--Captain America III#13
ad-DIN, RASHID - @ 1191, Earthly agent of Hassan ibn Rashid, leader of the Syrian branch of the Hashishan (app-hassanibnsabbah)--[Marvel Comics Presents I#73]
ADA 2099 ( ) - Undernet, uses clear-headed robot
archetype w/ dress
--Ghost Rider 2099#13
ADAD - see BAAL.
Babylonian name
(app-baal)--[Wolverine II#11], 12
ADAHM - small French Canadian mutant, led the Goon
Squad, robbed a bank, defeated by Batroc
ADAM ??* (app)--Marvel Comics Presents #139/4
ADAI - African, former student thief of Teacher (Wakandan) alongside Ororo
--Storm II#3
ADAIR, VAL - SHIELD I renegade,
sent--along with Buck Richlen and Adam Manna--to perform a hostile takeover of
Stark International to force them to become arms developers again, decided to
accomplish mission by killing Tony Stark, hired Spymaster, took over the SHIELD
Helicarrier, defeated by Iron Man, sent to detention center; later stabbed in
the neck and possibly killed
Man I#113], 117 ([119(fb), 113, 116], 117-119, [Moon Knight VI#17 (fb)]
Biblical character
(app)--Vampire Tales#4
name used
as caretaker of the Bloodstones
(app-fm)--Bloodstone#1 (2-4
?? – One of
Lullaby’s love drones, marriage ruined by her
ADAM ?? - see ADAHM (app)--Marvel Comics Presents #139/4
ADAM ?? - see FATHER ADAM--Ghost Rider V#3
ADAM ?? - NYPD?, fired on White Tiger (Del Toro) and her allies,
transferred as a result
--White Tiger#3
ADAM ?? - young boy smiled at by 15 year old X-23
--X-23: Target X#6 (6 (fb)
ADAM of Earth-9997 (Adam
Warlock) - mate of Eve, father of the child Mar-Vell
--Earth X#2
ADAM II - robot, created by professor
Phineas Horton, named II after the biblical Adam, desired for
androids to rule over humans, attempted to kill or kidnap then
congressional candidate John Fitzgerald Kennedy and substitute
robot duplicate for him, killed Captain America (Nasland), defeated by Captain
America (Mace), destroyed when the car he was driving slipped on oil
from other robots + crashed into wall while he attempted to run
down down JFK
enhanced strength & durability
(AZU#2, app)--What If? I#4 ([4(fb)], 4
ADAM-III (or ADAM III?) - robot programmed to
believe itself the grandson of William Nasland (Spirit of '76), taken over by
Adam-II programs, but ultimately the Nasland program opposed the Adam-II
program, and both programs were cancelled.
WILLIAM NASLAND III (named consistently misspelled as Naslund;
see Nasland for clarification)--[Captain America I#625 (2012)]
ADAM 3,031 of Earth-691 circa 2018 AD - former
prisoner at Deathbirth, lover of Eve 3,031, father of her daughter
(app-db)--Amazing Adventures II#27 (28,29, 31)
ADAM units of Earth-4935
(Eleven, Zero, [One-Ten, Twelve, Thirteen]) - see ZERO.
Created to
maintain peace, absorb and emit energy on a great
scale, teleport, detect and duplicate any weapon or hostile source
-Algorithmic wavelength Dampening Ambient energy absorbing
Modulator units
--New Mutants I#86
ADAM ABLE - see ABLE, ADAM (app)--Journey into Mystery I#82
ADAM-X - see X-TREME (app)--X-Force Annual#2
ADAM Y of "Earth-1040"
- first in a line of new human race for Sinister to experiment, taken through
time by Bishop to protect them
(app-bishop)--X-Men Millennial Visions 2001 - "Bishop: Father
of Man"
ADAMANTINE - legendary Olympian metal for which Adamantium was
named, used in Hercules' Golden Mace and the Gates of Pluto
--Journey into Mystery Annual#1?
ADAMANTINE - metal used in Dr. Doom's "mummy" trap
--Astonishing Tales#
ADAMANTINE ( ) - commander in absentia of
Les Heroes de Paris, convinced Thing to aid them against René
--Fantastic Four#541
ADAMANTIUM metal - artificial alloy of iron, discovered/created by
Dr. Myron MacLain,
most impervious
substance known on earth, second only to "proto-Adamantium"
(I#15,D#1, OH: Wolv)--Avengers I#66
ADAMATH - Order of the Black Sun, representative
for the Rigel sector, fell in love with Rema-Du, slain by Millenium
under the control of Brillox
*D* (app-orderblacksun)--Dr. Who Magazine#57
ADAMETCO - Adamantium bonding company, briefly taken over by
Overrider, coated Tess-One
(app)--Captain America Annual#8 (Quasar#5
ADAMS, - @ World War II, Brooklyn Badgers,
killed by Black Toad
*D*--Captain America Comics#7/2
ADAMS, - Extreme Emergency Team
--Spider-Man: Web of Doom#2
ADAMS, Dr. BILL of "Earth-31916" -
--Supreme Power#1?
ADAMS, CINDY - former ally of Rom, sole survivor
of snowbound train massacred by Dire Wraiths, parents killed, but
mother cut off a female’s tongue after it had pierce
Cindy’s skull and intiated transfer of memories, found and
cared for by Rom and Starshine/Brandy + Rick Jones, suffered from
partial memories of the wraith which sometimes threatened to
overcome her own, eventually cured by the Beyonder who apparently
restored her parents to life as well.
pre-teen wf, dark hair
--Rom#60( 61-67, 72
--[Secret Warriors#1/2]
ADAMS, JOY - encountered Punisher (Castle) while working as a
guide in Venezuela, briefly held prisoner by Jigsaw and the Rev
--Punisher II#37 (38-40, ?Punisher War Journal#27 or 28?
ADAMS, MURDOCH - enemy of Ludi + Ningal, immobilized alongside
Ningal, freed and used as a pawn by the
(app)--Chamber of Chills#4/3 (Dr. Strange
II#36(fb), 35/36(fb), 36,37
ADAMS, NIKI - boss of Everett K. Ross at
state department, dated T’Challa in college, killed by Malice, body possessed by
?? when Ross tried to revive her in
Resurrection Altar. wf
(net)--Avengers I#77 (77(fb), Black Panther III#6(fb3), 10(fb4), 18(fb), 30(fb),
1-5,6(fb),6-8,10,14,15/2,16,17(fb),15,17-20, [21],22,24d)
ADAMS, WILLIS 2099 - reporter for Mainline Media
--Ghost Rider 2099#2 (4-6, 11,12, 14,15, 17,18, 20,21/2,22/2,23, 25
ADAMSON, ABRAHAM - archeologist, killed, spirit
reanimated the Golem
(app-gol)--Strange Tales I#174 ([176,177]
ADAMSON, JASON - ally of Golem
(app-gol)--Strange Tales I#174 (176-177
ADAMSON, REBECCA - ally of Golem
(app-gol)--Strange Tales I#174 (176,177
ADAPTOID - see SUPER-ADAPTOID--Tales of Suspense I#82 (83)
ADAPTOIDs (Paragon, Super-Adaptoid, Ultra-Adaptoid) - AIM
creations able to duplicate abilities + appearance of
others, apparently powered by energies from Beyonders/Cosmic Cubes
--Tales of Supsense I#82 (
Captain America I#440,Avengers I#387,Cap441,Av388, Marvel Holiday Special 2006#1
ADAP-TOR - robot created by Justin Hammer, originally appeared as a new ship, transformed into an
assault weapon when Jim Rhodes entered it, trapping him inside,
eventually deactivated by Rhodes, assaulted Tony Stark's company
in order to inform him of his return to activity
(app)--Iron Man I#217
ADARCO (Dr. Hillman Barto, Brace, Abner Dunson,
Janet Galloway)
- company that developed Annex and BREW
ADvAnced Robotic COmpany--Amazing Spider-Man Annual#27 ( Annex#1-4
ADDER (Robert Fong) - Chinese opium
dealer, sought to kill own daughter, Linda,to prevent her from
revealing him, slain while attempting to stop Shang-Chi from
saving her
*D* (app)--Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu#3 ([3(fb1+2)], 3
ADDY, MALL - Matriculon, inventor of the Big Change in
(app-mat)--Marvel Graphic Novel#29: The Big Change
ADEPT - Claw Sect, Vampires, wrapped self in bandages, trained the young Janus
in fighting, attended meeting on Greek Island, saw Xarus dismember Dracula,
given 24 hours to join him, returned to base in Istanbul, asked by Janus to help
him take down Xarus, returned to Greek Island, helped Xarus defeat Janus'
forces, saw Janus flee.
vampirism, swords
MASTER--Death of Dracula#1
ADHESIVE X - super-adhesive polymer created by
Baron (Helmut) Zemo, used by Trapster
--Strange Tales I#104
Hindu name
(app)--Thor I#300
ADJUDICATOR ( ) - circa 1907 AD,
Upward Path
--Runaways II#27 (28-30
ADJUDIK - Orbuceni, possessed by Harrow
--Nova IV#13 (14
ADJUNCT - Void dimension rebel
--Uncanny X-Men#284 (285,286
ADKINS, THOMAS - Cardiff Construction, Great Britain’s building giant, associate of
Tony Stark, abusive to
--Iron Man III#51
Blitz Squadron
(app-blitz)--Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#14 (20, 41,
) - Watchtower, leader, hired Deadpool to send Scourge team after
Wolverine, killed by Stryfe (Domino) and Mutant Liberation Front
(net)--Wolverine II#154 (155, X-Force II#4,5
--Marvel Mystery Comics#36
ADOLPHUS - security guard at Dermafree, had an affair with
Helena Carlson
--Mystique#14 (15-18
ADONAI of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - leader of Locusts
--Hulk 2099#5 (9,10
ADONIS of the Hyborian era - god, worshipped in portions of Shem; Hebrew version of Tammuz
--Greek mythology
ADONIS (Eric Cameron) - chief of Cameron Electronics,
attempted to free himself of weak and sickly body by using a stolen SHIELD Master
Matrix used for LMDs, scarred and
deformed when the matrix overloaded as a result of his son’s
sabotage designed to kill him, thereby gaining premature control
of his company and wealth, chosen ironic name of paragon of
beauty, driven insane by transformation, went on rampage until
electrocuted and apparently killed in battle with Captain America,
superhuman strength
*D* (app)--Captain America I#243 (244d)
ADORA - queen of Xandar, widow of Tanak Valt, died
in final destruction of Xandar by Nebula
*D*--Fantastic Four
I#204 (204(fb), 204-206, 208,209, 214, Rom24, Nova III#1(fb), Avengers I#260d)
ADORA of Comicsville - character in the storyline of
Harvey Norton/White Zero
(app-comics)--2001: A Space Odyssey#5
ADRENAMIX CORPORATION (Anderson Gaulthing) - 35 miles outside
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
--[Justice: Four Balance#1], 3
ADRENAZON (Adria Lynn) - crippled in car
accident that killed son while husband was driving drunk, husband
prosecuted and convicted by Jen Walters, he committed suicide in
prison, she became a test subject for Dr. Stopplemoor,used formula
which could temporarily correct paralysis by increasing
production and release of epinephrine, developed brief periods of
superhuman strength by taking mega-doses, posed as She-Hulk and
planned to frame her for murder as vengeance for prosecuting husband, killed
Stopplemmor when he learned her plans, succeeded in
having She-Hulk temporarily imprisoned, attempted to replace her
in life, defeated by She-Hulk and Nosferata. confined to
briefly transform into super strong woman, wf, red hair, large
vessels over body as Adrennazon, wore green make-up to impersonate
(app)--Marvel Comics Presents I#123/2 (124/2(fb), 123/2-126/2
ADRIA - sorceress, Minions of Mordo, ally of
Demonicus and Kaecillius
-WITCH*, Sylvia Nettlebaum (app-mm)--Dr. Strange
ADRIENNE ?? - resident of Salvage Alabama, werewolf hunter, slew Suzie and
mother, targeted Rhona, defeated with aid of Jack Russell
--Legion of Monsters: Werewolf by Night#1 ([1 (fb)], 1
ADULA - Yorite, slain along with mother by Unum
*D* (app-yor)--She-Hulk: Cosmos in Collision#1 (1d)
--Howard the Duck I#21 (1978)
ADUUM - Celestial word for humanity
--Eternals I#7
ADVA - Dark Gods, master of the continuum
gateway, participated in assault on Asgard, imprisoned with the
rest, escaped from Desak with Perrikus, employed by Zarrko
(app-dg)--Thor II#4 (5, 7,8, 10, [42],43, 53
--Invincible Iron Man#1
ADVENT (Kyle Grobe) - came from 2092 back to
1947, timeline that created him diverged from Reality-616
--New Warriors I#68, 69(named) (70(fb), 68-72
ADVENTURERs' CLUB - Himalayas, known only to "men of a certain
deadly persuasion"
--Immortal Iron Fist Annual#1
ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN AMERICA - movie serial starring Glenn
Reeper as Captain America, sabotaged by Lyle Dekker
--Captain America I#219
ADVERSARY - Native American
trickster-god, dwells in realm of chaos, seeks to destroy present
universe and make a new one in its stead, impersonated Naze after
he was killed by Dire Wraiths, confined to own dimension by Forge, returned to earth dimension by possessing child of
repelled again by Forge
(U#1, ME:X, net)--Uncanny X-Men#187, 227 (187,188, 220-227, Wolverine II#86(fb), X-Factor
ADVISOR ( ) - unknown origin, helps
malicious individuals to gain power, assassinated Vincent Cetewayo.
enhanced durability, astral projection, manipulate fire, gains power
from deaths of innocents and senseless acts of destruction, takes
form of human black male with glasses
(app)--War Machine#1 ([2 (fb)], 1-4, [Force Works#12/2 (fb)],
12/2, WarM#15/2, Iron
Man I#317/2
Aberdeen, Butane, Celery, Mustard, Salt, Shrew)
- Warpies, special
guardians of Nigel Orpington-Smythe, peace-keeping force for Cloud Nine
*D?* (net)--[Excalibur I#61], 62
ADZE VAMPIRES (Mrs. Alomii) - Guyana,
assaulted village of Benjamin Alomii, slaughtered half of them; the
vampires and the remainder of the village were destroyed by Ben Alomii
Don't realize their own death until ten minutes after they
are destroyed
(app)--Tomb of Dracula IV#1 (1(fb), [1-3], 4
AE-117 WARBOTS - SHIELD, sent after Warbound, taken over by
--World War Hulk: Warbound#1 (4-5
AEAEA - island, former home of Circe/Sersi, where
she met Ulysses/Odysseus and his crew
--[Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe I#10]
AEDI - planet, home of Aedians, appears to be
essentially earthlike
(app-aedians)--Silver Surfer III#32
AEDIAN race - extraterrestrial, planet Aedi, offered to
sacrifice their planet to save the Silver Surfer from Hlavac’s virus.
(app)--Silver Surfer III#32
AEGIR - Asgardian god/giant of the trackless seas, old
friend of Odin, father of Rana and possibly Saga
(app)--Thor I#307/2
AEGIS - Proemial God, ally of
Tenebrous (served to make ready the way for that which followed), tasked
with culling the living universe of divergences and aberrations, allied with
Diableri, defeated
by Galactus in the distant past, imprisoned in Kyln, set free during its
destruction by the Annihilation Wave, captured and drained the Fallen One,
formed alliance with Thanos to destroy Galactus, destroyed by Silver Surfer
channeling the power of the crunch
LADY of ALL SORROWS (Annihilation: Surfer#3, Annihilation:
Nova Corps Files)--Annihilation: Silver Surfer#3 (Annihilation:
Heralds of Galactus#2/2 (fb), A:SS#3, 4, 5, 6,
Annihilation#1 (fb), Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#2/2d)
AEGIS (Trey Jason Rollins) - New Warriors, former
ties to gang members, discovered breastplate formerly worn by
Zeus + Athena + Jason + Achilles + Theseus + Odysseys + Perseus,
chosen by Athena.
project force field to protect himself and others in the
immediate area, absorb + redirect energy and physical attacks
(2006#1, net)--New Warriors II#0 (4(fb), 0, 1, 2, [Contest of
Champions II#1,2],3,[4,5], Nova III#7, NW3,4, 5, 6, Wolverine II#149, NW7, 8,9,
10, X-Factor III#9
AEGIS of the Microverse - planet, served as home to
many refugees from the Pain
(app)--Micronauts II#14 ([14 (fb)], 14-16
A.E.G.I.S. of Earth-AEGIS - ruled Earth with an iron fist in
alternate reality in which Dark Angel had prevented Mys-Tech from ever coming
into existence
--Dark Angel#6/2
(Karza, Ostras, Pharoid, Zebek) - Microverse, Homeworld, capital city of
Sandzone, birthplace of Baron Karza and Zebek
--Micronauts I#24/2
AEISH - sorceress of unidentified planet, large
woman, gave birth to three children through her neck
--Warheads#4 (5, [6]
AEL-DANN - blue Kree, alongside Dar-Benn, used Silver Surfer robot to execute
Clumsy Foulup and Dwi-Zann during
events of the Infinity Gauntlet and assumed mantle of leadership,
killed by Deathbird during Kree-Shiar war
*D*--Silver Surfer III#53 (
Avengers I#346d)
AERO - see Melody Guthrie--New X-Men II#20
AELFRIC - agent of the Darkhold, twelfth
century Spanish monk, reassembled Darkhold after it was scattered
by Saint Brendan, cast out by fellow clerics @ 1149 when they
learned what he had done and where his true allegiances
lied, slain by mob enraged by the sight of such sorcerous
heresy, burnt at the stake, possessed father joquez, took control of
Lissa Russell, summoned Dragonus, impaled on his horns, spirit
dispelled when Joquez died
-MAD MONK* *D* (app)--Werewolf by Night I#3 (3(fb), 3, Dr.
Strange III#12/2
AELTRI - Light Elf, mother of Hrimmeer (Flame)
--Thor Annual I#18 (18(fb)
AENEAS - Greekson of Venus and Anchises, alleged
ancestor of Julius Caesar and Arthur Pendragon
(app)--Thor Annual#8 ([Avengers I#300(fb)]
AENTAROS - Undying, possessed and killed
Blockade among others, possessed Irene Merryweather and Domino, sought to kill
Dr. Shire, mind transferred in cockroach by Cable
and Key
(net)--Cable II#79 (81(fb) ,79-83
AEON of Earth-93060 - attacked Monalisa, defeated by Rush
(app)--Warstrike#5 (Firearm I#11/Ultraverse Premiere#5
AERIAN race (Lord M'Dom
Typ, Buth, Khup, Dephine, Wend, L'Nep, Chan, Gavan, Tal, K'lm
Fhet, Sep)
- Pangea, winged humanoids, most presumably killed when
Terminus destroyed heat generators of Pangea
(D#19)--Ka-Zar the Savage I#2 (
32, Avengers I#257d)
Inhuman child
--Inhumans II#1
AERIE - floating city of Bird People
ISLE--(g) Red Raven#1;
X-M I#44( SubM I#26 MSH III#8/2 NovIII#4
AERIE - Shi'ar homeworld?
Za'tai (suburb)
AERIE - New Jersey Palisades headquarters of the
--Daredevil I#3
AERIE - Shi'ar heaven
--[Captain Marvel V#14]
AERIE - Dallas penthouse of Forge, holo-projecting
systems, advanced defense systems, several layers bridged by
floating stairs, pool, destroyed in battle with Adversary
--Uncanny X-Men I#184
AERIE - group of "mysterious businessmen" who serve as "ruling
body of the aerial terrorist organization know as Air Command.
--Night Thrasher II#4
AERIE SHALAN - Pangea, home of Aerians
--Ka-Zar the Savage#2
AERISTRON - Retrievers of Atlantis
purple, fly
(app-ret)--Fantastic Four I#195
AEROIKA - Winged Ones, Tunnelworld, actively fought the
agents of the Unnameable
(app)--Defenders I#78 (79(fb), 78-83
AEROMARINE - flying craft of HATE
--Nextwave#1 (2-6
AERTHS - see Earth-62380.
Alternate Earth visited by Excalibur during their Cross-Time Caper
--[Clan Destine II#3 (2008)]
AERWAN race of Earth-93060
(Karr, Shadowmage, Wynn)
- dwell in the Wold
(Balder, Heimdall, Hoder, Hoenir, Loki, Magni, Modi, Odin, Thor, Vali, Ve, Vidar, Vili)
- legendary
gods, may or may not have existed, following their Ragnarok, created Rhinegold,
Vali + Ve + Vidar + Vili merged into current version of Odin, story
related by disembodied eye of Odin
--Journey into Mystery I#97/2 (Thor I#293+294(fb)
AESIR 2099
(Baldur, Heimdall, Hela (d), Loki (d), Thor (d)) - created by Alchemax, patterned after
Asgardian gods in response to Thorism
--Spider-Man 2099#15
AESKLOS - rat creature created by Surisha, absorbed life force for her, able to take over bodies of
others, had possessed Brock Hunter + Lou Edwards, battled Tigra, killed Surisha, destroying himself
*D* (app)--Monsters Unleashed#10/2
AFARI, JAMAL - raised Blade after Madame Vanity
from age nine to adulthood, later transformed into vampire by
Dracula, destroyed by Blade, revived in modern era and allied with Dracula,
briefly vamped Spider-Man
*D/R/D*--Marvel Preview#3 (3(fb1)/Blade III#1 (fb), MarvPrev3 (fb), 3d/Blade
III#10 (fb, destroyed), Blade III#10 (fbs), 11, 12
AFGHAN ( ) - Dogs of War
(app-dogs)--Iron Man: Iron Age#2
Afghani wizard - see Gnostic wizard (app)--Defenders I#135, 136
AFRICAN GODS (Anansi, Avlekete, Buluku,
Dam-Ayido(Damballah), Eschu, Ezili, Kibuka, Legba, Lusa, Mahu, Ndriananahary, Nyam(b)e,
Ogun, Sagbata (Baron Samedi), Shango/Xevioso ) -
-VODŪ GODS, VOODOO GODS*, LOA (app)--Thor I#300 (300(fb), 301, Thor Annual#10, Dr. Strange
III#17/2, Thor#398
AFRIKAA (Khairi Ngala) - anti-war activist, son of Bobulu
Ngala, empowered by Heart of Afrikaa
transform partially or completely into lion-like form
(app)--Black Axe#5 (6(fb)/[5(fb)], 5-7
AFTERBURNER ( ) - employee of Justin Hammer
(app)--Silver Sable#21
AFTERLIFE - angel that became warped after many
years on Earth, became evil creature in Afterlife dim, cured by
Dr. Strange
--Dr. Strange III#89
AFTERLIFE dimension - realm where human spirits go
before heaven
--Dr. Strange III#88 (89
AFTERLINGS - (Ozamatli) - bat-human hybrids, created by the
sorcerer Morophla, later controlled by Varnae
(app)--Tower of Blood; Conan the Barbarian I#43 (44, 245(fb),
AFTERMATH - third British Sleeper, programmed to destroy planet if the gulf war escalated to
a nuclear level
(app)--Plasmer#3, (named) #4 ([3(fb)], 3, 4
AFTERSHOCK ( ) - Bastards of Evil,
alleged/false? daughter of Electro
--Young Allies#1 (2
AFTERSHOCK of Earth-982 (Allison Dillon) - daughter of
Electro and Marilyn, powers caused backlash every time father touched her,
started on criminal path, but convinced to stop by Electro with help of
Spider-Man, Spider-Girl, and the Avengers
--Spider-Girl I#51 (unnamed) 81 ([81(fb)], 51, 81
AFZAL, captain - soldier under General allied with Colonel Khan, vaccinated
against Deathless Frenzy by Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
(app-deathless_frenzy)--Black Widow I#1 ([2 (fb)], 2, 3
Last updated: 04/25/13