World War I era
This page will link to characters known to be active in the
the 1900 to @ 1930.
For now, I'm only going to add the newly uploaded profiles, but if you
let me know of a character (from this site) that belongs on this page,
I'll add it.
Aerivar the 18th (Inhuman, Sky-Island king) - by Chadman
Afari, Jamal (Blade's former mentor) - by Markus Raymond
Allison, James (Robert E. Howard creation, reincarnation of past heroes, Wyrm foe) - by Snood & Loki
Anderson, Curly (Phantom Eagle character)
Anubis of Earth-Shadowline (Doctor Zero foe)
Anuxa (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
Architect (Elektra foe) - by Future
Assassin (Night Raven foe) - by Loki
August, Darla ("snow vampire")
Azazel (Serayn-created artificial intelligence, Undying/Cable character)
Bard, Eli (Eliphas, vampiric Selene servant) - by Proto-Man
Barlow, Abel (crew of the Serpent's Crown)
Baron Blood (John Falsworth, Super-Axis) - by Prime Eternal
Baron Gothenvald (Thunderbolts foe) - by Grendel Prime
Baron Zemo (Heinrich, 12th Baron Zemo) - by Prime Eternal
Becker, Hans (World War I soldier) - by Grendel Prime
Bellis, Martin (father of Martin, Darla August victim)
Bellis house (Bellis family, haunted by "snow vampire" Darla August)
Biggotty, Horace Milton II (Lilith--Daughter of Dracula character)
Billy ?? (Inhumans character) - by Chadman
Birks, Ryan (vampire, Dracula foe)
Black, Jack of Earth-Storm Had Remained a Thief
Black Axe (Marvel UK) - by Changeling
Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia)
Black Womb (Gambit character)
Boxcar Bertha of Earth-Storm Had Remained a Thief
Bradley, Catherine (Doctor Nemesis' mother, early 20th X-Men character)
Bradley, Dr. Nicola (Doctor Nemesis' father, early 20th century X-Men character)
Burgos, Carl (real life Timely/Marvel Comics artist, Human Torch ("Jim Hammond") ally) - by Proto-Man
Burnside, William (insane 1950s Captain America) - by Proto-Man
Callaghan, Patrick (1920's detective)
Canalone, Carlo (Taxman victim)
his staff (Taxman victims)
Candra (Externals, X-Men/Gambit character)
Captain Verner Carlson (Phantom Eagle foe)
Captain Fate (Man-Thing foe)
caretaking automaton (Silver Surfer character) - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL only
Cassidy Keep (ancestral Cassidy family castle) - by Proto-Man
Centurious (Ghost Rider foe) - by Barry Reese
Chang (Night Raven foe)
Chaos Mites (Skreet's race, Diableri creations) - by Donald Campbell
Charnel (Undead MC)
Christians, Isaac (Gargoyle, Defenders member)
Chthon (the Other, Elder God, author of the Darkhold) - by Patrick D Ryall
Clarke, Walter (Cult of the Third Moon)
Cleito (Man-Thing character)
Cole (Cable ally) - by Prime Eternal
Colleen ?? (Clearwater schoolteacher, Gunhawks character)
Collins, R.J. (Chicago reporter, Gunhawks character)
Corley, Jeff (1950s, time travelling convict) - by Ron Fredricks
Correo, Pedro (el Sombro's father)
Cotton, Jim (1920s, Morton Haverstraw's guide)
Council of Seven (Si-Fan) - by Prime Eternal
Count Kronin (vampire, 1950s) - by Spidermay
Creeper (early 20th century, Wonders, Runaways character) - by Loki
crew of the Serpent's Crown (Man-Thing foes)
Crimson Cavalier (WW1 hero, Freedom's Five) - by Prime Eternal
Cross, Lucas (Blade's father, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond & Julien Vivé
Cross, Tara (Vanessa Brooks, Blade's mother, vampire) - by Markus Raymond
Cult of the Third Moon (Werewolf by Night foes) - by Markus Raymond
Damballah (spawn of Set)
Danner, Hugo (Marvel Preview adaptation)
Danny Demon (demon, 1940s comedy character) - by Grendel Prime
Davis, Samuel (Spider-Woman (Drew) character) - by Norvo
de la Cruz, Count Ramon (17th century Spanish aristocrat)
de Toledano, Dolores (17th century vampire) - by Grendel Prime
de Toledano, Fernando (17th century vampire)
Dead George Pelham (early 20th century, Street Arabs, Runaways character) - by Loki
Deadly Ernest (Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo
Dean, Constance (mother of Golden Age Ka-Zar (David Rand))
Decyst, Daniel (Hulk character) - by Caesar Godzillatron
Destine, Florence (ClanDestine, older clairvoyant) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Gracie (ClanDestine, X-Men character) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Maurice (ClanDestine, alias Maurice Fortuit)
Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, Golden Age hero, later V-Battalion commander) - by Proto-Man
Dherk (Ka-Zar character)
DiPriggia, Matteo of Earth-717
Divine Wolf (Shu-Hu, K'un-Lun warrior)
Dixon, John of Earth-5106 (20th century, Space Squadron character)
Doctor John Dee (Elizabethan occultist and immortal) - by Loki
Dog Brother #1 (Immortal Weapons, Iron Fist character) - by Minor Irritant
Dolman, Gray (Spider-Man/Spider-Woman foe) - by Minor Irritant
Donnelly, Dean "Deadman" (Gunhawks character) - by Prime Eternal
Doorman (Marvel UK, Plasmer character)
Doyle, Captain (Night Raven character) - by Loki
Dracula (1430-modern era)-A literal MONSTER of a profile-by the Masters of the Obscure
Drago, Leon (scientist, horror character) - by Grendel Prime
Dragonfire (Night Raven foe) - by Loki
Dragon Tong (Dragonfire)
Dreel (xt, Entari, Men on the Wall foe)
Duro, Maria (el Sombro character)
Duro, Ramon (el Sombro charater)
Edwards, Curtis (Ghost Dancer foe)
Einstein, Albert (famous theoretical physicist) - by Loki
el Sombro (Mexican Old West hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Elder Demon (Silver Surfer foe) - by Future - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL only
Entari (xt, early 20th century, Men on the Wall foes)
Entari Monsters (xt fauna, early 20th century, Men on the Wall foes)
Everett, Bill (real life Timely/Marvel Comics artist, Human Torch ("Jim Hammond") ally) - by Proto-Man
Explorers' Club President (Zad Compton story)
Feldstein, Albert (Night Raven character)
Fischer, Aline (great-grandmother of Charles Xavier, Wolverine character) - by MarvellousLuke
Fooh (K'un-Lun scientist, Iron Fist character)
Forever Man (Captain America/Avengers foe)
Forgotten One (Gilgamesh, Eternals & Avengers member) - by Prime Eternal
Freedom's Five (World War 1 heroes) - by Prime Eternal
Four Winds (Elektra foes) - by Future
Frank (a man named) (Punisher character)
Frog-Man (Strange Tales) - by Future
Frost, Deacon (Blade/Hannibal King foe) - by Markus Raymond & Snood
Fu Manchu (the greatest fiend the world has ever known, Shang-Chi's father) - by Prime Eternal
Fury, Jack (World War I hero, father of Nick Fury) - by Prime Eternal
Gale, Sir Ronald (Queen Nara's father)
General Hunt (Jack Fury's superior officer) - by Prime Eternal
General Heinrich von Ronstadt (Phantom Eagle foe) - by Prime Eternal
generator-battery (invented by Dr. Nicolas Bradley)
Gerard ?? of Earth-717
Ghost Flyer (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Ghost Rider (World War I version) - by LV
Gladiator (Danner)
Gomurr the Ancient (Juggernaut/X-Men character) - by Norvo
Gorgolla (Marvel Monster, Stonians) - by MarvellousLuke
Gramps (Inhumans character)
Grandmaster Wong (Wong Fei-Hung, master of the Drunken Dragon Fist) - by Proto-Man
Green Terror (3 X's foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Griffin, Rex (Phantom Eagle character)
Guru (1920s, cursed Morton Haverstraw)
Haley, William (World War 1, US Army)
hawk (1920s, owned by Abdul Alhazred)
Heart Devourer (vampire from Russian folklore)
Heart of Candra (gem imbued with essence of Candra's real heart)
Hellfire Club San Francisco (ca. 1906)
He-Who-Summons (Watcher, High Tribunal) - by Patrick D Ryall & Donald Campbell
Hitler, Adolf (Third Reich leader) - by Prime Eternal
Hollister (early 20th century, Captain Benedict Xavier's crew)
Holmes, Sherlock (legendary detective) - by Loki
Hoyden (1900s Street Arabs, Runaways character) - by Loki
Hutchins (Clearwater community leader, Gunhawks character)
Hymie the Rat (ca. 1919, cartoon character, created by Wally Sidney)
Hypnotist (Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by Grendel Prime
Ice King (Namor ally) - by AvatarWarlord72
Incarsicus (Thunderbolts foe)
Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler, Invaders/Thunderbolts character)
Isaacs, Herbert (Doorman)
It (Theodore Sturgeon character) - by Madison Carter
Jackson, Paula (Phantom Eagle character)
Jacob ?? (deputy of Clearwater, Gunhawks character)
Kale, Dante (Dan Ketch/Johnny Blaze ancestor, Ghost Rider character) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Destin (17th century, Johnny Blaze/Dan Ketch ancestor) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Magdelena (17th century, Johnny Blaze/Dan Ketch ancestor) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Noble (Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch's spirit of vengeance) - by Proto-Man
Kapplebaum, Abraham (Anna's father)
Kapplebaum, Anna (Captain America character) - by Norvo
Katan (xt, Feruvians)
Ketrick (British academic, early 20th century, encountered Worms of the Earth)
Khan (Night Raven foe)
Khordes (satyr, Man-Thing character)
Kraggoom (1960s smoke-like alien monster) - by Prime Eternal
Kravadka, Casimir (would-be conqueror, mad scientist) - by Ron Fredricks
Kristall Starrer (Johnny Blaze foe) - by Markus Raymond
Lady Lotus (Super-Axis, Invaders foe) - by Prime Eternal & Snood
Lane, Bob (cursed undead) - by Spidermay
Latta, Bernardo (early 20th century, Sicilian vampire)
Latta, Sophia (early 20th century, Sicilian vampire)
League of Sensitives (ca. 1906, Hellfire Club San Francisco Seers)
Lei Kung the Thunderer (Iron Fist character)
Lightner, Raymond (mad scientist astronomer, Human Torch/Thing foe)
Ling (Dragon Tong)
Logan of Earth-65 (Spider-Woman/Gwen Stacy foe) - by Minor Irritant
Logan of Earth-717
Lord Molyneux (head of San Francisco Hellfire Club ca. 1906)
Lord Tuan (K'un-Lun, Iron Fist character) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL only
Lucifer (the fallen angel, Ghost Rider (Blaze) foe) - by Markus Raymond
M-1 (1927 Atlas Foundation Menacer series robot) - by Proto-Man
Mace, Jeff (Golden Age, former Captain America/Patriot) - by Proto-Man
Mad Monk (WW2, Vagabond foe) - by Grendel Prime
"Magic Bullet" (Vârcolac item)
Malloy, Nathan (1888-1911, resurrected by Mysterious Fan Boy)
man named Frank (Punisher character)
Martian Masters (Freedom's Five, Invaders & Men on the Wall foes)
Man-To (Golden Age, Black Marvel character)
Mason, John (World War 1, US Army) - by Grendel Prime
Master Izo (former member of Hand and Chaste, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Mbonga (early 20th century, Tarzan foe)
McHooey, 'Madman' (Night Raven foe)
McKenzie, Leonard of Earth-717
Man-God (Danner)
McCord, Woodrow (Man on the Wall, Nick Fury character)
McCord, Woodrow Sr. (Woodrow's father)
Medusa (Gorgon) - by Will U, Prime Eternal & Snood
Men on the Wall (early 20th century anti-alien force)
Messenger, Tobias (Promise, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Midgard Serpent statue (encountered by Albert Nesbit)
Mission District home (Dr. Nicola Bradley's home)
Mister Big (Night Raven foe) - by Loki
Mister Lao (lung dragon adviser to the Atlas Foundation) - by Proto-Man
Mr. Pitt (crew of the Serpent's Crown)
Monstro the Mighty (son of Ares) - by Loki
Moses, Wilbur of Earth-8107 (WW1 pilot, Spider-Man character) - by David Lawrence
Mother (Atlantean/Pangean robot, Ka-Zar foe)
Mustin, Gus (Power Pack character) - by Markus Raymond
Naga (Namor character)
Namor of Earth-717
Neal, Angelica (Dracula character)
Nebulos (extradimensional mystic, Dr. Strange foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Negus, Solomon (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Neptune (Olympian God) - by Alex K, Prime Eternal, Snood & Will U
Nesbit, Albert (found Midgard Serpent tear) - by Ron Fredricks
Nolan, Detective (Night Raven character) - by Loki
Norris, Jack (Phantom Eagle character)
The One (repository of the knowledge of the Watchers, Fantastic Force/Fantastic Four character) - by Donald Campbell
The One (K'un-Lun robot, Iron Fist foe)
Ordo Draconum (holy order, Daredevil characters) - by Chadman & Markus Raymond
Orphan (estraterrestrial creature) - by Markus Raymond
Orphelus (Dracula character)
Pandora (Pilgrims Rock, 175h century ship, brought to Negative Zone, Fantastic Four story)
Patch (crew of the Serpent's Crown)
Petrovich, Ivan (Black Widow character) - by Chadman
Phantom Eagle (WW1 hero, Freedom's Five) - by Prime Eternal
Picts (distant past humans, Kull/Conan/Bran Mak Morn characters) - by Wolfram Bane & Snood
Pierce, Sir Waltham (WWI, Hellfire Club member)
Pixiu (Heroes for Hire foe) - by Proto-Man
Planner (Sgt. Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal
Pluto (Olympian God) - by Chadman & Will U
Price, John (Catherine Bradley's father)
Price, Mary (Catherine Bradley's mother)
Princess Fen of Earth-717
Queen Nara of Ligra (Electro robot character)
Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman (Golden Age, Whizzer ally) - by Loki
Rainbow Serpent (Aboriginal god of fertility)
Rand, John (father of Golden Age Ka-Zar (David Rand)) - by Loki
Redek, Gary (She-Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal *
Remus (Wolverine character) - by Markus Raymond
Roco the Ragman (supernatural character, Adventures into Weird Worlds) - by Grendel Prime
Roosevelt, Teddy (26th President of the United States) - by Loki
Roth, Arnold (Captain America character) - by Norvo
Russell, Dr. Claudia (werewolf, Ravencroft psychologist)
Sabuki, Dr. Sam (World War II, father of Golden Girl)
Sage, Henry (Blade/Spider-Man foe)
Salome (San Francisco Hellfire Club @ 1906)
Scarface of Earth-717
"Scoop" Daly (reporter, Night Raven character) - by Loki
Sentinel of 1906 (Hellfire Club, X-Men foe)
Serpent's Crown (Captain fate's ship)
Set (Elder God) - by Per Degaton & Snood
Shadowqueen (Dr. Strange foe) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL only
Shaw, Cornelius (1861-1915, Esau's father, Sebastian Shaw ancestor)
Shaw, Esau (English Army, Sebastian Shaw ancestor)
Shaw, Jacob (Sebastian Shaw's father)
Shou-Lao the Undying (Iron Fist character) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL only
Sidney, Wally (clothier, Howard the Duck foe)
Si-Fan (Fu Manchu's minions) - by Prime Eternal
Sir Harry Manners (Hellfire Club, early 20th century)
Sir Steel (WW1 hero, Freedom's Five) - by Prime Eternal
Silver Squire (Sir Steel ally)
Skreet (Lunatik/Thanos character) - by Markus Raymond
Slave of Souls (Thing character) - by Proto-Man
Smithers, Jack (Plasmer character)
Soldaderas (invaded Clearwater, Gunhawks characters)
Sorrow (Man-Thing character)
Spirit Banner of Temujin (Atlas Foundation artifact) - by Proto-Man
Stafford, Eben (early 20th century, Men on the Wall member)
Stalin, Josef (Communist Soviet ruler)
Stark (early 20th century, Louis Stark's father)
Stern, Bill (WWI soldier, Golden Age character) - by Prime Eternal
Stick (the Chaste, Daredevil/Elektra character) - by Chadman
Stone, Sergeant (World War I soldier)
Stones of Merlin (Merlin creations, owned by Doctor Doom) - by Donald Campbell
Styx, Sapphire (Wolverine/X-Men foe) - by Markus Raymond
Survivor (Silver Surfer character) - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL only
Tar (X-Men character) - by Norvo
Taxman (Night Raven foe) - by Loki
Taxman’s Thug (Night Raven foe)
Telegraph Hill office (Dr. Nicola Bradley's office)
That Which Endures (Avengers foes)
Tiger Man (Morton Haverstraw, early 20th century big game hunter) - by Grendel Prime
tomb of Garaz (ancient prison of Garaz, near Great Wall of China)
Tommy (Plasmer character)
Tony (Waiter, Taxman victim)
Uatu the Watcher (Earth-616's Watcher, Fantastic Four/Avengers/X-Men character) - by Norvo
Ultarnt (Inhuman) - by Chadman
Ulysses Bloodstone (Monser Hunter)
Uncegila (Wolverine foe) - by Markus Raymond
Undying (xt race, Serayn creations, Cable foes)
unidentified professor (encountered Albert Nesbit)
unidentified rabbit (Heart Devourer victim)
unidentified woodsman (Heart Devourer victim)
Union Jack (James Montgomery, Lord Falsworth, WWI era hero) - by MarvellousLuke & Norvo
Vârcolac (Werewolf by Night foe) - by Markus Raymond
Venuti, Sam (Taxman victim)
Verminus Rex (Ghost Rider foe) - by LV
von Reitberger, Hermann (Phantom Eagle foe) - by Prime Eternal
Voyager (Marvel UK, Frontier Comics)
Vyrra (Atlantean, Namor character) - by Chadman
Welsh Dragon (Pete Wisdom/Thor foe) - by Markus Raymond
Wembley Mark V (Esau Shaw's pistol)
White Ghost of Earth-4011 (John Howlett Jr.)
"wizard" (Ancient Egypt, Thing foe)
Wolfsblade (Vârcolac item)
"Wolfseye" (Vârcolac item)
Wolverine (James Howlett)
Worms of the Earth (Conan/Brac Man Morn foes) - by Wolfram Bane & Snood
Xavier, Benedict (19th century, Professor X ancestor, Wolverine character) - by MarvellousLuke
Yellow Kid (Runaways character) - by Loki
Zemo, Heinrich (12th Baron Zemo) - Prime Eternal
Zemo, Herman (11th Baron Zemo) - by Markus Raymond
Zemo, Hilda (Heinrich Zemo's wife, Helmut's mother) - by Donald Campbell
Zemo twins (sisters, encountered by Esau Shaw ca. WW I)
Zeus (Olympian God)
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