of the Old West (Alan
Krandal, aka Aloysius Kane) - @ 1870, rode Nightwind, ally of
Captain Bill Gregory, in love with White Swan, husband of Rosa,
parents killed, raised by Red Hawk, chief of a tribe of Apaches,
allied with both white men + Native Americans, killed by Billy Tyler
DAZII (Outlaw Files, net-preff) *D* --(g) Two-Gun Western I#5 (6-14, Apache Kid#1(1953)-19, Wild Western#15-22, 39;
Western Gunfighters#2-33, Apache
Skies#2(fb) [1(fb,d)]
APACHE KID of the Old West (Rosa ) - @ 1886, widow of Dazii, slew
his killers, set out to rescue Geronimo, resigned to taking away
children and teaching them the way of the Apache
Skies#1 (2(fb), 1-4
APALLA - living embodiment of Earth’s
sun, first formed when forced into human form by creators, lost
memory, regained it during encounter with Captain Mar-Vell.
Takes form of human female, invoked in creation of Ardina
Appala, Queen of the Sun, Sun Queen (app)--Dr. Strange II#22 (24 Marvel Super-Heroes
III#3/6, [Order#]
APE of the Old West - trained ape working under Dr.
(Outlaw Files, app)--Rawhide Kid I#39
APE (Lawrence Schrott) - apelike
wrestler and criminal, manipulated by crimelord Big Joe; enemy of the Challenger
--Mystic Comics#7 (1941)
APE ( ) - World War II era criminal;
enemy of android Human Torch + Toro (Raymond)
super-strong criminal, engendered primal fear
--Human Torch Comics#36 (1954)
APE (Donald Jones) - Egghead henchman
--Tales to Astonish I#45
APE - Morlocks, Drain Dweller, attempted to
kidnap Power Pack for Annalee, vanished after Mutant Massacre, rounded up and
possibly exterminated in Neverland.
Metamorph, mentally challenged
(D#8, ME:X, app)--Power Pack I#12 (Uncanny X-Men I#195, PP#19,
X-Factor I#10, PP27, XFac11-13, 15, Weapon X II#5
ape - sentient, possibly given intelligence by Red Skull (?-
Red Ghost?),
allied with Killmonger in Niganda against Wakanda
--[Black Panther IV#35], 37 ([35-36], 37-38
ape creatures of the "Twilight World" - possibly actually the Savage
Land or some alternate Earth or extradimensional realm
Adventures I#3
ape-demon of the Hyborian era - see ape-thing (app-tk)--Black Colossus, Savage Sword of Conan#2
APE LORDS of Pre-Cataclysmic and Hyborian Eras (Anaxor,
Thasaidon, Xeethra, "Zekkir") - servants of Rotath
of the Golden Skull"; Conan the Barbarian I#37 (Savage Sword of Conan#231/3
- 233/3, Conan: The Ravagers Out of Time, Conan the Barbarian I#37, Savage Sword
of Conan#234/2 (fb)
APE MAN - transferable curse from witch doctor
immense ape-creature "the size of the house"
(app)--Strange Tales I#85
APE-MAN (Gordon "Monk"
Keefer*) - Ani-Men, Unholy Three, briefly empowered by agents of
Count Nefaria, killed by bomb set by Spymaster intended for Tony Stark
*D* (I#13,D#16,M)--(Monk Keefer) Avengers I#12, (Ape-Man) Daredevil
I#10 (11, 39-41, Marvel Team-Up I#25, X-Men I#94,95(Classic X-Men#3), Iron Man I#115,116d)
APE-MAN (Roy McVey) - Ani-Men, killed by
*D* (I#13,D#16,M)--Daredevil I#157 (158d)
APE-MAN ( ) - Ani-Men, present at
Hammerhead's meeting
--Civil War: War Crimes#1
APELANTEANS - Weirdworld aquatic simians
(app)--Weirdworld I#1
APEMAN - evolutionary "past" self of Manikin.
Cro-Magnon type man, superhuman strength and
--Alpha Flight I#49
APESLAYER of Earth-7481
redrawn and slightly rewritten Killraven from Amazing Adventures#18-21
(app)--Planet of the Apes (UK magazine) #23 (24-30
ape-thing of the Hyborian era - former emissary
to Natohk/Thugra Khotan
(app-tk)--Black Colossus, Savage Sword of Conan#2 (Conan the
Barbarian I#246, SSoC#2/CtB#249
APE X (Roy Reyna) - empowered by Ape X-8101's mystical
luchadore mask
--(Reyna) Marvel Apes#4;
APE X of Earth-712 (Xina) - Squadron Supreme, Institute
of Evil, product of artificial enhancement of intelligence
experiment, turned to crime after trainer was slain, behavior
modified to join Squadron, fell in love with Tom Thumb, mind
destroyed when caught between two conflicting behavior orders.
Intelligent ape, genius level IQ, behavior modified
(D#12, app)--Squadron Supreme#5 (6-10, 11(mind destroyed), 12(c)
APEX - former messianic god of the Ama, dwelt
among them for a time
--Silver Surfer: In Thy Name#2 (2008)
APEX INVESTIGATIONS - discovered affair of Kristy Swanson
--[She-Hulk II#4]
the Hyborian era (Daura, Zebeh) - brown-skinned caste of Tombalku, dominant by
history, but outnumbered by the blacks
--<REH untitled>, Drums of Tombalku, Savage Sword of Conan#21
APHONIC BOMB - designed by Anton
Trojak imposter
makes no noise when it explodes
(app-trojak)--Strange Tales I#155
AP IOWERTH, DAFYDD - Dragon Circle, descendent of King
able to command those of British descent
(app)--Dr. Strange III#3 (4
APOCALOFF, NIKOLAI of Earth-UV - Russian
HELL-WOLF*, WOLF* (app)--Night Man I#7 ([7+8(fb)], 7-9
APOCALOPIAN of Earth X - see CABLE--Universe X Special: Ironmen
Nur) - X-Ternal, master of Ozymandias, uses Horsemen, formerly
employed Alliance of Evil + Dark Riders + Ship, immortal mutant,
seeks to establish world order based on survival of the fittest,
born @ 5000 years ago in Egypt as part of Akkaba clan, abandoned
as an infant due to physical deformity, rescued and raised by Baal of the Sandstormers, defeated Ozymandias and Rama-Tut,
arranged activation of powers of Exodus, granted power to Mr. Sinister + Moses
Magnum + Horsemen + Dark Rider + Archangel, directed
Sinister to empower Living Monolith, infected Nathan Christopher Summers with techno-virus, attempted to siphon power of the
Twelve, took over form of Cyclops which prevented him from
accessing power, forced to split off from him, spirit dispersed
by Cable.
Alter form + size, energy powers, gains power by siphoning it from
other sources, must periodically take new host bodies when
energies consume his current one
<The First One>
(U#1, M, ME:X, net)--X-Factor I#5 (Rise of Apocalypse#1-4, X-Men II#186(fb), RoA#4/2,
Eternals IV#4 (fb), Cable and Deadpool#26 (fb), X-Force I#37(fb), Cable and Deadpool#27 (fb), X-Men: Search
for Cyclops#1(fb), Further Adventures of Cyclops +& Phoenix#1(fb), Incredible Hulk
II#457(fb1+2), Black Knight: Exodus,
X-Factor I#24(fb), FAoC+P#1-4 (Cable Annual 1999 (fb2)), X-Men: Apocalypse vs.
Dracula#1-4 (fb), Cable II#50(fb) [X-Men
I#119(fb)], Classic X-Men#25/2, [XM I#118,119], Cable1999(fb1+3), Uncanny
X-Men#376(fb), [She-Hulk II#29],30, Cable minus 1 [XFac4] 5,6, 10, Thor
I#373,374, XFac11, 12, 13, 15, 17-25 (Power Pack I#35]), 26-28, X-Factor
Annual#3, Fantastic Four I#335, XFac49, XFac50/2, 51, [53], Wolverine: Jungle
Adventure, XFac65-68, X-Men II#14, UX295, XFac85, X15, X-Force I#17,
UX296, XFac86, X16, XFor18, [Cable II#19, X41, Wolverine II#100], UX335, Cab34,
F4#415, [XFor70], UX336, Cab35, Onslaught: Marvel Universe, Hulk455-457,
[Cab44-52], 53, 64, [X90], Cab66-68, Eternals: Apocalypse Now, Magneto
Rex#3,Wolv145(fb2), [X93,94], Cab74, [X95], Wolv145, UX376, Cab75, X96,
[Wolv146], X-Man#59, UX377, Cab76, XMan60, X97, UX378/X98, X-Men: Search for
Cyclops#1-4, X-Men: Apocalypse vs. Dracula#1-4, [Cable and Deadpool#26], 27, X178-179, 185/2, 181, 182, 182/2,
183/2, 183, 184/2, 184, 185-186, [New Excalibur#9]
- APOCALYPSE’s HORSEMEN of E-AoA (Abyss, Bastion, Candra, Death (Maximus(d)), Gideon, Mikhail Rasputin (d), Sabretooth, War)
-field operatives
APOCALYPSE ( Kazarian) - leader of
multi-bladed hand
*D* (app)--Vampire Tales#7 (8d)
APOCALYPSE - see SPIRAL--X-Force: Shatterstar#3
APOCALYPSE BEAST - ancient giant monster, egg landed on Earth
in distant past, hatched, eventually consumed other eggs (possibly poisoned by
the "Ancients"), which cause it to pass out. It awakens bound and trapped in
another dimension, with a piece of itself missing; returned via sacrifice of the
Kayama Expedition and ritual completed by Dr. Yamanes, injected with Moloids
which acted as a virus against its system; turned itself inside out and launched
into space
(AZU#2)--[Fantastic Four / Iron Man: Big in Japan#1], 3 (4(fb),
[1-2], 3, 4
--Uncanny X-Men#475
APOCRYPHUS - Anachronaut, Eternal from
future, son of Sersi, apparently slain by Immortus in his assault
on Chronopolis
(app-an)--Fantastic Four Annual#25, Avengers Annual#21 (22/2, Avengers:
Terminatrix Objective#1, Force Works#17-19?, [Avengers Forever#3]
APOGEE of the KALI YUGA - Cosmic Law is upended, allowing
Dormammu and Umar to combine their powers
--[Defenders III#1], 3 (named)
APOKALIPS of Earth-Amalgam - twin planet of New Asgard
--Bullets & Bracelets#1 (Thorion#1
APOLLO (Phoebus Apollo) - Olympian god of
light + medicine + music + poetry + sciences, son of Zeus + Leto, twin
brother of Artemis, apparently slain by the forces of Mikaboshi
used enchanted chariot
*D* (D#9, M, app)--Venus#3 (1948); Thor Annual#5 ( [Venus#10], Thor:
Blood Oath#3-4, Avengers I#50, Thor I#301, Thor Annual#10, Hulk vs.
Hercules: When Titans Collide#1 (fb), Av256, 283-285, New
Mutants#81(fb), Hulk: Hercules Unleashed, Hercules III#4, Ares#1 (fb),
3-4, 5d
APOLLO - Fury Secret Base 3
--[Secret Warriors#1/2]
APOLLO of Earth-Amalgam (Ray) - Cyclops +
, JLX, absorbed power of Fin Fang Flame and transformed into power
--JLX#1 (DCvM#4, JLX Unleashed#1(fb),1
APOLLYON of Earth-Here Comes Tomorrow - apparent counterpart
of Fantomex, agent of the Beast/Sublime
---X-Men II#151 (152-154
APOLLYON of Eurth - alternate counterpart of Vision, champions of the realm
--Avataars#2 (2(fb1)
APONE, - US Navy SEALS, sent to rescue the USS
Dauntless submarine, assaulted by Atlanteans
(app-forrester_gerald)--Namor I#41
APOX the OMEGA SKRULL of Earth-982 - came to
earth to destroy Fantastic Five
(app)--Spider-Girl#46 (47(fb), 46,47, 86-88
APOXY - thick, soap bubble-like substance, used
by Attuma to bring down ships gently so he could capture the
inhabitants and cargo
--Tales to Astonish I#64
Marley) - battled Ghost Rider (Blaze)
(app)--Ghost Rider II#57
APPARITION of Earth-712 ( ) - Golden Agency,
spectral defender
patterned after the Spectre
--[Squadron Supreme: New World Order]
APPARITION of Earth-148611
(Danny) - ESPeople.
manipulate senses
APPLE of Earth-30826 - mind-evolving device, used by
Eternals to enhance minds of human Deviants
--Eternal#1 (2
"apple ghost" of Reality-14137 - created by a sentient
pencil as a companion for She-Hulk, spurned by her, it rampaged before
wandering into the ocean and falling in love with a school of
(App)--All-New, All-Different Avengers Annual#1
( ) - Song and dance pair that tried out at Howard the
Duck's burlesque house and who were transported along with the house to
the Odd dimension for an unidentified period of time
(app)--Crazy magazine#65 (68
APPLEBY, JOHN - Confederate
soldier alongside Travis Parham, slain by Union soldiers
*D*--Ghost Rider: Trail of Tears#1 (2007)
APPLECRUST of Earth-691 - Greenwich Village
--Cable: Blood & Metal#2
- bitten by Dracula
--Tomb of Dracula II#3
- head of Appletree Enterprises and Productions, used the Death Mask of Koala
Bun to transform five men into Podunk Slam, forced them into rigid contract
(app-podunkslam)--Marvel Fanfare I#38
APPLEWOOD, KIRK - targeted by Sword of Glory, slain by Sam
Kurokawa, sleeper assassin designed by Silver Wolf
*D*--[Sable & Fortune#1] ([4 (fb, dies)
) - mutant, allied with Stripmine and Trolls in an effort to takeover Genosha
--[Excalibur III#5], 6 (7, 8
APRIL of Earth-982
( ) - agent of Black Tarantula, directed to assist Spider-Girl,
works in office
--Spider-Girl#75 (76-78
of Earth-57780 ( ) - pranks people on April Fool's Day, has
encountered Spider-Man a couple of times
(app)--Spidey Super Stories#10/2 ([10/2 (fb)], 10/2
APTAK - Skrull male soldier, former lover
of Nenora, trapped in form of Waziliah by hyperwave bomb, served
under Kylor, killed by Nenora to preserve her secret
(app)--Silver Surfer
III#6 (8, 10
AQHAT - Everlasting, agent of Marduk, eternally
resurrected, named for Canaanite myth
--Citizen V and the V-Battalion#1 (1(fb), 1-4
of Lost Lemuria - demon, alleged prince of Hell, former prisoner of the Mirror
of Zaffar
(app-thongor)--Creatures on the Loose#23
AQUALUNG of Earth-148611 ( ) - Para-Troop
generate sonic blasts from mouth
AQUAMARINER of Earth-9602
(Prince Namor; Arthur McKenzie) - Sub-Mariner + Aquaman, JLX, former member of
Judgment League: Avengers and All-Star Winners Squadron
Prince Namor the Aqua-Man, Mariner, "Son of the Seas"
--JLX#1; Marine Mystery#1 (Marine Mystery#1,
All-Star Winners Comics, Super Soldier: Man of War#1, Challengers of the
Fantastic I# , Showcase of Suspense# , [JLX#1], Adventures to
Astonish#76, Judgment League: Avengers II#122, JLX#1, 2, 4, 6, [JLX
Unleashed#1], Iron Lantern/Mariner#1
(app-piranha)--Marvel Team-Up I#14
AQUANOIDS - AIM robot guards around Boca Caliente
(app)--Captain America I#414
AQUANOX (giant carnivorous fish) - water covered
planet, visited by Starjammers, who were nearly killed when they
went swimming in search of food
(app)--Uncanny X-Men#391 (391(fb)
( Annual#4
AQUARIAN (Wundarr*) - Dakkamite, leader of
the Water Children, sent to Earth by parents prior to explosion
of planet, initially had childlike personality and mind due to
lack of education, gained null field from exposure to Cosmic
Superhuman strength, unable to be touched by any form of energy
above certain thresholds
(I#1,D#1,M,net)--Marvel Two-In-One#58 (64, 69, 74, [Marvel Super-Heroes: Contest
of Champions#1-3], CapAn7,
Quas4, 25,28, [AvWC#96],97, MCP#46/3, SpdmTU#6
AQUARIUM (Black Widow/Belova) - Russian, GRU base
--Black Widow: Pale Little Spider#1
AQUARIUS (Darren Bentley) - Zodiac Cartel, based in San
Francisco, following capture by Avengers made
deal with Slifer for additional power, destroyed and soul claimed
by Slifer after adopted form of each member once.
transform into personification of each of the Zodiac Cartel members
-One-Man Zodiac*, Zodiac, Zodiak, Second Zodiac *D*
(D#15,20, app-omz)--Avengers I#72 ([80,81,DD#69,Av82,IM#33],35, DD#73, IM#36,
Av120-122,[123], GR II#7(fb),6,7d)
AQUARIUS - see Mr. Zodiac (app)--Spider-Man Zaps Mr. Zodiac
AQUARIUS (Zachary Drebb) - Zodiac Cartel,
based in San Francisco, successor to Bentley, determined to
perform operations in artful fashion, used small army of
followers (including Amanda), attempted to kill Iron Man (Rhodes) due to suspicion of
knowledge of Zodiac activities, killed by LMD Zodiac
Psychologically unstable genius, designed various weapons,
used laser guns, explosive gas, and the Zodiac Field
-Water Bringer *D* (D#15,20,app)--Iron Man I#184 ([184(fb), 185(fb)], 184,185, West Coast Avengers II#26d)
AQUARIUS - LMD Zodiac, deactivated in Ankh dimension
fire blasts of
electrified water
(D#15,app)--Defenders I#49,50 (West Coast Avengers Annual#1,
West Coast Avengers II#26,27,28d)
AQUARIUS ( ) - Zodiac (Ecliptic).
male, project energy blasts
(app, net)--Alpha Flight II#12 (Weapon X#1
AQUARIUS (Akira Kiamata) - "New" Zodiac, organized by "World Trust" Scorpio
Japanese female
(app)--New Warriors IV#4 (New Warriors IV#4-5, Dark Reign: Zodiac#1-2
AQUATICONS - extraterrestrial aquatic race, encountered
Dr. Druid
(app)--(g) Amazing Adventures I#2; Weird Wonder Tales#22
AQUEDUCT (Peter Van Zante) - Force of Nature, Crimson Cowl (Justine
Hammer)'s, Masters of Evil, Thunderbolts
WATER WIZARD* (AZU#4, app)--New Warriors I#7 (8,9, 29 (fb), 30 (fb),
Tb24-25, 107-108
AQUEOS (Drones, Thakorr, Vampire Whale) - Atlantean Vampires
UNDERWATER VAMPIRES*--Death of Dracula#1 (Namor: The First Mutant#1-4
Roma, father of Magma, slew Marcus Gallio
--New Mutants
I#9 (10, 11, 12(fb2)
AQUILONIA of the Hyborian era (Numedides, Numitor, Amulia
Procas, Vilerus III, Zenobia)
- ancient civilization,
founded @ 13000 years BC? by barbarian savages who drifted south
from the Arctic Circle, capitol in Tarantia, its mightiest province is Poitain
formerly ruled by Numedides, Conan, Valerius; worshipped
Mitra and Asura
--Conan I#
AQUION - planet, race of fish visited by cosmic-powered Human Torch while
seeking allies against Galactus
--Fantastic Four#521
AQUIRIA (king Khafir, Fasaud ) - Middle Eastern
country, oil exporter
--Fantastic Four I#309 (310
AQUON - agent of Captain Omen, hybrid Infra-Worlder/shark?, battled
Hulk in effort to quell rebellion
(net)--Incredible Hulk II#165
AQUON of the Microverse - Seazone, son of
Tybalt, transformed into mer-man by Time Traveler
I#30 (30(fb), 30
Last updated: 04/18/12