This group of profiles generally includes extra-terrestrial and
extra-dimensional races, as well as certain terrestrial sub-species of
humanity (along the lines of the Inhumans or Eternals), plants,
animals, etc. If you can't find it here, you might check under Groups.
--Gods have their own page.
A'askvarii (Black Goliath characters)
Abominable Snowmen (Cold People)
Abonimable Snowmen ("Yeti", Man-Thing characters)
Absolutes (Ubiquitor's race)
Achernonian (xt race, Silver Surfer/Thor characters)
Achian (xt, Daredevil/Silver Surfer characters)
A-Chiltarian (Ant-Man/Wasp foes)
Adekians (xt, Gwanzulum victims)
Adze (vampires, Blade foes)
Aedians (xt, Silver Surfer)
Aesir of a previous cycle (Asgardians)
Afran Mistforms (xt, Journey into Unknown Worlds) - by AvatarWarlord
Afterlings (Conan characters) - by Per Degaton & Snood
"Agalrana" (race visited by the Audience)
Agriconians (xt race, Rom characters)
Air-Pirana (Rakasa)
Akaana (xt, Solomon Kane foes)
Alban Picts (Picts, 100 BC)
Aldebarans (xt, Astonishing) - by AvatarWarlord
alien "bugs" of Earth-99315 (Fantastic Four foes)
"alien collective" (Defenders story)
alien creatures (Ankh Dimension)
"alien lights" (Avengers story, summoned to Earth by Zoila Rodriguez)
"Alien" race (Al)
Alpha Centaurians (Namor characters)
Alpha Mechs of Earth-7484 (Hellinger's cyborgs)
"Alphans" of reality-691 (31st century, Guardians of the Galaxy characters) - by Donald Campbell
Ama (xt, Silver Surfer foes) - by Grendel Prime
Amazons (Hyborian era Conan foes) - by Prime Eternal
Amazons of Reality-81165 (Backworld, Bront characters)
Amebid (xt, Sakaar, Hulk characters)
Amphibians of Hydro-Base (Hydro-Men)
Ancient (vampires, Blade foes) - by Markus Raymond
Ancients (Hulk characters)
ancient race ("winged horror's" race)
Andromians (xt, Shann's foes)
Andromidian (xt, Mummex's race)
Animals of Halfworld (mutated terran animals, Rocket Raccoon/Hulk characters)
Annunaki (xt, Silver Surfer characters)
Anthigorite (xt, Avengers story)
Ant-Men (Conan foes)
Antrons (Microverse race)
Anubians (xt, X-Men characters)
Ape race of Reality-7481 (Mars, Apeslayer foes)
"ape creatures" ("Twilight World" race)
Apelanteans (Weirdworld aquatic simians, Arkon foes) - by Chadman
Ape Lords (Conan/Kull foes)
Ape Masters of Earth-7481 (Mars-based, Apeslayer foes)
Aquannoids (Piranha) - by Squeak
Aquanox (xt, Starjammers foes)
Aquaticans (Dr. Druid/Droom foes) - by Ben Peberdy, Spaceknight
Aquion (xt, Human Torch characters)
Araknoids (Knights of Pendragon characters)
Aramans of Earth-81727
Arcane (Quist)
Archeopian (xt, Thor characters)
Arch-Fiend of Pit (demons, Amanda Sefton foes) - by MarvellousLuke
Arcturan (xt, Morbius/Fantastic Four characters)
Ariguans (xt, Starlord characters)
Aris (xt, Starjammers characters) - by Markus Raymond
Arquindae (planet Sakaar animal species, Hulk character)
arthropod-creatures of Planet X of Reality-60751 (xt, Tales to Astonish)
"Asbesti Tribe" (Fireproof Natives)
Asgardians (fought Supercreep)
Asian Snow vampires (Yiki Onna)
Asikii (conquered by Mingo)
asteroid eaters of Denak IV (Silver Surfer story)
Asteroidians (xt race, Golden Age Vision foes) - by AvatarWarlord72
Astran (xt, Metal Master)
Astro-Men (Saramin's race, Marvel Boy (Grayson) characters)
Atlantean "Ranine" (sub-kingdom of Atlantis) - by MarvellousLuke
Atlanteans (supplementary data only)
Audience (xt, Silver Surfer foes)
Autans (xt, Sun Girl characters) - by AvatarWarlord72
Autocron (alien race, Machine Man/Quasar/Avengers foes)
Axi-Tun (xt race, Fantastic Four/Invaders/Starmasters characters)
Ba-Bani (xt race, Avengers foes) - by Proto-Man
Baconian (xt race, Teen Hulk story)
Badoon of Reality-691 (xt, Guardians of the Galaxy foes) - by Donald Campbell
Badoon Sisterhood of Earth-691 (31st Century, Guardians of the Galaxy/Valkyrie characters)
Bahndbirds (extradimensional avian reptiles, Howard the Duck foes) - by Proto-Man
Balatraans (Ceranda)
Balentine Amoeboids ("Gravity Garden" creatures)
Balenus jelafus (Amebid)
Banari (Sub-Mariner foes/allies) - by Prime Eternal
Bandersnatch (Power Pack characters)
Barodi (xt, Bishop characters)
Barps (xt, members of the Conquest)
Bastianite (Silver Surfer story)
bat-men (Simon Majors foes)
Bat-People (V'mira Z'han)
Bats of Yann (Dr. Strange foe)
Battle-bats (Microverse animals)
Battle-beetles (Micronauts foes) - by Grendel Prime
Battletide (Death's Head/Killpower foes)
Beast-Men of Brutheim (Conan characters)
Beast-Men (Old West, Black Rider foes) - by Grendel Prime
Beast-Men of Femizonia
Beast-Men (Reindeer Men)
Beast-Men (Hyborian, Conan foes)
Beastmen of Redstone (xt, Starlord foes)
Beast-Men of Rus (xt, Hercules/Sif/Champions foes)
"beast men of the Forgotten" (beast creatures, Dr. Strange foes) - by Proto-Man
beasts (xt, Cygnet VII, used by Proselytes/green sect in arena)
Beaver tribe (Never-Summer, Microverse)
Bedlamites (Bedlam creations, Alpha Flight foes)
bees of Guildern (Dark Angel/Wild Thing foes)
Betalgeusean of Reality-59116 (xt, 31st century, alternate reality race)
Betan (xt, Godzilla/Quasar characters)
"Betans" of Reality-7918 (xt, What If? story)
Bidoceros (Hulk story)
Bigfins (Weirdworld creatures) - by Prime Eternal
Bimmu of Reality-63157 (Tales of Suspense story)
Binary Beings (Captain Britain foes) - by Loki
Bioluminescent squid (Namor creature) - by Chadman
Biomechanoids (31st century bioloical/technological lifeforms created by Kang temporal counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Bio-Synthezoids (Avengers characters)
Biphasians (xd, Werewolf)
Bird-Men of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, Spider-Man characters)
Bird-Men of Akah Ma’at (Hyborian/Conan era) - by Greg O
birds of Reality-8116 (planet Caldor fauna, Dreadstar story)
Blips (Electrical beings) - by Prime Eternal
Blood-Children of Ovada (Conan foes)
Blue Banshess of Earth-691 (Guardians of the Galaxy foes)
Blurzz (xt, She-Hulk characters)
Boar-Gods (Asgardian, Thor foes)
Body (Stardust)
Boggies of Earth-5311 (xd, Nightcrawler characters) - by Grendel Prime
Bordoks (monstrous natives of Perrinois, Spider-Man characters)
Borers (Negative Zone, Fantastic Four characters)
Bororo Indians (South American tribe, encountered by Rex Ross)
Brain Leeches (Xandarian creatures) - by Prime Eternal
Brain Parasites (Fantastic Four characters)
Brekk (xt, Silver Surfer characters) - by Grendel Prime
Brethren (Avengers foes) - by Proto-Man
Bretilian Bondars (xt race, X-Factor/Lila Cheney story)
Brll'nah >Zhhk< - by Madison Carter
Brood (links only)
"Brood Pets" (Brood creatures) - by Darc_Light
Broodlings of Chthon (elder race, Carnage characters) - by Markus Raymond
Brotherhood of Badoon of Reality-691 (xt, Guardians of the Galaxy foes) - by Donald Campbell
Brundlebuds (Silver Surfer characters)
Brutal Ones (Targoth)
Buel's agents (Gremlins/Gremlyns)
bullfinches (Star-Lord foes)
Burfians (xt, Planet Terry characters) - by Grendel Prime
Burrowers (xt, Power Pack characters)
Butte (Desert Dwellers)
Buzzard People (Tunnelworld)
"Bwokkians" (Ronan the Accuser characters)
Byan'Hantandu (xt, Cloak & Dagger characters)
Byfrexian of Reality-8116 (Dreadstar's race)
B'zzk (xd, Microverse, Planetary Council)
C3 (xt, Cosmic Cutie Commandos)
Cactus (Desert Dwellers)
Cadres (xt, members of the Conquest)
Caldorians of Reality-8116 (The People)
Calishee (microscopic race, Thor story)
Calurnians (xt, Rom characters) - by Spidermay
cannibals of Universe-7711 (Hulk foes)
Canopians (xt, Journey into Mystery...doomed race) - by AvatarWarlord
Canticlans (Firelord characters)
Caraneri (Morg's race)
"Carbon Copy Men" (Xartans) - by Prime Eternal
Caretakers (android race, Thor characters)
Carmondians (xt, Captain Marvel characters) - by Elf With a Gun
"cartoon alien mice" of Reality-17215 (residents of alien world within a mouse hole)
Cat-People of Pangea (Ka-Zar foes)
Cavaranthus mazorus (Great Devil Corkers)
Cave-bats (Microverse animals)
Cave-Dwellers (Cave People)
Cave People (Tuk the Caveboy characters)
Centaurans (xt, pre-modern era)
Centauri (xd race, Homeworld's Sandzone, Micronauts characters)
Centaurians (xt, 616 version) - by Donald Campbell
Centaurs (mythological creatures) - by Will U & Prime Eternal
centaurs (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Centurii (xt, Thor characters) - by Donald Campbell
Cerberus (Hellhounds, served Olivier Stoker)
Cerynein Hind (protected by Artemis)
Cerynnithian Hind (Cerynein Hind)
Cetaceans (whale-like marine mammals from planet Nautilus)
Chameleon Worms (Darkhold)
Chameleoid (xt race, Imperial Guard's Hobgoblin) - by Chadman
Chaos Mites (Skreet's race, Diableri creations) - by Donald Campbell
Chaos Sprites (Chaos Mites)
Charniputra (vampires, Blade foes)
Children (Lunatik victims) - by Markus Raymond
Children of Bast (Conan story)
Children of the Dreaming Star (Micronauts allies) - by Grendel Prime
Children of Ishiti (Conan foes)
Children of the Comet (Caretakers)
Children of Danu (Tuantha de Danan, Wolf People of Muir Island)
Children of the Makers (Microverse creators)
Children of Ootah (Fantastic Four characters)
Chitauri (xt, natives of Chitauri Prime) - by Markus Raymond
Chitinauts (xd, Negative Zone race, Darkhawk foes)
Chlorites ("race" of mutations within individual species/races, X-Men novel)
Chnitt (xt, Bishop characters)
Chosen (xt, X-Factor characters)
Chronosites (mystic beings, fed on time-displaced objects) - by Proto-Man
Chrrt-Chuk (xt, Squirrel Girl characters) - by Chadman
Ciegrimites (Power Pack characters)
Circle (Ravens)
Circles of Reality-88131 (natives of the Planet of the Shapes)
Citadelians (xt, large members of the Conquest)
Clave of Earth-950108 (extratemporal race from Earth, Blade/Scarlet Witch/Man-Thing/Modred/Strange foes) - by Markus Raymond
Clavians (Rom characters)
"Clerics" of Rigel (precursors to the Recorders) - by Donald Campbell
Cloudmen (1950s mutates) - by Grendel Prime
Cloud People (1940s comedy characters) - by Grendel Prime
Clowns (Marvel UK, Ghost Dancer foes)
"Cluster" (composite race, Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin & Jessica Drew) foes)
cockroach men of Earth-80521 (genetically engineered, Cable foes)
cockroaches of Earth-2081 (Hulk: The End)
Cold People (Fantastic Four foes)
Colonials of Reality-80324 (Servant Species)
colonists of Urrulu (xt, Deadpool story)
Colony of Reality-92131 (insectoid/humanoid alien race, X-Men foes) - by MarvellousLuke
Conqueror Worms (Ghost Rider foes)
Contrasepsis (Eternity's antibodies, Fantastic Four characters)
Contraxian (race of Jack of Hearts' mother)
Corps du Chapeau of Reality-20110 (Deadpool Corps foes)
corrupt future civilization of Earth-81244 (30th century, Ralf's future)
Cosmic Cutie Commandos (xt, winged female members of the Conquest)
Cotati (Plant race, Avengers and Silver Surfer characters) - by Stunner & Snood
Coterie (Contest of Champions II instigators) - by Darc_Light
Count Abyss' shadow creatures (Infinity Watch foes)
Courga of reality-691 (31st century, Stark victims) - by Donald Campbell
Crabmen (subterranean race) - by Grendel Prime
Crawlers (Avengers associates)
Creatures From Krogarr (aliens) - by Prime Eternal
"Creatures from the Bottomless Pit" (1950s race) - by John Kaminski
Creatures of Dimension X (encountered by Derek Weems)
Creatures of the Caves (Tribe of the Moon foes) - by Proto-Man
Critics (splinter group of Watchers) - by Will U
crocodile-men (Red Sonja foes)
crocodiles of Swampland of Terror (Lorna foes)
Cryptunian (extinct race except for one survivor) - by Don Campbell
"crystal monsters" (extradimensional creatures) - by Proto-Man
Crystalkhrits ("Gravity Garden" creatures)
crystals (crystal planet, Alpha Flight foes)
Cultha (xt, Gambit characters)
Cu Sith (Celtic demon dogs) - by Grendel Prime
Cutfrogs (Sakaarian animal species)
Cyberdrones (xt technological race, Die-Cut vs. G-Force characters)
Cyberwarriors (Deathlok/Silver Sable foes) - by Proto-Man & Prime Eternal
Cyborgs of Matricca Scoppio (xt, Death's Head & Die-Cut story)
Cyclopses of Earth-38191 (giant eyeblast-firing monsters) - by Proto-Man
Cygnetians (xt Cygnet VII, green sect, Proselytes, Hulk characters)
Cygnetians (xt Cygnet VII, red sect, former Proselytes, Hulk characters)
Cygnians (xt, Zephyr Jones foes) - by AvatarWarlord
Cygnorions (xt, Xanja, Spider-Man foes)
Cynodd (xt, Gun Runner foes)
Dakkamites (xt, Wundarr, Power Platoon, Quantum)
Daleks of unrevealed reality (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patrons, Doctor Who foes)
Dance (xt, Quasar/Sundragon characters)
Danebians (xt, Journey into Unknown Worlds) - by AvatarWarlord
Darbians (Fantastic Four/Cloak & Dagger characters)
Dargallan (xt, Omegex associates; Hulk story)
Dark Beings (Dark Master, Moondark)
Dark Bloodhunger of the Night (Doctor Strange foes) - by Donald Campbell
dark gods (Psyklop)
Dark Gods (N'Garai)
Dark Ones (xt, enemies of Synthia)
Dark Overlords of the Universe of Earth-58472 (Howard Movie Adaptation)
Darkpawns (xd, Biphasia dimension)
D'arnellians (Microverse race)
Dart Birds of Vestas 203 (xd, 2000 AD)
Darvinian (xd, Avengers foes)
Daughters of Chthon (Broodlings of Chthon)
D'Bari (xt, Asparagus People, Avengers character)
Deimosans of Earth-63794 (Journey into Mystery characters)
Deltonians (enemies of Mingo)
Demons (supplementary links only)
demons of Universe-7711 (Hulk foes)
demons (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
"Demons" of Castile (Marvel Italia, EuroLab foes) - by Wolfhead & Loki with help from Angelon Mammone
Demon Shrikes (xt, Sakaar animal race)
Demons (enemies of X'Hoss)
Demonswarm (Rakasa)
Dendurian Carnosaurs (xt, Tyrant agents, Ganymede foes)
Deonists (Soul Survivors)
Designate's race (xt, Thor characters) - by Donald Campbell
Dethan (metamorphs, Ozak's race)
Deviants (links & list only)
Devil-Beasts of Nergal (Shadows of Nergal)
Devil Birds (human mutates, 1950s horror) - by Grendel Prime
Devil Corkers (Sakaar race, Hulk characters)
devil-things (Conan foes)
Devourers of Souls (Conan characters)
Diascar (xt, Watchers on the Walls novel, X-Men foes)
Diatrymas (Dovecote)
Dimension Giants (Tribe of the Moon foes) - by Proto-Man
Dino-Men (agents of Prime Evil)
dinosaur of Reality-81165 (Backworld)
dinosaur-like creatures (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Dire Wolves (Lupa, Savage Land Mutates allies)
Dire Wolves (Lupo, Savage Land Mutates allies)
Dire Wraiths of Earth-98226 (Timeslip) - by Proto-Man
Djaigon (xt, She-Hulk characters)
D'max'ians (xt, Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) foes)
Doc's mutates (She-Hulk characters)
Doctopoids (xt, Galactic Alliance of Spider-Men foes)
Donkleburro (xt, Martians pets, Homer Ghost story)
Doom's Creatures of Earth-311 (1602 AD)
Doomsday Mechs of Earth-7484
Draconian (xt, Century characters)
Draggoth (xt race, Cygnet VII, Hulk characters)
Dragon Kings of Lemuria (Thongor foes)
Dragon-Men of Ligra (xt race, Electro robot foes)
dragons of Ptahuacan (Conan foes)
dragons (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
"dragons" of Medieval World (Skrull playground)
"dragons" of the Negative Zone and Distortion Area (Fantastic Four story)
Dragons, Flying, of Alganom (natives of Perrinois, Spider-Man characters)
Dragons of Klarn (Weirdworld creatures) - by Prime Eternal
Drakillar (Halfworld, Rocket Raccoon foes) - by Elf with a Gun
Drammoth (Sakaar animal race, Hulk story)
Dr'azim (xt, affected by S'met'kth)
Dreamscapers (Gamble's race)
dregs (sub-humans created by Morphala, Conan characters)
Drenx (xt, S.W.O.R.D. characters)
Dreollnian (xt, Star-Thief)
Drogs (Lunatik characters)
"Drones" (Shogun Warriors characters) - by Donald Campbell
Druffs (xt, Skrull galaxy, Fantastic Four/Avengers/Thor/Silver Surfer/Adam Warlock stories)
D'Sprytes (miniature D'Spayres, Ghost Rider foes) - by Markus Raymond
"Dune Devils" of Reality-791 (Trinity-That-Is-One symbiotic parents/offspring, Star-Lord characters)
Dwarflings from the Dimension of the Eye of Odin (Thor story)
Dwarves of Weirdworld (race) - by Prime Eternal
Dwarves (SHIELD creations)
Dwarves (Paradise and City of Death)
Dwellers in Darkness (Conan foes)
Dwellers of the Ark of Earth-791 (Star-Lord story)
Dykkors (Zodiak)
eagles of Ligra (xt animals, Electro robot story)
Earth Demons (agents of Lord Gaea)
Ebron of Earth-75011 (xt, Slow Glass) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Echomelians (xt, no-eyed intergalactic lawyers) - by HBK123
eeoynai of Reality-81165 (Backworld)
Egaliterns (xt race, bloc/sect of Eopian race, Dark Guard characters)
Egolans (xd race, Adam Warlock characters)
"Egosian" (xt, possible progenitors of Ego the Living Planet) - by Donald Campbell
Elan (xt, Infant Terrible, Fantastic Four/Power Pack stories) - by Donald Campbell
Elder Gods (N'Garai)
Eldrites of Reality-928 (xt, Doom 2099 story)
"Electrans" (pre-FF xd race) - by John Kaminski
Eleha'al (xt, Sakaar plant race, Hulk characters)
ELF (Elves of the North Pole)
"elfin minotaur" (Yao/Ancient One foes) - by Proto-Man
Elowan (xt, Silver Surfer characters)
Elves of the North Pole (Santa Claus)
"Emissaries of the Invisible World" (xd, presumed Doombringer masters)
Endrionic Empire (alien warrior race) - by Proto-Man
enemies of X'Hoss (ancient, demonic, bird-like creatures)
Energy beings (within the black hole, empowered Ebon Seeker and Firefrost)
Energy creatures of Erdile (Avengers foes) - by Stunner
Enslavers (Troxx, Silver Surfer foes)
Entari (xt, early 20th century, Men on the Wall foes)
Entari Monsters (xt fauna, early 20th century, Men on the Wall foes)
Entemen of Reality-691 (31st century, Force victims) - by Donald Campbell
Ephex (xd, Cloudsea dimension)
Epsiloni (xt, Captive=Threkker?, see for yourself)
Ergon (xt, Consortium members) - by Donald Campbell
Eternals (links & list only)
Eternals of Eyung (alien race, Overmind's race) - by Chadman
Eternians (Eternals of Eyung)
Etherays ("Gravity Garden" creatures)
Ethereals (mostly-extinct extraterrestrial race)
Evil Clowns from Dimension X (Slapstick foes)
Evolved Humanity of Earth-89721
extradimensional monsters (encountered by Honest Ernest)
"eyeball seals" (extradimensional seal-like creatures) - by Proto-Man
Eyes (Astonishing monsters) - by John Kaminski
Eye Killers (Children of the Night, Doctor Strange/Storm foes) - by Markus Raymond
Eye-Monsters (Eyes)
Eye-Things (Eyes)
Eyungians (Eternals of Eyung)
"Faceless Creatures" (xt, Spider-Man foes, coloring book) - by Proto-Man
Faceless Ones (Namor foes)
Faltine (Dark Dimension race) - by Jean-Marc Lofficer
Fear-Eaters (xt, seen in Marvel Comics Presents)
Feeders (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foes) - by Markus Raymond
Femizons (Thundra, both versions)
Fernusans (Fernius, sentient plant race) - by Grendel Prime
Feruvians (xt, Marvel Tales invaders) - by AvatarWarlord
fheta of Reality-81165 (Backworld)
Fiends of Toadthrax (Shadow-Earth, Genghis Grimtoad foes)
Fingerworms (snake-like "Gravity Garden" creatures)
Fire People of Ultraverse (Ultraforce/Freex foes)
Fireproof Natives (Human Torch foes) - by Prime Eternal
"Fish-Men" ("Old Man of the Sea" followers)
Fish People (1950s, Marvel Boy (Grayson) characters)
Fish People of "Lost Atlantis" (1950s, encountered by Carl Melton)
Fish People of Reality-85481 (xt, Heathcliff the cat foes)
Flame Men (Golden Age, Sub-Earth Man followers)
Flame-Tongued Lizard of Reality-54136 (Venusian race, ca. 2223 A.D.)
"Flatulans" (Human Torch/Sun Girl foes) - by John Kaminski
Flb'dbi (xt non-humanoids race, Fantastic Four characters)
"fleas" (Illa the Girl-Moon fauna)
Flock (xt, Lockheed's race)
flora of Planet X of Reality-59356 (controlled fauna via exuding neural scent)
flying-creature (xd race, 1950s)
Flying Dragons of Alganom (natives of Perrinois, Spider-Man characters)
Flying Trolls of Thryheim (Thor foes) - by Markus Raymond
Fmora (xt crustaceans, Venom (Thompson) characters)
followers of Pennsu & Tae (xt, Hercules/Thor characters)
Fomalhauti (amoeba-like species) - by Prime Eternal
Fomor (Celtic Gods/Avengers foes)
Fonabi (NOT Terminus' race) - by Donald Campbell
Forest People of Reality-8116 (World of the Woods natives)
Forest Trolls (tree-like Otherworld beings, Black Knight (Dane Whitman) foes) - by Loki
Fortisquians (Max, Caretakers of Arcturus)
4-armed aliens (Star-Lord foes)
"Four-armed men" (1950s subterraneans, Jane Bryant's race)
Four-Armed Men (xt, 1960s invaders) - by Ron Fredricks
Fourth Race (Kelts)
Fox-People (xt, Planet-Taker Corps foes)
Frankenclones (Frankenstein monster/Spider-Man foes)
Froma (xt, Iron Man/Maximum Security/She-Hulk stories)
Frost Giants of Earth-2301 (Mangaverse, Hulk foes) - by MarvellousLuke
Frost Giants (alternate reality Asgardian god, proposed Thor animated series)
Frost Giant Schnauzers of Earth-53147 (Catsgardian giants, Cat Thor foes)
"Future Men" (encountered Charles Parker)
"future mutates" of Earth-18352 (savage creatures serving Gideon) - by Proto-Man
Gamma Spores (Defenders story)
Gammus' superiors (pre-FF aliens)
Ganalon (xt, Marvel UK, Die-Cut's race)
Geburan (semi-humanoid alien race, Void Indigo)
Gegku of Reality-829 (xt race, Hercules 2300 characters) - by Donald Campbell
Gene-Batch Warclones (Imogen's warriors)
Gevaltans (xt, Urthona's race, Doctor Strange stories)
Gh'runji Race (Marvel Two-in-One characters) - by SQUEAK
Giant Buzzards (Zombie Master)
giant "chickens" (Conan foes)
Giant Hawks (Dovecote)
giant insects (encountered Charles Parker)
Giant-Kings (Conan foes)
Giant Slugs (1 Billion BC Mars, animal race)
giant spiders (WW2, Miss America foes)
giant spiders (Weirdworld creatures)
giant vultures of Swampland of Terror (Lorna foes)
Giants of Jotunheim (links & list only)
Gigantans of Gigantus (alien race) - by Chadman
Giganto (Atlantean monster) - by Prime Eternal
"Giger" (alien race) - by Markus Raymond
Gila (Desert Dwellers)
Gilliams (micro-world race)
Gloomgorians (xt race, banded with alien races against "Silver Surfer")
Glorpians (xt race, Shi'ar colony planet K'rii-DJ) - by Proto-Man
Glowfish (Weirdworld creatures)
Glx (xt, Hulk, Firebird and other stories)
Gnobians (xt race, creators of Death's Head Squadron) - by Prime Eternal
gnomes (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Gnomes (Weirdworld race)
Goblins (Weirdworld race) - by Prime Eternal
Gods (supplementary links only)
Gods of Rhun (Rhunians)
Gods of the Picts (gods of the Pictish culture)
gods of the Prime "race" of Ultraverse (Godwheel world)
Gods of Weirdworld (Deities of Weirdworld) - by Prime Eternal
Golden People (Savage Land, Ka-Zar characters)
Golgotha (xt, X-Men foes)
Goloks (xt) - by Prime Eternal
Gorgon extraterrestrial colony (Elderspawn, Journey into Mystery)
Gorkels (xt, Planet Terry characters) - by Grendel Prime
Gor-Tokian Subterraneans (Grotesk's race)
Grad Nan Holt (insectoid extraterrestrial race)
Gramosian (xt, Mercurio, Thor/Captain America/Captain Marvel/Venom foes)
Grampus of Reality-56862 (xt, 2301 A.D., Astonishing story)
G'rang Beasts (planet Zaragz'na, Skrull prey)
gray ice whales of Honchi (xt, She-Hulk story)
Great Devil Corkers (Sakaar race, Hulk characters)
Great Devourers (N'Garai)
"Greenies" of Reality-51124 (7000 A.D., enemies of humanity)
Green Men of Lemuria (Sinbad foes)
Greens (Paradise and the City of Death)
Grelorxians (xt race, known for screaming "Wheeee!!!!" when in pain) - by Proto-Man
Gremlins (Gremlyns)
Gremlyns (Buel's agents, Spider-Man/Doctor Strange foes)
griffins (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Grim Reaper Robos (Avengers characters)
Grokkos of Earth-57824 (predatory terrestrial fauna)
Grosgumbeekians (xt, Quasar)
grotto ants of "Stormworld" (Defenders foes)
Grund (xt, Cloak and Dagger characters)
Gu'Knoiss (xt, extinct hive species; X-Men/Kree story) - by Donald Campbell
Gutsuckers (second Tryk stage)
Gwanzulum (xt shapeshifters, the Doctor foes) - by Loki
Haab (Sub-Mariner foes) - by Prime Eternal
Haalmhad of Reality-791 (xt, Star-Lord foes) - by Donald Campbell
Haamin of Earth-7614 (Sword in the Star)
Hacyons (members of the Conquest)
Hag-fish (Llyron foe)
Haifs (xt from Cherron, Meru the Mind-Bender)
Haif-Nas (xt from Cherron, Dalia the Shape-Changer)
Hairy Ones (Tuk the Caveboy foes)
Harpies (Akaana)
harpies (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Harrowbeasts (Sakaarian animals)
Hedzek (xt, natives of the planet Randaa) - by Proto-Man
Heefa Fish (Atlantean fish)
Hell-Bats (Ghost Rider foes)
Hellbent (Moon Knight characters)
Hell-Bent (Hellbent)
Hellbent Prime (Hellbent division)
Hellbent Omegas (Hellbent division) - possibly
Hellbent-stalkers (Manx)
Henry Pym Robos (Avengers characters)
Heptarchy (Hecatomb victims) - by Chadman
Heralds of Doom of Earth-10964 (served Doom the Living Planet, Spider-Man & Wolverine foes)
Hidden Ones (Inhumans, Fantastic Four foes) - by Proto-Man
higher beings (X-Man story)
Hill People (Spragg)
Historians of Earth-75011 (xt, Slow Glass) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Hither People (1 Billion BC Mars, Gullivar Jones characters) - by Grendel Prime
Hive Trolls (Flying Trolls of Thryheim)
Hkkkt (Seeker 3000) - by Prime Eternal
Hobgobs (Conan foes)
Hommuncarnos (Shadow-Earth, Rift-Imps)
Homo-Ascendent of Earth-7484 (Hellinger, cyborgs)
Homo Hostilis (Psycho-Warriors)
Homo (Sapiens) Superior (mutants of Earth)
Honchi (xt, She-Hulk characters)
horned beasts of Sszardil (Sssth victims)
Horned Quiniped of Reality-54136 (Saturnian fauna ca. 2223 A.D.)
Hornetroids (Microverse race) - by Grendel Prime
Horusians (xt, Hulk characters) - by Spidermay
Hotepians of Reality-700459 (xt, mummies, Spider-Woman foes) - by David Lawrence
Hounds of New Universe (Far Place)
"Howler" and parents (Tales of Suspense, aliens)
Hreytion (xt, Hulk story; Red Hole/Omegex characters)
Hskelon (xt, based on planet Hskelos, Die-Cut/G-Force allies) - by Snood
Hudaks (Dragon Rider trainers) - by Prime Eternal
Hujah (xt, served as Thanos-Thralls) - by Donald Campbell
Humanoids (Professor Prometheus/Baron Karza creations, Micronauts foes)
Human "robots" (3250AD, Lod servants)
Humans (Weirdworld race)
Humans of Halfworld (Loonies)
"Hunters in Darkness" (hidden race, Wolverine foes)
Hutts (members of the Conquest)
Hydro-Men (Namor/Fantastic Four characters)
Hyginian (xt, Spider-Man characters)
Hykraians (members of the Conquest)
H'ylthri (xt race, Iron Fist foes) - by Chadman
Hypno-Fish (Atlantean fish) - by Prime Eternal
Hyssta (Captain Marvel foes) - by Stunner
Ice-Devils (Tribe of the Moon foes) - by Proto-Man
ice worms of Earth-20051 (Fantastic Four story)
Idylicans (xt race, Vulcanians foes) - by Spidermay
"Impossible Spaceships" (xt race)
Imps (of Pandora's Box)
Inciters (X-Men/Silver Surfer foes) - by Chadman
Infinites (Avengers characters) - by Chuck D
Infra-Worlders (Captain Omen, Hulk characters)
inhabitants of an unnamed planet (captured Bruno Storme)
Inhumans (links only)
insectoid race (subterranean species)
Insectoids (Klklk)
insectoids of Ch''rp (Starjammers characters)
Interdite (xt, Adam Warlock and Quasar stories) - by Donald Campbell
Intergalactic Warlords (Paladin foes) - by Markus Raymond
Invaders (xt) - by Future
Invaders (Martian movie characters)
Iron Knights (Paradise and the City of Death)
Ithacons of Earth-7614 (Sword in the Star)
Ixhoohxi (Tunnelworld, Xhoohx)
Jabari (Wakandan tribe, Black Panther foes) - by Chadman
Jackal-Men (Red Sonja foes)
Jawas (members of the Conquest)
Jet-Men of Reality-5391 (xt, ca. 2075 AD, Speed Carter foes) - by Grendel Prime
Jovian sky-kites of Reality-691 (31st century, Guardians of the Galaxy characters) - by Donald Campbell
Jovian sky-whales of Reality-691 (31st century, Guardians of the Galaxy characters) - by Donald Campbell
Jovians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Judan (bizarre alien species, associated with Universal Church of Truth and the Runestaff dimension) - by Donald Campbell
Jupiterians (Dan Blake foe)
Jupiterians (Sserpo enemies)
Kaaragga (extradimensional energy beings) - by Proto-Man
Kalik (xt, Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor foes)
Kalloombrians of Reality-8116 (former Dreamsend natives)
Kallusians (xt, Avengers foes) - by Prime Eternal
Kamado of Earth-8394 (xt, Defenders foes) - by Chadman
Karidian Race (xt, Silver Surfer characters) - by Future
Kartu Kon and his fellow explorers (Astonishing characters, aliens)
K-Class Deviant Skrulls (Skrull mutants, X-Men characters) - by MarvellousLuke
Keewazi Indians (Native American tribe) - by Prime Eternal & Will U
Kehilla (xt, Nova (Frankie Raye) characters) - by Markus Raymond
Kelts (Fourth Race, Picts enemies)
Kestorans (xd, Negative Zone, Fantastic Four characters)
Khats (Dr. Strange foes)
"Kiashon" of Reality-21394 (xt, Swords of the Swashbucklers story)
Kigor (xt race, non-humanoid hexapeds, It the Living Colossus associates) - by Markus Raymond
Kkrul (hidden lizard race) - by Grendel Prime
Klangians (warlike race, stopped invasion plan of Earth) - by AvatarWarlord
K'lanti (xt, X-Factor foes)
Klklk (xt race, Hulk foes) - by Spidermay & Snood
Klulez (xt, Spider-Man/Fantastic Four characters, Home Depot story)
Klyruvians (xt race, Grovel)
Knights of Neep (Micronauts allies)
Knsashii (xt race, Shi'ar Empire) - by Chadman
Kodabak (xt, porcine humanoid aliens, Avengers character) - by Donald Campbell
Komoks (xt, giant conquerors, Tales to Astonish) - by AvatarWarlord
Kosmosians (xd, insectoids)
Kragoo's race (Journey into Mystery)
Kraken of Reality-791 (Windhölme, prey and hunters of Scania) - by Donald Campbell
Kramen (species, Ka-Zar characters) - by Reddie
Krangros (Creature from Krangro, xt conquerors) - by AvatarWarlord
Kransloth of Reality-54136 (Jovian race, ca. 2223 A.D.)
Kree (links only)
Krellian (xt, Silver Surfer characters) - by Grendel Prime
Kresh (xt, Silver Surfer characters) - by Markus Raymond
Krills (xt race, pre-FF era) - by John Kaminski
K'rithian Race (xt, Marvel Two-in-One characters) - by SQUEAK
Kr'll of reality-691 (xt, from planet Klatuu, Guardians of the Galaxy story)
Kronans (Stone Men of Saturn) - by Prime Eternal
Kronos (xd race, Kaliklak, Microverse)
Krugreppeans (xt, opposed Star-Thief, Defenders characters)
Kryihd (xt, Omegex creators; Hulk story)
Krylorians (xt, pink-skinned Hulk characters) - by Loki
Kryptonians (xt, members of the Conquest)
Krystillan of Reality-829 (xt race, Galactus victims) - by Donald Campbell
Kulamtu (Hyborian era man-eating plants) - by Prime Eternal
Kynd of Earth-950108 (alternate future mystic race from Earth, descendants of Strange, enemies of the Clave)
K'yndarii of Reality-791 (xt, Star-Lord characters) - by Donald Campbell
Kyrii (demonic beings)
"Last" (alien race, victims of the Scatter) - by Prime Eternal
Lava Men of Earth-84444
Lavarites (WW II, xt, Sub-Mariner foes) - by Spidermay
Laxidazian (xt race, Pip the Troll's people)
Lem (Charter Federation) - by Donald Campbell
Lemurians (Men of the Sea)
Lemurians of Earth-313 (Knights of Pendragon)
Lenz's progeny (Clandestine foes)
Lethal Legumes from Planet Twillo (television characters)
Levians (Sporr foes) - by Prime Eternal
Leviathans (Oceania, Microverse race)
Leviathans (Unforgiven Dead allies)
Leviotes (xd, Fantastic Four foes) - by Proto-Man
Limbic Infundibula (xd, Avengers characters) - by Donald Campbell
Linstrea of Reality-928 (xt, ca. 2099, from planet Tsomnaia)
Lion-People of Ligra (xt race, Electro robot characters)
Little People (Strange Tales characters) - by Spidermay
Little People (Kodom Shath, swords and sorcery)
Lithodia Rexians (pre-FF aliens) - by Madison Carter
Lizard Men (Deviants, Monster Hunter foes) - by Prime Eternal
Lizard Men of Mars of Reality-11344 (Astonishing! story)
Lizard Men of Tok (Microverse, Fantastic Four characters)
"Lizard-Men" (1950s, alternate Earth subterranean race)
Lizard People (The People)
Lizardmen (xt, Mars race, ca. 1 billion years ago, Gullivar Jones foes) - by Grendel Prime
Lobros (Microverse race)
Lobster People (Sentry/Hulk characters) - by Chadman
Locusts from the Stars (Klklk)
Loonies of Halfworld (Hulk/Rocket Raccoon characters)
Lorq of Reality-791 (xt, Star-Lord foes) - by Donald Campbell
Loterian panther of Reality-8116 (Altarix fauna, felids)
Luareians (xt, Adam Warlock characters) - by caliban
Ludberdites (xd, Defenders foes) - by Chadman
Luminians (xd, Iron Man story)
Luna Lizards (alternate future moon reptiles, Tales of Suspense characters) - by Grendel Prime
Lunans of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Lunatiks (Arisen Tyrk)
Luphomoids (xt, Nova foes) - by Markus Raymond
Lupine (planet Lupus, Cr'reee's race)
Lustrums (xd, Biphasia)
Maarin (xt, Fantastic Four characters) - by Proto-Man
Mad Folk of the Crab Nebula (Deadpool Corps foes)
Magneto's mutates (Inhumans foes)
Magnoids (xt, Captain America characters)
Makers (Microverse)
Man-Apes (Savage Land race, Ka-Zar foes)
Man-Apes of Lost Lake (Ka-Zar foes)
Man-Bats of Ur-Xanarrh (Hyborian/Conan era) - by Greg O'Driscoll
Mandalorians (xt, members of the Conquest)
Mandate (Tibetan colony, Wolverine characters)
Mandate of Earth-3071 (sentient bacteria, Wolverine foes)
Mandelbites ("Gravity Garden" creatures)
Mando (xt, Adam Warlock characters) - by Donald Campbell
Man-Eaters (xt humanoids, Astonishing horror) - by Grendel Prime
man-eating plants of Swampland of Terror (Lorna foes)
Mangog's race (imprisoned within Mangog) - by Donald Campbell
Mannequin (xt, Fantastic Four foes) - by Proto-Man
Man-Serpents (Sons of Set, Conan foes)
Mantracorans (xt, Negative Zone, Fantastic Four characters)
Man-Worms (Mound-Dwellers)
Manx (Hellbent foes)
Martian Apes of Reality-54136 (ca. 2223 A.D., Astonishing story)
Martian Masters (Freedom's Five, Invaders & Men on the Wall foes)
Martians (1950s xt invaders, two-headed)
Martians of Reality-54129 (ant-people)
Martians of Reality-55237 (Mishon's race, Astonishing story)
"Martians" (xt, Homer Ghost foes) - by Grendel Prime
Martians (1950s, Adventure into Mystery)
Martians of Reality-56150 (ca. 2076 A.D., mentally-powered hominid-like race, Journey into Mystery)
Martians (xt, Homer Ghost characters) - by Grendel Prime
Martians of reality-59523 (conquerors, ruled by Emperor of Mars)
Martians (abducted Horace the Joker)
Martians (alien race) - by Future
Martians (Luxurr's race)
Martians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Martians of Reality-85481 (Heathcliff the cat foes) - by Grendel Prime
Martians (Silver Surfer story)
Masters of the Black Star (Rhunians)
Masters of the Black Stars (Rhunians)
Mayapan (Red Hulk/She-Hulk foes) - by Kevin Garcia
Meatspore Stormtroopers (X-Force/Peter Wisdom foes) - by Flank Mclargehuge
Medusae (Seeker 3000, alien race) - by Prime Eternal
Meeks (xt, alternate Earth invaders) - by Ron Fredricks
Megan (xt, Godzilla characters)
Mekkan (xt, Fantastic Four characters) - by Proto-Man
melas (Savage Land, fish-creatures)
Melmacians (xt, members of the Conquest)
Membros (Microverse race)
"memory leeches" (Backroads of Time dimensional creatures) - by Proto-Man
Men-Fish (Piranha)
Men of the Sea (Lemurian race)
Mercurians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Mermaids of Earth-902124 (attended party with Hercules and Namora)
Metroliths (nomadic extraterrestrial race, S.W.O.R.D. allies) - by Grendel Prime
Midgets of the Universe of Reality-20110 (Deadpool Corps characters)
Mindless Ones of Earth-83840
minions of Count Abyss (Infinity Watch characters)
minotaurs (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
M'kraan (Scy'ar Tal)
M'Ndavians (The Charter) - by Prime Eternal
Moensien (xt, future, Ebon Seeker and Firefrost)
"Moksgm'ol" (Kody's race)
Mole-Men (1950s, semi-humanoid underground race) - by Grendel Prime
Mole Men (pre-FF) - by Future
Mongoors (xt, 1960s semi-humanoid race) - by Prime Eternal
Monster Children (Unceglia)
"Monster Men" (alien invaders, Korilla)
Monsters on Mercury (xt, Journey into Mystery) - by Ron Fredricks
monstrous sand creature (traders' world)
Mordrees (Golden People)
Mori (Dark Dimension race) - by Chadman
Mosquito Men (Reality-5391 insectoid alien race, Space Sentinels foes) - by Grendel Prime
Mothmen (agents of Oonagh Mullarkey)
Mound-Dwellers (subterranean worm-men, Belit foes)
M'Rellik (xt, Omegex characters; Hulk story)
M'rglot of Reality-928 (xt, circa 2099 AD, Doom 2099 story)
Muspelheim Grub Mines (millipede-like weaponized Norse creatures) - by Proto-Man
"Mutant Crabs" (Namor/Agents of Atlas foes) - by MarvellousLuke
Mutants of Arcturus (Morbius/Fantastic Four characters)
Mutants of Earth (Homo Superior)
Mutates of Earth-6943 (Thor foes) - by John Kaminski
mutates of Doc (She-Hulk characters)
mutates of Greedy Killerwatt
mutates of Magneto (Inhumans foes)
Myrmidons (Greek myth, Fantastic Four character--sort of) - by Will U
Nalrahn (Chalo)
Nanda (Charter Federation members) - by Donald Campbell
Nano-Swarm (L'ar Gath Five technology/defense)
natives of M'Hass (xt, two-armed bipeds)
natives of "New Xeron" (xt, Terrax characters)
Neanderthal tribe ("Twilight World")
Neptunians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Netredi (semi-humanoid alien race, Nebula foes)
Netredi gods (gods of the Netredi, Asgardians of the Galaxy foes)
"neurosynaptic leech" (xt or artificially created race, U.S.Agent/Captain America foes)
"New Gods" of Reality-10118 (posible post-Ragnarok gods) - by Ron Fredricks
N'Garai (demons) - by Nick the Squid & Snood
N'Grith (xt, Black Panther foes) - by Markus Raymond
Nibelung (Asgard-associated race)
Night-Fangers (Weirdworld creatures) - by Prime Eternal
Nightgaunts (Hyborian era, agents of Vammatar)
Night-Tribes (Hellbent)
Nilffim (Tunnelworld)
Nixies (Rhinemaidens)
Noltoi (ancient Martians, Gullivar Jones foes) - by Grendel Prime
norks of Reality-81165 (Backworld)
normals of Arcturus (Morbius characters)
Norsecs (xt, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) foes) - by Spidermay
Nullans (xt, race known for their healing abilities) - by HBK123
Nuwali (xt, Ka-Zar/Fantastic Four characters)
Nya (Tunnelworld, agents of Xhoohx)
Oceaniers (encountered by Ted Higgens)
octopus of Ligra (xt animal, Electro robot story)
Octopus Men of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, Fantastic Four characters)
Odotopians (Fantastic Four characters)
ogres (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Ogrons (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who)
Old Ones (N'Garai)
Olympian Giants (Hulk foes) - by Will U
Olympians of Earth-902124 (attended party with Hercules and Namora)
Omnophages of Earth-8310
One and Two's race (xt, Hulk characters)
Ongulian (xt, Deadpool characters)
Oracles (xt race, Shi'ar allies) - by Chadman
Orsirosian of Reality-8116 (Dreadstar characters)
Ort-Beasts (xd animals, Hulk foes) - by Chadman
orys-beasts of Ligra (xt animals, Electro robot foes)
Osirusians (xt, Menace characters) - by AvatarWarlord
Ostras (Microverse, Homeworld, Aegypta/Sandzone fauna)
"ostrich" steeds (Shadow-Earth, Genghis Grimtoad story)
other fauna/flora (on Illa the Girl-Moon)
Others of Earth-1211 (Nightside characters) - by Madison Carter
Outcasts (Hulk characters, mutated desert creatures)
Outer Dark (xd, Lady Daemon)
"Outer Space People" (xt, 1956, Astonishing story)
"Outsiders" (xt, based on Known Space species)
Ozamans of Ultraverse (Maxis' race)
Pacificans of Earth-700089 (undersea dwellers) - by Proto-Man
Pangorians (Thor characters) - by Prime Eternal
Parahumans of Reality-80324 (Paradox characters)
Paranormals of Reality-80324 (Paradox characters)
Parth (1 Billion BC Mars, animal race)
Pegasusian (xt, Adam Warlock characters) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro
Pelagians (xt, aquatic race, Inhumans characters)
People (Lizard People/Saurians, Ms. Marvel/X-Men characters) - by Spidermay
People of Reality-8116 (cat-like alien race, Dreadstar story)
People of Sandt (natives of Sandt dimension, Man-Thing characters)
People of the Dust (Blade/Hannibal King foes) - by Markus Raymond
People of the Sea (Lai-Son natives)
People of the Shadows (Hellbent)
People of the World Called Heaven of Reality-791 (natives of the planet Heaven, Star-Lord characters) - by Donald Campbell
Phantoms (extratemporal "race," Limbo citizens)
Phaznozz (xt, banded with other races against "Silver Surfer")
Pheragots (Star Masters foes/Hercules 2300 (Earth-829) aliens) - by Prime Eternal
Phobos (xd race, Kaliklak, Microverse)
Picts (distant past humans, Kull/Conan/Bran Mak Morn characters) - by Wolfram Bane & Snood
"pink-skinned aliens" (Earth-17515 time miners) - by Proto-Man
Piratasaurs from Planet Zed (reptilian extraterrestrial race)
Pitll Pawob (race of assassins on Jarella's world)
Plant Creatures of Cousin Betsy (Hostess add)
Plutonians of Earth-6799 (Spider-Man 60's Cartoon, animated Spider-Man xt race) - by Madison Carter
Pluvians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
P!ndyr (xt race, Shi'ar Empire) - by Chadman
Poltergeist (Marvel fantasy race) - by Grendel Prime
Polyp-Sickles ("Gravity Garden" creatures)
Possessors (xd, Dr. Strange foes)
Post-Ragnarok humans (World Engine)
P'qui (xt, Venom (Thompson) characters)
Prashardians (Skewer's race)
Price's clones (World Engine)
Pride (agents of Prime Evil)
Primal Ones (Charter Federation)
Prime "race" of Ultraverse (Godwheel species)
Primitives of Earth-6311 (Other-Earth)
Probiti (Starlord characters)
Procyonites of Earth-691 (xt @ 31st century, Tork's race) - by Donald Campbell
Proemial Elders (Proemial Gods)
Proemial Gods (xt, caretakers of cosmic consonance, cosmic beings) - by Donald Campbell
Progenitors (xt, Inhumans foes) - by Chadman
Progeny of Reality-93060 & 95431 (alien race from deep space, Ultraverse characters) - by Grendel Prime
Proselytes (xt Cygnet VII, red sect, Hulk characters)
Proselytes (xt Cygnet VII, green sect, Hulk characters)
Prosilicans (xt, resulted in the Watchers' oaths)
Protar (xt, Omega the Unknown characters)
Psycho-Warriors (Mys-Tech, Marvel UK)
Psyklop (Microverse, Hiro-Kala/Enigma Force foes)
P'tah (xd race, Thunderbolts foes)
Pterolyths of Earth-17619 (used as flying mounts)
Pterrons (Hyborian era, agents of Sutro)
"Puppeteers" (xt, based on Known Space race) - by Loki
Purebloods (vampires)
Qor (xd, Microverse, Planetary Council)
Quarrnians (extradimensional extraterrestrial race, Hulk foes) - by Loki
Queega (Xt, Daredevil foes) - by John Kaminski
Quetzals (Open Space story)
Quinnten (xt, Hulk story; Red Hole/Omegex characters)
Quist (Lucifer & Dominus, X-Men/Avengers foes)
Quo Modari (extraterrestrial race) - by Markus Raymond
Quon (xt, Monster from the Lost Lagoon)
"raccoon-faced lizard aliens" (residents of Foul Bog 4, Rocket Raccoon foes)
Rainbow Serpents (Snakes of Many Colors)
Ralfzz (Hulk enemies) - by Darc_Light
"Ranine" (sub-kingdom of Atlantis) - by MarvellousLuke
rats of Ptahuacan (Conan foes)
Ravagers of Raguu (mentioned only, Iron Man & Thing foes) - by Ron Fredricks
Ravel (xt, Iron Man/Captain America foes) - by Proto-Man
Ravens (X-Factor foes)
Recluse (xt, She-Hulk characters)
Rectangles of Reality-88131 (natives of the Planet of the Shapes)
Red Dogs of Earth-928 (2099, Public Enemy's race)
Reindeer Men (Neanderthal giants)
Rejects (xt, X-Factor characters)
Rellig (Dark Dimension species) - by Chadman
Remnant Atlanteans (post-Great Cataclysm tribe)
Remoras of Earth-691 (31st Century, Guardians of the Galaxy characters)
Reptile Men (Savage Land, Ka-Zar characters)
Reptoids of Earth-691 (31st century, Teju's race) - by Donald Campbell
Reptos (Microverse race)
Rescorlan (xt, Starfox characters)
Rhinemaidens (mermaids of Asgardian legend)
Rhunians (xt, Thor characters)
Riders (Mayapan)
Rift-Imps (Shadow-Earth, Genghis Grimtoad foes)
Rigellians (Charter Federation; limited entry)
Rigellian mutants (sub-race of the Rigellians)
R'malk'i (xt, sentient alien plants) - by Donald Campbell
Robos (Avengers characters)
Robot-Men (Namor foes) - by John Kaminski
Robot race of Centauri 9 (Deadpool Corps foes)
robots (a listing of all the robots on the site)
Robots of Halfworld (Hulk/Rocket Raccoon characters)
Rocs (monster birds, Sinbad foes) - by Madison Carter
Rocs (Elsewhere dimension)
Rojans (encountered by Jeff Raye)
Rrorgo of Earth-630592 (alternate future xt race) - by Spidermay
Ru-Bari of Reality-20110 (Corps du Chapeau victims)
Rukhs (Rocs)
Ru'Tai (N'Garai/X-Men foes)
Ryosians (xt, Doctor characters)
R'Zahnian (xt, Zamu)
Sagittarians (Hulk characters)
Sakaarians (links & list only)
"Salmon Monsters" (Rom and Alpha Flight foes) - by Madison Carter
Sarkan of Reality-691 (Guardians of the Galaxy characters) - by Donald Campbell
Sasquatch race (Canadian creatures, Alpha Flight/Generation X characters) - by Grendel Prime & AvatarWarlord72
Satanians (xt, Golden Age, Marvel Boy (Grayson) foes) - by Grendel Prime
Saturnians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Saurians (The People)
saurians of Reality-21394 (Kiasho fauna)
saurids of Earth-57824 (alternate future, biological experiments)
"Savage Elves" (Weirdworld race) - by Prime Eternal
Savage Swarm (Flying Trolls of Thryheim)
Savages (xd race, 1950s)
Savages of New America (WW2, Young Allies foes)
Scalleun (xt, enemies of the Kresh)
Scania of Reality-791 (xt, Star-Lord characters) - by Donald Campbell
Scarlet Witch Robos (Avengers characters)
Scatter (alien race, Force Works foes) - by Gauntlet: Dark Rider
Scavengers (Dark Angel foes)
scorpion creatures (Ankh Dimension)
Scorpians (Slitherogue)
Screamers (thralls of Soul Masters)
Screed (Dr. Strange characters)
Screemies (1950s mutated birds, used by Yellow Claw) - by Ron Fredricks
Scy'ar Tal (Shi'ar foes) - by Chadman
Second Race (Men of the Sea)
See-Cubed (xt, Cosmic Cutie Commandos)
Sensorites of unrevealed reality (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who foes)
Serayn (xt, insectoid race from the distant past)
Serpent Men (original spawn of Set) - by Per Degaton & Snood
Serpent Men of Earth-9151
Serpent Men (Snake Men)
Serpent Men of Starkesboro (Dr. Strange foes)
Servant Species of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Servitors (Conscience's allies)
Servitors (Infinites)
Shadow Demons (Dark Dimension, Luminia)
shadow demons (Dark Place)
Shadow Men (xd, Shadow Realm)
Shadow Sharks (xd, Biphasia dimension)
Shadows of Nergal (Conan foes)
Shadowspawn (Hellbent)
Shark-People (1950s, Namor foes) - by Grendel Prime
Sharks from Beyond Time (Tribe of the Moon foes) - by Proto-Man
Shi'ar (links only)
Shocker's eels (Miss America foes)
Shuki (xt, Chlorites; X-Men novel)
Sidri (xt, X-Men foes) - by Chadman
Sidrian Hunters (Sidri)
Silent Ones (Trolls of the Isle of Silence) - by Prime Eternal
Silent Ones (Sons of the Tiger foes)
Silurians of unrevealed Earth (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who foes)
Sinalina (xt, Silver Surfer story) - by Stunner
Sioux of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Sirens (Olympian women, entrance with song)
Sirian (xt, twice-doomed race) - by Donald Campbell
Sirusite (xt, Matriarch's species, Adam Warlock characters) - by Donald Campbell
Sisterhood (Femizons of Thundra)
Skard (xt, She-Hulk characters)
Skifflefuffles (xt, shapeshifters) - by Proto-Man
Skorpsmen of Reality-9930 ("Martians" ground warriors)
Skrulls (supplementary data only)
"Sky Demons" of Reality-78411 (Devil Dinosaur/Moonboy foes) - by Grendel Prime
Sky Serpents (Inniverse)
Slaveworld natives (xd, Kulla)
Slaveworld insects (Kulla's world)
Slig (xt, Fantastic Four characters)
Slig (xt, West Coast Avengers foes)
Slogg (xt, She-Hulk characters)
Slorgs (Thongor foes)
"Slugs" (Millennius' slaves)
Slugs of Yann (Dr. Strange foes)
snake-creature (xd animal, 1950s)
Snake Men (Slither-derived)
Snake People (Children of Ishiti)
Snakes of Many Colors (Conan characters)
Snakes who Speak (Serpent Men)
Snecks (Shadow-Earth, Genghis Grimtoad characters)
snow-apes (Beast-Men of Brutheim ancestors)
Snow Bears of Reality-8116 (wildlife of Byfrexia)
Snow Creatures (Cold People)
snow lions (animal race, Hyborian era)
Snow Men (Hyborian race)
Snowmen ("Yeti", Man-Thing characters)
Snowslayers (Never-Summer, Microverse)
Snow vampires of Nippon (Yiki Onna)
Sontarans of unrevealed reality (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who foe)
sorcerers (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Soulless Ones (Achian)
Soul Masters (Captain Mar-Vell foes) - by Prime Eternal
Soul Survivors of Sylos VII (Microverse mutates) - by Grendel Prime
Space Beasts (extraterrestrial conquerers) - by Prime Eternal
Space Demons of Reality-5106 (xt, ca. 2000 AD, Space Squadron foes) - by Grendel Prime
Space Phantoms (extratemporal "race," Limbo citizens)
Sparkitects (xt, manipulators of Earth's superhumans) - by Proto-Man
Spawn of Charnel of Earth-9939
Spawn of Sodatha (Sodatha's offspring)
Spider-People (spawn of Omm, Elderspawn)
Spider People of Ultraverse (Prime allies) - by Grendel Prime
Spider-Swarm (ancient Martians, Noltoi)
"Spores" (threat to Therhin, Iron Man foes) - by Donald Campbell
sprites (Iskelior's realm)
Sputs (Tunnelworld)
S'raphh (created Null the Living Darkness)
Sreneskian (xt, Omega the Unknown stories)
Sssth (xt, Thor characters)
Stakks of Earth-5555 (Death's Head (FPA) story)
Star Sharks (Brood vessels) - by Darc_Light
steeds of the Sssth on Sszardil (Thor story)
Stenth (xt, City Keepers+Demon-Rebels, Inhumans characters)
Stone Men (1950s subterranean race, Tales to Astonish) - by Ron Fredricks
Stone Men (pre-FF aliens) - by Madison Carter
Stone Men From Saturn (Kronans)
Stonians (Gorgolla's race) - by Prime Eternal
Storm monsters (Tunnelworld)
Storms of Asgard (Godstorm)
Stygians of Reality-5106 (Space Squadron characters) - by Grendel Prime
Stymphalian Birds (Hercules foes) - by Will U
Soul Survivors of Sylos VII (Microverse mutates) - by Grendel Prime
subterranean people (encounterd by Alan Swan)
Sun People (Savage Land tribe, Ka-Zar foes) - by MarvellousLuke
Superius Rexians (1950s, abducted Dunstan Blake) - by Ron Fredricks
"Superoaches" (1950s, Cockroach Conspiracy)
swamp creatures of Wundagore II (insectoid extraterrestrial race)
Swamp Demons (Conan foes)
Swamp Serpents (Weirdworld creatures) - by Prime Eternal
Swarili (Living Mummy's race)
Swarmers of Earth-78411 (Dinosaur World, Devil Dinosaur foes) - by Grendel Prime
Symbionts (Hulk characters)
Synergysts (xt, Gun Runner foes)
Takolians (Kree foes, warrior race) - by Proto-Man
Tal Ba-Rii (xt, extinct hive species; X-Men/Kree story) - by Donald Campbell
Talbosians of Earth-829 @ 2385
Targoth (Slorenia) - by Gauntlet: Dark Rider
Technos (Monark Starstalker characters)
Tektons (semi-humanoid extraterrestrial race, Fantastic Four characters) - by Prime Eternal
Temploids (Death's Head/Killpower characters)
Tentaclones (xt, Galactic Alliance of Spider-Men foes)
Tenuous (xt invaders @ 2008 AD) - by Ron Fredricks
Terminex (xt, Avengers foes)
Terrans of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Terror Birds of Earth-20051 (Marvel Adventures, Fantastic Four/Thor foes) - by Grendel Prime
Thanagarians (xt, members of the Conquest)
"Them" (pre-FF aliens) - by Future
Therhin (xt, Iron Man ally) - by Donald Campbell
Therma-Rays (animal race, Namor characters) - by Chadman
"Things in the Window" (xd, encountred by Cal Ferris)
Thornoids (Rom foes) - by Grendel Prime
"Thor's people" of Earth-9939
Thought-World Monsters (creatures created by emotions) - by Prime Eternal
Throlls (T'rannikus allies, She-Hulk/Avengers foes)
Throngites (xd, Fantastic Four characters) - by Markus Raymond
Thunderbirds (Native American mythological creatures)
Thunes (xt, members of the Conquest)
Thuvrian (xt, natives of the Thuvria)
Tide (Battletide)
Time-Keepers of Earth-794282 (Thor, Avengers foes)
Time-Twisters of Earth-761243 (Thor foes)
Tirenians (xt, natives of the planet Tiran, Red Hulk characters) - by Proto-Man
Toad Men (Tribbitites)
Toad-Whales (Hulk characters)
Tralfmadorians (xt, banded with other races against "Silver Surfer")
Treens (xt, Venusian race; The Mekon)
Trees (Paradise and the City of Death)
Triangles of Reality-88131 (natives of the Planet of the Shapes)
Tribellian (xt, Man on the Wall/Woodrow McCord/Nick Fury foes) - by Donald Campbell
Tribbitites (Toad Men, Hulk foes) - by MarvellousLuke & Grendel Prime
Trinity-That-Is-One of Reality-791 (xt, Star-Lord characters) - by Donald Campbell
Trion (xd, Avengers/X-Men story)
Trizelle (Sakaar fauna, Hulk story)
Troglodytes (Avengers foes)
Troids (agents of Chthon)
Trolls of Greedy Killerwatt
Trolls of a previous cycle (Asgardian foes)
Trolls (alternate reality Asgardian god, proposed Thor animated series)
trolls (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
trolls of the Quadriverse (Dr. Strange)
Troxx (Enslavers, Silver Surfer foes)
Tryks (vampires, Blade foes) - by Markus Raymond
Tuatha de Danan (Wolf People of Muir Island)
Tusk-Bears (animal race, Hyborian era)
Twi'leks (xt, members of the Conquest)
2-D Men (Dimension of Doom)
Two-headed wolves (Conan foes)
Tyannans (Negative Zone, Fantastic Four characters)
Tyjorians of Reality-8116 (xt, Dreadstar charaters)
Tyrk's skeletal warriors (Arisen Tyrk)
Tyrmean brain-stem parasites (Broker's servants)
Tzin (Captain America/New Warriors foes) - by Kevin Garcia
Ukaki (Lorna characters)
Undersea Giants (pre-FF race) - by John Kaminski
Undersea Titans (1950s, Venus foes) - by Ron Fredricks
Underwater Apes (Weirdworld, Apelanteans)
"underworld demi-gods" (Garaz's race)
Undines (Man-Thing characters)
Undying (xt race, Serayn creations, Cable foes)
Undying Ones (demon race)
Unforgiven Dead (Namor foes)
Unholy Goblins (xd, Half-World, served Witch Queen)
unidentified African tribe (1950s, aided by giant doctor)
unidentified extraterrestrial race (Champion opponent - green)
unidentified extraterrestrial race (Champion opponent - pink)
unidentified alien race native to Flivok-6 (Thanos story)
unidentified colonial race (Contraxian system, possible sub-species)
unidentified extradimensional creatures (1950s, slew Philip Philips)
unidentified extraterrestrial invaders (Mechano foes)
unidentified extraterrestrial race (xt, Champion opponent - yellow)
unidentified giant savages of Reality-6966 (Silver Surfer characters)
unidentified mutates of Earth-39372 (end of time, Killpower/Genetix foes)
unidentified natives (Null Space, planet Garai)
unidentified Negative Zone race (xd, slaughtered by N-Explorers)
Unoxxians (gaseous extraterrestrial race) - by HBK123
Uranians (amoeboid alien race) - by Proto-Man
Urg (xt, X-Factor foes)
Urrpo-Fish (Poppupian fish) - by Prime Eternal
Ursaa (xt, Bishop characters)
Ursa Micronians (visited by Giant from Outer Space of Earth-59594)
U'Sr'Prians (xt, U'Sr'Pr)
Vala-Kuri (Savage Land race, Ka-Zar characters) - by Grendel Prime
Vanna (Asgardian pixie-like race)
Vapor Vultur Vampyrus (Tryks)
vegetables of Earth-63794 (Journey into Mystery characters)
Veethra (Tryks)
velociraptoid reptiles of Bwokk (xt, Ronan the Accuser characters)
Venturite (xt, Tales of Suspense)
Venusians of Reality-80324 (Paradox stories)
Vervoids of unrevealed reality (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who foes)
Viburnumites (xt, blue-skinned Atlas era race) - by Grendel Prime
Vijing (plant from the Elowan's planet)
Vi-Locks of Earth-8545 (Exiles foes) - by MarvellousLuke
viral swarm (Secret Defenders foes)
Viscardi (xt, received Black Vortex from the "Godhead") - by Donald Campbell
Vision Robos (Avengers characters)
"Vitamin Water" aliens (xt race resembling "floating bags of Vitamin Water")
V'mira Z'han (human sub-race, Conan foes) - by Spidermay
Voraks of Reality-59462 (Marvel UK, invaded Earth in near future)
Vorms (xt reptilian race) - by Norvo
V3 (Tryks)
Vrakanin (extraterrestrial race, New Mutants foes) - by Proto-Man
Vrellnexian (xt, Thor foes)
Vukils (Lupex's pet spirits)
Vulcanians (xt race, Idylicans foes) - by Spidermay
Vulture-Fliers of Earth-311 (1602 AD) - by Patrick D Ryall
Vulture People (Buzzard People)
Wafisi (African tribe, Lorna foes)
Walkers (Infinites)
Walking Death Gardens (Dark Dimension creatures) - by Proto-Man
"Wanderers" (pre-FF extraterrestrials) - by John Kaminski
Wanderers' Descendants (Microverse, planet Fiame)
war-eagles of Ligra (xt animal, Electro robot story)
Wasp Robos (Avengers characters)
Wasserreich of Earth-717
Watchers (supplementary individual information)
Water-Apes (Weirdworld, Apelanteans)
water-nymphs (Rhinemaidens)
Wax People (xt, pre-FF characters) - by Future
Were-Borgs (Beast foes)
Were-Fish (space creatures, Venom (Flash Thompson) story)
Werelox of unidentified reality (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who foes)
Were-Rats (1950s horror) - by Grendel Prime
Werewolves (links & list only)
Wets of "Earth-7310" (surgically altered humans)
whampa of Reality-81165 (Backworld)
"wheelies" (Galactic Marathon)
Whirldemons (Dr. Strange/Wayfinder foes)
White Apes of Sorjoon (Conan foes)
Wildebots (xt, mechanoid natives of Sakaar)
Wild Worms of Halfworld (Rocket Raccoon characters) - by Elf with a Gun
Wind Giants (Asgardian race)
Wing-Men (xt, winged race circa distant past) - by Grendel Prime
winged horses (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
winged insect creatures (xt, planet Gevaltu)
winged lizard creatures (xt, planet Gevaltu)
Winged Ones (Tunnelworld)
Wirrn of unrevealed reality (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who foe)
Wolf-Men of Valusia (Kull foes) - by Greg O
Wolverine tribe (Never-Summer, Microverse)
Wonder Man Robos (Avengers characters)
Wookies (xt, members of the Conquest)
Worms of the Earth (Conan/Brac Man Morn foes) - by Wolfram Bane & Snood
Worms of the Earth of Earth-1211 (Others)
Wormworlds (Quadriverse)
Wrarth Warriors of unrevealed reality (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who foes)
wretches of the pit (Conan characters)
Wyverns (steeds of MBega, Conan era)
Xantha (xt race, Fantastic Four characters) - by Proto-Man
Xanu of Reality-56989 (xt race, tricked into defeat by General Karall)
Xartans ("Carbon Copy Men", Thor foes) - by Prime Eternal
Xemans (Xenians)
"Xenarthrans" (Tales of Suspense characters) - by John Kaminski
Xenians (1960s humanoid extraterrestrial race) - by Prime Eternal
"Xenomorph" race (alien race, sought to escape Earth) - by Proto-Man
Xenomorphs (xt, members of the Conquest)
Xeronian (xt, Space Parasite's race) - by Donald Campbell
Xholtan Skin-Walkers (demons, illusion-casting creatures) - by Proto-Man
Xontar (xt, Gladiator foes) - by Markus Raymond
Xorri (xt, Thor characters, alleged ancestors of all humanoid races)
Yang (xt, Silver Surfer characters) - by Chadman
Yellow-Crested Titans (Olympian creatures) - by Prime Eternal
Yemli (Conan foes)
Yeti of unrevealed reality (Maruthea, Bonjaxx's Bar patron, Doctor Who foes)
Yeti (Cold People)
"Yeti" (hidden race, Man-Thing characters)
yeti-like creatures (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Yiki Onna (vampires, Blade foes)
Yirbek (xt, Skrull allies) - by Prime Eternal
Y'Lestja of reality-928 (xt race, Doom 2099 characters)
Yorites (natives of the planet Yor, She-Hulk characters)
Yppplk'o (xt, Gholar's race, Venom (Thompson) story)
Zalgodian (xd, associated with the Zalkor)
Zalthrosians (xt, banded with other races against "Silver Surfer")
Zann (xt, Chlorites; X-Men novel)
Zarkonians (Sun Girl characters)
Zephyreans (xd, Namor charactes)
Zeraphon (xt, Journey into Unknown Worlds) - by AvatarWarlord
Zoga's sharks (mutated)
"Zrhaer" (xt, slaughtered by Champion of the Universe, Silver Surfer story)
Zundamites (xt humanoids, Fantastic Four characters) - by Norvo
Zusommin (Secret Defenders foes)
Zygoteans of reality-8116 (Aknaton/Dreadstar foes)
unidentified (xd invaders, thwarted by Johnny Fry)
unidentified (xd, inhabitants of another dimension)
unidentified (xt, encountered by Vicki Lund)
unidentified of Reality-59356 (xt, humanoid aliens, controlled by plants on Planet X)
unidentified (xd, encountered by Earl Rawls)
unidentified (xt, Adam Able)
unidentified (xt, Monstrollo foes)
unidentified (xt conquerors, Skrang's race)
unidentified (xt, Al)
unidentified (xt, Alien Champion)
unidentified (xt, conquered by Krangros)
unidentified (xt, encountered a Blip)
unidentified (xd, Azunbulxibar)
unidentified (xd, Fifth Dimension, Diablo's race)
unidentified (xt, Dragon)
unidentified (xt, Fernusan's slave race)
unidentified (xt, Woodrow McCord foes)
unidentified of Earth-627282
unidentifie (xt, encountered by Byan'Hantandu)
unidentified (xd?, energy beings which empowered Ebon Seeker and Firefrost)
unidentified (xd, allies of Ian Fate)
unidentified (xt, Fooferah)
unidentified (xt, Galaxy Master creators)
unidentified (xt, Gargantus robot creators)
unidentified (xt, General Kosrouschah)
unidentified (xt, Gzoom)
unidentified (xd, Jakar)
unidentified (xt, Manphibian)
unidentified (xt, Mingo)
unidentified (xt, Miximixum)
unidentified (xt, The Monster)
unidentified (xt, Monster)
unidentified (xt, Monsteroso)
unidentified (xt, Peters)
unidentified (xt, Don Russell's race)
unidentified (xt, Phelch/Space Turnip)
unidentified (xt, Queen)
unidentified (xt, Queen Kalthea)
unidentified (Quor)
unidentified (xt, Shann's race)
unidentified (xt, sentient rocks; Komoks failed to conquer them)
unidentified (xt, inspiration for the alien imposters from Amazing Spider-Man I#2)
unidentified of alternate reality (xt, invaded Earth ca. 2090 AD, thwarted by Mister Morgan's Monster)
unidentified (Microverse, Captain Axis, Shaper of Worlds)
unidentified (creators of Frankenstein's Monster Robot)
unidentified (xt, S'tan'd'ard)
unidentified (Starseed's society)
unidentified (xt, stole Starseed's mountain)
unidentified (xt, Stranger)
unidentified (xt, slaughtered by Champion of the Universe, Silver Surfer III#97)
unidentified (xt, Veeda Leebre)
unidentified (xt, "wheelies")
unidentified (xd, Wraals/Wrarrls/Devourers)
unidentified (xd, Zgorian)
unidentified (xt, Gargoyle from the Fifth Galaxy)
unidentified (xt, caught Harry Grubb)
unidentified alien race (xt, used by Aentaros)
unidentified alien race (xt, used by the Undying Semijan)
unidentified alien race (xt, used by the Undying Vaudois)
unidentified aliens (encountered Gustav "Schultz")
unidentified aliens ("Howling Vessel")
unidentified blue aliens of reality-634962 (xt, Arad Nebula race)
unidentified gray aliens of reality-634962 (xt, Arad Nebula race)
unidentified (xt, One and Two, Hulk characters)
unidentified (xt, Tyrant's worldship military protectors)
unidentified (Jubat system fauna, Ganymede/Persephone foes)
unidentified (Tiamat's race, Mars' sister planet)
unidentified (xt, red horned type Exto Clan members)
unidentified (xt, hammerhead-type Exto Clan members)
unidentified (xt, green cyclopean type Exto Clan members)
unidentified (xt, pink, curled head projection-type Exto Clan members)
unidentified (demons, served Krampus)
unidentified alien race (Original Sin#5, Nick Fury foes)
unidentified race (xt, green-skinned race enslaved by the Space Beasts)
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