B & O RAILROAD - Swamp City
(app-swampcity)--Howard the Duck II#7 ([7(fb)], 7
B-1 ( ) - mercenary, part of contest to steal
Punisher’s guns, but taken out of fight early by Agent X and
Flight + weapon harness
(app)--Agent X#2
B-SIDES (Fateball, Jughandle, Mize) - New Jersey based team of
misfits based in Raven's Perch, organized by Charley Huckle, based at the
Jukebox, former friends of Feeva
(OH2006#2)--B-Sides#1 (1/2, 1-3
BAADER-HEINHOG GANG - opposed by German
Freedom League following World War II
--Captain America: Hail Hydra#2 (2011)
BA'AL (Ba'al Hadad) - Mesopotamian god/demon, invoked by
Xaltotun, ruler of Gehenna in millennia past, led followers to
consume blood + perform sacrifices, slain by Hand of God, passed
soul into Gehenna Stone, which was shattered by Hand of God,
resurrected in modern times in form of one of his followers,
reassembled the stone, apparently killed by Wolverine empowered
by Hand of God, actually banished to a nether realm, abducted Jesse Pinto and
Craig + Emma Blaze in hopes of escaping to Earth, followed them to Earth, arm
blown off by Blaze and fled back to the nether realm, pursued by a benevolent
Wendigo, Jesse Pinto and Craig + Emma Blaze.
(2006#1, app)--[Wolverine II#11],12 ( [Conan of the Isles] [Giant-Size
Werewolf by Night#2?], Wolverine II#13(fb),11-16, Blaze II#3-6
BA'AL - alias of Varnae (app-varn)--Marvel Comics Presents#63/4
BAAL (Mr. Gabriel) - agent of Mysterio/Nicholas Macabes, posed as demon to throw
Daredevil off of Mysterio’s
trail, executed by Mysterio after he was defeated by Daredevil
*D*--Daredevil II#3 (6,7d)
BAAL of Earth-71778 - universal
computer, sole surviving creature from earth's future, sent
Mr. Kline/Assassin to alter past, destroyed by Final Sons of Man
*D* (app-kline)--Iron Man I#41 ([Daredevil I#80-83],84d)
BAAL of the CRIMSON SANDS - @ 3000 BC, leader of
Sandstormers (a band of desert raiders), rescued and raised
Apocalypse, trained him to live by survival of the fittest,
believed him to be the prophesized conqueror, explained that
Rama-Tut was not a god, led him to Rama-Tut's ship, died helping
him escape Rama-Tut, perished during cave-in due to lack of
*D*--Rise of Apocalypse#1 (2(fb), 1, 2d)
BAAL-PTEOR of the Hyborian Era
- trained by Priests of Yajur as Strangler of Yota-Pong, agent of
Totrasmek, slain by Conan
--Shadows in Zamboula; Savage Sword of Conan#14
B’AAR - Ruined, stone covering over
head + shoulders + right arm + leg, possessed
--Fantastic Four III#1 ([19],20, Fantastic Four: Foes#1, 4-5
BA-BANI race - Milky Way galaxy, planet Ba-Banis,
bellicose, briefly taken over by Moondragon
yellow-skinned humanoids
(I#2, D#15, app)—Avengers I#219 (219(fb), 219-220
BABA, SATHYA SAI - Hindu holy man
--[Doc Samson II#2/2]
BABA FU - allied with Empress Pictures cult in effort to
resurrect the spirit of his wife in the form of a mortal woman, chosen to become
--[Immortal Iron Fist: Orson Randall and the Death Queen of
BABA YAGA - demon from Otherplace, possibly
a witch from Russian legend, lived in forest and fed on
travelers, Captain Britain and Meggan unwittingly vacationed in
her house.
mesmerize women, reanimate remains of the dead
(app/wu)--Captain Britain II#11 (
BABBIT, Mr. of Earth-982 - Midtown high school teacher
--Amazing Spider-Girl#1 (4
BABE - giant blue ox of Paul Bunyan, dwells in
Land of Legends
--[Captain America I#383]
Delta City criminal, killed Fight Boy by slitting his throat
--[Agent X#11]
BABEL of Earth-148611 (Thame Panagitis) - leader of the Medusa Web,
language master
BABET, - Acolyte of the Cynodd, formerly employed at the Blue Chip casino by Gale Patric
(app-cynodd)--Gun Runner#1 (6
BABY - Morlock, child of Ent and Pester
--Web of Spider-Man#77
BABY - see TARANOVA, JACK (app-westsideripper)--Typhoid#1
BABY - vampire
Vampire Hunter II#1
children trained for combat by Prince Shinto and sent to destroy American
Military bases around the Pacific Ocean, many died while fighting the Young
Allies and the remainder were caught in an explosion while battling Toro
alongside their leader Prince Shinto.
--Young Allies#16/1 (March 1945)
BABY DRIVER - extraterrestrial changeling, infatuated with
Captain Marvel (Genis)
--Silver Surfer III#106 (107,110
BABY FACE JOHNNY - boxer, got in fight with
Daredevil when mistook his question @ "Battlin' Jack" Murdock for
telling him he smells of dirty socks.
hostess add, Feb 1982--Captain America II#266
BABY FOOD BILLIONAIRE of Earth-83234 - father of Jimmy,
who married Beverly Switzler
(app-earth83234)--Bizarre Adventures#34/2
BABY ICON ( ) - able to speak to ghosts (Andy, Jim,
Oscar), ally of Druid
BABY KAREN - see KAREN ?? (MKE)--Daredevil II#1
BABYLON - ancient city in Mesopotamia
--Eternals: Herod Factor
BABYLON PORTAL - technomagic item used by Gunther Senreich of the
Technomancers, opens portals to other
--Sensational Spider-Man II#21
"BABY MONSTER" - see NELSON, "BABY MONSTER" - (app-deke)--Punisher: P.O.V.#1, 4
"BABY UNIVERSE" - see CAPTAIN UNIVERSE (Eddie Price) (app)--Web of Spider-Man Annual#6/4
BACCHAE - followers of Bacchus/Dionysis--not in MU
BACCHAE (Bloody Mary, Diane, Sabine) - group of woman
warriors serving under Hippolyta as instruments of Pluto’s
will, former associates of the Golden Horde,
sought vengeance on Invisible Woman for interfering with their affairs, fought to keep
Diane separate from Horde member Jack, based out of Wall Street's Tartarus,
sought to control all downtown mutant-owned businesses, kidnapped chef Matthew
--Fantastic Four III#7 (20, Peter Parker: Spider-Man Annual 2000, Uncanny
X-Men#450, 451
BACCICULO, JOLA - reporter for Channel 7 news
BACH, HELEN - governess, looked after Scarlet Witch's children Tommas & William
--West Coast Avengers#43 (43-44
BACH, HELEN - construction worker, tortured by Iraqi soldiers during the
Gulf War, befriended Wolverine,
possessed by Ogun
--Wolverine II#112(114(fb),112-114
"BACHMAN, STEVEN" - writer, briefly created the
"Monster in my Cellar"
(app-monster)--Tales of Suspense I#12/3
BACHMEIER, JURG - werewolf; confronted by
English hunter Eric Lanson, Jurg Bachmeier taunted Lanson to make him
hot-blooded before eating him, preferring a hot meal.
--Menace #8 (1953)
BACILLICONS (Byte, Kay, Purge) - Protosilicon warriors
created by Miracle Systems to destroy Digitek
BACILLUS ( ) - Legion of Vengeance, former
scientist, empowered + corrupted by D’Kay.
infect others with virulent diseases, cure infections, wore red
hood + sleeveless shirt
(app-lov)--Marvel Comics Presents#113/3(116/3(fb3),114/3-118/3
--(UK) Strip#15; Incomplete Death's Head#2
BACKES, OWEN - mutant, powers surfaced during a car wreck that
killed his girlfriend, Maddie, sought by both X-Men and Freedom Force, agreed to
come into government custody
Control machines and incorporate them into his own body
--X-Men III#40 (2013) (40-41
BACKFIRE of Earth-148611 (George ) - Medusa Web
BACKHAND ( ) - drug dealer working for Emilio Mendosa, killed
by Foolkiller (Kurt Gerhardt)
*D*--Foolkiller#3 (4-6, 9, 10d)
BACKHAND of Earth-1287 (Greg Mattingly) - Strikeforce Morituri
--Strikeforce Morituri#13
and TABOO (Colonel Mark Slayton and Amanda Reed) - Operatives of Paranormal
Search and Investigations; skilled fighter with energy lash and intangibility,
woman empowered by vampiric symbiote; teamed with Spider-Man (Reilly) against
Venom and energy-staff-wielding assassin Pike.
--Stormwatch I#3 (1993, Image Comics)
BACKSLIDE - SHIELD project which created a portal
from a fabricated Cosmic Cube, transported Fury and Fallen Angel
into pocket dimension, discovered and freed by Sharon Carter
--Fury/|Agent 13
BACKSTABBER of Eath-93060 (Kaitlyn
O'Hare) - assassin, hired by Ultratech
--Prototype(uv)#2 (3(fb)
BACKUS, ROZALYN - mother was a heroin addict in a Brooklyn
housing project, sent to jail when Rozalyn was eight years old, served as prison
guard for fifteen years, had love affair with William Cross while developing
behavior modification technology in alliance with the CIA, framed by him for
stealing the equipment and killing him, after vindication she got a job at the
Vault and made it appear as if Crossfire had betrayed Vector and the U-Foes; she
then faked her own death and cleaned out Vector's bank accounts, used the money
to start Haven House; eventually located by Crossfire's Crew and U-Foes, saved
by Spider-Man, Captain America, and Iron Man, voluntarily went to prison
information on card in Spider-Man Breakout#2
Angela Marcy--Spider-Man: Breakout#1 (3(fb), 4(fbs), 3(fb),
4(fb), 1(fb),
2(fb), 2-5
BACKWORLD (Axomeen, Bront, Brontnekkhar, Keelooah, Soreana,
women warriors)
- primitive world to which a more technologically advanced race
banished their mind-wiped criminals
(app)--Savage Sword of Conan#65/2 (80/2(fb), 66/2, 79/2, 80/2, 81/2
BACON - see HORDE--[World War Hulk: Warbound#2]
BACON, sir FRANCIS - @ 1600 AD, low level sorcerer, philosopher, writer, leader of society of
French & German & Dutch & English, chose the Englishmen who colonized
mystic, telepath --Dr. Strange II#17 (18
BADB - Celtic goddess, one of those who granted
power to Druid, goddess of battle fury
(app-cg)--[Conan of the
Isles, Druid#1]
BAD BOYS (Hadrian, Little Pieces, Plastique) - agents of A.C.E. Corporation
BADGER - University of Wisconsin-Madison mascot, formerly
played by the Inhuman Alaris
--Inhumans V#9
TEETH ( ) - Furious Five, joined numerous super-villain
groups, suffered from anger management issues and killed former allies, joined
the Furious Five, sought to kill "Spider-Man" after Fumes captured him, unaware
that it was actually a drunk guy named Ronnie, defeated the other members of the
Furious Five when they tried to stop him, tried to kill Fumes, knocked out by
orange fur, black eyes, strength, claws, fangs, agility, strength, four
--Amazing Spider-Man: The Short Halloween#1
BAD DEALER - demon of Mephisto's Hell, tried to
distract Thor with Gaea
--Journey into Mystery I#613
"BADGAL" ( ) -
tech-villainess, enemy of Furi Wamu and Big Hero Six, downloaded criminal
programs of Brute, Gunsmith, & Whiplash into others, making them her agents
--(unidentified) Big Hero Six#1 (2008)
BAD GIRLS, inc (Asp, Black Mamba, Diamondback,
- group of female adventures, all having previous criminal
(2006#1, CWBDR)--Captain America II#385 (
, Cable & Deadpool#20-23, Giant-Size Avengers II#1
BAD GUY ( ) -
extradimensional creature, entered earth via IMA, tied to emotional baggage of
Venus Dee Milo, inhabited suits built by
Professor X, mistaken for Orphan, ripped wings off Sharon Ginsberg, banished
back to dimension when Venus came to terms with her feelings over her cousin
Jamal dumping bugs on her as a kid
(app)--X-Statix#6 (7, 8
BAD HAND (Thomas Pyke) - SHIELD II, allegedly needed to
save Dr. Necker in 2050
Cybernetic right arm,bulletproof skin,wm,brown hair,pony
tail,abnormal "second skin" on left side of body is a
kevlar type of bullet proof skin graft
--Warheads#2 ( Motormouth#3, 4, 6-7. Timestryke
BAD IDEAS - Mindscape 'friends' of Cobwebs, attacked Rick
Sheridan whilst he was trapped in Sleepwalkers body, driven off by Mindspawn,
slew Sk'obe
living killing machines whose bodies where covered from head
to toe in spikes. Their sting was venomous and lethal.
BADLANDS dim (Demon-Bear) - mystic realm, fashioned by demon-bear as idealized version of the
American southwest
--New Mutants I#20
BAD NEWS PETE - see GYRICH, HENRY (OH: Avengers 2004)--Avengers I#165
McCall) - Super-strong with durable stone-like skin, youngest member of Team
Youngblood, fought Mysterio (Beck)'s holograms of the Rhino, Venom, and others
alongside Spider-Man.
--Youngblood #1 (1993, Image Comics)
BAD SEBASTIAN (Sebastian ) - information
source for Silver Sable, provided information on Silver Wolf's sleeper agents,
attracted to young Dominic Fortune
--Sable & Fortune#4
BAD SEED ( ) - former agent of Ammo during
Fall of the Mutants
(app)--Daredevil I#252
BAD SEED (Aaron Thorne, Mr. Angel, Isen) - Varnae's
secret vampire clan
(app-thorne_aaron)--Blade: Vampire Hunter I#1 (2-5
BADALAMENTE, JESUS - homeless man, ally of
--Deathlok I#2(II#2,4 Sleep8 Dlok8 DD An8 Dlok9-12 An1 Dlok16
New York Police Department, former partner of Jack Piper
--Ghost Rider
III#21 (Code of Honor#1,2, 4, GR#21-23 25 28->Veng. GR91
BADD AXE ( ) - superhuman criminal, "Larcenous Three," partner of
Vampiro + Firearms, battled Spider-man + Nova at site of arson of Rich
Rider's parents' house.
wm, shaved head, uses large battle axe
(app-larcenousthree)—Nova III#5
BADOON race (Brother
Royal, Czar-Doon, the Directorate, Kodor, L’Matto, Brother Manat, Morkai) - extraterrestrial, Milky Way
galaxy, planet Moord, monarchy, males and females live on separate
worlds, briefly allied with the Brood as the Coterie in attempt to enslave
superhuman population of Earth, allied with the Kree
Reptilian-humanoids, green skin, forked tongues; catalog of correspondences-->Set
(I#2, D#15, OH:AZU#1, Annihilation: Nova Files)--Silver Surfer I#2 (Avengers Forever#10,
[Black Panther IV#39 (fb)], Captain Marvel I#27, Sub-Mariner I#51,
X-Men Annual#5, Ultimate Silver Surfer novel, Silver Surfer III#25, 27,
Guardians of the Galaxy#30-33, 46, Avengers: Initiative#10 (fb), Fantastic Four: Warzone novel, Amazing
Spider-Man II#24, Contest of Champions II#1-5,
Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet (fb2), MS:DP, [Maximum Security#1,2],3, Captain Marvel VI#1/Captain Marvel#6, [13(fb),
13], [15(fb), 15], Thanos#8, 11, JLA/Avengers#3, [Annihilation#1, Annihilation:
Silver Surfer#2 or 4?]
Squirrel Girl II#29-30
BADOON CELLULAR INCINERATOR - wielded by Glib Arkanian against Bel-Dann and the Kree Peace Battalion
--Captain Marvel III#4
BADOON HUNTERS of Earth-691 -
Humans stranded on unidentified planet by war against Badoon, targeted Debb's mate
(app-debb)--Marvel Comics Presents #134/4
BADOON MENTO-PROGRAMMER - propaganda device, one ended
up on Earth in the modern era and mutated Eelar
(app-eelar)--Giant-Size Defenders#5
(Queen Tolaria) - Milky Way galaxy, planet Lotiara/Swampworld,
pacifistic and advanced culturally
(app)--Defenders I#27 (28(fb), 27,28, Marvel Presents#3
BADOON SPINE-BUSTER - combat technique taught by Gamora to Jen Walters, who used it against muggers
--She-Hulk II#1
BAFAMA - Acheronian king, ally of
--Savage Sword of Conan#229 (230
BAG'LE - Skrull
--Fantastic Four I#347 (348-349
BAGMOM (Abu Ho Dadi, Ali Wazoo, caliph, prince Hassim,
Rashid, Wigid, Underground Railroad, Wigid's flying carpet, magic lamp & genie,
coin-operated donkey)
- oil rich Middle Eastern
nation/city, sought for deal by Roxxon
(app)--Howard the Duck Annual#1 (Power Pack I#59
BAHLIA 8162 - ally of Keepsake, rescued from the Ryos
by he and the Doctor (Who) , joined with Keepsake in trying to recover treasure
(app-keep)--Dr. Who magazine#140 (Death's Head I#5
BAHNDBIRD - dimension of Citadel of Sai-Furr, immense roc-like bird, chased
Howard and Beverly after
they stole the Key to the Cosmic Calculator, destroyed Pro-Rata's
large + powerful + destructive
--Howard the Duck I#1
BAHRAQUISTAN (Fatima, Omar) -
presumptive Middle Eastern nation; princess Fatima was a super model aided by
Venus (Aprhodite), while her boyfriend, Omar, was the leader of the government's
--Girl Comics#1/3
BAHREEN BEL AKIF of the Hyborian era (Fatima, sultan Onan Bahk
Galeen, Tamara, Vah Rashid, Wrarl)- desert city formerly ruled by Galeen and
protected by the moat containing Fatima
--Savage Sword of Conan#63 (63(fbs), 63
BAILE, JACK - Baile Construction
(app-baile contruction)--Avengers I Annual#19/5
BAILE CONSTRUCTION (Jack Baile, Francis, Percy) -
rebuilt Avengers Mansion, opposed sabotage efforts by Plant-Man, Stilt-Man,
Water Wizard, and Wrecker
(app)--Avengers I Annual#19/5
BAILEY - associate of diamond hunter Putnam, frightened by what he found in Africa, killed by Putnam for map
*D* (app-putnam)--Lorna, Queen of the Jungle I#1/4
Bailey, Barney -
--Marvel Mystery Comics#16
BAILEY, BEA - mother of Billy, wife of Ted
--Deathlok III#1 (2, 4
BAILEY, BILLY - elementary school student, son
of ted+bea, body briefly possessed by Jack Truman after
transformation into Deathlok
--Deathlok III#1(2(fb),1-3,4
BAILEY, GAILYN - mutant, daughter of Sara, niece of
Jean Grey, sister of Joey, , killed by Shi'ar Death Commandos
*D* -SHATTERBOX* (app)--X-Factor I#35 (40, X-Men II#30,51, X-Man#30, Uncanny X-Men I#467-468
BAILEY, JOSEPH "JOEY" - mutant, son of Sara, brother of
Gailyn, nephew of Jean Grey, killed by Shi'ar Death Commandos
*D* -SHATTERBOX* (app)--X-Factor I#35 (40, X-Men II#30,51, X-Man#30, Uncanny X-Men I#467-468
BAILEY, PAUL - Sara Grey's husband and the father of Gailyn and Joey, left after chilren's birth
(app-Bailey, Sara Grey)--Bizarre Adventures I#27 (X-Men I#138
BAILEY, SARA GREY - sister of Jean Grey, mother of
Gailyn & Joey, killed by Phalanx
*D* (app)--Uncanny X-Men I#136 (322(fb) [XM I#22] BizAdv#27(fb) UX#136, 138 BizAdv27
XFac12 X-Men#36d)
BAILEY, TED - SHIELD, father of Billy, husband
of Bea, stationed at front company D-Fleks, body briefly taken
over by Jack Truman prior to possessing Billy
III#1 (2 (fb), 1,2,4
BAILIFF - demonic servant of Inanna
BAILIFF - demonic servant of Hellstorm
Bailiff of Madness (APP)--Hellstorm#18( Thunderbolts Annual
bailiffs - demonic servants of Mephisto, left behind to watch
over the Mys-Tech Board
--Dark Angel#1
BAIAME - Aboriginal god of creation
--Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica (2009)
BAIN, SUNSET - head of Baintronics, rival of
Tony Stark, formerly associated with the second Enforcers, Stuart Clarke, War
Machine (Parnell Jacobs), Zarkoff, former enemy of Machine Man, former keeper of
the mental program of Jocasta, former underworld armorer, supplied sophisticated
weaponry to an elite clientele of master criminals, terrorists, and
revolutionaries; seduced Clarke to get him to lead her to the War Machine armor
formerly held by Parnell Jacobs, betrayed Clarke who then guided the Punisher to
take her out
Used a sonic disruptor
-MADAM MENACE, MADAME MENACE*, Armorer of the Underworld, Queen of the
International Jet-Setters, Dr. Tessa Nubin*
*D* (2006#1, app)--Machine Man I#17 (IM III#19(fb2),
Marvel Comics Presents II#10/2?, MM#17, 18, GR II#63,
SoloAv17, Spider-Man#26, [WebSp99],100, IM An11, IM III#1,11,12,18-20, TaskM#1-4,
Punisher War Journal II#17, Marvel Comics Presents II#10/2-12/2, Iron Man: Kiss
and Kill#1
BAINES, agent - SHIELD, Operation: Lightning Storm, technical guru, secretly
allied with Sean Madigan, killed by Monica Rappaccini
--Ms. Marvel II#13 (14, Irredeemable Ant-Man#7, MsM#15-16,
BAINES, Mrs. - mother of SHIELD agent Baines
--Ms. Marvel#17
BAINIES 2020 - robotic agents of Baintronics
(app-bain2020)--Machine Man II#1 (2-4)
BAINTRONICS - corporation owned by Sunset
(app-bain)--Machine Man I#17 ( Iron Man III#1,[4],18-20, Taskmaster#1-4,
She-Hulk II#2
BAJAA’K AH DOK’K - book, modern
version of ancient text over 1000 years old
<Here for All
"BAJAZZO" ARMY - Interstel Church of Perpetual Annoyance
BAKA, JEBBEDIAH - husband of Jezabel, father of Simi, accompanied
them to New York from Port-au-Prince, died
*D* (app-brotherzed)--Daredevil I#130 ([130(fb, dies)]
BAKA, JEZABEL - mother of Simi, widow of Jebbediah, former
victim of Brother Zed
(app-brotherzed)--Daredevil I#130 ([130(fb)], 130
BAKA, SIMI - young son of Jebbediah and Jezabel, former
victim of Brother Zed
(app-brotherzed)--Daredevil I#130 ([130(fb)], 130
BAKER, - partner of Alpha and Charlie
--X-Force I#108
BAKER, AL of Earth-93060 - publisher of Ultra
--Prime I#1 (
Prime I#13
BAKER, ANNE-MARIE - ESU, research assistant to
Dr. Evan Swann while getting doctorate, born in France, raised in
--Amazing Spider-Man I#310 (311 Spec149 A334 AmzAn25 A350
BAKER, FLOYD - father of Sandman, career criminal, befriended
by Flint Marko (unaware that Flint was his son) in prison, later wrongfully
arrested for murder of Ben Parker-6078, saved at last second when body switched
with Chameleon-9500, the real killer
--Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man#17 (Annual#1 (fb), [18 (fb)],
17, 19
BAKER, GINNY - aunt of Juston Seyfert
--[Sentinel II#1], 2
BAKER, GLENN of Earth-148611 - paranormal, killed
by the effects surrounding the Pitt explosion.
([18(fb), 18d)
BAKER, Dr. HIRAM of the Old West - Wells Junction, physician,
treated sheriff Morgan
--Rawhide Kid III#1 (4, 5
BAKER, LT. JIM - American helicopter
pilot, captured by soldiers in communist Vietnam, imprisoned by
General Wo, rescued by Captain America
--Tales of Suspense I#61/2
BAKER, Pvt. LEE - World War II, leatherneck raiders, former
Los Angeles school teacher, died saving his teammates
during a mission to stop Dr. Terry Reiker from developing the atomic bomb for
the Japanese
*D* (app)--Captain Savage and his Leatherneck Raiders#1
([1(fb)], 1-8,
Captain Savage and his Battlefield Raiders#9-10, 11d,
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#64, CSahBR#12-19
BAKER, MART - outspoken student at Manning University,
manipulated by Grizzly via hypno-ray to leading violent riots; helped oppose
Grizzly after learning the truth
(app-grizzly)--Captain America I#120
BAKER, MOLLY - Sandman's mother,
--Marvel Team-Up I#1 (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Annual#1 (fb), MTU#1
(net-preff)--Navy Combat#1
BAKER, - 1970s? gangster, lent money to Jason Kimball
(later Genii), attempted to rough him up to get it back, defeated by Heimdall
and Kamorr
(app-genii)--Thor I#202
--Blade III#1
BAKER, Mrs. - mother of Sandman
--Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Annual#1 (1 (fb)
BAKI ?? - part of project attempting to slay Aban, killed by
--Terror, Inc - Apocalypse Soon#1
BAK-LAR 477 - neutron star, used by Nova (Rich Rider) to
escape Phalanx cordon
--Nova IV#7
BAKSH, ARAM of the Hyborian
Era - sold rooms, but gave tenants over to cannibals, until
tongue cut out and fed to cannibals himself by Conan
*D*--Shadows in Zamboula; Savage Sword of Conan#14
BAKU - K’yndar, leader?
--Marvel Preview#15
BAKU - nephew of M'Tuba, schemed to replace M'Tuba as chief but failed due to intervention of Lorna
(app-M'Tuba)--Lorna the Jungle Girl#8
BAKUT, SEDARA of Earth-148611- Psi-Force, Afghani
open apertures in space to transport to distant locations
(app)--Psi-Force#25 (32
Last updated: 12/01/13