The hard copy of this file (before switching to completely paperless system) was somehow wiped out in 2000, wiping out about two years worth of additions, I'm adding them as I can, but this page is "the weakest link."
COACH ( ) - mutant, former trainer of X-Force/X-Statix, lost arm against ??, corrupt, killed by
*D*-ARM (app)--X-Force#116 (120(fb), 116-119,120d)
COACH - see COTERIE (app-coterie)--Contest of Champions II#1
COACHWHIP ( Keener) - Serpent Society
uses whip-like attachments to bracelets, wf, wears platinum wig
America I#341/2 (342, 355, Uncanny X-Men Annual#13, Cap365/2, Moon Knight
III#10, Cap367/2, 380-382, 434,435,[436],437, Cobra IV#30-31, Amazing
COAL - ebony Deviant, with Spike & String, sent by Ghaur to retrieve the
Proteus Horn, mistaken for Sunspot by Namorita
--New Mutants Annual#5
"COAL TIGER" - see Odongo - name referenced in comparison to Conan as a wolf--Conan the Barbarian I#58
original name intended by Jack Kirby
COAL TIGER - alleged enemy of Impala
(app)--[Captain America I#389]
COAL TIGER of Earth-355 - alternate dimensional counterpart of
Black Panther (T'Challa), sought as a member by the Gatherers, did not receive
stabilization process to enable him to survive in Earth-616 dimension
*D* (app)--Avengers I#355 (356d)
COAL TIGER of Earth-982 (T’Chaka) - Wakandan, son of T’Challa, transform into humanoid panther
COAL TIGERS - rank in Panther Cult
--[Black Panther III#60]
COALITION (Col. Liam Fischer, Nolan Kurtis, Jeremy Locke, Madamoiselle Valeriy Vasson)
- organization who joined together to avenge their loved ones on
--[Elektra II#11], 13 ([11,12],13,14
"coalition" (General Bobby, Rawlins, Captain Martin Vanheim) - manipulated
Nick Fury to obtain the Barbarossa virus, had Rawlins blow up a passenger plane
to make others think it was a terrorist attack, covering up the Punisher's
activities in Russia
--Punisher VII#13 (14-18, 19
COALITION for an UPSTANDING AMERICA (Jimmy MacArthur, James Winston MacArthur
Sr. )
- group of wealthy citizens banded together to speak
out against erosion of moral values, especially in mass media, used
name of Captain America without his permission, many targeted for
murder by Scarecrow, dissolved after Scarecrow exposed James Sr. as
attempting to exploit and make money from their supporters
America I#276 (277,280
COALITION FLEET (Gundig, Rodar, Tinac)
- composed of survivors of worlds that Galactus has
consumed, sought to gain vengeance through death of silver surfer,
imprisoned in orbit of Karidian, enslaved Karidians and created Bounty,
obsession with Surfer discontinued when Tinac was deposed
--Silver Surfer III#103(124(fb),[123],124
COAT OF ARMS (Lisa Molinari) - Young
Masters, "Young Avengers", spent time in juvenile detention with Speed
(Tommy Shepherd), artist, uses magic coat apparently from Tiboro
--Dark Reign: Young Avengers#1 (1-5, Age of Heroes#2/3
Aztec name
(app)--Thor I#300
COBALT - Elements of Doom, human mutate
--Avengers I#188 (Avengers Collectors Edition#1
COBALT - Ravens
--X-Factor I#56 (57, 58
COBALT - Elements of Doom, pure element
COBALT of Earth-Amalgam - Magnetic Men
and the Magnetic Men (MMfM#1
COBALT CANNON - see DAMOCLES (app-damocles)--[Thor I#267], 268
COBALT-MAN (Ralph Roberts) - inventor, built
suit of armor, later achieved superhuman size and power due to
radiation, eventually achieved critical mass and exploded
A Cobalt-Man later fought the Hulk and, after escaping
from Ryker's Island, was discovered by New Warriors and killed in the explosion
caused by Nitro; it is uncertain whether this was Ralph or not
*D* (1970s, app)--X-Men I#31 ([31(fb)], 31, 34(RR),
Incredible Hulk II#174(fb), 173,174, Defenders I#42(fb),
42,43"d,", ?Hulk: Nightmerica#1, Civil War#1? )
) - pro-Norman Osborn extremists using inferior Cobalt Man
armors, attacked Avengers Academy students at Stamford memorial
(app)--Avengers Academy#10
COBALT RAY WEAPON - stun weapon used by Grey Gargoyle
(app)--Tales of Suspense I#95/1 (96/1
COBALT TOMAHAWK (Bobby Lame Wolf) - recovered Cobalt Man armor, attempted to
use armor for personal gain, defeated by American Eagle
--[Thunderbolts#112] ([112 (fb)]
COBB, AMANDA - former girlfriend of Warren
--Angel: Revelations#1 (2008)
--Avengers III#60 (61
COBBWELL, Prof. ?? - electronics expert, mentored Peter Parker during internship
(app)--Amazing Spider-Man I#2 (Amazing Spider-Man III#1.4,1.5
COBERT, YAHN - ACE Corporation, head of research, designed MOPED technology,
killed by Warheads when they stole the MOPEDs
(app-ace)--[Overkill#6, Motormouth and Killpower#4]
--Daredevil I#327
COBRA ( ) - costumed kidnapper; enemy of the Human
Torch and Toro
criminal with grayish skin (indicating that he's an Asian
or Arabic, I suppose), with purple gloves and shorts, yellow slippers, and a
green snake-head hood that tapes off into a tailed cape. Aided by three
henchmen, he abducted "the South American ambassador" (oh, THAT one) in an
effort to obtain "South America's" war plans against Germany, but whether he was
an actual Nazi or simply a criminal out to sell the plans to Germany is
unclear. He was equipped with knockout gas and, as an opponent of the Torch and
Toro, had a supply of asbestos cloth but demonstrated no super-powers.--Ronald
--Captain America Comics#21 (December 1942); ?Marvel Knights
Spider-Man#9 (, Marvel Knights Spider-Man#9 (fb)? - shadows only
COBRA (Dietmar Stock) - scarred skull-faced Nazi agent; enemy of
the Sub-Mariner
The Cobra (or Herr Cobra) from Human Torch Comics #14 was
a bald skull-faced (but Caucasian-colored) Nazi with an empty right eye socket
and a long scar over the left side of his face. He was a master of disguise and
led a Nazi mission to attack New York via sub with flying torpedoes (which were
intended to be mistaken for aerial bombing). He was defeated by the
Sub-Mariner.--Ronald Byrd
--Human Torch Comics #14, (Winter 1943)
COBRA - (Klaus Voorhees) - Serpent Squads, Serpent Society, succeeded Sidewinder as leader, former partner of
Mr. Hyde
HUMAN COBRA*, KING COBRA* (I#2, D#3, AZU#2)--Journey into Mystery I#98 (98(fb), 98, 105,106,
Thor I#440, JiM110,111, Fantastic Four Annual#3, Daredevil#30-32, 61, Captain
America I#159, 163, 180, 181, [Avengers I#131], Cap182,183, DD#142,143, 153,154, Spectacular Spider-Man II#46, Amazing
Spider-Man I#231,232, Spec88, Cap309, 310,311, 313, 315, 318,319,320, 341-344, Uncanny
X-Men Annual#13, Cap365/2-367/2, 368, Quasar#9, [Cap379/2],380-382,
[385/2], Captain America Annual#10/4, Fantastic Four I#358, Marvel Comics
Presents#97/4, Cap434-436,[437], Captain America III#15, Spider-Man: Get Kraven#1,
Captain America IV#30-31
COBRA (James Lardner) - mutated by Operation: Cobra, encountered Moon
*D* (app)--Marvel Preview#21 (21(fb), 21
COBRA (Piet Voorhees) - son of Klaus; Red Skull's Serpent Squad
(OH: AZU#3)--White Tiger#1
Captain America V#28, 29 (fb), 29, 35-36
COBRA CROWN of the Pre-Cataclysmic and Hyborian eras - Set-powered item, used by Thoth-Amon--Conan the Buccaneer; Savage Sword of Conan#43
COBRAH - see KOHBRA?--Marvel Premiere#2
Incredible Hulk II#176-178
COBURN, DEAN - student at Midtown high, father imprisoned by Mike Powell,
ally of Allegra Bazin
--Darkhawk#43 (45, 48-50
COBURN ( ) -
--Marvel Mystery Comics#39
COBWEB ( ) -Special Executive.
precognitive powers
(app)--(UK)--Dr. Who Magazine#57 ([DrW Anth(fb)], Captain Britain II#12, [DrW#51], 57, Excalibur
I#47, Daredevils#5-11
COBWEB - Mindscape, enemy of Sleepwalker
(app)--Sleepwalker#3 (3 (fb), [3 (fb)],
[22 (fb), 32 (fb), 33 (fb)], 19-20, 22, [23 (fb)], 22, 23, 25, [33 (fb)], 31m
[33 (fb)], 32, 33
COBWELL, Professor - electronics expert, associated with Midtown
High's Mr. Warren, sent a radio to the Tinkerer's shop
(app)--Amazing Spider-Man I#2
COCHRAN, DUANE - singing idol and heartbreaker
(app)--Our Love#21/1
COCHRANE, HARRISON of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - D/monix, father of Zero, apparently killed when
building destroyed
*D*--Ghost Rider 2099#2 (3-6, 17, 23, 25
COCHRANE, SHINOBU of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - mother of Zero
--Ghost Rider 2099#11 (17, 25
COCHRANE, TOM - former agent of Kingpin, husband of Shelly, marked for death after weapons shipment sabotaged by Spider-Man,
willingly cooperated with Kingpin to ensure family would be spared
--Tangled Web of Spider-Man#4
COCHREN, JEFF - former SHIELD I co-director
(app)—Captain America I#188 (189-191
COCKATRICE - large robot designed and programmed by Gregson Gilbert, briefly controlled by
DiAngelo and battled Power Pack and Cloak and Dagger
--Power Pack I#7, 8(named)
(app-loonies)--Marvel Comics Presents#31/4
COCKROACH - ordinary cockroach evolved by cosmic key, attempted to access its powers to rule the
world, killed in battle with howard the duck, hemlock shoals,and r.l. haney(?)
*D* (app)--Howard the Duck II#4 (4(fb), 4
COCKROACH HAMILTON (Dontrell Hamilton) - see HAMILTON, COCKROACH (OH2006#5)--Power Man#30 (Terror INC#6,7, Black Panther III#16,17, 17(fbs)
cockroaches - mutated by radiation, gained intelligence, took over
SHIELD helicarrier, apparently killed when it crashed
(app)--Marvel Graphic Novel#18: Sensational She-Hulk
cockroaches of Earth-Hulk-End - immense in number, enormously powerful, devour the
Hulk nightly, allow him to regenerate
--Hulk: The End
COCKRUM, DAVE - heroic figure, advised and passed on his role to the Exiles
--Exiles#96 (97-99
COCKRUM, PATY - heroic figure, advised and passed on her role to the Exiles
--Exiles#96 (97-99
--Howard the Duck#11? (12?
COCO of Earth-238 - Crazy Gang, destroyed when Mandragon destroyed universe
JESTER* (appcg238)--Marvel Super-Heroes (uk)#377([Daredevils#6d])
COCO of Earth-93060 ( ) - woman mutated by Ultrax, attacked dealers selling to children
(app)--Prime(uv) II#6 (7,8
COCOON - Fury secret base#17, used by Secret Warriors
--Secret Warriors#1
COCONUT GROVE (Ariel, Unipar) - extraterrestrial planet
--Fallen Angels#6
COCTEAU - magical being?, invoked by Dr. Strange?
"Cocteau's Arm"--[Midnight
Suns Unlimited#6]
CODA of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - enhanced law enforcement officer
--Ghost Rider 2099#10 (11,12,14-20,23,25
CODABAC - Starblaster, Contraxian, possibly killed in the hull breech
on the Dark Seed. Four arms
(app)--Starblast#1 (2, Quasar#55, SB3, Quas56
CODE: BLUE (Captain Shelly Conklin, Curzon, "Fireworks" Fielstein, "Jock" Jackson,
"Mother" Majowsky, Marty, Chief O'Grady, "Mad Dog" Rassitanio, "Rookie," "Rigger" Ruiz,
Sarge, Lt. Marcus Stone, Fenton )
-special division of New York Police Department designed to combat paranormal threats
(OH2006#2, app)--Thor I#426 (427-429, Deadly Foes of
Spider-Man#2, Th432,433, 447-451, Marvel Comics Presents#112/4, Th456,
Fantastic Four I#372, Darkhawk#23,24, Web of Spider-Man Annual#9,
Spider-Man Unlimited I#1/3, Thunderstrike#1, SpdmUnl#3, 3/3, Ts3,
Silver Sable#27, Captain America I#426, Ts5-8, New Warriors Annual#4,
Ts11, Night Thrasher II#15, Ts#13/2-16/2, X-Force I#40, Fantastic
Force#1, 4, 6, Ts22-24, Thor492, 493,494, Avengers Unplugged#3,
Spider-Man Unlimited#13, Journey into Mystery#505, Ghost Rider III#82,
Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives#3, Ghost Rider III#87, Fantastic Four
III#35,36, 46,
[New Thunderbolts#2], 3, She-Hulk II#21
CODE: GREY (Tom Jeffers(wall street), Trudy Kockenlocker(chief engineer), Charlie Pike(cpa), Woodrow Truesmith(attorney) )
-special division designed to combat difficult fiscal/financial/legal issues
CODENAME: SPITFIREHURT of Earth-148611 (Jenny Swensen) - CIA division
dedicated to neutralizing groups like the Club
--Spitfire and the Troubleshooters#
CODE X - means by which sanity of X-Force/X-Statix candidates is tested, those who fail are killed;
test administered by Doop
CODRUS of the Hyborian era - Kozaki--The Flame Knife; Savage Sword of Conan#31
CODY ?? - werewolf, Braineaters under Scuzz, impregnated with silver
by Jack Russell and trapped in human form
- possibly the same guy as Razorblade
(app-brain)--Marvel Comics Presents# 107, (named)110 (107-112
CODY ?? - see ROBBINS, CODY--Uncanny X-Men#185
CODY, BRANDON - actor, former boyfriend of Vivisector, dumped him when he
briefly lost his powers
Nick Blight (app-vivisector)--X-Statix#19 (20
CODY, GARY - Department H, former friend of James MacDonald Hudson,
liaison to Alpha Flight, released Bedlam, killed by him
*D* (net)--X-Men I#109 (Alpha Flight II minus 1, Alpha Flight I#53(fb),
10/2, 17(fb1,fb2(XM#109)), AF92(fb), [UX121], AF51(fb), X-Men/Alpha Flight II#1(fb), AF I#1,2, XM+AF II#1, AF I#13,
Av249, AF29,30, 39, [47], 51, AF Annual#2, AF52(53(fb)d)
CODY, "HAMMER" - former boxer, drug addict, mutated by
cocaine from el Jardin del Rey, fought Daredevil, killed from its effects
*D* (app-spore)--Wolverine II#17 (17(fb,dies)
CODY, MATT - 19th Century, Dustville, boyfriend of Sarah, humiliated Jim Evans, inspiring him to become the Scorpion
(app-sting)--Rawhide Kid I#57 (57(fb)
CODY, WOLFE - pediatrician, discussed in utero mutant test
--Generation X: Crossroads
CODY, agent - O*N*E*
--X-Factor III#18
COE, BOROMIR "BORRY" of Earth-Astronet - advised Sancha regarding
(app-etchison)--Wizard Presents Open Space#0
COFFEE, BRUNO - bartender for Al Shaitan's bar. minor telepathic
powers, stopped wearing clothes
(app-as)--Hellstorm#2 (13
COFFEE BEAN (Chirs, Ginger,
Restaurant frequented by Peter Parker and his ESU classmates, the X-Men in their
civilian identities, and other NYC residents.
--Amazing Spider-Man I#53 (
Spider-Man/Human Torch#2
COFFIN, ELAINE - mother of Steve, former wife of Elaine
*D*--[Micronauts I#4] ([4(d)]
COFFIN, RAY - former astronaut + holder of Unipower
- "Orbiting Coffin," CAPTAIN UNIVERSE* (app)--Micronauts I#3 ([4(fb)]/8(fb),
[8(fb)], [2], 3-8, 12, [Marvel Spotlight II#9(fb)], 9
COFFIN, STEVE - Division U, Wraith Squad, son of Ray, former holder of Uni-Power, fought
Mr. E
-CAPTAIN UNIVERSE* (app)--Micronauts I#2 ([4(fb)], 2-8, 12,
[Marvel Spotlight II#9(fb)], 9, [Cosmic Powers Unlimited#5/2(fb)], 5/2
--Generation X#63 (64-66
COFFY, Det. -
--Daily Bugle#2 (3
COGBURN of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - SHIELD 2099
2099#35 (36
COGGER, -servant of Kingpin
—Daredevil I#338(339-341
COGNOSCENTI (Joshua Pryce + Al + baby girl Steadbaur) - agents of
Gaea, protectors of humanity
(Mystic Arcana, app)--Secret Defenders#19, (named) #24 (19-20, 23-25
COGNIUM STEEL - memory metal developed at Oracle INC, AIM sent
Highwayman to steal some
(app-highwayman)--Marvel Comics Presents#137/4
COHEN, IRVING - father of Izzy
--Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#24
COHEN, ISADORE "IZZY" - Howling Commando, native of Brooklyn, son of Irving and Selma, ace mechanic
--Sgt. Fury and the Howling Commandos#1 (2,
13/Captain America I#383/3
Captain Savage and his Leatherneck Raiders#1, 6
Gambit III#10,
Cap273, Incredible Hulk II#434
COHEN, SELMA - mother of of Izzy
--Sgt. Fury#24
COIL ( ) - Shadow City, Twisted Sisters, bond genetic changes to others, wf, blonde
--Fantastic Four III#17,18(named) (X-Men II#105
COILETE, Dr. - SHIELD II, examined Hawkeye (Clint Barton) to confirm his true
--Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America#3
) - Delta City, coin-operated robots, used by Hooded Eye, enemies of Fight
--Fight Man#1
COINs of HEAVEN - seven coins from each of the seven cities of Heaven, paid
to Phineas Randall for his gateways to Earth
--Immortal Iron Fist: Orson Randall and the Green Mist of
--Werewolf by Night I#11 (Monsters Unleashed#6(text), WwbN#11,12,17-21, 32, 38-41
COLÀBRUN - extradimensional
sorcerer, banished to Dimension of No Return by Dr. Strange
(app)--Vision & Scarlet Witch II#12
COLBERT, STEPHEN - comic actor, briefly ran for US President, aided
Spider-Man against Grizzly (Max Markham)
--Amazing Spider-Man#573/2
COLBURN, - SHIELD II, instructed by Sharon Carter to
destroy all records of Project: Contingency
--Wolverine/Captain America#2
COLBY ?? - us government, contacted Pixie, met with she and Black Fox regarding Nocturne’s activities in Petralova
--Marvel: Lost Generation#8
COLBY ?? of Earth-148611 - head of Sanctuary for children
--Psi Force (nu)#2
COLBY, BRETT of Other Earth - "Cowboy Town," assisted Fantastic Four and "Eyriennes"
against forces of the Warlord
(app-other)--Fantastic Four I#272 (273
C.O.L.C. - computer system created and used by the Void in his Antarctic base
Computer to Obliterate Life Completely--Sentry II#8
COLCORD, JIMMY - son of the Director
--Weapon X II#6 ([6(fb)], 6
COLCORD, KATHLEEN - wife of the Director
--Weapon X II#6 ([6(fb)], 6
COLCORD, MALCOLM - see DIRECTOR of Weapon X--Marvel Comics Presents#7_, (named) Weapon X II#6
COLCORD, SUZI - daughter of the Director
--Weapon X II#6 ([6(fb)], 6
COLDBLOOD (Eric Savin) - cyborg
-COLDBLOOD-7 (M, CWBDR, app)--Marvel Comics Presents#26/3
(30/3(fb), 31/3(fb), 26/3-35/3, Deathlok II#4(fb), [Excalibur: Air Apparent(fb)],
Ex:AA, [Dlok#18-19(fbs)], 18-21, Beyond#3 (fb), Civil War: Front Line#5/2, Civil War#6-[7]
COLDFIRE (James Lucas) - Cage's brother, mutated by Malus
(app)--(JL) Cage I#3; (Cf)#13 (3, 8, 10, 12-14
COLD GREY - castle that Pete Wisdom liberated from terrorists
--Excalibur# (fb);
COLD GREY of Earth-295 - Antarctic hideout of Mystique
COLDHEART (Kateri Deseronto) -
Armored government agent, sought vengeance on superhumans for death of her son,
interrupted fight between Spider-Man and the Hobgoblin (Macendale), attempted to
kill them both with her freezing swords, dissuaded by Macendale's young son,
apparently killed by Nitro's explosion in Stamford
*D* (OH: Spdm: BiB,
app)--Spider-Man I#49 (Civil War#1d)
COLD PEOPLE (Ternak) - abominable snow men, acquired technology from
Tibetan monk (Master) @ 500 years ago, transformed into human form
-CHOSEN, SNOW CREATURES (app)--Fantastic Four I#145 (146
COLDSNAP - catalytic pathogen created by Department H.
able to accelerate the growth of microorganisms
COLDSTEEL (Joseph Stalin) - Lethal Legion-Satannish
(app)--Avengers West Coast#98(99,100
COLDWAR ( ) - ice-powered villain, fought Captain
(app)--Marvel Comics Presents#2/4 ([New Avengers Most Wanted
(Prof. Will? Sinkovitz) - @ 1958, American scientist duped by Diabolik
into believing 3D-Man was a communist agent, battled him, recruited by
Yellow Claw to help with kidnapping of President Eisenhower
*D*--Marvel Premiere#37 (What If I#9
--War Machine#7 (7d
COLD WARRIORS ( ) - encountered Colossus/Rasputin (app)--Marvel Comics Presents#10
COLD WINTER - Haida tribe sorcerer @ 150 years ago in British Columbia,
jealous of Sweet Grass' love for Whistle Pig, used a spell to transfer Whistle
Pig's spirit into a totem, slain in Living Totem's subsequent rampage, spirit
remained on Earth and when the Living Totem regained his freedom, Cold Winter
began possessing dolls to seek revenge
(app-living_totem)--Doc Samson II#1 (1 (fb, dies), 4/2
COLE - see OLD MAN COLE (app)--Cable II#96
COLE - daughter of Salamandra and the Wizard, had brief romance with Human
Torch, vanished after using her powers to take down the Wizard
Absorb and shed mass to affect gravity on others
(app)--Fantastic Four III#85 ([85(fb)], 85-87
COLE - Kyln guard, human, perished in Annihilation Wave
*D* (app)--Thanos#7 (8-11, Annihilation: Prologue#1d)
COLE ?? of Earth-93060 - ultra, allied w/ Breakdown
able to manipulate light
--Freex(uv)15 (Ultraverse Premiere#9/3
COLE, BRYAN - one of Nick Fury's "caterpillars"
--[Secret Warriors#1/2]
COLE, JENNA - cured of addiction by
Anti-Venom, referred to FEAST
--Amazing Spider-Man Extra!#2 (2009)
COLE, JONATHAN PAYTON "BLACK JACK" - father of Kevin, nicknamed d/t dark
complexion, former cop, framed for drug possession when refused to cooperate
with corrupt cops, beaten nearly to death in prison
--Black Panther III#50
(53(fb1), 53(fb2), 50, 53-56
son of John, adopted identity of Black Panther while
on suspension, trained as White Tiger
(net-handbook-BP)--Black Panther III#50 (53(fb1), 53(fb2),
50-56, 59-62
--Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD II#32
--X-Force I#43
COLE, TREVOR - former host of the grey symbiote that later
merged into Hybrid
*D*--Venom: Lethal Protector#4 (5, Spider-Man/Human Torch#5,
Venom: Separation Anxiety#1-4(d Trevor), Venom: Along Came a
COLE, WADE - Reaver, formerly of Hellfire Club
*D*--Uncanny X-Men#133 (152, Marvel Graphic
Novel: New Mutants, Wolv37(fb), UX205, 248,249, 251-255, 262, 269, 281
COLE, Mrs. - mother of John
--Black Panther III#50 (53 (fb2), 50, 52, 54-56,
61,62, Crew#2, 4
COLE, fetus - son of Kevin & Gwen
--[Black Panther III#50], (ultrasound images) Crew#2
COLE, sheriff - agent of Calavera
(app-calavera)--Daredevil Reborn#1-4
COLE, warden - Ryker's Island
--Daredevil II#81 (83, 84, 86-87, [107-108]
COLEMAN, - agent of Norman Osborn
--Amazing Spider-Man#569
COLEUR - Seven, elderly, new recruit
--Blade#1 (2-5
COLGAN ( ) -
--Marvel Mystery Comics#21
COL. GATE ( ) - criminal mastermind, set a trap for
Milk & Cookies, captured by Human Scorch
Employed S'aanta
(app-milkcookies)--What The?#10/2
COLIN ?? - brother of Bridget, terrorist, pressured Liam Connaughton
to serve terrorists, injured in one of Liam's explosions, incarcerated
COLIN ?? - Midtown High School faculty or staff
--Spider-Man/Human Torch#5
identity used while in human form
--Eternals III#1, (identified) #2
COLISAN - Dimension of Blackbodies,
Iridian race
--Silver Surfer I#111
COLISSEUM (Mike + Suzi Berengetti, Mr. Fixit) - Las Vegas casino, employed Hulk as
Joe / Mr. Fixit
--Incredible Hulk II#34_( 418, Dr.
Strange III#70
COLL, VINCENT - Hell's Kitchen criminal, grandfather of Elaine (Scorpia),
former rival of Silvermane in his early days
COLLAPSAR - Mys-Tech agent on Eopia
--Dark Guard#2 (3,4
COLLAR - System Crash
--Daredevil I#326 (327
COLLECTION AGENCY (Janus, Jude, Shaara) - Kresh mercenary cyborgs, formerly employed by Collector.
(app)--Silver Surfer III#61 (62 (fb), 61-64
COLLECTIVE - collection of mutant energies/powers of those who lost them on
M-Day, formerly guided by the mind of Xorn, briefly inhabited mind of Michael Pointer
before traveling to Genosha and bonding with Magneto, but then driven out by
Avengers and Daisy Johnson, energies sent into the sun by Sentry but continued
to be accessed by Pointer as Guardian
Abyss, Aero, Agent Zero, Angel Dust, Armena Ortega, Artie, Arturio Falcone,
Beak, Black Tom Cassidy, Blind Faith, Blob, Boost, ?, Bora, Brass, Caiman,
Chamber, Conquistador, El Aguila, Fatale, Flambe, Freakshow, Gloom, Hack, Hanna
Levy, ?, Harpoon, Hazard, Hub, Hybrid (Wraith), Jon Spectre, Jubilee, DJ, Key,
King Bedlam, Kiwi Black, Lara the Illusionist, Lightning Rod, Longneck, Magneto,
Mary Zero, Mist Mistress, Monsoon, Moonstar, Murmur (Alpha Flight), Murmur (Emplate's
Hellions), Nightwind, Overrider, Callisto, Paralyzer, Paul Patterson, Phantazia,
Polaris, Postman, Preview, Prodigy, Quicksilver, Quill, Radian, Radius, Reaper,
Redneck, Rictor, Scanner, Shatter, Shen Xorn; Shire, Randall or Shocker (Mutant
Force)?; Shola Inkosi, Slick, Slipstream, Spectre (Dallas Gibson), Spoilsport,
Strobe, Stacy X, Tag, Tantra, Tarot, Tattoo, Tether, Tremolo, Unus, Vague,
Wicked, Wild Child, Wildside, Wind Dancer, Windshear, Wiz Kid, Wraith (Hector
Mendoza), Zach, Forearm (listed but not pictured), Mesmero (listed but not
(Mighty Avengers: MWF)--New Avengers#16 (17-20, [Omega
Flight#1-5], [Marvel Comics Present#1/3, 2/4, 3/3, 4/4], 5/4-12/4
COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE (Others, Prodigals, Cliff Randall, Coordinator, Guard 18) -
(1960s, app)--Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD I#6
(Chang, Han, Ho, Lin, & Sun Tao-Yu) - Three Piece, five Chinese
mutant brothers, enslaved by Everlasting, grew to enormous proportions
draining life force from all of the Chinese until killed by Citizen V,
energy from body used to enable Flag-Smasher to retake control of
Ultimatum, recovered from apparent destruction
Merge into
single man with combined strength and ability of all, summon strength
of entire country for brief moments, although this severely weakens him
afterward, skilled martial artist, now able to split into numerous
duplicates, merge into giant form
(I#2, 198)—Incredible Hulk I#250, 279 (Marvel Super-Heroes:
Contest of Champions#1-3, Marvel Comics Presents #55/4, X-Force An3, [Citizen V
and the V Battalion: Everlasting#1, 2"d", 3(d), X-Men II#159,160, ?183,
[184-185]?, Civil War: X-Men#1, [2-3], 4, Thunderbolts: International Incident#1
(Taneleer Tivan) - Elders of the Universe, widower of Matani, father of
Carina, owner of Prisonworld prior to its consumption by Galactus,
created the Collection Agency, formerly held the Brethren, originally
began collecting diverse objects and beings to repopulate the universe
in case of genocide, eventually became obsessed with collecting, has
numerous starships holding museums of his collections, disintegrated by
Korvac, resurrected by Death for the Grandmaster as a result of the
Contest of Champions
Prophecy, uses variety of collection as weapons as
needed, has on occasion assumed a form with great energy powers
(I#3,D#3,M, net+bib)—Avengers I#28 (174(fb),
Marvel Monsters: Monsters on the Prowl, [Av27], 28, 51, Iron Man I#26,
Av#119, Incredible Hulk II#197, 198, Av174(fb), 175(fb), [159-161,
165-168, 170, 171], 172, 173, 174d, Marvel Super-Heroes: Contest of
Champions#3(res), Marvel Team-Up Annual#7, Avengers Annual#16(fb), West
Coast Avengers Annual#2, Silver Surfer III#3,4, 7, 9,10, 17-19, Thanos
Quest#2, Av334-339, Silver Surfer#58-61, [62,63], 64, [Av365],366,
Fantastic Four I#389, [Wolverine II#133],134-138, [She-Hulk: Cosmos in
Collision#1 (fb)], 1
(Taneleer Tivan) - Elders of the Universe, pushed out of Earth's orbit
--Paradise X: X
COLLECTOR ( ) - human, steals and
keeps objects of great value, including the true Shroud of Turin, the real Mona
Lisa, an actual copy of Aristotle's Poetics, a Feraliminal Lycanthropizer, and
the Pink Mink; Wolverine freed the Pink Mink from him
COLLECTOR of DEATH (Danbury Fawcett) -
--Captain America Comics#48
COLLECTORS (Silas Mourner, Nigel Pigman, Alfred Queely, Abner Little, princess Zanda, count Zorba) - COUNCIL of ANTIQUARIANS*
(app)--Black Panther I#1 (2, 3, 4/Black Panther
III#48(fb), Black Panther I#5-7, Iron Man III#16, 18, 21/2, 22, Black
Panther III#40-45
COLLETTE ?? - agent of Mycroft
(app-myc)--Iron Man I#316
--Iron Man IV#29 (30-31, 32?
COLLIER, CARLSON "COOT" Sr. - director at Delazny Studios, former
cowboy movie actor, father of Carson
(app-enforcer)--Ghost Rider II#13 (14,15, 18,19, 21-23, Marvel Team-Up I#58, GR25,26
COLLIER, CARSON Jr. - son of Coot, framed by and as Enforcer, fate
unknown, possibly became a Scourge
(app-enforcer)--Ghost Rider II#24 (Official Handbook of the
Marvel Universe I#4(fb)?, GR24, OH Deluxe#17, [Spider-Woman I#19]
COLLIER, LUCAS - New Beulah, Montana, had heart attack, while briefly dead he
was enslaved into Zadkiel's army, but was then resuscitated, sought by Johnny
Blaze to learn more about Zadkiel, eventually committed suicide so he'd go to
Hell and avoid Zadkiel
*D*--Ghost Rider VI#20 (21 (fb), 20-22, 23d)
COLLIER, Miss - former teacher of Emma Frost
--X-Men Origins: Emma Frost
--X-Force I#99
(net-gold)--(g)Kid Komics#1
COLLINS, CHRISTINE - EMT, sister of Demetrius, succeeded him as partner of Jake Olsen. impersonated by Enchantress
--Thor II#26 (27, Cap34, Thor29, Thor An2001, [Thor41]
COLLINS, DEMETRIUS - undercover narcotics officer,
EMT, brother of Christine, former partner of Jake Olson, investigated
him for drug dealing. bm
--Thor II#1 (2-4, Avengers III#8, Th5,6,8, [Peter
Parker: Spider-Man#2], Th9,10, 14-16, 18-20, Thor Annual 2000,
Thor#26,27, 46
COLLINS, DIRK - pre-modern era, impersonated Maaboo, duped his Cult
into surrendering their gold to him, chosen by Maaboo as representative of worst
of humanity and taken back to his world
(app-maaboo)--Tales of Suspense I #19/3
COLLINS, EMMA - servant of Braddocks, cared for after becoming ill by
personification of Mastermind robot, died from neurological degeneration
*D* (app)--(UK) Captain Britain I#13 ([Daredevils#2(fb)],
CB I#13, 15, [Daredevils#2 (fb)], 2, 4, [Mighty World of Marvel#16(fb)], 16,
Captain Britain II#2, 5, 7, [8], 9, [14(fb)], 14, [Excalibur I#47 (fb, dies)]
COLLINS, GAIL - mother of Laurie, seduced and manipulated by Sean Garrison
--New Mutants II#11 (11(fb), New X-Men: Academy X#9, 12,
14-15, 28
COLLINS, JIM - family and friends slaughtered by Boy and other wilding
mutants during Golgotha invasion
--X-Men II#167
- circa 1952, former assistant to Thursby, shot and killed by him when
opposed his plans to use his time machine for world domination
(app)--Adventures into Weird Worlds#13/4
--New Mutants II#2 (11(fb), 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7-12, 13, New
X-Men: Academy X#1,2-->Wallflower
COLLINS, MARSHA - NYPD, assaulted by Vermin, sent into shock
(app)--Spectacular Spider-Man II#131
COLLINS, MATT - @ 1953, played prank on Waldo Forrest by posing
as a werewolf, shot and killed by him
*D* (app-waldo_forrest)--Menace#3 (3d)
Fantastic Four#544-546, Black Panther IV#27
COLLINS, MILLIE - see MILLIE the MODEL--Millie the Model#1; Fantastic Four Annual#3
COLLINS, MURRAY - Thunderbolts monitor duty
--Thunderbolts: Breaking Point
COLLINS, NICK - son of Tracy and Michael (Deathlok) Collins, brother of
--Deathlok I#1 (Deathlok II#1(fb), I#1,2, II#1, 6,7, 12-15,
17, 21-25, 26, Annual#2, 2/3, 27-29, 31-32, 34, Beyond#6
COLLINS, PATRICIA - daughter of Tracy and Michael (Deathlok) Collins, sister
of Nick
--[Deathlok I#1], Deathlok II#26 (born) ([Deathlok II#1(fb),
I#1,2, II#1, 6,7, 12-15, 17, 21-25], 26, Annual#2, 2/3, 27-28, [29], 31-32, 34,
- mutant, former X-Factor trainee, X-Terminators, New Mutants, Mutant
Liberation Front (brainwashed by Stryfe), Acolytes, former member of US
Navy, rescued by X-Factor after inadvertently burning a woman, former
romantic interest of Skids, apparently killed by Holocaust/Nemesis.
Generate and manipulate fire
FIREFIST* *D* (U#2, 2006#1-acolytes, net)--X-Factor
I#1 (2, 4,5, 7-10, 12-16, 17/Thor#379, [Marvel Fanfare I#50(fb)],
XFac17-23, 27,28, Annual#3/2, XFac29-33, Fantastic Four I#342(fb),
XTerminators#1-4, New Mutants I#72-74, XFac40, NM76, XFac41,
NM77,78,[79],80,82-87, 100, Cable: Blood & Metal#1,2, XMen II#13,
15, Uncanny X-Men#315, XM: Prime, XMen#42
COLLINS, E.R."SKIP" - mutated by army nuclear experiments,
subconsciously used abilities to make things around him the way he liked them,
apparently exhausted powers repairing damage to earth caused by close proximity to
Formerly subconsciously alter reality
-The Man with the Power (app)--F4 I#234(234(fb),234
--All-Select Comics#7
COLLINS, TRACY - wife of Deathlok (Michael Collins) ,mother of Nick and
--Deathlok I#1 (Deathlok II#1(fb), I#1,2,4, II#1, 12-15, 17,
21-25,26, Annual#2, 2/3, 27-29, 31-32, 34, Beyond#6
COLLINS, WALTER - former landlord of Baxter Building, opposed presence of
Fantastic Four until it was bought from him by Reed Richards following the destruction of the top several levels by
(app)--[Fantastic Four I#3], 111 (114, 116, 120, 126,127, Giant-Size Super-Stars#1, Fantastic Four I#177,
191, 201, 244
COLLINS, WILLIAM - SHIELD, led mission against Isle of Exiles
--Super-Villain Team-Up I#17
COLLIN, - Secretary of Defense(?), enlisted the Abomination as a secret
weapon to be sent after enemies of the USA
--Hulk: Destruction#1 (4
COLLINS, - Office of Insufficient Evidence
COLLINS, nurse - worked for Dr. Paul Janson, rival of Alison Blaire for his affections
--Dazzler#5 (7,10,11
COLLINS, Det - NYPD, investigated murder of Ben Parker-6078
--Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man#18
--Marvel Comics Presents II#4
COLOMBUS of Earth-Cable - pirate, allied with New Canaanites, former owner of
Gender Splay, killed by Tetherblood
inhuman appearance
(XM:BoA) *D*--[XM:BoA],Ask3(4d)
COLON, CARLIE - neighbor of Dan Ketch in Bronx, daughter of superintendant of his building, sister of
Choo Choo, body briefly taken over by one of the Ember of the Furies, saved by Ketch/Ghost Rider
--Ghost Rider III#70 (71,73, 79,80, 86
COLON, "CHOO CHOO" - brother of Carlie, minor criminal in the
Bronx, ally of Randolph and Toother, several encounters with Ketch/Ghost Rider
--Ghost Rider III#70(71-73,79,80
COLON, CHERYL - former girlfriend of Chris Powell
--Darkhawk#3 (7, 9-11, [16(fb)], 17, 21, 23-25,
27, 40, 48
COLONEL ( ) - 19th Century megalomaniac, utilized
giant spider, worked out of Bavarian Castle Frankenstein
*D* (app)--Frankenstein Monster#6
COLONEL of Earth-3071 - Underground, slain helping Wolverine destroy the
Wore Adamantium armor and used gun firing adamantium bullets
(app-earth3071)--Wolverine: Snikt#1 (3(fb), 1-5
COLONEL AMERICA (Craft, Trenton)
(app) - see also CRAFT, TRENTON--Marvel Comics Presents II#1,
(identified) 8 (1 (fb)/8 (fb)
--Marvels Comics: X-Men
COLONEL KLAUE - Blitz Squad.
Iron hand
--Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#39 (41
COLONEL PTERODACTYLEE - miniature pterodactyl taken from the Savage
Land and kept as pet by Nightcrawler
(app)--X-Men Special Edition#1
COLONEL TUSKER-earth-238,hero,killed by fury.
used killer toy
*D* (app-lh238)--(UK)[MSH#387(d)],DDevils7(fb,d)
COLONIAL GOVERNMENT of Earth-Amusement World - Directs earth and the
other worlds in the solar system colonized by humanity
(app)--Avengers: The Man Who Stole Tomorrow ([Av: TMWST(fb)],
COLONIAL VANGUARD of Galador (Velena-Than) - warrior
force, serve as counterbalance to spaceknights, many are failed
spaceknight cadets,
tension between the two groups
COLONIZERs of RIGEL (Grand Commissioner,Scientist Supreme,Tana Nile ) - colonize planets, created
--Thor I#131(132 406,407,[408]
COLONY (Harmony-1, Molly + Mr. + Mrs. Hunt, Wilfred Tobias) - underground self-sufficient facility in
Arizona, established by us government to house those mutated by 1950s above ground nuclear testing, formerly watched over by
US government, encountered by Thing, who helped them gain their independence
Super-Heroes III#5/2 ([5/2(fb)], 5/2
COLONY - Shi'ar Death Commandos, insect colony
--Uncanny X-Men#470 (471
COLOSIA, ULYSSES RENALDO 2099 - ally of Broken Haiku, killed by Foolkiller
*D*--X-Men 2099#11 (22, 32(fb,d))
COLORS CRIMINALS (Bluebird Brothers, Buglers in Black,
Green Gagsters, Red-Robed Rainmakers, White Wizard + assistant, Yellow Yahoo)
- series of unrelated criminals using color schemes over the
course of a week
(app)--Amazing Spider-Man: A Book of Colors and Days of the
"COLOSSAL" CRAIG - large and strong criminal, escaped from prison,
defeated by Captain America
(app)--Marvel Fanfare I#29/2
COLOSSEUM - planet of battle used by Megaira and Termagent
Head & Killpower: Battletide#1 (2-4
--Marvel Mystery Comics#44
--Captain America Comics#48
COLOSSO - robot used in X-Men’s Danger Room, reprogrammed by Doom to attack X-Men, destroyed by Marvel Girl
(app)--X-Men I#22 (Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Comics Magazine#3, XM94/Classic
X-Men#2, UX110, X-Men I Annual#3
COLOSSUS - stone statue created by Mingo, brought about his defeat.
(app-mingo)--Tales to Astonish #53/2
-AGENT 7M (app)--Tales to Astonish I#58
COLOSSUS - pawn of Horusians, shattered and buried by the Hulk
(app)—Incredible Hulk II#145 (145(fb)], 145
"Peter" Nikolaievitch Rasputin) - Russian mutant, X-Men, Acolytes,
Excalibur, brother of Illyana and Mikhail, artist, father of Peter of
the Fall People, temporarily lost memories + powers after passing
through the Siege Perilous, sacrificed life to release cure for the
Legacy Virus
Transform into organic steel for great strength and durability
PROLETARIAN, Peter Nicholas (I#3, D#3, M, OH: X2005, 198, net) <chronology grossly incomplete>--Giant-Size X-Men#1 (Professor X and the X-Men#4(fb), Uncanny X-Men#122(fb), GS XM#1
(GSX#3), ,
GSX#4, XM94
X-Men Unlimited#29/2, XM I#107, Uncanny
X-Men#112-115, 123,124, 128,129, 131-137, 141,142, Dazzler#1, UX143,
Spider-Woman I#38, UX145
Rogue II#1, X-Men Unlimited II#6, UX177-179, 183, 211, 227, , X-Men
Unlimited II#14 (fb), Uncanny X-Men An12, Marvel Comics Presents#10/3, 11-17, UX231, 259, 262,263, 277-279
XM II#25, UX393(fb),
Cable II# ,UX315,XM:Prime,XM II#42-44,UX325,Ex91 XM+ClanD#1,2 Ex113,Colossus1,Ex114
Ex122-125,UX360,XM II#80 UX367 Generation X#53,
UX308, XM88, UX369, X89, UX370, X90, UX371 ( ), X91, X An1999, UX372,
X92, UX373-375, X-Men Unlimited#27, Gambit III#16, XM II#100,
[Astonishing X-Men III#6(fb)], 5(fb), 4-6, 7, UX460-461, X174, X-Men
Unlimited`II#14, 14/2, X-Men: Colossus: Bloodline#1-5, [Thing II#8
(fb)], 8, New X-Men#28-29, X-Men II#189, 193, X200-204
COLOSSUS - see WALL (app-xfor)--[Cloak & Dagger III#9], 10
COLOSSUS - see Jeremy ??.
--Uncanny X-Men#427
COLOSSUS of Earth-Colossus - @ 2020, computing machine which ran the world
(app)--Strange Tales I#72
COLOSSUSUS - X-Babies, counterpart to Colossus
--Uncanny X-Men An12/2, (named) X-Babies Reborn (UXM
An12/2, XBabies#1, X-Babies Reborn#1, X-Men Unlimited#37
COLUMBUS of Earth-Cable -
--Askani'son#3 (4
COLT 8162 – ally of Keepsake, split up a map with him
(app-keep)—Death’s Head I#5 (5(fb), 5
COLT, JEFF - FBI agent, partner of Ray Kinsolving, investigated Carol Danvers
(app)--Captain Marvel I#16
COLT, JEFF - yuppie veterinarian, tapped into Omegatron power as needed to achieve escalating physical power, nearly allowed the
Omegatron to achieve critical mass when attempted battle with Hulk, lost abilities when the fight was stopped, link
dissolved with his permission by Dr. Strange
ANYTHING MAN* (app)--Defenders I#69 (69(fb), 69
COLTON, Captain - British police or military
--Captain Britain and MI13#7
COLUMBIA - Fury Secret Base 14
--[Secret Warriors#1/2]
COLVILLE, agent - FBI?, guided Angela Del Toro to work for James Guererro's
security firm (212 Security?)
--White Tiger#1
DIRECTOR - Mystikos Sect, Vampires, ally of Svetlana, funded Mercy General
Hospital, used blood banks to refraining from killing humans, hired Deadpool to
protect them from the Claw Sect, given the Claw Sect's amulets by Deadpool.
--Deadpool IV#30 (31
Last updated: 05/11/12