World War II era
This page will link to characters known to be active in the
the 1930's to
@ 1945.
For now, I'm only going to add the newly uploaded profiles, but if you
me know of a character (from this site) that belongs on this page, I'll
Abejaron, Jose (Merzah's valet)
Adams, Bud (vampire, Ravencroft character) - by Chadman
Adler, Manfred (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Admiral Pierce (WW2, Terror character)
Aerivar the 18th (Inhuman, Sky-Island king) - by Chadman
Afari, Jamal (Blade's former mentor) - by Markus Raymond
Agent Axis (WW2, Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Agent K (Anna, World War II era Combat Kelly ally) - by Grendel Prime
Agent McCloskey (WWII-era FBI agent, Captain America ally) - by Proto-Man
Agent O'Brien (WWII-era FBI agent)
Agent of 1,000 Faces (Nazi spy, Howling Commandos foe) - by Prime Eternal
Agent X (Dutch spy, Sgt. Fury ally) - by Prime Eternal
Agents of Agent Axis (WW2, Invaders foes)
Ainsley-Jones, Katherine (vampire, Mortigan Goth foe)
"air transformer" (stolen by Pinhead, Miss America (Madeline Joyce) story)
Al ?? (WW II, Ace Renard's lawyer)
Alfie (Invaders foe) - by John Kaminski
Ali ?? (piano player, Mike's Chicago Bar)
Alice (cow, Stuporman ally)
Allison, James (Robert E. Howard creation, Wyrm foe) - by Snood & Loki
Ambassador Jordan (US ambassador, Headline Hunter character)
Ambrose the Ape (GA, Vagabond character)
American Samurai (Elektra foe) - by Future
Anders, Mrs. (wife of Alfred, Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Anders, Alfred (WWII soldier serving alongside Captain America)
Anderson (S.S. Recovery)
Anderson, Wilhelmina (Jane Foster & Runa character)
Andre, Captain (RCAF, Sgt. Fury ally) - by Prime Eternal
Ann ?? (Bill Williams' girlfriend)
Antonio ?? (Nazi collaborator, Leatherneck Raiders foe)
Anubis of Earth-Shadowline (Doctor Zero foe)
Anuxa (Tales to Astonish) - by Future
Archie the Gruesome (hapless Golden Age hero) - by Proto-Man
Architect (Elektra foe) - by Future
Argot, Mildred (Hodiah Twist ally) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Armless Tiger Man (Angel foe) - by Prime Eternal
Armourer (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Arnett, Mary (Captain America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Arsenal (Avengers/Hulk foe(s) ) - by Stunner, Madison Carter & Prime Eternal (before retcon)
Asbestos Lady (Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by MarvellousLuke
assassin (Elektra character)
Asteroidians (xt race, Golden Age Vision foes) - by AvatarWarlord72
Atwell, Dr. Paul (Young Allies character)
Auferstehungs Corps (Hydra, Captain America foes)
August, Darla ("snow vampire")
Axis Annie (Übermädchen)
Azazel (Serayn-created artificial intelligence, Undying/Cable character)
Baby Battalion (Young Allies foes)
Bailey, Barney (Vision (Aarkus) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Baker, Lee (schoolteacher, Leatherneck Raiders) - by Prime Eternal
Baldini (Exiles)
Baldwin, Henry (Golden Age, Captain America character)
Balthar (Captain America/Bucky foe) - by Spidermay
Balu (Tigerman's tiger)
Barbec (Golden Age, British Intelligence, Captain America character)
Bard, Eli (Eliphas, vampiric Selene servant) - by Proto-Man
Barkley, Moose (wrestled Jay Little Bear) - by Prime Eternal
Barko, Karl (Golden Age, Blue Blaze foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Barlow, Abel (crew of the Serpent's Crown)
Barnes, Bucky of alternate reality (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins ally)
Barnes, Bucky imposter (WW2, Midge)
Barney ?? (WW II, gangster, worked for Ace Renard)
Baron Blood (John Falsworth, Super-Axis) - by Prime Eternal
Baron Boche (Young Allies foe)
Baron Knuckleduster of Earth-333333333 (armored Nazi agent)
Baron von Königsblut (WW2 Nazi werewolf, Captain America foe) - by Markus Raymond
Baron Zemo (Heinrich, 12th Baron Zemo) - by Prime Eternal
Baron Zemo's Androids (Zola creations, served Baron Zemo) - by Prime Eternal
Barron, Tom (Golden Age, slew "devil-god")
Barrow, Sheila (Deep-Sea Dan's daughter, Sub-Mariner character)
Barzak, Andreas (1940s, shrinking Nazi spy) - by Ron Fredricks
Baskerville, Henry (Sir Baskerville)
Bass, Sgt. Charles (Nick Fury's drill instructor) - by Prime Eternal
Bates (Golden Age, bank teller)
Bates, Marina (Captain America character)
Bates, Mr. (Ra the Avenger victim)
Batmen (WW2, Captain America foes)
Bayakura (Himalayas, hidden civilization, Human Meteor allies)
"Beans" (Subbie character)
Bellaman, Danny "Drummer" (Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal
Bellis, Anthony (son of Martin, romanced Darla August)
Bellis, Martin (father of Martin, Darla August victim)
Bellis, Mary (daughter of Martin)
Bellis house (Bellis family, haunted by "snow vampire" Darla August)
Ben ?? of Earth-60907 (rock-skinned soldier)
Benny the Beggar (Phantom Bullet foe)
Benson, Alvin (WW2, U.S. Senator, Captain America character)
Berditchev, Itzhak (Avengers character)
Bev ?? (manager of WWII-era diner) - by Proto-Man
Bev's Diner (WWII-era popular Virginia diner) - by Proto-Man
Bey, Pasha Omar (Marrakech, Sam Sawyer foe)
Big Earl Kawolski (sword swallower, Dugan Travelling Circus of Wonders, Dominic Fortune character)
Big Joe (street cleaner, Archie the Gruesome)
Biggotty, Horace Milton III (Lilith--Daughter of Dracula character)
Biggs (Captain America character)
Billy ?? (Inhumans character) - by Chadman
Black Axe (Marvel UK) - by Changeling
Black Claw (WWII, Captain Terror foe) - by Grendel Prime
Black Fox (First Line member) - by Norvo
Black Marvel (Golden Age hero, Slingers character) - by MarvellousLuke
Black Talon (WW2, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Black Toad (World War II era, Captain America) - by Future
Black Widow (Golden Age heroine, Twelve member) - by AvatarWarlord72 & Norvo
Black Widow (Anya Derevkova, Howling Commandos character) - by Markus Raymond
Black Witch (WW2, Captain America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Black Womb (Gambit character)
Blackie (Joker Comics, mugged Happy Mann)
Blackstone, Boggle (Santa Claus foe) - by Grendel Prime
Blake (1936, Daily Globe managing editor)
Blitzen of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent of Baron Knuckleduster)
Blitzkrieg (Vernichtungs Kommandos, Captain America foe)
Blitzkrieg Squad (Baron Strucker's team, Howling Commandos' counterparts) - by Prime Eternal
Blue Blade (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Blue Blaze (Golden Age hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Blue Bullet (Johann Goldstein, Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Blue Diamond (Elton Morrow, Golden Age hero) - by Norvo
Boffo the Clown (1930s, Dugan Travellig Circus of Wonders, Dominic Fortune character)
Boley (U.S. Marine)
Bolo (Golden Age, Marvex creator)
Bont, Alexander (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Bont, Lucy Chambers (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Boss McGool (Golden Age, Moon-Man foe)
Bova (New Men, Avengers character)
Bradley, John (Poison, Inc. victim, Terror (Pevely) character)
Brady, Patrick "Boot-Camp" (1950s era US Marines instructor) - by Grendel Prime
Brain Drain (Invaders/Liberty Legion/Alpha Flight foe) - by SQUEAK
Brenner, Wolfgang (Red Skull's servant) - by Prime Eternal
Brent, Steve (Captain Wonder foe)
Brinner, George (Golden Age Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Broen, Friedrich (Nazi Fifth Columnists)
Brooklyn Badgers (Black Toad)
Brownie Bear (brown bear, Little Pan ally)
Bucky of Earth-20051 (James Buchanan Barnes, former partner of Captain America) - by Mike Castle
Buka (Golden Age, Black Marvel foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Burgos, Carl (real life Timely/Marvel Comics artist, Human Torch ("Jim Hammond") ally) - by Proto-Man
"burning glass" (Scar invention, Destroyer story)
Burns, Andrews (Martin Simon Burns' father)
Burns, Barbara (Martin Simon Burns' mother)
Burnside, William (insane 1950s Captain America) - by Proto-Man
Butch (Joker Comics, mugged Happy Mann)
Butterfly (Captain America foe, WWII era) - by Future
Cadavus, Franz (Exiles)
Calhoun, Joseph "Licorice" (Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
Callen, John (WWII, Angel (Tom Halloway) character)
Callen, Marie (WWII, John Callen's wife)
Campbell of alternate Earth (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins character)
Candra (Externals, X-Men/Gambit character)
Cane (WW2, Captain America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Cappy (fisherman, controlled Super Slave)
Captain America (Steve Rogers)
Captain America of Earth-8160 (William Nasland, Gates of What If?)
Captain America of alternate reality (Tommy Tompkins, WWII adventurer, proposed cartoon character) - by Loki
Captain America (William Nasland, formerly Spirit of '76, WWII hero) - by Proto-Man
Captain Axis (Hulk foe)
Captain Connor (Howling Commandos/Deadly Dozen C.O.) - by Prime Eternal
Captain Fate (Man-Thing foe)
Captain Fein (WW2, Captain America character)
Captain Flame (World War II hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Captain Kerosene (Plasmer character)
Captain McDonald (World War II character) - by Grendel Prime
Captain Tim (Tim Mulrooney, Captain Wonder sidekick) - by Norvo
Captain Wings (Crusaders, Invaders character) - by MarvellousLuke
Captain Wonder (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Cardi, Dino (one-eyed businessman, Hangman (Vardoff) victim)
caretaking automaton (Silver Surfer character) - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL only
Carla ?? of alternate Earth (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins character)
Carley, Ev (S.S. Recovery)
Carlson's Raiders (World War II US Marines)
Carol ?? (Golden Age, encountered Sub-Earth Man)
Carpenter, Ronson (Deadly Dozen ally) - by Prime Eternal
Carson, Jean (Golden Age, Gary Gaunt's girlfriend)
Carson, Matt (Vision (Aarkus) foe)
Case (WW II, Delmonico track steward)
Case, Rafael (broker, Phantom Bullet character)
Casey, Pat (WWII era friend of Black Marvel (Dan Lyons))
Cassidy Keep (ancestral Cassidy family castle) - by Proto-Man
Castel, Peter (WW2/1950s US Marine, Carlson's Raiders) - by Grendel Prime
castle (King Jago's castle, Dragon-Men of Ligra)
Catman (Golden Age, Human Torch foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Centurious (Ghost Rider foe) - by Barry Reese
Centurius (Conspiracy, Nick Fury/Bloodstone/Avengers character)
Cephallo (1930s, Dugan Travelling Circus of Wonders, Dominic Fortune character)
Cestis (Druids, Sub-Mariner ally)
Chaka (Inuit ally of the Leatherneck Raiders) - by Prime Eternal
Challenger (Bill Waring, Golden Age hero) - by MarvellousLuke
Chamberlain, Neville (UK citizen)
Chang (Night-Raven foe)
Chaos Mites (Skreet's race, Diableri creations) - by Donald Campbell
Charnel (Undead MC)
Chemistry (1930s, Ham Brooks' pet, Doc Savage character) - by Loki
Cherub (Golden Age, Miss America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Chesney (father of Lawrence Chesney, former artist's model for Copperhead pulp stories) - by Chadman
Chess Master (Night Raven foe) - by LV
"Chief" (1930s newspaper editor, Night Raven character)
Ching, General (Exiles)
Chinook (Alpha Flight foe) - by Grendel Prime
Chip ?? (encountered "Speed Demon")
Chips (WW II, gangster, worked for Ace Renard)
Chiseler, Prof. O.U. ("Bullet-Proof" McNasty partner, Golden Age scam artist)
Chisholm (Golden Age, Black Marvel foe)
Chloe (Reptile)
Cholmondeley, Herbert (Australian counterfeiter, Leatherneck Raiders foe) - by Prime Eternal
Chowder, Clem (inventor, "the All-American Screw-ball")
Christians, Isaac (Gargoyle, Defenders member)
Chronol-Capacitor (Human Torch (Hammond) story)
Chthon (the Other, Elder God, author of the Darkhold) - by Patrick D Ryall
Circus of Death (WWII Captain America foes) - by Chadman
Clancy ?? (Combat Kelly's trainer) - by Prime Eternal
Clark, C.G. (Bill Williams character)
Clarke, Walter (Cult of the Third Moon)
Clea (Dr. Strange's wife, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Cleito (Man-Thing character)
Cloud People (1940s comedy characters) - by Grendel Prime
Coger, Forrest (Golden Age hillbilly)
Coger, Pvt. Lee (US Army private, Golden Age Captain America character)
Cohen, Irving (Izzy's father)
Cohen, Isadore "Izzy" (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Cohen, Selma (Izzy's mother)
Cole (Cable ally) - by Prime Eternal
Colonel America (Project: Rebirth operative) - by David Lawrence
Colonel Klaue (Howling Commandos foe) - by Prime Eternal
Colonel Krieghund (Invaders/Liberty Legion foe) - by Markus Raymond
Colonel Bryon Kritzberg (Howling Commandos foe)
Colonel Rand (Golden Age, patriarch of the Rand clan)
Colonel Sakata (Japanese officer, Ben Grimm/Leatherneck Raiders foe) - by Prime Eternal
Colonel Witherspoon (Hodiah Twist ally) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Combat Kelly (boxer, Deadly Dozen's leader) - by Prime Eternal
Commander Morton (C.O. of Leatherneck Raiders) - by Prime Eternal
Commander Ritter (Subbie foe)
Comstock, Bradley (WWII, U.S. Navy) - by Grendel Prime
Contrares, Anastasia (Fantastic Four character)
Copperhead of Earth-75924 (Richard Crandell, used venom-gun to stalk criminals) - by Chadman
Corby, Bud (1932-1973, resurrected by Mysterious Fan Boy)
Corkey (Poison, Inc. victim, Terror (Pevely) character)
Corley, Jeff (1950s, time travelling convict) - by Ron Fredricks
corpse-beings (Dr. Varoz creations)
Cortland, Egbert "Eggie" (Subbie character)
Cosgrove, Ralph "Hoss" (wrestler, Deadly Dozen) - by Prime Eternal
Council of Seven (Si-Fan) - by Prime Eternal
Count Kronin (vampire, 1950s) - by Spidermay
Count von Blitzkrieg (Nazi, 1959s Avengers foe) - by Markus Raymond
Crafton, John (1940s, Ken Masters foe)
Cragg, Silas X. (Captain America foe)
Cramm (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Crandall, Clara (Golden Age character)
Crash, Alan (Monstro the Mighty character)
crew of the Serpent's Crown (Man-Thing foes)
Crimson Commando (Frank Bohannan, Freedom Force, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Cross, Lucas (Blade's father, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond & Julien Vivé
Crusaders (Invaders characters) - by MarvellousLuke
Cubby (1943 A.D., Sam's Diner)
Cult of Black Magic (Golden Age, Captain America foes)
Cult of the Third Moon (Werewolf by Night foes) - by Markus Raymond
Cult of the Unliving Four (Omar Karindu)
Curly (WW II, gangster, worked for Ace Renard)
Cygnians (xt, Zephyr Jones foes) - by AvatarWarlord
Daschundkicker, Fritz (Nazi agent, Winston S. Quaill character)
Daemon, Alisabeth (Lady Daemon)
Daemon, Lady (Earth-616? 1930s era magic user) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Daily Bugle article (1930s, on flying sacuer sighting in New Jersey)
Damballah (spawn of Set)
Dame Kackle (Golden Age, Defender foe) - by Grendel Prime
Damien (Enclave)
Danny Demon (demon, 1940s comedy character) - by Grendel Prime
Danting, Dennis (Golden Age, Silver Scorpion character)
Danting, Mrs. (Golden Age, Silver Scorpion character)
Dark Wind (Daredevil/Wolverine character)
Davis, Leroy (Missouri Marauders)
Davis, Samuel (Spider-Woman (Drew) character) - by Norvo
Daxwell, Belsa (1940s, Widjit Witch character)
Day, Phil (1931, Daily Bugle editor)
"Dead-Eye" Derrick (World War II fighter pilot) - by Grendel Prime
Deadly Dozen (the biggest World War II team book of them all!) - by Prime Eternal
Deadly Ernest (Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo
Death Master (Night Raven foe) - by LV
"death ray" (Scar invention, Destroyer story)
death-rays (Dragon-Men of Ligra weapons)
Decker, Dran (WW2, Terror foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Decyst, Daniel (Hulk character) - by Caesar Godzillatron
Deep-Sea Dan (Dan Barrow, Sub-Mariner character)
Defender (Golden Age hero) - by Grendel Prime
Defense Commissioner Newsome (WWII defense commissioner, killed by Circus of Death) - by Chadman
DeGroot, Christine (Danish freedom fighter)
DeGroot, Josef (Danish freedom fighter, Christine's father)
Demon (worked with Davey Drew, Golden Age)
Dempsey (High Evolutionary's first New Man) - by John Kaminski
Dernier, Jacques (French resistance, Sgt. Fury ally) - by Prime Eternal
Desinna (1934, Saku dimension, Doc Savage story)
Destine, Florence (ClanDestine, older clairvoyant) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Gracie (ClanDestine, X-Men character) - by Proto-Man
Destine, Maurice (ClanDestine, alias Maurice Fortuit)
Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, Golden Age hero, later V-Battalion commander) - by Proto-Man
"Devil-God" (Golden Age, Mystic Comics dinosaur) - by Ron Fredricks
Dherk (Ka-Zar character)
"Diamond of Death" (fake diamond, Black Marvel story)
Dianne (Golden Age, "Princess of the Atom"; Mita/Microverse, Captain America character)
Dillon (Golden Age, Black Marvel character)
Dinosaurs of Barney Bailey (Vision (Aarkus) foes)
DiPriggia, Matteo of Earth-717
Dimensional Gateway (Invaders story, Nazi device) - by Ron Fredricks
Dixon, John of Earth-5106 (20th century, Space Squadron character)
Dr. Agony (WW2, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
DoctOrangutan (1959 Avengers/Fight Man/Agent X foe) - by Markus Raymond & Mikel Midnight
Doctor Barrow (English scientist, Invaders character)
Dr. Belheur (spy, posed as Dr. Jonlon's assistant)
Dr. Vincent David (Golden Age, Hercules (Varen David) father)
Doctor Death (Doctor Nemesis, Invaders foe) - by Ronald Byrd & MarvellousLuke
Doctor John Dee (Elizabethan occultist and immortal) - by Loki
Doctor Dreer (Vision (Aarkus) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Dr. Ross Ekker (Golden Age, Vision foe) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Jurgen Enderle (built hand for Colonel Klaue)
Doctor Fear (WW2, Blazing Skull foe) - by Spidermay
Dr. Vincent Fishler (Bridge)
Dr. Francis (Golden Age, Human Torch character)
Doctor Geist (Hydra, Captain America foe)
Dr. Grimm (WW2, Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Dr. Hans Groitzig (WW2, Patriot (Mace) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Dr. Jonlon (scientist, created device to transport humans to Thought-World)
Dr. Friederich Krause (Namor foe) - by Chadman
Dr. Martin Livingstone (WW2, Young Allies ally) - by AvatarWarlord72
Doctor Nemesis (James Bradley, X-Men character) - by Ronald Byrd & MarvellousLuke
Dr. Olsen (scientist, served Nazis)
Dr. Reich (Howard the Duck character)
Dr. Snaffle (1940s, Ziggy Pig & Silly Seal foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dr. Steiner (operated Black Talon, WW2)
Doctor Strasser (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
Dog Brother #1 (Immortal Weapons, Iron Fist character) - by Minor Irritant
Dolan, Mike (Jack Frost foe) - by Grendel Prime
Dolman, Gray (Spider-Man/Spider-Woman foe) - by Minor Irritant
Donner of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent of Baron Knuckleduster)
Doris ?? (Lucy Chamber Bont's friend)
Dork, Francis (WWII, Fiery Mask foe) - by Grendel Prime
Douglas, Lemo (Golden Age, Hercules (Varen David) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Draconis (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Dracula (1430-modern era)- A literal MONSTER of a profile - by the Masters of the Obscure
Dragonfire (Night-Raven foe) - by Loki
Dragon-Lord (Namor foe) - by Prime Eternal
Dragon-Men of Ligra (Golden Age, Electro robot foes)
Dragon Tong (Dragonfire)
Dreel (xt, Entari, Men on the Wall foe)
Drew, Bobbie (Golden Age, Hercules (Varen David) character)
Drew, Davey (Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Druff, Dan (lazy man, "the Stingiest Man in the World")
Druids (Sub-Mariner allies) - by Grendel Prime
"Drummer" (Danny Bellaman)
Dugan Travelling Circus of Wonders (1930s, Dominic Fortune characters)
Dunne, Charlie (Indiana Jones character) - by Loki
Duro, Maria (el Sombro character)
Durrance, Teddy (Hodiah Twist ally) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Duval, Pierre (French resistane, WW2) - by Spidermay
Dynamic Man (Golden Age hero, Twelve member/foe) - by Norvo
Ed ?? (London Star editor, Headline Hunter character)
Eddie ?? (Hooded Horror victim)
Effendi Mahomad (Golden Age, Silver Scorpion foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Eikenski, Charlotte (Nazi, death camp commander; later Lottie Hederman)
Einstein, Albert (famous theoretical physicist) - by Loki
Eisenhardt, Ruth (Magneto's sister) - by Peteparker
el Condor of the 1930s (Delvadian revolutionary)
el Sombro (Mexican Old West hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Elder Demon (Silver Surfer foe) - by Future - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL only
electrically-controlled glass vats (used by Herr Mole, Human Torch (Hammond) story)
Electro (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Elga ?? (Festung von Furcht)
Enclave (cult)
Entari (xt, early 20th century, Men on the Wall foes)
Entari Monsters (xt fauna, early 20th century, Men on the Wall foes)
Erik the Lion Tamer (1930s, Dugan Travelling Circus of Wonders, Dominic Fortune character)
Erika ?? (charge of Sister Angelique)
Erlking (Auferstehungs Corps)
Errol, Douglas (1930s, flying saucer witness, possibly abducted by Skrulls) - by Donald Campbell
Erskine, Abraham (Captain America character, Operation: Rebirth) - by G Morrow
Esther ?? (charge of Sister Angelique)
Evans (WW2 pilot, Garaz enemy)
Evans, P.J. (Defender foe)
Everett, Mr. (Master Mind Excello's father)
Everett, Bill (real life Timely/Marvel Comics artist, Human Torch ("Jim Hammond") ally) - by Proto-Man
Exiles (Captain America foes)
Explorers' Club President (Zad Compton story)
The Face (Col. Eisen, Invaders foe) - by Spidermay
"False Memory Chamber" (Captain America story) - by Ron Fredricks
Falsworth Jr., John (Baron Blood)
Farber, Siegfried (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Fates (cosmic beings) - by AvatarWarlord72
Father Thompson (missionary, Leatherneck Raiders ally) - by Prime Eternal
Fiddler (WW2, Captain America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Fiery Mask (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Firing Squad (WWII, Angel (Tom Halloway) foes)
Fisher, Michelle (Captain Savage character) - by Prime Eternal
"Fixer" Finnigan (World War II fighter pilot)
Flame Men (Golden Age, Sub-Earth Man followers)
Flexo (World War II robot/hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Fliegentod (Teutonic Knight's flying warship, Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Flint, Captain (one time C.O. of Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
Florus Homo (World War 2, Vision (Aarkus) foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Fog (Golden Age, Defender foe) - by Grendel Prime
Forever Man (Captain America and Avengers foe)
Forever Man (Dracula foe)
Forgotten One (Gilgamesh, Eternals & Avengers member) - by Prime Eternal
four unidentified thugs (Super Slave enemies)
Four Winds (Elektra foes) - by Future
Francis, Gloria (heiress, Phantom Bullet character)
Fräulein Fatale (Übermädchen)
Fredrich ?? (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Freese, Larry (Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal
Fritz ?? (Golden Age, Captain America foe)
Fritz ?? (agent of Green-Faced Man, Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe)
Frog-Man (Strange Tales) - by Future
Frost, Deacon (Blade/Hannibal King foe) - by Markus Raymond & Snood
Fu Manchu (the greatest fiend the world has ever known, Shang-Chi's father) - by Prime Eternal
Fullum, Frankie (WW II, horse jockey, FBI informant)
Fury, Nick
Gale, Sir Ronald (Queen Nara's father)
Galen, Mike (Golden Age, Captain America character)
Galloway (Vision (Aarkus) foe)
Garaz (ancient "underworld demi-god") - by Ron Fredricks
Garrett, John (WW II, Patriot (Mace) foe)
Garton (Golden Age, Hercules (Varen David) employer)
gas sprayer (Golden Age, used by Madam Satan)
Gaunt, Gary (Golden Age mutate) - by Ron Fredricks
Geist (Wolverine foe)
Gendron, Henri (Howling Commandos ally)
General Blaine (military general, killed by Circus of Death) - by Chadman
General Brinkhaus (World War II, Namor foe) - by Chadman
Gen. Fitz-Hugh of Earth-76611 (World War II era British official) - by Proto-Man
General Hunt (Jack Fury's superior officer) - by Prime Eternal
General Mahling (Nazi, World War II, Hans Reuger handler)
General Manor (WW2, Red Skull victim)
General Skul (Sky Wolves foe)- by Markus Raymond
General Ten Per Cent (Captain Savage character) - by Prime Eternal
General Theresa (Italian partisan, Leatherneck Raiders ally) - by Prime Eternal
General Thompson (WW2, Terror character)
Genghis Khan (Golden Age, Human Meteor (O'Dowd) foe)
Georges, Esme (Captain America foe)
Ghost Girl (Crusaders, Invaders character) - by MarvellousLuke
Giant Buzzards (Zombie Master)
"Giant-Size Invaders" (Invaders foes) - by MarvellousLuke
giant snake (Golden Age, Captain America foe)
giant snapping turtles (Turtle-Man pets)
giant spiders (WW2, Miss America foes)
giant wolf man (Liberty Legion and Hurricane/Makkari foe)
Glaven, Nelson (oil magnate, Phantom Bullet character)
Glory ?? (circus telekinetic, Dominic Fortune character) - by Loki
Goebbels, Joseph of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent)
Goering, Hermann of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent)
Goettler, Professor Simon (Dynamic Man creator)
Golem (Jacob Goldstein, Invaders character) - by Spidermay
Gomurr the Ancient (Juggernaut/X-Men character) - by Norvo
Gool (Nazi, fake Martian, Captain America foe)
Gor (Lion-People of Ligra)
Gorgolla (Marvel Monster, Stonians) - by MarvellousLuke
Gorro (Dr. Grimm experiment)
Gouger (Baron Shinto, WWII Miss America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Great Beast of the Devil (Trojak the Tiger Man foe) - by Loki
Greco (gangster, Terror/Laslo Pevely foe)
Green, Spike (Marvex foe)
Green-Faced Man (Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
Green Terror (3 X's foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
"Green Terror Squad" (3 X's foes)
Greene, John (Miss America character)
Gremlin (Nazi weapon) - by Proto-Man
Gremlins (more of the above)
Gretchen ?? (Hendrick Vermeer's maid, WWII, Major Liberty character)
Grettle (Vision (Aarkus) foe)
Griggs ("Torpedo" Taylor character)
Griggs, Captain (U.S.S. Sea Wolf)
Griffith (Pixie's great-grandmother)
Grinner (Golden Age, Black Marvel) - by MarvellousLuke
Grosso (War-Dust Dimension warrior, Vision (Aarkus) foe) - by Grendel Prime
Gruber, Emil (WW2, Captain America character) - by Grendel Prime
Gruning, Eric (Exiles)
"gun moll" (WWII era gang leader, Hangman (Vardoff) victim)
Gus (Reptile)
Gyrene (WWII-era Easy Company mascot dog) - by Prime Eternal
Habeas Corpus (Monk Mayfair's pet, Doc Savage character) - by Loki
Hades Inc. (Golden Age, Vision (Aarkus) & Scarlet Witch foe) - by Markus Raymond
Haines, Lou (Golden Age, Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Hall of Shame (Golden Age organization of losers) - by David Lawrence
Halligan, Smokey (World War 2, US Army) - by Grendel Prime
Hamilton, Dr. Jerome (Blind Justice, Scientists Guild/Three X's/Enclave member)
Hamilton, Roland "Ace" (gambler, Deadly Dozen) - by Prime Eternal
Hana ?? (1943 A.D., Woodrow McCord character)
Hanes, Frank (1950s time traveler) - by Ron Fredricks
Hangman (Nicolai Vardoff, Golden Age Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Hans ?? (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Hans ?? (Nazi, disguised as Jacques Dernier)
"Hans" (secretly Dr. Doom)
Hansen, Jim (Marvex character)
Hargrove, Lewis (Red's brother)
Hargrove, Red (Nick Fury's best friend) - by Prime Eternal
Harris, J.J. (WWII-era cutlery company head, Namor ally)
Harris, Steel (Nick Fury foe) - by John Kaminski
Harrison, Rolfe (Australian, Leatherneck Raiders) - by Prime Eternal
Harvey, John (WW2, Miss America (Madeliny Joyce) character)
Hashizume, Shiro (Japanese swimmer) - JAPANESE
Hauptmann, Gert (Fantastic Four character)
Hauptmann, Gustav (Fantastic Four character)
Hawking, Stephen (famous English physicist and astronomer) - by MarvellousLuke
Hawley, Evelyn (Nick Fury character)
Hawley, Pamela (Nick Fury lover)
Hawley, Peter (Nick Fury character)
Hawkeye (Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal
Hayes, Leroy (Hodiah Twist ally) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Hayes, Randy (1940s, FBI agent)
Head (Young Allies foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Headhunters (Young Allies foes)
head hunters (Phantom Bullet foes)
Headless Horseman (Peter Vermeer, WWII, Major Liberty foe) - by Loki
Headline Hunter (journalist, Golden Age hero) - by Prime Eternal
Heap (World War II character) - by Madison Carter
Heart of Candra (gem imbued with essence of Candra's real heart)
Heinkle, Otto (Nazi agent, Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Heinrich ?? (Golden Age, Captain America foe)
Heller, Aaron (Nazi hunter) - by Prime Eternal
Hellhound of Ravenflight (Hodiah Twist foe)- by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Herbie (Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal
Hercules (Varen David, Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks
"Hercules" (reborn as Marvel Boy/Martin Simon Burns)
"Hercules" (empowered Marvel Boy/Martin Oksner Burns)
Herr Blitz (Nazi agent, Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Herr Dwarf (Nazi, Captain Wonder foe) - by Norvo
Herr Fleger (hired Ward Stocker to kill Adolf Hitler)
Herr Huss (WW II, Patriot (Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
Herr Lohmann (hired Ward Stocker to kill Adolf Hitler)
Herr Mole (Nazi agent, Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
He-Who-Summons (Watcher, High Tribunal) - by Patrick D Ryall & Donald Campbell
Hidden Ones (Inhumans, Fantastic Four foes) - by Proto-Man
Hitler, Adolf (That Nazi Guy) - by Prime Eternal
Hodge, Gilmore (WW2, Captain America foe) - by GrendelPrime
Hooded Horror (Nazi, Captain America (Steve Rogers) foe) - by Prime Eternal
Hook, Gabriel (Monstro the Mighty character)
Horhaga Brothers (vampires, 1930s) - by Markus Raymond
Horner (Nazi officer, Headline Hunter foe)
Howell, Speed (newspaper reporter, Thought-World Monsters foe)
Howling Commandos (World War II ranger squadron) - by Prime Eternal
Hugo ?? (Golden Age, Vision foe)
Human Fly (Golden Age, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Human Meteor (Invaders character) - by Ronald Byrd
Human Top (Bruce BRavelle, Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Human Torch (Jim Hammond)
Hutsu (WWII, Angel (Halloway) foe) - by Grendel Prime
Hyena (Henry Mortonson, Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by Markus Raymond
Hypnotist (Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by Grendel Prime
Ickes, Sec. Harold L. (real life WWII-era Secretary of the Interior) - by Proto-Man
Igan (patient/henchman of Dr. Grimm)
Imps (1940s, Danny Demon's followers)
"Inspector" (Hodiah Twist ally)
"Iron Hand" Hauptmann (Exiles, Captain America foe) - by Snood & Markus Raymond
Immortalis (Marvel UK)
Ingrediento (Marvex foe)
Iron Cross (Helmut Gruler, Invaders/Thunderbolts character)
Iron Cross (Oskar Mors, Invaders foe)
Isaacs, Herbert (Doorman)
Jaggar, Erik (Nazi captain, Hidden Ones foe)
Jago (king of Dragon-Men of Ligra, Electro robot foe)
Jameson, "Old Man" (Daily Bugle, World War II)
Jane ?? (Cappy's daughter, saved by Super Slave)
Jarna (WW II, Sub-Mariner foe) - by Spidermay
Jeavons, Conrad (Hodiah Twist ally) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Jelly of Doom (WWII, flesh-eating protoplasm used by Francis Dork)
Jenkins, Bob (Missouri Marauders)
Jenks (Night Raven story)
Jensen, Jake (pickpocket, Deadly Dozen) - by Prime Eternal
Jim ?? (Thin Man character)
Joe ?? (World War II-era NYPD officer)
Joey ?? (Alexander Bont character) - by Chadman
Johnny ?? of Earth-60907 (rock-skinned soldier)
Johns, Jesse (Sky Wolves)
Johnson, "Rickets" (Maulers member) - by Prime Eternal
Jones, Albert "Slow-Motion" (Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Jones, Fred (Howling Commandos)
Jones, Gladys (Hodiah Twist ally) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Jones, Private (Maulers member)
Jordan, Caroline (Captain Wonder's wife)
Joseph ?? (WW II, Sub-Mariner foe)
Josh, "Jolly Joe" (double feature matinee creator)
journal of Woodrow McCord (Man on the Wall)
Judas Man (Spider-Woman ally) - by Will U
Juniper, Jonathan "Junior" (Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
"Jupiter" ("Hercules" father)
Kale, Dante (Dan Ketch/Johnny Blaze ancestor, Ghost Rider character) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Destin (17th century, Johnny Blaze/Dan Ketch ancestor) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Magdelena (17th century, Johnny Blaze/Dan Ketch ancestor) - by Proto-Man
Kale, Noble (Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch's spirit of vengeance) - by Proto-Man
Kalimachh (Vision (Aarkus) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Kanegawa, Hiroyuki (Agent Axis component)
Kao (Chinese resistance fighter)
Kapplebaum, Abraham (Anna's father)
Kapplebaum, Anna (Captain America character) - by Norvo
Karal (Atlantean guard) - by Prime Eternal
Karindu, Omar (Dr. Strange character)
Karl ?? (aide of Dr. Sweikert)
Karr, Jameson (Golden Age, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Katrina the Bareback Rider (1930s, Dugan Travelling Circus of Wonders, Dominic Fortune character)
Keene, Spencer (1930s cyborg, Dominic Fortune foe) - by Loki
Keepers of the Sacred Koan (American Samurai)
Keller, Dr. Martin (Gordon Sanders victim)
Kelt, Louie (zombie gangster, Dominic Fortune foe) - by Prime Eternal
Khan (Night-Raven foe)
Khonshu (Egyptian God)
Khordes (satyr, Man-Thing character)
Kid Commandos (WWII, Invaders characters)
Killer Bane (Golden Age, Captain America foe)
King Cobra (WW2, Miss America (Madeline Joyce) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
King of Lai-Son (People of the Sea king)
King Phillip (Symkarian regent, World War II)
Klauber, Hans (Nazi general) - by John Kaminski
Klaus, Dr. Adler (Nazi scientist, Sgt. Fury foe)
Klaus, Sgt. Hans (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Klein-Schmidt, Fritz (Nazi Fifth Columnist, Captain America foe) - by Proto-Man
Klugg (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
Knight Errant (William Matson, elderly British vigilante) - by Proto-Man
Knorda (Thor/Avengers/Fantastic Four character)
Knox, Sec. Frank (real life WWII-era Secretary of the US Navy) - by Proto-Man
Knuckles O'Shaugnessy (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Koenig, Eric (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Koenig, Ilsa (Eric's sister) - by Prime Eternal
Koning, Roger (greedy time traveler, Mystical Tales) - by Donald Campbell
Kraggoom (1960s smoke-like alien monster) - by Prime Eternal
Kranz, Walter (creator of Copperhead pulp stories) - by Chadman
Krauss (WWII-era blind assassin that used trained parrot Polly to kill, Angel foe) - by Prime Eternal
Kravadka, Casimir (would-be conqueror, mad scientist) - by Ron Fredricks
Kristall Starrer (Johnny Blaze foe) - by Markus Raymond
Krott, Phil (WW2, Terror foe)
Kruger, Heinz (Captain America foe) - by Spidermay
Krugg, Walter (Tales to Astonish, Hiroshima victim) - by John Kaminski
Krushki (Exiles)
Kyusha, Miko (Mister Black victim)
Lady Lotus (Super-Axis, Invaders foe) - by Prime Eternal & Snood
Lamia (vampire, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Lance of St. Maurice (Spear of Destiny, legendary magical weapon) - by MarvellousLuke
Lane, Bob (cursed undead) - by Spidermay
landcraft (Dragon-Men of Ligra vehicle)
Lanford, Diana (Merzah's assistant)
Larch, Lifer (Miss America foe)
Larocque, Jacques (Frenchman, Leatherneck Raiders) - by Prime Eternal
Larry ?? (Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
LaSanne, Nadia (Golden Age, Moon-Man character)
Laughing Mask (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Lavarites (WW II, xt, Sub-Mariner foes) - by Spidermay
Lawrence, Christina (Hodiah Twist foe, vampire) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Leatherneck Raiders (Captain Savage's marines) - by Prime Eternal
Lederle, Horst (Red Skull's servant) - by Prime Eternal
Lee, Gweny (Jay Little Bear's Chinese girlfriend) - by Prime Eternal
Lee, Karin (inherited Hagmoor Castle, Captain America character)
Leila ?? (Vision (Aarkus) character)
Lenny (Captain America foe, WWII era)
Leres (criminal, Gary Gaunt foe)
Leroux, Captain Eric (Marrakech, Sam Sawyer foe)
Lieutenant Curtis (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) character)
Lt. Erikson (trained Leatherneck Raiders for winter combat) - by Prime Eternal
Lt. Frazer ("Torpedo" Taylor character)
Lt. Mabuchi (Chinese military, World War II)
Life-Like Doll Company (Dran Decker's HQ, WW2 Terror story)
Lightner, Raymond (mad scientist astronomer, Human Torch/Thing foe)
L'il Prof (diminuative Golden Age inventor) - by Norvo
Ling (Dragon Tong)
Lion-People of Ligra (xt race, Electro robot characters)
Lisa ?? (World War II era Czech spy, Captain America ally) - by Proto-Man
Little Bear, Jay (Native American, Leatherneck Raiders/Deadly Dozen) - by Prime Eternal
"Little John" (Jesse Johns, Sky Wolves)
Little Hercules (twelve-year old Golden Age hero) - by Prime Eternal
Little Pan (Golden Age comedy character) - by MarvellousLuke
Little Poison (Nazi, Monstro the Mighty foe)
Livingston, Laurie (Deadly Dozen's only female member) - by Prime Eternal
Livingstone, Dora (Martin Livingstone's daughter)
Llhupa (Golden Age, Vision foe) - by Norvo
Lo Parino (mobster, Sgt. Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal
Logan of Earth-65 (Spider-Woman/Gwen Stacy foe) - by Minor Irritant
Lomm (Dr. Grimm's assistant)
Longtree, Richard (Deadly Dozen ally) - by Prime Eternal
Lord Danvers (London Star publisher, Headline Hunter character)
Lord Ha-Ha (Howling Commandos foe)
Lord Haw-Haw of Earth-333333333 (Nazi agent, traitor)
Lord of Death (Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Lord Tuan (K'un-Lun, Iron Fist character) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL only
Lord Wotonby (Nazi ally, Headline Hunter foe)
Lubischt, Dr. Franz (Nazi, Genesis Coalition)
Lucifer (the fallen angel, Ghost Rider (Blaze) foe) - by Markus Raymond
Lucifer Satan (Golden Age, Hades Inc.)
Ludwig ?? (WW2 Dutch lab assistant, Hangman (Vardoff) victim)
Ludwig ?? (WW2 Nazi, Patriot (Mace) foe)
Lunford, Ruth (Dr. Jonlon's secretary, Thought-World Monsters foe)
Mace, Jeff (Golden Age, former Captain America/Patriot) - by Proto-Man
MacInnis, Ian (Lady Daemon)
MacLain, Dr. Myron (inventor of adamantium and Cap's shield) - by Prime Eternal
MacReedy, James (Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal
Mad Filipino (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
Mad Mechanic (Young Allies foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Mad Monk (WW2, Vagabond foe) - by Grendel Prime
Madam Satan (Golden Age, Destroyer (Roger Aubrey) foe) - by Markus Raymond
Madame Angela (Hodiah Twist foe, vampire) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Madame Mauser (Übermädchen)
Maddox, Lester (Black Widow (Voyant) foe)
Magda (Magneto's wife, Vision and Scarlet Witch mother)
"Magic Bullet" (Vârcolac item)
Major Carlson (doctor, Avengers ally) - by Prime Eternal
Major Crane (WWII era US Army officer)
Major Croy (WW2, Red Skull victim)
Major Douglas (WW2, Red Skull victim)
Major Albrecht Kerfoot (Nazi, Heinz Kruger ally) - by Spidermay
Major Rudolph Kruuger (Sgt. Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal
Major Liberty (Golden Age hero) - by MarvellousLuke
Major Nagasha (Japanese prison commander, Leatheneck Raiders foe)
Major Schmidt (Nazi)
Major Richard Uberhart (Nazi, Red Skull agent)
Malloy, Jake (gunrunner, Leatherneck Raiders foe) - by Prime Eternal
Malvagio, Aldo (Agent Axis component)
Manelli, Dino (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Man-Mountain McCoy (Maulers member) - by Prime Eternal
Mann, Happy (Joker Comics character) - by Loki
Manor, Mildred (General Manor's wife)
Man-To (Golden Age, Black Marvel character)
Mantor (Golden Age hero) - by MarvellousLuke
Marcus, David (World War II-era U.S. Navy captain) - by Grendel Prime
Marcus, Gaylord (1930s, head of Movietown Studios, Dominic Fortune character)
Mari (South African tribe; Golden Age Black Marvel characters)
Markham (Night Raven foe)
Marmaduke, "Musclebound" (Super Baby rival, "the child Hercules")
Martian Gun (WW II, used by fake Martians, Nazis)
Martians (Nazis, Golden Age fake aliens, Captain America foes) - by Markus Raymond
Martin, Jack "Mad-Dog" (Deadly Dozen pilot) - by Prime Eternal
Martin, "Machine Gun" John (1930s, role model of Skrulls of Kral) - by Snood & Donald Campbell
Martinez, Isadora (Penance Council of the V-Battalion) - by Prime Eternal
Marvel Boy (Martin Simon Burns, Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Marvel Boy (Martin Oksner Burns, Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Marvex (Golden Age hero) - by LV
Masked Maiden (1940s heroine, possibly metafictional) - by Ron Fredricks
Master Interrogator (Nazi, Captain America foe)
Master Izo (former member of Hand and Chaste, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Master Mind Excello (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Master of Matrix Eight (Matrix Eight)
Masters, Ken (1940s adventurer) - by Kevin Garcia
Matrix Eight (Captain America foes)
Maulers (rival squad of the Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
Mauller, Siegfried (Nazi torturer) - by Grendel Prime
Maurice ?? of alternate Earth (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins character)
Mawson, Ron(Missouri Marauders)
Mayer, Lee (O.S.S., Howling Commandos ally) - by Prime Eternal
McClary, Calvin (Franklin Pierce National Bank manager, Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
McCord, Woodrow (Man on the Wall, Nick Fury character)
McCord, Woodrow Sr. (Woodrow's father)
McGarthey, Lem (WW2, Blazing Skull character)
Macginty of Earth-5631 (US Army veteran, Power Pack character)
McGiveney, Sgt. Bull (Maulers leader) - by Prime Eternal
McGurk, Goatie ("Musclebound" Marmaduke ally)
McKenzie, Leonard of Earth-717
Mechanical Mole (WW2, Agent Axis vehicle, Invaders story)
"mechanical monster" (Lemo Douglas creation, Hercules (Varen David) foe)
mechanical surgeon (Doctor Dreer invention)
Medusa Cannon (Baron Zemo death ray variant) - by Donald Campbell
Mendelhaus, Klaus (Nazi war criminal) - by Prime Eternal
Merzah the Mystic (World War II hero) - by AvatarWarlord72
Messenger, Tobias (Promise, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Metallic Monster (Captain America foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
Microman (Jimmy Everett, Golden Age) - by Ron Fredricks
Miguel ?? (Dr. Varoz ally)
Mike ?? (Sgt. Fury character, Casablanca homage) - by Prime Eternal
Miller, Michael "Bullseye" (Deadly Dozen) - by Prime Eternal
Millok (Golden Age, Hercules (Varen David) employer)
Ming, Charly (gunman, Sam Sawyer foe)
Miss Prim (Marvel Boy/Martin Oksner Burns' teacher)
Missing Link (Circus of Death member) - by Chadman
Missouri Marauders (Sgt. Fury allies) - by Prime Eternal
Mister Black (Strange Tales character) - by John Kaminski
Mr. Cooles (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Mister Death (Max Blucher, Captain Wonder foe) - by Norvo
Mister E (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by LV & Norvo
Mr. Hayward (Darkhold user) - by Patrick D Ryall
Mister Lao (lung dragon adviser to the Atlas Foundation) - by Proto-Man
Mister Million (rich problem-soldier, WWII era businessman) - by Prime Eternal
Mr. Pitt (crew of the Serpent's Crown)
Mr. Reginald (Headline Hunter character)
Mr. Wilson (WWII era newspaper circulation manager)
Mistress (Avengers foe) - by Proto-Man
Modebl (Golden Age, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Monez, Alveroz (Phantom Bullet foe)
Monk (WW2, Black Talon's gang)
Monsoon, Toshiro (Samurai Squadron)
Monster (Morpheus pawn)
Monster (1940s, Dr. Snaffle creation, Ziggy Pig & Silly Seal foe)
Monster Men (Miss America foes)
Monstro the Mighty (son of Ares) - by Loki
Moon-Man (Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Mor the Mighty (Electro the Marvel of the Age foe) - by Spidermay
Morita, Jim (Howling Commandos ally) - by Prime Eternal
Morita, Sgt. Joe (Samurai Squadron)
Morlak, Maris (Enclave)
Morpheus (Olympian god of dreams) - by Grendel Prime
Mother (Atlantean/Pangean robot, Ka-Zar foe)
Mother submarine (Vision (Aarkus) story, Shark-Subs base)
Mueller, Ernst (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Mugsy (Captain Wonder foe)
Murdock, "Killer" (Asbestos Lady's brother, Human Torch (Hammond) foe)
Murphy (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) character)
Muskrat, Mike (Golden Age gangster)
Mustin, Gus (Power Pack character) - by Markus Raymond
Mycroft (Nick Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mysto the Magician (1940s, Krazy Krow character)
Nacht, Adelmo (Nazi, father of Axl Nacht/Gotteskrieger)
Naga (Namor character)
Namora (Aquaria Nautica Neptunia, Namora's cousin, Agents of Atlas member) - by MarvellousLuke
Nash, Mary (WWII era friend of Black Marvel (Dan Lyons)) - by Prime Eternal
Naylor, Steve (Golden Age, Marvel Mystery Comics character) - by David Lawrence
Nazi Fifth Columnists (Marvel Boy/Martin Simon Burns foes)
Nazi Sleepers 1-3 (original Sleepers) - by John Kaminski & Prime Eternal
Nebulos (extradimensional mystic, Dr. Strange foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Needham (Golden Age, Chief Defense Commissioner, Patriot (Jeff Mace) character)
Nefaria, Gialetta of Earth-90214 (Noir Earth, Iron Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Negus, Solomon (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Nelson, Rod (S.S. Recovery)
Neptune (Olympian God) - by Alex K, Prime Eternal, Snood & Will U
Nesbit, Albert (found Midgard Serpent tear) - by Ron Fredricks
Netar (Subbie's companion)
Nickie ?? (WWII-era young newspaper salesman, Mr. Million character)
Nightmare (Morpheus' steed)
Nightmare Dust (used by the Olympian Morpheus)
Night Raven (Marvel UK hero) - by Snood & Mark Caithness
Nisei Squadron (Howling Commandos allies)
Nordo (Invaders foe)
"Norman" (Golden Age, bank teller)
Norris (WW2, Professor Gold's assistant, Invaders character)
Nosferatu (Bloodstone/Dracula/Frankenstein monster foe) - by Markus Raymond
Notoi (chief of the Asteroidians)
Nox (Fear Lords, Dr. Strange foe)
Officer O'Malley (World War II-era NYPD officer, Betty Dean ally) - by Proto-Man
old inventor (created Phantom Bullet's gun)
Old One (Golden Age, Terror (Pevely) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Oldow (Golden Age, Defender foe) - by Grendel Prime
Omar (Sando's partner, Captain America/Bucky foe)
Omir the Snake Charmer (Circus of Death member) - by Chadman
The One (repository of the knowledge of the Watchers, Fantastic Force/Fantastic Four character) - by Donald Campbell
The One (K'un-Lun robot, Iron Fist foe)
Ordo Draconum (holy order, Daredevil characters) - by Chadman & Markus Raymond
O'Reilly, Eveline (Abraham van Helsing's daughter, Dracula character) - by MarvellousLuke
Orphan (estraterrestrial creature) - by Markus Raymond
Orphelus (Dracula character)
O'Shaughnessy, Anna (Irish, Sub-Mariner ally)
Ox (Night Raven foe)
Pandora (Pilgrims Rock, 175h century ship, brought to Negative Zone, Fantastic Four story)
Parker, Mr. (Ra the Avenger victim)
Parker, Phil (WWII era Army intelligence officer, Howling Commandos ally) - by Prime Eternal
Parsons, Mr. (GA, Mad Monk's brother)
Parsons, Penelope (GA, Mad Monk's niece)
Paskuniak, Jake (GA, Vagabond character)
Patch (crew of the Serpent's Crown)
Patriot (Golden Age, Jeff Mace, became Captain America)
Paul ?? (charge of Sister Angelique)
Peddler of Doom (1940s, Miss America (Joyce) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Penny Panzer (Übermädchen)
People of the Sea (Lai-Son natives)
Perry ?? (Mr. Reginald's cousin, Headline Hunter foe)
petrifying gas (Golden Age, used by Madam Satan)
Petrovich, Ivan (Black Widow character) - by Chadman
Phantom Bullet (Golden Age hero) - by MarvellousLuke
Phantom Hound of Cardiff Moor (Golden Age, Captain America foe) - by John Kaminski
Phantom of the Underworld (Golden Age hero) - by LV
Phantom Reporter (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Phil ?? (WWII soldier, possessed by Mephisto)
Phillipe ?? (charge of Sister Angelique)
Pinhead (Nazi, Miss America (Madeline Joyce) foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Pinkerton, Percival "Pinky" (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Pinkerton, Reginald (Percival's brother) - by Prime Eternal
Pinkley, Zelda (Dominic Fortune character) - by Prime Eternal
Pixiu (Heroes for Hire foe) - by Proto-Man
Planner (Sgt. Fury foe) - by Prime Eternal
Pluto (Olympian God) - by Chadman & Will U
Poison, Inc. (Golden Age, Terror (Pevely) foes)
Police Commissioner (Defender character)
Poll, Danny (WWII, Angel (Tom Halloway) foe) - by Grendel Prime
Polly (WWII-era trained parrot of assassin Krauss)
Ponzi (WW II, gangster, worked for Ace Renard)
Poprycz, William (soldier, vamped by Baron Blood)
Porker, Pete (Land of Nowhere, Jimmy Jupiter character) - by Norvo
Power Drill (Red Skull weapon)
Powers, Cliff (medic, Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal
Priest of Sickles (Johan Richter, Kulan Gath servant) - by Proto-Man
Prince of Good (ancient sorcerer, Davey Drew's Demon foe)
Prince Shinto (Young Allies foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Professor (Siegfried Mauller enemy)
Professor Raymore Davis (scientist, empowered Human Top (Bruce Bravelle))
Professor Drakla (Miss America foe) - by John Kaminski
Professor Gojo (WWII-era Japanese assassin, Namor foe) - by Prime Eternal
Professor Horton (Timeslip)
Professor Imam of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme character) - by Norvo
Professor Lyman of Earth-600001 (scientist, Captain America movie serial) - by Loki
Professor Morte (WW2, Miss America character)
Professor Plotz (Bale College lecturer, transformed into the evil Dr. Krotz, Stuporman ally)
Professor Rangely (found & raised Tyranno)
Project: Vanish (military weapon, World War 2) - by Prime Eternal
Pug-Pan (Speed Howell's editor)
Quaill, Winston S. of Earth-333333333 (Adolf Hitler double, UK character) - by Loki
Queen (Ana Soria, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Queen Nara of Ligra (Electro robot character)
Queen of Lai-Son (People of the Sea)
Ra the Avenger (Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Rabe, Otto (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman (Golden Age, Whizzer ally) - by Loki
Rainbow Serpent (Aboriginal god of fertility)
Rajar the elephant (Circus of Death trained elephant) - by Chadman
Ralston, Robert "Reb" (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
Rand, Druscilla (Golden Age character)
Rand, Pvt. Jonce (Golden Age character)
Randy ?? (victim of werewolf Jeffrey Winters) - by Loki
Rangoo (Tigerman ally)
Rawlings, Celia (Cedric's sister)
Rawlings, Cedric (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Ray, Dorothy (WWII spy, Angel (Halloway) ally)
Raymond, Fred (Golden Age, Toro's father) - by Chadman
Raymond, Nora (Golden Age, Toro's mother)
Reaper (Captain America and Bucky foe)
Red ?? (Golden Age, Human Torch foe)
Red Death Ray (WW II, used by fake Martians)
Redek, Gary (She-Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Red Fox (Chinese resistance fighter, Leatherneck Raiders ally) - by Prime Eternal
Red Rajah (Star of Capistan)
Red Skull (George Maxon, Captain America foe) - by Spidermay
Red Skull
Red Skull of alternate Earth (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins foe)
Red Terror (Human Top (Bruce Bravelle) foe)
"Reggie" (Subbie foe)
Reiker, Terry (Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal
Remus (Wolverine character) - by Markus Raymond
Remz, Sylar (Blade foe)
Renard, Ace (WW II, crime character) - by Prime Eternal
Reptile (android Human Torch foe) - by Future
Reuger, Hans (World War II, Nazi saboteur) - by Ron Fredricks
Rex (Dr. John Storm's dog)
Ribando, Red (Poison, Inc. victim, Terror (Pevely) character)
Ridley (Golden Age, Black Marvel character)
Riko (Golden Age bank robber, Whizzer foe)
Ringmaster of Death (Fritz Tiboldt, Circus of Death leader) - by Chadman
Risling, Victor (Golden Age, Hades Inc.)
Ritchie ?? (Alexander Bont character)
Roberts, Professor John Peter (1940s, Ken Masters character)
Roberts, Tim (1940s, Ken Masters character)
Robinson, Eddie (Missouri Marauders)
Robot Army (used by Mad Mechanic)
rocket ship (Dragon-Men of Ligra vehicle)
Rockman (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Rodney, "Slip" (Golden Age, criminal)
Rogers, Walter (Captain America character--not related)
Roland, Bob (Golden Age, encountered Sub-Earth Man)
Ronson (WWII-era FBI agent)
Rooten, Hans (Howling Commandos mascot) - by Prime Eternal
Roth, Arnold (Captain America character) - by Norvo
Roxxon (A big evil corporation!) - by SQUEAK
Ruby Scarab (Invaders stories)
Rudolph ?? (Subbie foe)
Rudy the Robot (Golden Age robot servant) - by Norvo
Rumor (First Line foe) - by Norvo
Running Elk (Golden Age, Black Marvel character)
Russoff, Gregor (Werewolf father) - by Loki
Russoff, Jerome (musical werewolf, pre-World War II)
Russoff, Renfield (musical werewolf, pre-World War II)
Russoff, Stefan (musical werewolf, pre-World War II)
Russoff Trio (musical werewolf group, pre-World War II) - by Proto-Man
Sablinova, Ernst (Silver Sable's father) - by Minor Irritant
Sablinova, Fritz (Silver Sable's uncle/foe) - by Minor Irritant
Sabuki, Dr. Sam (World War II, father of Golden Girl)
Sales Manager (Golden Age, Hades Inc.)
Sage, Henry (Blade/Spider-Man foe)
Sally ?? (Hooded Horror victim)
Sample, Donald (draftsman, Deadly Dozen) - by Prime Eternal
Sam's Diner (1943 restaurant, near Eben Stafford's Rocky Mountains base)
"Samurai" Guards (Lady Lotus minions)
Samurai Squadron (Leatherneck Raiders allies)
Sanders, Gordon (Golden Age, Vision foe) - by Grendel Prime
Sando (World War II, Captain America/Bucky foe) - by David Lawrence
Sapper (Night Raven foe)
Sardo, Anthony "Tony" (Golden Age, Human Torch foe) - by John Kaminski
Sarge of alternate Earth (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins character)
Saunders, Arthur (Mantor foe)
Saunders, Neil (Mantor foe)
Säurespritze (Vernichtungs Kommandos, Captain America foe)
Savage, Jack (1940s, U.S. Department of Justice agent)
Savage, Kathy (Simon's wife)
Savage, Captain Simon (Skipper, Leatherneck Raiders leader) - by Prime Eternal
Savages of New America (WW2, Young Allies foes)
Sawyer, Samuel (General, commanding officer of the Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
Scalphunter (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Scar (Golden Age, Destroyer foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Scarbo, "Thick Lips" (Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe)
Scarecrow (1940s comedy character, Krazy Krow foe) - by Grendel Prime
Scarlet Scarab (Invaders character)
Scarlet Warlock (Natalya Maximoff's father)
Scarlet Witch (Natalya Maximoff's mother)
sceptre (Invaders story, Hitler item) - Ron Fredricks
Schade, Paul (Missouri Marauders)
Scharrolla (WW2, Patriot (Mace) foe)
Schlag, Lars (Nazi, activated Nazi Sleeper)
Schmidt, Dr. Harold (1940s scientist, Microman ally)
Schmidt, Wilhelm (father of Lump, former aide of Baron Strucker) - by Prime Eternal
Schoen, Sgt. (Devil's Island soldier)
Schroeder, Karl (Combat Kelly boxing opponent) - by Prime Eternal
Schroeder, Ludwig (Blitzkrieg Squad)
Schultz, Wilhelm (Silver Sable foe) - by Will U
Schumann, Daniel (Tess-One creator)
"Scoop" Daly (reporter, Night Raven character) - by Loki
Scorpio (Jake Fury, Zodiac Cartel and LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal
Scott, Jacob "Jake" (American soldier circa 1947, impersonated by Velmax/Effigy)
Secret Invaders (WWII-era supernatural military unit)
Senso (Hidden Ones)
Serpent Crown (talisman of Set) - by Patrick D Ryall & Snood
Serpent's Crown (Captain fate's ship)
Set (Elder God) - by Per Degaton and Snood
Shaw, Jacob (Sebastian Shaw's father)
Shocker (Miss America foe) - by John Kaminski
Sister Angelique (nun, Deadly Dozen ally) - by Prime Eternal
shadow (Marvel Boy/Martin Simon Burns ally)
Shadow King (X-Men foe)
Shadowqueen (Dr. Strange foe) Extra-Dimensional only
Shark (Sub-Mariner/Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Shark-Man (WWII, Sub-Mariner foe) - by Grendel Prime
Shark-Subs (Japanese submarines, Vision (Aarkus) story) - by Ron Fredricks
Shigeta, Howard (drug dealer, Deadly Dozen) - by Prime Eternal
Shinski, Wladyslav (Enclave)
Shou-Lao the Undying (Iron Fist character) - EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL only
Shady Deale (Night Raven character)
Shostakov, Alexi (Red Guardian/Ronin)
shrinking fluid (used by Dran Decker, WW2 Terror story)
Shultz, Gustav (Nazi Fifth Columnists)
Sidney, Wally (clothier, Howard the Duck foe)
Si-Fan (Fu Manchu's minions) - by Prime Eternal
Silhouette (Dominic Fortune foe) - by Prime Eternal
Simons, David (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Simpson, Emory "Snakeye" (black market dealer, Deadly Dozen) - by Prime Eternal
"Sinister Spy" (WWII, Super Soldier foe)
Siobhan (Baron Blood's lover) - by Prime Eternal
Sites, C. Thomas (reporter, Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal
Sites, Helen (C. Thomas Sites' wife)
Skreet (Lunatik/Thanos character) - by Markus Raymond
Skul, General (Sky Wolves foe) - by Markus Raymond
Skul, Gretchyn (General Skul's daughter)
Skull-Face movie (1937 movie, remake planned 15 years later)
Sky Bird (Little Hercules' plane)
Skyshark (Invaders & Liberty Legion foe) - by Spidermay
Sky Wolves (World War II combat pilots)- by Markus Raymond
Slade, Jr., Matt (son of the western hero, father of Matt Slade III)
Slade III, Matt (Sky Wolves)
Slave of Souls (Thing character) - by Proto-Man
Slicer (Liberty Legion foe) - by LV
Slinkard, Cecil B. (Conspiracy) - by Prime Eternal
Slug (Golden Age, Red Skull henchman)
Smith, Dwight (Missouri Marauders)
Smith, Wildcat (Deadly Dozen ally) - by Prime Eternal
Smithers, Jack (Plasmer character)
Smythe (London Museum curator, Sub-Mariner ally)
Soldier Supreme (Sgt. Sebastian Szardos, mystic WWII member of the Secret Invaders) - by Proto-Man
Sons of the Scarab (Invaders foes)
Sorrow (Man-Thing character)
Spats (Night Raven foe)
Spawn of the Witch Queen (Golden Age, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord
"Speed Demon" (pre-modern speedster) - by Ron Fredricks
Speedster (Blue Blaze's car)
Spider (Debon, infant turned four-legged, six-armed fiend)
Spider (WW2, Black Talon's gang)
Spiderman (WW2, Miss America foe) - by Spidermay
Spider-Queen (Invaders character) - by Ronald Byrd
Spike (Circus of Death member) - by Chadman
Spirit Banner of Temujin (Atlas Foundation artifact) - by Proto-Man
"Spirit" of Miles Danting (Golden Age, created by Effendi Mahomad)
S.S. Recovery (Marvel Comics#1, Namor story) - by Prime Eternal
Stafford, Eben (early 20th century, Men on the Wall member)
Stalin, Josef (Communist Soviet ruler)
Stanford, Guy (Nazi spy, Headline Hunter foe)
Star of Capistan (Defenders power item)
Stark, Ted (heroic reporter) - by Prime Eternal
Steel, David (Vision (Aarkus) character)
Steel Kommando (agent of General Skul)
Steimle, Dr. Lola (Nazi doctor)
Stein, Emil (Captain America and Iron Man foe)
Steinem, Dr. Kurt (Deadly Dozen foe) - by Prime Eternal
Sternberg, Berthold (Infinity Formula developer, Nick Fury character) - by John Kaminski
Steuben, Wilhelm (German scientist)
Steve ?? (WWII soldier, possessed by Mephisto)
Stick (the Chaste, Daredevil/Elektra character) - by Chadman
Stinger (Golden Age Angel foe) - by Markus Raymond
Stinson, Jim (Golden Age, service station attendant)
Stocker, Ward (WW II sharpshooter, killed Hitler clone) - by Grendel Prime
Stohl, Frank (Nazi Fifth Columnists)
Stone, Roy "Blarney" (sailor, Leatherneck Raiders) - by Prime Eternal
Stoner, Rick (SHIELD director)
Stones of Merlin (Merlin creations, owned by Doctor Doom) - by Donald Campbell
Stonewall (Hamilton Louis, Freedom Force, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Stonewell, George (Howling Commandos, replacement member) - by Prime Eternal
Storm, Dr. John (mutated Terror/Laslo Pevely)
Strang, Dr. Karl (Golden Age, encountered "devil-god")
Strangler Burns (hand given to Black Talon, WW2)
Strasser, Major (Devil's Island commander) - by Prime Eternal
Strega (Auferstehungs Corps)
Strongman (Battle-Axis, Invaders foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Stryker, Karl (Captain America foe) - by Markus Raymond
Stuporman (Marmaduke Snood, Jr., Golden Age parody character) - by Prime Eternal
Styx, Sapphire (Wolverine/X-Men foe) - by Markus Raymond
Subbie (Golden Age character) - by Loki
Sub-Earth Man (Golden Age, subterranean would-be conqueror) - by Ron Fredricks
Suction Machine (WWII, used by Shark-Man)
Sue ?? of Earth-60907 (rock-skinned soldier)
Sultan, Alvin (invented time travel device)
Suoka (Golden Age, Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe)
Super Baby (Golden Age infant superhero) - by Prime Eternal
Super Sabre (Fletcher Martin, Freedom Force, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Super Slave (Golden Age, Mystic Comics hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Super Soldier (WWII comedy character) - by Grendel Prime
Supersonic Sound Machine (Dr. Ekker invention)
Supreme Hydra (original Hydra leader) - by Prime Eternal
surgical device (WW2, Agent Axis machine, Invaders story)
Survivor (Silver Surfer character) - EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL only
Swain, Carla (Gabe Jones' former fiancee) - by Prime Eternal
Swarm (Fritz von Meyer, Spider-Man/Champions foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Sweikert, Dr. Max (Nazi surgeon, Deadly Dozen foe) - by Prime Eternal
Sydenham, Geoffrey (Wolverine/Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Talbert, Russ (Sgt. Fury character)- by Prime Eternal
Tanaka, Tom (Howling Commandos ally)- by Prime Eternal
Tanaka, Uchio (telepath, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Tank 666 (Ghost Rider characters) - by Loki
Tar (X-Men character) - by Norvo
Tarros (1934, Saku dimension, Doc Savage story)
Tartarus (Hidden Ones)
"Taxi" Taylor (Golden Age hero, master mechanic, Crazy S.U.E.S.) - by Proto-Man
teardrop of Midgard Serpent's statue (caught by Albert Nesbit)
Ted ?? (Joker Comics, Happy Mann's friend)
Teena (giant spider, Young Allies foe)
telescope (Dragon-Men of Ligra device)
Temple of Lai-Son (home of the People of the Sea)
Teraphin Mox (xt, Eben Stafford/Woodrow McCord character)
Terror (Laslo Pevely, Golden Age hero) - by Ron Fredricks
Tess-One (Captain America/Avengers foe) - by Norvo
Teutonic Knight (WW2, Invaders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Thunderfist (Crusaders, Invaders character) - by MarvellousLuke
Twist, Hodiah (Vampire Tales character) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier
Thakorr of Earth-717
That Which Endures (Avengers foes)
Thomas, Gen. Roy (World War II military expert, Sgt. Fury ally) - by Proto-Man
Thoth (Egyptian god)
Thought-World Monsters (creatures created by emotions) - by Prime Eternal
3-21 (Nazi disguise artist, Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Thule (Cloak & Dagger foe)
Tiboldt, Lola (Ringmaster of Death's wife & Ringmaster/Maynard Tiboldt's mother) - by Chadman
Tiger Man (Morton Haverstraw, early 20th century big game hunter) - by Grendel Prime
Tigerman (Daring Mystery Comics adventurer) - by Loki
time-bomb (used by Herr Mole, Human Torch story)
Tin Man (1940s android, Creeper & Crawler foe) - by Grendel Prime
Tittle, Oscar ("candid camera fiend" victim)
Toby ?? (Golden Age, Human Meteor (O'Dowd) ally)
tomb of Garaz (ancient prison of Garaz, near Great Wall of China)
Tommy Lightning (Crusaders, Invaders character) - by MarvellousLuke
Tommy Thumb (Circus of Death member) - by Chadman
"Torpedo" Taylor (WWII submarine character) - by Grendel Prime
"torpedoes" (1930s Spencer Keene's goons, Dominic Fortune foes)
torture chamber (Dragon-Men of Ligra, Jago's castle)
Transisto-Mech (WW2, Jim "Taxi" Taylor's robot) - by Ron Fredricks
Trapeze Trio (Circus of Death members) - by Chadman
Trefkov, Ivan (Genesis Coalition, Silver Sable foe) - by Spidermay
Triple Destruction (Whizzer foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Truth (demon, Wolverine foe) - by Proto-Man
Tula (Dr. Agony's panther)
Turner, Fred (Bill Williams character)
Turtle Gang (Golden Age, Captain America foes)
Turtle-Man (Golden Age, Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Tuschoff, Major (Festung von Furcht)
two-headed monster (Dr. Varoz creation)
Tyranno (tyrannosaurus, Captain America (Mace)/Golden Girl foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Uatu the Watcher (Earth-616's Watcher, Fantastic Four/Avengers/X-Men character) - by Norvo
Übermädchen (Miss America/1950s Avengers foes) - by Markus Raymond
Undead G-Man (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Undying (xt race, Serayn creations, Cable foes)
unidentified American Anthracite Company superintendent (Blue Blaze character)
unidentified anarchist assassin (Invaders foe)
unidentified bank customer (1940s, Miss America (Joyce) character)
unidentified Entari (dissected by Eben Stafford)
unidentified first mate (S.S. Recovery)
unidentified florist shop (1940s, Peddler of Doom base)
unidentified girl (World War 2, Miss America (Madeline Joyce) character)
unidentified girl (kidnapped girl, Little Pan ally)
unidentified kidnappers (1940s criminal trio)
unidentified Mystic Flame host (Fiery Mask character)
unidentified scientist (World War 2, Miss America (Madeline Joyce) character)
unidentified space station (Man on the Wall story)
unidentified tentacled alien (Eben Stafford victim)
unidentified vampire prostitutes (Madame Angela's brothel)
Union Jack (James Montgomery, Lord Falsworth, WWI era hero) - by MarvellousLuke & Norvo
U-666 (WW2, Nazi Thule Society u-boat)
U.S. Sting Ray (WW II submarine, Captain David Marcus)
U.S.S. Barracuda (submarine, "Torpedo" Taylor stories)
Vampire (Mister E foe, Golden Age) - by LV
Vanderveer, Horace (Golden Age, Human Top (Bruce Bravelle) foe)
Vandeveer (Holland underground spy)
Vârcolac (Werewolf by Night foe) - by Markus Raymond
Varoz, Dr. Bruno (Electro the Marvel foe) - by Spidermay
Veiled Violinist (WW II, Patriot (Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
Vermeer, Hendrick (WWII, Headless Horseman's uncle)
Vernichtungs Kommandos (Nazis, Captain America foes) - by Markus Raymond
Vichy Vixen (Übermädchen)
Volker, Berthold (Agent Axis component)
Volton (Battle-Axis, Invaders foe) - by Ron Fredricks
von Blubber, Goderich (Marvel Boy/Martin Oksner Burns foe)
Von Boom (Patriot (Jeff Mace) foe) - by Spidermay
von Crabb (Marvex foe)
von Eisenbluth, Luther (Elektra foe)
von Groser (German scientist, Headline Hunter character)
von Himmel, Eric (Young Avenger foe) - by Grendel Prime
von Kimmer, Martinus (Nazi, awakened Nazi Sleeper)
von Logor, Wilhelm (Nazi, Headline Hunter foe)
von Richt (failed Nazi agent) - by Chadman
von Sin, Wilhelm (Golden Age, Destroyer foe) - by Ron Fredricks
von Sydow, Fritz (Blitzkrieg Squad)
von Voltzman, Fritz of Earth-9904
"Vool-Kan" (Golden Age, Buka)
Voyager (Marvel UK, Frontier Comics)
Voyant, Deborah "Debbie" (Black Widow's sister)
Vulpe, Johannes (WW2, Captain America character)
Vulpe, Marta (WW2, Johannes' daughter)
Vulture (WW2, Captain America foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Vunderknight (Nazi, 1959s Avengers foe) - by Markus Raymond
Wagner, Larry "Hillbilly" (country singer, Deadly Dozen) - by Prime Eternal
Wah Le (Golden Age, Human Meteor (O'Dowd) ally)
Walpole, Herbert (Night Raven story)
Walpole, Kitty (Night Raven story)
Walton, Clip (Thin Man foe) - by Ron Fredricks
Warren, Ethan (Wolverine foe)
Wasserreich of Earth-717
Watchlord (Black Widow foe) - by Spidermay
Waterfield, Dr.Cedericke (Night Raven story)
Waterfield, Emily (Night Raven story)
Watson, Doc (doctor, Deadly Dozen ally) - by Prime Eternal
Watson family (got milk delivered by Edwin Jarvis)
Wax Man (World War II era Nazi agent, Captain America foe) - by Grendel Prime
Weiss, Otto (World War II, Namor foe)
Welsh Dragon (Pete Wisdom/Thor foe) - by Markus Raymond
Wexler, Milton (publisher of Copperhead pulp stories) - by Chadman
Whisper (Karl Reifschneider, Magneto foe) - by Markus Raymond
White, Dr. (WWII-era physician, target of assassin Krauss)
White, Eddie (World War II, American P.F.C.)
Whitney, Reginald (Headline Hunter character)
Wilcox, Lon (Sgt. Fury character)- by Prime Eternal
Wilhite (Sea Wolf captain) - by Prime Eternal
Willliams, Bill (Marvel Comics#1 character) - by David Lawrence
"Williams, Dan" (WW2 soldier)
Williams, Joel (Flexo inventor)
Williams, Joshua (Flexo inventor)
Willy the Lip (1931, Night Raven character)
Windmere, Jack (WW2, Captain America character)
Winters, Jeffrey (Hodiah Twist foe) - by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Loki
Winters, Joan (heiress, Mantor character)
Wire-Gun (WWII, used by Shark-Man)
Witch Queen's tomb (Giza, Egypt)
Witness (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
"wizard" (Ancient Egypt, Thing foe)
Wolf, Skyler (Sky Wolves)
Wolfmann, Kerta (Nazi, awakened Nazi Sleeper)
Wolfsblade (Vârcolac item)
"Wolfseye" (Vârcolac item)
Wolverine (James Howlett)
Wolves (Nazis, Combat Kelly foes)
Wonder Car (Golden Age, "Taxi" Taylor's vehicle)
Wood, David (Missouri Marauders)
"World War Two Hulk" of Earth-81799 (alternate Hulk) - by Loki
Wyrm (ancient demon, Conan/Dark Agnes/Solomon Kane/Moon Knight/Niord/Set foe)
Yates, Sam "Yakkety" (seargent, Leatherneck Raiders) - by Prime Eternal
Yellow Eyes (World War 2 soldier) - by John Kaminski
Yellowshirts (WW II, Patriot (Mace) foes) - by Spidermay
Young Avenger (Golden Age hero) - by Grendel Prime
Zabu (Electro the Marvel of the Age foe)
Zacca, Jimmy (WW II, horse jockey, worked for Ace Renard)
Zahnmörder (Vernichtungs Kommando, Captain America foe)
Zandow (Circus of Death member) - by Chadman
Zemo, Heinrich (12th Baron Zemo)- by Prime Eternal
Zemo, Hilda (Heinrich Zemo's wife, Helmut's mother) - by Donald Campbell
Zemo's androids (robots)- by Prime Eternal
Zeus (Olympian God)
Zombie Master (Fiery Mask foe) - by Madison Carter
Zombo (Rockman foe) - by Spidermay
Zoor (Dragon-Men of Ligra, Electro robot foe)
Zota, Carlo (Enclave)
Z-Rays (Cedric Rawlings' radiation)
Zyklon (Heinrich Himmler)
Frost, Zachariah of Ultraverse (Seventh Sign)
Seventh Sign of Ultraverse (covert US government organization)
White Ghost of Earth-4011 (John Howlett Jr.)
Witch Hunter of Ultraverse (paranormal investigator & assassin) - by Grendel Prime
wraiths of Ultraverse (Seventh Sign foes)
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