DeBLASIO, AMBER - daughter of Phil, manipulated Wolverine in effort to track down her father
    --Wolverine: Under the Boardwalk#1

DeBLASIO, PHIL - former Mafia underboss and boyfriend of Katrina McCann, disappeared decades ago after confrontation with Wolverine
    --Wolverine: Under the Boardwalk#1 (1 (fb), 1

DeBOUVIER, SIMONE - social worker, investigated whether it was safe for Franklin & Valeria to live with the Fantastic Four
    --Fantastic Four III#528 (529, 533, 535

De CORDOVA, FRED - producer of Johnny Carson's "The Tonight Show"
    (app-Carson, Johnny)--Amazing Spider-Man I#305 (Marvel Comics Presents I#39-40

DeCYST, Dr. DANIEL - alchemist @ 1759, transported himself to extradimensional realm and took over the yellow humanoids there, extended life by consuming their blood, eventually killed by female native
    *D* (app)--Incredible Hulk II#311(311(fb),311

DeDIAMOND, OLIVIA of Earth-Path of Righteousness - 2159, former leader of West Hills Minion Appreciation Society, became ally of Death-Wreck
    (app-earth-por)--Death Wreck#3 (4

DeDIAMOND, MAXWELL of Earth-Path of Righteousness - father of Olivia, willingly allowed the Path of Righteousness Patrol to try to capture her
  (app-earth-por)--Death Wreck#3 

DeFALCONE, TOMAS - candidate for presidency of Trans-Sabal, assassinated by the Foreigner
    --Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #14/2

DeFAZZIO, TONY - part of Patrillo crime family, wiped out by Punisher while being used as a distraction by Bullseye
    --Punisher vs. Bullseye#2

de FONTAINE, CONTESSA VALENTINO ALLEGRA - SHIELD I & II, Femme Force, CIA, SHIELD's UK liaison, daughter of French resistance fighter from World War II, former lover and roommate of Nick Fury until betrayed his trust during the Deltite affair, resolved differences after death of Kate Neville and apparent death of Strucker
    (U#2,net)--Strange Tales I#159/2 (162/2-164/2,167/2,168/2, Nick Fury: Agent of Shield I#1,2,5,12(Avengers I#67),14 15, Captain America I#145-150 152 153 166 167, Av118, Cap169, Daredevil I#120,122,123, Cap188-191 XMen I#98, Marvel Two-In-One#26, Ms Marvel#17, Marvel Spotlight I#31, Marvel Team-Up I#82,83, Spider-Woman I#37, Uncanny X-Men An7, Marvel Fanfare I#47, UXM182, Captain America/Punisher: Blood and Glory#2, Wolverine/Fury: Scorpio Connection W/F:Scorpio Rising, Nick Fury vs SHIELD#1-6, Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD III#1-9 12-22 Infinity Gauntlet#1 3, NF25,26 Punisher:PoV#4, NF27 30,31 42 46,47, DoubleEdge#2, Fury of Shield#1-4, Cap439, Incredible Hulk I#434, Punisher III#1 Kitty Pryde: Agent of SHIELD#1-3, Cap449, Fury/Agent 13#1,2, Secret War#1 (fb), [Secret War: From the Files of Nick Fury(fb)], Secret War: From the Files of Nick Fury, Secret War#3 (fb), [Union Jack II#1 (fb)], 1-4, Captain America V#26, Punisher War Journal II#14

DeGANN, KRIS - student at Columbia University, friend of Tony Stark (Iron Lad)
    --Iron Man I#326 (328-330

DeGRAYDE - Microverse, chief scientist of Force Commander and later Baron Karza
    -BATTLEAXE*--Micronauts I#34 (35,36, 40, 43, 46-50, 52,53, 55-57, X-Men/Micronauts

DeGUZMAN, RANDOLPH - Darkholder, former leader of a sect, adoptive father of Diabolique via unidentifed demoness, FBI, former superior to Sam Buchanon, sought to reassemble Darkhold, eventually driven mad by Diabolique when she allowed him a glimpse of Chthon
    (app) --[Darkhold#1], 3 ([1,2],3,[4] 7,8-10

DeJUNAE, ELAN of Earth-982 - see FURY the GOBLIN QUEEN--Spider-Girl#73, (named) 74

    --Marvel Comics#1 (Marvel Mystery Comics#4-5, Marvel Mystery Comics#18)

de la COURTE, ARTHUR - vampire, former headmaster of Swiss boarding school, discovered and destroyed by M
    *D/R/D*--[Generation X#60],61(62d)

de LaGUARDIA, captain FRANKLIN - New York Police Department, Internal Affairs
    --Black Panther III#55

de la JOYA, Sister MARIA - nursed Joseph/"Magneto" back to health after his arrival in South America, later questioned by Maggott
    --Uncanny X-Men#327 (345

de la PAZ, PILAR - captured by agents of Controller, held in Futurepharm facility
    --Invincible Iron Man#12

de la SALLE, BEATRICE - headmistress of Hull House, operative for Department H’s youth acceleration division, monitored for beings developing powers
    (net)--Alpha Flight II#2 (3,4

de la SPIROZA, COUNTESS STEPHANIE - widow of wealthy European man, inherited Dufours precision manufacturing from him, in past hired Mad Thinker to kidnap Tony Stark to expose Iron Man's true identity, more recently, hired Stark Solutions to save her from  hostile takeover by Arms Merchant
    --Tales of Suspense I#69 ([Iron Man: Iron Age#1(fb)], 69-72, Iron Man III#3(fb),2(fb),2,3

de la TRIANA, MARIANNA CUTLASS - vampire, vamped by Dracula, begged him to destroy her after Blade killed her husband
    --Tomb of Dracula I#48

de lo SANTO SILVA, CARMELO - drug dealer, kidnapped and fatally poisoned Samuel Lacey as vengeance against director William Lacey, slain by Wolverine
    *D*--Wolverine: Firebreak#1/2 (2008)

de LEON, JUAN PONCE y FIGUERA - allegedly discovered fountain of youth in Florida?, slain by cousin Count Duende
    --    ; Captain America: Hail Hydra#3 (2011)

DeNATALE, ROBERTO - New York crimelord, owner of Scurvy Jack's tavern, employed Benini + Bluto + Georgie, sought to force Spider-Man's identity from DJ Jones
    (app)--Amazing Spider-Man I#262

DePAUL, agent ALEX - SHIELD II, special agent, traitor, allied with Warhawks, originally dedicated, but overzealous, in charge of investigation of Tantalus, conflicted with Code: Blue, involved with capture of Inferno 42, became convinced earth was precariously balanced on edge of nuclear destruction, joined with Ares in effort to build Gabriel Horn to destroy all technology except that of SHIELD, provided Mandroid armor to the Warhawks, in order to prevent nuclear war, died in battle with agent Palamas.
    wm, dark hair + beard, sometimes wore Mandroid armor
    *D* (app)--Thunderstrike#5 (6,7, 13,14, Hercules: Heart of Chaos#1,2,3d)

DePAULA, LUNA - runs Grind Stone cafe, lesbian, injured during power flare up from Surge, but agreed to hire her to help pay back damages
    --New Mutants II#7 (8, 12, 13, New X-Men: Academy X#1, New X-Men#33

De PEYRAUD, dame RENE - independently wealthy socialite, opposed IDIC, had heart attack
    (app)--Master of Kung Fu I#102 (102(fb), 102

DePRES, ANTHEA - Daily Bugle

De QUEVEDO, - scientist involved with creation of the Children of the Vault
    --[X-Men II#191] ([191 (fb)]

de RUYTER, ANDREAS - see RUYTER, ANDREAS (app-ar)--Marvel Team-Up I#100/2

de PSYND, HUGH of Earth-311 - circa 1602 AD -

de VALERIE, ALFRED of Earth-93060 - occultist, made snuff films to sacrifice victims to raise a demon; left (?) hand shot off by Alec Swan while trying to sacrifice Clay Blake to raise Hakeldama

de WINTER, LEOTA of the Old West - marriage arranged to Ned Masters, daughter of Colonel Winter
    --Marvel Westerns: Strange Westerns starring the Black Rider#1

de WINTER, Colonel of the Old West - see WINTER, Colonel
    --Marvel Westerns: Strange Westerns starring the Black Rider#1

De WOODE, GORDON (    ) -
    --Marvel Mystery Comics#28

DEACON - Old West, steed of Cliff Macklin
    (app-cm)--Arizona Kid I#1

DEACON - see LIFELINE. Harriers (app-harr)--Uncanny X-Men I#261

DEACON (Joey Farrell) - false religious leader, former lover of Kathryn Cinnibar, mutated by lightning bolt, sought to takeover Los Angeles gangs, defeated by the Shroud
    Generate light, rings of flames, and lightning bolts
    (app)--Marvel Super-Heroes III#7/3 (7/3(fb), 7/3

DEACON (    ) - religious zealot/killer, imprisoned in Waxahachie Maximum Security Prison, released by guard loyal to Zadkiel, granted Elixir of Rock of the Rock of Etam and mystic daggers, battled Ghost Rider (John Blaze), defeated
    abnormally large & strong; granted superhuman strength by elixir, used mystic daggers able to slice through Ghost Rider's chain
    --Ghost Rider VI#24 (25

DEACON of Earth-982 ( ) - ally of Doc Magus
    --J2#4 (12, Spider-Girl#71, Last Hero Standing#2, Amazing Spider-Girl#4, 6

DEACON's DEN of Earth-982- comic shop owned by Deacon
    , Amazing Spider-Girl#4, 6

DEACON, RAY - see MISTER X (app)--Captain America I#271

DEACON, RICHARD - see FLY (app)--Amazing Spider-Man Annual#10

DEACON, TINA - NYPD, investigated murder of "Pistol Pete" Albano
    (app-colenorth)--Daredevil I#1

"DEACON JOHN" - see DEADZONE (app)--Marc Spector: Moon Knight#44

D. E. A. D. - led by Major Love, dedicated to putting the homeless and poor of Los Angeles out of their misery
    -Direct Euthanasia Action Division (app-ml)--Marvel Team-Up II#1

DEAD AIM ( ) - assassin, employed by the Foreigner's successor as leader of the 1400 Club
    (app)--Spectacular Spider-Man II#209 [209], 209-210

DEADAIR - Death Sponsors.
    purple skin + horns + wings
    --Uncanny X-Men Annual#16

DEADAIR ( Pyron) - trainee of Taskmaster, sent to capture Baron (Helmut) Zemo’s space platform alongside Deadpool, captured by SHIELD II.
    temporarily deactivate minds of others, bm, braided hair,glasses
    (net-dpi)--Deadpool III#39, 40(named) (41

DEADBIRD (    ) - Nightmericans, requires morphogentic resonance field to maintain existence, decapitated by Stealth after returning to Nightmerica
    appears to be a humanoid bird filled with sawdust
    --Hulk: Nightmerica#2 (3-6

DEADBOLT ( ) - Dark Riders, killed by Wolverine.
    Uses bones as weapons, blue, glowing skeleton
    *D* (net)--Cable II#17 (18, 19 X-Men Annual 1995, Wolverine II#95, 96, 99, 100d)

DEAD CERT 8162 ( ) - equine gang ruler, rival of Undertaker, hired Death’s Head-FPA to defend him
    --Death's Head I#6

DEADDEVIL of Earth-9502 - amalgam of Daredevil + Deadman
    -MAN WITHOUT LIFE--[Exciting X-Patrol#1]


DEADEND ( Malovick) - trainee of Taskmaster, sent to capture Baron (Helmut) Zemo’s space platform alongside Deadpool, captured by SHIELD II
    fire explosive charges from butt, wm, bald, white beard
    (net-dpi)--Deadpool III#39, (named) #40 (41

DEADEYE ( ) - Sensor Squad.
    wore bandana and circuitry over eyes
    --Moon Knight III#39 (40

DEADEYE - Humanity's Last Stand's Mutant Liberation Front.
    wore armor allowing him to fire plasma blasts from eye

DEADEYE of Earth-9602 ( ) - Bullseye + Deadshot, agent of the Big Question, slain by Catsai
    *D* (app)--DC vs Marvel#1, Assassins#1 (Dare the Terminator#131, The Nightmarish Dare#13, Dare#181, DC vs Marvel#3, [Assassins#1], 1d)

DEADEYE of Earth-Thunderguard (Clint Barton) - alternate dimensional counterpart of Hawkeye. Cyborg, trained Swordsmaster

DEADEYE of Earth-93060 (Frank Hayes) - Exiles-Deming, survived explosion
    (app)--Exiles(uv) I#1 (2-4,[Break-Thru#1]

DEADEYE DICK (            ) - Scourge/Watchtower
    (app-scourge)--Wolverine II#154 (155

DEAD GIRL (Moonbeam  ) – mutant, X-Force/X-Statix, apparently slain in battle against unnamed gunmen, briefly reanimated new body following conflict with the Pitiful One, entertained brief romance with Dr. Strange
    Regenerate from death, create and control images of the dead from imagination of others
    *D* (OH2006#3, app)–[X-Force I#121], 125 (126(fb), [121-122, 125], 125-129, X-Statix#1-5, 6-8, 9, X-Men Unlimited#41, Wolverine/Doop#2, X-Statix#11, 12, 13-18, 19-20, 21-25, 26(fb), 26d, Dead Girl#1-4, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man#24


DEAD HANGMAN OF RIVERTOWN, THE  (George Munson) - Escaped prison execution with the help of the executioner, prison doctor and a guard in exchange for a share of hidden jewels. Stole the prison doctor’s experimental dimensional fabric and murdered his former accomplices by pretending to be a vengeful spirit. Captured by the Sub-Mariner and returned to prison.
    Wore a costume made from special fabrics which allowed him to become transparent and invisible.
    --Human Torch Comics#25/4 (winter 1946) “The Dead Hangman”

DEADHEAD ( ) - weapons smuggler, partner of Skullcat + Sureshot + Kid Quarry
    (app)--Nova II#10

DEADHEAD (Rick Shea) - Headshop
    (app-headshop)--[Incredible Hulk II#345], 437 (438

DEADLINE (Dr. Kishi Oramosha) - Japanese scientist, much revered, went mad, designed science facility and exoskeleton to destroy every city on Earth starting with Japan in order to force humanity to care enough to work to save themselves, defeated and plans + weapons destroyed by Sunfire
    (app)--Marvel Comics Presents#32/4

DEADLY DOZEN (Ralph "Hoss" Cossgrove, Timothy "Dum-Dum" Dugan, Roland "Ace" Hamilton, Jake Jensen, Jay Littlebear, Laurie Livingston, Dino Manelli, Jack "Mad-Dog" Martin, Michael "Bullseye" Miller, Percival "Pinky" Pinkerton, Donald Sample, Howard Shigeta, Emory "Snake-Eye" Simpson, Larry "Hillbilly" Wagner, "Doc" Watson)
    - World War II troop, group of convicts, volunteered for combat duty in exchange for pardons, organized into a unit by "Happy" Sam Sawyer, all but Kelly killed during war, Laurie was crippled, Kelly resigned from army
    (1970s, app)--Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos#98 (Combat Kelly and the Deadly Dozen#1(fb), 1-3, SFahHC#104, CCatDD#4, [4(fb)], 5, 6(fb), 6-9

DEADLY ERNEST (Ernest St. Ives) - Canadian man, alleged father of Nemesis, empowered when fought off manifestation of death after exposed to mustard gas during World War I, established crime cartel in Quebec, killed Raymond Belmonde and allied himself with his daughter to steal his property, eventually killed by Nemesis.
     kill others with a touch
    *D* (1980s, net)--Alpha Flight I#7 (8(fb),7,8, 30

DEADLY NIGHTSHADE - see Dr. NIGHTSHADE--Captain America I#164

DEADMAKER (Gregori Anatolovich) - former KGB master assassin, double agent for Hydra, enemy of Mary and Richard Parker, killed by Richard
    *D* (app)--[Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1996/2]

DEADMAKER ( Anatolovich) - son of Gregori, attempted to kill Parker family
    (app)--Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1996/2 (1996/2(fb), 1996/2

DEADMAN - see SAVIOUR (app)--Wolverine: Evilution

    --Mystic Comics#3)

DEADPOOL (Jack, aka Wade Winston Wilson) - Frightful Four, former reserve member of the GLI, mercenary, former sumo wrestler under Oyakata, formerly affiliated with unidentified agency, Weapon X project, former agent of Tolliver, agent of Hellhouse, former pawn of Landau, Luckman, & Lake, ex-husband of Gretchen, convinced self he was Wade Wilson after nearly killing Wilson and killing his wife, former lover of Vanessa Carlysle, developed cancer, infused with artificial derivative of Wolverine’s healing factor by Weapon X project in order to cure his cancer, named for pool at Weapon X facility betting on deaths of subjects, currently attempting to redeem himself for his past crimes, mind/personality/powers briefly swapped/merged with Agent X and Black Swan.
    skilled hand-to-hand combatant and swordsman, enhanced healing factor, uses teleport belt, horribly mutated skin.
    CHIYONOSAKE/<Wolf of the Rice Wine>/CHIYO, WILDCARD*, briefly considered CANADAMAN* (M, OH: Wolv, Civil War, CWBDR)--New Mutants I#98 ([Cable & Deadpool#36 (fb)], Wolverine Origins#24-25 (fb), Deadpool III#36(fb2(30(fb),33(fb1)), fb3,fb1,32(fb1)), Deadpool TeamUp#1(fb3,1), Deadpool minus 1, Deadpool / Death An1998(fb1), (fb2) Dp36(fb3), Dp34(fb),35(fb),36(fb1) X-Men Unlimited#28/2(fb), NM I#98,XForce#2,4,5 10,11,14,15 Nomad II#4, Avengers I#366/2, Deadpool I#1-4, Secret Defenders#15-17, X-Men Premium Edition (Toys ‘R Us) #1, Deadpool II#1-4, Silver Sable#30, Wolverine II#88, Wolverine An1995/2, XForce#46,47,56, Deadpool Team-Up#1, Deadpool III#1-7, Daredevil/Deadpool Annual 1997, Dp8,9 10,11 XFor71 Dp12 13(XFor73 XFor76(fb)) Heroes for Hire#10,11, Dp14,15,16(fb1) Dp16(fb2-4) 17, Deadpool/Death Annual 1998, Dp19-21, GLX-MAS Special#1(fb), Dp22-25 31(fb2) Contest of Champions II#1,[2],3-5, Dp26-33 34,35 36 37 Wolverine An1999, Gambit III#17,18, Dp38 42(fb) 39-42, 43/BP22,Dp44,BP23,Dp45, Wolverine II#154,155, X-Men Unlimited#28/2, Dp46-48, 49, 5-,51, 52,53, 54,55, 56, 57-60, 61-64, 65-69, Agent X#14(fb), Agent X#13-15, Identity Disc#1-6, Cable and Deadpool#1-6, 7-10, 11-12, 13-14, X-Force II#4,5, Cab/Dp14-19, 20-23, Marvel Team-Up III#25, Black Panther IV#18, C/D24, 25, 26-29, [Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special#1], 30-32, 33-34, 35, 36/[36 (fb)], 37-39, 40-41, C/D42//X199, Deadpool/GLI - Summer Fun Spectacular#1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/6, 1/7, [C/D#43 (fb)], 43-44, 45-48, 49-50, Wolverine Origins#25 (fb), 20-25, Marvel Comics Presents II#10/3, Deadpool IV#1-3, 4 (fb), 4-5
    Deadpool#900; Deadpool#1000

DEADPOOL of Earth-1610 -
    (OH: UltSecret)--Ultimate Spider-Man#91

Deadpool Corps (Deadpool-616 (Jack/"Wade Wilson"), Dogpool-103173 (Wade Wilson, aka Cujo), Headpool-2149 (Wade Wilson, aka Shorty), Kidpool-10330 (Wade Wilson, aka Tito), Lady Deadpool-3010 (Wanda Wilson, aka Boobs)
    --Prelude to Deadpool Corps#4

DEAD RINGER (Lou Dexter) - mutant, formerly allied with Super-Patriot (Mike Farrell) in attempt to kill and adapt identity of Captain America, defeated and imprisoned by him.
    able to take on identity and abilities of dead people he contacts
    (app)--Captain America I#425 (439(fb), 425-428, 439

DEADWEIGHT (Electra ) - trainee of Taskmaster, sent to capture Baron (Helmut) Zemo’s space platform alongside Deadpool, captured by SHIELD II
    (net-dpi)--Deadpool III#39, (named) 40 ([41]

"DEADSHOT" DARRANCE - see DARRANCE, DEADSHOT (app)--Marvel Fanfare I#11

DEADWEIGHT of Earth-148611 ( ) -

DEADZONE – series of undersea caverns outside Atlantis, site of exile of Zoga, former base of Zoga and Ruthar, carries toxic and mutagenic gases,
mutated Zoga and the sharks that dwelled there
    —Marvel Comics Presents#7/4

DEADZONE (John DeZoan) - empowered by electric chair, used neurolash, immune to pain, electric power, slaughtered members of organized crime
    --[Moon Knight III#44],45(47-49

DEAL, ED - Stark Enterprises, worked on vls-2980 project, purchased Element Z from Inoshiro Kondo when Stark put his project on suspension
    (app-kon)--Marvel Super-Heroes III#15

DEALER (    ) - illicit arms dealer, affiliated with the Hobgoblin (Macendale), captured by Spider-Man
    (app)--Spider-Man I#44

dealer (    ) - drug dealer, worked out of Silver Ball arcade, defeated by Mr. Fantastic
    used gunmen
    (app-milesh)--Marvel Comics Presents#80/4

DEALER 2099 ( ) - Ratpack
    --X-Men 2099#2

DEALERS of HATE (    ) -
    --Kid Komics#6)

    (g) Marvel Mystery Comics#3 ( Marvel Universe#1

DEAN, WILL - alias used by rapist--Moon Knight VI Annual#1

DEAN, DARBY - father of Pathway and Goblyn, husband of Susan, former anti-mutant activist, attempted to use radiation to abort Goblyn
    (net)--Alpha Flight I#54  (54 (fb), 67, 97,98 109/2

    (net-goldage)--(g) Mystic Comics#1

DEAN, FRANK - Pride, Majesdane, last name possibly adopted as homage to James Dean, father of Lucy in the Sky, plotted with Hayses to slay the rest of the Pride and survive with their own children
    --Runaways#1 (13(fb), 13(fb), [Runaways II#8(fb)], Run I#1,2, 6,7, 11,12, 14, 15-17

DEAN, KAROLINA -  Runaways, Majesdane, daughter of Frank + Leslie, 16 years old, lesbian, left Earth to marry Xavin to try to bring peace to the Majesdane-Skrull war, returned with Xavin after peace negotiations destroyed
    Fly, light energy powers 
    LUCY in the SKY* (OH: Women)--Runaways#1, (Lucy) 6 (17(fb), [II#24], I#1-10, 11,12, 13, 14, 15-17, [18(fb)], 18, Runaways II#1-8, 14, 17 (fb), 16-18

    (U#2)—Alpha Flight I#49,53(54(fb),49,53-62 64-71 81 82 85 86 87(fb) 87 [88] 89 [90] 91 97,98 109/2 110-112->path)

DEAN, LESLIE  - Pride, Majesdane, last name possibly adopted as homage to James Dean, mother of Lucy in the Sky, plotted with Hayses to slay the rest of the Pride and survive with their own children
    --Runaways#1 (13(fb), 13(fb), [Runaways II#8(fb)], Run I#17(fb), 17(fb), 1,2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15-17

DEAN, SUSAN - mother of Pathway and Goblyn, wife of Darby, former anti-mutant activist, attempted to use radiation to abort Goblyn
    (net)--Alpha Flight I#52(54(fb),67 97,98 109/2

DEAN, WALTER "WALLY" - sought position in Camarilla of N'Garai, soul consumed by Satana
    *D* (app-camarilla)--Haunt of Horror#5/4 (5/4d)

DeANGELO, DEVLIN - criminal, weapons merchant, head of Devlin Enterprises, involved with Hulk, Hulkbuster Base, Ringmaster, and Super-Adaptoid.
    bm—Incredible Hulk II#469 (Hulk#1/2, IncH#469,472-474

DEANNA ?? - Juston Seyfert & Sentinel saved her from being assaulted by date Craig
    --Sentinel II#1

DEARBORN CENTER for HEMORRHALGIC DISEASE CONTROL – former base of Nosferatu vampires

DEARTH VAPORS (Donnie+Torgua Dearth)  - agents of Bzzk'joh
    (app-bj)--Howard the Duck I#23

DEA-SEA - Kree child
    --Infinity Gauntlet#2

DEATH - cosmic entity embodying mortality, claims relationship to Eternity and Galactus, worshipped by Thanos, opposed Dracula, unclear romantic relationship to Deadpool
    -MISTRESS DEATH, DEATH RYDER*, John Kowalski*, Marcia Lang*, the Little Man, Carlos Muerte*, the UNKNOWN, X-8-8
    (I#13, D#3, OH2006#3, Annihilation: Nova Corps Files, net)--
(Seen) Captain America Comics#1 (1941); (identified) Human Torch Comics #5b (1941); (modern) Captain Marvel #26 (1973) (Avengers: Celestial Quest#5(fb1),
    Kull the Conqueror III#4, Marvel Graphic Novel: Kull: Vale of the Shadow,
    Dracula Lives#9/4, Alpha Flight I#8(fb),
    War Is Hell#9-15,
    Mystic#18 (Russian Devil), Mystic#21 (Dorothy's Doll),
    Strange Tales I#3 (1951)
    Journey Into Mystery II#9 (Coffin of Hell), Amazing Adult Fantasy#9
    CaptMarv26,27 Deadpool/DeathAn1998(fb), Av17_(korvac), Avengers: Celestial Quest#8(fb), Marvel Super-Heroes: Contest of Champions I#1-3, Fantastic Four I#257, Secret Wars II#7, Spectacular Spider-Man II#111, Power Pack I#20, New Mutants I#41, West Coast Avengers An2, Avengers An16, Solo Avengers#5/2, Silver Surfer III#10, 17, 34, 38, Marvel Comics Presents#108/4-111/4, Thanos Quest#1,2 Spider-Man#17, Infinity Gauntlet#1, Quasar#25, InfG#2-6 Damage Control III#4, Infinity War#2, Dr. Strange III#45, Incredible Hulk II#418, Cosmic Powers Unlimited#1, Deadpool/Death Annual 1998, Dp33-37, Captain Marvel V#17(fb), 17,18, XMen Forever#1, Deadpool III#61, Avengers: Celestial Quest#2-8, Amazing Spider-Man II#62//503, Annihilation#4, 6

DEATH - formerly served a Satan, became tired of existence and sought its end, destroyed by Satan using the Crystal of Torment
    (app-crystaloftorment)--Haunt of Horror#3/8

DEATH - Axi-Tun, Four Horsemen of Apocalypse
    (app-fhoa)--Giant-Size Fantastic Four #3 (Quasar#14,16

DEATH (    ) - mutant? terrorist from St. Cyril, battled Captain America
    (app)--Marvel Fanfare I#26/2

DEATH - see ARCHANGEL. Apocalypse’s Horsemen
    (net)--X-Factor I#22 (Wolverine II#147(fb), XFactor I#22-24,25/Power Pack#25, Xfac26-37, Uncanny X-Men#242->arc)

DEATH - see CALIBAN. Apocalypse’s Horsemen--Uncanny X-Men#294

    Apocalypse’s Horsemen, sought to kill all involved in Operation: Zero Tolerance, decapitated Bastion, tracked Mannites.
    large wm, hooded face, mind shielded from telepathy, uses large sword
    --[Uncanny X-Men#372], Astonishing X-Men II#1, XMen II#95(id revealed) (Wolverine II#145(fb,) [UX372, X92], AXM#1-3, Hulk#8, X95, Wolv145, UX376, Cable#75, X96, Wolv146->wolv)

    Apocalypse's Horsemen
    --[X-Men II#183], 184 ([183], 184/2, 184-186

DEATH of Earth-1298 - see FALLEN.
    Apocalypse’s horseman
    --Mutant X#19

DEATH and ANARCHY - roadshow involving Anarchy and Dead Girl

DEATH dim - astral realm, temporary holding place for spirits of those who have suffered physical death but have not yet been claimed by afterlife
    --Marvel Fanfare I#6

DEATH THAT PROWLS ON FOUR LEGS - see THORI--Journey into Mystery#632 (February, 2012)

DEATH TO THE SHI'AR - see SCY'AR TAL race--X-Men: Emperor Vulcan#1

DEATH ADDER (Roland Burroughs) - Serpent Squad, Serpent Society, mutated by Roxxon, killed by Scourge.
    poisoned claws and tail, amphibious, mute
    (I#3,D#16,M)*D*--Marvel Two-In-One#64 (65, Iron Man I#160, Captain America I#307-311, 313, 315, Captain America I#318d, 319(d), Avengers Annual#16(d))

DEATH ANGEL - see ANGEL de la MUERTE--[Terror II#1, (identified) #2], 3

DEATH ANGEL of Earth-93060 - see LOST ANGEL (app)--Freex#1

DEATH ANGELs - Si-Fan equipped with jets
    --Master of Kung Fu I#47

DEATH BEARS - see DROP BEARS--Nextwave#5

DEATHBIRD (Cal'syee Neramini) - Shi'ar, Apocalypse’s Horsemen, former ally of Brood, oldest sister of Lilandra and D'Ken, exiled for murder of father, has in past overthrown Lilandra’s rule and served as regent to the Kree, sought aid of X-Men during Skrull + Phalanx attacks, briefly allied with Bishop, while lost in space, abandoned him after discovering Living Monolith/Living Planet.
    Evolutionary throwback, possesses wings and talons, uses telescoping javelins as weapons
    WAR* (I#3, D#3, M, OH: AZU#3)--Ms Marvel#9 (Untold Tales of Captain Marvel#1-3, MsM#9,10,22, Avengers I#189, Uncanny X-Men#155-157, 161, 162 Rom Annual#4, XM:Spotlight on the Starjammers#1,2, UX274-277, Avengers I#345,346, Iron Man I#279, Av347, Quasar#35, X-Men Unlimited#5, XForce#59, XMU#113, UX342-345,348,353,354,357,358, Team X 2000, UX372, X92, UX373-375, Cable II#74, X96, UX377, X97, Bishop: Last X-Man#15, Uncanny X-Men#480, 483 (fb), 482-483, 485-486, X-Men: Emperor Vulcan#1-5

    --Marvel Mystery Comics#2)

DEATHBIRTH of Earth-691 circa 2018 AD (Atalon, Crucible Guardians ) – breeding pens of Adams and Eves
    (app)—Amazing Adventures II#27 (28 (des)

DEATHBORG of Earth-9602 - Deathlok (Manning) + Cyborg, Sinister Society, constructed out of Promethium
    (app-ss)--Magnetic Men featuring Magneto#1

DEATH BREEDERS of Earth-691 circa 2018 AD - skeleton garbed worker of Deathbirth
    (app-deathb)--Amazing Adventures II#27(28,29, 31

DEATHBRINGER - see DEATH METAL (app)--Death Metal#2

DEATHBRINGER - see SPIRAL--X-Force: Shatterstar#3

DEATH CADRE - team of exo-skeleton wearing criminals, apparently supplied with technology by Grim Reaper, Man-Ape, and Saboteur
    --Heroes for Hire III#6

DEATHCHARGE (  ) - Atlantean mutate
    (app)--Namor Annual#4/2 (4/2(fb), 4/2

DEATH CHARIOTS - weapons of Emperor of Texas
    (app-emperor)--Team America#7


DEATH CRUSADE - see INNOCENTs of GOD (app-jer)--Marvel Team-Up I#33 (34, 35

DEATHCRY (Sharra Neramani) - Shi'ar youth, Avenger, left for space
    DC*, LIFECRY* (OH2006#3, app)--(Shadowed) Avengers I#363; (full) Avengers I#364 ([Avengers I#363 (fb) / 366 (fb) / Vision I#1-2 (fb) / Avengers#389 (fb) / Avengers Unplugged#2 (fb) / 5 (fb)], Av363-367,372,378,379 383 Vision#1-4,Av384,385,386 389,390 Avengers Unplugged#2, Captain America I#444, Incredible Hulk II#434, Avengers: Crossing, Av391,392, Iron Man I#323, Iron Man: Age of Innocence IM326, Av396,398,399, Hulk: Hercules Unleashed, [Annihilation: Conquest: Starlord#1 (fb)], 1

DEATH CRUISER - see DEVOS' DEATH CRUISER (app-devos)--Fantastic Four I#382

DEATH CULT - see INNOCENTs of GOD (app-jer)--Marvel Team-Up I#33 (34, 35

DEATH CULT of GAROKK (Trole, High Priestess)
    --Ka-Zar Annual 1997

DEATH CULT(ISTS) (Mark Krane, Bobbie, Al, Mike) - cult of cyclists worshipping death, led by Mark Krane
    --Ghost Rider II#38 (39

DEATH DANCE of Earth-93060 ( ) - Quattro
    --Solution(uv)#1 (2

DEATH-DANCERS (Baron and Baroness Kidersky) -
    --Human Torch#10

DEATH-DEALER (Li Ching-Lin) - agent of Wang Yu-Seng/Fu Manchu
    *D* (app)--Master of Kung Fu I#115 (116,117,118d)

DEATH-DEALER of Earth-8410 circa 2020 AD - see C-28 DEATH-DEALER
    (app-bain2020)--Machine Man II#1 (2-4)

death deity - nine-headed, referenced by Mung of Sakaar
    --[Punisher War Journal II#12]

DEATH DEMON - see DARKOTH (I#13, D#16, M, app)--Fantastic Four I#142

DEATH DUTY of Earth-8410 circa 2020 AD (Carlysle) - division of SHIELD, five agents that were killed and reanimated with technology, given cybernetic implants and advanced weaponry, used for the dirtiest jobs
    all infected with a deadly virus. intended to premiere in Death Duty#1, as part of Red Mist story
    - Z-7 —Wild Thing#3

DEATHFIRE BOMBS - powerful, destructive weapons carried on the Death's Head ship that arrived on Sakaar via the Great Portal, loaded with biological weapons and used to destroy the Spike-controlled city Umegus; subsequently added to Imperial Dreadnoughts and used against Fillians and the Hulk
    (app)--Incredible Hulk III#94

DEATH-FLAME - agent of Demon-Fire, flaming skeleton riding skeletal horse, used barb-wire lariat, killed by Morbius
    *D* (app)--Vampire Tales#7

DEATHGRIN (Daniel Davis) - empowered by Macedonian Mask of Death, battled Nightwatch
    (app)--Web of Spider-Man#104/2 (105/2,106/2

DEATHGRIP ( ) - former member of the Organization, mutated by explosion of the Eon Ray, destroyed when re-exposed self to Eon Ray in effort to cure himself.
    kill others with a touch
    *D* (app)--[Captain Marvel I#10], 55 (55(fb), [10], 55(fb), 55, 56d)

DEATHGRIP (Dr. Rowden Piper) - designed exoskeleton to slay Dazzler for her perceived role in causing his daughter's drug-induced coma; sent into a coma while battling Dazzler
    (app)--Dazzler#39 ([39(fb)], 39

DEATH-HAND – glove/weapon of Mordillo, fired compressed air and flames
    (app-mord)—Master of Kung Fu I#34 (35

DEATHLESS FRENZY - biotoxin, designed by Dr. Didier Ines, causes brief period of paranormal and berserker fury abilities followed by rapid deterioration and death
    Formula Dix-Septième, Frénésie Immortel (app)—Black Widow#1 (2-3

DEATH LOCKET (Rebecca "Becca" Ryker) - daughter of Harlan & Anna Ryker, sister of Brian; rebuilt as cyborg by father after rebels from the future critically injured her; taken by S.H.I.E.L.D. and subsequently stolen by Arcade
    --Avengers Arena#1

DEATHLOK the DEMOLISHER of Earth-7484 (Luther Manning) - mutated by Project: Alpha-Mech, third voice was a bug planted by Simon Ryker
    DEMOLISHER* (I#3,D#3,app)--Astonishing Tales I#25 (27(fb)/26(fb)/25(fb)/Paradise X: Heralds#2(fb), AT#25(fb)/Marvel Fanfare I#4, 26(fb), Astonishing Tales#25-28,30-35,36(Marvel Team-Up I#46), Marvel Spotlight I#33/Marvel Two-In-One#27(fb), MTIO#26-28, 34, Deathlok II#32(fb), [MTIO#53,54], Deathlok II#32(fb), Captain America I#286-288, Deathlok II#32(fb), [Daredevil I#336(fb), 337(fb)], Marvel Fanfare II#1, Paradise X: The Heralds#1-3, Paradise X#1-3, 6-10
    Deathlok II#32(fb), 32(fb3), Deathlok II#29, 31-34, Daredevil I#335-337

  • DEATHLOK of Earth-1298 – alternate dimensional counterpart
        —Mutant X#30
  • DEATHLOK-8799” (Deathlok)
        - A deceased clone of Luther Manning became the new Deathlok to be used as a weapon.
        (app)--Marvel Knights 2001 Millennial Visions
  • DEATHLOK of Earth-10014 - Deathlok designed by Hellinger from remains of corporate warriors Luther Manning (including much of his brain) and Mike Travers; utilized Hellinger's 25th Morgellan strain
        --Deathlok the Demolisher (2010)
        first agent for Cybertek, lobotomized and reprogrammed when performed contrary to programming
        --Marvel Comics Presents#62 (Deathlok II#12(fb), 14(fb), MCP#62/4, Dlok17,18

    DEATHLOK (Michael Collins) - former pacifist, computer systems programmer and cybernetics specialist for Cybertek, mind placed in Deathlok body by Cybertek against his will after opposed their plans, husband of Tracy, father of Nick and Patricia, transported to Battleworld for a time by Stranger, gained ability to return to normal
        -Dr. DONUT, "ROBOT VIGILANTE" (M, OH2006#3; detailed power/functions in Dlok An1:HR's journal)--Deathlok I#1 (Deathlok II#1(fb) I#1-4,II#1 Quasar#27 Sleepwalker#7 Damage Control II#4, Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD II#30,31 Dlok2-7 , Digitek#1-4, Spider-Man#20-23 SleepW8 Dlok8 Daredevil An8 Dlok9-15, Deathlok An1 1/2 [1/3], Dlok16 Infinity War#5, Silver Sable#6,7 Dlok 17,18 -34 War Machine#1-3, Silver Sable#30, Secret Defenders#22-25, Spider-Man: Power of Terror#1-4, Beyond#3 (fb), [3 (fb)], 1-6, Fantastic Four#544-546, Black Panther IV#27

    DEATHLOK (Jack Truman) - cyborg created by SHIELD II / ExTechOp using parts harvested from X-51 and surviving tissue of an injured agent, initially activated by Douglock to help him escape control of the Red Skull (Shmidt), temporarily transferred minds into Billy and Ted Bailey, ultimately transferred mind with Larry Young to escape cyborg body
        -AGENT 18*, L.O.K.-Logarhythmic Organics/Kinetics, Schiffler, Billy Bailey, Ted Bailey (OH2006#3)--Uncanny X-Men#371, XMen II#91 (Deathlok III#5(fb1-4)-> Agent 18.
        Dlok III#2(fb), UX371,X91, XMen1999, DlokIII#1-3,[4],5 6 7 8-11

    DEATHLOK (Larry Young*) - former SHIELD II agent, fired for reckless endangerment of civilians while trying to bring in Deathlok/Truman, mind switched into the cyborg body in exchange of his own by Truman
        (OH2006#3)--Deathlok III#11

    DEATHLOK (Henry Hayes) - agent of SHIELD
        --Original Sins#1 (2014)

    DEATHLOK of Earth-9602 (Jason Todd) - Deathlok + Midnight (Jeff Wilde) + Robin, Hydra
        -MOONWING* *D* (app)--Bruce Wayne: Agent of SHIELD#1d

    DEATHLOK of Earth-10511 (    ) - Unit L17, unidentified sociopath bonded to Peacelok computer that eventually took control of its collective body after developing a connnection to human emotion
        (app)--Wolverine: Weapon X#11 ( 11-15, Uncanny X-Force#5-7, 8-10, 13-18, 25, 28-29, 31-32

    DEATHLOKs of Earth-10455 (Captain America, Hawkeye, Spider-Man) -
        --Uncanny X-Force#5

    DEATHLOKs of Earth-10511 - created by Roxxon to slay its enemies, in near future, sent back in time to neutralize insurgents before they became a threat, stopped by rogue unit and Avengers
       (app)--Wolverine: Weapon X#11 ( 11-15

    DEATH-MACHINE of Earth-7484 - computerized tank, under control of Nina Ferry, linked to the Omni-Computer, used by Simon Ryker, destroyed by Deathlok
        *Des*--Astonishing Tales I#28 (30d, 31 (d))

    DEATH MAN - see MORTUS (app)--Dracula Lives#7

    DEATHMASK of Earth-93060 ( ) - kills people and wears their faces
        --Night Man (uv)#1 (18,19

    DEATH MASK of KOALA MUNBA - Ancient artifact, used by Mr. Appletree to transform five old men into Podunk Slam, destroyed by a member of Podunk Slam to stop the madness
        (app)--Marvel Fanfare I#38

    DEATH MASTER (Randall Croft) - @ 1930s, mobster, ran for district attorney position to secretly provide protection for mobster agents, including Spats, shot down by own men while fleeing
        Master of stealth, skilled criminal planner,
        (app)--Savage Action#6/3, (named) 13/2 ([6/3], 6/3, [8/4], [12/3], 12/3, 13/2, 14/2, 15/2d)

    DEATH MASTER of Comicsville - robot playing the villainous role in the storyline of Harvey Norton/White Zero
        (app-comics)--2001: A Space Odyssey#5

    DEATHMASTER of Eurth (    ) - counterpart of Taskmaster
        --Avataars: Covenant of the Shield#1

    DEATH METAL of Earth-8410 circa 2020 AD - next Minion product after Death's Head, created using technology of Charnel by Dr. Evelyn Necker
        savage murderous warrior, composed of "liquid metal," seeks to create his own murderer
        Death, Deathbringer, Minion (OH: AZU#3, app)--Death3#1 (2-4, DM vs Genetix#1,2, Death Metal#1,2/DM vs Gen#1(fb), DMvGen#1,2 DM#3,4

    DEATH NELL of Earth-5555 circa 8162 A.D. (    ) - Evil Dead
        --(UK) Dragon's Claws#2; Incomplete Death's Head#1

    DEATH NINJA (    ) - agent of Centurious, masqueraded as one of Deathwatch's minions, repeatedly slain and resurrected in decomposing state, hired by Dan Ketch to assault Caretaker, apparently slain by him)
        (app)--[Ghost Rider III#3], 34 ([34(fb)], 3, 35-35, [36], Ghost Rider VI#26d)

    DEATHRAVEN of Earth-691 (Joshua Raven) - brother of Killraven, trained under Exterminator Saunders, mutated by Martian Masters, killed by Killraven controlling one of the Masters
        DEATH-RAVEN*, EXTERMINATOR Raven *D* (app)--(Joshua) Amazing Adventures II#18];
        (Deathraven): (mentioned) [Amazing Adventures II#30], (in shadows) #36, (fully seen) Marvel Graphic Novel: Killraven
        (AmzAdv18(fb), [30(fb)], 36, Marvel Graphic Novel: Killraven (dies)

    DEATH RAY - orbiting solar projector used by Zemo imposter (Franz Gruber), controls destroyed by Sharon Carter, later sought by Taskmaster, destroyed by SHIELD.
        (app)--Tales of Suspense I#98

    DEATH REGIMENTS - troops of Erik Killmonger, many sacrificed themselves to resurrect him after his death
        (picture-jung act#7,P16)--Jungle Action#7( Black Panther III#21(fb) 18,19

    DEATH REIGN (Angel de la Muerte, Roger Harper, Sparks) - former hedonistic cult, transformed into paramilitary terrorist organization by Angel de la Muerte & Harper, members plied with drugs & sex, duped into sacrificing themselves with the belief that Angel's powers would restore them to normal
        --Terror II#1 ([3 (fb)], 1-5

    DEATH RIDERS (    ) -
        --Captain America Comics#39

    DEATHRIPPER - see THORI--Journey into Mystery#632 (February, 2012)

    DEATH RYDER - aspect of Death, challenged Ghost Rider (Blaze) and lost
        --Ghost Rider II#35

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