character) - by Proto-Man
Zorreks (Doctor Megalomann creations, Captain America foes)
I consider the use of Icemaster from the Hostess Adds a precedent for the potential inclusion of promotional/advertisement characters. Until used, they are right at the fringe of continuity, much like unused Golden Age characters. If not, well, they're fun anyway, and deserve a mention somewhere.--Snood.
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