heal others via mystic fire, enhanced physical abilities
(net)--X-Men/Alpha Flight I#1 (2)
ANOLE (Victor Borkowski) - mutant, Xavier Institute, Alpha Squadron, chose Shan/Karma as mentor
green + spiked skin, extendable tongue, camouflage power,
regrew severed right arm in powerful form
(XM: MC-MF, 198, New X-Men Yearbook)--New Mutants II#7 (8, 13, New X-Men: Academy X#13,
New X-Men II#20-23, 24-25, 27, 28-29, 32,
Astonishing X-Men#13-18, X-Men II#190, 192-193, NXM34-35, 37-41, WWH:
X-Men#2-3, X201-202, Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men#1, Young X-Men#6
ANOMALY - metaphysical being,
manifestation of concept of anomalies, apparently destroyed and
replaced by Maelstrom, reformed after his defeat
(app)--Quasar#20 (20(fb) [25] 37
contained Baloneyverse, landed in Mount Pookie where it interfered with
electronic devices
--[Sensational She-Hulk II#13],14->cr
ANOMALY - either of two or a collection of both
pyramids created by Contemplator to enable Iron Fist to contact
him for spiritual enlightenment, sought as source of power by
Hydra and AIM
Both Anomalies together could open a portal to the
Contemplator; also served as an oracle and spiritual compass for direction
(app)--Marvel Comics Presents#125/4 (125/4(fb), 125/4-132/4
ANOMALY of Counter Earth-Franklin (Koyami
- null-energy creature, child of Chaos and Order,
disrupted/destroyed by Thunderbolts
--Thunderbolts#64, 68 (70, 72, 74
ANOMALY RUE - Dr. Strange's sanctum
ANSELMO, JEBEDIAH of the Old West - encountered Lance Temple
--Marvel Comics Presents II#4/3
ANSKAR - Polemachus, attempted to appease the gods of
Polemachus via human sacrifice, killed Astra, slain by Sersi
*D* (app)--Avengers I #358 (258(fb), 358, 359
ANSWER (Aaron Nicholson) - Hood's army, former agent of Kingpin, former hit man in
Las Vegas division of Hydra, empowered by
machines of Harlan Stillwell, converted self to energy to revive
Dagger in hopes that she would help the Kingpin’s wife, regained awareness
without solid form and allied self with Dr. Octopus, fought and defeated by
Able to temporarily develop whatever ability he needs for any
QnA (e-mail) (M, AMW, app)--[Spectacular Spider-Man II#91], 92 ([Lethal Foes of
Spec91-95,96"d," LFoSpdm#1r, 2-4, I (heart) Marvel: Outlaw Romance#1
(fb), [New Avengers#1-3]/4(fb), Toxin#3, I (heart) Marvel: Outlaw Romance#1,
Civil War: War Crimes#1, Punisher War Journal II#4, [She-Hulk II#17 (fb)], Spider-Man: Swing Shift, New
Avengers#35, Annual#2, [Amazing Spider-Man#552]-553
ANSWER (David Ferrari*) - former agent of SHIELD,
US Army, Furnace, former ally of Crimson Dynamo, brother of Connie, led mission to aim base to prevent release of
Compound, released two drops to destroy base when the rest of his
men were killed, appeared to have died, recovered, family was
told that he was killed in an army hazing incident, used drug to
control Nick Fury, allied with Crimson Dynamo in attempt to steal
missiles from Khamistan (formerly of USSR) to take over the
Strength augmented
--[Captain America III#42],43
ANTAEUS - ancient Greek warrior, son of Poseidon, battled and
defeated/slain by Hercules.
Gained strength from earth
*D*--Young Allies Comics#6; Avengers I#265(fb)
ANTAEUS ( ) - Neo, named after Greek warrior.
vast strength + durability, large, shaved head, stitches on
-ANTEUS --X-Men II#101, 102(named) ( 110/2
the Hyborian era - Zuagir, son of A__, fought alongside Conan, joined Yezmites
until betrayed by them, joined forces with Conan in overthrowing them
--The Flame Knife; Savage Sword of Conan#31
ANTAR-19 - planet,
manipulated by Gene-Corp
ANTARCTIC ABOMINATION - see TORG (app)--Sub-Mariner I#55
SYNDROME - referred to plot of Greedy Killerwatt to use nuclear meltdown at
the North Pole to melt a hole down to Antarctica
(app-greedy)--Howard the Duck II#3
ANTEN DECAN - mystic text, used by Beyond Reason
Spiritual Fellowship to summon Aan Taanu and Fin Fang
--Legion of the Night#1 (1(fb),1
ANT FARM - replaced the Big House, used Pym particles to
shrink super-villains to tiny size and housed them within ant farms
ANTHEM (Henry Hellrung) - Order operations leader, Initiative,
former played Tony Stark in Iron Man TV show, partied alongside Stark, went
through rehabilitation 5 years ago, sponsored Stark's rehab
Apollo figure, powers of a supercell thunderstorm
--Order II#1 (1 (fb), 1 (fb), 5 (fb), 2 (fb), 1 (fb), 1-9,
[10 (fb)], 10
ANTHIGORITE race (Krru (archaeologist possessing
Resurrection Stone, d))
(app)--Avengers I#209
ANT HILL - Mark II Sentinels' Australian HQ
--Avengers I#102 (103,104,
Marvel Super-Heroes III#6-8, Wolverine II#73,74
ANTHONY ?? - Random Killers?, present at Mr. Code's
Texas seminar
(app-mrcode)--X-Statix#15 (15(fb)
ANTHONY, MAX RUDOLPH - son of Salvatore, kidnapped by 66
Bridges, rescued by Black Panther and Kasper Cole
--[Black Panther III#59], 62
- NYPD, superior to Kevin Cole/Black Panther, corrupt, daughter paralyzed and
son kidnapped by Triage to force cooperation?
--Black Panther III#50 (51-56, 61, 62
ANTHOS of Earth-691 - god worshipped by Centaurians, word for heaven and peace, possible connection to
--[Marvel Presents#3], Guardians of the Galaxy#50
ANTHROPOMORPHO - Dimension of Manifestations
- Prime Manifester (app)--Quasar#37 (58
ANTI-BEING - created from collective negativity
of Mys-Tech Techo-Wizards, trapped in Inner Space by Dark Angel
(app)--Dark Angel#10 (11-16
ANTI-BODIES ( ) - humans mutated and controlled
by Infectia,
develop enhanced size + strength + durability, at the
expense of disintegrating after using up all of their energy
--X-Factor#28 (29, 30
ANTIBODY of Earth-148611- New Universe, entity created
by Randy O'Brien, also utilized by Evan Huebner, one traveled
to earth along with Quasar, transferred to Kayla Ballantine, then
into Quagmire, where it fed off his Darkforce energy and grew to
enormous size, split into numerous duplicates, went on rampage
because they were dying without a host body, combined into single
form by Dr. Druid and Shadowoman, Darkforce energy consumed by
Glom, original form dispatched to ??
(DP7#20,app)--(nu)D.P.7#1; (Marvel Universe) Quasar#31( DP7 Annual#1,
DP7#1-4, Kickers, INC#5, DP7#5-14, Psi-Force#15, DP7#15, 16, Justice#16,
DP7#17-20, 22/Draft, DP#24-29, Starbrand#18, DP-32, War#4;
Quasar#31, 36, 37, 43-46
ANTICA - Microverse, Homeworld, Jungle Zone,
inhabited by insectoids, conquered by Baron Zebek, freed by Alpha
Flight and Micronauts
--Alpha Flight II#10 (10(fb), 10, 11
recruited after girlfriend killed in Oklahoma bombing, received variant of
super-soldier serum (containing acetovaxidol), amongst others, covertly served admiral Jimmy Westbrook,
defeated and contained by Captain America after conflict in Guantanamo,
seemingly died
after being deprived from AVX, assisted Falcon against MODOK/Damocles Rivas,
committed suicide after power ran out and he was defeated by Captain America
*D* CAPTAIN AMERICA*, SUPER-SAILOR *D* (2006#1)--Captain America and the
Falcon#1 (3(fbs), 4(fbs), 1-5, 6, 8-11, 13, 14d)
ANTI-CHARGE BAZOOKA - AIM designed powerful handheld
energy weapon
(app)--Strange Tales I#163
ANTI-CLAUS of Earth-8336 ( ) -
immortal enemy of Santa Claus, eventually killed him, trapped inside Santa's bag
by Nick Norris ("Son of Santa")
(app)--Bizarre Adventures#34 ([34 (fb)], 34
ANTI-COSMIC FLYING WING - designed by Reed Richards,
used against the Silver Surfer-powered Dr. Doom
absorb cosmic energy, fly, perform aerial maneuvers
(app)--Fantastic Four I#59 (60
ANTI-CREATION of "Earth-7031" - side effect of creation,
cloud-like being, threatened to consume all life in the universe, contained by
the Keepers until they began to die out, ultimately destroyed by Binary
briefly brought into Reality-616 by Gavin, destroyed by Ms.
Marvel via regained Binary powers
SWARM*--Ms. Marvel Special#1 (1 (fb)
ANTI-GALACTUS ARMOR - designed by Reed Richards, used to
destroy CAP
--Fantastic Four#557
ANTIGO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (Juston Seyfert, Alex, Greg, Jessie,
Josh, Matt, Shelly) - Wisconsin
--Sentinel#1 (2-7, 10, 12
ANTIGONE - daughter of Oedipus
--[Avengers: Ultron Imperative]
ANTIGONE - Bio-Synthozoid created by Alkhema,
sole survivor of destruction of her base, cared for recovered
head of Ultron,
mind taken over by Jocasta
originally had childlike personality
(app)--Avengers: Ultron Imperative ([Av: UltImp (fb)], Iron
III#48(fb), [46], 47, 48
ANTI-GRAVITY DEVICE - built by Tony Stark (successful
purely by random chance), stolen by Black Widow and used to break into Fort
Knox, destroyed by Iron Man
of Suspense I#53
used after near death from teleporting Avengers and Alpha Flight
back to Earth from Quwrlln homeworld, body recovered and
brainwashed by Master, realized flaws in Master and turned
against him after battle with Vindicator/Heather
(net)--Alpha Flight
ANTI-HULK of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - created by Golden One
--Hulk 2099#9 (10
ANTILLIA of the Hyborian era - site associated with
Ptahuacan, in which settled the survivors of Atlantis
--Marvel Graphic Novel: Conan of
the Isles
ANTI-MAN (Sgt. Conner Sims) - Korean war, US
Marines alongside Adam Brashear, mutated with him and saved his life, but
maddened after FBI-agent brother killed by Ku Klux Klan and transformed into
--Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel#1 (2009)
ANTI-MANDATE ARMORED CORPS of Earth-3071 - developed to
combat the Mandate, but were eventually decimated by them
(app-earth3071)--Wolverine: Snikt#3 (3(fb, die)
ANTI-MATTER - composed of particles that are
counterparts of matter, made up of opposite charges. contact with
matter results in the annihilation of each other and their
conversion to energy
--Fantastic Four I#51
ANTI-MATTER (Arlo Summers) - X-Force training camp, skeletal creature within containment suit
ANTI-MEN (Fangor, Felix, First Ones) - animal-men,
creation of Dr. Scarabeus
MANIMALS* (app-scarabeus)--Hulk Comic (UK) #15 (16-20
ANTI-MIND - fusion of minds of deviants briefly
created by Sersi and Thena under control of Ghaur, with which he
planned to challenge Celestials until defeated by Dark
--[Heroes for Hire#5], 6
ANTIMONY of Earth-Amalgam - Magnetic Men, after Scarlet Witch
- DEBBI WALKER--Magneto and the Magnetic Men#1 (Magnetic Men
featuring Magneto#1
ANTIMUSE - see INANNA (app)--Hellstorm#15
ANTI-MUTAGENIC COMPOUND - Used by HERBIE to reverse effects of
the Food Converter after Franklin turned his class into fruits & vegetables
--Power Pack III#3/2
ANTI-NAMORITA - anti-matter form summoned from the Negative
Zone, based on Namorita, sent back to the Zone by Nita and the Torch
--Human Torch II#11
--Excalibur I#48 (50(fb), [47],48
ANTIPHON the OVERSEER - Proemial God, first among equals, tasked with monitoring
cosmic consonance
Heralds of Galactus#2/2 (2/2 (fb), 2/2(d))
ANTIQUARY ( ) - former lord of New Orleans,
centuries old, had infant Gambit stolen for himself,
ex-communicated from Thieves Guild by Jean-Luc LeBeau, sent into
exile with arrangement with Dr. Strange, sought by Jean-Luc to
prepare for the recrudescence
(app)--Gambit III#1 (1(fb3), [4], Annual 2000/3, [Gam20]
Freeware, Gladiatrix, Green Guardswoman, Harbormaster, Johnny Justice, Lawman,
Kruzado, Masked Rose, the Natural, Qiblah, Scorecard, Skybolt, Solo, the Staten
Island Star, the Tosser, Typeface, U.S. Annie, Warbug, Zapster
- opposed the Superhuman Registration Act
--Civil War: Front Line#3 (4-6
ANTI-SPIDER SQUAD - Jonah Jameson's mayoral agency to bring
down Spider-Man
-- ( Peter Parker#1-4
ANTI-TERRIGEN compound - mist created by Reed Richards to reverse the mutation of the
Hydro-Men, which had been
performed with Terrigen, some was stolen by Maelstrom
--Marvel Two-In-One#71
ANTI-VENOM (Edward "Eddie" Charles
Brock*) - former member of Sinister Six, former reporter for Daily Globe, fired
after Sin-Eater expose’ was revealed to be a false story of
Sin-Eater, desired vengeance on Spider-Man, merged with the
symbiote that formerly served as his costume, "father"
of Carnage’s symbiote, memory of spiderman’s identity
erased, symbiote auctioned off and sold to Don Fortunato for his son Angelo,
seemingly committed suicide, eventually cured of cancer via exposure to Martin
Li, developed antibody powers to become Anti-Venom
VENOM*--Amazing Spider-Man#569
ANTI-VISION - Gatherers, alternate dimensional counterpart of
Vision, slew the Captain America of his world, switched bodies with Vision,
infiltrated Avengers, exposed due to lust for Crystal, forced by
Avengers to take them to Proctor’s Andean base, infected Vision, Ultron,
and the Golden Jocasta with viruses to re-program and/or erase them, defeated by
-VISION* (app)--Avengers I#359 ([362(fb)], 359-363,[Vision I#4(fb)], [Blackwulf#5(fb)/Vision
I#1-2], Vision I#3-4
ANTI-VIVISECTIONISTS - Four Empire State University students, stole
laboratory animals to give them freedom, initially stopped by Spider-Man, who
allowed them to escape.
(app)--Marvel Comics Presents#39
original costumed
identity, founding member of Avengers.
shrink to ant size, wore helmet to communicate with insects
(D#10)--Tales to Astonish I#35 (36-44, Fantastic Four#16,17, TTA
I#45,46, Avengers I#1, Avengers:
Earth's Mightiest Heroes#1(fb), TTA#47,48, Av227(fb)->Giant-Man.
Av93, Iron Man I#44/2, Av99,100, Incredible Hulk II#154(fb), [148,151],154,155, Marvel Feature
I#4-10, Av139(fb), Captain Marvel I#35,37->YJ.
Hulk Comic#48-49
Ant Man’s Big Christmas#1
ANT-MAN (Scott Edward Harris
Lang*) - Fantastic Four, Heroes for Hire, father of Cassie Lang, ex-husband of
Peggy Rae, dated Jess
Jones, electronics designer and technician, former employee of
Stark International, resigned when Stane took over, formerly ran
Electrolang, ex-convict, given costume of original, apparently slain by Jack of
Hearts under control of Scarlet Witch, death apparently prevented by time
traveling Young Avengers and Scarlet Witch
uses Pym Particles to reduce in size, uses helmet to control
insects, formerly used Ignatz as steed
MYRMIDON* *D* (I#1,D#1,M, OH: Av2004, OH: BoD, ME, ME: FF, net)--Marvel
Premiere#47 (Avengers I#181, MarvPrem47(fb),47,48, Iron Man I#125,
Wonder Man I#1, Av195-197, IM#131-133, Micronauts I#19,20, IM#137,
IM142, 145, Incredible
Hulk II#262, Marvel Team-Up I#103, IM#151, [155] 156, Marvel
Two-In-One#87, Av222-224,
Marvel Super-Heroes: Contest of Champions1,[2,3], MTIO#96, Av229,
Hlk285, Rom#58,59,
Marvel Age Annual#1, IM#224,225, 233, Marvel Comics Presents#11/3, Marvel Fanfare
I#44, IM243, Amazing Spider-Man Annual#24/4, Iron Man
Annual#12/4, MCP#81/3, 131/2, 137/2, Av380/2-382/2,
Fantastic Four I#384,385, Namor I#48, F4#386-388, Fantastic Four
Unlimited#6, Silver Surfer III#93-97, FFUnl#7, Fantastic Four
Annual#27, FFUnl#8, 9, F4#389-399,Fantastic Force#7,F4#400,400/2,
Thunderstrike#21, FFUnl#10,
Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising#1, F4#401,402, F4:AR#2, Fantastic Four
Unplugged#2, F4#403-407, F4Unl#12,
F4#408-410, 412, 415, X-Men II#55, Uncanny X-Men#336, F4#416,
Av1999(fb), Tales of the Marvel Universe#1/2, [Heroes for
Hire#1-5],6-8,[9], Avengers III#1-4, HsfH#10-12, 13, 14?,
15,Quicksilver#11,H16,Q12,Heroes for Hire/Quicksilver Annual1998,
HsfH#19, Av26,27, Fantastic Four III#42-44, Incredible Hulk III#32,
Thunderbolts I#57, Order#5,6,
Marvel: Double Shots#3/2,
Alias#13,14, 15,16-18, Av57-60, 61, 62, 63, Alias#21, Av65-70, Alias#24, 27,28,
Av73, 75, 76, 82, 85/500d, Dead Girl#2-5 (spirit), Avengers: Children's
ANT-MAN (Chris McCarthy) - SHIELD agent, unwittingly donned
Pym's experimental Ant-Man suit, activated it and shrank out of sight, killed
during the Hydra-launched super-villain assault
*D*--Irredeemable Ant-Man#1 (1 (fb), 2 (fb, dies)
ANT-MAN (Eric O'Grady) - Damage Control, Initiative, former SHIELD agent, stole costume
from McCarthy after his death, capitalized on his good fortune, eventually
captured, assaulted by Carson, lied his way out of trouble, officially given
Ant-Man costume and drafted into the Initiative
"SLAYING MANTIS", Derek Sullivan, impersonated
agent Spruce (CWBDR)--Irredeemable Ant-Man#1 (1-6 (fbs),
1-8, Civil War: Choosing Sides#1, Ant-Man#9, 10-12, Avengers: Initiative#8 (fb),
9 (fb), 10, 12
"ANT-MAN" (Mitch Carson) - SHIELD agent in line to earn Pym's
armor until it was unwittingly donned by McCarthy, wore Pym's prototype armor,
face badly burnt by O'Grady's jets
--Irredeemable Ant-Man#4 (4-6 (fbs)
ANT-MAN of Earth-9997 - Ant-Men, son of Arcturus Raan
and Princess Mari, Microverse, unknown powers if any
--Universe X#0
ANT-MAN armor prototype - earlier version
designed by Hank Pym, used by Mitch Carson in failed effort to capture O'Grady
--Irredeemable Ant-Man#4 (4-6 (fbs)
ANT-MAN armor - designed by Hank Pym to be
used by a trained SHIELD agent, donned by Chris McCarthy during Hydra's
superhuman assault on the Helicarrier, stolen by Eric O'Grady after McCarthy's
--Irredeemable Ant-Man#1 (1-6 (fbs), 1-8, Civil War: Choosing Sides#1, Ant-Man#9
ant men of the Hyborian era - offspring of Meara and Laroughe,
served Meara, force fed Laroughe sugar to keep him alive.
half-human, half-ant, bipeds
--Savage Sword of Conan#70
ANTMEN of Earth-9997 (Bug, Marionette, Neutron,
Proton, Spark, Spidra)
--Universe X#0
ANTON, Dr. FRANZ -scientist, sought for help by
Goliath/Pym, captured by El Doradians
(app-ed)--Avengers I#30 (31
ANTON ?? - Piranha Tots, turned against Razor-Fist when he
tried to kill Pat Mulligan, overcame need to cut himself
--Toxin#2 (3
Antone -
--Marvel Mystery Comics#12
ANTONIO ?? - @ World War II,
Italian soldier, posed as Partisan contact to Leathernecks in hopes of killing
them, exposed and killed by General Theresa
*D* (app)--Captain
Savage and his Battlefield Raiders#13 (13d)
mutant, former lover of Magma, lost powers on M-Day while in a volcano, died
*D*--X-Men: The 198#1 (1d)
ANTONIO ?? of Earth-93060 - vampire, killed by Yrial
*D* (app)--Ultraverse Premiere#0/2
ANTONIO's - restaurant, hosted the Cauliflower Club
--Iron Man IV#14
Antons -
--Marvel Mystery Comics#18
ANTORO ( ) - Circus of Crime.
--Amazing Spider-Man
Annual 1998
ANTRO (Hashi Noto) - Deathweb.
humanoid spider, wears armor, teleport himself or other objects or beings, used spider
venom as weapon
(app-deathweb)--Avengers West Coast#82 (Spider-Woman II#2(fb), AvWC#82, 84-86,
Spider-Woman II#1-4
ANTRON - Death Squad (Microverse), given form of
an Antron by DeGrayde
(app-antrons)--Micronauts I#36
ANTRONS - Microverse. four armed scavenger drones, some
served Psycho-Man and Baron Karza; others were artificially created in the Body
(app)--Micronauts I#15 (16-17, 28, 36, 40
ANT TICA (Ant Ticans) - Microverse, region on Homeworld's
Jungle Zone
--Alpha Flight II#10 (10(fb), 10-11
ANT TICANS (Cha Lonn) - subjugated by Baron Zebek until
liberated by Micronauts and Alpha Flight
--Alpha Flight II#10 (10(fb), 10-11
ANU - Mesopotamian god, worshipped in
pre-Cataclysmic era, as well as Hyborian era, in Corinthia, had bull
father of Enlil/Dagon, former ruler
--[Conan Novel, Conan the Barbarian#10] [Kull the Conqueror III#3], Thor#300
(Incredible Hercules#116-117
ANUBAR, ANWAR - head of Elysian Enterprises, father of Sekmeht
Conoway, former agent of Strucker in
the search for the Momentary Princess @ 1968, wife killed under
mysterious circumstances
--Gambit III#1 ([12(fb2)], 1, Gambit: Cyber Comic: Hunt for
Tomorrow Stone,
ANUBIA - New Men, priestess of Cult of the
(app-cult)--Scarlet Spider Unlimited#1 (1(fb), 1
ANUBIAN race (Dirac) - extraterrestrial, some were slavers,
encountered Star-Lord
(app)--Marvel Preview#11( Uncanny X-Men#125 MarvPrev#11
ANUBIS - Heliopolis god of funeral
rites, empowered Mindstar
(app)--Son of Satan#5(unrevealed), 7 (7(fb)
[Thor240,241] [SoS#5(fb)],5-7, [MK II#1], Legion of Monsters: Satana#1/2
ANUBIS? - Wundagorian
evolved from jackal, leader of the Cult of the Jackal.
--Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1
ANUBIS of Earth-88194 (Corporal Anubich) - Shadow Dweller, incubated virulent Cryptosporidium strain, sought
to spread across Earth, cured and then destroyed by Dr. Zero
*D*--Dr. Zero#4 ([Critical Mass#3(fb)], [4(fb)], 4 or 5?
ANUBIS of Earth-20051 - Rama-Tut's Guard; android in
the forms of the god of Egypt
(app-rama-tut)--Marvel Adventures: Fantastic Four#23 (23 (fb),
ANUBIS the JACKAL (sheikh Ahmad Azis) -
Kuwaiti, reincarnation of Araamses, priest of Anubis, killed by
collapsing pillar
*D* (app)--Moon Knight II#1 (1(fb), 1
ANUNG-ITE - four armed minotaur-like creature from Native
American mythology, summoned by Carlton Beatrice and/or Michael Souris, later by
Darryl Licht
(app)--She-Hulk: Ceremony#1 (2, Blaze II#4,5
ANUXA - alien, sent to Earth 1 million years ago,
intended to wait for the dominant species on Earth to die out and then claim the
planet for his own, figured this was imminent with utilization of the atom bomb,
encountered Skipper
extended life span, immense strength, telepath
(app)--Tales to Astonish I#7 (7(fbs)
ANVIL (John "Johnny"
Anvil) - former agent of DRC, partner of Hammer, gained power by
Glxxx who replaced their prison change with an energy link which
greatly amplified their strength and durability, killed by Scourge
of the Underworld-2
*D* (D#17,M,net-h+a)--Incredible Hulk II#182 (Marvel Team-Up
Marvel Tales#256/2, Spider-Woman I#34, Marvel Fanfare I#29d)
ANVIL ( ) - see HAMMER & ANVIL--Daughters of the Dragon#3
ANVIL - Fury Secret Base 27
--[Secret Warriors#1/2]
ANVIL PRISON - penal colony Annoval 14.
staff - (Chancellor Stipe + Fossey)
--Silver Surfer III#74(76
ANYTHING of Earth-93060 (Lewis Freedom
Phillips) - Freex, possibly fathered child with Angela (Sweetface).
transform body into any shape
(Freex#8, app)--Freex#1 ([5(fb)], 8(fb)/1(fb), Ultraverse Premiere#0/6, Freex#1-5,
Break-Thru#1, Freex#6, Nightman I#3, Break-Thru#2, Wrath#4, 5, Fr7, 8, 9-11,
Prime I#13/2, GS Freex#1, Freex#12-/Ultraforce I#1/2, Fr13, 14, Firearm I#15,
Fr15, Firearm#15/2, Fr16-18
Spider Roque - war time foe of Frank Castle
--Punisher #19 (1989)
ANYTHING MAN - see COLT, JEFF (app)--Defenders I#69
ANZANO, BOB of Earth-93060 - Ultra, killed by NM-E
*D*--Ultraverse Year Zero: Death of the Squad#4d
Anzel -
--Captain America Comics#50
Last updated: 01/06/13