Stories produced in Europe, barring the U.K. (and before anyone asks, the U.K. has been split off into its own page simply because of the sheer number there, not because I don't consider it part of Europe).
Marvel overseas central page; Marvel overseas stories by character list
Jump to: Americas; Asia; Europe; Oceania
Jump to: Australia; Brazil; China; France; Germany; India; Indonesia; Italy; Japan; Mexico; Netherlands; Portugal; South Korea; Spain; Turkey; UK
Where: France Featuring: Captain America, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Namor, Spider-Man, Thor 616?: Potentially. Summary: (Tele Junior I#1) - Cent Milliards pour une Vie! / A Hundred Billion for a Life! - After kidnappers call J. Jonah Jameson to make the Daily Bugle list their ransom demands, Spider-Man comes to the rescue. (Tele Junior I#2) - L'anniversaire de Gwen / Gwen's Birthday - Stopping to pick up a present he ordered for Gwen Stacy's birthday, Peter Parker ends up donning his costume to defend the shop owner from the villainous Abraxas, causing him to miss Gwen's party. (Tele Junior I#3) - Echec á Abraxas / Failure at Abraxas - Having telepathically learned that Spider-Man cares for Gwen, Abraxas kidnaps her to force Spider-Man into a confrontation. (Tele Junior I#4) - La Fureur du Lézard / The Lizard's Fury - Curt Connors becomes the Lizard once more, until Spider-Man administers another cure. (Tele Junior I#5) - 10000 Dollars Pour la Capture de... / 10,000 Dollars for the Capture of... - When JJJ offers a reward for Spider-Man's capture, the Prowler seeks to collect it. (Tele Junior I#6) - Signé Scorpion / Signed Scorpion - A mob boss called the Scorpion has Gwen kidnapped. (Tele Junior I#7) - L'Ange Gardien / Guardian Angel - Spider-Man is targeted by a villain called the Acrobat. (Tele Junior I#8) - L'Araignée voit...Rouge! / The Spider sees... Red! - While visiting Oklahoma Spider-Man assists a group of Native Americans who are resisting a rogue company trying to steal land where oil has been discovered. (Tele Junior I#9) - En Double / Twofold - Spider-Man confronts a wrestler who is impersonating the wall-crawler for an upcoming match, but ultimately assists the imposter when gangsters assume the wrestler is the real deal and target him. (Tele Junior I#10) - Spider Woman - A Women's Liberation activist becomes the new Spider-Woman. (Tele Junior I#11) - Le Piège! / The Trap! - Suspecting Peter Parker and Spider-Man may be one and the same, Jameson sends Parker to Alaska. When Spider-Man is reported to be active in the northern state, Jameson thinks he has confirmed his theory, until Peter makes it appear that he never there. (Tele Junior I#12) - Vertigol / Vertigol - A man called Startor promises Jameson that he can neutralize Spider-Man, and shoots the wall-crawler with a sniper dart carrying a drug that inflicts severe vertigo, rendering the hero unable to handle heights. Unfortunately for Startor, Aunt May's homemade remedy for the condition actually works, and Spider-Man is soon back to web-slinging through Manhattan's skyscrapers.
(Tele Junior I#14) - Le Dossier 'Rexon' / The 'Rexon' File - Mobster Mr. Rexon targets both Spider-Man and Jameson with bombs. (Tele Junior I#15) - Le Fier-a-bras / The Proud-of-Arms - A scientist called Spencer artificially enhances his own physique, and brashly challenges Spider-Man. (Tele Junior I#16) - Télé en Folie / Madness TV - Spider-Man tackles Mr. Fantasy, a villain who targets his victims through television broadcasts. (Tele Junior I#17) - L'intrus / The Intruder - Spider-Man assists an alien visiting Earth. (Tele Junior I#18) - Un Dollar pour L'eternite / One Dollar for Eternity - Spider-Man takes on a criminal who has been sabotaging car races. (Tele Junior I#19) - Le Tueur d'Oiseaux / The Bird Killer - Spider-Man faces the Raptor, a sniper assassin with a bird-themed costume. (Tele Junior I#20) - Ombres / Shadows - Spider-Man encounters a coven that are raising demons. (Tele Junior I#21) - L'Homme-Serpent / The Serpent-Man - Spider-Man attempts to save a scientist who has accidentally been transformed into a human-snake hybrid. (Tele Junior I#22) - A L'abordage / On Boarding - Coming to the assistance of a woman who is screaming for help from a skyscraper window, Spider-Man enters the window and finds himself transported on board a pirate ship hundreds of years in the past. After defeating the pirates he jumps into the ocean, and surfaces back in Manhattan harbor. (Tele Junior I#23) - Le Cerveau / The Brain - Spider-Man is targeted by a psychic known as the Brain. (Tele Junior I#25) - Petit Malin / Little Smart - Spider-Man encounters a rogue scientist who has discovered how to shrink people. (Tele Junior I#27) - La Menace Verte / The Green Threat - Spider-Man battles a killer plant. (Tele Junior I#28) - Mongo - A villain uses a remote controlled robotic ape originally built to advertise a movie as a weapon to target his enemies until Spider-Man intervenes. (Tele Junior I#29) - La Menace / The Menace - The criminal gang called the Blue Hand target Jameson. (Tele Junior I#30) - S.O.S. Radio Activite... / S.O.S. Radioactive - Blackmailers threaten to unleash radioactive insects on New York City unless a ransom is paid, but Spider-Man comes to the rescue. (Tele Junior I#31) - Le Pacifiste / The Pacifist - Spider-Man protects a scientist dubbed the Pacifist from assassination attempts. (Tele Junior I#32) - Soirée Mouvementée / Eventful Evening - Electro attacks a party Jameson is hosting; Spider-Man comes to the rescue.
(Tele Junior I#34) - Le Prix du Silence / The Price of Silence - Spider-Man comes to the aid of a Professor whose loved one has been kidnapped to ensure his silence over his recent discoveries. (Tele Junior I#34) - Hulk et le robot / Hulk and the Robot - Story details not yet available (Tele Junior I#35) - Electro, C'est Trop! / Electro, It's Too Much! - Electro escapes and challenges Spider-Man, but unwittingly instead targets a man who had dressed up as the web-head in an effort to impress his girlfriend. (Tele Junior I#36) - Les Jouets du Diable / The Devil's Toys - The Tinkerer sends killer toys after Spider-Man. (Tele Junior I#37) - L'homme Magma / The Molten Man - Spider-Man battles a new Molten Man. (Tele Junior I#38) - L'assassinat / The Assassination - Spider-Man intervenes to stop an assassin from killing his target. (Tele Junior I#39) - Au Pays des Merveilles... / In Wonderland - When he runs into a string of beings who resemble characters from Alice in Wonderland, Spider-Man soon realizes an old foe is behind them. (Tele Junior I#40) - L'homme Sable / The Sandman -
Spider-Man battles the Sandman. (Tele Junior I#41) - En Danger / In Danger - A woman's boastful lies to her friends that she knows Spider-Man's secret identity are overheard by a gangster, whose boss then orders her to be kidnapped. (Tele Junior I#42) - Contre le Bouffon Vert / Against the Green Goblin - The Green Goblin returns to menace Spider-Man and J. Jonah Jameson. (Tele Junior II#2) - La Formule / The Formula - Having (mis)heard that Curt Connors has developed a formula that can change a man's appearance, crooks take him prisoner and demand he provide it to them. Unfortunately for them, he instead becomes the Lizard again. (Tele Junior II#6) - Le Scarabée / The Beetle - Spider-Man stops the Beetle from stealing valuable jewels. (Tele Junior II#8) - Le Grand
Chapiteau / The Big Top - When a circus claims to have the Hulk
as one of its attractions, a curious Bruce Banner checks out
the shop.
(Tele Junior II#10) - Piége dans le 'Park'... / Trap in the 'Park'... - Spider-Man battles the Acrobat in Central Park. (Tele Junior II#11) - Les
Aventures de Sub Mariner / The Adventures of the Sub-Mariner - The
Sub-Mariner discovers a mysterious base hidden in the ocean
depth. (Tele Junior II#13) - Le
Méchant Qui Revient Toujours, le Boomerang / The Villain Who
Always Comes Back, the Boomerang - Boomerang battles the Hulk out in the
desert. (Tele Junior II#14) - Les
Aventures du Puissant Thor / The Adventures of the Might Thor - The
villainous Calamitas tries to steal Mjolnir from Thor. (Tele Junior II#15) - Mallette Surprise / Briefcase Surprise
- Spider-Man stops thugs who are attempting to murder someone
with an exploding briefcase. (Tele Junior II#17) - L'allié du Bouffon Vert / The Green Goblin's Ally - The Green Goblin teams up with an alien robot to fight Spider-Man. (Tele Junior II#18) - L'incroyable
Hulk / The Incredible Hulk - The Leader targets the Hulk. (Tele Junior II#19) - Capitaine
America / Captain America - Captain America confronts someone who
appears to be his long-dead friend Bucky, but turns out to be
a robot created by Doctor Doom. (Tele Junior II#20) - Les
Quatre Fantastiques Contre le Sorcier / Fantastic Four Against
the Wizard
- The Wizard attacks the Fantastic Four on the Thing's
birthday. (Tele Junior II#21) - Hulk
Contre Absorbing Man / Hulk vs Absorbing Man - Escaping prison, the Absorbing Man
fights the Hulk, but is beaten when he is caught in the rain
and accidentally transforms into water and loses cohesion. (Tele Junior II#22) - En Plein Ciel! / In Mid-air! - Spider-Man thwarts the Kingpin's attempt to steal a jewelry consignment from a courier transporting it via plane. (Tele Junior II#23) - Un
Américain a Paris / An American in Paris - While visiting Paris Captain
America runs into Batroc. (Tele Junior II#24) - La Folie
de la Chose / The Madness of the Thing - As Christmas approached Mephisto
appears to the Thing and tempts him with an offer to transform
him back to a normal human. Gaining control over the Thing,
the demon sends him on a rampage until the FF manage to break
him out of it.
(Tele Junior II#27) - Un Danger Venu d'Ailleurs / A Danger from Elsewhere - Story details not yet available (Tele Junior II#28) - Oiseau de
Nuit / Night Bird - Night-Flyer tries to steal secrets
from an army general but finds Captain America waiting for
him. (Tele Junior II#29) - Le Monstre Urbain / The Urban Monster -
Spider-Man battles a dinosaur-like monster that emerges from
beneath the city streets. (Tele Junior II#30) - L'Attaque
des Homme Crapauds / Attack of the Toad Men - The Hulk battles the invading Toad
Men. (Tele Junior II#31) - Le Retour
de Tumbler / The Return of the Tumbler - Captain America discovers the Tumbler
has seemingly slipped back into criminal ways. (Tele Junior II#32) - Menacé par le Rôdeur / Threatened by the Prowler - Spider-Man again clashes with the Prowler. (Tele Junior II#34) - Le Camionneur / The Truck Driver - After waking up in the desert, Bruce Banner hitches a ride with a trucker, only for their vehicle to be waylaid by fake soldiers. (Tele Junior II#35) - Les Hommes Taupes / The Mole Men - Spider-Man learns that recent fires in Manhattan have been caused by the Mole Man. (Tele Junior II#36) - Evasion - Invited to inspect a prison, Thor discovers he has been lured into a trap, as Mr Hyde and Cobra have taken over the facility. (Tele Junior II#37) - Entre le Marteau et L'enclume / Between the Hammer and the Anvil - A mad scientist temporarily reanimates the slain Hammer and Anvil, but Captain America steps in to return them to their graves. (Tele Junior II#39) - Le Glob / The Glob - Story details not yet available (Tele Junior II#40) - Against the Scorpion - Spider-Man
battles the Scorpion. (Tele Junior II#41) - Le Crane Rouge / The Red Skull - Ambushed by the forces of the Red Skull, Captain America is captured but soon escapes. (Tele Junior II#43) - Détruit par Shocker / Destroyed by Shocker - When the Shocker begins a string of robberies Spider-Man steps in to stop him.
(Tele Junior II#45) - Le Baron Blood / The Baron Blood - Investigating reports of nocturnal slayings of young women, Captain America discovers his old foe Baron Blood is behind the killings. (Tele Junior II#47) - La Vengeance du Kangourou / The Kangaroo's Revenge - Escaping prison the Kangaroo battles Spider-Man. (Tele Junior II#48) - Diablo, le Demon de la 5th Dimension / Diablo, the Demon of the 5th Dimension - In the swamps the Hulk is attacked by Diablo (see comments). (Tele Junior II#49) - Béni Soit l'Améridroid / Blessed be the Ameridroid - Wandering into a small town, the Ameridroid receives a hostile reception from the locals and loses control until Captain America arrives to clam the situation down. (Tele Junior II#51) - Fausse Accusation / False Accusation - Namor wrongly blames a scientific research ship for polluting the ocean and clashes with their protector, Stingray, but the true culprit proves to be Tiger Shark. (Tele Junior II#52) - La Nuit de la Malediction / The Night of the Curse - Spider-Man battles Man-Wolf. (Tele Junior II#53) - Le Retour de Taboo / The Return of Taboo - The Hulk encounters the alien muck monster Taboo. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Launched in 1977, Tele Junior carried strips related to live action and animated series familiar to their French audience. Alongside Scooby Doo, Hong Kong Phooey, Wacky Races, Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman, Tarzan, The New Avengers (based on the British sequel series to the UK Avengers (Steed and Peel to the US people reading this) rather than Marvel's heroes), Goldorak (the French name for the anime Grendizer), Star Wars, Man from Atlantis and many others, these strips included new stories for Spider-Man, Captain America, Namor, the Fantastic Four, Thor and the Hulk. Though drawn by French artists, in many instances the scripts were solicited from Marvel US via Jim Shooter, who sent them brand new scripts penned by the likes of Bill Mantlo, David Anthony Kraft, J.M. Dematteis and Roger Stern. It's worth noting that at least some of these tales slot pretty well into the U.S. continuity of the time - for example, the Ameridroid's appearance in Tele Junior II#49 is clearly following up from where he was last seen in Captain America I#221. It should be noted that at least some of the Spider-Man stories published here were also published in the Italian magazine Supergulp (and may have in some cases originated there and been reprinted here); some were also reprinted in the German title Die Spinne. The title's publication schedule was a little confusing. Launched in September 1977 it began as a monthly, switched at some point to twice monthly, and then reverted to monthly, for a total of forty-two issues, the last in October 1980. Apart from a single Hulk story, only Spider-Man appeared in this volume. The title then relaunched from #1 again as a weekly, lasting 53 issues between 14th October 1980 until 13th October 1981. The third series, which contained no Marvel material, ran weekly from October 1981 until March 1983, then reverted to monthly until its cancellation with the March 1983 issue. In the Hulk story in Tele Junior II#48, which was penned by Mantlo, the Hulk battles Diablo. The story's title mentions the 5th Dimension, and in the tale Diablo appears and disappears in clouds of black smoke, so he's clearly intended to be this Diablo. Unfortunately, I guess the French artist didn't know there was more than one Diablo, so he drew the Fantastic Four's alchemist foe Esteban Diablo. |
Where: France Featuring: Human Torch 616?: Potentially Summary: (Spidey#5/6) - S.O.S. Avalanches! / S.O.S. Avalanches! - While on a skiing holiday the Human Torch battles a living Snowman created by a mad scientist.
(Spidey#6/4) - Quand Passent les Citrouilles / When the Pumpkins Pass (Spidey#7/5) - l'Homme Sable / The Sandman - Sandman lures the Torch into an ambush, but Invisible Girl comes to his assistance. (Spidey#8/4) - Ultimatum "Off Shore"! / Ultimatum Off Shore! - The Human Torch faces off against Namor. (Spidey#8/5) - La Torche Contre la Cagoule / The Torch Against the Hood - The Torch pursues a phone booth bomber called the Hood. (Spidey#9/4) - Les Gants d'Acier... / The Steel Gloves... - Torch assists the U.S. Airforce investigating the apparent sabotage of jet fighters mid-flight, and discovers the attacks are being carried out by a pair of flying gloves that seem to move of their own volition. The Torch manages to disable the gloves, and takes them back to the Baxter Building. (Spidey#9/5) - Le Penseur Fou / The Mad Thinker - While Invisible Girl is running tests on the gloves they reactivate, attack her and escape, with the Torch and his sister in pursuit. They follow the gloves back to their creator, the Mad Thinker, and capture him. (Spidey#10/4) - S.O.S...AB Negatif / SOS... AB Negative - The Torch comes to the aid of an ambulance that has broken down in a remote location while carrying a patient in desperate need of an immediate blood transfusion. (Spidey#10/5) - Super-Baby - Gifted young Torch fan Tim Atkins decides to become a superhero, Match Head. (Spidey#11/4) - Le Retour de Super-Baby! / The Return of Super-Baby - Overhearing a shop owner, Stromboli, informing the Torch that he has been tricked into a contract that now leaves him heavily in debt and at risk of losing his business if he cannot pay an exorbitant fee, Tim Atkins uses his advanced intellect to win a large sum in a TV quiz show, then puts his hero costume back on to donate the cash to Stromboli. The Torch witnesses Tim and covertly follows, and thus is present when the contract holder, ruthless businessman Barney Morgan, tries to cheat Stromboli out of his business despite getting his money; the Torch steps in and runs Morgan off. (Spidey#11/5) - La Torche Va au Feu!... / The Torch Goes to the Fire! - A teenage Torch fan lures the Torch to her location with a fake emergency hoping to get a photo with him. He angrily refuses because of her deception, but relents after she helps him save a baby from a burning building. (Spidey#13/4) - La Torche contre la Torche / The Torch versus the Torch - The Torch battles a fake robot Torch built by the Wizard to blacken his name. (Spidey#14/5) - L'Homme-Neige! / The Snow-Man! - Match Head returns to assist the Torch against the return of the living Snowman. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Published by Editions Lug, Spidey mainly reprinted tales from Spidey Super-Stories, but from the outset it also included Fantastic Four stories reprinted from the Italian Supergulp magazine, initially two per issue. These were subsequently replaced by solo Human Torch tales for a time, apparently original to France. Though largely using existing Marvel characters, the new stories did introduce some original ones. Starting in Spidey#17 the title included reprints of the original X-Men, and the new material dropped to a single story per issue. Starting in Spidey#22 the new story became the original, non-Marvel hero Photonik, though the Fantastic Four did make a brief single issue return in Spidey#24. |
Where: France Featuring: Silver Surfer, Galactus, Mephisto, Shalla-Bal 616?: Potentially Summary: (Nova#25/2) - "La Porte Étroite / The Narrow Door" - The Silver Surfer detects that an asteroid, Ceres, is heading towards Earth and will destroy all life on the planet. Unable to stop it and with his warnings ignored by the U.N., he decides to do what he can to alleviate human suffering in the meantime, hoping to at least save their souls. Mephisto takes umbrage at this, and sends demons to assail the Surfer, but he defeats them and rejects Mephisto's subsequent attempts to tempt him. (Nova#26/2) - "Deuxième Partie / Part Two" - Temporarily freed from Galactus' barrier, the Surfer retrieves the Weapon Supreme from Zenn-La and uses it to destroy Ceres. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Starting in 1969 French comics publisher Editions Lug held the license to reprint Marvel stories in France. One of their titles was Nova, which reprinted Spider-Man, Nova and the Silver Surfer. Towards the end of 1979 the title neared the end of the available Silver Surfer stories, but the character was popular with French readers so company founder Marcel Navarro obtained permission from Marvel to produce original Silver Surfer tales. By 1979, as Nova was approaching the end of its
rerun of Silver Surfer material, Navarro, frustrated by the lack
of new material and emboldened by the character's ever-strong
popularity, asked Marvel for permission to produce new Silver
Surfer stories exclusively for the French market. The result was a
two part, 42 page story written by Navarro and drawn by J.Y.
Mitton which appeared in Nova#25 and 26. However, it was to prove
the only such story they would create, as Navarro realized
producing more would not be cost-effective - his license fee
remained the same whether the story was a reprint or new, but
paying someone to write and draw new tales was considerably more
expensive than paying for someone to translate a pre-existing one.
Where: France Featuring: Infant Terrible 616?: Yes - confirmed in the Delinquent (teenage Infant Terrible)'s handbook entry. Summary: (Special-Zembla#152/1-153/1) - Le roi des magiciens / The King of Magicians - The alien Infant Terrible visits the African republic of Karunda and causes havoc by giving genuine powers to the stage magician Rasmus, a friend of the jungle lord Zembla. Luckily the alien's parents soon turn up to return things to normal. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Published by Semic, the company that had bought out Editions Lug when that company's founder, Marcel Navarro, retired. Given this was a crossover between a Marvel character and Semic-owned characters, it's fairly unlikely Infant Terrible's use in this story was authorized by Marvel U.S. |
Where: Germany Featuring: Frankenstein's Monster 616?: Potentially Summary: (Das Monster von Frankenstein#26) - Baronesse von Frankenstein / Baroness von Frankenstein - Victoria von Frankenstein invites the Monster into her castle, then captures and experiments on him. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: In Germany publisher Williams Verlag's reprints of The Monster of Frankenstein proved to be a popular seller, so when the Marvel series ended on a cliffhanger thanks to an abrupt cancellation, the title's editor/translater Helmut Huff penned a one-issue continuation of the story. |
Before we get into the actual new stories, be forewarned that in 1967-1968 the publisher Bianconi released a series called Spiderman, L'Uomo Ragno; despite the misleading name, this was neither a reprint of the U.S. Spider-Man comics, nor new stories of same, but instead translated reprints (or maybe redrawings to fit a different page layout) of the U.K. character the Spider. Much as I personally love that character, I can't help but think that the name change for Italy was deliberately misleading with the hope of tricking people into buying the title thinking they were getting stories about Peter Parker.
Where: Italy Featuring: Fantastic Four, Spider-Man 616?: Potentially Summary: (Supergulp#0) - La
piovra / The Octopus (Supergulp#0) - La murena / The Moray (Supergulp#1) - Trappola a Quattro Dimensioni / Trapped in the Fourth Dimension - (Supergulp#2) - I vampiri dello spazio / The Vampires of Space - Out in deep space the Fantastic Four run into an alien species that seeks to harvest their blood. (Supergulp#3) - Cella della morte
/ Cell of Death (Supergulp#4) - l'uomo folgore / The Lightning Man (Supergulp#5) - Goblin il maligno
/ The Evil Goblin (Supergulp#5) - Missione impossibile / Mission Impossible - While out on a yacht the Fantastic Four rescue a drowning man, and learn that he has fled the island stronghold of von Brader, a lunatic who is about to launch attacks on cities around the globe. (Supergulp#7) - Lady Blue (Supergulp#7) - Il collezionista / The Collector - An alien collector tries to add the Thing to his interplanetary menagerie but is stopped by the Fantastic Four. (Supergulp#9) - La medusa si scatena / Medusa Goes Wild - Asked to check out an object from space that has crashed in Alaska, the Fantastic Four run into Medusa and Lockjaw. (Supergulp#9) - La rivincita / The
Rematch (Supergulp#10) - L'avvoltoio ci
riprova / The Vulture Tries Again (Supergulp#10) - Faccia a faccia con il Dottor Destino / Face to Face with Doctor Doom - The Fantastic Four battle Doctor Doom once more. (Supergulp#11) - I fantasmi del
passato / Ghosts of the Past (Supergulp#12) - Contro Stilt Man
/ Against Stilt-Man (Supergulp#12) - Guerra alla fantasia / War on Fantasy (Supergulp#13) - Contro il super
criminale chiamato Electro / Against the Super Villain called
Electro (Supergulp#14) - Attenzione al
Coleottero / Beware the Beetle (Supergulp#14) - Ballo in maschera con sorpresa / Masked Ball with Surprise - Attending a costumed ball, the Four encounter a dragon man. (Supergulp#15) - A tu per tu con
l'Uomo Rana / Face to Face with the Frog-Man (Supergulp#15) - il falsario innamorato / The Forger in Love - Sue is kidnapped, so the rest of the team come to her rescue. (Supergulp#16) - Alle prese con
Molten / Struggling with Molten (Man) (Supergulp#17) - La sfida di
Marauder / Challenge of the Marauder (Supergulp#17) - Una vecchia conoscenza / An Old Acquaintance
(Supergulp#18) - Prigionieri dell'Uomo Sabbia / Prisoners of the Sandman - Sandman lures the team into a trap. (Supergulp#19) - Alle prese con il
Cobra e Mr Hyde / Grappling with the Cobra and Mr. Hyde (Supergulp#19) - L'uomo Talpa / The Mole Man (Supergulp#20) - La sfida di
Kraven il cacciatore / The Challenge of Kraven the Hunter (Supergulp#21) - Nelle mani del
Burattinaio / In the Hands of the Puppeteer (Puppet-Master) (Supergulp#21) - Le scorciatoie dello spazio / The Shortcuts of Space - Doom kidnaps Franklin Richards from Agatha Harkness. (Supergulp#22) - A confronto con
Mysterio / Confrontation with Mysterio (Supergulp#22) - La vendetta del Dottor Destino / The Revenge of Doctor Doom - Doom returns, seeking revenge against the Fantastic Four.
(Supergulp#23) - Le origini dei Fantastici Quattro / The Origins of the Fantastic Four - The team's origin is retold. (Supergulp#24) - L'irrefrenabile
Shocker / The Irrepressible Shocker (Supergulp#25) - Uccidete l'uomo
rettile / Kill the Reptile Man (Supergulp#25) - Il ritorno dell'Uomo Talpa / The Return of the Mole Man - The Mole Man returns, seeking revenge. (Supergulp#26) - La minaccia di
Kangaroo / The Threat of the Kangaroo (Supergulp#26) - Il pensatore folle / The Mad Thinker (Supergulp#27) - Contro
l'Avvoltoio / Against the Vulture (Supergulp#27) - La fine del Pensatore Folle / The End of the Mad Thinker (Supergulp#28) - L'audace colpo
dello Scorpione / The Scorpion's Daring Blow (Supergulp#29) - Un colpo per
Tarantula / One Shot for Tarantula (Supergulp#29) - Il principe dei mari / The Prince of the Seas (Supergulp#30) - Molten ci riprova
/ Molten (Man) Tries Again (Supergulp#31) - Faccia a faccia
con Testa di Martello / Face to Face with Hammerhead (Supergulp#31) - La grande alleanza / The Grand Alliance (Supergulp#32) - Scontro tra bande
/ Clash between Gangs (Supergulp#33) - Ritorna il
Camaleonte / The Chameleon Returns (Supergulp#34) - Klaw il signore del suono / Klaw, Master of Sound (Supergulp#34) - I tentacoli di
Octopus / The Tentacles of the Octopus Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Supergulp! Fumetti in T.V. (Comics on TV) was a TV show which presented various foreign comics, including Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, to Italian audiences. Somewhat unusually, they would broadcast the comics a panel at a time with actors reading the characters' lines printed in each panel. Tying into this series was a magazine that included strips based on the comics used on the TV show, including new strips based on the two Marvel series. A few of the issues included Spider-Man stories reprinted from the French Tele Junior magazine (and those are not listed above). By contrast, many of the Fantastic Four stories that were first published here were later reprinted in the French Spidey comic. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Spider-Man 616?: Potentially Summary: Spider-Man battles Doctor Octopus. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: In 1981 Italian writer Franco Fossati and Brazilian artist Matteo Losso were hired by publisher Mondadori to produce a number of illustrated text stories featuring Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four and Thor. Initially published separately, these were then gathered together for a combined volume, 'Supereroi (Superheroes) released later the same year. Though Fossati was credited as the writer, I can't rule out the possibility that he wasn't adapting existing stories from the American comics over into text form, since I have yet to get hold of copies to see what actually happens in the tales. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Thor 616?: Potentially Summary: Confronted by the Stone Men from Saturn while in Scandanavia, Dr Don Blake is chased into a cave where he discovers Mjolnir and becomes Thor. He travels to Asgard and battles the Destroyer. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: In 1981 Italian writer Franco Fossati was hired by publisher Mondadori to produce a number of illustrated text stories featuring Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four and Thor. Initially published separately, these were then gathered together for a combined volume, 'Supereroi (Superheroes) released later the same year. This was at least partially a recap of Thor's origin, but with an almost immediate trip to Asgard and an encounter with the Destroyer. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Hulk 616?: Potentially Summary: Minding his own business, Bruce Banner is caught up in a bank raid that triggers his transformation in to the Hulk. This in turn leads to him being chased through NYC by the US Army, and a confrontation with the Leader. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: In 1981 Italian writer Franco Fossati was hired by publisher Mondadori to produce a number of illustrated text stories featuring Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four and Thor. Initially published separately, these were then gathered together for a combined volume, 'Supereroi (Superheroes) released later the same year. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Fantastic Four 616?: Potentially Summary: The Fantastic Four battle Doctor Doom. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: In 1981 Italian writer Franco Fossati and Brazilian artist Matteo Losso were hired by publisher Mondadori to produce a number of illustrated text stories featuring Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four and Thor. Initially published separately, these were then gathered together for a combined volume, 'Supereroi (Superheroes) released later the same year. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Howard the Duck 616?: Potentially Summary: To follow Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Published by Il Momento, Il Papero Incatenato (The Chained Duck)'s first issue reprinted US Marvel's Howard the Duck Magazine stories, but the second (and much rarer) issue, which was otherwise identical to the US underground magazine Fog City Comics#2, included a brand new six page Howard the Duck story. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Spider-Man 616?: Potentially, though I suspect the story is meant to fit into the continuity of the 1980s cartoon, given the publication. Summary: Octopus sfida l'Uomo Ragno / Octopus challenges Spider-Man - Spider-Man fights Doctor Octopus Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Cartoni in Tivu (Cartoons on TV) was a tie-in magazine published by Edizioni TV and featuring strips, as the name suggests, based around cartoons then airing on Italian television. As a result, in #80 there was a short story to promote the airing of the Spider-Man cartoon. Despite the story having the same title (Octopus sfida l'Uomo Ragno) as the Mondadari album listed above, it was apparently a different story. Spider-Man apparently only appeared in that single issue, #80, though since he did appear on another cover (#94) around the same time I can't say for sure that was his sole appearance. Even if he's not in #94, I find it a much more interesting cover than the issue he actually appeared in (left), so I'm including it here anyway (right). |
Where: Italy Featuring: Spider-Man 616?: Potentially Summary: While visiting Naples in Italy, Spider-Man clashes with the Absorbing Man. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: In 1994 to promote a comics convention being held in Caserta in Southern Italy, artist Arturo di Grazia obtained permission from Marvel Italia to produce a very limited printing, free giveaway promotional comic with a brand new Spider-Man story written by Alessandro Bottero and published under the Zauker Press label. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Gemini, Euroforce 616?: Yes - confirmed by Euroforce's handbook entry and reconfirmed by the team's subsequent reappearance in U.S. titles. Summary: The stories of two different European-based superhero teams. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Apparently initially developed as an idea to be pitched to Marvel UK, Europa was instead published via Marvel Italia when Marvel UK collapsed in the mid-90s. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Dark Angel, Wild Thing 616?: Yes and no - the story is set in another timeline for the most part, but Dark Angel is the 616 version. Summary: Via time travel Dark Angel and 2020's Wild Thing team up. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Originally intended as a Marvel UK miniseries, when the collapse of Marvel UK prevented its release despite the story having been completed, Marvel Italia stepped in to publish the tale as a one shot album. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Punisher 616?: Probably not. Summary: Italian hero Rat-Man takes on the Punisher. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Rat-Man is a creator-owned character, but at the time was being published by Panini, who also held the rights to Marvel reprints across much of Europe, and had published new tales too. Thus Rat-Man creator Leonardo Ortolani was permitted to use named and identifiable Marvel characters in his parody stories, rather than the disguised pastiches most parodies use. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Spider-Man, Doctor Doom, Wolverine, Elektra, Fantastic Four 616?: Probably not. Summary: Italian hero Rat-Man takes on ... Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Rat-Man Collection reprinted stories originally published by Leonardo Ortolani's own Foxtrot comic company in the title Rat-Man; alongside the reprints were new stories where Rat-Man encountered various Marvel heroes. As with the Punisher crossover in Wiz#12, Ortolani had permission from Panini to use the actual Marvel characters rather than renamed/redrawn parody versions. After the 7th issue of the title this permission apparently was apparently withdrawn, and subsequent stories featuring such encounters use pastiche versions of both Marvel and DC characters. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Conan 616?: Probably Summary: To follow Reprinted in English?: No Comments: With the cancellation of Savage Sword of Conan in 1995, Marvel U.S.'s Conan output dropped to just a string of short lived titles and miniseries. This lack of fresh stories proved troublesome for Panini, the publisher of Marvel titles in Europe, as Conan remained a solid seller there, so after getting Marvel's okay, Panini ordered new tales from European writers and artists, intended to be released in multiple countries. The first two were released in Italy under the title Conan il Conuistatore before the plug was abruptly pulled for reasons I have yet to ascertain. However, this was not the end of Conan's saga in Europe, as several additional tales had already been completed. Rather than waste them, Panini instead published them in Spain (see below) and then France. One additional Conan story would be released in Italy, in Marvel Miniserie#36. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Conan 616?: Probably Summary: (C'era una volta a Thiaras/Once Upon a Time in Thiaras) (La Spada e la Rosa/The Sword and the Rose) Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Marvel Miniserie was a Marvel Italia (Panini) title that normally reprinted U.S. miniseries, as the title might suggest. However #36 instead carried two new Conan tales originally intended for Conan il Conquistatore, the first by writer Ade Capone and artist Alessandro Bocci, and the second by writers Otto Gabos and Massimo Semerano, with art by Simone Bianchi. Each tale was 55 pages. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Captain America, Nick Fury 616?: Probably not. Summary: Italian hero Rat-Man takes on ... Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Another Rat-Man crossover with Marvel. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Silver Surfer, 616?: Unknown. Summary: (Marvel Junior#3) - Silver Surfer - Tutto Comincio Cosi!/It All Started Like This! - The Silver Surfer's origin is retold. (Marvel Junior#4) - Spider-Man - Le Origini Dello
Stupefacente Uomo Ragno/The Origins of the Amazing Spider-Man -
Spider-Man's origin is retold. (Marvel Junior#5) - Nightcrawler - Martire O Demone?/Martyr
or Demon? Reprinted in English?: No Comments: In 2000s the publisher Edizioni Cioe released five issues of Marvel Juniors, of which the last three issues allegedly include new stories, alongside translated reprints of the U.K.'s Spectacular Spider-Man and the U.S.' Marvel Adventures. Though I haven't been able to personally see the stories to confirm they are not reprints, they are apparently a three page version of the Silver Surfer's origin in #3, a four page Spider-Man and eight page Hulk vs Wolverine tale in #4, and a four page Nightcrawler and five page Storm tale in #5. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Spider-Man 616?: Yes. Summary: Peter Parker visits Venice and battles the evil Count Gianus. Reprinted in English?: Yes, in Spider-Man: Secret of the Glass, or in the UK collection Europa (not to be confused with the Italian title Europa listed above). Comments: In the early 2000s Panini arranged with Marvel permission to publish a string of new stories created by top European writers and artists. Published via Panini's Marvel Italia imprint, Spider-Man: Secret of the Glass was the first of these new one-shots, written by Tito Faraci, at the time the main writer for hit Italian comic character Dylan Dog, and drawn by Giorgio Cavazzano. After being released in Italy, the story was subsequently translated into French and later English. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Captain America, Daredevil 616?: Yes - confirmed in Death-Stalker's handbook entry. Summary: Captain America and Daredevil battle a time-traveling Death-Stalker. Reprinted in English?: Yes, as Daredevil & Captain America: Death on Arrival, or in the UK collection Europa (not to be confused with the Italian title Europa listed above). Comments: Created by Tito Faraci and Claudio Villa, Devil & Capitan America: Doppia Morte was the second of Panini's original one-shot stories. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Wolverine 616?: Yes - confirmed by Mexer's inclusion in the Xavier's Institute Handbook entry and by his subsequent reappearance in U.S. comics. Summary: While in Brazil on holiday Wolverine befriends a young mutant, Mexer, and then avenges the boy when he is targeted by an evil "spiritual healer." Reprinted in English?: Yes, in Wolverine: Saudade, or in the UK collection Europa (not to be confused with the Italian title Europa listed above). Comments: Written by Jean-David Morvan and illustrated by Philippe Bouchet, Wolverine: Saudade was the third of Panini's one-shot projects. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Spider-Man 616?: Potentially
(Il Giornalino (2007)#19) - La Piovra d'Acqua / The Water Octopus (Il Giornalino (2007)#20) - L'uomo Sabbia / The Sandman (Il Giornalino (2007)#22) - Arriva il Fenomeno / Here Comes the Phenomenon (Il Giornalino (2007)#24) - Arriva il Fenomeno / Here Comes
the Phenomenon, Part 2 (Il Giornalino (2007)#26) - Attacco ai Fantastici Quattro / Attack on the Fantastic Four (Il Giornalino (2007)#27) - La Minaccia del Super Skrull / The Threat of the Super-Skrull (Il Giornalino (2007)#38) - La Furia di Lizard / The Lizard's Fury (Il Giornalino (2007)#40) - ...Caccia nelle Tenebre! / ...Hunt in the Dark! (Il Giornalino (2007)#49) - Minaccia sul Ponte di Brooklyn / Threat on the Brooklyn Bridge (Il Giornalino (2007)#51) - La Potenza di Rhino / The Power of the Rhino (Il Giornalino (2008)#1) - Operazione di Soccorso / Rescue Operation (Il Giornalino (2008)#14) - Electro (Il Giornalino (2008)#15) - La Scelta di Peter / Peter's Choice (Il Giornalino (2008)#23) - Le Ali dell Avvoltoio / Wings of the Vulture
(Il Giornalino (2008)#42) - Agguato al Daily Bugle / Ambush at the Daily Bugle (Il Giornalino (2008)#43) - Il Nido dello Scorpione / The Next of the Scorpion (Il Giornalino (2009)#11) - I Sinistri Sei / The Sinister Six (Il Giornalino (2009)#12) - La Trappola di Mysterio / Mysterio's Trap (Il Giornalino (2009)#13) - Lotta Senza Treggua / Fight Relentlessly (Il Giornalino (2009)#14) - Il Piano del Dr. Octopus / The Plan of Doctor Octopus (Il Giornalino (2009)#15) - L'Onore del Guerriero / The Warrior's Honor (Il Giornalino (2010)#50/1) - Un Ragno in Piazza Duomo / A Spider in Piazza Duomo (Il Giornalino (2010)#50/2) - Sorpresa a Venezia / Suprise in Venice (Il Giornalino (2010)#50/3) - Trama nell' Umbra / Plot in the Umbra (Il Giornalino (2010)#50/4) - Il Prezzo del Silenzio / The Price of Silence (Il Giornalino (2010)#50/5) - Scontro Finale / Final Clash Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Il Giornalino (The Newspaper) is an Italian comic magazine that has been publishing translations of American and European comics in Italy since 1924 (yes, 1924, that's not a typo - 99 years as of me writing this page). Though more commonly known for reprints, in 2007 they began publishing brand new Spider-Man stories produced by Italian creators, licensed via Panini (Marvel's European license holder) and with the stories all having been approved by Marvel's American editorial team. With Il Giornalino's numbering resetting each year, the first Spider-Man tale was published in Il Giornalino#18 (the first week of May 2007 - I'm seeing different sites state alternatively the 2nd, 3rd or 6th of May). The press announcements for the new stories stated that the new tales would then appear weekly to begin with, then monthly thereafter for a total of 36 stories, though the creators mentioned they had seven completed and there would be a gap before the next batch. In the end twenty-eight appear to have been published through to 2010, the last five detailing adventures where Spider-Man was visiting Italy. I presume the mandate from Marvel US that stopped Marvel UK publishing new stories around this time also impacted Marvel Italia. Which is a shame, because based on what I've seen, at minimum the art by Marco Checchetto was excellent, and led to him getting work with Marvel U.S. on titles such as Daredevil. These and the Marvel UK Spectacular Spider-Man stories deserve to be collected and released as an Omnibus or two. ![]() |
Where: Italy Featuring: X-Men 616?: No. Intentionally set in an alternate reality. Summary: To follow Reprinted in English?: Yes Comments: Another of Panini's new one-shots, X-Campus reimagined the X-Men as younger versions, similar to the ones depicted in the X-Men Evolution cartoon. It was written by Francesco Artibani and illustrated by Denis Medri and Rob DiSalvo, and was reprinted in English as a four part miniseries. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Psylocke, Rogue, Shadowcat, Storm 616?: Potentially Summary: To follow Reprinted in English?: Yes, as X-Women Comments: Written by Chris Claremont and with art by European legend Milo Manara, X-Men: Ragazze in Fuga was yet another of Panini's one-shots. It was reprinted in English as X-Women in 2010. |
Where: Italy Featuring: Doctor Strange 616?: No. Intentionally set in an alternate reality. Summary: To follow Reprinted in English?: No Comments: The last of Panini's original tales, and the only one without an English translation as yet, Young Doctor Strange by Francesco Artibani and Federico Nardo reimagined the titular sorcerer as a teenage mage attending a magical academy, and was released as a single volume hardcover. |
Where: Netherlands (and France) Featuring: Bee Gees 616?: Probably not Summary: To follow. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Strictly speaking this isn't a tale produced in Europe, as the creators involved (writers David Anthony Kraft and D. Jon Zimmerman, and artists George Perez and Jim Mooney) were all Americans. However, while produced with the intention of being the seventh issue of U.S. title Marvel Super Special, it ended up only being released in the Netherlands and France (and strictly speaking this entry could have gone into the latter country's section on this list as easily as the former's). An adaptation of the 1978 BeeGees movie based on the Beatles' song, it was dropped from the U.S. schedule after the movie performed poorly at the Stateside box office, so that Marvel Super Special skipped from #6 to #8. |
Where: Netherlands Featuring: Spider-Man 616?: Yes - confirmed in the Handbook entry for the Netherlands. Summary: Peter Parker travels to Amsterdam to investigate reports of Spider-Man sightings in the Dutch city, and encounters a Dutch fan who has been inspired by his example to become a crimefighter. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: As their names suggest the Superhelden Agenda (Superhero Diary) were superhero-themed diaries aimed at school children, hence them covering the final months of one year and opening months of the latter, to match the school year, rather than going from January to December. Each included diary pages, along with a couple of translated reprints of American Marvel comics. The first (that I know of) in the series covered '87-'88, and afaik featured no new stories; the next, '89-'90, was likewise all reprints but included a competition for readers to enter, asking them to draw their own Spider-Man story. The next volume, Superhelden Agenda '89-'90 included a new tale told in short strips across the bottoms of the diary pages, drawn by the four winners of the contest. |
Where: Netherlands Featuring: Spider-Man 616?: Potentially Summary: Spider-Man takes on the Kingpin after the crimelord sells drugs to school children. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: The second of the diaries to include new material, another Spider-Man story told in short strips at the bottoms of the pages, in the same manner as the previous year. |
Where: Netherlands Featuring: Spider-Man 616?: No. 616 has some anthropomorphic animals, but not to the level depicted in this tale. Summary: Donald Duck fills in for Spider-Man. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: A much more recent volume, this includes a brand new crossover strory where Donald Duck auditions to play the title role in a Spider-Man movie and encounters the real Spidey. |
Where: Portugal Featuring: Spider-Man 616?: No, given it adapts the 1967 cartoon. Summary: (Homem-Aranha#1) - A origem do Homem-Aranha / The Origin of Spider-Man - (Homem-Aranha#2) - A planta mortal / The Deadly Plant - (Homem-Aranha#3) - Revolta na 5a dimensão / Revolt in the 5th Dimension - Reprinted in English?: No Comments: This comic is an adaptation of the episode Revolt in the Fifth Dimension of the third season of the 1967 spider-man cartoon. Synopsis is as follows: a scientist of the stature of Ant-Man, coming from the dying planet Goth, comes to Earth and, before hitting his boots, delivers to the Spider a huge ( albeit diminutive ) encyclopedia of universal knowledge, to which the hero must protect against the terrible Infinata, who wants to destroy it. |
Where: Spain Featuring: Iberia Inc. 616?: Definitely not, though clearly some Iberia Inc. reality characters have counterparts somewhere in the Marvel multiverse, based on their appearances in Avengers Forever. Summary: To follow. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Note that this is NOT a Marvel title nor story. However, I'm including it here because Iberia, Inc. were originally conceived as being not only like a Spanish version of the Avengers, but actually to be a Spanish branch of the Avengers. In the 1980s the Spanish publisher Planeta were reprinting Marvel titles for the Spanish market, and editor Antonio Martín asked Rafael Marín and Carlos Pacheco to create a group of home grown superheroes who could appear as a supplement in one of those otherwise reprint titles. Since the Avengers had been one of both men's favorite series since childhood, that provided their initial inspiration. However this proposal stalled when Pacheco jumped ship to work for Marvel U.K., but the two creators continued to develop the idea of a Spanish superteam and were almost ready to launch it as part of Marvel U.K. just before that imprint died abruptly in 1993. Skip forward to 1996, and Martín got permission to launch Planeta's Laberinto (Labyrinth) imprint, publishing numerous new series mimicking the style of American comics (monthly publication of a single 24 page story, rather than the more common-to-Spain album format) including Pacheco and Marín's Spanish Avengers, now revamped as Iberia, Inc. Sadly the imprint didn't survive for long, closing in 1999, so Iberia, Inc. only enjoyed a single six-issue miniseries run plus one Databook (a Handbook by any other name...). However in 1999 Carlos Pacheco snuck two members of Iberia Inc. into crowd scenes as alternate reality Avengers in Avengers Forever#11 and 12. Additionally, there was another miniseries set in the same reality as Iberia Inc., called Triada Vertice. Members of that team also made guest appearances in Avengers Forever. |
Where: Spain Featuring: Conan 616?: Probably. Summary: To follow Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Following the abrupt cancellation of Italy's Conan il Conquistatore (see above), the stories originally intended to be published first there continued instead in Panini's Spanish Conan title, La Espada Salvaje de Conan. I'm led to believe (i.e. I've not been able to personally check) that #1 reprinted Conan il Conquistatore#1, that #2 was a new story despite sharing the same cover as Conan il Conquistatore#2, and that #6 and #14 (the last issue) were the only issues not to carry new stories. |
Where: Spain Featuring: Conan 616?: Probably Summary: To follow Reprinted in English?: No Comments: After La Espada Salvaje de Conan was cancelled the new Conan stories produced by Panini moved to a new title, El Reino Salvaje de Conan, where they were used as secondary stories behind reprints of older tales. |
Where: Turkey Featuring: Conan 616?: Potentially. The guest appearances don't rule these stories out, given both involve time travel. Additionally, other 616 characters have encountered the Man of Steel, and Tarzan does exist in 616. Summary: (Conan#57) - Zaman Kavsagi/Time Join - Via time travel, Conan encounters Superman. (Conan#198-199) - Conan crosses paths with Tarzan. Reprinted in English?: No Comments: Three new back-up stories appeared in the Turkish title that otherwise reprinted Marvel's Conan stories. |
Lists by Loki, with invaluable assistance from Zuckdy1, Stephen Rizzo, Rob Kirby, Midnighter and Giant Ant at the MCP, and the many others who directly or indirectly informed me of one or more of these tales but whose names I've shamefully forgotten.
First Posted: 04/11/2023
Last updated: 10/20/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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